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Project: VAE229

S Component Load Data Sheet

CW Pump Discharge Nozzle Loads (Without Pressure Thrust)

-----------Forces ( N )---------- ---------Moments ( Nm )-------- Axial Force Calculation
Case Load Case Description
NODES: FY (Axial) FX (Lateral) FZ (Vertical) MY (Axial) MX (Lateral) MZ (Vertical)

Allowable 38003 26870 26870 66668 23553 23553 Bellow stiffness (N/mm) Below movement (mm)

CASE 1 1270 0 0 -12428 5449 -46111 0 Sustained Case Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Design pressure

CASE 2 1270 0 0 -12428 5449 -46111 0 Sustained Case Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Operating pressure

Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Design pressure + Design

CASE 3 1270 -2952 0 -13991 5449 -43706 0 Design Case temperature + Equipment movement
1772 1.666 2952.152

Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Operating pressure + Operating

CASE 4 1270 -1287 0 -13209 5449 -44908 0 Normal Operating Case temperature + Equipment movement
1772 0.726 1286.472

Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Operating pressure + Operating

CASE 5 1270 2169 -1 -13209 5449 -44908 1877 Normal Opearation with Seismic temperature + Equipment movement+ Seismic in East -1287+3455 (seismic)=2169
direction (Away from Nozzle Axial direction)

Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Operating pressure + Operating

CASE 6 1270 -4742 1 -13209 5449 -44909 -1877 Normal Opearation with Seismic temperature + Equipment movement+ Seismic in West -1287-3455(seismic) =4742
direction (Towards Nozzle Axial direction)

Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Operating pressure + Operating

CASE 7 1270 -1287 3480 -13209 5457 -44908 -12917 Normal Opearation with Seismic temperature + Equipment movement+ Seismic in North 3480 (seismic componant)
direction (Nozzle Lateral direction)

Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Operating pressure + Operating

CASE 8 1270 -1287 -3480 -13209 5440 -44908 12917 Normal Opearation with Seismic temperature + Equipment movement+ Seismic in South 3480 (seismic componant)
direction (Nozzle Lateral direction)

Max. Value / Case -4742 / 6 3480 / 7 -13991 / 3 5457 / 7 -46111 / 2 -12917 / 7

Margin 20% 5690.4 4176 16789.2 6548.4 55333.2 15500.4

Round off 5700 4200 17000 6600 56000 15500
Status ok ok ok ok Notok ok

369833202.xls System : 2017 - 02 - 02

Project: VAE229
S Component Load Data Sheet

CW Pump Discharge Nozzle Loads (With Pressure Thrust)

-----------Forces ( N )---------- ---------Moments ( Nm )-------- Pressue Thrust calculation
Case Load Case Description
NODES: FY (Axial) FX (Lateral) FZ (Vertical) MY (Axial) MX (Lateral) MZ (Vertical)

Allowable 38003 26870 26870 66668 23553 23553 Bellow Effective ID (mm) Effective Area (mm2) Pressure (N/mm2)

CASE 1 1270 Sustained Case Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Design pressure+Pressure Thrust 745 435663.503 0.6
-261486 0 -7550 5449 -41349 0

CASE 2 1270 Sustained Case Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Operating pressure+Pressure Thrust 745 435663.503 0.325
-141638 0 -7550 5449 -41349 0

Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Design pressure + Design

CASE 3 1270 Design Case temperature + Equipment movement+Pressure Thrust
261398.1018 2952
-264438 0 -9112 5449 -38945 0

Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Operating pressure + Operating

CASE 4 1270 Normal Operating Case temperature + Equipment movement+Pressure Thrust
141590.638475 1287
-142925 0 -8331 5449 -40147 0

Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Operating pressure + Operating

CASE 5 1270 Normal Opearation with Seismic temperature + Equipment movement+ Seismic in East 141590.638475 2169
direction (Away from Nozzle Axial direction)+Pressure Thrust
-140834 -1 -8331 5449 -40146 1877

Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Operating pressure + Operating

CASE 6 1270 Normal Opearation with Seismic temperature + Equipment movement+ Seismic in West 141590.638475 4742
direction (Towards Nozzle Axial direction)+Pressure Thrust
-145017 1 -8331 5449 -40147 -1877

Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Operating pressure + Operating

CASE 7 1270 Normal Opearation with Seismic temperature + Equipment movement+ Seismic in North 141590.638475 -1287
direction (Nozzle Lateral direction)+Pressure Thrust
-142925 2114 -8331 5457 -40147 -11584

Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Operating pressure + Operating

CASE 8 1270 Normal Opearation with Seismic temperature + Equipment movement+ Seismic in South 141590.638475 -1287
direction (Nozzle Lateral direction)+Pressure Thrust
-142925 -2114 -8331 5440 -40147 11584
Max. Value / Case -264438/L3 2114/L7 -9112/L3 5457/L7 -41349/L1 -11584/L7

Margin 20% 317325.6 2536.8 10934.4 6548.4 49618.8 13900.8

Roundoff 318000 2600 11000 6600 50000 14000
Status Notok ok ok ok Notok ok

369833202.xls System : 2017 - 02 - 02

Project: VAE229
S Component Load Data Sheet


Thrust Force(N)









369833202.xls System : 2017 - 02 - 02

Project: VAE229
S Component Load Data Sheet

ACCW Pump Discharge Nozzle Loads (Without Pressure Thrust)

-----------Forces ( N )---------- ---------Moments ( Nm )-------- Axial Force Calculation
Case Load Case Description
NODES: FY (Axial) FX (Lateral) FZ (Vertical) MY (Axial) MX (Lateral) MZ (Vertical)

Allowable 10230 8450 6670 3660 7320 5420 Bellow stiffness (N/mm) Below movement (mm)

CASE 1 1270 Sustained Case Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Design pressure

0 0 -6281 0 -7076 0

CASE 2 1270 Sustained Case Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Operating pressure

0 0 -6281 0 -7076 0

Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Design pressure + Design

CASE 3 1270 Design Case temperature + Equipment movement
557 1.149 639.993
-640 0 -7054 0 -6322 0

Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Operating pressure + Operating

CASE 4 1270 Normal Operating Case temperature + Equipment movement
557 0.498 277.386
-277 0 -6668 0 -6699 0

Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Operating pressure + Operating

CASE 5 1270 Normal Opearation with Seismic temperature + Equipment movement+ Seismic in East -277+1752 (seismic)=1475
direction (Away from Nozzle Axial direction)
1475 0 -6668 0 -6699 0

Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Operating pressure + Operating

CASE 6 1270 Normal Opearation with Seismic temperature + Equipment movement+ Seismic in West -277-1752 (seismic) =-2030
direction (Towards Nozzle Axial direction)
-2030 0 -6668 0 -6699 0

Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Operating pressure + Operating

CASE 7 1270 Normal Opearation with Seismic temperature + Equipment movement+ Seismic in North 1759 (seismic componant-Lateral)
direction (Nozzle Lateral direction)
-277 1759 -6668 1 -6699 -1980
Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Operating pressure + Operating
CASE 8 1270 Normal Opearation with Seismic temperature + Equipment movement+ Seismic in South 1759 (seismic componant-Lateral)
direction (Nozzle Lateral direction)
-277 -1759 -6668 -1 -6699 1980
Max. Value / Case -2030/L7 -1759/L9 -7054/L4 1/L8 -7076/L2 1980/L9

Margin 20% 2436 2110.8 8464.8 1.2 8491.2 2376

Roundoff 2500 2200 8500 2 8500 2400
Status ok ok Notok ok Notok ok

369833202.xls System : 2017 - 02 - 02

Project: VAE229
S Component Load Data Sheet

ACCW Pump Discharge Nozzle Loads (With Pressure Thrust)

-----------Forces ( N )---------- ---------Moments ( Nm )-------- Pressue Thrust calculation
Case Load Case Description
NODES: FY (Axial) FX (Lateral) FZ (Vertical) MY (Axial) MX (Lateral) MZ (Vertical)

Allowable 10230 8450 6670 3660 7320 5420 Bellow Effective ID (mm) EffectiveArea (mm2) Pressure (N/mm2)

CASE 1 1270 Sustained Case Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Design pressure+Pressure Thrust 321 80817.471 0.7
-56643 0 -5595 0 -6789 0

CASE 2 1270 Sustained Case Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Operating pressure+Pressure Thrust 321 80817.471 0.39
-31558 0 -5595 0 -6789 0

Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Design pressure + Design

CASE 3 1270 Design Case temperature + Equipment movement+Pressure Thrust
-57283 0 -6368 0 -6034 0 -640

Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Operating pressure + Operating

CASE 4 1270 Normal Operating Case temperature + Equipment movement+Pressure Thrust
-31836 0 -5981 0 -6411 0 -277

Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Operating pressure + Operating

CASE 5 1270 Normal Opearation with Seismic temperature + Equipment movement+ Seismic in East 31518.81369
direction (Away from Nozzle Axial direction)+Pressure Thrust
-30275 0 -5981 0 -6411 0 1475

Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Operating pressure + Operating

CASE 6 1270 Normal Opearation with Seismic temperature + Equipment movement+ Seismic in West 31518.81369
direction (Towards Nozzle Axial direction)+Pressure Thrust
-33396 0 -5981 0 -6411 0 -2030

Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Operating pressure + Operating

CASE 7 1270 Normal Opearation with Seismic temperature + Equipment movement+ Seismic in North 31518.81369
direction (Nozzle Lateral direction)+Pressure Thrust
-31836 1567 -5981 1 -6411 -1899 -277

Weight (Piping, Fluid) + Operating pressure + Operating

CASE 8 1270 Normal Opearation with Seismic temperature + Equipment movement+ Seismic in South 31518.81369
direction (Nozzle Lateral direction)+Pressure Thrust
-31836 -1567 -5981 -1 -6411 1899 -277
Max. Value / Case -57283/L4 -1567/L9 -6368/L4 1/L8 -6789/L2 1899/L9

Margin 20% 68739.6 1880.4 7641.6 1.2 8146.8 2278.8

Roundoff 69000 1900 7700 2 8200 2300
Status Notok ok Notok ok Notok ok

369833202.xls System : 2017 - 02 - 02

Project: VAE229
S Component Load Data Sheet


Thrust Force(N)









369833202.xls System : 2017 - 02 - 02

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