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Group 6:

1. Febriansyah Wahyu Iromi (151.0015)

2. Feby Arbityas Putri (151.0017)
3. Ika Yulia Hadinata (151.0021)
4. Vamila Mediawati (151.0054)


No. Vocabulary Meaning

1. Waterworks Bangunan Air
2. Embarrassing Memalukan
3. Micturate Berkemih
4. Lavatory Toilet/WC
5. Frequently Sering
6. Retired Pensiunan
7. Plenty Cukup
8. Implying Menyiratkan
9. Commode Lemari Baju
10. Settled Lunas
11. Continence Pengawasan Diri
12. Grin Menyeringai
13. Earlir Terdahulu
14. Midstream Tengah Sungai
15. Cystitis Peradangan pada Kandung Kemih
16. Painful Menyakitkan
17. Immediately Segera
18. Prescribe Menentukan
19. Laxative Pencahar
20. Enema Prosedur Pemasukan cairan ke
dalam kolon melalui Anus
21. Relies Bergantung
22. Fibre Serat
23. Straight Lurus
24. Subsiding Mereda
25 Bloated Bengkak
26 Lethargic Lesu
27 Appetite Nafsu Makan
28 Blown Sesak Nafas
29 Distended Buncit
30 Terrible Buruk
31 Properly Tepat
32 Seemed Tampak
33 Constipated Sembelit
34 Laid Meletakkan
35 Fractured Retak
36 Bedpan Pispot
37 Traction Daya Tarik
38 Stuff Barang
39 Flatulence Perut Kembung
40 Treat Memperlakukan
41 Intestine Usus
42 Intermittent Berselang
43 Colic Sakit Perut
44 Diarrhoea Diare
45 Disposal Pembuangan

Nurse : What sort of problem with your waterworks?

Nurse : How often do you pass water (micturate)
Nurse : What about at night, do you have to get up in the night [ to pass water]?
Nurse : When did you start having problems?
Nurse : Have you told your GP or the practice nurse?
Nurse : It is more common in older people, but there are different causes and many can be
successfully treated. How do you normally cope with the problem?
Nurse : I will add all this to your care plan and make sure that everyone knows to bring the
commode as soon as you ask. Would you like a supply of towels and disposal bags to keep in
the locker?
Nurse : When your angina has settled down and you are feeling better I will arrange for the
continence nurse specialist to come to see you. She is the expert and will be able to do a full
assessment and suggest ways of improving the situation.
Nurse : While were waiting Id like to have a specimen [sample] of your water to test, and if
that shows that you might have an infection we can collect a midstream specimen of urine for
the laboratory.
Nurse : Yes, thats the one, but we only need the middle bit of the flow, not the urine that
comes out first. Have you noticed any blood in your urine or an unusual smell?
Nurse : What about pain when you pass urine? Does it burn or sting?
Nurse : We also need to know how often you are passing urine and how much fluid you are
having, but as we are already recording fluid balance for you we will have that information.
Nurse : Dont worry Im putting it on the care plan now, and I will tell the nurse who takes
over from me tonight. Do you think you could give me that sample now?
Nurse : Have you any questions before I go and get the commode?
Nurse : Whats the trouble?
Nurse : When did you last have your bowels open [defaecate]?
Nurse : How often do you usually go?
Nurse : Its probably happened because youre not as active as usual and having to use a
bedpan doesnt help.
Nurse : How is it making you feel?
Nurse : Yes, your abdomen is a bit distended. Have you any pain?
Nurse : What was your motion [faeces; stool] like on Saturday?
Nurse : What its like normally?
Nurse : Was there any pain passing the hard motion, or blood when you cleaned yourself?
Nurse : Did you feel that you hadnt passed a complete motion?
Nurse : Ill get Dr Cox to write you up for [prescribe] some medicine [laxative] to make you
go and we can ask the physio. [ short for physiotherapist] to suggest some exercises to help.
Nurse : You might need some suppositories or a micro enema to get things started and then a
few doses of an oral laxative. Hopefully you wont need a whole bottle. It will also help if
you can drink more water and choose food high in fibre from the menu.
Nurse :

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