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Scramble for Africa

Popplet Activity (30 points each)

Student: ______________________ Grade: _______________

Evaluation Criteria Excellent Good Average

Content (0-20 pts)

Facts (10) 10 or more facts At least 6 facts Less than 5 facts

Evidence of critical thinking and were accurate were accurate were accurate
reasoning. Effective organization and and relevant and relevant and relevant
communication of ideas.

Causes (10) Almost all of the 75% of the Less than half of
Reflects careful reflection upon the information information the information
resources given, as well as included is included is included is
lectures/discussion designed to assist in significant and significant significant
used wisely
making an informed response on this

Creativity (0-10 points)

Creativity and Readability (10) Multiple 1-2 images Basic

Have fun, be creative, check your images/type used in a information
grammar and punctuation. s of media basic way displayed
are A few errors but no
displayed in in grammar images or
a unique or media used
way punctuation Many
Little to no grammatical
errors in errors
grammar or

TOTAL POINT (30 points)

Letter-grades are determined as follows:
30-27 (A); 26-24 (B); 23-21 (C); 20-18 (D); below 18 (F)

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