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Deep Learning
Russ Salakhutdinov
Machine Learning Department

Convolutional Networks I
Used Resources
Disclaimer: Much of the material in this lecture was borrowed from
Hugo Larochelles class on Neural Networks:

Some tutorial slides were borrowed from Rob Fergus CIFAR

tutorial on ConvNets:

Some slides were borrowed from Marc'Aurelio Ranzatos

CVPR 2014 tutorial on Convolutional Nets
Computer Vision
Design algorithms that can process visual data to
accomplish a given task:

For example, object recognition: Given an input image, identify

which object it contains
Computer Vision
Our goal is to design neural networks that are specifically
adapted for such problems
Must deal with very high-dimensional inputs: 150 x 150 pixels =
22500 inputs, or 3 x 22500 if RGB pixels
Can exploit the 2D topology of pixels (or 3D for video data)
Can build in invariance to certain variations: translation,
illumination, etc.

Convolutional networks leverage these ideas

Local connectivity
Parameter sharing
Pooling / subsampling hidden units
Local Connectivity
Use a local connectivity of hidden units
Each hidden unit is connected only to a
sub-region (patch) of the input image

It is connected to all channels: 1 if

grayscale, 3 (R, G, B) if color image

Why local connectivity?

Fully connected layer has a lot of

parameters to fit, requires a lot of data

Spatial correlation is local

Local Connectivity
Units are connected to all channels:
1 channel if grayscale image,
3 channels (R, G, B) if color image
Local Connectivity
Example: 200x200 image, 40K hidden units, ~2B parameters!

Spatial correlation is local

Too many parameters, will require a
lot of training data!
Local Connectivity
Example: 200x200 image, 40K hidden units, filter size 10x10,
4M parameters!

This parameterization is good

when input image is registered
Computer Vision
Our goal is to design neural networks that are specifically
adapted for such problems
Must deal with very high-dimensional inputs: 150 x 150 pixels =
22500 inputs, or 3 x 22500 if RGB pixels
Can exploit the 2D topology of pixels (or 3D for video data)
Can build in invariance to certain variations: translation,
illumination, etc.

Convolutional networks leverage these ideas

Local connectivity
Parameter sharing
Pooling / subsampling hidden units
Parameter Sharing
Share matrix of parameters across some units
Units that are organized into the feature map share parameters

Hidden units within a feature map cover different positions in the


same color
= Wij is the matrix connec?ng
same matrix of the ith input channel with the
connection jth feature map
Parameter Sharing
Why parameter sharing?
Reduces even more the number of parameters

Will extract the same features at every position (features are


same color
= Wij is the matrix connec?ng
same matrix of the ith input channel with the
connection jth feature map
Parameter Sharing
Share matrix of parameters across certain units

Convolutions with certain kernels

Computer Vision
Our goal is to design neural networks that are specifically
adapted for such problems
Must deal with very high-dimensional inputs: 150 x 150 pixels =
22500 inputs, or 3 x 22500 if RGB pixels
Can exploit the 2D topology of pixels (or 3D for video data)
Can build in invariance to certain variations: translation,
illumination, etc.

Convolutional networks leverage these ideas

Local connectivity
Parameter sharing
Pooling / subsampling hidden units
Filter Bank Layer - FCSG : the input of a
Parameterlayer is a 3DSharing
array with n1 2D feature maps of si
Each componentMath for my
is denoted slides
xijk , and Compu
each fea
Each feature map forms denoted xi . ofThe
a 2D grid output is also a 3D array, y co
can be computed withm1 afeature
discrete H X
convolution () m
of size of a m3 . A filter in the
2 kernel
matrix kij which is the has size l1 matrix
weights l2 Wand connects input feature
ij with its rows and
columns flipped output feature map yj . The module computes:
yj = gj tanh( kij xi )
- xi is the ith channel of input
where tanh is the hyperbolic tangent non-linear
- kij is the convolution kernel
2D discrete convolution operator and gj is a train
- gj is a learned scaling factor
coefficient. By taking into account the borders
- gj is the hidden layer
have m1 = n1 l1 + 1, and m2 = n2 l2 + 1. T
Jarret et al. 2009
denoted by FCSG canbecause
add bias it is composed of a se
lution filters (C), a sigmoid/tanh non-linearity (S
Figure 1. A example of feature extracti
coefficients (G). In the following, superscripts
Discrete Convolution
The convolution of an image x with a kernel k is computed as
(x k)ij = xi+p,j+q kr p,r q

Discrete Convolution
The convolution of an image x with a kernel k is computed as
(x k)ij = xi+p,j+q kr p,r q

k = k with rows and columns flipped
Discrete Convolution
The convolution of an image x with a kernel k is computed as
(x k)ij = xi+p,j+q kr p,r q

Example: 1 x 0 + 0.5 x 80 + 0.25 x 20 + 0 x 40 = 45

Discrete Convolution
The convolution of an image x with a kernel k is computed as
(x k)ij = xi+p,j+q kr p,r q

Example: 1 x 80 + 0.5 x 40 + 0.25 x 40 + 0 x 0 = 110

Discrete Convolution
The convolution of an image x with a kernel k is computed as
(x k)ij = xi+p,j+q kr p,r q

Example: 1 x 20 + 0.5 x 40 + 0.25 x 0 + 0 x 0 = 40

Discrete Convolution
The convolution of an image x with a kernel k is computed as
(x k)ij = xi+p,j+q kr p,r q

Example: 1 x 40 + 0.5 x 0 + 0.25 x 0 + 0 x 40 = 40

Discrete Convolution
Pre-activations from channel xi into feature map yj can be
computed by:
getting the convolution kernel where kij =Wij from the
connection matrix Wij

applying the convolution xi * kij

This is equivalent to computing the discrete correlation

of xi with Wij
Illustration: Example
0% 0.5% connexions%
x kij , where Wij = Wij
Calcul%dune%couche%%simple%cell%% vers%les%neurones
premire%tape%:%calcul%de%la%convolu7on%% 0.5% 0% cachs%

0% 0% 0% 255% 0% 0%
0% 128% 128% 0%
0% 0.5% 0% 255% 0% 0%
0% 0% 128% 128% 0%
0% 0% 255% 0% 0%
0% 255% 0% 0%
0% 255% 0% 0% 0%
255% 0% 0% 0%
255% 0% 0% 0% 0%

X X W%%%%%
With a non-linearity, we get a detector of a feature at any
position in the image:
0% 0.5% connexions%
x kij , where Wij = Wij
Calcul%dune%couche%%simple%cell%% vers%les%neurones
premire%tape%:%calcul%de%la%convolu7on%% 0.5% 0% cachs%

0% 0% 0% 255% 0% 0%
0% 128% 128% 0%
0% 0.5% 0% 255% 0% 0%
0% 0% 128% 128% 0%
0% 0% 255% 0% 0%
0% 255% 0% 0%
0% 255% 0% 0% 0%
255% 0% 0% 0%
255% 0% 0% 0% 0%

X X W%%%%%
Can use zero padding to allow going over the borders ( * )
Multiple Feature Maps
Example: 200x200 image, 100 filters,
filter size 10x10, 10K parameters
Computer Vision
Our goal is to design neural networks that are specifically
adapted for such problems
Must deal with very high-dimensional inputs: 150 x 150 pixels =
22500 inputs, or 3 x 22500 if RGB pixels
Can exploit the 2D topology of pixels (or 3D for video data)
Can build in invariance to certain variations: translation,
illumination, etc.

Convolutional networks leverage these ideas

Local connectivity
Parameter sharing
Pooling / subsampling hidden units
Pool hidden units in same neighborhood
pooling is performed in non-overlapping neighborhoods

- xi is the ith channel of input

yijk = max xi,j+p,k+q - xi,j,k is value of the ith feature
map at position j,k
- p is vertical index in local
1 X neighborhood
yijk = xi,j+p,k+q - q is horizontal index in local
M p,q neighborhood
- yijk is pooled / subsampled

Jarret et al. 2009


hidden unitsxini,j+p,k+q
= max same neighborhood
an alternative to max pooling is average pooling

1 X - xi is the ith channel of input

yijk = 2 xi,j+p,k+q
m p,q - xi,j,k is value of the ith feature
map at position j,k
- p is vertical index in local
- q is horizontal index in local
- yijk is pooled / subsampled
- m is the neighborhood
Jarret et al. 2009 height/width
Example: Pooling
Illustration of pooling/subsampling operation

0.02% 0.19% 0.19% 0.02%

max% max%
0.02% 0.19% 0.19% 0.02% 0.19% 0.19%

0.02% 0.75% 0.02% 0.02% 0.75% 0.02%

0.75% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02%

max% max%

X W%%%%%
Why pooling?
% %
couche))simple)cell)) couche))complex)cell))
Introduces invariance to local translations
IFT%615% Hugo%Larochelle% 49%
Reduces the number of hidden units in hidden layer
Example: Pooling

can we make the detection robust

to the exact location of the eye?
Example: Pooling

By pooling (e.g., taking max) filter

responses at different locations we
gain robustness to the exact spatial
location of features.
Translation Invariance
Illustration of local translation invariance

both images result in the same feature map after pooling/

Convolutional Network
Convolutional neural network alternates between the
convolutional and pooling layers

From Yann LeCuns slides

Convolutional Network
For classification: Output layer is a regular, fully connected layer
with softmax non-linearity
Output provides an estimate of the conditional probability of each

The network is trained by stochastic gradient descent

Backpropagation is used similarly as in a fully connected network

We have seen how to pass gradients through element-wise
activation function
We also need to pass gradients through the convolution operation
and the pooling operation
or my slides Computer vision. hugo.larochelle@usherbrooke.ca

Gradient of Convolutional
November 8, 2012 Layer
Let l be the loss function
For max pooling operation yijk = max xi,j+p,k+q , the
Math for my slides Computer p,q
gradient for xijkvision.

H X rxijk l = 0, except for rx1i,j+p X 0 ,k+q 0 l = ryijk l

yijk =
where p, q = argmax xi,j+p,k+q xi,j+p,k+q
M p,q
yijk = max xi,j+p,k+q
In other words, only the winning units
p,qin layer x get the gradient
from the pooled layer

1 X
For the average operation yijk = 2
m p,q
xi,j+p,k+q , the
gradient for xijk is
P 1
vijk = xijk rx l = 2 upsample(ry l)
ipq wpq xi,j+p,k+q
yijk = vijk / max(c, jk )
where upsample inverts subsampling
P 2
jk = ( ipq wpq vi,j+p,k+q )1/2
Convolutional Network
Convolutional neural network alternates between the
convolutional and pooling layers

Need to introduce other operations that can improve object

Rectification layer: yijk = |xijk|

introduces invariance to the sign of the

bank unit in the previous layer

n3 . for instance, loss of information of

whether an edge is
ap is black-to-white or white-to-black

ed of Figure 1. A example of feature extractio

bank Rabs N PA . An input image (o
xi to through a non-linear filterbank, follo
contrast normalization and spatial pool

yijk = max xi,j+p,k+q
yijk = max
p,q xi,j+p,k+q

Local Contrast Normalization p,q x

yijk = max
1 X
Perform local contrast normalization
yijk = 1 xi,j+p,k+q
yijk = M X x
1 p,q i,j+p,k+q
yijk = M p,q xi,j+p,k+q
Local average M p,q
vijk = xijk Pipq wpq xi,j+p,k+q
vijk = xijk Pipq wpq xi,j+p,k+q
vijk = xijk ipq wpq)xi,j+p,k+q
yijk = vijk / max(c,
yijk = vijk / max(c, jk jk )
yijk = vPijk / max(c,
P 2 jk ) 1/2
Local stdev
jk = ( w pq v 2
i,j+p,k+q )1/2 X
jk = ( Pipq wpq vi,j+p,k+q )
2 1/2 wpq = 1
jk = ( ipq wpq vi,j+p,k+q )

where c1. Asmall
is a example
constant to of feature
prevent extraction
division by 0 stage of

N P A . An input image
reduces units activation if neighbors are also active
(or a featur
non-linear between filterbank,
feature maps followed by re
scales activations at each layer better for learning
contrast normalization and spatial pooling/sub-sa
Local Contrast Normalization
Perform local contrast normalization

Local mean=0, Local std. = 1, Local is 7x7 Gaussian

Feature Maps after

Feature Maps Contrast Normalization
Convolutional Network
These operations are inserted after the convolutions and before
the pooling

of Figure 1. A example of feature extraction stage of the type
al. 2009

nk Rabs N PA . An input image (or a feature map) is passed
to through a non-linear filterbank, followed by rectification, local
contrast normalization and spatial pooling/sub-sampling.

1) layer with 4x4 down-sampling is denoted: PA44 .

Max-Pooling and Subsampling Layer - PM : building lo-
K. Kavukcuoglu
he cal invariance to shift can be performed with any symmetric
Remember Batch Normalization

Learned linear transformation to adapt to non-linear

activation function ( and are trained)

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