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Post-Secondary Campus Tour

1.The name of the campus was Kwantlen Polytechnic University.

2.Something that is unique about this university is that it is the only
Polytechnic University in Canada.
3.This university offers lots of programs such as: Agriculture, arts,
business and design it has 120+ programs.
4.The application deadline is March, 1st, 2018.
5.You can check your application status by visiting this
website called www.kpu.ca/oss.
6. You can register by going on
the website, https://apply.educationplannerbc.ca/apply/complete-
7.After you have gotten accepted, you go to a webpage which shows
you the mandatory course you have to take.
8.The average class size is 28-30 students, max would be 35 students
10.The best place to study if u need absolute quiet would be the 3rd
floor of the library.
11.This university does not offer residence
12.To register for athletics, you go to the Kwantlen student association.
13.Something that surprised me was that there was lockers by some of
the classes
14.Something that I liked about the university was its library.
15.Something that I didnt like about this university was the fact that it
was very small.
16.The tour lasted 30 minutes
17. I would apply but possibly transfer after
Post-Secondary Campus Tour
1.The name of the University we visited was University Of British
2.Something unique about this university is that it is the most diverse
university In Canada.
3.Some of the programs offered are, technology, environment and
sustainability and earth plus many more.
4.The application deadline is January 15, 2018.
5.You can check your application status by going on
the website, www.ssc.adm.ubc.ca.
6.If you get accepted in April, you can register your classes in late June
or early July.
7.The requirements are listed on the faculty website.
8.The average class sizes are 200-300 students but they vary.
10.The best places to study is one of the libraries as UBC has 14
different ones.
11.Yes, this university does offer residence
12.You can go to the front desk in the gym.
13.Something that I found interesting was that this university is very
involved with all cultures especially with aboriginal people and is very
understanding of the ways aboriginal people were treated in the past
and is making an effort to spread awareness.
14.I liked UBC because it was a very big and it feels like your in a city
which I love.
15.Although something that I didnt like about the university was the
fact that it had a really long walk to get from building to the other.
16.The tour was about two hours.
17.Yes, I would apply to this university
Post-secondary Campus Tour
1.Name of campus? Simon Fraser University
2. What I found unique about the university was that it was connect
with a mall.
3. SFU has many programs including criminology,
sociology, environmental sciences, economics, business and
4. The application deadline is February 28th,2018.
5. To check your application status you can login to a website called
6. After you are accepted you can go online and log onto your account and
7. After logging onto your account they will open a different page. That page
will inform you on what classes are required for you.
8. For first year students the maximum amount of students for a lecture was not
over a 100 but for the tutorial groups they could range from as low as
12 students to the highest of 30 students.
10. I found was good to study at was the library because there was lots of
resources and different spots throughout the library where if you need
complete silence a room was available.
11. No, SFU does not offer residence.
12. You can get involved by signing up for clubs and sports by talking to different
members of the groups you can obtain additional information but SFU also has
website where theres a list of different clubs and has information on it as well.
13. What surprised me about SFU was when the tour guide told us that the
building was 15 years old, it didnt look and feel that way because it had a very
modern interior as well as exterior.
14. There was nothing that I really disliked about the campus
15.I liked that the campus was connected to the mall
16. The tour was about 45 minutes long
17. Yes, I would apply to this university

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