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Stress-related changes in oesophageal permeability: filling the

gaps of GORD?
Johan D Soderholm

Gut 2007;56:11771180. doi: 10.1136/gut.2007.120691

Albeit remaining a controversial issue, it has become most commonly used definition was put forward
by Selye:8 stress is any threat to the homeostasis
increasingly recognised that psychological stress has a major of an organism. This threat can be real (physical)
impact on gut mucosal function and affects the course of or perceived (psychological), caused by events in
gastrointestinal disorders. Research during the last decade has the environment or from within the individual
shown that stress causes barrier dysfunction of the itself (for example, by inflammation).
Regardless of type of stress, the principal
gastrointestinal mucosa by mechanisms that mainly involve responses to maintain homeostasis are similar,
neuropeptides and mast cells. Moreover, accumulating including the behavioural response (such as
evidence implicates increased permeability as a pathogenic anxiety), autonomic responses (such as raised
heart rate), and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adre-
factor in gastroesophageal reflux disease (GORD). Recent data nal axis response (such as cortisol release),2 with
demonstrating that psychological stress may induce a corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) being an
permeability defect in stratified epithelia, including the important mediator. When the healthy individual
oesophagus, shed new light on the pathophysiological events encounters a challenge, the physiological response
systems are quickly turned on and off, matching
leading to heartburn and GORD. the duration and severity of the stressor, a so-
............................................................................. called adaptive response. A harmfulthat is,
maladaptive (pathological stress) responsemay
occur through three types of reactions: stress

t has become increasingly recognised that
overload, failure to shut down or inadequate
various types of stress have a major impact on
responses.7 A maladaptive response may thus be
gastrointestinal physiology, thereby causing
induced by a one-time life-threatening stress, but
dysfunction and/or diseases. For example, stress
is more frequently caused by chronic daily-life
is involved in the pathogenesis of gastric stress
stressors, such as loss, financial problems, unem-
ulcers and peptic ulcer disease.1 Moreover, early
ployment and so on. Individuals with maladaptive
stressful life events and sustained stress may
responses will be predisposed to disease in multi-
predispose to the development of irritable bowel
ple organ systems, including in the gastrointestinal
syndrome (IBS)2 and affect the course of inflam-
tract (eg, exacerbations of IBS,9 ulcerative colitis10
matory bowel disease.3 In addition, a majority of
or GORD).11 One of the mechanisms connecting
patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease
psychological stress and gastrointestinal diseases is
(GORD) report stress as an important trigger of stress-induced effects on mucosal barrier function.
symptom exacerbation.4 The subject of stress-
induced effects on intestinal diseases does, how-
ever, remain a controversial issue, and our under- One of the mechanisms connecting psycholo-
standing of the intricate neuro-immuno- gical stress and gastrointestinal diseases is
physiology involved in stress effects on intestinal stress-induced effects on mucosal barrier func-
mucosal functions is only beginning to evolve (for tion
a comprehensive review, see Soderholm and
Perdue5). In a recent report on psychological
stress-induced effects on oesophageal permeabil- STRESS AND GASTROINTESTINAL BARRIER
ity, Farre et al.6 shed new light on the pathophy- FUNCTION
........................ siology of GORD. From a clinical perspective, animal models of chronic
Correspondence to: stress may be more relevant than models of acute
Professor Johan D early stressful life events and sustained stress stress. Chronic stress has pronounced effects on host
Soderholm, Department of may predispose to the development of irritable defence against luminal bacteria1214 and affects
Clinical and Experimental CD4+ T cells,15 16 with consequences for the develop-
Medicine, Linkoping bowel syndrome
University, Faculty of Health ment of intestinal inflammation in animal models.
Sciences, SE-581 85 On the other hand, studies in humans indicate that
Linkoping, Sweden; acute stress may influence the symptoms of gastro-
johda@ibk.liu.se STRESS intestinal disorders, including GORD, by altering
Although everyone has experienced life stresses of
Revised 8 April 2007
various sorts and degrees, stress is difficult to
Accepted 12 April 2007 Abbreviations: CRH, corticotropin-releasing hormone;
Published Online First define. This is mainly due to the subjective DIS, dilated intercellular spaces; GORD, gastroesophageal
20 April 2007 experience of stress, with very large variations in reflux disease; IBS, irritable bowel syndrome; NERD, non-
........................ the capacity to cope with stressful situations.7 The erosive reflux disease; RMCPII, rat mast cell protease II

1178 So derholm

mucosal function, motility or visceral perception.4 11 1719 Rodents Oesophageal visceral hypersensitivitythat is, increased
exposed to acute stress show perturbed small-bowel and colonic reactivity to physiological amounts of acidis thought to arise
permeability, including increased paracellular permeability to ions from peripheral sensitisation of afferents. The oesophageal
and molecules of various sizes,15 20 along with altered expression of mucosa receives vagal afferents, which are polymodal and
TJ proteins, ZO-2 and occludin.21 Moreover, increased transcel- under normal circumstances not consciously perceived, and
lular uptake of macromolecules via stimulated endocytosis is mucosal spinal afferents, which are primarily nociceptors
found.22 23 Acute psychological stress may also affect the intestinal located in epithelial intercellular spaces (three cell layers from
barrier to luminal bacteria.13 the lumen), and are likely to be involved in acid-induced
The neuro-endocrine factors that mediate intestinal mucosal oesophageal pain.40 The sensitisation of the afferents may be
function during stress have not been fully clarified, but include caused either by inappropriately heightened perception due to
acetylcholine, neurotensin, substance P and CRH, with CRH neuronal dysfunction, or by appropriately heightened percep-
being the major mediator of various stress-induced abnormal- tion because of greater access to acid in the nociceptors.
ities, including those of a gastrointestinal nature. It is believed Evidence of neuronal dysfunction in NERD was found when
that stress impulses are transmitted from the brain to the perfusion with acid in the human oesophagus reduced the pain
gatrointestinal tract mainly via the vagal nerve, but sympathetic threshold to electrical stimulation in non-exposed mucosal
efferents may also be involved.2427 Stress-induced functional areas and also increased the velocity in afferent pathways.41
changes of the intestine can be inhibited by the CRH receptor Moreover, studies have shown altered heart rate variability in
antagonist, a-helical CRH941, given peripherally,23 as well as GORD patients, indicative of dysfunction of the autonomic
centrally.27 Moreover, both peripheral and central injections of nervous system.42 On the other hand, NERD patients are
CRH mimic stress responses in the gastrointestinal tract.23 2729 sensitive to acid exposure in the oesophagus, but are not
Two subtypes of CRH receptorsCRH-R1 and CRH-R2have inherently hypersensitive to mechanical stimulation,43 suggest-
been found in the colonic mucosa.30 CRH-R1 was shown to ing that the hypersensitivity may be due to acid stimulation of
mediate stress effects on intestinal motor function,28 but the the nociceptors.
relative importance of the CRH receptors regarding mucosal Sustained oesophageal contractions represent prolonged
function is currently not known. CRH-mediated effects in the contractions of the oesophageal longitudinal smooth-muscle
intestinal mucosa are associated with the secretion of rat mast layer. These contractions often correlate with spontaneous
cell protease II (RMCPII; the rodent equivalent to tryptase), heartburn as well as a positive Bernstein test,44 but in other
activation of mast cells by microscopy, and can be inhibited by studies they were associated with atypical chest pain. Sustained
mast-cell stabilisers, which suggests that CRH acts via mucosal oesophageal contractions may thus be induced by acid exposure
mast cells. Similarly, the importance of mast cells in acute and contribute to the symptom of heartburn, but may also be
stress-related changes in intestinal function has been high- linked with chest pain of oesophageal origin irrespective of the
lightedfor example, by increased release of mast-cell pro- type of provocation.39
teases during stress,18 29 inhibition of stress-induced changes by Abnormal tissue resistance, or increased permeability, can be
pharmacological stabilisation of mast cells,21 23 29 and ultra- induced by acid affecting the apical membranes and the
structural mast-cell activation in combination with barrier junctional complexes of the stratum corneum, the main
disturbances during stress.22 31 Moreover, stress-induced barrier components of oesophageal barrier function.45 This permeabil-
dysfunction does not occur in mast-cell-deficient mice (Wv/Wv) ity defect, with increased ion and water flow between the
or rats (Ws/Ws).12 32 33 Several mast-cell-released factors may be epithelial cells, results in dilated intercellular spaces (DIS) seen
the mediators of mucosal dysfunction, for example TNFa and via microscopy. There is clear evidence from animal studies that
IFNc with well-recognised effects on intestinal barrier func- exposure to gastric acid causes increased paracellular perme-
tion,21 34 35 and tryptase, which could affect permeability via ability and DIS in the oesophageal epithelium. In rabbit
activation of protease-activated-receptor-2.36 37 oesophagus exposed to acid in Ussing chamers, a reduced
Taken together, animal studies suggest that acute stress- transmucosal electrical resistance, increased mannitol flux and
induced intestinal barrier dysfunction, to a large extent, is DIS on electron microscopy46 were found. Moreover, altered
mediated by CRH operating via activation of mucosal mast epithelial cell expression of the tight-junction proteins, claudin-
cells. It is also known that acute psychological stress in humans 1 and claudin-4, was demonstrated in experimental oesopha-
affects jejunal ion secretion,17 and that neuro-immune regula- gitis in rats.47 It was further shown that the combination of
tion of intestinal ion transport does occur in humans, mainly pepsin and acid exaggerated the barrier dysfunction and rapidly
via mast cells.18 38 However, studies looking specifically at the produced an irreversible lesion,48 which may contribute to the
effects of psychological stress on gastrointestinal permeability conversion of non-erosive to erosive damage to the oesophageal
in humans are lacking, and the mechanisms remain to be epithelium. In GORD patients, DIS are found irrespective of
elucidated. endoscopy findings49 or acid reflux time,50 and NERD patients
show abnormal responses in transepithelial potential difference
to acid perfusion in vivo,51 implicating DIS as a primary
acute stress-induced intestinal barrier dysfunction, to a
pathogenic phenomenon. On the other hand, it was recently
large extent, is mediated by CRH operating via activation of
shown that the DIS in NERD and erosive disease were
mucosal mast cells. reversible to 92% by omeprazole treatment for 3 months,52
suggesting that the DIS is secondary to other pathophysiolo-
gical events.
The pathophysiology of GORD has been extensively reviewed in
exposure to gastric acid causes increased paracellular
papers by Fass and Tougas,4 and Barlow and Orlando.39 GORD
permeability and DIS in the oesophageal epithelium
is often divided into non-erosive reflux disease (NERD) and
erosive oesophagitis; NERD is defined as GORD symptoms
(mainly heartburn) with normal upper gastrointestinal endo-
scopy. The main theories on the pathogenesis of heartburn in STRESS AND GORD
NERD are oesophageal visceral hypersensitivity, sustained Apparently, oesophageal hypersensitivity, epithelial permeabil-
oesophageal contractions and abnormal tissue resistance. ity and motility all contribute to the pathogenesis of heartburn,

Stress-related changes in oesophageal permeability 1179

Figure 1 Stress model. Based on the

current knowledge of the pathophysiology of
GORD and stress mechanisms in the
gastrointestinal tract, a model of stress effects
on oesophageal permeability can be put
forward. Stress, transmitted to the intestines
via vagal and/or sympathetic efferent fibres,
activates mucosal mast cells, directly or via
enteric nerves, inducing release of mediators
via piecemeal degranulation. This leads to
increased epithelial permeability and
dilatation of the intercellular spaces, as well
as sensitisation of mucosal spinal afferents.
Increased acid (and pepsin) exposure to the
epithelium will lead to further disruption of
tight junctions and activation of
intraepithelial nociceptors and mast cells.
The afferent nerves will convey pain signals
and, via reflex arcs, oesophageal
contractions, thereby inducing heartburn.

with acid reflux being a provoking factor in many instances. involved need further elucidation. In addition, the cellular
Stress and anxiety increase the perception of acid perfusion in origins of CRH and CRH-related peptides in the intestinal
humans, regardless of oesophageal mucosal injury.4 Stress mucosa need to be clarified.27
studies have, however, failed to show a higher degree of acid In clinical practice, the stress-induced effects on oesophageal
reflux during stress exposure.53 On the other hand, stress affects epithelial permeability may increase the risk of developing
permeability in stratified epithelia, such as skin,54 and it was erosive disease in patients with acid reflux. Moreover, by
recently demonstrated that stress also affects oesophageal lowering the threshold of response to acid, increased perme-
permeability and vulnerability to acid/pepsin exposure.6 As ability and DIS may explain heartburn during non-signifi-
intraepithelial nociceptors may be activated already by pH 5.2 cant reflux in stress-exposed individuals not responding to
6.9,55 increased oesophageal permeability and DIS during stress proton pump inhibitors. Dissecting the mechanisms involved in
may contribute to the induction of heartburn at lower luminal stress-induced oesophageal permeability will give clues to
acid concentrations than the usual pH,4. additional therapeutic approaches in patients suffering from
In skin, acute stress triggers mast-cell degranulation via GORD.
activation of peptidergic nerves56 and alters barrier function.54
The evidence for a role of mast cells in stress-induced
In clinical practice, the stress-induced effects on oesophageal
permeability in the oesophagus is only suggestive.6 There is,
epithelial permeability may increase the risk of developing
however, clearly a role for mast cells in regulating oesophageal
function, with mast-cell degranulation and release of histamine erosive disease in patients with acid reflux.
into the oesophageal lumen during acute acid-induced injury.57
Intestinal mast cells express CRH receptors58 and, recently, Wu
et al. identified CRH receptor subtype 2 in the oesophageal ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
The authors stress research is funded by the Swedish Research
mucosa of the rat,59 along with expression of the cognate CRH
CouncilMedicine (VRM) and by the Swedish Society of Medicine
receptor ligands urocortin 1 and 2. This suggests that the CRH (Ihre Foundation).
signalling system and mast cells are involved in the regulation
of secretomotor activity in the oesophagus. Competing interests: None.
Barlow and Orlando have put forward a hypothesis that
increased permeability and DIS in NERD patients causes pH
and/or osmolarity changes in the intercellular spaces, leading to
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