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Plant and Soil 237: 5561, 2001.

2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Antioxidative and growth-promoting effect of selenium on senescing


Tailin Xue1 , Helin Hartikainen2,3 & Vieno Piironen2

1 Institute
of Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101 China. 2 Department of Applied Chemistry
and Microbiology, P.O. Box 27, SF-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland. 3 Corresponding author

Received 2 February 2001. Accepted in revised form 30 July 2001

Key words: antioxidant, GSH-Px, lettuce, selenium, senescence, SOD, tocopherol

In human and animal cells, Se plays an essential role in antioxidation and exerts an antiaging function but it is toxic
at high dietary intake. To increase its intake in forage and foodstuffs, Se fertilization is adopted in some countries
where soils are low in bioavailable Se, even though higher plants are regarded not to require Se. To test its ability
to counteract senescence-related oxidative stress in higher plants, a pot experiment was carried out with lettuce
(Lactuca sativa) cultivated with increasing amounts of H2 SeO4 . The yields harvested 7 or 14 weeks after sowing
revealed that a low Se dosage (0.1 mg kg1 soil) stimulated the growth of senescing seedlings (dry weight yield
by 14%) despite a decreased chlorophyll concentration. The growth-promoting function was related to diminished
lipid peroxidation. In young and senescing plants, the antioxidative effect of Se was associated with the increased
activity of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px). In the senescing plants, the added Se strengthened the antioxidative
capacity also by preventing the reduction of tocopherol concentration and by enhancing superoxide dismutase
(SOD) activity. When no Se was added, tocopherols and SOD activity diminished during plant senescence. The
higher Se dosage (1.0 mg kg1 soil) was toxic and reduced the yield of young plants. In the senescing plants, it
diminished the dry weight yield but not the fresh weight yield.

Abbreviations: GSH reduced glutathione; GSH-Px glutathione peroxidase; MDA malondialdehyde; SOD
superoxide dismutase; TBARS thiobarbituric acid- reactive substances; TR thioredoxin reductase

Introduction and animal cells for Type I, II and III iodothyronine

deiodinases (Berry et al., 1991; Pallud et al., 1997;
Selenium (Se) was first recognized as an essential nu- Ramauge et al., 1996), thioredoxin reductase (Tamura
trient by Schwartz and Foltz (1957), who found that and Stadtman, 1996) and for a number of selenopro-
it is the critical element in factor 3 that prevents liver teins (Behne et al., 1997; Gladyshev et al., 1998;
necrosis in rats. Later, Hogue et al. (1962) and Muth Whanger et al., 1997).
(1963) found that Se and vitamin E prevented muscu- In Finland, where soils are very low in bioavail-
lar lesions in young ruminants. Before these findings, able Se, the daily Se intake in humans was below the
Se was considered to be a toxicant causing diseases recommended level (Ekholm et al., 1995). Therefore,
in livestock grazing selenoferous pastures (reviewed since 1984 multinutrient fertilizers have been supple-
by OToole and Raisbeck, 1998). However, Rotruck mented with Se in order to improve the nutritional
et al. (1973) identified Se to be an essential compon- value of forage and foodstuffs. Even though higher
ent of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px). plants are thought not to require Se and to have a
Subsequently it was identified as essential in human low tolerance to it, there are increasing indications
FAX No: +358-9-191-58475.
that Se may also have beneficial biological functions
in higher plants. Recently, Hartikainen et al. (2000)
E-mail: helina.hartikainen@helsinki.fi

demonstrated that, depending on the dosage, Se ex- total Se in Finnish mineral soils is 0.040.7 mg kg1
erts a dual effect on ryegrass: At low concentrations, (Ylranta, 1985), Se addition markedly increased the
it acts as an antioxidant and can stimulate the plant Se reserves in soil. After Se treatment, a portion of
growth, whereas at higher concentrations it acts as a 3.5 kg of soil in each unit was taken apart and 4.5 g
pro-oxidant reducing the yields. of ground NPK fertilizer (16-16-16, Se-background
In plants, numerous oxygen-containing radicals 0.1 mg kg1 , Kemira Agro Oy) was mixed into it.
are produced in various metabolic processes involving This fertilized portion was put into the pot and covered
oxygen, e.g. photosynthesis (Elstner, 1991) and res- with the remaining unfertilized 0.5 kg of soil. Seeds
piration (Werf et al., 1991). An abnormal accumu- (15 per pot) were sown onto the upper layer of soil
lation of these species and their derivatives triggers and covered with 100 g of soil unamended with Se
radical chain reactions that may cause damage to bio- and NPK fertilizer. Nitrogen, P and K added in the
molecules such as chlorophyll, proteins, lipids and fertilizer amounted to 180 mg per kg of soil. No mi-
nucleic acids, thus promoting cell senescence and cell cronutrients were added. During the growth period
death. Senescence, an integral part of plant develop- plants were watered from below with deionized water.
ment, may coincide with the production of free oxygen The experiment was designed to contain two ran-
radicals and be regulated by a variety of environmental domized complete blocks with four replications of
and autonomous factors. On the basis of the antioxid- three Se addition levels: 0, 0.1 and 1.0 mg kg1 . The
ative role of Se, it is theoretically possible that Se is blocks represented the ages of the plants: (1) young
able to delay plant senescence and to diminish post- seedlings (YS), harvested 7 weeks after sowing, and
harvest losses of agricultural plants. In this study, the (2) senescing seedlings (SS), harvested 14 weeks after
effect of Se on the quantity and quality of plant yield sowing when chlorosis in the shoots, especially in the
of lettuce was investigated in a glasshouse experiment. oldest leaves, became evident.
The objectives were (1) to investigate the ability of Se
to increase the antioxidative capacity of plants and to Plant analyses
counteract senescence-related oxidative stress and (2)
to improve the growth of senescing plants. The fresh weight (f.wt) of the plant material from each
pot was determined at harvest. The dry weight (d.wt)
of the yields was determined by drying sub-samples
Materials and methods at 60 C for 48 h. The fresh material was stored at
70 C. For chemical analysis, three subsamples were
Pot experiment randomly taken from the fresh plant material repres-
enting the whole leaf biomass and their mean was
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. Australischer gelber) was taken to represent the result of each replicate. Three
grown in a glasshouse in winter under low light con- separate subsamples for tocopherols were stored at
ditions. The daylight in December was supplemented 90 C in a vacuum.
with Osram Viatox Nav-T 400 W lamps to give a The analytical methods are described in more de-
photoperiod of 17 h and quantum flux density of tail in a previous paper (Hartikainen et al., 2000).
160 mol m2 s1 at the top of the pots. The tem- Briefly, for determination of chlorophyll, the homo-
perature in the greenhouse varied between 10 C (by genized fresh leaf material was extracted with pre-
night) and 20 C (by day). The plants were cultivated chilled 80% acetone solution and concentrations were
in plastic pots (22 cm dia.) containing coarse-textured measured with a Shimadzu UV-120-02 spectropho-
soil (Inceptisol, pH 6.3 in 0.01 m CaCl2 and 2.8% of tometer (Arnon, 1949). Selenium in the dry plant
organic C) taken from a field never amended with Se- material was analyzed by the method of Kumpulainen
containing fertilizers. Prior to the experiment, the soil et al. (1983), and an in-house reference sample was
was air-dried, sieved (< 35 mm) and homogenized. included in every analytical round. Lipid peroxidation
Two sets of 4-kg soil samples (12 samples in each was assayed by measuring thiobarbituric acid-reactive
set) were then weighted for the pot experiment. In substances (TBARS) according to a modified method
both sets, the soil units were treated in quadruplic- of Yagi (1982).
ate with Se (supplied as H2 SeO4 , Fluka Chemie AG With respect to antioxidants, attention was fo-
product, analytical grade) at the rate of 0.1 and 1.0 mg cused on Se-induced changes in glutathione perox-
kg1 soil, or left without Se addition. As the range of idase (GSH-Px), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and

tocopherols (vitamin E). SOD scavenges superox- Results

ide anion radicals, which are regarded as initiators
in free radical chain reactions and are produced in The lower Se addition did not affect either fresh weight
all oxygen-requiring processes. Tocopherols scavenge or dry weight of the younger plants, but did signi-
lipid peroxide radicals and singlet oxygen, and they ficantly stimulate (p<0.05) growth of the senescing
act cooperatively with Se in inhibiting lipid peroxid- plants (d.wt yield by 14%) (Table 1). The higher Se
ation (Douillet et al., 1998). GSH-Px (EC dosage was toxic to the young lettuce seedlings and
activity was measured by a modification of the method reduced their shoot yields. In the senescing plants,
of Flohe and Gunzler (1984) by using H2 O2 (Riedel- however, the detrimental effect was not seen in fresh
de Han product, GA) as substrate. The enzyme was weight even though dry weight was markedly di-
extracted by a pre-chilled KNaHPO4 (Merck product, minished. This response indicates that the higher Se
analytical grade) buffer, pH 7.0, with a homogenizer. addition raised the water content of the leaves. Fur-
The supernatant obtained by centrifugation (10 min thermore, when no Se was added, the senescence of
at 3000 rpm) was used as an enzyme coarse extract. the older plants appeared as a reduction in the con-
For the enzyme reaction, 0.2 ml of the supernatant centration of total chlorophyll (Table 1). The added
was placed into a tube and mixed with 0.4 ml GSH Se increased (p<0.05) chlorophylls in the young seed-
(reduced glutathione, Sigma product, analytical grade) lings but was not able to counteract their decrease in
(0.1 mM) and 0.2 ml KNaHPO4 (0.067 M). The above the senescing plants (Table 1).
reagents without supernatant extract were used for Without Se addition, the Se concentration in the
the non-enzyme reaction. After pre-heating the mix- young plants was very low but increased markedly
tures on water bath at 25 C for 5 min, 0.2 ml H2 O2 (66%, p<0.01) during plant development (Table 2).
(1.3 mM) was added to initiate the reaction. The re- On the other hand, in the plants supplied with Se the
action lasted 10 min and was terminated by adding 1 concentration was high and diminished significantly
ml 1% trichloric acetic acid (Merck product, analytical (p<0.05) during senescence. In fact, the Se uptake
grade), and the mixture was put into an ice bath for 30 (yield Se concentration) at the addition level of
min. Then the mixture was centrifuged for 10 min at 1.0 mg kg1 soil was 38% lower in the senescing seed-
3000 rpm, 0.48 ml of the supernatant was placed into lings than in the young seedlings, indicating that Se
a cuvette, and 2.2 ml of 0.32 M Na2 HPO4 (Riedel- losses had taken place during senescence.
de Han product, analytical grade) and 0.32 ml of In the control plants cultivated without Se, lipid
1.0 mM 5,5 -dithio-bis (2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB, peroxidation increased significantly with senescence
Sigma product, analytical grade) were added for color (Table 2). The added Se reduced lipid peroxidation
development. The absorbance at wavelength 412 nm irrespective of plant age. Consequently, during senes-
was measured with a Shimadzu UV-120-02 spectro- cence the accumulation of TBARS remained lower in
photometer within 5 min. The enzyme activity was the Se-treated plants. It is noteworthy, however, that
calculated as a decrease in GSH within the reaction at the higher Se addition the decrease in lipid perox-
time as compared to that in the non-enzyme reaction. idation was smaller, indicating that the antioxidative
SOD (EC activity was analysed by a effect of Se was diminished.
modified method of Giannopolitis and Ries (1977). In lettuce cultivated without Se addition, GHS-Px
Concentrations of - and -tocopherol were measured increased (p<0.05) during plant senescence to coun-
by a small-scale HPLC method described by Xue et al. teract oxidative reactions, whereas the SOD activity
(1997). The protein concentration in the enzyme ex- diminished (Table 3). In the plants supplied with a low
tract was determined spectrophotometrically (Murphy Se dosage, GSH-Px activity increased irrespective of
and Kies, 1960). the plant age. On the other hand, added Se diminished
SOD in the younger seedlings and increased it in the
Data analysis senesced ones. The net result was that SOD activity
increased in the Se-treated lettuce during senescence
The responses of each harvest to Se applications were (Table 3).
tested separately using Duncan test. The senescence- In the young seedlings, Se added at a low level
induced changes in plant characteristics at each Se decreased the concentration of tocopherols, while a
level (expressed in percentages) were tested by con- high Se dosage increased them (Figure 1). In the sen-
ventional t-test. escing seedlings, on the other hand, both Se additions
Table 1. Fresh and dry weight of shoot yields, the concentration of total chlorophylls in lettuce at various Se addition levels (means and standard
errors, n=4), and their changes during senescence. Each column was tested separately. Values followed by the same letter do not differ at P
0.05 (Duncan test). The changes during senescence (+/) were tested by t-test: = P 0.05, = P 0.01. YS = young seedlings, SS =
senescing seedlings

Se added Fresh weight Dry weight Total chlorophyll content

mg kg1 g pot1 g pot1 mg g1 DW
YS SS Change% YS SS Change% YS SS Change%

0 177a 5 256b 5 +44 20.7a 1.9 46.9b 2.2 +126 2.41c 0.13 1.14b 0.09 53
0.1 160a 12 286a 9 +78 20.3a 1.6 53.5a 2.8 +163 2.60b 0.05 1.17b 0.07 55
1.0 97b 28 256b 22 +164 6.9b 1.6 27.9c 1.7 +304 4.78a 0.12 2.09a 0.10 56

Table 2. Se uptake and lipid peroxidation (TBARS) in lettuce shoots at various Se addition levels, and their changes during senescence.
Values are means of four replicates standard errors. Each column was tested separately. The means followed by the same letter do not
differ at P 0.05 (Duncan test). The changes during senescence (+/) were tested by t-test: = P 0.05, = P 0.01. YS = young
seedlings, SS = senescing seedlings

Se added Se concentration in shoot material Total Se uptake TBARS

mg kg1 mg kg1 DW g pot1 nmol MDA g1 DM
YS SS Change% YS SS Change% YS SS Change%

0 0.080c 0.011 0.133c 0.040 +66 1.66c 0.22 6.22c 1.88 +276 128a 23 268a 28 +109
0.1 4.8b 0.3 1.9b 0.2 60 98b 6 103b 9 +5 74c 4 159c 18 +115
1.0 270a 54 41a 4 85 1860a 370 1150a 100 38 110b 7 199b 14 +81

to promote the synthesis of -tocopherol (p<0.01)

(Figure 1). In addition, there was a significant differ-
ence in the balance of / tocopherols: irrespective
of the Se treatment -tocopherol dominated over -
tocopherol in the young seedlings (the range in /
was 0.510.73), whereas the senescing plants exhib-
ited an opposite dominance (the range in / was


The effect of Se on plant growth was dependent on

dosage and plant age: at a lower addition level it stim-
Figure 1. - and -tocopherols in lettuce at various Se addi-
tion levels. In young and senescing seedlings, the differences in ulated the growth of senescing lettuce, but at a high
both tocopherol species between various Se levels were significant level it exerted a toxic effect irrespective of plant age.
(Duncan test, P0.05). At a given Se level, the senescence-induced These responses are similar to those obtained in a pre-
changes in both tocopherols were significant (t-test, P0.01).
vious study by Hartikainen et al. (2000) with ryegrass.
A significant increase in total chlorophylls and an el-
evated water content in the senescing seedlings at the
significantly (p<0.05) increased the total tocopherol higher Se level (Table 1) indicate that excess Se caused
concentration. During senescence, total tocopherols metabolic disturbances. In fact, Se can indiscrimin-
diminished when no Se was added, but the Se ad- antly replace S and incorporate Se-amino acids into
ditions counteracted their decrease. It is noteworthy proteins (Brown and Shrift, 1982; Eustice et al., 1981;
that in senescing lettuce a high Se dosage appeared Stadtman, 1974). The formation of Se-amino acids, in
Table 3. The activity of gluthatione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) in lettuce seed-
lings at various Se addition levels, and their changes during senescence. Values are means of four replicates
standard errors. Each column was tested separately. The means followed by the same letter do not differ
at P 0.05 (Duncan test). The changes during senescence (+/) were tested by t-test: = P 0.05, = P
0.01. YS = young seedlings, SS = senescing seedlings

Se added GSH-Px SOD

mg kg1 mol GSH mg1 protein min1 Unit mg protein min1
YS SS Change% YS SS Change%

0 5.58c 1.21 5.94b 0.94 +6 0.78a 0.15 0.67b 0.10 14

0.1 6.95a 0.57 6.86a 0.99 1 0.68b 0.02 0.75a 0.12 +10
1.0 6.55b 2.18 6.78a 1.09 +4 0.46c 0.11 0.74a 0.23 +61

turn, is found to enhance ethylene production (Konze rising Se concentration (Table 2). In the Se-fertilized
et al., 1978), which can modify membrane lipid com- seedlings, on the other hand, GSH-Px was not able
position (Thompson et al., 1982), increase membrane to increase further during senescence, which was in
permeability (Hanson and Kende, 1975; Vangronsveld agreement with the decrease in the Se concentration
et al., 1993) and result e.g. in an increased K+ leakage (Table 2). The lower Se concentration could be attrib-
(Vangronsveld et al., 1993). Thus, it can be hypothes- utable either to reduced Se absorption by the senescing
ized that high Se addition enhanced K+ leakage, and seedlings or to Se loss as volatile compounds. In fact,
more water was retained in the intercellular space to a distinct reduction in the Se taken up by the senescing
counterbalance an increased osmotic pressure. seedlings (Table 2) supports the latter hypothesis pre-
Similarly as in a previous study (Hartikainen et al., viously shown to occur in lettuce (Terry et al., 1992;
2000), the positive response of plant growth to low Se Terry and Zayed, 1994).
addition was delayed appearing when the plants be- The reduction in SOD (Table 3) and tocopher-
came older. The growth-stimulating effect of low Se ols (Figure 1) found in the young seedlings at low
addition was not related to total chlorophyll, which Se level agrees with the results reported earlier for
diminished during senescence, but rather to its antiox- young ryegrass and lettuce seedlings (Hartikainen et
idative function as demonstrated by diminished lipid al., 1997, 2000; Xue and Hartikainen, 2000). In
peroxidation in senescing plants. At the high addi- addition, the young seedlings were dominated by
tion level, however, the antioxidative function of Se -tocopherol, whereas the senescing seedlings were
seemed to be diminished or reversed irrespective of dominated by -tocopherol, which is a more active
plant age, lipid peroxidation being higher than at the species in antioxidation and is synthetized from -
low Se level (Tables 2 and 3). This response supports tocopherol (Schultz et al., 1991). In other words, as
the finding that at a high level Se can even act as lettuce became older, more -tocopherol was syn-
a pro-oxidant, and this mechanism can, in addition thesized from -tocopherol to meet the increased
to metabolic disturbances, contribute to Se toxicity antioxidant requirement.
(Hartikainen et al., 2000). When no Se was added, tocopherols and SOD di-
No growth-promoting effect of Se was seen in the minished during plant senescence. The added Se con-
young seedlings despite an increase in total chloro- tributed to the maintenance of antioxidative capacity
phylls. Lipid peroxidation was reduced concomitantly by diminishing the reduction in tocopherols and by
with an increase in GSH-Px activity. This suggests enhancing SOD. Thus, it provided extra antioxidative
that in the young plants the antioxidative capacity was capacity which might indirectly diminish the demand
sufficient for normal growth under the low-light con- for SOD. Superoxide radicals can be used in spon-
ditions prevailing in the experiment. However, greater taneous disproportion reactions producing H2 O2 and
antioxidative capacity is needed to counteract the singlet oxygen (Thompson et al., 1987). Hartikainen
enhanced lipid peroxidation during senescence. The et al. (2000) hypothesized that at the same time that
results reveal that in the senescing plants cultivated Se promotes scavenging of produced H2 O2 through
without Se, antioxidative capacity was strengthened increased GSH-Px it enhances the spontaneous dis-
by increased GSH-Px (Table 3) in accordance with proportion of superoxide radicals and, consequently,

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