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Level: 8 28/10/2017

Conversation eating well

A. Hola, buenos das

C. Buenos das
A. Cmo estn? Y que estn haciendo por aqu
C. Estamos buscando un restaurante para poder almorzar ya que tenemos hambre
A. Debers. Yo conozco un lugar donde sirven buena comida
D. Cmo se llama el restaurante?
A. Restaurante las Delicias, est a la vuelta de la esquina, si gustan me pueden
E. si, queremos conocer el lugar donde t dices, han de servir buena comida
A. Disculpe mesero, que nos ofrece para el almuerzo?
B. Tengo pollo en coca cola, pollo guisado, churrasco y pollo estofado.
C. Srvenos dos porciones de pollo en coca cola, un pollo guisado y un churrasco.
D. Qu tipos de bebidas nos ofrece?
B. Tengo fresco de frutas, limonada, licuados.
E. srvenos dos vasos de fresco de frutas, uno de limonada y un licuado de fresa.
B. ok, est bien.
A: de postre que tiene
B: Tenemos helado de chocolate y helado de vainilla
C: mmm me encanta el helado.
D: Quiero un helado de chocolate.
E: Yo quiero un helado de Vainilla.
A: Queremos cuatro helados, dos de chocolate y dos de vainilla por favor.
B: De acuerdo seor.
C: aceptas tarjeta de crdito
B: Si aceptamos.
D: Aqu est mi tarjeta.
E: Gracias por el servicio.
B: Estamos para servirles.
Level: 8 28/10/2017

Conversation eating well

A. Hello, good morning

C. Good morning
A. How are they? And what are they doing here
C. We are looking for a restaurant to be able to have lunch as we are hungry
A. You must. I know a place where they serve good food
D. What is the name of the restaurant?
A. Las Delicias Restaurant, is around the corner, if I like they will accompany me.
E. Yes, we want to know the place where you say, they have to serve good food
A. Excuse me waiter, what does he offer us for lunch?
B. I have chicken in coke, stewed chicken, steak and chicken stew.
C. Serve two servings of chicken in coke, stewed chicken and churrasco.
D. What types of drinks do you offer?
B. I have a fresh fruit, lemonade, smoothies.
E. Serve us two glasses of fresh fruit, one of lemonade and one strawberry shake.
B. ok, it's fine.
A: for dessert that has
B: We have chocolate ice cream and vanilla ice cream ...
C: mmm I love ice cream.
D: I want a chocolate ice cream.
E: I want a Vanilla ice cream.
A: We want four ice creams, two chocolate and two vanilla, please.
B: All right, sir.
C: Do you accept credit card
B: If we accept.
D: Here is my card.
E: Thanks for the service.
B: We are for servers.

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