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The Celtic method of tarot divination is a 10 card spread to represent
the past, present, and future possible outcome of events in a persons
personal life. The cards are a journey of your life within a one week
interval of time. There is nothing written in stone, since new causes
begin every day, but usually what begins today is part of a chain of
events that spread within 7 days. Until an event has been exposed to
the 7 main planets it has not come to a fruition.

Example an event begun on Tuesday under the influences of the planet

Mars, so going through the planets which rotate in order it will go
through the Sun, then Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter to
complete its cycle. If it has its cause on Monday under the Noon, it will
go through Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury to complete.

If it has its cause on Wednesday which is Mercury it will go through the

planets Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus to complete. On
Thursday starting from Jupiter, it goes through Mars, Sun, Venus,
Mercury, Moon, Saturn. Starting from Friday which is Venus it passes
through the planets, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun. Starting
from Saturday under the planet Saturn it goes through the planets
Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon. From sunday under the
influence of the Sun it goes through Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn,
Jupiter, then Mars.

The method of divination illustrated is the popular celtic method and

how you position the cards are entirely up to you excerpt that the
sequence of numbers remain the same.

5 * ** 2 6
1 10
4 8

1. Represents you and your present circumstances.

2. The second card represents what is crossing your path. The card in
this position can either help you or hinder you. Life is a duality of
choices where you either take to the left or to the right. This dual
principle is reflected here and that depending on what you choose
you may either end up in one place or the other. So your choices
are either helping you or holding you back.
3. This is what is above you. What is above you is beyond your control.
This is the domain of the mental, mind, spiritual realm where the
journey of our lives take the first form of manifestation. In this
realm things have taken shape in the invisible that takes shape at
the level of number 4.
4. The fourth card is what is beneath you, which represents your
accomplishments so far. What is beneath you is part of the
luggage of your life, they are your skills, and package of the
journey, the tools you have acquired on earth to be used on your
5. Yesterday and the past is represented by the 5th card. Our past is part
of our lives. Our history is a permanent part of our lives, but in
tarot the past is looking at something that stands out in your
immediate past that keeps the main ball rolling. It is the influence
of the past that shapes the future, which is card number 6.
6. This card represents your immediate future or outcome of events
having considered where you are at present, what is crossing your
path, the forces from beyond you, what you have accomplished so
far, and what is your past; the 6th card sums it up here. This card
represents your next move.
7. The 7th card is your reflection. When you look at yourself in the
mirror, what do you see? Our self esteem, ego self image is what
makes us do what we do. Who you think you are is the message of
the 7th card.
8. The 8th card is how others see you. This is the opinion of those close
to you that kind of know you well. What we think we are is not
necessarily the way others see us. Other peoples view of you may
be shallow since they only evaluate you from what they see. The
outer may appear one way while the inner is something else. A
person can camouflage their outer way of life to fool people
around them.
9. The 9th card are your hopes or fears. This is what you are hoping for
or afraid may happen. What you hope may either propel you
forward or your fears may hold you back. In either way fate and
destiny are riding side by side and you are on the middle horse
looking at both of them as they look at you to see what you will do
to determine their course of action.
10. Having put all these into perspective, this is the final outcome
taking into consideration the influences of all the factors around
you. But keep in mind that new causes start a new chain of events
but if all else remain constant for the next week, this card is the
outcome of events from al present and past circumstances of
events in your life.

The stars foretell but they do not compel. Man proposes but God
disposes; An individual is influenced daily by outside forces beyond
their control just as the weather even changes what we do and plan. We
may hope for the best in all events but having a second opinion of what
is going on in your life confirms the truth that you may suspected all

The angel Ariel is clever in revealing hidden secrets about our lives and
he is best used in divination. As the angel that rules the air, everything
that goes on on this planet is known to the forces of air for air is
everywhere. The forces of air are as quick as thought, inspiring,
provides inner vision, stimulates the intellect and heal. To effectively
perform a tarot divination first follow the method as given in the article
divination by Tarot Cards then you my use this celtic method of
divination to spread the cards and interpret them.
Angelic seal of Ariel

Order tarot divination $7

Order Tarot Divination

Order angelic seal of Ariel on a white handkerchieforder angelic seal

of Ariel


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