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List of Presidents of India

Presidents of India is one of the most important topics of Polity and Static
General Knowledge of different exams. Exams like SSC CGL, SSC CPO, SSC MTS,
SSC CHSL, IBS PO, IBPS SO, NABARD, IBPS Clerk include questions related to
Presidents of India as part of General Awareness Section. To help you prepare well
for that, we are providing a list of Presidents from 1947 to 2017 along with key
information about them. Read below to know about different Presidents, their tenures
and unique events that happened during their reign.

Presidents of India & Indian Presidential Elections

The President of India is known as the First Citizen of India because he represents
the entire country. Also, he is the head of the executive, legislature, and judiciary of
India. A president is elected by the members of an Electoral College on the basis
of a single transferable vote system. According to Article 56, once elected a
president holds his/her office for 5 years. While most of the Presidents have finished
their tenure of 5 years, sometimes there were shorter tenures due to death of the

Read in Detail about Presidential Elections here:

Indian Presidential Elections - Voting

Indian Presidential Elections - Eligibility

Now let's quickly check out the complete list of all the Presidents of India listed below
according to the year in which took their office.

List of Presidents of India & their Tenure

Here is the list of Presidents of India with their years. Read carefully and try to
memorise it in chronological order as provided below.

President Year
Dr. Rajendra 1950-
Prasad 1962
Dr. Sarvepalli 1962-
Radha Krishna 1967
Zakir 1967-
Hussain 1969
VV Giri 1969
Mohammad 1969
VV Giri 1969-
Fakhruddin 1974-
Ali 1977
B.D. 1977
Neelam 1977-
Sanjiva 1982
Giani Zail 1982-
Singh 1987
R 1987-
Venkataraman 1992
Shankar 1992
Dayal 1997
KR Narayanan 1997-
APJ Abdul 2002-
Kalam 2007
Pratibha 2007-
Patil 2012
Pranab 2012-
Mukherji 2017
Ram Nath Takes office
Kovind 25th
July 2017

23 Major Facts about Ram Nath Kovind

After you have seen the list of Presidents of India, now let's read some major facts
related to Presidents of India as questions are frequently asked about them.

Presidents of India - Important Facts for Exams

Dr.Rajendra Prasad
o He was the first President of India.
o Also, he is the longest serving President of India.
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
o He served as First Vice President of India.
o Moreover, before his Political Career, he was a professor of Philosophy in
notable colleges and served as Vice Chancellor of Universities
like Andhra University & Banaras Hindu University.
o Furthermore, his birthday, 5th September, is celebrated as Teacher's
day in India.
Zakir Hussain
o Firstly, he was the first Muslim President of India.
o Also, he co founded the Jamia Milia Islamia University.
o He died during his office tenure and became the shortest serving
Varahagiri Venkata Giri
o He became Acting President in 1969 due to death of then President Zakir
o Later, he resigned from both the posts, Vice President & ActingPresident
as he was a candidate for next presidential Elections.
o As a result, Mohammad Hidayatullah acted as President for a month.
o V. V. Giri is known as the Rubber Stamp President of India.
Kocheril Raman Narayanan
o He was the first Dalit President of India.
Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam
o He was known as the Missile Man of India as he helped in the
development of ballistic missile and launch vehicles.
o He was known as People's President.
Smt. Pratibha Patil
o She is the first women president of India.

Now that you know the facts related to Indian Presidents, List of Presidents of India,
Rea about India's newly elected President, Ram Nath Kovind. Also, read other articles
related to General Awareness that will help you gain knowledge as well as prepare well
for your exams.

Chief Ministers of India

Cabinet Ministers of India

Important Regulatory Bodies of India

UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India

Know Major Facts about the Indian States

Capitals, Governors and Chief Ministers of States

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