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PEMERINTAH PROVINS! JAWA TIMUR DINAS KESEHATAN RUMAH SAKIT UMUM MOHAMMAD NOER PAMEKASAN JL Bonorogo No. 17 Telp. (0324) 322594 - 323085 Pamekasan INSTALASI LABORATORIUM, No. RM nt de. Wneaicn © yp Gaga Dotter Pena Lahir/ Um 1-0-1077 -/ Dokter Pengixin ae is Kelamin Unit “JL Tangeal 04-10 - 20% a Ket Kk RovoreRD eRe EL sn aya taeeen HEMATOLOGI KIMIA KLINIK ‘Angka Normal Anglia Normal CF Hemoglobin 12,0 (3-18 P:t-t6ga) Guts aren puasa mg/c) (70-110 mg/dl) O wep 7 (10-15 P:0-20mavjam) [J 2Jam PP 1 Levkosit Ayo |4:00P11.000 mam) CE ats das sews O pir _ ea Cl marc vq (8/0 fs DD Hematokrit ye (TAD-54%P34-47%), CG Cholesterol DF trombosit 36 ZS (150.000-150,000imm) — E) BDL Chol © i plasm POO © tr. chor CO Gotongen Darah OF Trigliserids Ds. Creatinin FAAL HEMOSTASIS (LS Meni 0 Urea 5) magia} 11 Meni} O pun mgfdl (47-233) Ou mg/d! (L347 mgidl) 5.7 gid) 1 Ditoet Biticubin + URINE OF totai sitirabin " GS (408.0) O scot Uf (PS31/ L337) \,O\ cor O sopr UM (P32 /Le40) PLOGHE Newati Gi Tout Protein aah set 1 iin D Ginbotin D Biliewdin reso trp Nesatif sasit O-D (02. C1 its Ag. rosit O-\ (-lLpd) C1 ani ites tel : \ AQ. (0-2Lpb) UO wiaai o Negatit + Si nder seserh F Newsrit H Negatif + Kr stal 5 fhe Serh Pes PA Negati PB Negatif TF Plano Test (Gravindex) = Onsi Negatif C1 thypoid ts G Negatif SERUM ELEKTROUIT Thypoid Ig M. O Natrium 135-48 moll DO oenguetg G O Katiem + 35+ $.30 mmol Dengue ly M OF ctorida : 98 107 mamoli MIKROBIOLOGI O Gram Ni O anata Negatit Pemeriiea’ O Materia : Negal

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