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School Closing Community Relations and Communications Project

Principal reflection

Due: June 30, 2017

Michelle Rochel

Last days of the school year

I would include allocated time for the entire school to sign yearbooks the last days of school.

I would include allocated time for the entire school to say good-bye to teachers and staff the last days of


I would include a special time devoted to the memories created at our school. Students would write down

a favorite memory of their school, classroom, teacher, or friend. The card would be attached to a balloon

on the last day of school. A special time would be allocated on the last day of school to express the fond

memories we have of our school. School song would be sung and balloons would be released.

I would hand write personal letters of appreciation to all faculty and staff. End of the year staff party

would be included on the last days of school.

I would work with my PTO/teachers to plan an end of the year celebration including potluck, live music,

and special family events such as three-legged races, water balloon toss, family relays, mixed grade

relays, face painting, photo booth, and prizes just to name a few.

I would collaborate with the other principal to incorporate a service project involving both schools before

the school year ended. We have participated in Soles for Souls as well as the Sandwich Project and

preparing boxes for military members away from home. All projects are ways of serving others who are

less fortunate. It also provides another opportunity to meet new friends, classmates, teachers, and the


I would work with the principal of the other school and create Shadow Week. Personal invitations and

schedule would be sent to each of the students/parents moving to the new school. Each student would

spend an entire day in classes of the grade they will be entering. This would allow the student to meet

new classmates and teachers as well as having students take a tour of the new building.
During the summer

I would work with the new school and request (if not currently offered) an open house for the new

families. The open house would provide tours created by the transition teams. It would also include

school events on the calendar. A new family packet would be distributed. The packet would include a

letter from the principal welcoming them to the new school, most recent principal communication

(Principal Page), school supplies list, school calendar, back to school forms to complete and return such

as immunization forms and free/reduced lunch information.

I would also work with the PTOs to create a list of families that will be paired with new families. It could

create new relationships and a contact person to answer questions throughout the year.

Beginning of new school year

I would work with the principal to plan for an ice cream social or root beer float party on the playground

before the new school year begins. Both communities would get a chance to introduce themselves and

watch their children play together. Root beer floats and ice cream sundaes would be served. The school

would be open to allow students to meet and greet teachers and staff, find classrooms, drop off school

supplies in classrooms, and school paperwork could be turned in to office personnel. Parents would be

introduced to their Friends and Family family from the new school.

Communication between principals

This component is critical in helping to ensure a smooth transition for all parties. I would have weekly

meetings with the principal to discuss events, how to communicate effectively to parents in both schools,

bus transportation, transfer of records, transfer or student/teacher textbooks. It is important for both

principals to send out information at the same time to eliminate one school knowing the information

before the other school. Building a sense of trust will be needed to help students, parents, faculty, and

staff to ensure a smooth transition. Communicating upcoming board meetings, PTO meetings, school

events at both schools, transitioning events, etc. are necessary to build a sense of trust. One can never over

communicate when it comes to a school closing or other situation.

I would work with the other principal to brainstorm ideas we could incorporate into making a smooth

transition. We would create transition teams made of students, teachers, and parents to create end of the

year activities.

I would invite the other principal to be part of our school day. Both principals could greet students at the

beginning of the day, share announcements and transition events, visit classrooms, and create a positive

relationship before the school year ends. This gives the student another person they can identify with

when the school year begins in a new school.

I would communicate with the other principal what equipment would be transferred to the other building

and a maintenance schedule put in place so all would know of these responsibilities.

I would work with the principal and administrative assistants from both schools to create a schedule of

how transfer of all records will be handled.

The principals would work together to discuss what is best for each student to ensure a smooth transition.

Scheduled weekly meeting would be necessary as well as daily communication between principals.

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