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CS1004 — Data warehousing and Data Mining UNIT-1 PART-A. 1, What is Data Mining? 2. What is the need for data mining? 3. Describe the role of DBMS in Data Mining. 4. What are the steps involved in KDD Proc! 5. List out the major components in the architecture of a typical data mining syste 6. Z 8. . Define Outlier Analysis and Evolution Analysis. . List out the criteria for classifying the Data Mining systems. Classify data mining systems according to the kinds of knowledge mined. 9. List out some of techniques for data Mining systems. 10. What are the performance issues in data mining? 11, Distinguish between Data warchouse and Data mart 12. What is Data warehousing? How it is differ from a database? 13, List out the components of data warehouse. 14, Define data cube .Give an example. 1S. What is Fact table and dimension table? 16. Define star schema, snowflake schema and fact constellation. 17. What is starnet query model? 18. Compare OLAP and OLTP. 19. List down the OLAP operation. 20, What is meta data? 21. What is the need for OLAP? 22. List down the types of OLAP servers. PART-B 1. Describe the architecture of typical data mining system with a neat sketch. 2. Explain the steps in Knowledge Discovery in databases with a neat sketch. 3. Describe the data mining functionalities and examine, what kinds of patterns car be mined, 4. Explain the classification of Data Mining Systems. 5. Describes the various issues in data mining systems. 6. Discuss the various data mining techniques. 7. Describe the multidimensional data model. How it is used in data warehousing? 8. Explain the architecture of data warehouse with a neat sketch. 9. Explain the operations performed on data warehouse with examples. 10. Differentiate OLTP with OLAP system. 11. Discuss the various types of meta data, 12, Distinguish between Data Warehousing with Data Mining. 13, Categorize OLAP tools. UNIT II PART-A What is the importance of data preprocessing? Define Smoothing and Binning. Define Data normalization, Define Dimensionality reduction and Numerosity reduction. Define task relevant data. What is the need for discretization in data mining? What is Concept hierarchy ?.Give example. po UA EGS bie PART-B 1. Explain the need and steps involved in data preprocessing 2. What are the various issues addressed during data integration? TT-HI PART-A 1. What is market basket analysis? 2. Define Frequent itemset. 3. Define Association rule. 4. Define FP-growth method 5. Write the use of conditional pattern base in FP-tree. 6. What is the use of Multi-level association rule. 7. List the techniques for improving the efficiency of Apriori. 8. Define support and Confidence. 9. What is level cross filtering? 10. How to determine redundant association rule? PART-B 1, Write the algorithm to discover frequent itemsets without candidate generation and explain it with an example. i algorithm with a suitable example and explain how its efficiency mproves.( or Write the algorithm to discover frequent itemsets without candidate generation.) 3. Discuss Mining of Multi-level association rules from transactional databases. UNIT-1V PART-A . Define Classification and prediction, istinguish between Supervised and Unsupervised learning, - What is relevance analysi Define decision tree induction Define Bayes theorem. . What is the measure of goodness of spilt? Explain the use of Bayesian Networks. 8, What are the classification rules? 9, Why is naive Bayesian classification is called naive? 10. What is meant by pruning in decision tree induction? 11. What is linear regression’ 12. State the advantages of the decision tree approach over other classification approaches. 13. What is feed forward network? 14, Define Bagzing and Boosting 15, What is Classifier accuracy? 16, What are the measures of cl 17.What is clustering? 18 Describe the requirements of clustering? 19.What is density based clustering? 20,Compare agglomerative and divis 21. Define CLARANS. 22. Detine BIRCH, ROCK and CURE 23. What is outlier? Name the methods for detecting outliers. 5 6. 7, sifier accuracy? ive hierarchical clustering. PART-B 1. What are classification rules? How is regression related to classification? 2.Explain with an example the various steps in decision tree induetion. 3.State Bayes theorem and discuss how Bayesian classifier work. 4, What is back propagation? How does it work? S.Describe the various techniques for improving classifier accuracy. 6.Describe the working of PAM algorithm, 7.Describe K-means clustering with an example. 8.Explain hierarchical method of clustering. 9. Explain the various methods of detecting outliers. PART-A {data mining? 3. What are the applications of spatial data bases? 4, What kind of association can be mined from multimedia data? 5. What is web mining 6. Define Hub and Authorities. 7. What is HITS algorithm? 8. What is web usage mining’ 9, List out some data mining tools. 10, What are the measures for text retrieval? 11, List out some of the challenges of WWW. 12, What is trend analysis? 13, List out some of the application areas of Data mining systems. 14, What is data security? 15, Is data mining is hype or a persistent? PART-B 1, Explain the mining of spatial databases. 2. Discuss the mining of text databases, 3. What are the salient features of time series data mining? 4. What is web mining? Discuss the various web mining techniques. 5. Discuss in detail the application of data mining for financial data ana 6. Discuss the application of data mining in business. 7. Discuss in detail of application s of data mining for biomedical and DNA data analysis and teleeommunication industry 8. Discuss the social impacts of data mining systems.

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