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Astrological Keywords

1. In interpreting a horoscope, remember that Planets show the
native's (ie. the person whose chart you're looking at) motivational
essence, Signs show how that essence is applied and Houses where (and to
what) it is applied.
2. For a quick, but effective, capsule analysis use the
a) Sun - purpose of incarnation. Native must do the sun's House or
forget about being happy. Note the style (Sign) in which it will
be done.
b) ASC - where the native is going & (style) how s/he's getting
there. Also "persona" and defence mechanism for first impressions.
c) Ruling Planet - House is where native must cultivate self to
really shine. This House is Native's proper self expression.
d) Moon - emotional needs & where to go when feeling "down". Do this
by House and Sign to cheer up.
e) Saturn - point of greatest insecurity, The Threshold, by House and
Sign. If the native works to overcome this "inadequacy" this will
be a stable point of great wisdom.
3. For a more detailed analysis, first note the characteristics
derived from the Ascendant and sun signs (Asc is the true self, sun is
the visible or outer personality, while the moon governs whims, dreams
and urges). Next note the House position of the sun and the area of
life ruled thereby, then the aspects which the sun forms with the other
elements in the chart. Having done this repeat the last two steps with
the moon and other planets. Note that the sun, the moon, and the planet
ruling the chart (usually the planet ruling the Sign of the Ascendant,
unless particularly badly aspected, in which case it may default to the
ruler of the sun sign) are most important in that order.
Planets :-
Sun = individuality, power, vitality, self-expression;
Moon = emotions, response, instinct, fluctuation, fertility;
Mercury = communication (mental & physical), rational mind;
Venus = sensuality, harmony, unison, fun, lazy, beauty
Mars = initiative, agression, energy, action, courage,
Jupiter = expansion, wisdom, growth, mercy, generosity;
Saturn = limitation, discipline, concentration, stability;
Uranus = awakening, change (disruptive or sudden), intuition,
idealism - the higher octave of Mercury;
Neptune = self-sacrifice, cloudiness, sensitivity, giving,
compassion - the higher octave of Venus;
Pluto = transformation, elimination, collective unconscious,
regeneration - the higher octave of Mars;
N. Node = people & things lucky for you (similar to Jupiter);
S. Node = a sore point with you (draining effect similar to
Zodiac :-
Aries = assertively, urgently...to be
Taurus = possessively, permanently...to have
Gemini = communicatively,adaptively, versatilely...to think
Cancer = protectively, sensitively...to feel
Leo = creatively, impressively, powerfully...to will
Virgo = critically, analytically...to analyze
Libra = harmoniously, together...to balance
Scorpio = intensively, passionately...to desire
Sagitarrius = widely, freely, exploratively...to see
Capricorn = prudently, aspiringly, calculatedly...to use
Aquarius = independantly, humanely...to know
Pisces = nebulously, impressionably...to believe

Houses :-
1st = personality, life
: the Ascendant or eastern horizon...ego
2nd = possessions, wealth...stuff
3rd = family, siblings, learning & teaching
4th = home, foundations, parents...roots
5th = creativity, children..fun
6th = work, health, everyday estate...duty
7th = interactions, marriage, partnerships,
: Descendant or west horizon...partners
8th = legacies, crimes, death ... deep merging
9th = scholarship, religion, mysticism ... mind expansion
10th = status, images, dignities & career ... public image
11th = society, friendship ... idealisms
12th = sacrifice, enmity, all that makes you stand alone ...God

Aspects :-
conjunct = creates stress, for good or ill according to the signs
& houses involved ... a powerpoint
opposition = accentuates polarities (but can also integrate
opposites) ... the seesaw
square = tension as a bit of a shove, conflicting desires which
cannot be blended (you'll have to do a bit of each).
trine = smoothing and soothing effect, talent from a prior
sextile = like a trine but needs a bit of push, where you grow
and sparkle.
quincunx = frustration and projection onto others.
retrograde = a hang-up, hence be cautious and subtle here.
Fine Tuning the Interpretation

Earth = practical and stable
Water = emotional and intuitive
Fire = enthusiastic
Air = intellectual and communicative
Count the number of planets in each element by Sign to discover
the native's bias to first reaction to things (element with most
Planets) and psychological balance (evenly or not so evenly distrib-

Cardinal = enterprising and outgoing
Fixed = resistant to change
Mutable = adaptable and changing
Similar to the elements.

+ = direct, active (yang force)
- = indirect, passive (yin force)

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