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The Globalization of American Law

David A. Westbrook
Theory Culture Society 2006; 23; 526
DOI: 10.1177/026327640602300297

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526 Theory, Culture & Society 23(23)

The Globalization of American Law

David A. Westbrook

society) are always already legal in character, law

Keywords American, cultural imperialism,
within society. In any society, most matters tend
globalization, hegemony, law, modernization,
to be so well settled as to be hardly discussed. Law,
state, United States
in this sense of the word, tends to be unques-
tioned, invisible, hegemonic. To ask what is the
role of (American) law? is, already, to have

lobal, legal and American, name assumed a duality between law and its society that
important aspects of much contempor- obscures much of importance.
ary life. One way (there are of course As a result of the simultaneous opposition and
others) to organize these vague descriptions is to interpenetration between law and society,
begin from three commonplace observations. description of the relationship between law and a
These observations are suggestive (they mean particular social phenomenon is difficult. And
more than they say), problematic (they are not when the phenomenon is that huge set of
simply true; their contradictions have merit), and developments mystically discussed under the
somewhat incommensurate (the logical relations rubric of a great transformation, then the
among the three are not completely clear). First, problem of delineating relationships between law
globalization is a process in which law plays large and the phenomenon becomes difficult indeed.
roles. The global is self-evidently legal in treaties, Consequently, thinking about law and globalization
international institutions, and more deeply, the cannot aspire to more than understanding (sophis-
vast webs of property, contract, and finance tication). Demonstrable truth (certainty) is out of
through which global business takes place. More reach. In response to this situation, social critics
personally, acts on the global stage such as an asser- may be expected to soften their approaches
tion of a human right, or joining a nongovern- somewhat, to turn from theory modeled on
mental organization, or using a credit card, all science to something akin to aesthetic appreci-
entail a great deal of law, even though such law ation, and an effort to think through the sources
ordinarily is not at issue, submerged. The second and implications of felt experience the question
commonplace is that law is increasingly under- requires not only rigor but critique, not only
stood to be articulated at various levels of politics, demonstration but sensibility.
above, below, and including the nation state. While Globalization could be understood from the
law is not the same everywhere (there are end of the Second World War, when a number of
numerous variations among jurisdictions) such treaties were signed that established a framework
differences increasingly exist within the same for the integration of non-communist states in
conceptual frame, a frame with global scope. And Western Europe and elsewhere. The International
a third commonplace is that global culture, and Monetary Fund (IMF), the International Bank for
particularly its law, feels somehow American. Reconstruction and Development (World Bank),
American includes not only the law as it emerges and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
from the many authorities within the United (GATT, which has been incorporated into the
States, but also indicates a certain cultural stance. World Trade Organization, WTO) established an
Taken together, these three common observations international, now global, trade and financial order
suggest the proposition that law is being used to designed to avoid the rivalries that led to both
make a global society that is somehow American. World Wars. Similarly, a series of treaties has
One of the difficulties in thinking through this created a Europe of interpenetrating politics, laws,
proposition is that law has no stable referent. economies, militaries, personal ties, and cultural
Sometimes, law is understood to refer to distinct identities a project that was intended to make
social phenomena such as treaties, constitutions war among European states infeasible. In this story,
(often guaranteeing rights), institutions, and the law is a primary mechanism through which the
web of legal relations that inform civil life, law vis- great transformation was begun. And as the
-vis society. All this is true enough, but law is also strongest power at the end of the Second World
ineluctably part of that which it constrains. Law War, the United States played a major role in the
constructs much of the objects within the realms construction of the new regime.
of politics, morality, and so forth. Thus politics, Such an instrumental view of law, however, is
morality and society writ large (indeed global only half the story. While treaties provide a legal
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Problematizing Global Knowledge Citizenship/The Political/Global Sovereignty 527

context for economic integration and so cultural (or both, but in what proportion?) would require
transformation, global society is woven from a situated analysis considerably beyond the scope
countless interchanges among actors in civil of this supplement.
society. Such transactions require agreement on On a theoretical level, however, cultural
fundamental social conventions, most obviously imperialism, as a fancy word for the power of the
property, contract, and currency, but also less obvi- United States, tends to negate the most funda-
ously economic matters. As the planets dominant mental premise of globalization, that politics is no
national economy, the United States has been longer understood through the conceptual appar-
unsurprisingly influential in the creation of global atus of the nation state. Without denying either
standards, influence neatly symbolized by items the power of the US government or the frisson of
like the US country dialing code (1), the language using imperial imagery as a provocation, cultural
of air traffic control (American English), and the imperialism does not help much in understanding
lack of a country identifier for US internet what is new. (Power politics is important, endlessly
domains. But such systems, and by extension, the fascinating, but not new.) More specifically,
global, are not American property, and in many although the globalization of American law has its
ways operate against American interests. undeniably pedantic (or imperial or evangelical)
As mention of technology suggests, the Amer- aspects, such characterizations of the operations of
icanization of law also proceeds through efforts to law in global society are rather too simple. The
modernize. Modernization is usually a spatial as charge of cultural imperialism presumes that the
well as a temporal concept. Especially from a basic unit of actual politics is a nation, the United
country admitted to be developing, moderniza- States. If that is so, then presumably law too is
tion is understood as the adoption of modalities intrinsically national. From this perspective, the
found in a developed country. This is often globalization of American law is merely a euphem-
presented in triumphal terms, as if no other ism for US hegemony, and globalization is an
modernity were imaginable. But more subtly, the unnecessary analytic concept. Thus, to the concep-
experience and hence the practical authority of tual difficulty of sorting out the legal from global
those who represent the modernity in place tend society, we must add another difficulty, that of
to be limited to their own history. The developed determining whether contemporary phenomena
country has by definition been successful in are to be understood nationally (as an expression
becoming modern; the modern is understood in of American interests), or as a transformation of,
terms of what the developed country has become. inter alia, the meaning of the national, and
Thus advice is given in terms that already presume thereby, the meaning of American.
and so promote the culture of the center. Asked A related problem with the idea of understand-
about the establishment of core institutions of ing the Americanization of global law as a form of
modernity, notably after the collapse of commu- cultural imperialism is the tacit assumption of a
nism in the Soviet block, American lawyers and nationalist definition of law. The idea that it is evil
other experts have had great difficulty in doing presumption for one nation (perhaps the United
anything other than recounting what they really States) to influence the law of another nation
know, the US situation. With regard to other reflects a deeply positivist understanding of what
possible modernities, such experts have no experi- law is, namely, the formal commitments of a given
ence and hence little business giving advice. polity, articulations of the will of a given people.
In light of the vast power of the US govern- This is hardly the only way to understand law. Law
ment, the ubiquity and wealth of US civil insti- has generally been understood as a constraint on
tutions, especially corporations, and the sheer contemporary politics, not merely as a concrete
difficulty of thought, observed Americanization is and formal expression of political will. The
often understood instrumentally, as the success of commandments of God; the law of our fathers;
a policy. And oftentimes it is; Americanization is the law of nature or of justice; the law of all
often intentional. Hence the globalization of nations such law is understood to exist above
American law may be thought to reflect nothing national politics, and may be used to judge, even
more than US interests and the power to realize constrain, national politics. The most explicit
such interests, a species of cultural imperialism. expression of this impulse in the new global
Social thought should guard, however, against society is human rights law. Human rights are
letting Realpolitik slide into reductionism. defined in terms of universal human entitlements,
Deciding whether a particular instance of law or rather than local political circumstances. Thus,
globalization on an American model should be from the ideological perspective of the nascent
understood instrumentally, as an expression of US global society, law cannot be defined simply as the
power, or as socially constituted and perhaps formal expression of the will of any state, even a
constrained by the process of globalization itself state as powerful as the United States (witness the

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528 Theory, Culture & Society 23(23)

international outrage over torture conducted by thin basis for culture. As a huge and young nation,
US forces). the United States has since its founding struggled,
Indeed, at least in extreme circumstances such sometimes very violently, to forge a culture
as genocide, national sovereignty is understood to among peoples who share little. Unity (or even
be subordinate to global law, and hence armed community or solidarity) is perpetually a problem
interventions are justified. Consider, in this regard, for the United States. The lack of fellow-feeling
the French use of force in Cote dIvoire, or the is increasingly recognized as a problem for the
Australians in East Timor, and perhaps most European project, and is an even larger problem
importantly, the NATO intervention on behalf of for global society. The problem is that very large
Kosovo, which proceeded without Security modern societies are, by definition, formal and
Council authorization. Thus, although the state legal. In such societies, individuals are defined in
remains practically indispensable and undeniably legal terms rather than by place, tradition,
present, if globalization is taken seriously, the state community, status, and so forth. Nowhere has
can no longer claim to be the foundational unit of this been more true, or true for longer, than in
international law and relations, as it has been the United States, founded by immigrants who
throughout the modern period (for these did not know one another, shared little, and then
purposes, usually dated from the Peace of West- moved about the country, first westward, and
phalia in 1648). And, as a corollary, if law is under- now within a huge internal labor market. But
stood as the largely unarticulated yet foundational wherever the citizen moves within the United
commitments of a global society that cannot be States, she carries with her a set of legal under-
reduced to states, then law, too, cannot be defined standings, rights, that protect her, and that facili-
as the formal expressions of states. Instead, law tate certain kinds of expression, foster personality
suffuses states. Therefore, the idea that states are in certain ways. On the global stage, and
sovereign, in any exclusive sense, over their laws, somewhat independently of her actual citizen-
is no longer tenable. ship, our exemplar may claim human rights. But
We are thus left asking if anything, other than her rights, as either a citizen of the world, or of
the influence of old-fashioned national politics the United States, will not provide our exemplar
(which remains important), explains the American the sorts of communal understandings the sense
feel of global society? To close with a suggestion: of place, home commonly found in more stable
global law is familiar in an American sort of way in societies. Hence the American feel of global law
part because many of the questions confronting and society (one of the commonplaces with
global society have long been asked in the United which we began) is not merely due to American
States. Like global society, the United States was origins or influence, but to a similarity in the situ-
established as a polity that partially fused different ation of the individual vis--vis those overwhelm-
cultures, while allowing for a fair degree of personal ingly large, modern, and therefore deeply legal
and communal difference. The visible institutions of social matrices that are vaguely but inescapably
law are especially important to such societies. Law denominated global and American, where law
resolves disputes among people who share little else on good days provides order, but little solace for
and for whom community is difficult. More subtly, alienation.
law enables also culture and commerce, the weaving
of a thin but durable social fabric among people
strange to one another. Law even structures the David A. Westbrook is Professor of Law, Uni-
ways in which society, the public, is conceived, versity at Buffalo, State University of New York.
notably through the assertion of rights. He is the author of City of Gold: An Apology
But people who assert rights against one for Global Capitalism in a Time of Discontent
another may not share enough; the law is a rather (Routledge, 2003).

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