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School: UWI-Roytec

Programme: ED 5948

Student: Dominique Richards

Student #: 3553000

Lecturer: Ms. Annoushka Ishmael

Date: 28/10/17
As a prospective future teacher I expect all my students to perform well in my class. In

todays ever changing world to me there is no reason for students performing below their best.

However there are numerous factors apart from a learning disability that can affect a childs

ability to achieve excellence in education. For instance social issues arising from in the home

like an absent parent, poverty, lack of parental support and the home environment. Yet there are

many services provided by the Ministry of Education to help overcome such challenges. These

services fall under the division called Student Support Services and provide Social Worker,

Special Education Teacher and Guidance Counselors or Officers. The effectiveness of such

services is yet to be determined as the time taken to help the children is sometimes lost as the

student may end up leaving the institution before assistance is rendered. Nonetheless, it is in

place to help troubles pupils if needed. This can only be done based on observation of the teacher

and referrals for intervention are done through the principal.

In the sphere of teaching there are many techniques that I can use in the classroom to

obtain the finest from my students. The teaching strategies employed are lectures, active

learning, co-operative learning, graphic organizers, inquiry based instruction, technology

integration and so forth. The lecturing approach is a way to communicate a large amount of

information to many listeners whilst maximizing instructor control and is non-threatening to

students (George Mason University, 2010). Meyers and Jones (1993) in George Mason

University (2010) define active learning as environments that allow students to talk and listen,

read, write, and reflect as they approach course content through problem solving exercises,

informal small groups, simulations, case studies, role playing, and other activities. Cooperative

learning gives students the opportunity to work with others and see different points of view. Research

shows that students learn more effectively when working together rather than apart, and it is also
known to improve self-confidence in students (Teach Hub, 2009). According to Teach Hub (2009)

graphic organizer are a simple and effective tool to help students brainstorm and organize their

thoughts and ideas in a visual presentation. It helps students organize information so it is easier

for them to grasp. Technology integration through computer literacy is an important part of

a student's education as it enhances and improves the learning experience (George

Mason University, 2010). Inquiry based instruction incorporates students in the process of

learning so they get a better understanding of what is being taught (Teach Hub, 2009).

All the teaching tactics highlighted above can be used by the teacher but it will vary with

each teacher in relation to his or her preference. Also one childs strength may be another ones

weakness therefore each learns differently. Consequently, after observing of my students I then

determine which lesson style best suits the majority of students. Those who require individual

attention will be given such even if it requires me staying a few minutes when school dismisses

as this was arranged with me when I was in their position. Yet I believe apart from social

problems there are things in the classroom itself that may affect a students ability to learn such

as overcrowding, improper lighting, inadequate hands on manipulative or resources, teacher

inexperience to name a few. Overcrowding can cause the room to become humid resulting in

restlessness. Due to poor lighting students may not be able to see clearly what the educator is

teaching on the board or even with the hands on resources. Moreso the teacher lack of teaching

practice experience may result in him or her being unable to transfer information effectively to

the pupils even through the use of the manipulative.

The assessment methods that I use to examine whether my students learn what was taught

is having weekly tests and see how they performed giving me an indication where each student

understood. Even before this is done at the end of each lesson I will have written notes that are
recorded and I reflect on how the session went along with what can be done to improve based on

the pupils reaction. Questions asked and feedback discussions during the tutorial will also

establish if anything was learnt at all. Also during class actual hands on activities will be done

with the class to help build on the lesson facilitating children who learn differently from others.

Due to things changing rapidly with the advancement of technology a video can also be found to

solidify the teaching session.

My students will use technology in the classroom on a websites for subjects such as

Mathematics, Science and Language. One of the popular sites being utilized by students is

pennacool.com. It encourages pupils to answer questions in Language and Mathematics and

based on a good performance they are rewarded vouchers as incentives for their great

performance. I can make use of technological equipments in the school through the projector,

digital camera or recorder, desktop computers and flat screen television. The projector can be

used in fund raising events to show different movies to the children with them paying a price to

see it. In the yearly event of graduation ceremonies the digital camera or recorder will be use to

take pictures or recorded the ceremony to be used at the awards function to highlight the schools

top achievers. Other school activities such as walk-a-thon and walk against crime in which many

school participate in may be recorded to show upcoming and news parents the institutions

achievement over the past year and or years. Desktop computers will be used in the computer

room with my supervision to allow the students to have fun with educational games. In addition

to this I can show them how to do basic research on the internet for class projects and warn of the

dangers such as the advantages or disadvantages via the internet. The television can be put to use

to show the children educational showings like Sesame Street, alphabet rhymes and number

counting games.
The value technology will adds to the teaching is that it caters to the needs of pupils who are

visual learners. In relation to Hultzman (2017) learning styles are the different ways people

interpret, organize and represent information. For example, some people learn best by having

information presented to them in audio form, such as in a classroom lecture or audio book.

Others need hands-on experience or real-world contexts to fully grasp a new concept. He

further go on to state, as a result the learning challenges encountered by those children are

reduced significantly. Learning styles are strongly connected to American psychologist Howard

Gardner's work around multiple intelligences, which proposed that intellect is not fixed and that

people can be smart in different ways. Some people have linguistic intelligence, giving them

strength with spoken and written language. Other intelligences include spatial intelligence,

musical intelligence, and interpersonal intelligence. Gardner (1983) wrote of his theory's impact

on education: 'Seven kinds of intelligence would allow seven ways to teach, rather than one.

Barriers can exist as technological devices are upgraded constantly it may prove difficult

to keep track of the necessary changes and equip oneself to such or eventually get left behind. If

such training as well as guidance is not being provided by the Ministry of Education it is my duty

to keep abreast as to what is going on and do my own research where needed. Additionally I can

do short courses to better myself thereby making life easier in the classroom. Some teachers

encounter problems in schools to access the equipments to use in their classrooms. As most of

these are kept under lock and key and if the principal who have the keys is not on the compound

use of the device is hindered.

In me doing additional courses to aid my pupils learning the role I held previously may

change as colleagues turn to me for advice and assistance that can be deployed in the classroom.

The students role can change as well for example if I am absent from class for the day they can
use their phones and go on the web and make use of the ample amount of educational sites. They

neither I have no excuse for not being able to get anything done as most things now a days are

accessed by the click of a button. These are paying bills, booking trips, conducting banking

transactions and so forth.


George Mason University (2010) Teaching Strategies retrieved October, 22nd 2017 from


C. Meyers and T. Jones (1993) Promoting Active Learning: Strategies for the College Classroom

1st Edition

Teach Hub (2009) Top Five Teaching Strategies K-12 News, Lessons & Shared Resources

by Teachers, For Teachers retrieved October, 22nd 2017 from http://www.teachhub.com/top-5-


Ryan Hultzman (2017) Foundations of Education: Help and Review/Social Science Courses

Study .Com. What are Learning Styles? - Types and Concept retrieved October, 22nd 2017 from


Howard Gardner (1983) Multiple Intelligences and Education Infed October, 29th 2017 from


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