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Conference Proceedings

The Neuromuscular Respiratory System: Physiology,

Pathophysiology, and a Respiratory Care Approach to Patients
Joshua O Benditt MD

Introduction: Historical Overview

Functional Anatomy of the Neurorespiratory System
Central Nervous System
Peripheral Nervous System
Diseases That Affect the Respiratory System
Central-Nervous-System Diseases
Summary: A Respiratory Approach to the Individual
With Neuromuscular Disease

The neurorespiratory system includes the central nervous system control centers and feedback
mechanisms, spinal cord, motor nerves, and the respiratory muscles that affect chest-wall and lung
movement, causing air to enter the lungs and carbon dioxide to be excreted into the environment.
Without this vital pump the body is unable to function, which explains why a major cause of
morbidity and mortality in those with neuromuscular disease is respiratory failure. This paper
reviews the anatomy and physiologic function of the neurorespiratory system, details some of the
more important diseases seen in clinical practice, and proposes a practical respiratory approach
to individuals with neuromuscular disease. Key words: neuromuscular disease, respiratory failure,
control of breathing, diaphragm, noninvasive ventilation, spinal-cord injury, muscular dystrophy. [Respir
Care 2006;51(8):829 837. 2006 Daedalus Enterprises]

Introduction: Historical Overview chest cavity and were moved by the actions of the thorax.1
He cut the phrenic and intercostal nerves in animals and
The first understanding of the mechanical function of described the effects of these interventions on breathing.2
the respiratory system began with Galen (131201 AD), a He also hypothesized that air passing upward from the
Greek physician, who realized that the lungs filled the lungs causes the vocal cords to move and sound to occur.
In addition, he noted that gladiators or animals injured
below the neck continued to breathe, whereas those in-
jured high in the neck immediately ceased breathing move-
Joshua O Benditt MD is affiliated with the Division of Pulmonary and
Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Wash- ment, thus beginning our understanding of the localization
ington, Seattle, Washington. of the central nervous system centers that control breath-
ing.3 Further elucidation of the neuro-mechanical respira-
Joshua O Benditt MD presented a version of this paper at the 37th
tory system awaited the beginning of the Renaissance,
RESPIRATORY CARE Journal Conference, Neuromuscular Disease in Re-
spiratory and Critical Care Medicine, held March 1719, 2006, in Ix- when dissections of the human body (banned during the
tapa, Mexico. middle ages) began in Padua, Italy.4 Vesalius was the first
to draw the phrenic nerves2 and daVinci drew the human
Correspondence: Joshua O Benditt MD, Division of Pulmonary and Crit-
ical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Washington
diaphragm and spinal nerves.5 In the 1600s, Mayow, an
Medical Center, Box 356522, Seattle WA 9819506522. E-mail: Oxford physiologist, built a model of the chest as bellows,
benditt@u.washington.edu. with the lungs contained as a bladder inside.6 He postu-



lated that a negative intrathoracic pressure caused by con-

traction of the diaphragm and chest muscles led to air
being drawn into the lungs through the upper airway. In
the mid-1800s, Donders differentiated between the expan-
sile properties of the inspiratory muscles and the elastic
properties of the lungs and chest.7 Wirz and von Neergard
measured pleural pressure to determine the elastic recoil of
the lung and chest wall in normal humans, and this led to
the a scientific evaluation of the mechanical respiratory
The central-nervous-system control of the respiratory
system was first described by Whytt, a neurologist, who
observed an unconscious reflex breathing action.2 He noted
that, although basically an unconscious action, breathing
was also subject to willful control. He described diseases
with periodic apnea. In 1760, Lorry described the persis-
tence of breathing movements in the rabbit after the cere-
brum and cerebellum were removed, and postulated that
the rhythmic breathing was directed by areas in the brain- Fig. 1. Schematic of the neurorespiratory system.
stem.8 Further localization of the brainstem breathing cen-
ters were described, with localization of both inspiratory
and expiratory centers.4 In 1887, Frenchman Francois- which transmit nerve impulses; the respiratory muscles,
Franck described the finding of cortical control of respi- which are the effectors of the system; and a complex sys-
ration when he stimulated changes in breathing by stimu- tem of feedback receptors and nerves that regulate venti-
lating the cortex of experimental animals.9 lation precisely (Fig. 1). The following is a discussion of
Descriptions of the reflex control of breathing began in each of the components of this complex network.
the late 1800s.4 Herring and Breuer described mechano-
receptors in 1868, when they made the discovery that in- Central Nervous System
flation of the lungs stopped inspiration and promoted ex-
piration during the breathing cycle; conversely, they noted Voluntary-Breathing Controllers. The signals for vol-
that lung deflation stimulated inspiration and suppressed untary breathing originate in the cerebral cortex. There are
expiration. Miescher-Ruesch first describe chemical stim- centers within the parietal cortex that send the signals for
ulation of the respiratory centers by carbon dioxide in inspiration and expiration to occur (Fig. 2).11 These cor-
humans, and, in 1905, Haldane, Priestly, and Douglas fur- tical areas project to the motor neurons in the spinal cord
ther clarified the role of CO2 in the control of breathing. via the corticospinal tracts. These tracts are separate path-
Jacobs played a key role in unifying the understanding of ways from those that connect the central automatic-breath-
the chemical control of breathing by CO2 and O2 in both ing centers to the motor neurons (reticulospinal pathways),
the central and the more recently described peripheral che- although there are probably interconnections between the
moreceptors.10 More recent work on control of respiration 2 pathways that are at this time poorly understood. Dis-
has further clarified the locations of the centers of respi- eases have been described that can affect one or the other
ratory control and evaluated function on a cellular level. of the pathways, and these are described below.
However, a good deal about the intricacies of the system
remains incompletely understood. Automatic-Breathing Controllers. Automatic breath-
ing is controlled by a complex system that includes respi-
Functional Anatomy of the Neurorespiratory System ratory centers in the pons and medulla, nerve tracts in the
lower brainstem, and the feedback mechanisms that are
The ventilatory system is designed to bring oxygen into both chemical and mechanical in nature. There are thought
the body, to fuel energy-generation and remove carbon to be 3 centers that generate the rhythm and drive to breathe:
dioxide, which is a waste product of cellular metabolism. one located in the pons and two in the medulla (Fig. 3).
The system can flexibly respond to the variable metabolic The pontine respiratory group (also known as the pneu-
demands that result from the activities of living. The sys- motaxic center) lies in the dorsal lateral pons and contains
tem is made up of the cortex of the brain, which controls both inspiratory and expiratory neurons.12 It is not essen-
voluntary breathing; the brainstem, which is involved with tial for respiratory-impulse generation but appears to allow
automatic breathing; the spinal cord and motor neurons, fine control of the respiratory pattern.4 The medullary con-



Fig. 3. Schematic of the brainstem and upper spinal cord, showing

the centers that control automatic breathing and nerve pathways.
PRG pontine respiratory group. VRG ventral respiratory group.
DRG dorsal respiratory group. For simplicity, the figure shows
structures on only one side of the brainstem. Symmetrical struc-
tures are present in the contralateral brainstem.

Spinal Cord. The spinal cord and the motor nerves con-
duct the nerve impulses from the cortex and brainstem to
the anterior horn cells of the motor neurons that supply the
respiratory muscles. As noted above, the nerve-fiber tracts
in the spinal cord responsible for voluntary (corticospinal
tract) and automatic (reticulospinal tract) breathing are sep-
arate within the spinal cord.18,19 The fibers in these tracts
project to the lower portion of the spinal cord, where they
Fig. 2. Functional magnetic resonance imaging in a human, during
synapse with the lower motor neurons.
a breathing maneuver. View is from above, with the frontal lobes
on the right and the occipital lobes on the left. The colored areas
are active during the specified activity. (From Reference 11, with Peripheral Nervous System
Lower Motor Neurons. The lower motor neuron has its
cell body in the spinal cord (anterior horn cell) but exits
the spinal cord to become the spinal nerve roots and the
trollers fall into 2 main groups, on either side of the central nerves that supply the respiratory muscles. When the nerves
neuro-axis, that are known as the ventral respiratory group arrive at the muscle, they divide into branches (known as
and the dorsal respiratory group.13 The ventral respiratory twigs), which, upon reaching the muscle fiber, further
group has the neurons that generate the respiratory rhythm.14 divide into bulbous projections called boutons that apply
The centers that are thought to be the major sites of res- themselves to the muscle membrane at specialized ana-
piratory-rhythm generation are the Botzinger complex and tomical junctions called the motor endplates. These bou-
the pre-Botzinger complex.15 Rhythmic neuron firing in tons contain the acetylcholine that is the chemical trans-
these regions acts much like a pacemaker for the respi- mitter that excites the muscle to contract. With nerve firing,
ratory system. The genesis of the rhythmic firing of the there is release of acetylcholine at the motor endplate into
neurons is thought to result from either an intrinsic pace- the cleft between the nerve and muscle. The acetylcholine
maker capability of cells within the pre-Botzinger com- binds to receptors on the muscle side of the motor end-
plex16 or the interaction of neurons within several of the plate, which results in a suprathreshold excitatory end-
respiratory centers.17 plate potential, depolarization of the muscle membrane,



and a muscle action potential that results in contraction of VII, IX, X, XI, and XII, and many of the central control
the muscle fiber.20 centers are the same as those described above for the more
commonly considered ventilatory muscles.
Respiratory Muscles. The respiratory muscles are the
mechanical effectors of the breathing system. The respi- Feedback Control. The respiratory control mechanisms
ratory muscles are often divided into 3 major groups: the depend on both chemical and neural receptors found in
inspiratory muscles, the expiratory muscles, and the ac- peripheral and central sites. An excellent discussion of this
cessory muscles of respiration. The muscles of the upper topic is available.25 The automatic respiratory centers in
airway that maintain patency during the respiratory cycle the brainstem described above respond to inputs from the
are often also considered muscles of respiration. feedback receptors and adjust neural output to the muscles
The diaphragm is the major muscle of inspiration; it that control ventilation and upper-airway patency.
contributes approximately 70% to inspiratory tidal volume Neural receptors fall into a number of different classes
in the normal individual.21 The innervation of the dia- and are present in the upper airway, respiratory muscles,
phragm is via the phrenic nerve, which originates from lungs, and pulmonary vessels (Fig. 4A).25 Activation of
cervical nerve roots 3 through 5. The intercostal muscles these receptors signals the central respiratory centers via
are thin sheets of muscular fibers that run between the ribs, the vagus nerve. The respiratory centers then adjust respi-
in the costal spaces.22 There are 2 sheets of muscle fibers: ratory drive and output to the respiratory muscles to affect
the external and internal intercostals. The external inter- ventilation and reflexes such as cough and sneeze. The
costals expand the rib cage during inspiration. The internal neural receptors include muscle spindles and slowly adapt-
intercostals are deeper and have an important role during ing pulmonary stretch receptors, which predominantly re-
expiration. Innervation of the intercostals is via the inter- spond to changes in lung and thoracic-cage volume. These
costal nerves, which originate from the thoracic spinal are the receptors involved in the Hering-Breuer reflex, in
nerve roots. which inspiration is halted as higher lung volume is ap-
The abdominal muscles (rectus abdominus, internal proached; the stretching of muscle and chest-wall recep-
oblique, external oblique, and tranversus abdominus) serve tors feed back negatively to inspiratory centers in the me-
a number of inspiratory and expiratory functions. The in- dulla. Rapidly acting irritant receptors respond to changes
ternal and external obliques and the transversus abdomi- in lung volume and react to chemical stimuli such as his-
nus result in an inward movement of the abdominal wall, tamines, noxious stimuli, and prostaglandins. C-fiber end-
which displaces the diaphragm into the thoracic cavity and ings in the airways and lung are stimulated by chemical
assists exhalation. The rectus abdominus, as well as the stimuli in the local environment. These neural receptors
internal and external obliques, result in downward move- are probably the ones that mediate the hyperventilation
ment of the lower rib cage, an increase in pleural pressure, and hypocapnia that occur despite administration of oxy-
and exhalation. The abdominal muscles may also play a gen in various pulmonary disorders, such as asthma, pul-
minor role in inspiration.22 Below function residual capac- monary embolism, pneumonia, and pulmonary edema.4
ity, abdominal-muscle contraction stores elastic recoil en- Chemoreceptors are found peripherally and in the cen-
ergy in the chest wall, which assists during the next tral nervous system (see Fig. 4B).25 The peripheral che-
inspiration. moreceptors include the carotid and aortic bodies. These
The accessory muscles of respiration (sternocleidomas- receptors are the primary sites for sensing of the PaO2, but
toid, scalenes, trapezii, latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major they also respond to a lesser extent to PaCO2 and pH. They
and minor muscles, and platysma) may assist inspiration increase their neural firing in response to PaO2 (when it
during situations of ventilatory demand, such as during falls below 75 mm Hg) and to increasing PaCO2 and de-
exercise in a normal person, or in disease states in which creasing pH. The aortic chemoreceptors are more impor-
other inspiratory muscles are impaired, such as quadriple- tant in infancy, whereas the carotid receptors are key in
gia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. These mus- adults.26 Once stimulated, the impulses from the carotid
cles expand the rib cage during inspiration, and it is now bodies travel through the 9th cranial nerve to the nucleus
clear that some of them function during minimal exertion tractus solitarius, where neurotransmitters are released that
and even at rest.23 increase ventilation.27 There may be other peripheral re-
The muscles of the upper airway are also considered ceptors that are as yet unidentified, as the carotid bodies do
muscles of respiration, because they maintain patency of not mediate the hyperventilation seen in exercise.28
the upper airway during respiration and allow air to flow Central-nervous-system chemoreceptors are crucial in
into and out of the lungs without interruption.24 These the adjustments of ventilation to acid-base disturbances.
muscles include the abductors of the vocal cords, the pal- There are 4 groups of chemosensitive neurons in the brain-
atal elevators, retractors of the tongue, and dilators of the stem: the locus ceruleus, the nucleus tractus solitarius, the
nares. These muscles are innervated by cranial nerves V, midline raphe, and ventrolateral quadrant of the medulla.



Fig. 4. A: Mechanical receptors involved in respiratory feedback. B: Chemical receptors and feedback loops that control automatic
respiration. (Both diagrams from Reference 25, with permission.)

The central chemoreceptors are responsible for most of sion can abolish the ventilatory response to change in
the response to carbon dioxide, which is mediated central pH.27
through the detection of a fall in the pH of the cerebro-
spinal fluid associated with an increase in cerebrospi-
Diseases That Affect the Respiratory System
nal-fluid PCO2.29
CO2 is lipid-soluble and moves rapidly into the cen-
tral nervous system with responses, and it appears that The diseases of the neurorespiratory system can be or-
the parasympathetic nervous system is important in the ganized most logically by examining them in the frame of
response mechanism of cerebrospinal-fluid pH changes. reference of the functional anatomic analysis described
This is supported by data from animal experiments that above. Table 1 lists diseases of the central nervous system
show that chemical inhibition of acetylcholine transmis- that affect the respiratory system. Table 2 lists diseases of



Table 1. Diseases of the Central Nervous System Associated With Respiratory Dysfunction

Cerebral Cortex Brainstem Basal Ganglia Spinal Cord

Stroke Infarction (locked-in syndrome) Parkinson disease Trauma

Neoplasm Neoplasm Chorea Infarction or hemorrhage
Cerebral degeneration Drugs Dyskinesias Dymyelinating disease
Seizures Hemorrhage Disc compression
Progressive bulbar palsy Syringomyelia
Multiple-system atrophy Tetanus
Poliomyelitis Strychnine poisoning
Anoxic encephalopathy Neoplasm
Encephalitis Motor neuron disease
Multiple sclerosis Epidural abscess
Primary alveolar hypoventilation

Table 2. Diseases of the Peripheral Nervous System Associated With Respiratory Dysfunction

Motor Nerves Neuromuscular Junction Myopathies

Motor-neuron disease Drugs Myotonic dystrophy

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Antibiotics Muscular dystrophies
Spinal muscular atrophy Neuromuscular-junction blockers Polymyositis and dermatomyositis
Guillain-Barre syndrome Anticholinesterase inhibitors Thick-filament myopathy
Critical-illness neuropathy Corticosteroids Glycogen-storage diseases
Vasculitides Lidocaine Pompe disease
Toxins (eg, lithium, arsenic, gold) Quinidine McArdle disease
Metabolic Lithium Tarui disease
Diabetes Antirheumatics Severe hypokalemia
Porphyria Toxins Hypophosphatemia
Uremia Botulism Mitochondrial myopathy
Lymphoma Snake venom Nemaline body myopathy
Diphtheria Scorpion sting Acid maltase deficiency
Shellfish poisoning
Crab poisoning
Myasthenia gravis
Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome

the peripheral nervous system that affect the respiratory but it can be due to pontine tumor, central pontine mye-
system. linolysis, high cervical demyelination, syphilitic arteritis
of the medulla, or head injury.4
Central-Nervous-System Diseases Extrapyramidal disorders such as Parkinsonism can also
affect voluntary breathing.32 In these disorders, patients
Diseases of Voluntary Breathing: A number of disor- are unable to voluntarily affect the breathing pattern, and
ders can affect the pathways (corticospinal tracts) that con- they may also show a Cheyne-Stokes respiratory pattern
nect the voluntary respiratory centers of the cortex to the and other breathing abnormalities. Hemispheric lesions can
spinal motor neurons. A mid-pontine stroke can affect the also affect breathing. In hemiplegia following stroke, chest-
corticospinal tracts and cause what is know as the locked-in wall and diaphragm movements on the contralateral side
syndrome, first described by Plum and Posner in 1966.30 of the cortical injury can be decreased.33
In this syndrome, caused by injury to the basilar pons, the
patient is nearly totally paralyzed, with the exception of Diseases of Automatic Breathing. The classic disrup-
eye movement. Injury to the reticulospinal tracts causes tion of automatic but not voluntary breathing is that of
lost of volitional, but not automatic, breathing. There is Ondines curse.34 Injury to the automatic respiratory cen-
preserved response to automatic breathing and changes in ters in the brainstem leads to central sleep apnea when the
PaCO2, but no ability to voluntarily control breathing.31 patient falls asleep and loses voluntary triggering of res-
This syndrome is most commonly due to ischemic stroke, piration. This can be seen in unilateral and bilateral med-



ullary infarction, bulbar poliomyelitis, bilateral cervical Table 3. Causes of Phrenic Neuropathy
tractotomy (for chronic pain), and congenital central alve-
olar hypoventilation, which is a rare genetic disorder of
Cardiac surgery with cold cardioplegia
infants.4 Many of the disorders of all parts of the neuro-
Blunt trauma
respiratory system lead to hypoventilation and the need for Radiation injury
ventilatory support. However, this is not always the case. Cervical manipulation
Hyperventilation can be caused by abnormalities in the Scalene and brachial nerve block
central controllers of breathing. Central-nervous-system Tumor compression
infection and tumor can result in hyperventilation.35 In a Metabolic
number of conditions the central controllers are normal but Diabetes
are driven to produce hyperventilation by disease within Vitamin deficiency (B6, B12, folate)
the body, drugs, or environmental stimuli. These include Hypothyroidism
fever, sepsis, pain, pregnancy, medications (such as pro- Inflammatory neuritis
Idiopathic (neuralgic amyotrophy, Parsonage-Turner syndrome)
gesterone and salicylates), and high altitude. A variety of
Mononeuritis multiplex
irregular breathing patterns are also associated with cen-
tral-nervous-system disease, including Cheyne-Stokes res- Cervical spondylosis
piration and ataxic breathing.30 Poliomyelitis
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Diseases of the Spinal Cord. Diseases of the spinal
cord often dramatically affect breathing because of their
direct impact on control of motor nerves that lead to re- one of the diaphragm leaflets is affected. These patients
spiratory muscles. Although traumatic injury is the major may have no symptoms and relatively normal pulmonary
cause of spinal-cord pathology, some other causes include function, or they may have symptoms and vital-capacity
tumor, vascular accident, transverse myelitis, syringomy- reduction of up to 75%.36 In patients with bilateral phren-
elia, and epidural abscess (see Table 1). High (cervical) ic-nerve involvement the vital capacity is always reduced,
spinal-cord injury is a common cause of a requirement for and these patients are almost always symptomatic. Orthop-
long-term ventilation. Because the diaphragm is the major nea and dyspnea on immersion and with exertion are re-
muscle of inspiration and ventilation (C3C5 spinal nerve ported symptoms,37 and the vital capacity is often as low
roots), the level of the spinal-cord injury or pathology as 45% of predicted. Noninvasive positive-pressure ven-
determines the effect on ventilatory function. For lesions tilation is often used with these patients. Phrenic-nerve
at C3 and above, ventilatory support is almost invariably pacing is generally not an option for these patients, as an
required. Injuries between C3 and C5 will differ in the intact nerve is necessary for the pacemaker to function.
requirement for ventilatory support. Injuries below C5 are
almost always independent of continuous ventilator sup- Diseases of the Respiratory Muscles. A large number
port. Because cough function largely depends on abdom- of disorders, both acute and chronic, can affect the respi-
inal and intercostal muscle function (spinal nerve roots ratory muscles (see Table 3). In the intensive-care setting,
T1L1), cervical, thoracic, and even some high lumbar critical illness neuropathy/myopathy is a very common
spinal-cord injury can affect the ability to cough and clear and potentially devastating complication of intensive care.
secretions. A full discussion of this topic will be presented in Steven
Deems contribution to this Journal Conference, which
Diseases of the Motor Nerves and the Neuromuscular will appear in the September 2006 issue of RESPIRATORY
Junction. Disorders of the motor nerves and the neuro- CARE.38
muscular junction can occur acutely, such as in Guillain- There are many causes of chronic muscle disease that
Barre syndrome or botulinum toxicity, or more chroni- result in respiratory-muscle dysfunction, including genetic
cally, such as in motor-neuron disease or myasthenia gravis muscular dystrophies, myopathies, and myotonias, as well
(see Table 2). Again, the level of the motor-nerve root or as inflammatory myopathies and those associated with sys-
neuromuscular junction predominantly affected will dic- temic diseases. A prototype for chronic muscular diseases
tate the effect on the respiratory system. More detailed is Duchenne muscular dystrophy, in which there is slow
descriptions of acute and chronic motor-neuron disorders progressive loss of muscle function, with respiratory-mus-
will appear in other papers from this Journal Conference. cle dysfunction occurring later in the course of the disease.
Phrenic-nerve dysfunction is a common problem en- The condition is due to a genetic defect that occurs in
countered in various in-patient and out-patient clinical sce- approximately 1 in 3,300 live male births and causes a
narios (Table 3). One or both of the phrenic nerves can be deficiency or absence of dystrophin, which is an important
affected. In the case of unilateral phrenic-nerve injury only structural protein in the muscle myofibril. Although con-



scope of the respiratory therapist. In fact, successful im-

plementation of a program of care for individuals with
neurorespiratory disease depends in large part on the re-
spiratory therapist.


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Discussion tory and expiratory motor neurons, the frostbite.1 It was the cardioplegia
shortness-of-breath center has now (iced saline lavage) that was damag-
Giordano:* I read something about been discovered, using functional MRI ing the nerves, and when they started
the H5N1 virus, and I understand that [magnetic resonance imaging], and its using insulators, the rate went down. I
bird flu has an important neural com- in the insula, near pain centers. And havent seen a case in over 10 years
ponent. Could you comment on that, perhaps its not surprising that the now. Do you use insula tors in Seat-
Josh? cosmic committee put it there, since tle?
shortness of breath is a discomfort.
Benditt: Im going to defer to my neu- You might refer to the work of Ban-
rologist colleague, Dr Dhand. zett et al1 and Evans et al.2
1. Wheeler WE, Rubis LJ, Jones CW, Harrah
Upinder Dhand: I havent come REFERENCES JD. Etiology and prevention of topical car-
across any report with regard to avian diac hypothermia-induced phrenic nerve in-
influenza causing neuromuscular 1. Banzett RB, Mulnier HE, Murphy K, Rosen jury and left lower lobe atelectasis during
SD, Wise RJ, Adams L. Breathlessness in cardiac surgery. Chest 1985;88(5):680
problems, but West Nile virus infec- humans activates insular cortex. Neurore- 683.
tion is associated with neuromuscular port 2000;11(10):21172120.
paralysis, which is very similar to po- 2. Evans KC, Banzett RB, Adams L, McKay Benditt: I think the frequency that I
liomyelitis, presenting as asymmetric L, Frackowiak RS, Corfield DR. BOLD
see is related to my practice rather
flaccid paralysis. I am not aware of fMRI identifies limbic, paralimbic, and cer-
ebellar activation during air hunger. J Neu- than the skill level of the cardiac sur-
any reports of that with avian flu. geons, because, yes, in Seattle we use
rophysiol 2002;88(3):15001511.
insulators, and the frequency of the
Brown: I want to suggest that you Hill: I was surprised to hear you men- post-heart-surgery problems has gone
consider including information in your tion how frequently you see phrenic way down. At our institution we have
paper about shortness of breath, which nerve palsies. In the late 1980s and a lot of pretty complex elderly patients,
is often left out in discussions of the early 1990s I saw a high frequency of and I would say I see perhaps three a
neurophysiology of the respiratory those patients after open-heart-sur- year who have that condition. And its
system. As you noted about inspira- gery. These were usually older women probably not the technique, but the un-
who had large hearts with valvular dis- derlying protoplasm. ButI see tons of
ease, and they had phrenic nerve in- other causes. The Parsonage-Turner
* Sam P Giordano MBA RRT FAARC, Exec-
juries. Studies around that time found syndrome or the brachial plexopathy
utive Director, American Association for Re- that the pathophysiology was proba- is much more common than I ever
spiratory Care bly what we referred to as phrenic would have thought. I see them be-



cause my practice focuses on neuro- thought then that we should have put REFERENCE
muscular disease, and people send me in 2 insulators to see if it made a dif- 1. Gregory RP, Loh L, Newsom-Davis J. Re-
their problem patients. One thing Ive ference, but we never got around to current isolated alternating phrenic nerve
noted is that most physicians think that that. Soon thereafter the surgeons palsies: a variant of brachial neuritis? Tho-
you can use phrenic pacemakers for rax 1990;45(5):420421.
abandoned using saline slush, and just
injury to the phrenic nerve. So I get a used cold saline, and we stopped see-
lot of referrals for that, and, unfortu- Lechtzin: Ive seen a fair number
ing the problem.
nately, I have the bad luck to have to of patients who have bilateral phren-
I understand that there are cardiac
tell them that they cant do that. But I ic-nerve involvement, and the neurol-
surgery centers (I think developed at ogists tell me its brachial amyotro-
see a lot of other causes. I agree with the University of Toronto) in which
you that the frequency of the cardiac- phy. I take their word for it. Have you
cold cardioplegia is no longer used; had the same experience?
surgery-related phrenic-nerve injury instead they use other methods, in
has gone down.
which the temperature of the heart isnt Benditt: I have seen them sequen-
reduced like that. So I think it is a tially. That is, I recently had a patient
Brown: I have unpublished obser-
function of the temperatureand a who came in with one, and then again
vations regarding cold cardioplegia.
function of the change in the methods maybe 6 months later, with one on the
Years ago at the West Roxbury Vet-
erans Affairs Hospital, in Boston, used for cold cardioplegiathat has other side. I personally havent seen a
where I used to work, I saw a number caused us to stop seeing this disorder. patient present initially with both
of patients after open-heart surgery phrenic nerves involved at once. I cant
who had bilateral phrenic-nerve lung tell you why that is. Upinder, do you
Panitch: We also see traumatic have experience with that?
dysfunction, and I wondered whether phrenic-nerve injury, typically after re-
something was going on in the proce- pair of congenital heart defects. The
dure. At the time, the surgeons at that Upinder Dhand: Usually with neu-
incidence in pediatrics ranges widely ralgic amyotrophy its going to be uni-
hospital were using saline slush for
among the reports, and probably has a lateral. But there are incidences of bi-
cold cardioplegia, putting it in the peri-
lot to do with the type of repairs being lateral (more often one after the other)
cardium. Well, thats pretty cold stuff.
done at different institutions. The other or simultaneous involvement resulting
We went into the operating room and
instance in which we see phrenic-nerve in bilateral brachial neuritis or Par-
put thermistor probes into the pericar-
damage is from traumatic birth injury. sonage-Turner syndrome. These pa-
dium region where the saline slush was
being placed, and, more often than not, About 75% of the time its associated tients have hereditary neuralgic amy-
the diaphragm dysfunction was on the with an ipsilateral Erb palsy, and 25% otrophy. So if one looks further, there
left, not on the right, not always bi- of the time its an isolated phrenic- will be a positive family history in
lateral, and the temperature in the re- nerve injury. them.
gion of the left phrenic nerve reached
4C, which I subsequently learned is Pierson: Following up on Bob
Upinder Dhand: The bilateral Browns reminder to us about dyspnea
sufficient to cause frostbite. phrenic neuropathy can also have mul- as an important aspect of your topic, I
So we did a controlled trial with
tiple causes: not just ALS [amyotro- want to bring up the hyperventilation
about 30 patients, whom we randomly
phic lateral sclerosis]. One of the very syndromes, which are a complicated
assigned to receive insulator or not.
important etiologies is chronic inflam- and incompletely understood collec-
One of the radiologists got involved
matory demyelinating polyneurop- tion of conditions that I suspect we
and read the postoperative chest ra-
athy, which should always be kept in wont have a chance to talk about more
diographs of these patients, thinking
mind, especially because it is treat- at this conference. These syndromes
that he would be able to tell who had
able. The distinction is easy with surely must have to do with ventila-
had an insulator by looking at the ra-
phrenic-nerve conduction, which tory drive and its integration at some
diographs and the number of abnor-
shows markedly prolonged latencies level.
malities in the left and right lung. Well,
for the diaphragm compound muscle- Just for interests sake, the other
the insulator was effective only inas-
action potential. Patients with neural- comment I would like to make is a
much as the lowest temperature re-
corded was now not 4C, but 10C, gic amyotrophy (also called Parson-
which is still pretty darned cold. The age-Turner syndrome) may also
David J Pierson MD FAARC, Division of
radiologist, it turned out, after we present with isolated phrenic neurop- Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Har-
broke the code, could not tell any athy, without the weakness in the borview Medical Center, University of Wash-
difference in the chest radiographs. We shoulder girdle or other muscles.1 ington, Seattle, Washington.



reflection on the complexity of the ven- a very late finding or may not exist at at Massachusetts General Hospital,
tilatory drive system in having both all, whereas all the other problems you weve been operating for 5 years and
voluntary and involuntary compo- mentioned (hypercapnia, aspiration, have seen 15 cases of bilateral dia-
nents. In the world of comparative and airway protection) are much more phragm paralysis, only one of which
physiology there are examples of other important. was recognized prior to the patient
involuntary, non-gas-exchange func- arriving in the unit. I think one of
tions in addition to those you discussed Benditt: I did not mention hypox- the odd problems is that patients de-
in humans, such as panting for tem- emia, but Ill talk about that tomor- velop respiratory failure from bilat-
perature-control in dogs, and purring row. A very common problem we see eral diaphragm dysfunction, and its
to indicate contentment in cats. in treating people with chronic neuro- not generally recognized in intensive
muscular disease is that a finger oxime- care units, on general wards, and so
Benditt: Thank you all for those ter will indicate that the patient may on. Its a very easy diagnosis to make,
comments and great suggestions. Ob- be hypoxemic, and theyre treated in right at the bedside. The causes in
viously its a very complicated sys- the typical fashion for hypoxemic re- the respiratory-acute-care unit have
tem, and in my talk I didnt include spiratory failure, not hypercarbic. And been extremely variable: neuropa-
things about the limbic system, dys- it leads to all types of complications. thies of various sorts; commonly, di-
pnea centers, and so forth. So when Im talking with residents abetes seems to be an etiologic fac-
and students, I try to separate out hy- tor, and then trauma, surgical
Mehta: I was interested in your last poxemia, and although it may be a complications, and the likethe
slide, when you talked about inspira- finding, it is the least important of the myriad of causes you referred to. So
tory muscle weakness how hypox- findings. So, I agree. I think a problem for us is to teach
emia didnt even come up. I think its others how to think about this diag-
important to emphasize that in neuro- Brown: This came as a surprise to nosis and how to make the diagno-
muscular disease, hypoxemia may be me. In the respiratory-acute-care unit sis, even at the bedside.


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