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Graphite-Ethylene=Propylene=Diene Terpolymer Composite

Electrodes. A New Electrode Material for Electrochemical
Luis Alonso, ConcepcioÂn Parrado, MarõÂa Pedrero, Lourdes AguÈÂõ, and Jose M. PingarroÂn*
Departamento de QuõÂmica AnalõÂtica, Facultad de Ciencias QuõÂmicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, E-28040 Madrid, Spain

Received: September 30, 1998

Final version: November 18, 1998

The preparation and electroanalytical performance of a new composite electrode material, fabricated by mixing graphite and the
ethylene=propylene=diene (EPD) terpolymer is reported. The voltammetric and ¯ow-injection with amperometric detection responses at this
composite electrode of several substances of different solubilities in water are discussed and compared with those obtained at graphite-
Te¯on composite and glassy carbon electrodes. An EPD content around 2% ensures good compactness of the material and an adequate
conductivity. Under ¯owing conditions, these electrodes show better signal-to-background ratios than those obtained with the other
electrode materials tested. Furthermore, the new electrodes show very good resistance to fouling with no need of electrode surface pre-
treatment. The presence of a high content of organic solvent in the carrier solution produces a sharp decrease in the amperometric current
thus limiting the advantageous use of the graphite-EPD composite electrodes to predominantly aqueous media.
Keywords: Graphite, Ethylene=propylene=diene terpolymer, Composite electrodes, Flow-injection with amperometric detection

1. Introduction electrode and compared with those obtained at graphite-Te¯on

composite and glassy carbon electrodes.
The development of new electrode materials capable of
improving the functional characteristics of conventional electro-
des such as renewability, manageability, versatility, sensitivity
and low price has attracted great attention during the past [1],
2. Experimental
mainly in connection with the wider and wider use of electro-
chemical detectors in ¯owing systems.
2.1. Apparatus and Electrodes
In this context, carbon-based materials have been extensively The measurements were performed on a Eco Chemie Autolab
studied, and, besides the well-known carbon paste electrodes [2], PSTAT 10 potentiostat using the software packages GPES 3.1
materials such as reticulated vitreous carbon [3, 4], and compo- and 3.4.
sites fabricated by mixing graphite with Te¯on [5, 6], Kel-F [7], A Metrohm 6.0805.010 glassy carbon electrode as well as
PVC [8, 9], zeolites [10], sol-gel matrices [11] or paraseal wax graphite (Ultra F purity, Carbon of America)-PTFE (polytetra-
[12] have been employed with analytical purposes. ¯uorethylene)(Aldrich) and graphite-EPD (ethylene=propylene=
In particular, and besides other important advantages, it has diene terpolymer, Aldrich) composite electrodes were used as
been claimed that composite electrodes exhibit current density working electrodes. A Ag=AgCl BAS MF2063 reference elec-
enhancement when they are used for electrochemical detection in trode, and a platinum wire counter electrode were also used in
¯owing streams [1]. Recently, we have critically compared par- batch experiments, while a Ag=AgCl=KCl 3 mol Lÿ1 Metrohm
af®n carbon paste and graphite-Te¯on composite electrodes 6.0727.000 reference electrode, and a Au 6.0333.010 counter
concerning the voltammetric and ¯ow-injection amperometric electrode were used for ¯ow injection measurements.
behavior of several antioxidants of different hydrophobicity [13]. The ¯ow-injection arrangement consisted of a Gilson Mini-
This article reports on the preparation and electroanalytical puls-3 peristaltic pump, and a Rheodyne Model 5020 injection
performance of a new composite electrode material, constructed valve with variable injection volumes. Detection was accom-
by mixing graphite and the ethylene=propylene=diene (EPD) plished by using a Metrohm EA-1096 wall-jet cell, and potentials
terpolymer (poly(ethylene-co-propylene-co-5-methylene-2-nor- were controlled by means of the Eco Chemie Autolab mentioned
bornene)), a rubbery material with a 70 wt. % ethylene and a 4 wt above.
% 5-methylene-2-norbornene content, used in the construction of A P-Selecta ultrasonic bath and a Carver pellet press were also
secondary lithium ion batteries [14] offering a good bending and used.
impact resistance with improved surface properties. No ante-
cedents were found in the literature regarding the use of this
polymer as binding agent for the fabrication of composite vol-
2.2. Composite Electrodes Preparation
tammetric electrodes. Various substances, differing in their
solubility in water, were chosen as analytical probes. Thus, the Graphite-PTFE pellets were prepared following the procedure
voltammetric and ¯ow-injection with amperometric detection previously described [15]. Then, several 3.5 mm diameter disk
responses of potassium ferrocyanide, ascorbic acid, penta- portions of the pellet were bored, and each disk was press-®tted
chlorophenol and the herbicide thiram (tetramethyl-thiur- into a 3.5 mm i.d. Te¯on holder. Electrical contact was made
amdisul®de) were examined at the graphite-EPD terpolymer through a stainless steel screw.

Electroanalysis 1999, 11, No. 3 # WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim, 1999 1040±0397/99/0303±0161 $17.50‡:50=0
162 L. Alonso et al.

Graphite-EPD pellets were prepared by thoroughly hand- 3. Results and Discussion

mixing the appropriate amounts of graphite and a 1255 mg Lÿ1
solution of the terpolymer in cyclohexane (Panreac), depending As mentioned above, four different substances were selected
on the ®nal EPD percentage required, until cyclohexane was to test the behavior of graphite-EPD electrodes. From higher
completely evaporated. Next, the mixture was pressed into pellets to lower solubility in water, these substances were potassium
with a 5.0 mm diameter Carver pellet press at 2000 Kg cmÿ2 for ferrocyanide, ascorbic acid, pentachlorophenol and thiram. Tak-
10 min. Afterwards, each pellet was press-®tted into a 3.5 mm i.d. ing into account the electroanalytical data from the literature [5,
te¯on holder where electrical contact, as occurred with graphite- 6], as well as some preliminary assays, different working media,
PTFE pellets, was made through a stainless steel screw. in which these compounds have been shown to exhibit good
electrochemical responses, were selected. Thus, aqueous solu-
tions of potassium ferrocyanide and ascorbic acid, using
0.1 mol Lÿ1 HCl and 0.1 mol Lÿ1 HClO4 as supporting electro-
lytes, respectively, a 2 : 98 methanol: 0.1 mol Lÿ1 phosphate
2.3. Reagents and Solutions buffer solution of pH 7.0 for pentachlorophenol, and a 10 : 90
Pentachlorophenol, and thiram (Aldrich) stock solutions methanol : 0.1 mol Lÿ1 phosphate buffer solution of pH 7.4 for
(1.0610ÿ3 mol Lÿ1 ) in methanol (Panreac), and potassium fer- thiram were employed.
rocyanide (Sigma), and ascorbic acid (Merck) stock solutions Table 1 summarizes the data (Ep and the peak current to
(1.0610ÿ3 mol Lÿ1 ) in water, were prepared weekly by weigh- background current ratio) obtained by cyclic voltammetry at the
ing. More dilute standards were obtained by suitable dilution three types of electrodes used. Two different percentages of EPD
with 0.1 mol Lÿ1 HClO4 (ascorbic acid), 0.1 mol Lÿ1 HCl and Te¯on were tested in the case of composite electrodes. As
(potassium ferrocyanide), and 0.1 mol Lÿ1 HPO4 2ÿ =H2 PO4 ÿ can be observed, the oxidation response of each substance
(pentachlorophenol and thiram). All chemicals were of analytical appeared at similar potential values at the different electrodes.
reagent grade, and the water used was obtained from a Millipore However, the ip=ib ratio was always considerably higher at gra-
Milli-Q puri®cation system. Acetonitrile (Panreac) was also used. phite-EPD composite electrodes than at the other electrode
materials. This is specially true for the more hydrophilic analyte
checked and, in general, this trend becomes more evident as the
hydrophobicity of the compound decreased. As an example,
Figure 1 shows cyclic voltammograms recorded for Fe(CN)4ÿ 6
2.4. Procedures and ascorbic acid at a graphite-2% EPD composite electrode.

The graphite-PTFE and graphite-EPD composite electrodes

were polished daily, ®rst for 5 s on a 150 grit SiC paper, and then 3.1. Voltammetric Behavior Under Hydrodynamic
on weighing paper until a shiny surface was obtained. This
procedure was the same as that previously used for graphite-
PTFE electrodes [5, 6]. No chemical or electrochemical regen- The graphite-to-insulator (EPD, Te¯on) ratio is an important
eration of the electrodes was then necessary during the whole characteristic of the electrode material regarding properties such
working day. as mechanical resistance, electrical conductivity, compatibility
The glassy carbon electrode was polished before each mea- with organic solvents and swelling phenomena in ¯owing sys-
surement with alumina powder (particle size lower than 0.3 mm) tems. In this case, composite pellets with EPD contents lower
for 1 min; then it was sonicated in water and ®nally dried with a than 1% showed poor compactness which makes the electrode
clean tissue. construction dif®cult. The same drawback had been previously
All measurements were carried out under ambient conditions. observed for Te¯on composite electrodes with insulator percen-
For the voltammetric studies linear sweep voltammetric scans tages lower than 40% [6]. Furthermore, EPD contents above 10%
were initiated from 0.00 V towards more positive values. (or 90% in the case of Te¯on) gave rise to a loss of conductivity
Amperometric measurements in ¯ow injection experiments were preventing the use of the pellets as electrode material. Therefore,
performed by applying a potential of ‡1:0 V to the electrode. EPD contents of 1, 2 and 4%, as well as Te¯on percentages of 40,
Calibration plots for all the compounds under study were 60 and 80% were used for the fabrication of the composite
obtained by injecting a 150 mL aliquot of the compound stock electrodes, which were tested under hydrodynamic conditions for
solution into the carrier at a ¯ow rate of 3.0 mL minÿ1 . the above-mentioned four substances.

Table 1. Electroanalytical data obtained by cyclic voltammetry at different graphite-EPD and graphite-Te¯on composite electrodes. See text for the
working medium used for each compound. GC: glassy carbon electrode.
ip : ib=Ep, [V]

Electrode Fe(CN)4ÿ
6 Ascorbic Penthachlorophenol Thiram
Graphite-2% EPD 138=0.426 11.7=0.643 5.3=0.681 4.1=0.738
Graphite-4% EPD 144=0.426 8.2=0.662 2.6=0.691 1.9=0.719
Graphite-40% Te¯on 6.6=0.445 4.4=0.660 1.4=0.691 1.5=0.738
Graphite-60% Te¯on 2.9=0.558 1.5=0.596 2.1=0.747 1.5=0.747
GC 1.6=0.426 1.7=0.710 1.3=0.719 1.5=0.738

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Graphite-Ethylene=Propylene=Diene Terpolymer Composite Electrodes 163

Fig. 1. Cyclic voltammograms for Fe(CN)4ÿ

6 (a) and ascorbic acid (b) at a
graphite ± 2% EPD composite electrode. Dotted lines show background
voltammograms (0.1 mo Lÿ1 HCl and 0.1 mol Lÿ1 HClO4, respectively),
v ˆ 50 mVsÿ1 .

As an example, Figure 2 shows hydrodynamic voltammo-

grams for 1.0610ÿ4 mol Lÿ1 ascorbic acid and thiram obtained
at the graphite-EPD composite electrodes with a ¯ow rate of
3.0 mL minÿ1 . Obviously, the carrier solution consisted in each Fig. 2. Hydrodynamic voltammograms obtained at graphite ± 1% (1), 2%
case of the same working medium used for each particular (2) or 4% (3) EPD composite electrodes for 1.0610ÿ4 mol Lÿ1 ascorbic
compound. As can be observed, well-de®ned current plateaus acid (a) and thiram (b). Dotted voltammograms correspond to the
were obtained in all cases, showing no signi®cant differences in background voltammograms (0.1 mol Lÿ1 HClO4 and 10 : 90 methanol:
shape among them. Table 2 summarizes values for the half-wave 0.1 mol Lÿ1 phosphate buffer solution of pH 7.4 for ascorbic acid and
potential (E1=2 ) and the limiting current to background current thiram, respectively); ¯ow rate, 3.0 mL minÿ1 .
ratio (il=ib) obtained from this type of voltammograms at the
different electrode materials tested. As expected, both, the lim- that is, their resistance to fouling or their ability to yield repro-
iting and the background currents decreased for the composite ducible responses with no need of surface regeneration pre-
electrodes as the insulator percentage increased, and, therefore, treatments. When consecutive hydrodynamic voltammograms
the il=ib ratio constitutes a more appropriate parameter to check were registered with a conventional GC electrode, regeneration of
the performance of the different electrode materials. the electrode surface by polishing was necessary to obtain
In general, it can be said that the half-wave potentials for the reproducible voltammograms, specially for the more hydro-
more hydrophilic analytes (Fe(CN)4ÿ 6 and ascorbic acid) phobic analytes. However, no polishing was needed between
appeared at less positive potentials at graphite-EPD electrodes consecutive scans both with graphite-EPD and graphite-Te¯on
than at graphite-Te¯on electrodes. Furthermore, the E1=2 values electrodes, with RSD values for E1=2 and il=ib ranging between 1
at the EPD composite electrodes are very similar to those and 5% (n ˆ 5). These results indicate good reproducibility of
obtained at a conventional glassy carbon electrode. However, like the composite electrode responses with no need of pretreatment
in cyclic coltammetry, the il=ib ratio for these compounds is of the electrode surface, which is specially advantageous under
notably better at graphite-EPD composite electrodes, specially ¯owing working conditions.
for insulator percentages of 1±2%. Regarding pentachlorophenol
and thiram, the more hydrophobic compounds tested, their E1=2
values are similar and even lower at graphite-Te¯on electrodes
than at graphite-EPD electrodes and GC (0.71  0.01 V and
3.2. Flow-Injection with Amperometric Detection.
0.91  0.02 V, respectively), indicating a more hydrophobic nat-
ure of the Te¯on composite electrodes. The il=ib ratio for pen-
Analytical Characteristics
tachlorophenol is very similar at the different electrodes, whereas The obtention of hydrodynamic voltammograms with well-
it is considerably higher at graphite-EPD electrodes in the case of de®ned current plateaus at the composite electrodes allowed the
thiram. development of ¯ow-injection with amperometric detection
One of the most important practical features in the behavior of analytical methods for the four compounds tested. In order to be
composite electrodes under ¯owing conditions is their stability, able to compare results, the same constant applied potential was

Electroanalysis 1999, 11, No. 3

164 L. Alonso et al.

Table 2. E1=2 and limiting-to-background current ratio (il=ib) obtained by hydrodynamic voltammetry at graphite-EPD and graphite-Te¯on composite
electrodes. Flow rate: 3.0 mL minÿ1 ; concentration for each compound: 1.0610ÿ4 mol Lÿ1 .
E1=2 [V]=il : ib

Electrode Fe(CN)4ÿ
6 Ascorbic acid Pentachlorophenol Thiram
Graphite-1% EPD 0.43 0.02=20.47 0.07 0.66  0.01=9.2  0.7 0.69  0.02=1.6  0.2 0.802  0.006=10.1  0.8
Graphite-2% EPD 0.41 0.01=13.17 0.05 0.73  0.7=8.8  0.2 0.71  0.01=3.0  0.1 0.802 0.006=3.81  0.04
Graphite-4% EPD 0.40 0.01=9.51  0.09 0.73  0.2=5.4  0.2 0.68  0.02=1.80  0.05 0.738 0.006=4.61  0.03
Graphite-40% Te¯on 0.41 0.02=3.86  0.05 0.88  0.2=5.2  0.2 0.79  0.01=1.82  0.09 0.78 0.01=1.10  0.09
Graphite-60% Te¯on 0.42 0.02=2.92  0.02 0.88  0.1=5.6  0.1 0.71  0.01=2.18  0.06 0.79 0.01=1.9  0.1
Graphite-80% Te¯on 0.41 0.01=2.763 0.009 0.98  0.02=4.43 0.09 0.68  0.02=2.37  0.02 0.64 0.02=2.43  0.04

selected for all electrode materials and analytes. So, this potential area of the electrode. The analytical characteristics of the corre-
should be high enough to allow the oxidation of these com- sponding calibration plots at the graphite-EPD composite elec-
pounds and to be placed in the limiting current zone for each of trode are summarized in Table 3. Relative standard deviation
them. A potential value of ‡1:00 V accomplished these condi- values were calculated from ten different solutions at a con-
tions and, therefore, it was chosen to carry out the amperometric centration level of 1.0610ÿ6 mol Lÿ1 of each analyte. Moreover,
detection under ¯ow-injection conditions. the RSD values obtained for the ip measurements from 50
Figure 3 shows calibration plots for Fe(CN)4ÿ 6 (a) and penta- repetitive injections of each analyte at the same concentration
chlorophenol (b) obtained at different electrode materials. As can level are also shown in Table 3, these indicate good resistance to
be observed, a considerable increase in the slope of the calibra- fouling of the graphite-EPD composite electrode under ¯owing
tion plots was produced when the graphite-EPD composite conditions. Limits of determination and detection were calculated
electrode was used as working electrode, which implies a higher according to the 10 s [16] and 3 sb=m criteria [17], respectively,
sensitivity assuming that the active area approaches the geometric where m is the slope of the calibration plot and sb is the standard
deviation (n ˆ 10) of the signals from 1.0610ÿ6 mol Lÿ1 ana-
lyte. As can be deduced, similar ranges of linearity and detection
limits were obtained for all the compounds tested independently
of their hydrophobicity. These analytical characteristics are
slightly better than those achieved with a conventional GC
electrode provided that a regeneration of the electrode surface
was accomplished after each set of measurements when this latter
electrode material was used.
These results show fairly well that the developed graphite-EPD
composite electrodes can be advantageously used as working
electrodes for the amperometric detection of different types of
analytes (hydrophilic or hydrophobic) under ¯owing conditions.
Finally, the changes in the amperometric responses of the
composite electrodes with the decrease in the polarity of the
carrier solution, due to the presence of increasing percentages of
organic solvents such as methanol or acetonitrile, were also
checked. As an example, Figure 4 shows the dependence of ip for
ascorbic acid and pentachlorophenol on the amount of these
organic solvents in the carrier solution. As can be observed, the
peak current decreased when the percentage of organic solvent in
the carrier solution increased, which agrees with the behavior
previously reported for graphite-Te¯on composite electrodes
[15]. This trend was much more pronounced in the case of the
presence of acetonitrile. Actually, methanol contents higher than
30% for ascorbic acid or 40% for pentachlorophenol, or acet-
onitrile contents higher than 20% for both compounds gave rise
to such a big decrease in the ip=ib ratio that no useful amperometric
responses at the graphite-EPD composite electrode could be
obtained. However, low but still useful signals could be measured
at a glassy carbon electrode even for methanol or acetonitrile
contents of 50±60%. This behavior can be extended, in general,
also for Fe (CN)4ÿ 6 and thiram. In conclusion, the developed
Fig. 3. Calibration plots for Fe(CN)4ÿ
graphite-EPD composite electrode exhibited an advantageous
6 and pentachlorophenol obtained at
a graphite-2% EPD (m), a graphite - 60 % Te¯on (j), and glassy carbon behavior with respect to conventional glassy carbon electrodes
(d) electrode by ¯ow-injection with amperometric detection; ¯ow rate: when the carrier solution (or mobile phase) was constituted by
3.0 mL minÿ1 , Vi ˆ 150 mL; Eapp ˆ ‡ 1.00 V. methanol:water mixtures with a low organic solvent content.

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Graphite-Ethylene=Propylene=Diene Terpolymer Composite Electrodes 165

Table 3. Analytical characteristics of the calibration plots obtained by ¯ow-injection with amperometric detection at graphite-2% EPD composite
electrodes. Carrier solution: 0.1 mol Lÿ1 HCl (Fe(CN)4ÿ6 ), 0.1 mol L
HClO4 (ascorbic acid), 2 : 98 methanol: 0.1 mol Lÿ1 phosphate buffer pH 7.0
(pentachlorophenol), and 10 : 90 methanol: 0.1 mol Lÿ1 phosphate buffer of pH 7.4 (thiram); ¯ow rate: 3.0 mL minÿ1 , Vi ˆ 150 mL; Eapp ˆ ‡ 1.00 V.
6 Ascorbic acid Pentachlorophenol Thiram
Linear range [mM] 0.7±10 0.5±10 1±10 0.5±8
r 0.998 0.999 0.998 0.994
Slope [mA L m molÿ1 ] 0.037  0.001 0.033  0.001 0.033  0.001 0.10 0.04
Intercept [mA] 7 0.018  0.006 7 0.005  0.002 7 0.008  0.007 0.0  0.2
Limit of determination [mM] 1.6 1.9 1.5 1.0
Limit of detection [mM] 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3
RSD [%] [a]=[b] 8.3=5.6 8.6=5.9 7.5=7.4 4.3=6.9
[a] calculated from 10 different 1.0610ÿ6 mol Lÿ1 solutions of each analyte; [b] calculated from 50 repetitive
injections of each analyte at a 1.0610ÿ6 mol Lÿ1 concentration level.

Fig. 4. Dependence of peak current for ascorbic acid (a), and pentachlorophenol (b), on the acetonitrile and methanol content in the carrier solution,
obtained at graphite-2% EPD (m) and glassy carbon (d) electrodes by ¯ow-injection with amperometric detection. Other conditions as in Figure 3.

4. Conclusions cially advantageous when comparing with a conventional elec-

trode material such as glassy carbon. However, the presence of a
All the above results demonstrate that the composite material high content of organic solvent in the working solution gives rise
constituted by a mixture of graphite and the ethylene= to a dramatic decrease in the amperometric response under
propylene=diene terpolymer can be used as voltammetric elec- ¯owing conditions, which limits the advantageous use of these
trode material as well as indicator electrode under ¯owing con- electrodes to predominantly aqueous media.
ditions. EPD contents around 2% ensure a good compactness of
the material, which facilitates the electrode fabrication, and also
an adequate conductivity. These electrodes exhibit very good
signal-to-background ratios for analytes of different hydro- 5. Acknowledgements
phobicity, although this advantage is specially remarkable as the
solubility in water of the target compound is higher. Furthermore, The ®nancial support of the SubdireccioÂn General de Forma-
the composite EPD electrodes yielded reproducible results with cioÂn y PromocioÂn del Conocimiento, Project PD96-0640 is
no need of pretreatment of the electrode surface, which is spe- gratefuly acknowledged.

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166 L. Alonso et al.

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Electroanalysis 1999, 11, No. 3

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