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PLAZA LIFE AND PUBLIC PERFORMANCE AT THE EARLY Horizon CENTER OF CaytAn, NEPENA VALLEY, PERU Matthew Helmer, David Chicoine, and Hugo Ikehara The following article exemines ancient Andean performance as che Early Horizon site of Caplin (800-1 BC), Nepena Valley, North-Central Coast of Peru Caylén, a hypothesized cary urban polisy, was organized around a series of manu ‘mental enclosure compos each dmninasea bya placa. Our research considers public performance from one of Calin Jargest and best preserved plazas, Plaza-A, Resals indicate a spatially exclusive, neghborhood-based plaza environmen. Public activities included spec- tacles with music, processions, and architecture ensombment. Patterns of small-scale plaza interactions ave alo disctned. As Caylé regular public inseractions structured and maintained group identities in a new residential environment, These els highlight the role of public performance inthe maintenance and reproduction of community during periods of social transformation associated with the emergence of urban lfeways. La presente consribucitn examina la interpretacin ritual en el sitio de Calin, costa nor-censal del Per, durante el Horizonte Temprano (800-1 a.C.). Caylén, una hipottica entidad poltica urbana temprana, fue corganizado en torno «la articulaci6n & una serie de complejos cercados, cada tino dominado por una plaza, los cuales fueron el foco de una gran variedad de actividades piblicas. Nuestra investigacin considera el paisaje piiblico de la Placa A, uno de los, espacios smi grandes y mejores conseruades en Caylén. Los resultados indivan que mediante le manipulaciin y control del movimiento yotas experiencia corponle se «rea contetos de inerpretacén ritual eanaordinarias dentro de encornas de plazas en bari expacialnente celuitns Asividades piblices inclayen specticulos com musica, precsiones,y enterrarniento arguitectinico, Patrones de inter iin a pequetia scala en las plazas son tambien diseutides. En Caylén, interacclonespiblicas regulars mantuvizvon idensidades grupales en tun ambiente residencial novedoso, Exas resultados revalean el rol de la interpretacin ritual iblica en el mantenimiento y reproduccin de comunidades duranie periodos de sransformacién social asociadés a la emergencia de modos de vida urbanos en la costa nor-central del Pert Mather Helmer, Sainsbury Research Uni for the Ars of Aico, Oceania andthe Americas, University of East Angi, Nonwich, NR4 7TJ, United Kingdom, m.helmerdueaac.uk David Chicoine, Department of Geography and Anthropology, Louisiana Stare University, 227 Howe-Russell-Kniffen Geoscience Complex, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, dchicogisu.ed, “Hugo Ikehara, Department of Anthropology, Universicy of Peuburgh, PA, 15260, heil@pic.ed ‘euphoric Vola 3, Naber, p. 1-000. Coppiht © 2012 lia of Ane Si. Alig wee 85 ‘Napa Paca: journal of Andean Arcbeeogy_ Vole 32, Number J hin the las decade, Andean scholars have be- gun to recognize the value of considering at- chacological contexts through the lens of “performance Studies” in order to understand the structures and in ‘rituions of ancient communities (Coben 2006; Hill £2005; Moore 2006; Quilter 2001; Swenson 2011), In~ deed, the archacological study of performance provides ley insights into mechods of social maintenance, trans- formation, and displays of authority in culeuraly spe~ ‘cific contexts (nomata and Coben 2006: 11). In this dice, we focus on plaza settings contemporary with the emergence of enclosed, incipient urban lifeways on the North-Central Coast of Peru. Specifically, recent excavations at the Early Horizon center of Caylin (ce 800-1 BC), have yielded significant spatial and mate- rial data to assess the design use, and modification of 2 monumental plaza. “Throughout the first millennium BC, communi ties on the North Coast of Peru developed new forms cof community organization characterized by dense agglomerations of enclosed, walled compounds (€ Billman 1996; Brennan 1982s Chicoine 2006a; Pozor- ski and Pozorski 19873 Swenson 2011; Wamer 2010s ‘Wilson 1988). This sextlement pattern contrasts with ‘earlier buile forms which focused on larg, singular and pen mound-plaza complex. In the Nepefia Valley (igure 1), coastal Ancash, Barly Horizon serdements lice Caylin supersede Initial Period ceremonial centers including Cerro Blanco and Husca Partida (Shibara 2010). Whereas the latter were typically organized on ‘ycentval axis and utilized for large-scale public displays and activities, our research at Caplin indicates that pla- 2a settings were designed co facltae innovative kinds fof performance and socal interac in ee coavext ‘of incipient demographic and spatial crowding, In this utile, we present spatial and artifactual data from field research at Caylin to explore plaza life and public per formance during the Early Horizon and link these data to some of the social changes relared co the emergence cof urbanism in coastal Peru. Tn overall area, Caylin is the largest sive in che lower Nepefia Valley (Daggett 1987: 74), Yeu it has received litte scientific attention (Daggett 1984: 214- 218; Kosok: 1965: 208-2095 Proulx 1968: 31, 71-72, 1973: 114, 116). In 2009 and 2010, Chicoine and Te- 86 hhara (2009, 2011) directed the firse systematic map ping and excavations at Cayén. Mapping ofthe stand- ing architectute combined wich hotizoneal and vertical ‘excavations yielded important data on the occupation, organization, and material culture a de site, Caylin is organized as a series of enclosure com- pounds, preliminarily interpre as ncighboshoods, pecessed by cross-cutting pathways, corridors, and. av- cenues, A striking, recurrent feature of the Caylin come pounds s the peesence of monumental, benched plazas urrounded by complex arrangements of smaller patio rooms, colonnaded galeries, and roofed chambers Excavations in various sectors of Caykin have yielded a latge amount of Early Horizon arcifacts, including ‘ceramic panpipes (Pozorski and Pozorski 1987: 38 Proulx 1985: 244), slate projectile points (Daggett 1987: 74), and decorated ceramics including Stamped Cizcle-and-Dot, Textile Impressed, and White-on-Red designs. Based on preliminary results, Calin is inter~ preced as an extensive habitation concer with strong public components (Chicoine and Tkehara 2010), Th this article, we focus on Plaza-A, one of the largest and best preserved seucrare atthe sie in 8 attempe to understand public life and performance at CCaylén. Field methods included the clearing and map- ping of susiial archivecural remains in addition to vertical and horizontal excavations to document the plan spatial organization and assocated activities, ‘We argue that Plaza-A was an exclusive, neigh porhood-oriented public space. We hypothesize that plaza settings were utlized for gatherings associated ‘pith festivals and other, more personal forms of pub- Tic interactions. Insights into these interactions point toward the importance of plazas as places to both seructure and maintain independent co-resident group identities in an incipient urban environment ‘Archaeology, Performance and ‘Ancient Andean Public Life Other than platform mounds, plazas are the signature ‘of Andean public life. Their omnipresence for millen- nia throughout che ancient monumental andscape is testament to the importance of plaza life in Andean so- Helmer, Chicoine and Dkehara Placa hie ana public performance at 1 oe Figure 1. Map of Nepesi Vlley showing sts relevant

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