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1-Although a few academic cartographers accord the map mystical powers, it is merely a
tool, useful for good, evil or both, which citizens can resist or render - up to a point. The
question is not whether e-maps will restrict where we go and what we do, but to what extent.
Property maps are at least as old as Roman times, and boundary maps no younger than
kingdoms and nation states. What is new, however, is the substantial increase in both the
number and diversity of restrictive maps.
2- Since 1900, we have used maps to exclude industry from residential
neighbourhoods, ban new construction on alluvial plains, to set boundariesthat constrain a
homeowner's choice of paint colour or replacement windows, restrict travel by foreign
diplomats and journalists, prevent sex offenders from living near schools and playgrounds,
and keep aircraft a nautical mile away from a vice-president's weekend retreat. The public
tolerates these cartographic restrictions because many, if not most, are not only benign but
essential. Environmental protection, for instance, relies on mapping as a regulatory
instrument to safeguard water resources and wildlife habitat. Property maps show rights of
way that might impede a buyer's plan to enlarge a home or re-configure an access road.
Government officials publish restrictive maps because they assume the boundaries will be
3- In 2012, however, restrictive cartography is close to more invasive applications, as
electronic technology replaces graphic lines requiring conscious interpretation with
invisible fences, erected by proactive, self-enforcing geographical restrictions. The most
impressive examples, and the most frightening, reflect the integration of geographical
information systems (GIS), the Global Positioning System (GPS), and wireless
telecommunications. A tracking device can instantly report its location to a GIS that
determines whether the person, car or ship under vigilance has entered a prohibited area.
Depending on circumstances and severity, a future system might be able to debit an
offender's bank account, transmit a vocal warning or electronic signal, notify the police or
military, disable an engine, or even release a soporific drug into the violator's bloodstream.
4- Because the public is willing to trade control over their lives for convenience, the cell phone
already doubles as a tracking device, and raises the possibility of "spatial
micromanagement": of employees by employers, of children by parents, of elderly parents
by grown children, and of suspected subversives by the authorities. Threats to privacy and
personal freedom are well known and obvious. However, geospatial tracking might be equally
efficient for enforcing restraining orders on those who abuse their partners, especially in the
name of public safety or national defence. Once in place, a national geospatial surveillance
administration can accommodate an wide variety of electronic boundary lines, and offer
unhappy taxpayers an alternative to costly incarceration. For many crimes, an electronic map
makes more sense than a prison, which may well reinforce antisocial behavior and allow
criminals to exchange tricks of the trade.
5- Efficient, but hardly fail-safe, electronic cartography is vulnerable to incompetent
technicians, malevolent hackers, cyber-terrorists and lobbyists for "special interests". Like
traditional maps, e-cartography invites manipulation by government or corporations, often in
the guise of national defence or free-market capitalism. While maps on the internet can
advertise prohibitions and justify new delineations, this apparent openness is easily
compromised. Particularly portentous is the way online mapping blursdetails presumed
useful to saboteurs but which are in fact easily viewable, after a little research, elsewhere on
the internet. Boundaries developed for one purpose are too easily adopted for another, as
when postal codes (designed merely to speed up mail delivery) are used to set rates for car
6- More troubling are the discrepancies that might arise from mixing maps compiled from
different sources. For example, it's risky to transfer boundaries from a detailed
property survey into a generalised highway map on which curves have been smoothed out
or symbols shifted to avoidclutter. But restrictive mapping is a natural part of social, political
and cartographic evolution. In the end, then, we must hope that fear of litigation or other
pragmatic issues may prove more influential than concerns over privacy in limiting the growth
of restrictive cartography in an electronic age.

Adapted from an article by Mark Monmonier

To ban: banir, proibir
Boundaries: limites, fronteiras
Fences: cercas
Tracking: rastreamento
Restraining: restritivo
Fail-safe: prova de falhas
To blur: embaar, tornar difcil de ver
Survey: pesquisa
Clutter: desordem, confuso

1) O que pode ser inferido do pargrafo 1?

a) Muitos cartgrafos ainda acreditam nos poderes msticos dos mapas
b) Segundo os cartgrafos, os mapas no so to antigos como se
pensava que eram.
c) Alguns cartgrafos acreditam que os mapas nem sempre so usados
para o bem.
d) Os mapas j eram usados em culturas antigas, mas eram bem mais
difceis de interpretar, afirmam os cartgrafos.
e) Questiona-se at que ponto os mapas eletrnicos vo restringir para
onde vamos e que fazemos.

2) De acordo com o texto, um futuro sistema de rastreamento ser

capaz de tomar medidas distncia em caso de invaso de uma rea
no autorizada. Assinale a alternativa que trs duas destas
a) Emitir um alerta sonoro; desligar um motor.
b) Bloquear uma conta bancria; cortar o sinal do telefone celular.
c) Liberar a venda de droga soporfera; avisar a polcia.
d) Notificar judicialmente; cortar qualquer sinal eletrnico.
e) Desabilitar um equipamento; notificar o exrcito.

3) A qual das alternativas baixo se refere a palavra which (pargrafo 4)

a) Crimes
b) Electronic map
c) Sense
d) Prison
e) Antisocial behavior

4) Assinale a alternativa que traz a ideia principal do trecho abaixo,

extrado do pargrafo 6?

More troubling are the discrepancies that might arise from mixing maps
compiled from different sources. For example, it's risky to transfer boundaries
from a detailed property survey into a generalised highway map on which
curves have been smoothed out or symbols shifted to avoid clutter.

a) As discrepncias que existem em mapas compilados de diferentes

fontes podem ser contornadas.
b) As maiores discrepncias encontradas em mapas de propriedades
so por causa da utilizao incorreta de alguns smbolos.
c) Mapas em que h muitas discrepncias, especialmente mapas de
estradas e rodovias, devem ser revisados.
d) arriscado compilar mapas de diversas fontes, devidos s curvas e
e) Tipos diferentes de mapas podem apresentar discrepncias quando
comparados devido s suas finalidades especficas.

5) Na sentena Threats to privacy and personal freedom are well known and
obvious (pargrafo 4), a palavra threats tem o sentido de:
a) Ameaas
b) Tratamentos
c) Restries
d) Desejos
e) Receios

6) Assinale a alternativa que traz a ideia principal do trecho abaixo,

extrado do pargrafo 5.

Efficient, but hardly fail-safe, electronic cartography is vulnerable to

incompetent technicians, malevolent hackers, cyber-terrorists and lobbyists
for "special interests". Like traditional maps, e-cartography invites
manipulation by government or corporations (.).
a) Eficiente mas difcil de guardar, a cartografia eletrnica est sujeita a
tcnicos incompetentes e outros com interesses especiais no governo.
b) Assim como os mapas comuns, a cartografia eletrnica est sujeita a
diversos tipos de manipulao indevida.
c) Os mapas eletrnicos podem dificultar a ao de hackers, cyber-
terroristas e lobistas.
d) Os mapas tradicionais no so to sujeitos a manipulao quanto os
mapas eletrnicos.
e) Devido a tcnicas incompetentes de elaborao, a cartografia
eletrnica se tornou vulnervel, apesar de eficiente.

7) Qual o objetivo do autor ao escrever este texto?

a) Esclarecer a utilidade dos mapas desde a antiguidade at os dias
atuais e a sua evoluo e importncia para segurana da sociedade atual.
b) Discutir a cartografia restritiva e como os avanos tecnolgicos
influenciam seu aprimoramento.
c) Divulgar os poderes msticos dos mapas como instrumento do bem e
do mal na antiguidade e o uso atual dos mapas eletrnicos para controlar
a vida das pessoas.
d) Esclarecer a utilidade dos diversos tipos de mapas (em papel ou
eletrnicos) para as pessoas, governos e sociedade.
e) Argumentar sobre a evoluo da cartografia e a importncia dos
mapas eletrnicos para impedir a invaso de propriedades.

8) Em qual pargrafo o autor cita que as restries impostas pelos

mapas fazem parte de um processo de evoluo natural em diversos
segmentos das nossas vidas?
a) pargrafo 1 ou 2
b) pargrafo 3
c) pargrafo 4
d) pargrafo 5
e) pargrafo 6

8) As questes a seguir so baseadas no trecho abaixo, extrado do pargrafo 3.

In 2012, however, restrictive cartography is close to more invasive applications, as electronic
technology replaces graphic lines requiring conscious interpretation with invisible fences,
erected by proactive, self-enforcing geographical restrictions.The most impressive examples,
and the most frightening, reflect the integration of geographical information systems (GIS),
the Global Positioning System (GPS), and wireless telecommunications. A tracking device can
instantly report its location to a GIS that determines whether the person, car or ship under
surveillance has entered a prohibited area.

9) Assinale a alternativa que traz a ideia principal do trecho abaixo:

() restrictive cartography is close to more invasive applications, as

electronic technology replaces graphic lines requiring conscious
interpretation with invisible fences, erected by proactive, self-enforcing
geographical restrictions.
a) A cartografia eletrnica esta sendo utilizada para reforar as
fronteiras geogrficas e evitar invases.
b) A cartografia restritiva requer uma interpretao consciente e proativa
das restries geogrficas
c) As restries geogrficas impostas pela cartografia esto sendo
substitudas pela tecnologia eletrnica.
d) A cartografia eletrnica mais invasiva e requer uma interpretao
mais detalhada e proativa.
e) O uso da tecnologia na cartografia tem transformado as linhas
grficas em cercas invisveis.

10) Na orao The most impressive examples, and the most frightening, (...), a
palavra frightening tem o sentido de:
a) Comum
b) Assustador
c) Inovador
d) til
e) Importuno
11) A qual das alternativas abaixo se refere a palavra its em destaque
a) Tracking device
b) Location
c) GIS
d) Person, car or ship
e) Prohibited area

11) As questes a seguir so baseadas no trecho abaixo, extrado do

pargrafo 4.

Once in place, a modern national geospatial surveillance administration can

accommodate a wide variety of electronic boundary lines, and offer unhappy
taxpayers an alternative to costly incarceration. For many crimes, an electronic
map makes more sense than a prison, which may well reinforce antisocial
behaviour and allow criminals to exchange tricks of the trade ().

12) Escolha a alternativa que traz o sentido correto do grupo nominal


(...) a modern national geospatial surveillance administration ()

a) A administrao nacional de um monitor geoespacial moderno.
b) Um controle geoespacial monitorado por uma administrao moderna
c) Uma administrao de monitoramento geoespacial nacional moderna
d) Um moderno nacional geoespacial monitoramento administrativo.
e) Um monitoramento moderno e geospacial de uma administrao

13) Na orao Once in place, a national geospatial surveillance administration

can accommodate a widevariety of electronic boundary lines (), a
expresso wide tem o sentido de:
a) Oportuna
b) Restrita
c) Moderna
d) Ampla
e) Vantajosa

14) A qual das alternativas abaixo se refere a palavra which em

destaque ?
a) Many crimes
b) Electronic map
c) Prison
d) May well reinforce
e) Antisocial behavior

15) O que pode ser inferido do trecho em questo?

a) Com o mapa eletrnico e um sistema de vigilncia geoespacial, o
encarceramento pode custar menos para a sociedade.
b) Um sistema de vigilncia eletrnico poderia substituir o
encarceramento em caso de crimes financeiros.
c) O mapa eletrnico pode ser a soluo para um sistema carcerrio
mais barato, porm ele refora um comportamento antissocial.
d) Os crimes eletrnicos poderiam ser vigiados por um sistema de
monitoramento nacional e evitar a superlotao carcerria.
e) Com um sistema de vigilncia geoespacial, crimes leves poderiam ser
evitados com muito mais preciso.

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