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NNRXXX10.1177/1545968315573055Neurorehabilitation and Neural RepairHillier et al

Neurorehabilitation and

Assessing Proprioception: A Systematic

Neural Repair
The Author(s) 2015
Review of Possibilities Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/1545968315573055

Susan Hillier, PhD1, Maarten Immink, PhD1,

and Dominic Thewlis, PhD1

Proprioception is a vital aspect of motor control and when degraded or lost can have a profound impact on function in
diverse clinical populations. This systematic review aimed to identify clinically related tools to measure proprioceptive
acuity, to classify the construct(s) underpinning the tools, and to report on the clinimetric properties of the tools. We
searched key databases with the pertinent search terms, and from an initial list of 935 articles, we identified 57 of relevance.
These articles described 32 different tools or methods to quantify proprioception. There was wide variation in methods,
the joints able to be tested, and the populations sampled. The predominant construct was active or passive joint position
detection, followed by passive motion detection and motion direction discrimination. The clinimetric properties were
mostly poorly evaluated or reported. The Rivermead Assessment of Somatosensory Perception was generally considered
to be a valid and reliable tool but with low precision; other tools with higher precision are potentially not clinically feasible.
Clinicians and clinical researchers can use the summary tables to make more informed decisions about which tool to use to
match their predominant requirements. Further discussion and research is needed to produce measures of proprioception
that have improved validity and utility.

proprioception, clinical tests, rehabilitation, clinimetrics, measurement, neurology

Introduction of velocity) is a part, along with cutaneous receptors, and

the vestibular and visual systems. Conversely, other authors
What Is Proprioception: Ambiguity Leading to cite proprioception as having 3 submodalities: kinesthesia,
Confusion joint position sense, and sensation of force (see, eg, Niessen
et al4). Others again add body segment static position, dis-
In the early 1830s, Sir Charles Bell described the sixth
placement, velocity, acceleration, and muscular sense of
sense, referring to the sense of position and action of the
force, effort, or heaviness (see Ogard5 or Proske and
limbs.1 Proprioception was further discussed by Sherrington
Gandevia6) to the list of proprioceptive constructs. In this
in his seminal text and lecture series some 70 years later.2
review, we will refer to proprioception as a collective term
Since then the term has been used to describe a variety of
for these subsenses, unless the evidence only pertains to
senses and therefore has become somewhat ambiguous. The
one in which case we will refer to that subsense
word proprioception comes from the Latin proprius, mean-
ing ones own, combined with the concept of perception:
Finally, proprioception can be considered one of the sub-
thus a literal translation is that of perceiving ones own
systems within the somatosensory system (along with pain,
self. This notion of self-perception reflects ones ability to
touch, and thermal sensation) and has also been considered
have both a sense of body orientation and position as well
interoceptive in that the sensory information is derived
as a sense of body and limb motion. Accordingly, words
from changes within internal structures. This classification
often used interchangeably with proprioception are (joint)
position sense, kinesthesia, movement sense, body position
in space, sense of effort, or sense of force. The confusing 1
University of South Australia, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
and inconsistent application of these terms, particularly in
Corresponding Author:
the clinical domain, reflects the slowly emerging under-
Susan Hillier, International Centre for Allied Health Evidence, University
standing of the nature of how we sense ourselves. of South Australia, City East Campus, North Tce, Adelaide, South
Berthoz3 classically defines kinesthesia as the sense of Australia 5000, Australia.
movement, of which proprioception (sense of position and Email: Susan.hillier@unisa.edu.au

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2 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair

is in distinction to exteroception where the stimulus origi- angles of joint position and motion and are relatively silent
nates from outside the body such as external heat for ther- midrange.6,9 Golgi tendon organ-like receptors are also
moreception or light stimuli for vision. found in cruciate and collateral ligaments and menisci; like
the mechanoreceptors listed, it is reported that they are use-
ful at extremes of range as limit detectors.8 This then leaves
Proprioceptive Receptors the muscle spindles to provide most information in the mid-
Proprioception, or proprioceptive acuity, is a complex sys- dle region of joint action.6
tem that involves both peripheral and central systems. The Effort-based signals, that is, the efferent commands to
evidence for the prime proprioceptive receptor favors mus- muscles, have a role in proprioception (particularly sense of
cle afferent input,6 in particular muscle spindles. These force and/or position sense). These signals are distinct from
receptors are specialized fibers within the muscle that detect the traditional kinesthetic senses in that they are based on
change in muscle length and also the velocity of contrac- motor commands and therefore not experienced in a passive
tion7 (or body part motion as the first derivative of length, limb. However, Gandevia et al10 investigated paralyzed and
ie, the rate of the change in length). If a passive lengthening anesthetized upper limbs to demonstrate an alteration in
is applied to a muscle, spindle exafferent signals are pro- position sense at the wrist joint, relative to the effort of
duced and interpreted as a sensation of movement, with attempting to produce a contraction in the paralyzed
increasing velocities causing an increasing response.6 The muscle(s), concluding there is a definitive role for out-
spindle system has the capacity to anticipate length change flow (efferent) signals in proprioception.
because it can detect velocity as well as length (which In summary, proprioception is based on an ensemble of
changes more quickly).3 Furthermore, motion direction can sensory inputs that serve sensing, producing, predicting,
be perceived relative to which particular muscle has short- and simulating joint position, joint motion (velocity and
ening or lengthening activity, and presumably by compari- direction), and force specification.3 There is considerable
son between agonist and antagonist activity ratios, joint specificity and sensitivity in this ensemble arrangement as
position can be perceived. The muscle spindle is also under well as redundancy, particularly when proprioception is
fusimotor control (the gamma system), during contractions, converged with the visual and vestibular systems in detect-
which has the capacity to alter the calibration or sensitivity ing motion and spatial orientation (from visual- and grav-
of the receptor by altering its internal length.8 This modula- ity-referenced coordinates).3,11 The most basic of postural
tion allows adaptation of the receptors during action and control tasks, such as standing in regular environments,12 is
also allows simulation in the absence of real action.3 Related contingent on the coordination of these processes.
to the sensitivity of the spindle is the role of thixotrophy
the phenomenon that demonstrates a relationship between a
Clinical Implications of Proprioception
muscles properties and its immediate history of contract-
ing/lengthening. It is a property of muscle (and muscle In motor control, proprioception, along with the other
spindles) and influences proprioceptionthat is to say pro- senses, is important in both feedback and feedforward oper-
prioception (spindle sensitivity) can be altered, dependent ations and can be used in combination or in the absence of
on whether the muscle has recently contracted or not (see other sensory systems. Proprioceptors have a role in motor
Proske and Gandevia6) planning (feedforward for anticipation, preparation, and
Proske and Gandevia6 summarize the evidence that response planning) as well as rapid wiring into adaptation
receptors in the skin (cutaneous receptors) also contribute to mechanisms to effect performance changes during task exe-
joint position and motion sense, for example, as skin strain, cution (feedback). Clinical scenarios where proprioception
particularly at the digits, elbow, and knee. Receptors analo- is lost or degraded classically result in loss of movement
gous to the cutaneous receptors also exist in joint structures. control where the person must then rely on visual input for
For example, the more superficial Ruffini endings in the feedforward and feedback processes. This may result in dif-
joint capsule, ligaments, and menisci are slow adapting ficulty in learning novel movement, and also difficulty in
mechanoreceptors. This allows detection of static joint posi- improving the quality of movement or maintaining quality
tion, intra-articular pressure, and possibly joint motion in over a series of repetitions because of the absence of feed-
terms of amplitude and velocity.8 Pacinian corpuscles are back for adaptation and skill refinement.12 Not only are dex-
deeper in these joint connective tissues with a lower mechan- terous tasks affected but also balance and locomotion
ical threshold and are faster adaptingallowing them to be despite the high degree of redundancy with vision and ves-
more responsive to changes in velocity, that is, acceleration tibular input for these activities. Age has an impact on pro-
and deceleration. Lephart and Fu8 also describe free nerve prioception13; proprioception lags somewhat behind vision
endings widely distributed in articular structures and which in an infants development and then declines with age, par-
may play a role in detecting severe mechanical deformation ticularly beyond 50 years.
or inflammatory changes. However, it is now accepted that Clinically, reduced proprioception has been most obvi-
these mostly mechanical receptors predominate at extreme ously implicated in stroke,14 age-related falls,13 and peripheral

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Hillier et al 3

neuropathy15 and also in movement disorders such as Methods

Parkinsons disease, Huntingtons disease, and focal dysto-
nia.16 There has also been a lot of interest in the role of subop- To identify proprioception assessment tools, a systematic
timal proprioception in the etiology and/or rehabilitation of search of the literature was conducted. The search strategy
orthopaedic17 and sporting injuries.18 Poor proprioception has involved 2 steps. First, a comprehensive electronic database
been reported in pain states such as chronic low back19 and in search was conducted. Then a secondary search was con-
persistent whiplash and associated disorders,20 and in other ducted looking at the reference lists from articles that were
diverse conditions such as developmental coordination disor- reviewed in full-text from the database search.
der,21 hypermobility syndrome22 and Asperger syndrome.23 The databases searched included EBSCO, Journals@
OVID, AMED, EMBASE, Medline, Ovid Medline,
Science Direct, SportDiscus, E-journal, Ageline, CINAHL,
Measuring Proprioception and Highwire Press. Dates were from database inception
There is clearly no single measure of proprioception due to and the searches were completed in December 2013.
the complexity of the neurophysiological processes that Search terms used included combinations of propriocep-
encompass proprioception described above. tion, kinesthesia or joint position, joint motion, with terms
In order to investigate the impact of a loss of propriocep- such as tests, clinical measures, clinical examinations,
tion on function, or the degree of loss from pathology, clini- diagnostic accuracy, predictive value, sensitivity or
cians and researchers have developed many ways to capture specificity.
proprioceptive acuity. More recently this has been driven by Articles identified in the database search were then eval-
inquiry into the capacity of the proprioceptive senses to be uated by a team of researchers to ensure the research article
improved through sensory-specific training or upregulation and tools of proprioception assessment met the following
via afferent stimulation.24 inclusion criteria:
Tests have differentiated between the 2 main propriocep-
tive functionsdetection of static position and detection of Explicitly described and employed a tool or tools to
motion. The latter is further broken down into the threshold measure proprioception (or allied terms)
of motion detection, that is, the threshold amount/speed of In any human population
motion required for detection to occur, and second, the Written in English
direction of motion (eg, flexion or extension), which is con-
sidered a discrimination task. These 2 tests are usually per- Two researchers (SH and a research assistant) agreed on eli-
formed passively and clinically and are administered to the gibility for inclusion. There was no attempt to critically
great toe in a nonstandardized fashion. Detection of posi- appraise the quality of the individual articles as they were of
tion has been performed by position copying or position various study designs not necessarily related to the use of
matching tasks that can be done actively or passively. In the tool itself. For example, the primary article may have
order to further refine testing, attempts are often also made been a randomized controlled trial using the tool as an out-
to reduce cutaneous stimulation during motion or position come measure or it may have been a single case study using
detection. However, given the multiplicity of constructs the same measure. We determined the level of study design
attributed to proprioception and the array of physiological itself did not offer any indication of the robustness or utility
processes, such tests often raise more queries than answers. of the tool itself and therefore was not relevant.
We embarked on this review systematically as the first The articles were then collated into similar tools with
stage in clarifying the ambiguities discussed above. We similar targeted subsenses (relative to aim 2) and data
chose a systematic approach to cover the greatest breadth extracted to describe the joints measured, the construct, and
and depth of the literature. As such the aims of this system- the broad method of testing. Further data regarding popula-
atic review were to tion tested, equipment, and procedures were also extracted.
The subsense or construct clusters were identified as
1. Identify the reported methods of assessing proprio-
ception in healthy and pathological populations 1. Joint position detectionactive/instantaneous posi-
2. Classify the subsenses of proprioception they pur- tion or passive (AJPD or PJPD) (acknowledging the
port to measure (external validity) position is enacted AT the joint, not necessarily
3. Report the clinimetric properties investigated for detected BY the joint)
each tool (internal validity) 2. Passive motion detection threshold (PMDT)
3. Passive motion direction discrimination (PMDD)
The overall objective was to provide clinicians and clinical
researchers with a summary document of tools to enhance To fulfil aim 3, further data were extracted from the arti-
selection relative to need, with an explanation of the limita- cles retrieved (and from the reference lists) to record rele-
tions or issues in the identified current approaches. vant clinimetric properties, based on the process used by

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4 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair

Initial search hits (n= 935)

Identiication Excluded based on title or

being duplicates (n =795)

Abstracts reviewed (n=140)


Excluded based on
abstract (n =10)

Articles reviewed based


on full-text (n = 130)

Excluded did not meet

inclusion criteria (n = 93)

Articles included (n = 40) Additional articles for

Secondary search

full-test review (n = 23)

Excluded did not meet the

inclusion criteria (n =6)

Final sample (n =57) Articles included (n =17)

Figure 1. PRSIMA flow chart of article selection.

Slater et al.25 See Appendix 1 for an example of the data Results

extraction pro forma. The properties scrutinized were the
following: We will first report the results of the search and then results
relative to the 3 aims of the study.
Reliability: testretest, reproducibility, intra- and Step 1, which involved the database search, ultimately
interrater and internal consistency yielded 40 articles from the initial database search list of
Validity: face, criterion, content, construct, concur- 935, with the full process of inclusions and exclusions
rent, or factor analysis detailed in Figure 1. Step 2, which involved pearling the
Responsiveness: sensitivity, specificity, floor and reference lists of the articles retrieved for full-text review,
ceiling effects, discrimination revealed a further 17 articles to be retained for final inclu-
Precision: accuracy, standard error sion, giving a total of 57 articles.

To further inform potential readers of the clinical features of

Identification of Tests
the tool (also aim 3), we also considered subjectively
Table 1 summarizes the 57 research articles included in this
Client-centered attributes: appropriate, meaningful, review. From these 32 tests of proprioception were identi-
acceptable fied (that appeared to be sufficiently distinct in relation to
Tester-centered attributes: feasibility and clinical purported constructs, administration, and/or joints) and data
utilityease of use, clinically meaningful, ease of extracted as detailed in the methods.
interpretation, normative scores The body part most commonly measured was the knee (11)
followed by 4 tests identified for the lower trunk or back, 4 for
Two researchers completed this data extraction phase and the ankle, and 2 distinct protocols for the cervical spine. Other
crosschecks occurred on a random audit basis. areas were often tested as a composite (eg, hip and knee and

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Hillier et al 5

Table 1. Summary of Identified Proprioception Tests.

Body Part, Construct, and
Tool and Author/Date Broad Method Population Equipment Procedure

Lumbar proprioception Trunk Collegiate athletes26 Motorized apparatus fixes upper Active and passive repositioning
equipment (LPE) AJPD Population with lumbar body and rotates lower body apparatus rotates lower trunk and
Zazulak et al26 (2007) and PJPD fatigue27 around vertical pivot through then subject indicates regaining
previously described by Taimela Active repositioning and L4/5 of original neutral position either
et al27 (1999) passive recognition (joint actively OR when passive motion
angle error) reaches neutral position (lying)
Spinal Motion Apparatus Lower back Male firefighters with and Motorized apparatus that Apparatus moves lower body passively
(SMA) PJPD without back injuries produces passive motion of Lx in in any 1 of the 3 planesperson
Pankhurst and Burnett17 (1994) PMDT 3 planes (upper body fixed) detects motion; picks direction of
(also designer) PMDD motion; has to identify test place from
Passive recognition (joint neutral (lying)
angle error)
Threshold for detection
Direction accuracy
Active movement extent Lumbar Healthy individuals; Unrestrained standing (WB) Person had to distinguish between 5
discrimination apparatus AJPD with spinal pain and with stopper at 5 preset preset active flexion positions as set
(AMEDA) Discriminate position radiographic evidence of (demonstrated) distances by concealed stopper (standing)
Hobbs et al28 (2010) differences in 11-19 Lx flex disc degeneration; post disc (stepper motor). Version for
replacement surgery ankle with variable plate
Neck proprioception testing Cervical Healthy students (subclinical Cervical version of AMEDA Person had to distinguish between 5
device (NPTD) AJPD neck pain) above. Unrestrained cervical preset active rotation and retraction
Lee et al29 (2005) Discriminate position motion with stopper at 5 preset positions as set by concealed stopper
differences in Cx rotation positions (stepper motor) (sitting)
(25-41), Cx retraction (1
to 1.8 cm)
Proprioceptive apparatus Shoulder Patients with unilateral Motorized apparatus to produce Subjects arm was passively moved
(no name) PJPD advanced glenohumeral motion at the GH in 3 planes by device through range and subject
Cuomo et al30 (2005) PMDT arthritis before and after indicated when predetermined
Passive recognition (joint total shoulder arthroplasty; position attained; second test subject
angle error) healthy controls indicated when onset of passive
Threshold for motion motion was detected (seated and
detection standing)
Manipulandum Elbow Health subjects Elbow (forearm and upper arm) Person indicates when their elbow
Bevan et al31 (1994) (previously PJPD strapped to motor device that reaches one of the pretrained joint
described by Cordo et al32 1994) Passive recognition (joint produced passive change of joint angles (flex/ext); indicates when their
angle error) angle (verified by goniometry) forearm has moved the pretrained
Passive recognition specified distance (sitting)
(distance estimation error)
Kinarm Elbow Cerebellar subjects Elbow (forearm and upper arm) Subjects report if they feel a
Bhanpuri et al33 (2012) PJDT strapped to exoskeleton robot movement or not (by robot). Second
PMDT system that produced passive movement elicited and subject
Passive detection of motion change of joint angle indicates if greater or less than first
then discrimination of
Manipulandum Upper limb Healthy subjects Robot manipulandum that Distinguish between 2 tilting
Wong and Henriques34 (2009) PMDD passively moves hand through pathways and 2 curved pathways
Direction accuracy different pathways (vision (sitting)
Manipulandum Upper limb Healthy and stroke impaired Robot manipulandum that Distinguish movement in 1 of 2 time
Simo et al35 (2011) PMDT produces arm displacements periods (other stationary)
Passive motion detection (vision obscured)
Shuttle Miniclinic constant- Hip and knee Normal maleselite, Constant resistance device Subject presses on device to extend
resistance device PJPD amateur, and novice tennis applied to sole of foot to allow limb from starting position of 60
Lin et al36 (2006) Passive recognition (joint players increase/decrease hip and knee hip flex/90 knee flex to a pretrained
angle error) joint angles in closed chain target position and repeat (supine)
electro-inclinometer measured
thigh and shin motion
Proprioceptive apparatus Knee Healthy subjects; subjects Motorized apparatus to passively Subject detects onset of passive
(no name) AJPD with ACL deficient knees move shin to change knee joint motion/change of position at
Friden et al37 (1996); Fischer- PMDT ACL reconstructions; angle; in some versions, motor knee; actively reproduces target
Rasmussen and Jensen38 (2000); Active reproduction (joint bilateral OA knees; elderly can be disengaged to allow active demonstrated angle; indicates target
Barrack et al39 (1983); Corrigan angle error) and also non-OA43 movement angle with goniometer (side-lying
et al40 (1992); Co et al41 (1993) reproduces visually with Health female gymnasts44 using underneath leg or supine);
Also Barrack et al42 (1989) = object OA knees45 actively matches contralateral leg to
deviser Threshold for motion match angle of test knee; indicates
detection onset of (slow) passive motion


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6 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair

Table 1. (continued)
Body Part, Construct, and
Tool and Author/Date Broad Method Population Equipment Procedure

Proprioceptive device Knee/ankle Healthy subjects Motorized apparatus (Biodex) Subjects foot rotated to lengthen/
(no name) PMDT that passively moves both knee shorten gastrocnemius, while knee
Brindle et al46 (2010) PMDD and ankle flexed/extended. Indicate onset of
Passive detection of motion movement and direction
onset and direction
Movement detection Ankle Healthy subjects Motorized rotating platform, axis Subjects foot rotated in dorsi- or
apparatus PMDT aligned with ankle joint plantarflexion directionindicate
Matre and Knardahl47 (2003), PMDD when motion was detected AND
further described by Matre Threshold for motion which direction (seated)
et al48 (2002) detection
Direction accuracy
Passive ankle joint Ankle Health male basketball Cybex motorized apparatus Subjects foot rotated in
repositioning test PJPD players to produce passive ankle plantarflexion directionindicated
Fu et al18 (2007) Passive recognition (joint displacement at constant speed; when predetermined target was
angle error) electrogoniometry reached (prone)
Cervicocephalic kinesthesia Cervical Healthy volunteers49 Polhemus 3space Fast track Test 1: relocation of head to natural
Kristjansson et al49 (2001) tests AJPD Healthy controls and (sensors)calculated error, or head posture (NHP) (after active
from multiple authors Active reproduction (joint subjects with WADS laser marker51 rotation left and right)
Also Cervical Joint position angle error) (whiplash)50,51 Test 2: Active relocation to 30
error (JPE) rotation from NHP (after passive
Treleaven et al50 (2003); criterion)
Treleaven et al20 (2006) Test 3: Preset passive trunk rotation
Also JPE-Torsion 30, subject repositions head to NHP
Chen and Treleaven51 (2013) and then back to original 30 relative
Test 4: Figure of eight motion and
relocation to NHP (active)
Test 5: Figure of 8 movement
accuracy of passing through NHP at
each crossing of 8
JPE-Torsionmodification of
rotating trunk under fixed head
to differentiate from vestibular
Thoracolumbar Spinal Individuals with and without Lumbar motion monitor Active target reproduction in 3
proprioception AJPD low back pain (exoskeleton) to measure planes after initial active criterion
Koumantakis et al52 (2002) Active reproduction (joint absolute error (between pelvis position (flex/rotation/lat flex)
(original protocol by Gill and angle error) and chest harnesses)
Callaghan,19 1998)
Arm position-matching task Upper extremity Healthy versus people with KINARM exoskeleton on both Passive positioning of arm, actively
Dukelow et al53 (2010); Debert AJPD stroke53 or traumatic brain armsto apply load/measure matched by contralateral arm
et al54 (2012) Active reproduction (spatial injury54 motion
Active Knee joint reposition Knee Young, middle age, and old Polhemus 3space Fast trak Sensors detect position of test limb
sense AJPD healthy subjects (sensors) in active criterion versus subsequent
Bullock-Saxton et al13 (2001) Active reproduction (joint active reposition under FWB and
angle error) PWB conditions, and error is
Active Knee joint reposition Knee Healthy and with Electro-goniometer to measure Active knee repositioning to target
sense AJPD patellofemoral pain absolute error for reposition criterion angle in sitting (NWB) and
Kramer et al55 (1997) Active reproduction (joint syndrome standing (squattingWB)
angle error)
Active knee joint reposition Knee Women with healthy versus Photographic capture of absolute WBstood on test limb and tried to
test AJPD OA knees error in repositioning from actively reproduce criterion angles
Marks et al56 (1993) Active reproduction (joint criterion (from limb markers) NWBstood on contralateral leg
angle error) and bent test leg (open chain) to
criterion angle
Limb copying and Knee Healthy older and younger Goniometer to measure error 1.  Knee passively positioned and
reproducing tests AJPD women between reproduction and contralateral actively reproduces
Kaplan et al57 (1985) Active reproduction (joint criterion 2.  Reproduce criterion position in
angle error) ipsi- and ipsilateral knee at 15 seconds and
contralateral 60 seconds after demonstration
Limb copying test Elbow Anesthetized UL58 Observation Limb moved passively and while
As reported in various including AJPD Adults with cerebral palsy59 shielded from vision. Opposite limb
Paqueron et al58 (2004); Goble Active reproduction (joint copies actively OR ipsilateral limb
et al59 (2012) angle error) contralateral copies after period of time (requires
or ipsilateral spatial working memory). Improves
with longer encoding time for
example position.


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Hillier et al 7

Table 1. (continued)
Body Part, Construct, and
Tool and Author/Date Broad Method Population Equipment Procedure

Joint position sense Lower limb Healthy aged; Parkinsons; Vertical Perspex sheeterror of Limb on one side placed on sheet
Reported variously in Lord et al60- AJPD older with arthritis matching measured by inscribed (eg, big toe) and simultaneously
(1991, 2000, 2002); Sturnieks Active reproduction (joint protractor in degrees other leg positioned to touch
et al63 (2004); Whitney et al64 angle error) contralateral corresponding spot on sheet from
(2005); Tiedmann et al65 (2007); other side (eyes closed)
Wood et al66 (2008)
Apparatus design by De
Domenico and McCloskey67
Proprioceptive assessment: Knee Adults anterior cruciate Thomas splint with a Pearson Supine and leg screened from view.
Modified Thomas splint with PJPD reconstruction;18 normal knee-flexion piece was modified Leg moved passively to 1 of 10
Pearson knee flexion piece Reproduction (joint angle versus osteoarthritic and to provide well-padded support predetermined positions of flexion.
Reported variously in Warren error) on mock-up leg replaced knees;69 knee OA/ to whole leg. Protractor attached Subject manually reproduces angle
et al68 (1993); Barrett et al69 arthroplasty68 to knee piece. Axes aligned. on a mock-up leg with goniometry.
(1991) Warner added electronic Error between real knee angle and
goniometry and smoother perceived angle is measurement
positioning (limits sensation to
capsular and ligamentous joint
Rivermead Assessment of Elbow, wrist, thumb, Adults with stroke Nil Participants eyes closed, joint moved
Somatosensory Perception ankle and big toe passively into flexion or extension:
(RASP) proprioceptive subtests for detection indicate when
Winward et al70 (2002); Tyson et PMDT movement occurs; for discrimination
al14 (2008) PMDD indicate which direction. Score
Threshold for motion system 0-1 absent; 2-5 impaired; 6
detection intact
Direction accuracy
Cumulative Somatosensory Lower extremity Healthy controls, diabetic, Nil Reference ankle positioned by
Impairment Index (CSII) Proprioceptive subtest peripheral arterial disease, examiner and subject matches position
Deshpande et al71 (2010) AJPD stroke (10/20 degrees or neutral)
Reproduction (joint angle)
Distal Proprioception Test Toe, ankle Peripheral neuropathy, Nil Grasp lateral borders of great toe
(DPT) PMDT control and perform up/down movements
Richardson15 (2002) PMDD first with eyes open then eyes
Threshold for motion closedtest is 10 small amplitude
detection random, smooth movements over
Direction accuracy a distance of app 1 cm and speed of
Note these tests can also 1 p/s. Score for correct perception
be modified to simply detect of movement and identify direction.
position up/down AFTER <8/10 trials positive.
passive motion, ie, PJPD
Dual Joint Position Test Digits Healthy controls and Nil As for DPT but move 2 digits
(DJPT) PJPD those with lemniscal simultaneouslycombination both
Beckman et al72 (2013) Direction accuracy system dysfunction (MS or up, both down, or one up/one down
(simultaneous in 2 digits) vasculitis)
Standardized sensory Finger Typically developing children Nil As for DPT but with motion
assessment for children PMDT (school-aged) occurring at the MCP of the finger,
Cooper et al73 (1993) PMDD scored x/5 to discern direction of
Threshold for motion motion up/down
Direction accuracy
Thumb finding test Thumb/upper limb Adults with stroke Nil Not stated. Assumed to be passive
Smith et al74 (1983) PJPD positioning of the affected thumb
Accuracy in locating in different spatial coordinates and
passively placed limb person has to make contact with test
(thumb) thumb using other (unaffected) hand.
Score x/10
Wrist Position Sense Test Wrist Adults with stroke Splint device for forearm/hand Tester positions subjects wrist in
Carey et al75 (1996) PJPD within obscuring box; overlaid predetermined positions of flexion/
Accuracy in indicating joint with protractor extension; subject indicates best
angle matched joint angle using protractor

Abbreviations: AJPD, active joint position detection; PJPD, passive joint position detection; PMDT, passive motion detection threshold; PMDD, passive motion direction
discrimination; L or Lx, lumbar; WB, weight bearing; Cx, cervical; GH, gleno-humeral; flex, flexion; ext, extension; ACL, anterior cruciate ligament; OA, osteoarthritis;
WADS, whiplash and associated disorders; NWB, nonweight bearing; MS, multiple sclerosis; MCP, metacarpophalangeal joint.

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8 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair

ankle in weight-bearing), or targeted distal joints of upper and In all examples found, some attempt was made to reduce
lower limbs (eg, toes and fingers/thumb). the influence of confounding senses though the degree to
The tests were used on widely varied populations. The which this was attempted also varied, for example, all tests
majority were with healthy adults or used healthy adults as excluded vision while the most elaborate tests produced pas-
a control. Three looked at populations of athletes (gymnasts sive motion with pneumatic splints so that there was no dis-
and tennis and basketball players), a specific profession cernment of pressure to imply motion or motion direction
(firefighters with and without lower back injuries), or the (via cutaneous receptors) or even used background white
influence of age (children, adults, and elderly). The major- noise to cancel out any clues to motion commencement from
ity of pathological populations had musculoskeletal issues the sound of the motor (see Table 2 for limitations).
such as anterior cruciate ligament deficiency (ACL; 4),
osteoarthritis (5), or pain (4). Postsurgical comparisons
were also featured, for example, pre- and post-ACL recon-
Clinimetric Properties
struction (3), shoulder arthroplasty, or knee replacement. Generally, the clinimetric properties for the identified tools
Neurological pathologies were less well featured with 4 were poorly evaluated or reported. Table 3 summarizes
tests described in stroke and 1 each for Parkinsons disease, each test and the reported properties we were able to find, as
traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, peripheral neuropa- well as our judgments on the user- and client-centered
thy, and anesthetized limbs. aspects. Six tests29,30,31,32,34,46,74,75 had no recorded proper-
ties tested. For the others, the main data available related to
the discriminant ability of the test, that is, to differentiate
Proprioceptive Subsenses Tested between 2 groups (one normal and one pathological for
Table 2 summarizes the tests in relation to what they test (the example). The Rivermead Assessment of Somatosensory
subsenses or constructs). The majority of tests assessed joint Perception (RASP)70 had the most reported properties and
position detection either actively or passively (AJPD or achieved good or higher in the evaluations. Furthermore,
PJPD) through recognition or reproduction tasks with the this test can be applied with no equipment to 5 different
measurement being joint angle error (JAE; ie, the difference joints for greater clinical utility; however, it was not consid-
between the true target angle and the reproduced angle or ered precise in that the scoring for each test move is only
angle at which recognition occurred). There was variation in dichotomous and there is the confounder of the tester manu-
how the target angles were demonstrated (on the limb itself, ally moving the body part with cutaneous input. The
or the contralateral limb, using an angled lever) and whether Modified Thomas splint with Pearson knee flexion piece68,69
the JAE was measured via motion capture equipment, elec- has been used and tested more widely with high values for
tro-inclinometry, photographic capture, Perspex protractor testretest and concurrent validity and ability to discrimi-
grading, or goniometry (electric or manual). Various means nate between different pathological groups and age ranges.
were used to produce the passive motion for PJPD from The equipment requirements are not onerous but this device
motorized apparatus or robotics, to modified splints moved only assesses the knee.
by the tester to simply the tester moving the body part. Where
the task was active reproduction of the target angle, it was
mostly reproduced on the ipsilateral side, but in the more
manual-based tests it was reproduced on the contralateral We have conducted a thorough search of the literature to
side or on a sheet of paper, a goniometer, or a simulated limb. identify the most commonly used tools for the measurement
Ten tests15,17,30,33,35,37,45-48,70 measured the threshold for of proprioception in humans. Not surprisingly, we found a
detecting motion (PJMD) again using a variety of ways to plethora of different tools, and the variations came with
produce the passive motion as described above. The most respect to
common measure was the error between the angle of actual
commencement of motion and the detection angle. However, Measuring different proprioceptive subsenses (active
the more simple clinical tests simply required the person to versus passive position, motion detection, or direc-
detect motion compared to static position and were scored tion discrimination)
dichotomously for 5 to 10 trials. Measuring different joints
Six tests15,34,46,48,70,73 also incorporated the direction of The use of different types of equipment and values
motion discrimination task (PMDD) by requiring the per- Differing populations.
son to indicate whether the limb moved in a positive or
negative direction relative to the defined plane of motion. Given the complexity of proprioception and the multifac-
Generally, the planes of motion were restricted to one but a etted aspects of kinesthesia and position sense as identified in
few tests did incorporate up to 3 planes and one used path- the introduction, it is not surprising that the tests are so seem-
ways, that is, tilting or curved. ingly disparate. By highlighting this issue we hope that future

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Hillier et al 9

Table 2. Proprioceptive Tools Clustered Within 4 Identified Subsenses.

Subsense Physiological Basis6 Tool(s) Strengths Limitations Populations Body Part Measured

Active joint position Muscle spindle (major Lumbar proprioception Reflects functional use More likely to be Collegiate athletes Lumbar spine
detection (subject source) both afferent equipment26,27 of proprioception limited by pain Lumbar fatigue Cervical spine
actively reproduces and efferent activity Active movement extent gauging position Requires kinesthetic Spinal pain/surgery Knee
established position) Skin stretch receptors discrimination apparatus28 in space through memory of Subclinical neck pain Upper limb
(Ruffini) Neck proprioception volitional movement preestablished ACL deficiency/ Elbow
Joint receptors (limit testing device29 No extraneous position reconstruction Lower limb
detectors) Proprioception sensory input from Requires sufficient OA Ankle
apparatus37-45 passive device motor control Elderly
Cervico-cephalic (pressure sense) Whiplash
kinesthesia/JPE20,49-51 Low back pain
Thoracolumbar Stroke/TBI
proprioception19,52 Patella-femoral pain
Arm positioning-matching Cerebral palsy
task53,54 Anesthetized
Active knee joint Parkinsons
reposition sense14,55 Diabetic
Limb copying and Peripheral arterial
reproducing tests57-59 disease
Joint position sense60-67
impairment index71
Passive joint position Muscle spindle Lumbar proprioception Does not require Possible additive Collegiate athletes Lumbar spine
detection (subject (major): mean rate equipment26,27 active control sensory input from Lumbar fatigue Shoulder
recognizes established of background Spinal motion apparatus17 passive device Male firefighters +/ Elbow
position when discharge generated Proprioceptive (pressure sense or back injuries Hip
reproduced passively) by both primary and apparatus30 auditory stimuli) Glenohumeral Ankle
secondary endings Manipulandum31,32 Requires kinesthetic arthritis Knee
Skin stretch receptors Kinarm33 memory of Cerebellar Digits
(Ruffini) Shuttle Miniclinic preestablished Elite/amateur/novice Wrist
Joint receptors (limit constant-resistance position tennis players
detectors) device36 Basketball players
Passive ankle Knee pathologies
repositioning test17 Lemniscal system
Proprioceptive dysfunction
assessment68,69 Stroke
Dual joint position test72
Thumb finding test74
Wrist position sense
Passive motion Muscle spindle (major): Spinal motion apparatus17 Does not require Detection thresholds Male firefighters +/ Lumbar spine
detection threshold primary endings Proprioceptive working memory higher for slower back injuries Shoulder
(the threshold at which stimulated by change apparatus30 movements Glenohumeral Upper limb/hand
the subject can detect in length and rate of Kinarm33 arthritis and knee
a moving state from change in length Manipulandum35 Cerebellar Knee and ankle
the stationary) Skin mechano Proprioception Stroke Ankle
receptors (Meissner, apparatus37-45 ACL deficiency/ Thumb
Pacinian, Merkel and Proprioceptive device46 reconstruction Toe 1
Ruffini endings) Movement detection OA
Joint receptors (limit apparatus47,48 Elderly
detectors) Rivermead Assessment Stroke
of Somatosensory Peripheral
Perception70 neuropathy
Distal proprioception
Passive motion direction As above Spinal motion apparatus Higher order test to Response can be Male firefighters +/ Lumbar spine
discrimination (subject Manipulandum34 not only detect motion dichotomous and back injuries Hand
discriminates between Proprioceptive device46 but to discriminate therefore easy to Stroke Knee and ankle
different movement Movement detection direction guess, eg, flexion Peripheral Ankle
directionsone or apparatus47,48 versus extension neuropathy Thumb
more axes of rotation) Rivermead Assessment Children Toe 1
of Somatosensory Elbow
Perception70 Wrist
Distal proprioception Finger
Standardized sensory
assessment for children73

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10 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair

Table 3. Clinimetrics of Proprioception Tests From Published Literature.

Tool With Author/Date Summary Reported Psychometrics Client-Centered Attributes Tester-Centered Attributes

Lumbar proprioception Trunk Reproducibility of both active and Acceptable for research Not feasible clinically as complex
equipment (LPE) AJPD passive: ICCs 0.61 and 0.58 population equipment and requires technical
Zazulak et al26 (2007) and PJPD Rotation motion is expertise for data analysis
previously described by Taimela semifunctional Precise data for interpretation
et al27 (1999)
Spinal Motion Apparatus Lower back Accuracy of motion within 2 mm range Acceptable for research Not feasible clinically as complex
(SMA) PJPD (within 0.1) population equipment and requires technical
Pankhurst and Burnett17 (1994) PMDT Reliability of PMDT ICC 0.46 to 0.92 Three planes to cover more expertise for data analysis
(also designer) PMDD Reliability of PJPD ANOVA no sig. functional motion Precise data for interpretation
differences Does measure 3 planes of action
Active movement extent Lumbar Accuracy within 0.01 mm Active test therefore more Possible to reproduce clinically but
discrimination apparatus AJPD Reliability ICC 0.63 (95% CIs 0.44, 0.77) meaningful? questionable validity given the head
(AMEDA) Weight bearing and tolerated is moving during the active test
Hobbs et al28 (2010) by people with pain and so vestibular system could be
Neck Proprioception testing Cervical None stated Active test therefore more Possible to reproduce clinically but
device (NPTD) AJPD meaningful? questionable validity given the head
Lee et al29 (2005) is moving during the active test
and so vestibular system could be
Proprioceptive apparatus Shoulder None stated Acceptable for research Not feasible clinically as complex
(no name) PJPD population and those in pain equipment and requires technical
Cuomo et al30 (2005) PMDT Three planes to cover more expertise for data analysis
functional motion Precise data for interpretation
Does measure 3 planes of action
Manipulandum Elbow None stated Acceptable for healthy Not feasible clinically as complex
Bevan et al31 (1994) (also described PJPD research population equipment and requires technical
by Cordo et al,32 1994) Fore-arm motion is expertise for data analysis
semifunctional Precise data for interpretation
Manipulandum Upper limb None stated Acceptable for healthy Not feasible clinically as complex
Wong and Henriques34 (2009) PMDD research population equipment and requires technical
Forearm motion is expertise for data analysis
multiplanar and therefore Precise data for interpretation
more functional
Kinarm Elbow Discriminating power between healthy Acceptable for research Not feasible clinically as complex
Bhanpuri et al33 (2012) PJDT controls and people with cerebellar population with cerebellar equipment and requires technical
PMDT dysfunction dysfunction expertise for data analysis
Precise data for interpretation
Manipulandum Upper limb Discriminating power between healthy Acceptable for research Not feasible clinically as complex
Simo et al35 (2011) PMDT controls and people with stroke (P < population with stroke equipment and requires technical
.0001) expertise for data analysis
Precise data for interpretation
Shuttle Miniclinic constant- Hip and knee Discriminating power between Acceptable for research Not feasible clinically as complex
resistance device PJPD elite players and amateur/novice population equipment and requires technical
Lin et al36 (2006) Cite absolute error and variable error Combined hip and knee expertise for data analysis
as demonstrations of validity and motion is semifunctional Precise data for interpretation
reliability respectively (no data)
Proprioceptive apparatus Knee Testretestwith 1 month delay, no Acceptable for research Not feasible clinically as complex
(no name) AJPD significant differences for any of the 3 population and with ACL equipment and requires technical
Friden et al37 (1996) PMDT tests (no data) deficiency. Knee flexion expertise for data analysis
semifunctional but in side Precise data for interpretation
Proprioceptive apparatus Knee DiscriminatingCan detect difference Acceptable for research Not feasible clinically as complex
(no name) AJPD between injured ACL and non-injured population and with ACL equipment and requires technical
Fischer-Rasmussen and Jensen38 PMDT ACL knees deficiency expertise for data analysis
(2000); Barrack et al39 (1983); (P < .02) Precise data for interpretation
Corrigan et al40 (1992); Co et al41 Distinguishes effect of ageincreased
(1993) threshold with increased age and with
Also Barrack et al42 (1989) is degeneration39
deviser Threshold detection distinguishes
Also Pai et al43 (1997) injured from noninjured knee;41 ACL
Also Lephart et al44 (1996) tears from noninjured;42 trained
PTD. Also Hurkmans et al45 gymnasts from nontrained44
(2007) Increased threshold with increased age
and with OA43
Intra- and interrater reliability in OA
knees (ICC 0.91)45


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Hillier et al 11

Table 3. (continued)
Tool With Author/Date Summary Reported Psychometrics Client-Centered Attributes Tester-Centered Attributes

Proprioceptive device (no Knee/ankle None stated Acceptable for healthy Not feasible clinically as complex
name) PMDT research population equipment and requires technical
Brindle et al46 (2010) PMDD expertise for data analysis
Precise data for interpretation
Movement detection Ankle Established stable baseline which Acceptable for research Not feasible clinically as complex
apparatus PMDT suggests testretest reliability population. Ankle flexion equipment and requires technical
Matre and Knardahl47 (2003), PMDD with foot plateclosed chain expertise for data analysis
further described by Matre semifunctional Precise data for interpretation
et al48 (2002)
Passive ankle joint Ankle Absolute error in passive repositioning Acceptable for research Not feasible clinically as complex
repositioning test PJPD of ankle to 5 PF gives ICC 0.84 for population. Ankle flexion equipment and requires technical
Fu et al18 (2007) accuracy and repeatability with foot plateclosed chain expertise for data analysis
semifunctional but prone Precise data for interpretation
which is not
Cervicocephalic kinesthesia Cervical Testretest ICCs between 0.35 and Acceptable for research Not feasible clinically as complex
Kristjansson et al49 (2001) tests AJPD 0.90. Question usefulness of ICCs population and those with equipment for motion capture and
from multiple authors Concurrent validity correlates with WADS. Cervical motion requires technical expertise for data
Also Cervical Joint position reduced balance, smooth pursuit in functional with emphasis on analysis (feasible in specialist clinic
error (JPE) WADS20 natural head posture and and if used for retraining)
Treleaven et al50 (2003); Treleaven Discriminates between healthy and motion in all planes Precise data for interpretation and
et al20 (2006) WADS50,51 Neck torsion test arguably feedback
Also JPE-Torsion discriminates between neck
Chen and Treleaven51 (2013) and vestibular signs
Thoracolumbar proprioception Spinal Reproducibility (non-LBP) ICCs 0.76- Acceptable for research Not feasible clinically as complex
Koumantakis et al52 (2002) (original AJPD 0.80 and SEM 0.91 to 1.34; less for population and those in pain equipment and requires technical
protocol by Gill and Callaghan,19 LBP group. Could not discriminate Three planes to cover more expertise for data analysis
1998) between LBP and non-LBP. functional motion Precise data for interpretation
Arm position-matching task Upper extremity Could discriminate between healthy Acceptable for research Not feasible clinically as complex
Dukelow et al53 (2010); Debert AJPD and traumatic brain injury. Associated population equipment and requires technical
et al54 (2012) with dependence in ADL Three planes to cover more expertise for data analysis
functional motion Precise data for interpretation
Active Knee joint reposition Knee PrecisionPolhemus shown to have Acceptable for research Not feasible clinically as complex
sense AJPD 0.2-0.3 total error for representation population equipment and requires technical
Bullock-Saxton et al13 (2001) of physiological joint motion76,77 Attempt at more functional expertise for data analysis
Did not discriminate between Dom application by having WB and Precise data for interpretation
and Ndom leg, nor age groups except PWB conditions
older had greater error for PWB
Active Knee joint reposition Knee Reliability modest 0.09 to 0.65 Acceptable for research Not feasible clinically as complex
sense AJPD coefficients. Could not discriminate population and those with equipment and requires technical
Kramer et al55 (1997) between symptomatic and knee pain. Attempt at expertise for data analysis
nonsymptomatic. No correlation more functional application Precise data for interpretation
between sitting and standing. by having WB and PWB
Active knee joint reposition Knee Could discriminate between healthy Acceptable for research Not feasible clinically as complex
test AJPD and OA population and those with equipment and requires technical
Marks et al56 (1993) Precision and testretestSEM knee pain. Attempt at expertise for data analysis
intersession 0.33-0.95 more functional application Precise data for interpretation
by having WB and NWB
Limb copying and reproducing Knee Could discriminate between older and Acceptable clinically and for Clinically able to be performed
tests AJPD younger women research participants Measurement accuracy arguable not
Kaplan et al57 (1985) PrecisionSEM for goniometer 5 Semifunctional as precise
Limb copying test Elbow (any limb) Could discriminate between Acceptable clinically and for Clinically able to be performed
As reported in various including AJPD anesthetized state and nonanesthetized research participants Measurement accuracy arguably not
Paqueron et al58 (2004); Goble et state58 Semifunctional as precise
al59 (2012)
Joint position sense Lower limb Concurrent validitySome association Acceptable clinically and for Clinically able to be performed with
Reported variously in Lord et al60-62 AJPD with tests of postural sway, reduced research participants some specialized equipment
(1991, 2000, 2002); Sturnieks stair performance (varied). Could Semifunctional Use of touch on the screen
et al63 (2004); Whitney et al64 discriminate between arthritic and not63 arguably a confounder for
(2005); Tiedmann et al65 (2007); proprioception
Wood et al66 (2008). Apparatus
design by De Domenico and
McCloskey67 (1987)


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12 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair

Table 3. (continued)
Tool With Author/Date Summary Reported Psychometrics Client-Centered Attributes Tester-Centered Attributes

Proprioceptive assessment: Knee Normal kneesno difference between Acceptable clinically and for Clinically able to be performed with
Modified Thomas splint with PJPD males/females; right/left research participants some specialized equipment
Pearson knee flexion piece Discriminate between age ranges (linear Not especially functional as
Reported variously in Warren et regression, P < .01); OA knees vs on mock leg
al68 (1993); Barrett et al69 (1991) normal (P < .001); replaced vs normal
(P < .02). Wearing elastic bandage
increased accuracy by 40%69
Concurrent validityMeasure of
proprioception correlated with
function (r = .84) and with patient
satisfaction (r = .9)
Testretest: r = .82
Discriminated between ant
cruciate deficient vs ant cruciate
Discriminated between arthroplasty
and OA (former is better); KR with
retained PCL has better JPA than if
PCL sacrificed68
Rivermead Assessment of Elbow, wrist, Interrater and testretest (intra-rater) Acceptable clinically and for Clinically able to be performed
Somatosensory Perception thumb, ankle reliability for total score: Pearson research participants Use of touch on the limb or
(RASP) and big toe correlation coefficient for both 0.92 Semifunctional digit arguably a confounder for
Winward et al70 (2002) in Tyson et Proprioceptive and for individual proprioceptive proprioception
al14 (2008) subtests tests retest scores were 0.83
PMDT (movement) and 0.50 (direction); face,
PMDD content validity given since all tests
drawn from traditional clinical tests;
discriminated significantly between
people with and without brain damage
(P < .001); and concurrent validity
between proprioceptive scores and
Motricity Index (Spearman correlation
coefficient, r = .31 and .32, both
significant) and with Barthel ADL Index
(r= .35 and r = .41)70
Cumulative Somatosensory Lower extremity Discriminates between healthy and Acceptable clinically and for Clinically able to be performed
Impairment Index (CSII) Proprioceptive subtest diabetic (P = .017), peripheral arterial research participants Measurement accuracy arguably not
Deshpande et al71 (2010) AJPD disease (P = .006), stroke (P = .001) Semifunctional as precise
Distal Proprioception Test Toe, ankle With 1 of 2 other signs (Achilles Acceptable clinically and for Clinically able to be performed
(DPT) PMDT tendon reflex or vibration detection) research participants Use of touch on the limb or
Richardson15 (2002) PMDD could discriminate peripheral Semifunctional digit arguably a confounder for
neuropathy; good to excellent proprioception
agreement for interrater reliability ( Probably large ceiling effect due to
range 0.677-1.00)14 dichotomous outcomes (guessing)
Dual Joint Position Test Digits Could discriminate between healthy Acceptable clinically and for Clinically able to be performed
(DJPT) PJPD controls and patients (MS or vasculitis) research participants Use of touch on the limb or
Beckman et al72 (2013) for upper and lower extremities Semifunctional digit arguably a confounder for
whereas single DPT did not proprioception
Standardized sensory Finger Testretest and interrater reliability both Acceptable clinically and for Clinically able to be performed
assessment for children PMDT 100% agreement research participants Use of touch on the limb or
Cooper et al73 (1993) PMDD Cutoff score for TD children Semifunctional digit arguably a confounder for
5/573 proprioception
Probably large ceiling effect due to
dichotomous outcomes (guessing)
Thumb finding test Thumb/upper limb None stated Acceptable clinically and for Clinically able to be performed
Smith et al74 (1983) PJPD research participants Use of touch on the limb or
Semifunctional digit arguably a confounder for
Wrist position sense test Wrist None stated Acceptable for clinical and Clinically readily able to be
Carey et al75 (1996) PJPD research participants performed, score out of 20

Abbreviations: AJPD, active joint position detection; PJPD, passive joint position detection; PMDT, passive motion detection threshold; PMDD, passive motion direction
discrimination; ICC, intraclass correlation; CI, confidence intervals; ACL, anterior cruciate ligament; OA, osteoarthritis; PF, plantar flexion; WADS, whiplash and
associated disorders; LBP, low back pain; ADL, activities of daily living; Dom, dominant; Ndom, nondominant; SEM, standard error of measurement; ant, anterior; KR,
knee replacement; PCL, posterior cruciate ligament; JPA, joint position awareness; MS, multiple sclerosis; TD, typically developing; WB, weight bearing; NWB, nonweight

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Hillier et al 13

clinicians and researchers are aware of the variations in termi- whereby exercise-induced fatigue can produce inaccuracies
nology and practice and that some consensus can be reached of proprioception,6 such as errors in matching torque,79
about the definition and assessment of proprioception. movement, or position.80,81 Furthermore, clinical fatigue
It is interesting to contemplate the influence of current (from conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome) may be
understandings in the physiology of proprioception on the associated with kinesiophobia and other sensor-motor
testing of position and motion. We did not find strong indi- impairment. Second, the tests only test conscious proprio-
cations that there was any clear incorporation or acknowl- ception, whereas it is clear that mostly we are reliant on sub-
edgement of the primary role of muscle spindle activity, nor conscious proprioception in daily activities. Further issues
was the influence of thixotrophy consistently acknowledged include potential learning effects and the role of attention
(controlling for muscle activity prior to testing). There was levels. Some measures did attempt to control for confound-
little acknowledgement of the differentiation of individual ing alternate sensory inputs but others did not.
proprioceptive senses, with most tests not controlling for Some of the tests predate current proprioceptive under-
efferent influences (via electromyography for example). standingit may be considered a limitation of this review
Therefore, both the muscle afferents and efferents may con- that we did not exclude tests devised before the 1970s.
tribute to proprioception in the so-called passive tests. Well- However, we could not be confident that tests produced in
described examples of test procedures exist in the more recent times in fact do take into account current theo-
experimental literature that do control for these factors (ie, ries; therefore, we have included all tests found and leave it
thixotrophy, muscle effort, force feedback; see Gandevia et to the readers to evaluate for themselves the relative validity
al10), and we encourage clinicians to familiarize themselves of the tests.
with these procedures. Most tests were conducted in mid- We summarized the reported clinimetric properties for
ranges and therefore not engaging the joint receptors as each identified test and found that very few had a full suite
limit detectors, highlighting the emphasis of tests for mus- of properties evaluated and/or reported. Therefore, there is
cle spindle afferent activity. a question mark over many in terms of robustness, believ-
In considering the active tests there are also questions to ability, and utility in the clinical setting. There is a clear
be considered. Bevan et al31 reported that the joint angle trade-off between more research-oriented measures and
may be less accurate than the angular distance travelled by those used clinically. The former measures should be more
the limb, especially given the latter has more functional precise, accurate, and valid (particularly in terms of control-
meaning. Gandevia and Burke9 originally suggested that ling for input other than proprioceptive); however, these
repositioning or relocating after active positions or motions techniques may be beyond the scope of a general clinical
may rely on central motor programs rather than a memory environment. In contrast, the clinically friendly tests are
of proprioceptive coordinates. Some tests (eg, Kristjansson arguably more for screening given their lack of precision.
et al49) attempted to overcome this by increasing the com- We advise readers to carefully consider the constructs they
plexity of the active motion; however, this was for head wish to test, the individual joints, and with what precision.
motion and they clearly could not control for vestibular For example, if high precision is needed to evaluate the
input into the relocation/repositioning response so the spec- impact of interventions for lowered proprioception, then the
ificity of the test for neck proprioceptors is not clear. expense of the more research-oriented tools may be war-
Tests for the sense of force or effort are still not routinely ranted. Certainly it has been our experience that an easy to
conducted in clinical settings; therefore, they were not avail- conduct, clinically based tool such as the distal propriocep-
able to be included in the review. We are aware of clinical tion test is not useful in clinical trials (see Lynch et al82).
researchers using various means to evaluate the sense of However, if the use is for a clinical screen to simply identify
heaviness (see Konczak et al78) but there seems to be no con- that there is a proprioceptive impairment that may be affect-
sistent uptake of these constructs in rehabilitation settings as ing function in the clinical setting, then the RASP70 cer-
yet. Clear dialogue between researchers and clinicians is tainly seems to offer a useful means to standardize the
required to further robust investigations into the clinical conduct and reporting of such an impairment. Subsequently,
import of these constructs in rehabilitation and recovery. it is then up to the clinician to establish an association
Some authors did attempt to reproduce more applied tests between the sensory impairment and the loss of function.
such as weight-bearing or through more functional arcs of Some tests have established an overall concurrent validity
motion rather than anatomical single planes of action. We with aspects of functional performance, for example, the
were unable to determine if these are any more accurate or cervico-cephalic kinasthesia tests correlate with reduced
valid beyond an element of face validity in terms of rele- balance and smooth pursuit in people with whiplash20; the
vance to daily life. Further to this it has been questioned how knee test using a modified Thomas splint correlated with
functional these point-in-time measures are. First, they do function and with patient satisfaction69; and proprioceptive
not take into account the role of fatigue on proprioception. tests within the RASP correlated with scores for motricity
Fatigue has been reported to influence proprioception and activities of daily livings.70

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14 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair

We recommend collaborations between neurophysiolo- Conclusion

gists, conducting precise proprioceptive testing, and clini-
cians, interested in understanding the influence of impaired In summary, the information provided by this review should
proprioception. This would further a more universal appre- be directly useful to clinicians and researchers alike to com-
ciation of the interdependent nature of the various facets of pare and contrast their testing needs and therefore select the
proprioception and motor function, clarify confusion around most appropriate tool for the job at hand. We have identified
terminology, and serve to identify and standardize tests that that whatever the need, proprioceptive tools are generally
have validity and utility for clinical populations in their poorly evaluated in clinical settings and further research is
rehabilitation. Facets of proprioception missing from clini- required to establish reliability and validity as a starting
cal practice such as measures of sense of force, effort, point in the existing tests. Current understandings of pro-
motion speed, and so forth, are areas we wish to particularly prioception from the research literature need to be applied
highlight for further collaboration. in clinical practice to further implement evidence-based
assessment and therefore rehabilitation.

Appendix 1

Measurement Critical appraisal tool (MCAT).

Full Name of measure

Abbreviated name
Designer of Outcome measure
1.Purpose: (what does it purport to measure) Continue? Y/N
2.Background; (what is the physiological/theoretical construct) Continue? Y/N
3.Population: (what population/s has it been used on? What joints?) Continue? Y/N
4.Pathology: (what pathologies has it been tested in?) Continue? Y/N
5. Number of items Continue? Y/N
6. Score system: Continue? Y/N
7. Equipment requirements
8.Time required to perform (not relevant for data extraction)
9.Description: Y/N/not stated
10. Normative data/scores: Are norms provided? Y/N/not stated
11.Validity: Have 3 types of validity been established? ie Criterion, Face, Content, construct, factor analysis? Y/N/not stated
Score /3
12.Reliability: Have 3 types of reliability been established? ie Internal consistency, test retest reliability, inter- Y/N/not stated
rater reliability Score /3
13.Responsiveness: Sensitivity, specificity and floor/ceiling effects Y/N/not stated
Score /1
14.Precision: Is the precision of the outcome measure sound Y/N/not stated
Score. /1
15. Client centeredness Y/N/not stated
Appropriateness: Is the test appropriate ie meaningful to the patient/parent
Acceptability: Is the test acceptable to the client ie time, activities carried out Score /2
16. Tester centeredness Y/N/not stated
Utility: Has the measure got adequate interpretability, acceptability and relevance
Feasibility: Ease of administration and process Score /2

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Hillier et al 15

Declaration of Conflicting Interests 18. Fu S, Hui-Chan C. Are there any relationships among ankle
proprioception acuity, pre-landing ankle muscle responses
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
and landing impact in man? Neurosci Lett. 2007;417:
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
19. Gill K, Callaghan M. The measurement of lumbar proprio-
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