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Differentiating Instruction: Differentiation Lesson Plan Template


What will your students be able to do? How does the objective connect to your achievement goal?
I will be able to produce the sounds for 2 letter blends In order to achieve and be on a pathway to and through college, students must be
able to read on or above read level by the end of the year. This skill helps with
I will be able to blend words with 2 letter blends. decoding, allowing students to decode words independently within grade level
What will your students need to know to master the grade-level How will you assess students mastery of these foundational
objective? skills?
To master the objective, students must be able to recognize and produce letter Students will have had a Friday Skills Assessment (FSA) the previous week to
names and sounds. assess their mastery of CV and VC words.

How will you know whether your students have made progress toward the objective? How and when will you assess mastery?
On Friday, students will take an FSA to assess their mastery of sounding out CVC words. During small groups, informal
assessments will be taken to informally assess mastery.

Checks for Understanding:

Are students able to identify the beginning blends, or sticky letters?

Are students able to produce the sounds for the various sticky letters?

Are students able to sound out the words RM (reading mastery) style?

What are your students strengths, needs, and preferences? How will you differentiate for readiness, interest, and/or learning profile?
My students are grouped into three phonics groups based on the most recent phonics assessment. Each group has specific lessons
based on what they need based on that data. We have three thirty minute rotations during our literacy block. Within the small
groups I have little games/incentives to motivate students based on their interests/academic needs. Each small group also chooses
their group names to get them excited about literacy rotations, for instance we have The Ninja Turtles, The Dinosaurs, and the
Chipmunks. Furthermore, all of my students are very invested on using the computer. Students must work hard during small groups
to earn computers for the next rotation.

NOTE: This lesson is the whole group 20-minute introductory lesson. IP and differentiated lessons will be attached in zip file.

What three to five key points will you emphasize?
1. Some words have 2 letters before the vowel. These letters are called beginning blends.
Were going to call them the sticky letters.
2. Some sticky letters include gr, bl, tr, cr
3. When we say these letters, we say them together without stopping.
How will you communicate what is about to happen?

How will you communicate how it will happen?

How will you communicate its importance?
How will you communicate connections to previous lessons?
How will you engage students and capture their interest?

Johns Hopkins University School of Education

Differentiating Instruction 1
2012 Teach For America, Inc. All rights reserved.
Looking Into Differentiated Classrooms: Differentiation Lesson Plan Template

Sticky letter
Friends, weve gotten so good at sounding out 3 letter words. notecards
However, the words weve been reading so far having been
kindergarten words. Were getting ready to start reading 1st grade
words so that we can read harder books. By the end of this lesson
you are going to be able to read all of these words (show students
notecards with all of the words that they will be able to read)
What key points will you emphasize and reiterate?
How will you ensure that students actively take in information?
How will you vary your approach to make information accessible to all students?
Which potential misunderstandings will you anticipate?
Why will students be engaged/interested?
Sticky letter
Teacher: Today you are going to learn about words that have 2 letters notecards
before the vowel. These 2 letters are called beginning blends. Were
Expo marker
going to call them the sticky letters.

Teacher: Let me show you some examples of words with sticky letters.
Show the words truck, clock, brick, sled, cross, stick. Im going to
underline the sticky letters so that you can see them. (Underline the
blends). Soon, we are going to read these words, but first we need to
practice saying the blends.

(Take out notecards. They will have the beginning blends on them
including bl, gr, tr, cr, sm, sl, st, cl)

Teacher: I am going to show you the sounds that these blends make
first. Then you will practice doing them with me. Go through notecards
and say each blend. Have students repeat the blend after you.
GUIDED PRACTICE (15 minutes)
How will you clearly state and model behavioral expectations?
How will you ensure that all students have multiple opportunities to practice?
How will you scaffold practice exercises from easy to hard?
How will you monitor and correct student performance?
Why will students be engaged/interested?

John Hopkins University School of Education

Differentiating Instruction 2
2012 Teach For America, Inc. All rights reserved.
Looking Into Differentiated Classrooms: Differentiation Lesson Plan Template

Now, were going to practice together. First, we are going to go Expo marker
through our notecards and practice our sticky letters. Then, we are
going to sound out the words.

Step 1: Go through the blend notecards with students. (bl, gr, tr, cr,
sm, sl, st, cl) First, have them say it together, than have students do
individual turns.

Step 2: Now we are going to practice sounding out these words. To

do this we will, 1). Underline the sticky letters. 2). Say the sound that
these sticky letters make. 3). sound out each word 2 times slow and 1
time fast.

Teacher will model how to sound out the words truck, clock, brick.
(You can think aloud, I see the sticky letters cl. I know that cl says
cl. Now Im going to start sounding it out. Cloooock, clooock, clock.
(RM style)

Step 3: Have students sound out the remainder of the words as a

class. For each word, have them follow the steps of underlining the
sticky letters, saying the sound that the sticky letters making, and
finally sounding out the words RM style.
How will you clearly state and model behavioral expectations?
In what ways will students attempt to demonstrate independent mastery of the objective?
How will you provide opportunities for extension?
Why will students be engaged/interested?
(Read decodable text Nick the Fix It Man)

As we start reading harder books, you are going to see a lot of words with sticky letters. Let me
show you a book that we are going to start reading in small group. This book has a lot of words
with sticky letters. Show students the book, Nick the Fix It Man

In our small group this week, we are going to start reading this book using and we will have to
remember sticky letters.

In the word work station students will complete a blend worksheet so I can assess their mastery
on the content.

John Hopkins University School of Education

Differentiating Instruction 3
2012 Teach For America, Inc. All rights reserved.
Looking Into Differentiated Classrooms: Differentiation Lesson Plan Template

CLOSING (10 minutes)

How will students summarize what they learned?
How will students be asked to state the significance of what they learned?
How will you provide all students with opportunities to demonstrate mastery of (or progress toward) the
Why will students be engaged/interested?
At the end of literacy rotations, students will rejoin on the carpet. We will go back
over the key points for the lesson and have one student from each group share
out what they worked on during their small group time. To close we will read a
1st grade level book to show students their reading goal for the end of the year
and invest them in learning.

John Hopkins University School of Education

Differentiating Instruction 4
2012 Teach For America, Inc. All rights reserved.

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