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Rubric checklist for project about your childhood (Mon Enfance)

Project due at 8pm, Sunday, November 12 (posted to Google Classroom in the announcements)

Rough draft for project is due at the beginning of class on Wednesday, November 8. Students will
be given a grade for their rough draft in accordance with the classwork/homework rubric. Students
must come to class on Wednesday with their rough draft completed. We will use class time on
Thursday, November 9 and Friday, November 10 to work on projects using surfaces (or your
preferred electronic device). You will present your projects in small groups the following week.
12 total slides with the following parameters:
(first slide) LEnfance de _____________
Project Format: Students create a presentation using Google Slides, PowerPoint, or Prezi. Please ask
permission before using another type of presentation. With the first slide, last slide and 10 slides describing
& showing your childhood, you should have a minimum of 12 slides.
Images: At least 10 images (one image per slide). Images must be school-appropriate and they should relate
to your sentences.
Sentences: Students should have a minimum of 10 slides and each slide must have a minimum of 3 complete
sentences. The focus of this project is your childhood, so your sentences should use the past tenses that
youve been learning. This past information should describe what you used to do or how your life used to be
during your childhood. Also, include special and memorable events and the circumstances surrounding
those events and in these cases, you would use pass compos and the other uses of the Imparfait (weather,
background info., age, feelings, emotions, physical condition, time, location, date, etc.). Your sentences
must be varied and must pertain to you (not your teachers or other students example projects).
Text: must be large enough to read (32 point font) and a legible font. Fonts that are very fancy (very fancy)
are difficult to read. Text must be against a background that allows the words to stand out.
Presentation: Your voice projects so that your group members can hear. Your pronunciation (especially of
the imperfect tense) is correct. Your presentation (the presentation itself and the way you present) shows
that you are taking this project seriously.
Participation: You successfully upload your presentation to google classroom and you make a comment in
French about at least 5 presentations that you view.
Grammar & Mechanics: Use correct grammar, verb structures, accent marks and punctuation. First, please
write your sentences on paper and allow Madame LeClair-Ash to make corrections. When this draft is
complete and you have received feedback, then transfer to your PowerPoint or Prezi. Please also ask
Madame LeClair-Ash to check your final PowerPoint, Prezi or video if you finish during class. Please do NOT
send electronically for her to check.
Please do NOT use web translators. This is a form of cheating.
You must save your rough draft along with corrections and turn it in with your rubric on the day you present.
(last slide ) La Fin
Because students will present to the class, it is very important that everyones project is grammatically correct.
Failure to use time wisely when we work on this in class and not ask Madame LeClair-Ash to check work will result in
students presenting incorrect material to fellow classmates.

If you have any questions or concerns during your project, please send an email to me (Ashann@fultonschools.org).
For every day that your final project is turned in late, you will receive a 5 point deduction.
NOM : Prnom : la date :

Le brouillon pour mercredi le 8 novembre au dbut de class

Vous devez avoir 10 diapositives sur PowerPoint ou Prezi. Chaque diapositive doit avoir une image et au moins de
trois phrases diffrentes sur votre enfance, ce que vous faisiez, des dtails et des vnements spciaux. Ce sont des
phrases que vous pouvez utiliser pour le projet. Gardez ce brouillon et donnez-le Mme LeClair-Ash avec la grille
dvaluation quand vous prsentez.

1) Quand jtais bb, je portais une couche et un bavoir. Jaimais manger les bananes. Jadorais Clifford, le
Gros Chien Rouge.
2) Quand javais 8 ans, je suis alle au Disneyworld avec ma famille. Ctait pendant les
vacances de printemps. Jai vu Mickey Mouse !











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