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Pre-Work before Teachers will script the ideal teacher interpretation of the standard, script
the meeting exemplar response, find student exemplars, categorize student work,
and pull upcoming lesson plans.
Teacher selects standard and records of aggressive monitoring notes
from assignment.

SEE IT Building Background (5 minutes)

Presenter reads the standard.
Facilitator: What do students need to know and be able to do in order to
master this standard?
Presenter and Participants annotate what students need to know
and do to master this standard and then compare.
Facilitator asks: How do these assessment questions address the
Presenter and participant analyze the problems (questions) to
determine what part of the standard is being assessed.
See the Exemplar (10 minutes)
Facilitator: Lets look at the student exemplars, are there any gaps or
differences in the student work and your work? How are they
demonstrating mastery? What does it tell you about their understanding?
Presenters and participants annotate and discuss their noticings.
See the Gap (5 minutes)
Facilitator: What can the students that have a gap do? What are the
gaps that we see between our students that did not answers the
question correctly and those that did?
Presenter and participants: Analyze student work and begin to share
WHAT STUDENTS CAN DO first. Then they discuss what is the
highest leverage misconception to fix.
Facilitator: What does the data tell you is the highest leverage?

Name It Name the error and conceptual understanding: (2 minutes)

Presenters and participants agree on highest leverage gap and name it.

Do It Plan the Reteach and Practice (7 minutes)

Facilitator: How will you conduct the re-teach, guided discourse or a
guided practice (modeling)?
Presenter plans for the re-teach.
Practice and Feedback (3 minutes)
Presenter will practice the re-teach and participants will provide

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