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Introduction to a Brule Family
Each issue will have a short story about a Brule family telling how
they happened to come to the lake. narn es of their children and maybe some
thinfS which they did. The first family is Malcolm and Edna Walker - their
house is ri~ht by the Clu~ courts. Malcolm wrote the following.

It wos in the ;vear 1917 when I wa.s livinp; in L'Ord.;mal,

Ont a rio a long with my older brother Wallace, when my parents
a ecid ed' to visit the late Geori:2:e P. Walker who at the ti me had
a summer cotta.o-e at Lac Brul~. My Uncle "Geor~e's" cotta~e was
down close t o the waters ed~e, while his older brother,J.R.
W8ik er's cotta.o:e, was higher up but only about three hundred
VArds anart. It wasn't till 1921 that I again spent a couple of
WAeks wi t h my Uncl e Geo r g e. At th a t time, the L~c Brul~ club-
h011se was quite new, and it was here t ha t Betty Stroud (Fairman)
tau.a-ht me to dance and where I spent many happy hours with my
c o1Js ins. It wasn't ti 11 194!~ however, that I owned a cottaere of
my own. At th a t time I was workin~ as Plant Superintendent for
the 1falker Paper Company where my cousin, the late B.A. Martin,
WRS General Mana g er. It was through him that I was able to buy
my present cotta~e f~om the Gardner Estate for which another
c011s in, Mr. Tom S. Stewart, was one of the execlltors. I mip:ht
mention that the cottagp which I bou~ht ~ad been occupied by Mr.
Aime Bazinet, the caretaker for the Gardner Estateo Mr. Bazinet
had a new position in a munitions factory and had moved away to
be closer to his work. I wes very grateful to Torn to let me have
it, along with a little frontage on the lake for $1000.00 which
I naid in cash.

Fo o tnote: Uncle George Walker lived in the house p resently owned

by Dr. Dumas. He married Libby Shearer who already
had three children - Tom Stewart, William Stewart and
Graham Stewart (Wilson). Two more children were born -
Hilcta Walker (Mitchell) and Madeline Walker.

Malcolm and Edna's family are: David Walker - works with Boeing in
. . . . ...... - .
~.-~ .._,,

John Walker - No rks in Grana Bend, Ont.

Betty(Walker) & Tony Smith - live in
St. Bruno, Que. and have four sons.
Tony works with Pratt & Whitney (United
Technolo ~ ies).

Neighbourly News

Anne and Richard Peck r e turned Crom Metis with dau~hter, Heather Anasto
and her two child ren Rt the end of J u ly. Heather's husband, Denis, joined
them at Brul~. On Av i:rvst 9 th. Anne a n d Ric11a rd will return to Metis with
Allan. Allan is wo rkin~ on his ~radu a te diploma in public accountancy.
Velerie and Mark hBve b01ip:ht e house on Grosveno r above Roslyn School. Mark
is operatin~ a Penny LAne Go1irmet restaurant near Vict o ria Square. Val has
t u rned in her thesis on Trans p ortation. Ron expects to complete his g raduate
nP.p:rP e from Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Universit y of Montreal. Quite a lot of
certification I I

Nei~hbourly News CONT'D.

Joyce anc'l Gar returned from a p leasant trip to Scotland a.nd Enp:land in
MAY. As though this were not en011p:h, next wi 11 be R jaunt to the west coast
wi th Anne and Richard Peck. A visit to Expo 86, a little trout fishinp: in
the foothills and a visit with Chris and Wilma and baby will be included.
Chris hBs been ~isy this sprinp: settinp: up his second money exchan~e office -
this one in Vicotria, B.C.

Pat and Ron (Gardiner) Peck are doinp: a ~reat job ren o vatinp: the house.
Pat ~raduated from the University of Win~sor this sprin~ with an L.L.D. and
at the end o f AuP:ust will article for one year in Yellowknife. Pat has had
previous PXper ience in the N.W.T. and enjoys th e broad scope of this work in
the distant and i so lated n at ive communities.

Joan and Jim Ste wa rt's daughter and son-in-law, Debbie and Cha rles
Masraff were at B~Jl6 wit h their children, Jennifer, Joanna, and James.
Debbie and Charles live in Berkshire, west of London, Enp:land. They retlirned
A111:nrn t 5th.

Nathalie Ca rtier and Tony Layton had t win da u~hters - congratulations I

(s ho nld help the swimmin~ prop:ram "eh Kathy")!

The cute little da rk-e yed p:irl from TSA WASSEN visiting Russ and Pep:p:y
Pa:vson is DINA PANAGIOTOPOULOS. Tsawassen is across Boundary Bay from
Vancouver and just a little, little bit from t he U.S.A. - we are glad to say.

Joanne, David And Rowa n Sewell and a friend, Andrew, have just returned
froT'l an exciting saili ng trip. They sailed from King ston to Toronto for a
Sailing Regatta.

AT'lonR: 01.1r y o1J n p: p e opl e who are startinp: diffe r ent school careers are
Ka thy Mills who will be s tunying communications and visual arts at Ottawa
University or poss ibly Concordia; Carolyn Pollock wi ll be attending Lasalle
Colleve to study f a shion merchandisin~; Kim Sewell is returnin~ this fall to
HR11 fax for her 2 nd . yea r a t Nova Scotia Sc hoo l of Art and Desi~n - Kirn has
for ma ny years shown a n at ural flair for art and desi ~n; Ben Martin will be
entering the first year o f the two y ear p ro gram at Ma rianopolis CEGEP;
Elizabeth Sewell is enterin~ 1st. year at John Abbott in business administra-
tion; Doug Mills is entering CEGEP in Montreal; Go od Luck to each of you.

A quite unusual event - both Oswald and Vir ~i nia Peck and Brodie .and
K~y ShParer wi ll be celebrating their 5 0 th. wedn ing anniversaries this year-
10th. o f Oct o be r. ConFratulat ions and ma ny happy returns. Fifty yea rs beh i n (
these couple s a r e Bill and Diane Mitchell's daughter. Wendy will be married
this fAll in Vancouver and then she and her husband will live in San Die~o.
Lisa Moore will be a bridesmaid.

(2 )


Nei~hbourly News CONT 'D.

Another happy event closer to home was the marriage of Isobel and Henry
Walker 's youn~est daughter, Heather, to Nicholas Zaferis at Trinity Church in
Ste. A~athe on August 2nd. Bridesmaids were Kathy Mills and Shauna McKeatin~,
He et hP, r's bi~ s ister, Susan Jenkins, was Matron of Honour. The reception was
at H1ghro1d II, an attractive area with the lawn, beautiful gardens and
natural noo l. Henry and Isobel seemed to have had influence with the weather
man . Pe~rry Jenkins (Fairman) returned from Oakville for the bi g event. The
followina day, Auiz-ust Jr<l., Henry and Isobel celebrated their 40th. wedding
anniversary . Also on this clay John Walker (Cameron) , lay reader, took his
first service at Trinity Church.

Alex a nd Sh irley Miller wil l be rrrandpa rents f o r the third time. Bruce
and Pattie a re expectin~ their third baby .

The north end of the lake - the "Nort heners" are doing very well: an
informal census p uts it at eleven todctlers between Layton's and Von Colditz.
Maybe we will get back to those good '6le summertime ball games.

A11au st 16th. is John Mor~an 's birthday, nephew Barry McKenna 's birthday
a nd Barry's wed aing day. Gail Mathews is the bride . The c ouple will continue
to live in that other city but we ho p e they will spend lots of time u p at
Brul. Barry works for McLean -Hunter.
Dick McKenna does us a ll p roud - Last week he successfully defended his
doctoral theses in (~et this) 'com puter modellin~ of salt water ice'. This
is a de_gree in Civil En,o:ineering from the University of Waterloo.
Con~ratulati ons Dick McKenna.

Jennie and Burel Wolsey of Calgary will be comin~ to visit parents

Ric ra rd a nd Mary Horsnell in Se p tember or October - better make it in
September, Jenni~ - lots of fresh air in Fernicroft.

Martha Shearer is hRvi n~ a v reat time in France. She is living in the

town of LaCoste abo1it JO km. iro m Avi~non. Her ho use looks across the valley
to Cote de Lvberon - Luberon wine costs $ 10 for 10 1 (brina: your own bucket).
Martha has access to a nearby worksrop foundry ond enjoys working with other
people . She would love to hear from you . Her address is:
84710 LA COSTE

Jim and Madeline Doyle were p le ased to have daughter Debbie Riley and
three dau~hters from Toronto. They rented Tony Layton's house for the mon th
of July and took part in tennis and swi mming.

( J)

Neighbourly News CONT'D.

Sandy Ro~ mer, you ng~st dau~hte r of the late Jill Jenk ins and niece of
John and Susan is a t Brule for a mo nth with Judy Von Colditz.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moffa t from En~la nd are visiting Margaret and Keith.
We a re happy to have you at Bruli.

An o ther 'old timer' vi sit ing the Lake is Andrea Code with her t wo
.v onnrrsters Caro line and Nathan. Andrea is Eric and Dorothy Ma rtin 1 s youngest.
After a spell nn near the Arctic Circle 8_t Fort Norman, Andrea and Bi 11 moved
' wa~' son th to Ye llowknl fe. Andrea ha.s fas ina ti np; stories of the c ou ntry and
p eonle in our "Te rra Inco g nito". Two Brule families will be in Yellowknife
this year.

Real Estate

Sve and Fred Reid have none a lot of work on t he log cabin (of the
Robe rtson p roperty) p lus a dock and tidyin~-up near the lake.

Joh n Robson l s start in~ to build his house - north of Dr. Senecal and
sovth of the old Robertson hous e. John Robson's house will never sink or
shake - it is deep in the lit h o sphe re.

Alex and Shirley Miller have added cons id era bly to their house. Sti=r~a:-rt
Graham sa ys it is the lar~est ro o f he has ever bui lt.

The Robertson house ls now the Murdock hovse. We we lco me Nadia and
Bob Murno ck o f Montrea l to Brull. The Murdo ck~ are friends of Francine and
H1rn:h Thomns o n and of Nathalie and Tony La yt on.

Lq st year Leonard Schlemm Ju n ior boni;rht the entire east side of Lac
Noire extendin~ from Bastin's in the s ou th to B'nai Brith in the north. Also
in that a rea is one recent house and two co ming on. The house at the north
end of Lac Nair t o the ri ~h t of Thompson's was built by Philip Brown. Jim
and Joan Stewart have cleared the land on a quiet little pool at the foot of
the lo wes t ra n io s on BeaulhJ~r, Stream ( left stream). On the same stream and
between Stewarts and Thomp sons , -, a h ouse will be built by Chris and Katherine
Carlyle. Katherine's house will be not very far from her parent's (Brown).
Katherine and Chri s have a dau~hte r ana a son.

Bill and Diane Mi tc he ll's p roperties are up for sale. We feel re ~ ret
to seP. an olc'l time Brule family leavinp: but it wBs difficvlt to manaixe from
so f a r away.
Jim Shett ler has boup:ht a house at Harbour Isl and off Eleuthra - The



Brule Lopnet - trail clearin~ will be Saturday, 8th. of November, 1986-

you are welcome to join in and help.- phone Bill Pollock.
This year will be the 10th. anniversary of the Loppet and
Bill and Diane are hoping to have somethin~ special to
_celebrate the first decade of this popular event. It will
be run the 28th. day of December.

Tennis - Parent & Child won by Dixie and Brian Mills.

Ach1l t & Child won by Pat Peck and Ben Ma rtin.

Sailin~ - A tri-lake meet was held at Valdurn. Brule was ably represent-
ed by Steve Sewell, Ron Peck and Keith Moffat. The other lake
was Manitou. Next ye a r the meet will be held on Brule.

Bicycling - a bike rendonnee on Tour du Lac (Ste. Ap:-atn i~) was l1eld
Sunday, August 2nd. Tim Moffat and Ben Martin participated.
The event was -out on by Mini-Loto. After the tour, refresh-
ments were frt==e and prizes distributed. Amon.'2: the prizes
were two good quality bikes - go in~ to the people whose
numbers were drawn. It will be held again next year and we
will try to alert Brule residents to this family event.
A different sort of bike event was one Bill and Parry Pollock
entered. Called the Rideau Lakes cycle tour, it goes 100
miles (the double century) between Ottawa and Kin~ston.

Field Day - this year will be hald August 16th. - runnin~ this event is
Tony Layton.


Work Bee - organized by Bill and Diane Pollock the bee accomplished
much ~ood work on and around the Club House. About JO people
helped out - painted and re pa ired the ga tes, cut brus h along
the lake, coated verandah with water repellent preservative;
two coats of paint on boys and ~irls chan~in g rooms, all
windows cleaned and contact paper on the bar. Bill or~anized
the wo rk - Diane organized the barbecue.

Dinner Dance - The Labor Day dinner dance will be held Saturday, Au~ust
JOth. at t he Club. Make up a table of 4 to 6, b riTI~
your own gourmet dinner, ta pes or records will be played.
Phone Mar~aret Moffat at J26-245J.

(5 )

Mun icipal Hall

It is wise for us to know a bit o f what our government at the local
l evel is doing . As a starte r, here are the names of our c ou ncillors:
Mayor - Denis Champagn e
Councillors - Gaston Real Pi che Andre Bazinet
Bernard Marie r Jean Faul Lanthier
Ra ymond Le Saux Real Dore
Secretary Treasurer - Eglantine Lanth ier
Sec r etai re-Tr eso riere Adjoint e : Claudette Larocque
Property eva l uation is not done by ou r mun ici pa lit y but by:
Mun ici pa lite Re,q i onal de Co mte (M.R.C.)
1111 Chemin La c Colibri C. P . JO
St. Faustin, Quebec
JOT 2GO TEL. (819 ) J 26 - 0666

If you wi sh to contest an evaluation or t o c ompar e t he evaluation o f

o th er people's properties to you r own , contact the above .

Garbai:i:e Collection: Monda.y and Thursday or Tllesday and Friday.

Large objects will be pi cked up in September.

Co llection reverts to one day a week after the

ho lid ay sea son.

Clu b - Annual General Meeting

The annua l ,c;ern~ r a l meetinrr of the Clvb was held at trie Cl11 b Hov.se on
J1ine 28th. It w::is WPll att-e nrled . The two i te rm Yh ic11 s e Pm Pd to be of mo st
irit.erest t o +:hose r.:- re s ent were : use o f the cl11b property by non - members, and
J PRnn ie tfo.cclonnell ' s :renort on the LBk e Prop.:ram. The f ormer is sti ll a n
8rrvrRvation t o many of ou r members and the executive has been un able to
employ H ,q11Rrc'l . Concerning the latter , Jeannie presented us wj_th B fo lder
and an expl anat i on of The Lak e Pro~r amme . This is a formal p ro gram under the
j ur i sd iction o f the Mi nistry of the Environment and is intended to p rotect
the lake ~nv ironment. The Pro ~ra mme supplies th e ass istance of specialists,
technical services , also mate rials and laboratory c ost s of a water - qual it y
stlrvey - all fr ee of cha r ~e. In order to ~et th i s Programme rolli n~ , ea ch
individu a l a round the l ake should send a le t ter o f suppbrt fo r the Programme
to thP Minister o f the Environment . Tom McKenna has written a draf t wordi ng
o f such a letter wh ich eve r yone may examine. The letters wi ll be ~ath ered
and se nt t o tri e minister in ~r ovps.

Club CONT'D.

Club Officers: Pre si de nt - Torn McKenna

Vice-P res ident - Russ Pay s on
Secreta ry - Gran t Ma cK e nzie
P8. st Pr es i de nt - Keith Mo ff a t
Treas ur e r - Joy Ma rt in
New ~ embers a s Directors: Gra em e Mc Murray, Judy Von Colctitz, Bob Sin ger

New Memb ers on Boa rd o f Ma nage r s : Tony Layto n - Field Day

Pie rre Senecal
New - Oth er Responsi b iliti es : Fra ncin e Thompson - Re ga tt a Raffle

From Our Read ers

If you ha ve somet h in g t o c ommunicate li k e a 'Le tt e r t o t he Ed itor' in
1~ich you ~ive your opini on or perhaps you would like t o buy o r s ell somet h i ng
write it down And get it to me. Here is som et h i n~ fr om Ma r ~ Mo f f a t.
The Club c ould do with s ome new kitc h en equi pmen t.
If you or one o f yo11r n e i p:hbours are re mo d e li r..p: an d
~ettlng rid o f old kitc hen cabi n et s , pl ease t h i n k o f
t he clu b . We a l s o n eed a stove, frid ge , lino leum
and counter-t ops . If you disc over an y tr ea su r es
t ha t mi ~ht be u s efu l, ple as e c on t a ct Ma r~ Mof fa t
a t J26-2 L~5J.

Frorr1 Our Ed i tor

If th er e is n ews or a n event wh ich 1s of inte res t to you - it would

proba bly b e of inte r e s t to o t h e rs.

Co nt a ct Bruce Ma rtin a t 819-326-2947 (wa rm s e ason) or

819-326-1249 or 514-679-2447 (cold Season)
I will be nleas ed t o he a r from you.


( 7)

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