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Build-Up Resolution

Opening Ending
The Diamond King sends out
some magical diamond dust to
catch Linda. The dust swirls
around Linda and transports
her into the kings volcano. The
king tells Linda that he wants
her to be his queen. She says
NO! The king is cross and puts
her in prison.

Climax Linda Is unhappy in prison.

When she enters the cave, she She escapes by stealing the
is transported to a new magical guards key. The king catches
world. Everywhere is glittery her escaping and tries to shoot
and everything glitters. The her with his diamond gun, he
Diamond King, sees Linda enter misses. She rushes to grab the
his world, he falls in love with gun and she then shoots the
Linda. He lives in a Jewelled king with the gun and he
volcano. immediately turns into a
diamond statue.

Build-Up Resolution
Linda is scared and shouts home,
home, home! which transports her back
to the cave where the adventure all
Linda (good character) lives in started. She runs home and tells her
a small cottage in a little town. mum what happened, but her mum
Its summer, and Linda goes does not believe her. Her mum says
out for a walk. She finds a you must have fallen asleep in the cave
cave. She enters the cave, she and it must have been all a dream.
is scared.

Opening Ending

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