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At the first quarter of grade 12th, we learned about sentence structure in Thai Language

class. At the first month, we learned our lessons using English sentences because English sentences
are easier to separate into parts and used as the sample. We, to begin with, studied the basic by
learning about all types of sentences structures. A sentence can be separated into two main parts
which are noun phrase and verb phrase. For the noun phrase, it can be separated into noun (people,
object, or place), det. (words which determine the amount of the objects), poss. adj. (adjective that
determine the ownership of something), and adj. (adjective). For verb phrase, it can be separated
into verb (describing the action), and adv. (describing how the action occur), there might be noun
phrase in the verb phrase, too. Moreover, there are some extra part which is preposition phrase
(determine the position) which can be in both noun phrase and verb phrase, and conjunction which
combine two sentences into one sentence. After that, we practice and experience a lot of English
sentences before learning Thai sentence which is more complicate. Another lesson we learned is the
GAT analysis which is about the relationship of event. In this lesson, we learn how the each phrase
related to the other. Moreover, there are three types of relationship of phrase which are Cause-
Effect (---->), Topic-Detail (---o), and Retrain (---x->).

For the utilization of this kind of knowledge, it may seem to have no advantages in real life.
However, if we read a long sentence or passage, we might get confuse and cannot find the main
idea, or understand the order of events. Therefore, we can use the knowledge of sentences
structure to order the idea and find the main point of the sentence. Moreover, when we learn the
literature, we might need this kind of knowledge to help us understanding the complicate passage
which is general in the famous literatures. Furthermore, Gat analysis help us to determine the
relationship between phrases so we can improve our ability of analyzing information and connect
the data to order the events.

According to ESLOs, studying about the sentences structure help us to be more strategic
learner which determine by how well we can translate the passage and set the order of event.
Moreover, these lessons make us more articulate in communication because these two lessons help
us to spread our idea of thinking and analyzing to the other. Finally, these lessons help us to be
innovative thinker which determine by our using of new technique to solve problems or
understanding the passages

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