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Eric Hollander, Daphne Simeon: Chapter 12. Anxiety Disorders, in The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, 5th
Edition. Edited by Robert E. Hales, Stuart C. Yudofsky, Glen O. Gabbard. Copyright ©2010 American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. DOI:
10.1176/appi.books.9781585623402.294126. Printed 7/15/2010 from www.psychiatryonline.com
Textbook of Psychiatry >

Chapter 12. Anxiety Disorders


Anxiety disorders are the most common of all psychiatric illnesses and result in considerable functional impairment and
distress. Recent research developments have had a broad impact on our understanding of the underlying mechanisms
of illness and treatment response. Working with patients who have an anxiety disorder can be highly gratifying for the
informed psychiatrist, because these patients, who are in considerable distress, often respond to proper treatment and
return to a high level of functioning. The major anxiety disorders presented in this chapter are panic disorder,
generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety disorder, specific phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD),
and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Table 12–1 presents a summary overview of the prevalence, gender ratio,
and comorbidities of the major anxiety disorders.

TABLE 12–1. Approximate lifetime prevalence, gender ratio, and common comorbidities for the major anxiety

Disorder Prevalence Females:Males Comorbidity

Panic disorder 2%–4% 2+:1 Depression, other anxiety disorders

Generalized anxiety 5%–7% 2:1 Overall, 90%; 50%–60% for major depression or other anxiety disorder

Social phobia 13%–16% 1+:1 Twofold risk for alcohol dependence, three- to sixfold risk of mood

Specific phobias 10% 2:1 Depression and somatoform disorders

Agoraphobia 6% 2:1

Obsessive-compulsive 2%–3% 1:1 Anxiety, depression, tics, hypochondriasis, eating disorder, body
disorder dysmorphic disorder (childhood-onset more common in males)

Posttraumatic stress 7%–9% 2:1 Depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic, phobias

A diagnostic decision tree of the anxiety disorders is presented in Figure 12–1. If pathological anxiety is induced by
either psychoactive substance use or an Axis III physical illness, it is classified in DSM-IV-TR (American Psychiatric
Association 2000) under the anxiety disorders (substance-induced anxiety disorder or anxiety disorder due to a general
medical condition, respectively). DSM-IV-TR specifies the subtype of organic anxiety as generalized anxiety, panic
attacks, or obsessive-compulsive symptoms.

FIGURE 12–1. Diagnostic decision tree for anxiety disorders.

Patients may have more than one disorder and thus must be evaluated for each disorder.

TABLE 12–2. DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for panic attacks

Note: A panic attack is not a codable disorder. Code the specific diagnosis in which the panic attack occurs (e.g., 300.21 panic
disorder with agoraphobia)

A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort, in which four (or more) of the following symptoms developed abruptly and
reached a peak within 10 minutes:

(1) palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate

(2) sweating
(3) trembling or shaking
(4) sensations of shortness of breath or smothering
(5) feeling of choking
(6) chest pain or discomfort
(7) nausea or abdominal distress
(8) feeling dizzy, unsteady, light-headed, or faint
(9) derealization (feelings of unreality) or depersonalization (being detached from oneself)
(10) fear of losing control or going crazy
(11) fear of dying
(12) paresthesias (numbness or tingling sensations)
(13) chills or hot flushes

DSM-II (American Psychiatric Association 1968) described an ill-defined condition of anxiety neurosis, a term first
coined by Freud in 1895 (Breuer and Freud 1893–1895/1955), which included any patient with chronic tension,
excessive worry, frequent headaches, or recurrent anxiety attacks. However, subsequent findings suggested that
discrete, spontaneous panic attacks may be qualitatively dissimilar to other chronic anxiety states. Patients with panic
attacks were found, for example, to be unique in their panic-induction responsiveness to sodium lactate infusion,
familial aggregation, development of agoraphobia, and treatment response to tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs). Thus,
DSM-III (American Psychiatric Association 1980) and the subsequent DSM-III-R (American Psychiatric Association
1987) divided the category of anxiety neurosis into panic disorder and GAD.

The DSM-IV-TR definition of a panic attack is presented in Table 12–2. Panic disorder is subdivided into panic disorder
with and without agoraphobia, as in DSM-III-R, depending on whether there is any secondary phobic avoidance (Table

TABLE 12–3. DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for panic disorder with or without agoraphobia

Diagnostic criteria for 300.01 panic disorder without agoraphobia

A. Both (1) and (2):

(1) recurrent unexpected panic attacks

(2) at least one of the attacks has been followed by 1 month (or more) of one (or more) of the following:

(a) persistent concern about having additional attacks

(b) worry about the implications of the attack or its consequences (e.g., losing control, having a heart attack, "going crazy")
(c) a significant change in behavior related to the attacks

B. Absence of agoraphobia.

C. The panic attacks are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a
general medical condition (e.g., hyperthyroidism).

D. The panic attacks are not better accounted for by another mental disorder, such as social phobia (e.g., occurring on exposure
to feared social situations), specific phobia (e.g., on exposure to a specific phobic situation), obsessive-compulsive disorder (e.g.,
on exposure to dirt in someone with an obsession about contamination), posttraumatic stress disorder (e.g., in response to
stimuli associated with a severe stressor), or separation anxiety disorder (e.g., in response to being away from home or close
Diagnostic criteria for 300.21 panic disorder with agoraphobia

A. Both (1) and (2):

(1) recurrent unexpected panic attacks

(2) at least one of the attacks has been followed by 1 month (or more) of one (or more) of the following:

(a) persistent concern about having additional attacks

(b) worry about the implications of the attack or its consequences (e.g., losing control, having a heart attack, "going crazy")
(c) a significant change in behavior related to the attacks

B. The presence of agoraphobia.

C. The panic attacks are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a
general medical condition (e.g., hyperthyroidism).

D. The panic attacks are not better accounted for by another mental disorder, such as social phobia (e.g., occurring on exposure
to feared social situations), specific phobia (e.g., on exposure to a specific phobic situation), obsessive-compulsive disorder (e.g.,
on exposure to dirt in someone with an obsession about contamination), posttraumatic stress disorder (e.g., in response to
stimuli associated with a severe stressor), or separation anxiety disorder (e.g., in response to being away from home or close
DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association 1994) clarified several issues regarding the diagnosis and differential
diagnosis of panic disorder that remained obscured in DSM-III-R. Panic attacks are well known to occur not only in
panic disorder but in other anxiety disorders as well (e.g., specific phobia, social phobia, and PTSD). In these other
disorders, panic attacks are situationally bound or cued—that is, they occur exclusively within the context of the feared
situation. DSM-IV clarified this confusion by explicitly presenting the definition of panic attacks independently of panic
disorder and specifying that a panic attack can be "unexpected (uncued)," "situationally bound (cued)," or
"situationally predisposed."

The differential diagnosis can sometimes become complicated when, historically, one or several unexpected panic
attacks initially occur in a specific situation, consistent with a diagnosis of panic disorder, but later evolve into a chronic
condition in which the attacks are cued exclusively by that situation or when avoidance of that situation develops
because of fear of another attack. Is the diagnosis in such a case panic disorder with agoraphobia or social/specific
phobia? DSM-IV-TR retains the distinct diagnoses of panic disorder with agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, and
specific phobia and specifies that panic attacks can occur as a feature of all three of these disorders. Therefore clinical
judgment regarding the preponderant clinical pattern is called for in making the differential diagnosis in such cases.

Clinical Description


In the typical onset of a case of panic disorder, individuals are engaged in some ordinary aspect of life when suddenly
their heart begins to pound, and they cannot catch their breath. They feel dizzy, light-headed, and faint and are
convinced they are about to die. Panic disorder patients are usually young adults, most likely in the third decade,
although onset may be as late as the sixth decade.

Although the first attack generally strikes during some routine activity, several events are often associated with the
early presentation of panic disorder. Not uncommonly, the first panic attack occurs in the context of a life-threatening
illness or accident, the loss of a close interpersonal relationship, or a separation from family (e.g., starting college or
accepting a job out of town). Patients developing either hypo- or hyperthyroidism may get the first flurry of attacks at
this time. Attacks also begin in the immediate postpartum period. Finally, many patients have reported experiencing
their first attacks while taking drugs of abuse, especially marijuana, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), sedatives,
cocaine, and amphetamines. However, even when these concomitant conditions are resolved, the attacks often
continue unabated. This situation gives the impression that some stressors may act as triggers to provoke the
beginning of panic attacks in patients who are already predisposed.

Patients experiencing their first panic attack generally fear they are having a heart attack or losing their mind. Such
patients often rush to the nearest emergency department, where routine laboratory tests, electrocardiography, and
physical examination are performed. All that is found is an occasional case of sinus tachycardia, and the patients are
reassured and sent home. These patients may indeed feel reassured, and at this point the diagnosis of panic disorder
would be premature. However, perhaps a few days or even weeks later they will again have the sudden onset of
severe anxiety with all of the associated physical symptoms. Again, they seek emergency medical treatment. At this
point, they may be told the problem is psychological, be given a prescription for a benzodiazepine tranquilizer, or be
referred for extensive medical workup.


Typically, during a panic attack, a patient will be engaged in a routine activity, perhaps reading a book, eating in a
restaurant, driving a car, or attending a concert, when he or she will experience the sudden onset of overwhelming
fear, terror, apprehension, and a sense of impending doom. Several of a group of associated symptoms, mostly
physical, are also experienced: dyspnea, palpitations, chest pain or discomfort, choking or smothering sensations,
dizziness or unsteady feelings, feelings of unreality (derealization and/or depersonalization), paresthesias, hot and cold
flashes, sweating, faintness, trembling and shaking, and a fear of dying, going crazy, or losing control of oneself. It is
clear that most of the physical sensations of a panic attack represent massive overstimulation of the autonomic
nervous system.

Attacks usually last from 5 to 20 minutes and rarely as long as an hour. Patients who claim they have attacks that last
a whole day may fall into one of four categories. Some patients continue to feel agitated and fatigued for several hours
after the main portion of the attack has subsided. At times, attacks occur, subside, and occur again in a wave-like
manner. Alternatively, the patient with so-called long panic attacks often has some other form of pathological anxiety,
such as severe generalized anxiety, agitated depression, or obsessional tension states. Finally, in some cases, such
severe anticipatory anxiety may develop with time in expectation of future panic attacks that the two may blend
together in the patient's description and be difficult to distinguish.

Although many people experience an occasional unexpected attack of panic, the diagnosis of panic disorder is only
made when the attacks occur with some regularity and frequency. However, patients with occasional unexpected panic
attacks may be genetically similar to patients with panic disorder. A twin study found the best results for genetic
linkage when patients with regular panic attacks were included together with patients who had only occasional attacks
(Torgersen 1983).

Some patients do not progress in their illness beyond the point of continuing to have unexpected panic attacks. Most
patients develop some degree of anticipatory anxiety consequent to the experience of repetitive panic attacks. The
patient comes to dread experiencing an attack and starts worrying about doing so in the intervals between attacks.
This can progress until the level of fearfulness and autonomic hyperactivity in the interval between panic attacks
almost approximates the level during the actual attack itself. Such patients may be mistaken for GAD patients.

It is warranted to draw some further attention to what appears to be the cardinal symptom of panic. A number of lines
of research evidence indicate that hyperventilation may be the central feature in the pathophysiology of panic attacks
and panic disorder. Patients with panic disorder have been shown to be chronic hyperventilators who also acutely
hyperventilate during spontaneous and induced panic (the possible etiologies of this are discussed later in this section).
This hyperventilation then induces hypocapnia and alkalosis, leading to decreased cerebral blood flow and to the
dizziness, confusion, and derealization characteristic of panic attacks. Indeed, signs and symptoms of hyperventilation
seem to disappear once a patient with panic disorder has been successfully treated with antipanic medication. Also,
behavioral breathing retraining treatments aimed at teaching the patient not to hyperventilate are successful in
decreasing the frequency of panic attacks, presumably by dampening the ventilatory overreaction that may constitute
the hallmark of panic.


Agoraphobia frequently develops in response to panic attacks, leading to the DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of panic disorder
with agoraphobia. The clinical picture in agoraphobia consists of multiple and varied fears and avoidance behaviors that
center around three main themes: 1) fear of leaving home, 2) fear of being alone, and 3) fear of being away from
home in situations where one can feel trapped, embarrassed, or helpless. According to DSM-IV-TR, the fear is one of
developing distressing symptoms in such situations where escape is difficult or help is unavailable. Typical agoraphobic
fears are of using public transportation (e.g., buses, trains, subways, planes); being in crowds, theaters, elevators,
restaurants, supermarkets, or department stores; waiting in line; or traveling a distance from home. In severe cases,
patients may be completely housebound, fearful of leaving home without a companion or even of staying home alone.

Most cases of agoraphobia begin with a series of spontaneous panic attacks. If the attacks continue, the patient usually
develops a constant anticipatory anxiety characterized by continued apprehension about the possible occasion and
consequences of the next attack. Agoraphobic symptoms represent a tertiary phase in the illness. Many patients will
causally relate their panic attacks to the particular situation in which the attacks have occurred. They then avoid these
situations in an attempt to prevent further panic attacks (Figure 12–2).

FIGURE 12–2. Development of agoraphobia.

After onset of unexpected panic attacks (solid bars), patient develops acute help-seeking behavior (X), then apprehension
culminating in chronic anxiety (shaded areas), and finally agoraphobic behavior (black blocks).

For example, a man who has had several attacks while taking the train to work may attribute the attacks to the train
and, in order to avoid the train, start driving to work. If he still experiences panic attacks in the morning while driving
to work rather than on the train, he interprets this as a sign that the attacks have spread to driving situations rather
than as an indication that they were not, in the first place, caused by the train. Agoraphobic persons frequently fear
situations in which they feel they cannot leave abruptly if an attack occurs, such as crowded rooms, front-row seats,
tunnels, bridges, and airplanes. Some individuals continue to have spontaneous panic attacks throughout the course of
the illness. In other cases, after the initial phase of the illness, attacks may occur rarely or exclusively when the patient
ventures into the feared situation.

One interesting aspect of agoraphobia is the effect of a trusted companion on phobic behavior. Many patients who are
unable to leave the house alone can travel long distances and partake in most activities if accompanied by a spouse,
family member, or close friend. It is unclear whether vulnerability to panic attacks is actually decreased in this
situation or whether the patient feels less helpless and isolated. In addition to panic attacks and chronic anxiety,
agoraphobic patients frequently exhibit symptoms of demoralization or secondary depression, multiple somatic
complaints, and alcohol or sedative drug abuse.

Character Traits

It has not been clearly established whether particular character types are correlated with panic disorder, and studies
are further confounded because the presence of panic disorder may have secondary effects on personality. Noyes et al.
(1991) conducted personality follow-up of panic disorder patients treated for panic over 3 years and found that the
initial avoidant and dependent traits were to a large extent state related and waned with the treatment of panic. On
the other hand, experience leads many clinicians to feel that patients with agoraphobia and panic are more likely to
have histories of dependent character traits that antedate the onset of panic.

The National Institute of Mental Health Epidemiologic Catchment Area (ECA) study examined the population
prevalence of DSM-III-diagnosed panic disorder using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule (Regier et al. 1988). The
1-month, 6-month, and lifetime prevalence rates for panic disorder at all five study sites combined were 0.5%, 0.8%,
and 1.6%, respectively. Women had a 1-month prevalence rate of 0.7%, which was significantly higher than the 0.3%
rate found among men; women also tended to have a greater rise in panic disorder in the age range of 25 to 44 years,
and their attacks tended to continue longer into older age (Regier et al. 1988).
More recently, the 2001–2002 National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC), which
included about 43,000 participants, revealed a 1-year and lifetime prevalence of panic disorder of 2.1% and 5.1%,
respectively (Grant et al. 2006); rates for panic disorder without agoraphobia were 1.6% and 4.0%, respectively,
exceeding those of panic disorder with agoraphobia (0.6% and 1.1%, respectively). Being female, Native American,
middle-aged, widowed/separated/divorced, and of low income increased risk for panic disorder, whereas being Asian,
African American, or Hispanic decreased risk. Subjects with agoraphobia had an earlier age at onset, more severe
symptoms, greater disability, and greater Axis I and II comorbidity compared with subjects without agoraphobia and
were more likely to seek treatment early on. Thus, the overrepresentation of panic disorder with agoraphobia in
treatment settings probably reflects greater treatment seeking and more severe disorder. On the other hand,
agoraphobia without panic disorder was quite rare, with a 0.17% lifetime prevalence, raising questions about its
standing as a distinct Axis I disorder. The National Comorbidity Survey Replication study reported highly similar
findings, with a lifetime prevalence of 3.7% for panic disorder without agoraphobia and 1.1% with agoraphobia
(Kessler et al. 2006), and again the presence of agoraphobia was associated with greater symptom severity,
comorbidity, and impairment.


Biological Theories

There are a number of biological theories of panic disorder that figure prominently in the psychiatric literature; we
summarize the evidence for or against some of the most promising ones. Certain agents have a powerful and specific
capacity to induce panic, in contrast to other agents that produce prominent physiological changes but fail to induce
panic. These findings argue strongly against the notion that panic is a reaction to nonspecific distressing stimuli and
suggest more specific biological bases, even if these involve multiple neurochemicals and circuits. The various theories
described in the following sections should not be viewed as mutually exclusive but rather as potentially interlocking
pieces of a larger puzzle. The theories are summarized in Table 12–4; neurochemical, imaging, and genetic findings are
described in the discussions that follow.

TABLE 12–4. Biological models of panic disorder

Hyperreactivity of the locus coeruleus

Dysregulated serotonergic modulation

Decreased -aminobutyric acid (GABA)–benzodiazepine receptor complex binding

Hypersensitive brain stem carbon dioxide (CO2 ) chemoreceptors

Hypersensitive conditioned fear network centered in the amygdala

Moderate genetic component

The sympathetic system

Studies of normal subjects exposed to novel stress typically demonstrate elevations in plasma catecholamine levels.
Elevated plasma levels of epinephrine are not, however, a regular accompaniment of panic attacks induced in the
laboratory (Liebowitz et al. 1985a). It is not clear whether administration of catecholamines can actually provoke
anxiety reactions and, if so, whether the reaction is specific only to patients with anxiety disorder. Researchers in the
1930s and 1940s did show that epinephrine infusion caused the physical, but not necessarily the emotional, symptoms
of anxiety in human subjects, and for many years the possibility that panic attacks were manifestations of massive
discharge from the -adrenergic nervous system was considered. The -adrenergic hypothesis of panic has received
some support from studies claiming that -adrenergic–blocking drugs, such as propranolol, have an ameliorative effect
on panic attacks and anxiety. When the properly designed and controlled studies of -adrenergic blockers used in
specific well-diagnosed anxiety disorders are reviewed, however, only modest antianxiety effects can actually be
demonstrated. No study has ever shown that -adrenergic blockers are specifically effective in blocking spontaneous
panic attacks. For example, intravenously administrated propranolol, in doses sufficient to achieve full peripheral
-adrenergic blockade, was not able to block a sodium lactate–induced panic attack in patients with panic disorder
(Gorman et al. 1983). Examination of various autonomic parameters seems to dispel the notion of simple autonomic
dysregulation in panic (M. B. Stein and Asmundson 1994). Indeed, there does not appear to be global sympathetic
activation in panic disorder patients at rest or even during panic attacks in some patients (Wilkinson et al. 1998).

The locus coeruleus has also been implicated in the pathogenesis of panic attacks. This nucleus is located in the pons
and contains more than 50% of all noradrenergic neurons in the entire central nervous system. It sends afferent
projections to a wide area of the brain, including the hippocampus, amygdala, limbic lobe, and cerebral cortex.
Electrical stimulation of the animal locus coeruleus produces a marked fear and anxiety response, whereas ablation of
the animal locus coeruleus renders an animal less susceptible to fear response in the face of threatening stimuli
(Redmond 1979). In humans, drugs known to be capable of increasing locus coeruleus discharge in animals are
anxiogenic, whereas many drugs that curtail locus coeruleus firing and decrease central noradrenergic turnover are
antianxiety agents.

Yohimbine challenge was reported to induce greater anxiety and a greater increase in plasma 3-methoxy-
4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG), a major noradrenergic metabolite, in patients with frequent panic attacks compared
with patients who have panic attacks less frequently or with healthy control subjects. Such a finding is suggestive of
heightened central noradrenergic activity in panic (Charney et al. 1984). The results from challenge tests with the
2-adrenergic agonist clonidine, although difficult to interpret, have suggested noradrenergic dysregulation in panic, with
hypersensitivity of some and subsensitivity of other brain 2-adrenoreceptors. Compared with control subjects, panic
disorder patients had heightened cardiovascular responses but blunted growth hormone responses to clonidine (Nutt
1989). Dysregulated noradrenergic function, in the form of markedly elevated MHPG volatility in response to clonidine
challenge, has been described in panic disorder patients and normalizes after treatment with selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) (Coplan et al. 1997).

However, buspirone, which is also reported to increase locus coeruleus firing, is an anxiolytic medication and has not
been reported to induce panic. Examples of medications that curtail locus coeruleus firing are clonidine, propranolol,
benzodiazepines, morphine, endorphin, and TCAs. These drugs range from those clearly effective in blocking human
panic attacks (e.g., TCAs) to those of more dubious efficacy (e.g., clonidine, propranolol, and standard
benzodiazepines). Also, controversy exists about the relevance of these animal models. Redmond (1979) and
colleagues have produced abundant evidence that situations that provoke fear and anxiety in laboratory animals are
associated with increases in locus coeruleus discharge and in central noradrenergic turnover. This would, of course,
support the idea that the locus coeruleus is a kind of generator for anxiety attacks. However, there is no consistent
pattern of increased locus coeruleus discharge associated with anxiety in animals; the locus coeruleus may be involved
in arousal and response to novel stimuli rather than in anxiety (Aston-Jones et al. 1984).

The panicogen sodium lactate

Although not without some controversy, sodium lactate provocation of panic attacks has captured a lot of attention as
an experimental model for understanding the pathogenesis of spontaneous panic attacks. Lactate-provoked panic is
specific to patients with prior spontaneous attacks, closely resembles such attacks, and can be blocked by the same
drugs that block natural attacks (Liebowitz et al. 1984). Pitts and McClure (1967) administered intravenous infusions
of sodium lactate to patients with "anxiety" disorder and found that most of the patients had an anxiety attack during
the infusion. The subjects all believed that these attacks were quite typical of their naturally occurring attacks. Control
subjects did not experience panic attacks during the infusion.

Having been replicated on numerous occasions under proper experimental conditions, the finding that 10 mL/kg of 0.5
molar sodium lactate infused over 20 minutes will provoke a panic attack in most patients with panic disorder but not
in normal control subjects is now a well-accepted fact. The mechanism, however, that may account for the observed
biochemical and physiological changes (Liebowitz et al. 1985a) has been subject to much uncertainty and controversy.
Theories have included nonspecific arousal that cognitively triggers panic; induction of metabolic alkalosis;
hypocalcemia; alteration of the ratio of nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide (NAD) to the hydrogenated (reduced) form
of nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide (NADH); and transient intracerebral hypercapnia. In a recent study, subjects with
panic disorder were found to have greater hypocapnia in response to hyperventilation, whereas their pH response was
not altered, implicating exaggerated buffering possibly mediated by increased lactate (Friedman et al. 2006).

The GABA–benzodiazepine system

Another area of inquiry that may relate to the biology of panic is the -aminobutyric acid (GABA)–benzodiazepine
receptor complex; the benzodiazepine receptor is linked to a receptor for the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA. Binding
of a benzodiazepine to the benzodiazepine receptor facilitates the action of GABA, effectively slowing neural
transmission. One series of compounds, the -carbolines, which are inverse agonists of this receptor complex, produces
an acute anxiety syndrome when administered to laboratory animals or to normal human volunteers. On the other
hand, benzodiazepines have long been known to be a highly efficacious treatment for panic. The possibility is then
raised that either aberrant production of an endogenous ligand or altered receptor sensitivity may occur in patients
with panic, interfering with proper benzodiazepine receptor function and causing their symptoms.

There is support for such a theory, although findings in the literature to date have been to a degree contradictory. One
study found that panic disorder patients, compared with healthy control subjects, demonstrated less reduced saccadic
eye movement velocity in response to diazepam, suggesting hyposensitivity of the benzodiazepine receptor in panic
(Roy-Byrne et al. 1990). The benzodiazepine antagonist flumazenil was found to be panicogenic in panic patients but
not in control subjects, suggesting a deficiency in an endogenous anxiolytic ligand or altered benzodiazepine receptor
sensitivity in panic (Nutt et al. 1990). However, another study of flumazenil responses in panic was negative (Strohle
et al. 1999).

More recently, imaging studies have consistently revealed alterations in this system. Decreased benzodiazepine
receptor binding by single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) was found in the hippocampus of panic
disorder patients, and prefrontal cortex binding was also decreased in those subjects who experienced an attack during
the scanning (Bremner et al. 2000). These findings could tie in neatly to the current neurocircuitry of fear model of
panic, described later, in which the amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex play a central role in modulating
conditioned fear responses. Similarly, a global decrease in benzodiazepine receptor binding has been found with
positron emission tomography (PET), most prominent in the prefrontal cortex and the insula (Malizia et al. 1998).
Another study reported that a 22% reduction in total occipital GABA levels was found in panic subjects compared with
control subjects (Goddard et al. 2001a). In a magnetic resonance spectroscopy study that measured total occipital
cortex GABA levels, panic disorder patients, compared with healthy control subjects, were found to have a deficient
GABA neuronal response after acute oral benzodiazepine administration, suggesting that a trait-like abnormality in
GABA function may contribute to the pathogenesis of panic (Goddard et al. 2004).

The serotonergic system

Although the serotonergic system has not been as extensively investigated in panic as other neurochemical systems, it
is widely thought that it may be one of the systems that at least indirectly modulate dysregulated responses in the
disorder. Indirect evidence is provided by the high efficacy of serotonin reuptake inhibitors in treating panic. It has
recently been proposed that serotonergic medications may act by desensitizing the brain's fear network via projections
from the raphe nuclei to the locus coeruleus, inhibiting noradrenergic activation; to the periaqueductal gray region,
inhibiting freeze/flight responses; to the hypothalamus, inhibiting corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) release; and
possibly directly at the level of the amygdala, inhibiting excitatory pathways from the cortex and the thalamus
(Gorman et al. 2000). In one study, depletion of tryptophan, a serotonin precursor, resulted in increased anxiety and
carbon dioxide (CO 2)–induced panic attacks in panic patients but not in comparison subjects (Miller et al. 2000). A
radioligand PET imaging study provided evidence for decreased distribution of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) type
1A (5-HT1A ) receptor binding in the cingulate cortex and dorsal raphe in panic disorder participants compared with
healthy control subjects (Neumeister et al. 2004). Another radioligand PET study reported significant decreases in
serotonin transporter binding in the midbrain, temporal lobes, and thalamus in participants with current panic disorder,
and this decrease correlated significantly with greater panic symptom severity (Maron et al. 2004).

Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis

The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) system, which is central to an organism's response to stress, would clearly
be of interest in panic disorder, in which increased early life stressful events such as separations, losses, and abuse
have been described (M. B. Stein et al. 1996). However, HPA findings in panic have been very contradictory and have
not consistently supported HPA axis dysregulation in the disorder. Cortisol responses in lactate-induced panic have
suggested HPA axis involvement in anticipatory anxiety, as is known to occur in other anxiety and stress states, but
not in the actual panic attacks (Hollander et al. 1989). There is some evidence for uncoupling of noradrenergic and HPA
axis activity in panic disorder patients (Coplan et al. 1995). In one study, adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol
responses to CRF challenge were not clearly altered in panic patients compared with healthy subjects (Curtis et al.
1997). More recently, a metyrapone and combined metyrapone/dexamethasone challenge study failed to find any HPA
axis response difference between panic disorder and control patients (Kellner et al. 2004).

Carbon dioxide hypersensitivity theory

Controlled hyperventilation and respiratory alkalosis do not routinely provoke panic attacks in most patients with panic
disorder. Surprisingly, however, giving these patients a mixture of 5% CO 2 in room air to breathe causes panic almost
as often as does a sodium lactate infusion (Gorman et al. 1984). This finding has been consistently replicated and
appears specific to panic disorder (Kent et al. 2001). Similarly, sodium bicarbonate infusion provokes panic attacks in
patients with panic disorder at a rate comparable with that induced by CO 2 inhalation (Gorman et al. 1989). Aberrant
respiratory sensitivity to CO 2 may be a familial trait that comprises a risk factor for developing panic disorder, a
hypothesis supported by one study (Coryell et al. 2001) but not by another (Pine et al. 2005).

By what mechanism, then, does 5% CO 2 induce panic? When CO 2 is added to inspired air, it causes a reliable
dose-dependent increase in rat locus coeruleus firing. Alternatively, panic disorder patients may have hypersensitive
brain stem CO 2 chemoreceptors in their medulla. Indeed, during the CO 2 induction procedure, panic disorder patients
who experience panic attacks while breathing 5% CO 2 demonstrate a much faster increase in inspiratory drive than do
nonpanicking patients or normal control subjects; inspiratory drive is thought to reflect most directly the brain stem
component of respiratory regulation (Gorman et al. 1988). In an interesting study of CO 2 inhalation sensitivity before
and after psychotherapy or medication treatment in panic disorder patients, it was found that after treatment patients
exhibited diminished subjective panic responses, whereas objective respiratory physiological responses remained
unchanged, suggesting that treatment strengthened higher cortical control over subcortical fear-related circuitry
(Gorman et al. 2004).

Such a model is of interest because it could account for the generally well-established fact that hyperventilation does
not cause panic, whereas CO 2, lactate, and bicarbonate do. Infused lactate is metabolized to bicarbonate, which is then
converted in the periphery to CO 2. In other words, CO 2 constitutes the common metabolic product of both lactate and
bicarbonate. This CO 2 then selectively crosses the blood-brain barrier and produces transient cerebral hypercapnia. The
hypercapnia then sets off the brain stem CO 2 chemoreceptors, leading to hyperventilation and panic. Thus, a "false
suffocation alarm" theory of panic has been formulated (D. F. Klein 1993) that proposes that patients with panic are
hypersensitive to CO 2 because they have an overly sensitive brain stem suffocation alarm system. This condition
constitutes, in a sense, the opposite of the hyposensitive suffocation alarm seen in Ondine's curse, a rare illness in
which the afflicted are at risk for suffocating in their sleep. D. F. Klein (1993) proposed that such a theory of panic
could explain, for example, the tendency of panic attacks to occur during high-CO 2 states such as deep non–rapid eye
movement sleep, premenstrually, and sometimes with relaxation, but not during childbirth, an event otherwise
characterized by extreme hyperventilation and potentially catastrophic cognitions.

This theory may be supported by the variety of subtle respiratory dysfunctions that appear to be associated with panic,
such as preexisting pulmonary disease, panic disorder patients' tendency to chronically hyperventilate, their increased
variance in tidal volume during steady-state respiration, and their greater irregularities in nocturnal breathing (M. B.
Stein et al. 1995b). There is some evidence that irregular breathing patterns are intrinsic to panic patients and are not
influenced by induced hyperventilation or cognitive manipulation, suggesting a brain stem rather than a higher brain
level dysregulation (Abelson et al. 2001). A recent study of respiratory physiology in panic disorder patients found that,
compared with control subjects, patients manifested greater entropy in baseline respiratory patterns, indicating higher
levels of irregularity and complexity in their respiratory function (Caldirola et al. 2004). Increased gray matter volume
in the brain stem of panic patients compared with control subjects has provided preliminary structural evidence for a
role of the brain stem in the neurocircuitry of panic (Protopopescu et al. 2006). On the other hand, Gorman et al.
(2000) argued that brain stem respiratory centers are a secondary mechanism by which panic attack symptoms
relating to respiration become manifest, as one of several pathways that become activated by central excitation of the

Neurocircuitry of fear

The neurocircuitry of fear model integrates neurochemical, imaging, and treatment findings in the disorder coupled
with human and animal studies in the neurobiology of conditioned fear responses (Gorman et al. 2000). The model
proposes that panic attacks are analogous to animal fear and avoidance responses and may be manifestations of
dysregulation in the brain circuits underlying conditioned fear responses. Panic is speculated to originate in an
abnormally sensitive fear network, centered in the amygdala. Input into the amygdala is modulated by both thalamic
input and prefrontal cortical projections, and there are amygdalar projections to several areas involved in various
aspects of the fear response, such as the locus coeruleus and arousal, the brain stem and respiratory activation, the
hypothalamus and activation of the HPA stress axis, and the cortex and cognitive interpretations. This model is thought
to explain why a variety of biologically diverse agents have panicogenic properties, by acting at different pathways or
on neurochemical systems of this network; it is proposed that the respiratory brain stem nucleus could not be directly
triggered by such a variety of agents (Gorman et al. 2000). Thus, dysregulated "cross-talk" between various
neurotransmitter systems, such as serotonergic, noradrenergic, GABAergic, CRF, and others, may underlie the
pathogenesis of panic.
Neuroimaging studies are implicating these and other areas in the neurocircuitry of panic. A PET functional
neuroimaging study supported an amygdala-based fear network in panic, revealing significantly higher glucose uptake
under resting conditions in the bilateral amygdala, hippocampus, thalamus, midbrain, caudal pons, medulla, and
cerebellum in panic disorder participants compared with healthy control subjects (Sakai et al. 2005). A functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study examining the functional neural correlates of disease-related emotional
stimuli reported that panic patients showed activation in the right amygdala and hippocampus while performing the
panic-related emotional Stroop task (van den Heuvel et al. 2005b). A pilot PET study in panic disorder found that
decreased orbitocortical frontal cortex activation predicted heightened anxiety in response to intravenous challenge
with the panicogen doxapram, again supporting a model of diminished top-down inhibition by prefrontal cortical
regions over hypersensitive limbic regions (Kent et al. 2005). Structural volumetric studies have reported decreased
gray matter volumes bilaterally in the putamen of panic disorder participants, the magnitude of which was associated
with panic severity (Yoo et al. 2005).


Several family and twin studies of panic disorder have consistently supported the presence of a moderate genetic
influence in the expression of panic disorder. Crowe et al. (1983) found a morbidity risk for panic disorder of 24.7%
among relatives of patients with panic disorder compared with only 2.3% among normal control subjects. Torgersen
(1983) completed a study of 32 monozygotic and 53 dizygotic twins and found panic attacks to be five times more
frequent in the former. However, the absolute concordance rate in monozygotic twins was 31%, suggesting that
nongenetic factors also play an important role in the development of the illness. Moderate heritability was also found
in a female twin study (Kendler et al. 1992). Individuals with an early onset of the disorder appear to have a much
higher familial aggregation of the disorder, possibly suggesting a stronger genetic component in a familial subtype of
the disorder, which might better lend itself to molecular genetic studies (Goldstein et al. 1997). Although an earlier
whole-genome scan in 23 panic pedigrees did not yield any evidence of linkage (Knowles et al. 1998), later genome
scan studies have revealed links to chromosomes 7p (Crowe et al. 2001), 7q (Cheng et al. 2006), 13q (Hamilton et al.
2003), and 9q (Thorgeirsson et al. 2003).

There have been a number of preliminary positive studies of putative genetic markers and candidate genes for panic
disorder, including the X-linked monoamine oxidase-A gene in females (Deckert et al. 1999), the cholecystokinin gene
(Wang et al. 1998), the cholecystokinin receptor gene (Kennedy et al. 1999), and the adenosine 2A receptor gene
(Deckert et al. 1998; Hamilton et al. 2004), the catechol-O-methyltransferase gene (Hamilton et al. 2002; Woo et al.
2002, 2004), the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor gene (Nakamura et al. 2006), and the 5-HT2A receptor gene
(Inada et al. 2003). There is also evidence of interactions of serotonergic and noradrenergic gene variants in panic
disorder (Freitlag et al. 2006). Another important strategy is to examine genetic influences on behaviorally inhibited
temperament, which is a risk factor for anxiety disorders. One study found that in families with panic-disordered
parents, behavioral inhibition in the offspring was associated with corticotropin-releasing hormone variants (Smoller et
al. 2005). It is likely that genetic variants of several or multiple candidate genes in different neurotransmitter systems,
each with minor individual effects, all contribute to panic susceptibility (Maron et al. 2005). Also, panic and
agoraphobia may share some, but not all, of their susceptibility loci (J. Gelernter et al. 2001).

Psychodynamic Theories

In this subsection we present the major landmarks in the evolution of psychodynamic theories of anxiety and panic
and their relationship to recent biological advances. More lengthy expositions and critiques of the psychoanalytic
theories can be referred to by interested readers (see Cooper 1985; Michels et al. 1985; Nemiah 1988).

Freud's first theory of anxiety neurosis (id or impulse anxiety)

In his earliest concept of anxiety formation, Freud (1895b[1894]/1962) postulated that anxiety stems from the direct
physiological transformation of libidinal energy into the somatic symptoms of anxiety, without the mediation of
psychic mechanisms. He found evidence for this process in the sexual practices and experiences of patients with
anxiety, which were characterized by disturbed sexual arousal and continence and coitus interruptus. He termed such
anxiety an "actual neurosis" as opposed to a psychoneurosis, because of the postulated absence of psychic processes.
Such anxiety, originating from overwhelming instinctual urges, would today be referred to as id or impulse anxiety.

Over the next several years, Freud started to modify his theory. Although the basic tenet that anxiety stemmed from
undischarged sexual energy remained the same, this was no longer posited to be due to external constraints such as
sexual dysfunctions. In accordance with Freud's developing topographic theory of the mind, anxiety resulted from
forbidden sexual drives in the unconscious being repressed by the preconscious.

Structural theory and intrapsychic conflict

By 1926, with the advent of the structural theory of the mind, Freud's theory of anxiety had undergone a major
transformation (Freud 1926/1959). According to Freud, anxiety is an affect belonging to the ego and acts as a signal
alerting the ego to internal danger. The danger stems from intrapsychic conflict between instinctual drives from the id,
superego prohibitions, and external reality demands. Anxiety acts as a signal to the ego for the mobilization of
repression and other defenses to counteract the threat to intrapsychic equilibrium. Inhibitions and neurotic symptoms
develop as measures designed to avoid the dangerous situation and to allow only partial gratification of instinctual
wishes, thus warding off signal anxiety. In the revised theory, then, anxiety leads to repression, instead of the reverse.

Early on, Freud (1895a[1894]/1962) also observed that in the analysis of phobias, nothing is ever found but the
emotional state of anxiety. In the case of agoraphobia we often find the recollection of an anxiety attack, and what the
patient actually fears is the occurrence of such an attack under the special conditions in which the patient believes he
or she cannot escape it. This is a succinct description, made more than a century ago, of the development of
anticipatory anxiety and agoraphobia following a panic attack. At that time, Freud did not consider phobias to be
psychologically mediated. Rather, he understood them, like anxiety neurosis, to be manifestations of a physiologically
induced tension state. Undischarged libidinal energy was physiologically transformed into anxiety, which became
attached to and partly discharged through objects that were, by their nature or in the patient's prior experience,

The intrapsychic conflict model of anxiety continues to constitute a major tenet of contemporary psychoanalytic
theory. Psychoanalytic theorists after Freud, such as Melanie Klein (1948) and Joachim Flescher (1955), also made
significant contributions to the understanding of the psychodynamic origins of anxiety. Whereas Freud concentrated on
the role of sexual impulses and the oedipal conflict in the genesis of anxiety, these theorists drew attention to the role
that aggressive impulses and preoedipal dynamics can also play in generating anxiety. Since Freud, the psychodynamic
literature has also to a degree shifted away from formulations that primarily emphasize libidinal wishes and castration
fears in understanding phobias such as agoraphobia (Michels et al. 1985). For example, the significance of a
trustworthy and safe companion in individuals with agoraphobia could be understood as a simultaneous expression of
aggressive impulses toward the companion and a magical wish to protect the companion from such impulses by
always being together. Alternatively, excessive fear of object loss and its concomitant separation anxiety could explain
both the fear of being away from home alone and the alleviation of this fear when a companion is present.

Although psychoanalytic theories are not universally accepted by psychiatrists today, they remain an invaluable tool in
the understanding and treatment of at least some patients. Also, it should be pointed out that Freud's theory of anxiety
formation is not incompatible with biological theories of anxiety. Although Freud's first model of anxiety was later
overshadowed by the conflictual model, modern biological theories of panic are in many ways more reminiscent of his
original physiological formulation. Furthermore, Freud maintained on numerous occasions that biological
predispositions to psychiatric symptoms are undoubtedly operant in most conditions and that constitutional factors
could play a role in the particular form that neurotic symptoms take in different patients.

Indeed, what psychoanalytic theory does not help us with is a better understanding of the determinants of the various
specific forms in which anxiety symptoms manifest themselves. Some patients have anxiety attacks, others have
more chronic forms of anxiety, and still others have phobias, obsessions, or compulsions. Freud himself attempted to
address this problem of choice of neurosis and partly explained it on the basis of constitutional factors—a concept
essentially similar to modern biological notions. In an attempt to reconcile this unpredictability with classical
psychodynamic theory, it has been postulated that patients with unconscious conflict and a neural predisposition to
panic may manifest their anxiety in the form of panic attacks, whereas individuals without this neural predisposition
may manifest milder forms of signal anxiety (Nemiah 1981). Along these more contemporary lines of thinking, a
psychodynamic study of patients with panic disorder found that in patients who are neurophysiologically predisposed to
early fearfulness, exposure to parental behaviors that augment this fearfulness may result in disturbances of object
relations and persistence of conflicts surrounding dependence and catastrophic fears of helplessness, all of which are
accessible in psychodynamic treatment (Shear et al. 1993).

With the broadening of psychodynamic theory over the decades, different forms of anxiety have been elaborated, such
as annihilation anxiety, separation anxiety, anxiety over loss of the other's love, castration anxiety, superego anxiety,
and id anxiety. In particular, greater emphasis on preoedipal dynamics and research in infant and child development
has brought to the forefront attachment theories and the importance of attachment disturbances in the genesis of
psychopathology. In the early 1960s, D. F. Klein proposed an etiological theory that agoraphobia with panic attacks
may represent an aberrant function of the biological substrate that underlies normal human attachment and threats to
it (i.e., separation anxiety). Based on Bowlby's (1973) work on attachment and separation, D. F. Klein (1981)
advanced the notion that the attachment of an infant human or animal to its mother is not simply a learned response
but is genetically programmed and biologically determined. Indeed, 20%–50% of adults with panic disorder and
agoraphobia recall manifesting symptoms of pathological separation anxiety, often taking the form of school phobia,
when they were children. Furthermore, the initial panic attack in the history of a patient who goes on to develop panic
disorder is sometimes preceded by the real or threatened loss of a significant relationship. One systematic study has
shown that the number and severity of recent life events, especially events related to loss, were greater in new-onset
panic patients than in control subjects (Faravelli and Pallanti 1989). A blinded psychodynamic study showed separation
anxiety to be a significantly more prevalent theme in the dreams and screen memories of panic patients than in
normal control subjects.

Infant animals demonstrate their anxiety when separated from the mother by a series of high-pitched cries, called
"distress vocalizations." Imipramine has been found to be effective in blocking distress vocalizations in mammals such
as dogs and monkeys and is a highly effective antipanic drug in adult humans. Hypothesizing a link between adult
panic attacks and childhood separation anxiety, Gittelman-Klein and Klein (1971) conducted a study of imipramine
treatment for children with school phobia. In these children, fear of separation from their mothers was usually the
basis behind refusing to go to school. The drug proved successful in getting the children to return to school. However, a
more recent longitudinal study failed to find a higher risk of panic disorder and agoraphobia in adulthood in those
children who had been diagnosed with separation anxiety disorder in childhood compared with those with other
childhood anxiety disorders (Aschenbrand et al. 2003).

Thus, evidence suggests that the same drug that diminishes protest anxiety in higher mammals also reduces
separation anxiety in children and blocks panic attacks in adults. This is further confirmation of the link between
separation anxiety and panic attacks. Is early separation anxiety linked to agoraphobia and to panic attacks per se? If
imipramine affects panic attacks, and separation anxiety is linked to agoraphobia, then why is imipramine effective in
the treatment of school phobia? On the other hand, children with school phobia do not have spontaneous panic attacks,
but this could be related to their young age. Perhaps both panic disorder and panic disorder with agoraphobia are linked
to a biologically disordered separation mechanism that is responsive to imipramine. This may occur if the retrospective
histories of a lesser degree of separation anxiety in patients with panic attacks alone are misremembered.

Contemporary psychoanalysts, in response, have claimed that this neurophysiological and ethological model of a
disrupted separation mechanism and panic may be unnecessarily reductionistic (Michels et al. 1985). They point out an
inconsistency between the conceptualization of panic attacks as spontaneous and the frequently reported histories of
childhood separation anxiety in patients with panic attacks and state that psychological difficulties with separation can
also play a role in subsequent vulnerability to panic. On the other hand, contemporary psychoanalysts have also given
more credence to the role of biological substrates in the genesis of anxiety symptoms in at least some patients who
have developed their anxious personality structure secondary to a largely contentless biological dysregulation, so that
although psychological triggers for anxiety may still be found, the anxiety threshold is so low in these patients that it is
no longer useful to view the psychological event as etiologically significant (Cooper 1985).

Learning Theories

Behavior or learning theorists hold that anxiety is conditioned by the fear of certain environmental stimuli. If every
time a laboratory animal presses a bar it receives a noxious electric shock, the pressing of the lever becomes a
conditioned stimulus that precedes the unconditioned stimulus (i.e., the shock). The conditioned stimulus releases a
conditioned response in the animal, anxiety, that leads the animal to avoid contact with the lever, thereby avoiding the
shock. Successful avoidance of the unconditioned stimulus, the shock, reinforces the avoidant behavior. This leads to a
decrease in anxiety level.

By analogy with this animal model, we might say that anxiety attacks are conditioned responses to fearful situations.
For example, an infant learns that if his or her mother is not present (i.e., the conditioned stimulus), he or she will
suffer hunger (i.e., the unconditioned stimulus), and thus the infant learns to become anxious automatically whenever
the mother is absent (i.e., the conditioned response). The anxiety may persist even after the child is old enough to feed
him- or herself. To give another example, a life-threatening situation in someone's life (e.g., skidding in a car during a
snowstorm) is paired with the experience of rapid heartbeat (i.e., the conditioned stimulus) and tremendous anxiety.
Long after the accident, rapid heartbeat alone, whether during vigorous exercise or minor emotional upset, becomes
capable by itself of provoking the conditioned response of an anxiety attack.

Certain problems are posed by such a theory. First, although some traumatic situations, such as thyroid disease,
cocaine intoxication, or life-threatening events, such as a suffocation incident, do seem to be paired with the onset of
panic disorder, for many patients no such traumatic event can ever be located. Of note, however, traumatic suffocation
incidents have been found in about 20% of panic patients, significantly more than in psychiatric comparison subjects
(Bouwer and Stein 1997). Clinical experience does not support that anxiety disorder patients undergo repeated
traumatic events, and therefore they should be able to extinguish their anxiety. So even though learning theories have
a powerful basis in experimental animal research, they do not seem to explain adequately, in and of themselves, the
pathogenesis of human anxiety disorders. However, coupled with a dysregulated biological mechanism or vulnerability
that may be linked to the process of fear conditioning in panic, such as altered functioning of the amygdala and related
fear circuits (discussed earlier), heightened anxiety responses could conceivably persist over time.

Traumatic Antecedents

Childhood interpersonal trauma also appears to make a contribution to the likelihood that individuals will manifest
panic disorder. In a clinical cross-sectional study comparing panic disorder and psychiatrically healthy subjects, severe
traumatic events during childhood and unfavorable parental attitudes were associated with panic disorder (Bandelow
et al. 2002). Similarly, examination of trauma rates in the National Comorbidity Survey community sample, after
disaggregating the impact of comorbid PTSD, found that 24% of females and 5% of males with panic disorder reported
histories of sexual molestation, suggesting the latter could be one risk factor for developing panic disorder (Leskin and
Sheikh 2002). In a large prospective birth cohort studied to the age of 21 years, exposure to childhood physical and
sexual abuse was associated with increased risk of later panic attacks and disorder, even after adjusting for
prospectively assessed confounding factors. Exposure to interparental violence was not a factor (Goodwin et al. 2005).

Course, Prognosis, Morbidity, and Mortality

The course of illness without treatment is highly variable and is summarized in Table 12–5.

TABLE 12–5. Course and prognosis of panic disorder


Variable, typically with periods of exacerbations and remissions


About 33% recover, 50% have limited impairment, 20% or less have major impairment

Predictors of worse prognosis

More severe initial panic attacks

More severe initial agoraphobia
Longer duration of illness
Comorbid depression
History of separation from parent (e.g., death, divorce)
High interpersonal sensitivity
Single marital status
At present, there is no reliable way to know which patient will develop, for example, agoraphobia. The illness seems to
have a waxing and waning course in which spontaneous recovery occurs, only to be followed months to years later by a
new outburst. At the extreme, some patients become completely housebound for decades. Treatment aimed at
blocking the occurrence of the attacks, described in detail later, is appropriate at any point in the course of the illness
when such attacks are occurring. Results are often dramatic. Pharmacological blockade of panic attacks early in the
illness, before phobic avoidance has become an ingrained way of life, often leads to complete remission. Even years
into the illness, effective disruption of the attacks with medication can lead to resolution of anticipatory anxiety and
phobias without other treatment. However, a substantial number of patients with significant phobic avoidance remain
anxious and frightened of confronting feared situations even after the attacks have been blocked. Such patients require
other forms of intervention, described elsewhere in this chapter. A 7-year follow-up study examined prognostic factors
in naturalistically treated patients with panic disorder. Although patients had generally good outcomes, there were
several predictors of poorer outcome, including greater severity of panic attacks and agoraphobia, longer duration of
illness, comorbid major depression, separation from a parent by death or divorce, high interpersonal sensitivity, low
social class, and single marital status (Noyes et al. 1993). Another long-term outcome study over a 5-year period had
fairly optimistic findings: 34% of patients were recovered, 46% were minimally impaired, and 20% remained
moderately to severely impaired; the most significant predictor of poor outcome was an anxious-fearful personality
type, followed by poor response to initial treatment (O'Rourke et al. 1996). Finally, another large outcome study
showed that less than 20% of panic disorder patients remained seriously agoraphobic or disabled. Panic attack
frequency at baseline, initial medication, and continuous use of medication were not related to outcome, whereas
longer duration of illness and more severe initial avoidance were unfavorable predictors (Katschnig et al. 1995).

The impact of comorbidity is another important consideration in assessing prognosis. A recent 5-year prospective,
longitudinal, naturalistic study reported that, in contrast to GAD and social phobia, the likelihood of panic disorder
remission was not affected by comorbid personality disorders (Massion et al. 2002).

An increased death rate from cardiovascular illness in panic disorder was partly supported in an epidemiological
investigation by Weissman et al. (1990). In this study, panic disorder patients had a significantly higher risk for strokes
than did patients with other psychiatric disorders, although several methodological limitations were identified. Of note,
such medical risks are not routinely evident to clinicians in the usual status of patients undergoing treatment for panic
disorder. Most such patients have normal medical workups. The one cardiovascular abnormality that has been found to
occur at a higher rate in patients with panic disorder is mitral valve prolapse. This association could conceivably explain
a higher incidence of cardiovascular-related death in patients with panic disorder; however, mitral valve prolapse itself
is rarely a cause of premature death or major morbidity. One other possible explanation for increased
cardiovascular/cerebrovascular risk in patients with panic disorder may be related to aspects of their lifestyle. Such
patients tend to live relatively sedentary lives, and some report that vigorous physical exercise precipitates their panic
attacks, leading them to avoid exertion of any kind. Heavy cigarette smoking, alcoholism, and poor diets could also
contribute to an increased risk in panic patients. Alternatively, left ventricular enlargement and increased risk of
thromboembolic events have also been contemplated to account for the association (Weissman et al. 1990).

A possible association between panic disorder and increased suicide risk has received extensive attention and does not
appear to hold up based on extensive epidemiological analyses. Allgulander and Lavori (1991) conducted a large
retrospective survey in Sweden and found an increased suicide risk in panic disorder in the absence of comorbid
diagnoses. Epidemiological data further supported this finding in the ECA study, where the lifetime rate of suicide
attempts in persons with uncomplicated panic disorder was 7%, about the same as the 7.9% rate for uncomplicated
major depression (J. Johnson et al. 1990). However, in a reanalysis of the ECA data controlling for all comorbidity
rather than one disorder at a time, an association between panic and suicide attempts could no longer be shown
(Hornig and McNally 1995). Similarly, a 5-year prospective study concluded that there was no association between
panic and suicide risk in the absence of other risk factors (Warshaw et al. 2000). Finally, reanalysis of the National
Comorbidity Survey data revealed that in the absence of comorbidity, panic disorder responders were not at
heightened risk of self-reported suicide attempts (Vickers and McNally 2004).


Physical Signs and Behavior

The diagnosis of panic disorder is made when a patient experiences recurrent panic attacks that are discrete and
unexpected and followed by a month of persistent anticipatory anxiety or behavioral change. These panic attacks are
characterized by a sudden crescendo of anxiety and fearfulness, in addition to the presence of at least four physical
symptoms. Finally, these attacks are not secondary to a known organic factor or due to another mental disorder.
However, these diagnoses are not always obvious, and a number of other psychiatric and medical disorders may mimic
these conditions (Table 12–6).

TABLE 12–6. Differential diagnosis of panic disorder

Anxious depression

Somatization with panic-like physical complaints

Social phobia with socially cued panic attacks

Generalized anxiety with severe symptoms or during peak periods

Posttraumatic stress disorder with intense physiological response to reminders of the trauma

Agoraphobia secondary to conditions other than panic (depression, posttraumatic stress, paranoia, psychosis)
Obsessional anxiety of near-panic severity

Depersonalization disorder

Personality disorder with anxiety symptoms



Mitral valve prolapse


Differential Diagnosis

Other psychiatric illnesses

Although the medical conditions that mimic anxiety disorder are usually easily ruled out, psychiatric conditions that
involve pathological anxiety can make the differential diagnosis of panic disorder difficult. By far the most problematic
is the differentiation of primary anxiety disorder from depression.

Patients with depression often manifest signs of anxiety and may even have frank panic attacks. On the other hand,
patients with panic disorder, if untreated for significant amounts of time, routinely become demoralized as the impact
of the illness progressively restricts their ability to enjoy a normal life. Further complicating the picture is the fact that
some, but not all, studies have shown that patients with anxiety disorder have increased family history of affective

Although the differentiation of anxiety from depression can at times strain even the most experienced clinician, several
points are helpful. Patients with panic disorder generally do not demonstrate the full range of vegetative symptoms
seen in depression. Thus, anxious patients usually have trouble falling asleep—not early morning awakening—and do
not lose their appetite. Diurnal mood fluctuation is uncommon in anxiety disorder. Perhaps of greatest importance is
the fact that most anxious patients do not lose the capacity to enjoy things or to be cheered up as endogenously
depressed patients do.

The order of developing symptoms also differentiates depression from anxiety. In cases of panic disorder, anxiety
symptoms usually precede any seriously altered mood. Patients can generally recall having anxiety attacks first, then
becoming gradually more disgusted with life, and then feeling depressed. In depression, patients usually experience
dysphoria first, with anxiety symptoms coming later. However, panic disorder can be complicated by secondary major
depression or vice versa.

A few other psychiatric conditions often need to be differentiated from panic disorder. Patients with somatization
disorder complain of a variety of physical ailments and discomforts, none of which are substantiated by physical or
laboratory findings. Unlike panic disorder patients, somatizing patients present with physical problems that do not
usually occur in episodic attacks but are virtually constant.

Patients with depersonalization disorder have episodes of derealization/depersonalization without the other symptoms
of a panic attack. However, panic attacks not infrequently involve depersonalization and derealization as prominent

Although patients with panic disorder often fear they will lose their minds or go crazy, psychotic illness is not an
outcome of anxiety disorder. Reassuring the patient on this point is often the first step in a successful treatment.

Undoubtedly some patients with anxiety disorders abuse alcohol and drugs, such as sedatives, in attempts at
self-medication. In one study, after successful detoxification a group of alcoholic patients with a prior history of panic
disorder were treated with medication to block spontaneous panic attacks (Quitkin and Babkin 1982). These patients
did not resume alcohol consumption once their panic attacks were eliminated.

With regard to the agoraphobic component of the disorder, widespread fears and avoidance of being alone or of leaving
home can also be seen in paranoid and psychotic states, PTSD, and major depressive disorders. Psychotic states can be
differentiated from agoraphobia by the presence of delusions, hallucinations, and thought process disorder. Although
agoraphobic patients are frequently afraid that they are going crazy, they do not exhibit psychotic symptomatology.
Patients with PTSD have a typical history of trauma, such as a fear of being or of traveling alone after an assault.
The distinction between depressive disorders and agoraphobia is more difficult. Both groups commonly experience
spontaneous panic attacks. Patients with agoraphobia are frequently demoralized and will state that they feel
depressed. Close questioning, however, usually does not reveal further vegetative symptoms or a loss of pleasure or
interest in activities. Early morning awakening and pervasive anhedonia, which are common symptoms in endogenous
depression, are rare in agoraphobia. Agoraphobic individuals will usually say they would love to leave home and
engage in a variety of activities, if only they could be sure of not panicking. In contrast, depressed individuals usually
see no point in going out because nothing gives them any pleasure, and they believe that people will be better off
without them.

Patients with atypical depression (i.e., depression characterized by hypersomnia, hyperphagia, extreme low energy,
and depressed but reactive mood) frequently have panic attacks but rarely have agoraphobia as part of their life
history or current symptomatology. Patients with atypical depression and a history of panic attacks may respond
preferentially to monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs; Liebowitz et al. 1985b).

Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism

Both hyper- and hypothyroidism can present with anxiety unaccompanied by other signs or symptoms. For this reason,
it is imperative that all patients complaining of anxiety undergo routine thyroid function tests, including the evaluation
of the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone. It should be remembered, however, that thyroid disease can act as one of
the predisposing triggers to panic disorder, so that even when the apparently primary thyroid disease is corrected,
panic attacks may continue until specifically treated.

Cardiac disease

The relationship of mitral valve prolapse to panic disorder has attracted a great deal of attention over the years. This
usually benign condition has been shown by a number of investigators to occur more frequently in patients with panic
disorder than in normal subjects. However, screening of patients known to have mitral valve prolapse reveals no
greater frequency of panic disorder than is found in the overall population.

Although patients with mitral valve prolapse occasionally complain of palpitations, chest pain, lightheadedness, and
fatigue, symptoms of a full-blown panic attack are rare. A comparison of symptoms in mitral valve prolapse and panic
disorder is provided in Table 12–7. Panic patients with and without mitral valve prolapse are similar in several
important ways. Treatment for panic attacks works regardless of the presence of the prolapsed valve, and patients
with both mitral valve prolapse and panic disorder are just as sensitive to sodium lactate as are those with panic
disorder alone. Some have speculated that mitral valve prolapse and panic disorder may represent manifestations of
the same underlying disorder of autonomic nervous system function (Gorman et al. 1981). Others have suggested that
panic disorder, by creating intermittent states of high circulating catecholamine levels and tachycardia, actually causes
mitral valve prolapse (Mattes 1981). There are reports that mitral valve prolapse might go away if the panic disorder is
controlled (Gorman et al. 1981). A meta-analytic study of 21 studies found that there does appear to be a significant
association between panic disorder and mitral valve prolapse, although the possibility of publication bias favoring
positive reports cannot be ruled out (Katerndahl 1993).

TABLE 12–7. Comparison of symptoms of mitral valve prolapse and panic disorder

Symptoms Mitral valve prolapse Panic disorder

Fatigue + –

Dyspnea + ++

Palpitations ++ ++

Chest pain ++ +

Syncope + –

Choking – ++

Dizziness – ++

Derealization – ++

Hot/cold flashes – ++

Sweating – ++
Symptoms Mitral valve prolapse Panic disorder

Fainting – ++

Trembling – ++

Fear of dying, going crazy, losing control – ++

Note. + = occasionally; ++ = often present; – = rarely present.

In any event, it is clear that the presence of mitral valve prolapse in patients with panic disorder has little clinical or
prognostic importance in the management of spontaneous panic attacks. What it may tell us about the underlying
etiology of panic disorder is a question currently under vigorous investigation.

Other medical illnesses

Hyperparathyroidism occasionally presents as anxiety symptoms, warranting a serum calcium level before definitive
diagnosis is made.

A variety of cardiac conditions can initially present as anxiety symptoms, although in most cases, the patient complains
prominently of chest pain, skipped beats, or palpitations. Ischemic heart disease and arrhythmias, especially
paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, should be ruled out by electrocardiography.

Pheochromocytoma is a rare, usually benign tumor of the adrenal medulla that secretes catecholamines in episodic
bursts. During an active phase, the patient characteristically experiences flushing, tremulousness, and anxiety. Blood
pressure is usually elevated during the active phase of catecholamine secretion but not at other times. Therefore,
merely finding a normal blood pressure does not rule out a pheochromocytoma. If this condition is suspected, the
diagnosis is made by collection of urine for 24 hours for determination of catecholamine metabolite concentration. In a
study of patients with confirmed pheochromocytoma, about half met criteria for the physical symptoms of panic
attacks, but none had panic disorder, because they did not experience terror during the attacks and did not develop
anticipatory anxiety or agoraphobia (Starkman et al. 1990).

Disease of the vestibular nerve can cause episodic bouts of vertigo, lightheadedness, nausea, and anxiety that mimic
panic attacks. Rather than merely feeling dizzy, such patients often experience true vertigo in which the room seems to
spin in one direction during each attack. Otolaryngology consultation is warranted when this condition is suspected.
Some panic patients primarily complain of dizziness or unsteadiness. Whether they are a distinct subgroup with definite
neurological abnormalities is currently under study.

Although many patients believe that their anxiety disorder is caused by reactive hypoglycemia, there is no scientific
proof at present that this is ever a cause of any psychiatric disturbance. Glucose tolerance tests are not helpful in
establishing hypoglycemia as the cause of anxiety, because up to 40% of the normal population has a random low
blood-sugar level during a routine glucose tolerance test. The only convincing way to establish hypoglycemia as a cause
of symptoms is to document a low blood sugar level at the same time the patient is symptomatic. Studies with insulin
tolerance tests in panic disorder have yielded negative results.




When initiating a drug regimen for a patient with panic disorder, it is crucial for the patient to understand that the drug
will block the panic attacks but may not necessarily decrease the amount of intervening anticipatory anxiety and
avoidance, at least initially. For patients with severe anxiety, it can be helpful to initially prescribe a concomitant
benzodiazepine that can be gradually tapered and discontinued after several weeks of antidepressant treatment. Also
importantly, some patients with panic disorder display an initial hypersensitivity to antidepressants, whether TCAs or
serotonin reuptake inhibitors, during which they complain of jitteriness, agitation, a speedy feeling, and insomnia.
Although this is usually transient, it is one of the main reasons why patients unfortunately opt to discontinue
medication early on. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that patients with panic disorder be started on lower
dosages of antidepressants than would be given to depressed patients. The central feature in the treatment of panic
disorder is the pharmacological blockade of the spontaneous panic attacks. Several classes of medications have been
shown to be effective in accomplishing this goal, and a summary of the pharmacological treatment of panic disorder is
presented in Table 12–8.

TABLE 12–8. Pharmacological treatment of panic disorder

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors

General indications: First-line, alone or in combination with benzodiazepines if needed. Also first choice with comorbid obsessive-
compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, depression, and social phobia. Start with very low dosages and increase;
response seen with low to moderate dosages.

Sertraline, paroxetine: FDA approved

Fluvoxamine, fluoxetine, citalopram, escitalopram: similarly efficacious
Venlafaxine extended-release: FDA approved

Tricyclic antidepressants

General indications: Established efficacy, second line if SSRIs fail or are not tolerated.

Imipramine: well studied

Clomipramine: high efficacy but not easily tolerated
Desipramine: if low tolerance to anticholinergic side effects
Nortriptyline: if prone to orthostatic hypotension, elderly

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors

General indications: Poor response or tolerance to other antidepressants; comorbid atypical depression or social phobia.

Phenelzine: most studied

Tranylcypromine: less sedation

High-potency benzodiazepines

General indications: Poor response or tolerance of antidepressants; prominent anticipatory anxiety or phobic avoidance; initial
treatment phase until antidepressant begins to work.

Clonazepam: longer-acting, less frequent dosing, less withdrawal, first choice

Alprazolam: well studied but short-acting
Alprazolam extended-release: once-daily dosing

Other medications

General indications: Particularly as augmentation in patients whose illness is refractory or who are intolerant of the above
medications, not well tested to date.

Pindolol: effective augmentation in one controlled trial

Valproic acid: open trials only
Inositol: open trials only
Clonidine: initial response tends to fade in open trials
Atypical antipsychotics: open trials

Note. FDA = U.S. Food and Drug Administration; SSRIs = selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
Historically, the most widely studied and used medications in the past were the TCAs, especially imipramine (D. F.
Klein 1964; Mavissakalian and Michelson 1986a, 1986b). Other TCAs, such as desipramine, nortriptyline, and
clomipramine, have also been found effective, although they have not been studied as extensively as imipramine. The
presence of depressed mood is not a predictor or requirement for this class of medications to be effective in blocking
panic attacks. At present, newer antidepressants, in particular the SSRIs, have been shown to be efficacious in treating
panic, and given their several advantages over TCAs they have become the first-line treatment for panic. TCAs are now
reserved for patients who do not have a good response to, or do not tolerate, newer antidepressants.

A standard TCA regimen is to start the patient at a dosage of 10 mg qhs of imipramine and increase the dosage by 10
mg every other night until 50 mg is reached. The dosage can be given all at once. Because 50 mg is usually inadequate
for full panic blockade, the dosage can then be raised by 25-mg increments every 3 days or by 50-mg increments
weekly to as high as 300 mg. Most patients need at least 150 mg daily of TCAs, and unfortunately, underdosage
commonly occurs. In some cases, a dosage of imipramine of more than 300 mg is necessary. On "high" imipramine
dosing of around 200 mg/day, more than 80% of patients show a marked response in panic attacks (Mavissakalian and
Perel 1989). Panic patients not responding to high dosages of imipramine should have blood TCA levels measured.
Often, blood levels will be disproportionately low for the dosage, suggesting rapid metabolism or excretion,
malabsorption, or noncompliance. Patients who experience excessive anticholinergic side effects to imipramine can be
given desipramine instead. The elderly or patients who are otherwise very sensitive to orthostatic hypotension can be
tried on nortriptyline.

A number of controlled treatment trials have now shown that the potent serotonin reuptake blockers are highly
effective in the treatment of panic. Given their higher safety, tolerability, and ease of administration compared with
TCAs, they comprise the first line in the treatment of panic disorder, either alone or in combination with
benzodiazepine when needed. As a first-line treatment, they also offer the advantage that they are effective for
several of the commonly comorbid disorders, such as depression, social phobia, GAD, and OCD. Although paroxetine
and sertraline are the only U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–approved SSRIs for this indication, all SSRIs have
comparable efficacy in treating panic. A head-on comparison of paroxetine (40–60 mg/day) with sertraline (50–150
mg/day) reported similar efficacy for the two medications (Bandelow et al. 2004).

Several controlled trials have documented the efficacy of SSRIs in treating panic disorder. Fluvoxamine at dosages of
up to 150 mg/day was reported efficacious in a large controlled trial (Asnis et al. 2001). The efficacy of paroxetine has
been demonstrated at dosages of 20–60 mg daily (Oehrberg et al. 1995). In another study, only the 40-mg daily
dosage of paroxetine reached statistically significant superiority over placebo during a 10-week period, whereas the
10-mg and 20-mg dosages did not, highlighting the importance of trying higher dosages if response to lower dosages is
inadequate (Ballenger et al. 2000). A placebo-controlled trial of controlled-release paroxetine in about 900 patients
demonstrated superiority for the active treatment at dosages ranging from 25 to 75 mg/day, and paroxetine
controlled-release was well tolerated, with an 11% dropout rate due to adverse events (Sheehan et al. 2005).

The SSRI sertraline has also been found to be efficacious in treating panic disorder in large controlled trials (Londborg
et al. 1998; Pohl et al. 1998). Sertraline not only markedly decreased the number of panic attacks but also led to
significant improvement in life quality and had a low dropout rate (Pohl et al. 1998); there was no difference among
three sertraline dosages of 50, 100, or 200 mg daily in reducing panic attacks (Londborg et al. 1998). A prior history of
benzodiazepine use did not appear to affect the tolerability or response to sertraline treatment, regardless of whether
the response to the benzodiazepine had been good or bad (Rapaport et al. 2001).

Another SSRI, citalopram, has been shown to be efficacious in treating panic disorder in an 8-week controlled trial in
which the middle dosage of 20–30 mg/day conferred the most advantageous risk–benefit ratio compared with higher
and lower dosages (Wade et al. 1997). In a 1-year controlled maintenance extension of the same study, the lowest
dosage of 10–15 mg was not better than placebo, whereas the middle dosage of 20–30 mg daily again showed the best
response (Lepola et al. 1998).

Fluoxetine, especially at a dosage of 20 mg/day rather than 10 mg/day, was also shown to be superior to placebo in
the acute treatment of panic disorder (D. Michelson et al. 1998); this study used a wide range of measures and
demonstrated that global improvement was more related to phobia, anxiety, depression, and impairment than to panic
attacks per se, highlighting the importance of looking at the larger picture when assessing change. Over a 6-month
maintenance treatment period, the initial responders to acute fluoxetine treatment demonstrated significant further
improvement if randomized to fluoxetine and significant worsening if randomized to placebo (D. Michelson et al.

Another study showed that both escitalopram and citalopram were comparably superior to placebo in treating panic
disorder symptoms and severity, and escitalopram had a low discontinuation rate of 6% (Stahl et al. 2003).

A meta-analysis of 43 treatment studies compared the short-term efficacy of SSRIs versus TCAs and reported no
differences in effect sizes in reducing panic symptoms, agoraphobic avoidance, anxiety, depressive symptoms, or
proportion of patients free of panic attacks at endpoint; however, dropout rate was significantly lower in those treated
with SSRIs (18%) versus TCAs (31%) (Bakker et al. 2002). Like the TCAs, SSRIs can cause uncomfortable
overstimulation in panic patients if started at the usual dosages. It is therefore suggested that treatment be started
gingerly at 5–10 mg/day for fluoxetine, paroxetine, and citalopram and 25 mg/day for sertraline and fluvoxamine. The
dosage can then be gradually increased to an average dosage through weekly adjustments. A moderate or lower daily
dosage is usually adequate for most patients, as in the trials just described, and high dosages are generally not needed
and less tolerated.

Venlafaxine is also effective in treating panic disorder. A large multisite placebo-controlled trial of venlafaxine
extended-release in 361 adult patients, using a flexible dosage range of 75–225 mg/day for 10 weeks, reported better
response and remission rates than placebo with a greater improvement in number of panic attacks, anticipatory
anxiety, fear, and avoidance (Bradwejn et al. 2005). An open trial of mirtazapine administered at 30 mg/day for 3
months to 45 panic disorder patients also showed a pronounced decline in panic attacks and anticipatory anxiety,
coupled with a very low 6% discontinuation rate (Sarchiapone et al. 2003). This finding has not yet been replicated in a
controlled trial. Although one small open trial reported significant improvement in panic using bupropion (Simon et al.
2003), controlled data and clinical lore do not support its use.

MAOIs are equally as effective as the TCAs and the SSRIs in treating panic. Both phenelzine and tranylcypromine
successfully treat panic, although phenelzine has been studied more extensively. Phenelzine can be started at 15 mg
daily in the morning. The dosage is then increased by 15 mg every 4–7 days as tolerated, up to a maximum of 60–90
mg daily. If sedation or weight gain is of concern, tranylcypromine may be tried, starting at 10 mg in the morning and
increasing by 10 mg every 4 days to a maximum of 80 mg daily. TCAs and serotonin reuptake inhibitors are typically
preferred over MAOIs because they are better tolerated and obviate the need for dietary restrictions and the risk of
hypertensive crises. Furthermore, patients who do not respond to a TCA or a serotonin reuptake inhibitor alone may
respond to a combination of the two. However, MAOIs are an option to consider for patients who fail to tolerate or to
respond well to other antidepressants. In patients with concomitant atypical depression or social phobia, MAOIs may
be an appropriate earlier choice for treatment if SSRIs do not confer adequate results.

Full remission of panic attacks with antidepressants usually requires 4–12 weeks of treatment. Subsequently, the
duration of required treatment in order to prevent relapse is a function of the natural course of panic disorder. The
disorder can probably best be characterized as chronic, with an exacerbating and remitting course. Therefore, complete
agreement has not been reached regarding the recommended course of treatment. In a controlled prospective study, a
very high relapse rate for panic was found when imipramine was discontinued after 6 months of acute treatment.
However, half-dosage imipramine at around 80 mg/day was successful in preventing relapse during 1 year of
maintenance treatment (Mavissakalian and Perel 1992). Thus, a reasonable recommendation in treating panic patients
is to keep them on full-dosage medication for at least 6 months to prevent early relapse. Afterward, patients can be
tapered to half-dosage medication and be followed to ensure that clinical improvement is maintained. Subsequently,
the clinician may attempt gradual dosage decreases every few months, as long as the improvement is maintained, and
reach a minimal dosage on which the patient is relatively symptom-free. Some patients may eventually be able to
completely stop medications, whereas others will not.


Although clinicians prefer to use antidepressants for the first-line treatment of panic, high-potency benzodiazepines are
also highly effective in treating the condition. In one study, 82% of patients treated acutely with alprazolam showed at
least moderate improvement in panic compared with 43% given placebo. Onset of response was rapid, with significant
improvement occurring in the first couple weeks of treatment, and the mean final dosage was 5.7 mg/day. After 8
weeks of acute treatment, patients were tapered off medication over 4 weeks; 27% experienced rebound panic
attacks, and 35% had withdrawal symptoms. After discontinuation, panic outcome for the alprazolam-treated group
was not significantly different from that for the placebo group (Pecknold et al. 1988). Clonazepam appears equally
promising in the acute treatment of panic, according to a large multicenter trial (Rosenbaum et al. 1997). In the acute
treatment of panic attacks, the lowest dosage of 0.5 mg/day was least efficacious, but dosages of 1.0 mg/day or
higher (2, 3, and 4 mg/day) were equally efficacious, and the lower dosages of 1–2 mg/day were better tolerated.
Long-term efficacy, possible tolerance and dependency, and difficulties in discontinuing the medication are the main
areas of concern when choosing benzodiazepine treatment. Naturalistic follow-up studies of long-term benzodiazepine
treatment appear generally optimistic, because most patients maintain their therapeutic gains without increasing their
benzodiazepine dosage over time.

These medications have fewer initial side effects than TCAs and serotonin reuptake inhibitors. However, the general
treatment principle is that anxiolytics should be reserved until the different classes of antidepressants have failed,
because they do pose some risk of tolerance, dependence, and withdrawal. For patients with severe acute distress and
disability who may require immediate relief, it may be indicated to start with a benzodiazepine and then replace it
with an antidepressant. There is evidence that benzodiazepines may be more effective, at least initially, in
ameliorating the associated anticipatory anxiety and phobic avoidance, and this may be another indication for their
initial use. A double-blind study that examined early coadministration of clonazepam (4 weeks, then 3-week
discontinuation taper) during 12 weeks of treatment with sertraline did document more rapid stabilization of panic
symptoms in the first 3 weeks of treatment in the sertraline-plus-clonazepam group, although treatment outcome and
dropout rates did not differ by the end of the trial (Goddard et al. 2001b).
Clonazepam should generally be preferred as a first choice, because it is longer acting and thus has the advantage of
less frequent twice-daily or even once-daily dosing and less risk of withdrawal symptoms than alprazolam. It should
generally be started at 0.5 mg bid and increased only if needed, usually to a maximum dosage of 4 mg/day.
Alprazolam is usually started at 0.5 mg qid and is gradually increased to an average dosage of 4 mg/day and a range of
2–10 mg/day according to the individual patient. Treatment of at least 6 months is recommended, as with the
antidepressants. Patients' moods must be followed, because alprazolam may occasionally cause mania, and
clonazepam may cause depression. Discontinuation must be gradual to prevent withdrawal: 15% of the total dosage
weekly is generally a safe regimen, but an even slower rate may be required to prevent the recurrence of panic. In a
controlled study, one-third of patients were unable to tolerate a 4-week taper off alprazolam after 8 months of
maintenance treatment; the strongest predictor of taper failure was initial severity of panic attacks rather than
alprazolam dosage (Rickels et al. 1993). The distinction between actual withdrawal and a simple recrudescence of the
original anxiety symptom when the benzodiazepine is stopped remains controversial and can be difficult to make
clinically. It has been convincingly shown that the introduction of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) greatly increases
the likelihood that panic patients will be able to successfully taper off benzodiazepines (Otto et al. 1993; Spiegel et al.

Although benzodiazepines are generally safe, with side effects limited mainly to sedation, there is a concern that some
patients may become tolerant or even addicted to these medications. However, available data indicate that most
patients are able to stop taking benzodiazepines without serious sequelae and that the problem of tolerance and
dependence is overestimated and probably limited to an addiction-prone population or to patients with more refractory
panic disorder who may escalate standard benzodiazepine usage in unsuccessful attempts at self-medication.

Other medications

Buspirone is a 5-HT1A agonist, nonbenzodiazepine antianxiety agent and has not been found effective in treating panic.
Similarly, there is no evidence that -adrenergic–blocking drugs, such as propranolol, are effective in blocking
spontaneous panic attacks. If panic attacks occur in a specific social context, such as public speaking, a trial of
-blockers would be indicated.

Clonidine, which inhibits locus coeruleus discharge, would seem for theoretical reasons to be a good antipanic drug.
Although some patients may initially respond to clonidine, the therapeutic effect tends to be lost in a matter of weeks
due to receptor habituation. This loss of response, plus a number of bothersome side effects, makes clonidine a poor
initial choice for treatment of panic disorder. However, one controlled study found clonidine to be efficacious for both
panic disorder and GAD (Hoehn-Saric et al. 1993).

When response to SSRIs and other antidepressants has been inadequate, one augmentation strategy shown to be
effective in a small blinded trial may be to add pindolol at 2.5 mg three times a day (Hirschmann et al. 2000).

Valproic acid may also have some beneficial effects in the treatment of panic attacks (Keck et al. 1993). In one open
trial, all 12 patients were moderately to markedly improved after 6 weeks of treatment, and 11 continued the
medication and maintained their gains after 6 months (Woodman and Noyes 1994). Controlled trials, however, have
not been reported. A fairly large controlled trial of another mood stabilizer, gabapentin, at flexible dosages of
600–3,600 mg daily, showed it to be no better than placebo in treating panic disorder (Pande et al. 2000), although a
post hoc analysis showed it to have some efficacy in the more severely symptomatic patients, suggesting that an
augmentation study in refractory panic might be worthwhile.

Inositol, an intracellular second messenger precursor, has been reported to have some efficacy in treating panic
disorder in two small double-blind, controlled 4 week trials at a dosage of 12–18 g/day (Benjamin et al. 1995; Palatnik
et al. 2001).

Atypical antipsychotics have also received attention in recent years. In one study, patients who had previously not
responded to SSRI monotherapy were treated openly for 12 weeks with 5 mg/day of olanzapine added to an SSRI,
resulting in 82% of patients rated as responders by the end of the trial (Sepede et al. 2006). Similarly, another open
trial of 10 patients with refractory panic disorder treated for 8 weeks with flexible-dose olanzapine at an average
dosage of 12 mg/day resulted in an approximately 75% decrease in panic attacks and anticipatory anxiety (Hollifield
et al. 2005).


Psychodynamic psychotherapy
Even after medication has blocked the actual panic attacks, a subgroup of panic patients remain wary of independence
and assertiveness. In addition to supportive and behavioral treatment, traditional psychodynamic psychotherapy might
be helpful for some of these patients. Significant unconscious conflict over separations during childhood sometimes
appears to operate in patients with panic disorder, leading to a reemergence of anxiety symptoms in adult life each
time a new separation is imagined or threatened. Furthermore, it has been found that comorbid personality disorder is
the major predictor of continued social maladjustment in patients otherwise treated for panic disorder (Noyes et al.
1990), suggesting that psychodynamic therapy may be an important additional treatment for at least some patients
with panic.

Systematic studies examining the efficacy of psychodynamically oriented psychotherapy in panic disorder are few but
promising. Psychodynamically oriented clinicians tend to agree that psychological factors do not appear to be
significant in a proportion of patients with panic and emphasize the importance of conducting a psychodynamic
assessment to determine whether a particular patient will benefit from a psychodynamic treatment component
(Gabbard 1990). Cooper (1985) emphasized that in patients with a predominant biological component to their illness,
insistence on dynamic understanding and on responsibility for one's symptoms may, in the long run, be not only useless
but potentially harmful, leading to further damage in self-esteem and strengthened masochistic defenses. However, it
is also clear that there are case reports of patients who were successfully treated for panic with psychodynamic
therapy or psychoanalysis. A controlled study showed that a 15-session course of brief dynamic psychotherapy
combined with initial clomipramine treatment led to much lower relapse rates up to 9 months after patients had been
tapered off the medication (Wiborg and Dahl 1996). An open trial of psychodynamic monotherapy in panic disorder
documented clear efficacy for this modality, at least in the selected sample, and emphasized the need for further and
controlled studies (Milrod et al. 2000). The study included 14 patients with panic disorder who were treated for 12
weeks with twice-weekly psychodynamic psychotherapy alone. Results showed significant improvement in panic,
anxiety, depression, and overall impairment. In the completed report of these open trials, there were 16 responders
out of 21 patients treated with panic-focused psychodynamic psychotherapy, and symptomatic gains were maintained
over a 6-month follow-up (Milrod et al. 2001).

Pharmacotherapy is in no way incompatible with behavioral or psychodynamic treatment for patients with panic
disorder. The notion that reducing the symptoms of anxiety disorder with medication will disturb a successful
psychotherapy has never been convincingly shown and is largely dogmatic. Indeed, successful psychotherapy often
cannot take place until the more debilitating aspects of these syndromes have been eliminated pharmacologically.

Supportive psychotherapy

Despite adequate treatment of panic attacks with medication, phobic avoidance may remain. Supportive
psychotherapy and education about the illness are necessary to urge the patient to confront the phobic situation.
Patients who fail to respond may then need additional psychotherapy, either dynamic or behavioral. Encouragement
from other patients with similar conditions is often quite helpful. Yet supportive psychotherapy alone is not an
effective enough treatment for panic disorder.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

CBTs have long focused on phobic avoidance, but more recently the techniques have been developed and shown to be
effective for panic attacks. In recent years, interest in CBT for panic has surged, and it has become firmly established
as a first-line treatment for this disorder and found to be comparable in effectiveness to first-line medication
treatments (Table 12–9).

TABLE 12–9. Cognitive and behavioral approaches to treating panic disorder

Interoceptive exposure (to the somatic cues of panic attacks)

Situational exposure (to the settings that are phobically avoided)

Cognitive restructuring

Breathing retraining

Applied relaxation training

The major behavioral techniques for the treatment of panic attacks are breathing retraining, to control both acute and
chronic hyperventilation; exposure to somatic cues, usually involving a hierarchy of exposure to feared sensations
through imaginal and behavioral exercises; and relaxation training. Cognitive treatment of panic involves cognitive
restructuring, so as to give the uncomfortable affects and physical sensations associated with panic a more benign
interpretation. These techniques can be administered in various combinations. The pure cognitive view is that panic
attacks consist of normal physical sensations (e.g., palpitations, slight dizziness) to which panic disorder patients
grossly overreact with catastrophic cognitions. A more middle-of-the-road view is that panic patients do have extreme
physical sensations, such as bursts of tachycardia, but can still significantly help themselves by changing their
interpretation of the event from "I am going to die of a heart attack" to "There go my heart symptoms again." Such a
theory has received experimental validation: Sanderson et al. (1989) provoked panic attacks in panic disorder patients
using CO 2 inhalation; it was found that when patients had an illusion of control over the inhaled mixture, they
experienced significantly fewer and less severe attacks and had less catastrophic cognitions.

Several studies have shown that these various cognitive and behavioral techniques are successful in the treatment of
panic disorder (Barlow et al. 1989; Beck et al. 1992; L. Michelson et al. 1990; Salkovskis et al. 1986). A study
comparing CBT with in vivo exposure alone found similar efficacy for the two at the end of acute treatment and at
1-year follow-up (Ost et al. 2004). Similarly, a study comparing cognitive therapy to interoceptive exposure found
similar efficacy (Arntz 2002). Another study compared in vivo exposure, interoceptive exposure, combination of the
two exposures, and a control group and reported comparable high efficacy for all three active-treatment groups, with
an average 60% improvement after 10 weeks of acute treatment and 77% improvement at follow-up 1 year later (Ito
et al. 2001). Findings are inconsistent as to whether applied relaxation is equally efficacious or inferior to CBT for
controlling panic attacks (Arntz and van den Hout 1996; Ost and Westling 1995).

Findings on long-term outcome of panic with CBT appear to be favorable, especially with combined cognitive
restructuring and exposure. In a study examining the long-term outcome of panic disorder with agoraphobia in a group
of 200 patients initially treated with exposure therapy, there was evidence of lasting relief for the majority of patients
for up to a decade after treatment, with 23% experiencing relapse at some time during follow-up; 93% were in
remission after 2 years and 62% after 10 years (Fava et al. 2001b).

In addition, there is evidence that the introduction of CBT can reduce the risk of rebound panic in patients who are
tapered off antipanic medications such as benzodiazepines or antidepressants (Schmidt et al. 2002). Conversely, there
is evidence that in patients who do not benefit adequately from cognitive therapy alone, the addition of adjunctive
SSRI treatment can be beneficial (Kampman et al. 2002).

Treatment of the agoraphobic component of panic disorder

There continues to be some disagreement in the literature regarding the best method of treatment for agoraphobia
with panic attacks. Antipanic medication is given to block the occurrence of panic attacks, and its efficacy in this regard
is well documented. However, medication alone is often not adequate treatment in patients with significant
agoraphobic avoidance; it is generally accepted that some means of exposing agoraphobic patients to the feared
situations is necessary for overall improvement. This may be achieved through various nonspecific methods, such as
psychoeducation, reassurance, and supportive therapy. However, focused CBT is, on the whole, more successful than
nonspecific techniques in reducing agoraphobic avoidance.

Some studies have not found imipramine to have a significant effect on agoraphobia when given alone or with
anti-exposure instructions (Marks et al. 1983; Telch et al. 1985), whereas others have shown imipramine alone to
decrease phobic avoidance (Mavissakalian and Perel 1995). Most studies, however, concur that the combination of
medication and behavioral treatment (exposure) is superior to medication or behavioral treatment alone for treating
phobic avoidance (de Beurs et al. 1995; Mavissakalian and Michelson 1986a; Telch et al. 1985; Zitrin et al. 1980). In a
large controlled study of alprazolam plus exposure in patients with panic and agoraphobia, the improvements in
attacks, anxiety, and avoidance were found to be largely independent of each other, and only early improvement in
avoidance predicted global improvement after treatment (Basoglu et al. 1994).

Treatment with combined medication and psychotherapy

The relative and combined efficacy of medications and CBT for panic disorder has been the focus of numerous
investigations. One controlled study found cognitive therapy, relaxation, and imipramine to be similarly effective, and
cognitive therapy had more lasting effects at 9-month follow-up after treatment was discontinued (D. M. Clark et al.
1994). In another study, after the initiation of medication treatment for initial symptom control, the introduction of
CBT greatly increased the likelihood that a patient would be able to successfully taper off medication (Otto et al.
1993). There is also evidence that patients who fail to adequately respond to pharmacotherapy can have significant
and sustained improvements with subsequent CBT (Heldt et al. 2006). In a primary care setting, the addition of CBT
resulted in statistically and clinically significant improvement in panic disorder after 3 months relative to medication
treatment alone (Craske et al. 2005).

The largest study comparing medication, CBT, and combination treatment acutely and longer term (Barlow et al. 2000)
was a multisite controlled study of 312 patients with panic disorder randomly assigned to five different treatments:
imipramine alone, CBT alone, imipramine plus CBT, placebo alone, and CBT plus placebo. In the initial 3-month acute-
treatment phase, medication and CBT had similar efficacy, with limited advantage for combined treatment. For
responders treated in the 6-month maintenance phase, imipramine produced a higher quality of response than CBT
alone, and there was an even more substantial advantage for combined treatment. Finally, at 6-month follow-up after
termination of treatment, CBT had more durable results. This most comprehensive study to date on the issue clearly
suggests that both psychotherapy and medication treatment must be seriously considered in treating a patient with
panic, each having its advantages and disadvantages. In an important finding for the application of optimal treatment
in nonpsychiatric primary care settings, a recent large controlled study demonstrated that delivery of evidence-based
CBT and medication using a collaborative care model was significantly more effective than the usual primary care
treatment for panic disorder (Roy-Byrne et al. 2005).

A recent meta-analytic study, based on 23 randomized comparisons involving about 1,700 participants, found that
combined treatment was superior to antidepressant pharmacotherapy and to psychotherapy alone. However, after
termination of acute-phase treatment, combination therapy was more effective than pharmacotherapy alone but as
effective as psychotherapy, suggesting a more lasting effect of psychotherapy (Furukawa et al. 2006).


Definition and Clinical Description
DSM-IV-TR sharpened the distinction of GAD from "normal" anxiety by specifying that in GAD the worry must be
clearly excessive, pervasive, difficult to control, and associated with marked distress or impairment. DSM-IV-TR also
clarified that the diagnosis of GAD is excluded when occurring exclusively in relation to other major Axis I disorders,
and the cumbersome somatic symptom list from the DSM-III-R was simplified (Table 12–10).

TABLE 12–10. DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for generalized anxiety disorder

A. Excessive anxiety and worry (apprehensive expectation), occurring more days than not for at least 6 months, about a number
of events or activities (such as work or school performance).

B. The person finds it difficult to control the worry.

C. The anxiety and worry are associated with three (or more) of the following six symptoms (with at least some symptoms
present for more days than not for the past 6 months). Note: Only one item is required in children.
(1) restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge
(2) being easily fatigued
(3) difficulty concentrating or mind going blank
(4) irritability
(5) muscle tension
(6) sleep disturbance (difficulty falling or staying asleep, or restless unsatisfying sleep)

D. The focus of the anxiety and worry is not confined to features of an Axis I disorder, e.g., the anxiety or worry is not about
having a panic attack (as in panic disorder), being embarrassed in public (as in social phobia), being contaminated (as in
obsessive-compulsive disorder), being away from home or close relatives (as in separation anxiety disorder), gaining weight (as in
anorexia nervosa), having multiple physical complaints (as in somatization disorder), or having a serious illness (as in
hypochondriasis), and the anxiety and worry do not occur exclusively during posttraumatic stress disorder.

E. The anxiety, worry, or physical symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other
important areas of functioning.

F. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general
medical condition (e.g., hyperthyroidism) and does not occur exclusively during a mood disorder, a psychotic disorder, or a
pervasive developmental disorder.
GAD is the main diagnostic category for prominent and chronic anxiety in the absence of panic disorder. The essential
feature of this syndrome, according to DSM-IV-TR, is persistent anxiety lasting at least 6 months. The symptoms of this
type of anxiety fall within two broad categories: apprehensive expectation and worry, and physical symptoms.
Patients with GAD are constantly worried over minor matters, fearful, and anticipating the worst. Muscle tension,
restlessness, a "keyed up" feeling, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, irritability, and fatigue are typical signs of GAD
and have become the symptom criteria for the disorder in DSM-IV-TR after a number of studies attempted to single out
the physical symptoms that are the most distinctive and characteristic of GAD. Motor tension and hypervigilance better
differentiate GAD from other anxiety states than autonomic hyperactivity. The diagnosis of GAD is made when a
patient experiences at least 6 months of chronic anxiety and excessive worry. At least three of six physical symptoms
must also be present. Finally, this chronic anxiety must not be secondary to another Axis I disorder or a specific organic

The necessity of the "excessive worry" criterion in making the GAD diagnosis has been questioned and investigated in
epidemiological samples, finding that the lifetime prevalence of GAD increases by about 40% when the excessiveness
requirement is removed (Ruscio et al. 2005). Those who do have excessive worry have GAD onset earlier in life, a
more chronic course, and greater symptom severity and comorbidity. However, even those without excessive worry
manifest substantial persistence, impairment, comorbidity, and treatment seeking and share familial aggregation with
those who do have excessive worry, questioning the validity of the excessiveness requirement and highlighting the
need for more research (Ruscio et al. 2005).

Similarly, the 6-month duration criterion may be arbitrary and has come under scrutiny. The National Comorbidity
Survey database has shown that a large number of people have a GAD-like syndrome of 1–5 months' duration, and
they are similar to the DSM-IV-TR-defined group in onset, persistence, impairment, comorbidity, parental GAD, and
sociodemographic correlates; thus the basis for excluding these individuals from the GAD diagnosis may need to be
reexamined (Kessler et al. 2005). Finally, there are data that challenge the DSM-IV-TR hierarchy by which GAD cannot
be diagnosed in the presence of concurrent major depression (Zimmerman and Chelminski 2003).

Epidemiology and Comorbidity

One epidemiological study using DSM-IV criteria (Carter et al. 2001) found a 1.5% 1-year prevalence for threshold GAD
and a 3.6% 1-year prevalence for subthreshold GAD. Higher rates of the disorder were found in women (2.7%) and the
elderly (2.2%). A high degree of comorbidity was again confirmed: 59% for major depression and 56% for other
anxiety disorders. The NESARC revealed a 1-year and lifetime DSM-IV GAD prevalence of 2.1% and 4.1%, respectively,
with rates higher in female, middle-aged, widowed/separated/divorced, and low-income individuals (Grant et al.

Despite its high comorbidity with substance use and other anxiety, mood, and personality disorders (Grant et al.
2005b), GAD stands on its own as a disorder with distinct onset, course, impairment, and prognosis. GAD and
depression each show their own statistically significant and independent associations with impairment, of roughly
equal magnitude, which cannot be accounted for by comorbidity or sociodemographic variables (Kessler et al. 1999a).
Disability and impairment in pure GAD have been found to be equivalent to those of pure mood disorders and
significantly greater than those of pure substance use and other anxiety and personality disorders (Grant et al. 2005b).
On certain quality-of-life indexes, individuals with pure GAD actually fare worse than those with pure major depression
(Wittchen et al. 2000).

With regard to Axis II comorbidity, the personality types of patients with GAD have not been well characterized.
Although dependent and avoidant personality disorders are commonly found to co-occur with GAD, it is not clear
whether such personality disorders are primary or consequent to the GAD itself.


Biological Theories

Although the neurobiology of GAD is among the least investigated in the anxiety disorders, advances are now being
made (a summary is presented in Table 12–11).

TABLE 12–11. Biological models of generalized anxiety disorder

Abnormalities of the -aminobutyric acid (GABA)–benzodiazepine receptor

Hypersensitive conditioned fear network centered in the amygdala

Noradrenergic activation

Serotonergic dysregulation

Modest genetic component

Recent work has focused on brain circuits underlying the neurobiology of fear in animal models and in humans and on
how inherited and acquired vulnerabilities in these circuits might underlie a variety of anxiety disorders. It is
speculated that alterations in the structure and function of the amygdala, which are central to fear-related behaviors,
may be associated with GAD. This was supported in a magnetic resonance imaging volumetric study comparing
children and adolescents with GAD with healthy comparison subjects matched for other general characteristics.
Children with GAD were found to have larger right and total amygdala volumes (DeBellis et al. 2000). The prefrontal
cortex and medial temporal lobe are involved in controlling fear and anxiety, and there is evidence for heightened
cortical activity and decreased basal ganglia activity in GAD, possibly accounting for the observed arousal and
hypervigilance (Buchsbaum et al. 1987; Wu et al. 1991).

Abnormalities of the GABA–benzodiazepine receptor complex have also been implicated in GAD. The benzodiazepine
receptor is linked to a receptor for the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA. Binding of a benzodiazepine to the
benzodiazepine receptor facilitates the action of GABA, effectively slowing neural transmission. One series of
compounds, the -carbolines, which are inverse agonists of this receptor complex, produce an acute anxiety syndrome
when administered to laboratory animals or to normal human volunteers. Accordingly, benzodiazepines are well
established as an efficacious treatment of GAD. GAD subjects have been found to have decreased benzodiazepine
receptor density in peripheral blood cells as well as decreased transcriptional mRNA encoding for the receptor, both of
which return to normal values with treatment and reduction in anxiety levels (Ferrarese et al. 1990; Rocca et al. 1998).
Similarly, benzodiazepine receptor binding has been found to be significantly decreased in the left temporal pole of
GAD patients compared with healthy control subjects (Tiihonen et al. 1997b).

Evidence for noradrenergic dysregulation in GAD has yielded mixed results. Abelson et al. (1991) reported a blunted
growth hormone response to clonidine in GAD compared with responses in normal control subjects. Plasma
norepinephrine and its metabolite were found to be elevated, and 2 adrenoreceptors decreased, in GAD patients
compared with normal control subjects (Sevy et al. 1989). Other studies of the noradrenergic system have been
negative (R. J. Mathew et al. 1981). There is also some evidence of serotonergic dysregulation in GAD, such as
heightened anxiety responses to the partial serotonin agonist meta-chlorophenylpiperazine (m-CPP) compared with
control subjects (Germine et al. 1992). Auditory evoked potentials have revealed disturbed exteroceptive sensory
processing in GAD at the level of the primary auditory cortex, with increased neuronal firing in the serotonergic dorsal
raphe (Senkowski et al. 2003). People with GAD do not show heightened sensitivity to 35% CO 2 inhalation as do
people with panic, supporting the conceptualization of GAD and panic as two discrete disorders (Perna et al. 1999).

There appears to be a genetic component to GAD, albeit relatively modest. Kendler et al. (1992) studied GAD in female
twins and determined that the familial component of the disorder was almost entirely genetic, with a modest
heritability of about 30%. Twin studies have reported about 20%–33% overlap in genetic influences between GAD and
neuroticism, whereas environmental influences on GAD and neuroticism were largely unshared (Hettema et al. 2004).

There have been minimal molecular genetic studies of GAD to date, requiring replication, that have suggested
associations to polymorphisms of the dopamine D2 receptor gene, the serotonin transporter gene, the dopamine
transporter gene, and the monoamine oxidase-A gene.

Psychological Theories

Cognitive hypotheses regarding both the origins and maintenance of GAD have been thoroughly summarized in recent
work (Aikins and Craske 2001). With regard to its origins, it has been proposed that insecure attachment relationships
and ambivalence toward caregivers, as well as parental overprotection and lack of emotional warmth, may all
contribute to later development of anxiety. Regarding mechanisms that may perpetuate GAD, three are summarized.
First, worry is used as a strategy for avoiding intense negative affects. Second, worry about unlikely and future threat
removes the need to deal with more proximal and realistic threats and limits the capacity to find solutions to more
immediate conflicts. Finally, individuals with GAD engage in a certain degree of magical thinking and believe that their
worry helped prevent a feared outcome, thus leading to a negative reinforcement of the process of worrying. In terms
of the etiology of GAD, cognitive theory speculates a relationship to early cognitive schemas born from negative
experiences of the world as a dangerous place (Barlow 1988) or insecure, anxious early attachments to important
caregivers (Cassidy 1995).

There is some evidence for specificity in cognitive content in the various anxiety disorders. GAD patients demonstrate
more cognitions in the categories of interpersonal confrontation, competence, acceptance, concern about others, and
worry over minor matters, whereas panic disorder patients have more cognitions related to physical catastrophes
(Breitholtz et al. 1999). There is also evidence that the process of meta-worry—that is, worrying about the worrying in
itself—contributes to the high degree of pathological worry in GAD (Wells and Carter 1999).

In addition, certain information-processing biases may characterize GAD and permit the perpetuation of worry as the
central cognitive strategy (Aikins and Craske 2001). These include a bias for threat-related information in implicit
memory processes (MacLeod and McLaughlin 1995), selective attentional biases for threatening information (Mogg et
al. 1989, 2000), and difficulty in decision making when faced with ambiguity (MacLeod and Cohen 1993).

An emotional dysregulation model has also been proposed for GAD, based on evidence from both nonclinical and
clinical samples reporting heightened intensity of emotions, poorer understanding of emotions, greater negative
reactivity to emotional experiences, diminished ability to self-soothe after negative emotions, and overall greater
difficulty managing emotional reactions (Mennin et al. 2005).

Course and Prognosis

In contrast with panic disorder, no overwhelming single event prompts the patient with GAD to seek help. Such
patients seem only over time to develop the recognition that their experience of chronic tension, hyperactivity, worry,
and anxiety is excessive. Often they will state that there has never been a time in their lives, as long as they can
remember, that they were not anxious. GAD is a more chronic condition than panic disorder, with fewer periods of
spontaneous remission. Of GAD subjects followed over a 5-year period, only 18%–35% achieved full remission
(Woodman et al. 1999; Yonkers et al. 1996). Patients with GAD experience substantial interference with their lives and
have a high degree of professional help seeking and a high use of medications (Wittchen et al. 1994). GAD patients
with an earlier onset of anxiety symptoms in the first two decades of life appear to be overall more impaired, have
more severe anxiety that may not be precipitated by specific stressful events, and have histories of more childhood
fears, disturbed family environments, and greater social maladjustment (Hoehn-Saric et al. 1993). In clinical samples,
GAD is commonly comorbid with major depression and other anxiety disorders but still emerges as a clearly distinct
entity (Wittchen et al. 2000). Abuse of alcohol, barbiturates, and antianxiety medications is also common. Comorbid
avoidant and dependent personality disorders appear to lessen the likelihood of remission from GAD (Massion et al.
2002). Contrary to panic disorder, which declines with old age, GAD appears to account for a lot of the anxiety states in
late life, often occurring comorbidly with medical illnesses (Flint 1994). In these elderly patients it is particularly
important to differentiate GAD from other anxiety states that could be related to delirium, dementia, psychosis, and
depression or could be manifestations of underlying medical illnesses.

Differential Diagnosis
The diagnosis of GAD is excluded when occurring exclusively in relation to other major Axis I disorders. We now know
that clinicians must be cautious and conservative in applying this criterion, because as previously described, there are
now compelling data demonstrating that even in the presence of high comorbidity of GAD with other anxiety and mood
disorders, GAD is clearly a discrete disorder in terms of its onset, course, and associated impairment. Finally, the
distinction between GAD and "normal" anxiety must be made; in GAD the worry must be clearly excessive, pervasive,
difficult to control, and associated with marked distress or impairment. The differential diagnosis of GAD is
summarized in Table 12–12.

TABLE 12–12. Differential diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder

Anxious depression

Panic attacks or anticipatory anxiety

Social anxiety

Posttraumatic stress disorder–related hyperarousal symptoms

Obsessional fearfulness


Paranoid anxiety associated with psychosis or personality disorder

The pharmacological treatment of GAD is summarized in Table 12–13. Although the major changes in diagnostic criteria
in consecutive editions of DSM, the presence of frequent comorbidity, and a tendency to view GAD as a secondary or
minor condition hampered past treatment research, pharmacotherapy options have blossomed in recent years.
TABLE 12–13. Pharmacological treatment of generalized anxiety disorder

Venlafaxine extended-release

General indications: First-line treatment; approved by FDA, with proven efficacy in large controlled trials; generally well tolerated;
once-daily dosing; recommended starting dosage is 75 mg/day, which may be adequate for a number of patients.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

General indications: First-line treatment; paroxetine is FDA-approved; generally well tolerated; once-daily dosing; recommended
starting dosage is 20 mg/day, which may be adequate for many patients; other SSRIs also efficacious.


General indications: Well-known efficacy and widely used; all appear similarly efficacious; issues with dependence and withdrawal
in certain patients; may be more effective for the physical rather than cognitive symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder.


General indications: Proven efficacy; well tolerated; a trial is generally indicated in all patients; compared with benzodiazepines,
takes longer to take action and is not associated with a "high"; may have less efficacy and compliance with very recent
benzodiazepine use.

Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)

General indications: Demonstrated efficacy in few trials; more side effects than benzodiazepines, buspirone, and newer
antidepressants; delayed action compared with benzodiazepines; may be more effective for cognitive rather than physical
symptoms of anxiety.

Imipramine: demonstrated efficacy

Trazodone: demonstrated efficacy

Other medications

Clonidine: tends to lose initial response

Propranolol: may be useful adjuvant in patients with pronounced palpitations and tremor

Atypical antipsychotics

Riluzole: open trials

Tiagabine: randomized controlled trial, mixed results

Pregabalin: not marketed in United States

Note. FDA = U.S. Food and Drug Administration.


In past years, benzodiazepines were the first-line treatment of GAD. Currently, however, newer medication choices
such as buspirone, SSRIs, and serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) have replaced the
benzodiazepines as first-line treatments. A number of controlled studies clearly show that chronically anxious patients
respond well to benzodiazepines, and all benzodiazepines are probably similarly efficacious in treating GAD. There is
some evidence that benzodiazepines may be more effective in treating the physical symptoms of anxiety, whereas
antidepressants, whether TCAs or SSRIs, may be more effective in treating the psychic symptoms (Rocca et al. 1998).
Although benzodiazepines are generally safe, with side effects limited mainly to sedation and slowed mentation, there
is a concern that some patients may become tolerant or even addicted to these medications. However, available data
indicate that the concern over benzodiazepine abuse in chronically anxious populations is overestimated, and in reality
most patients continue to derive clinical benefits without developing abuse or dependence (Romach et al. 1995).
Concerns over addiction are probably justified, for the most part, in individuals with histories of addiction proneness.


Buspirone is a 5-HT1A agonist, nonbenzodiazepine antianxiety agent that may have similar efficacy to the
benzodiazepines in treating GAD. Its advantages are a different side-effect profile without sedation and the absence of
tolerance and withdrawal. Its disadvantage is a slower rate of onset (Rickels et al. 1988), which can lead to early
patient noncompliance. Rickels et al. (1988) compared the efficacy of the benzodiazepine clorazepate to the
nonbenzodiazepine buspirone in the acute treatment, maintenance, and discontinuation of patients with GAD. The two
medications had similar efficacy by the fourth week of treatment, and benefits were maintained over a 6-month
period, with an approximately 60% reduction of anxiety scores. There was no evidence of tolerance to either
medication over the 6-month period. In the first 2 weeks of medication discontinuation, patients who had been on
clorazepate had a transient increase of anxiety consistent with withdrawal, whereas those who received buspirone did

Treatment with buspirone is usually started at 5 mg tid, and the dosage can be increased until a maximum dosage of
60 mg/day is reached. A twice-daily regimen is probably as efficacious as a thrice-daily regimen and easier to comply
with. There has existed a suggestion in the literature that patients previously treated with benzodiazepines may not
respond successfully to buspirone. However, a controlled treatment study has refuted this, finding that patients who
gradually discontinued lorazepam and were then treated with buspirone in a double-blind fashion did not exhibit
benzodiazepine withdrawal or rebound anxiety and did as well with buspirone as they had done with lorazepam (Delle
Chiaie et al. 1995). On the other hand, DeMartinis et al. (2000) retrospectively analyzed a large data set with respect
to history of benzodiazepine use prior to a controlled clinical trial. They found that clinical response to buspirone was
similar to benzodiazepine response in patients who had never used or had remotely used benzodiazepines, but patients
who had used benzodiazepines within 1 month of starting the trial had a higher attrition rate and less clinical
improvement if randomized to buspirone rather than to benzodiazepine. There is recent evidence, via a controlled trial
(Rickels et al. 2000), that in long-term benzodiazepine users, a successful strategy may be to start buspirone or an
antidepressant for 1 month prior to undertaking a gradual 4 to 6-week taper of the benzodiazepine. Other independent
predictors of successful benzodiazepine taper were lower initial dosages and less severe and chronic anxiety


Over the past few years, newer antidepressants have become established as first-line treatments for GAD, because
controlled trials have documented their efficacy and because they tend to be well tolerated, require only once-daily
dosing, and do not risk abuse and dependence. Several large controlled trials to date have established the efficacy of
extended-release venlafaxine, an SNRI, in treating GAD (Davidson et al. 1999; Gelenberg et al. 2000; Rickels et al.
2000). Venlafaxine has been found effective in dosages ranging from 75 to 225 mg/day. Response rate is
approximately 70%, with benefits appearing as early as the first 2 weeks of treatment. Venlafaxine is generally well
tolerated, with nausea, somnolence, and dry mouth being the most common side effects. Studies have not revealed
consistent differences in efficacy as a function of dosing, suggesting that it can be started at 75 mg/day for GAD and
subsequently be increased if clinical improvement is not adequate and side effects permit. In a trial comparing
venlafaxine 75–150 mg, buspirone 30 mg, and placebo in GAD without depression over an 8-week period, both
medications were superior to placebo, and there was weak evidence for possible superiority of venlafaxine over
buspirone by some, but not all, measures (Davidson et al. 1999).

SSRIs are also efficacious in treating GAD. The SSRI paroxetine has been studied in several controlled trials. One trial
showed paroxetine at fixed dosages of both 20 mg and 40 mg daily to be superior to placebo over an 8-week treatment
period, with approximately two-thirds of patients considered responders (Bellew et al. 2000). Another large flexible-
dosing trial showed that paroxetine at dosages ranging from 20 to 50 mg daily was superior to placebo in treating GAD
over an 8-week period (Pollack et al. 2001). It also showed that about two-thirds of patients who did not respond to
the initial 20-mg dosage responded to higher dosages of 30, 40, or 50 mg daily (McCafferty et al. 2001). In a
paroxetine trial using dosages of 20–40 mg/day, an approximately 65% response rate and 33% remission rate were
reported (Rickels et al. 2003). In addition, a 6-month discontinuation study found that only about 10% of patients
relapsed when continuing medication versus a 40% relapse rate on placebo (Stocchi et al. 2003). Sertraline has also
been found to be superior to placebo in decreasing both the psychic and somatic symptoms of GAD during a 12-week
treatment (Dahl et al. 2005) at flexible dosages of 50–150 mg/day (Allgulander et al. 2004), and one study showed
comparable efficacy and tolerability for paroxetine and sertraline (Ball et al. 2005). Three pooled similar placebo-
controlled trials of the SSRI escitalopram, administered for 8 weeks at a dosage of 10–20 mg/day, reported significant
improvement in GAD with good tolerability in more than 800 patients (Goodman et al. 2005).

Several older studies have shown TCAs to be effective in treating chronically anxious patients independent of the
presence of depressive symptoms, although TCA use has largely fallen out of favor recently in favor of the newer
antidepressants. In one controlled study comparing imipramine and alprazolam in treating GAD, similar efficacy was
found for the two medications, with imipramine acting more on negative affects and cognitions and alprazolam acting
more on somatic symptoms (Hoehn-Saric et al. 1988). In another study, imipramine up to 143 mg/day, trazodone up
to 255 mg/day, and diazepam up to 26 mg/day were found comparable after 8 weeks of treatment, with about
two-thirds of GAD patients experiencing moderate to marked improvement in anxiety.

A recent open trial reported that mirtazapine, at a daily dosage of 30 mg for 12 weeks, resulted in at least 50%
improvement in 80% of 44 patients (Gambi et al. 2005).

Other Medications

-Adrenergic-blocking drugs such as propranolol may only be rarely indicated as an adjuvant in patients who
experience significant palpitations or tremor. Clonidine, which inhibits locus coeruleus discharge, would seem for
theoretical reasons to be a good antianxiety drug. A tendency to lose clinical response, plus a number of bothersome
side effects, makes clonidine a poor initial choice for treatment.

In patients with refractory GAD, SSRI augmentation with the atypical antipsychotic olanzapine, at a mean dosage of
8.7 mg/day, has been tested in a double-blind design (Pollack et al. 2005) and showed modest benefit for some
patients. Similarly, the effect of risperidone augmentation in patients not adequately responding to standard anxiolytic
treatment was found to be marginal (Brawman-Mintzer et al. 2005). In contrast, an open monotherapy trial of
ziprasidone in 13 patients with treatment-resistant illness reported more positive findings; 84% of patients responded
and 46% remitted after 7 weeks of treatment with ziprasidone, 20–80 mg/day (Snyderman et al. 2005).

Riluzole, an antiglutamatergic agent, has also been studied in an open-label trial and appears promising, with 12 of 15
completers responding to the 8-week treatment (S. J. Mathew et al. 2005). A multicenter placebo-controlled study of
the selective GABA reuptake inhibitor tiagabine, administered for 8 weeks at dosages of 4–16 mg/day, reported mixed
results, with efficacy demonstrated by some analyses but not by the primary intent-to-treat analysis (Pollack et al.
2005). Placebo-controlled trials of the new anxiolytic pregabalin, a calcium-binding presynaptic inhibitor of excitatory
neurotransmission, have reported efficacy at dosages ranging from 150 to 600 mg/day, generally demonstrating
superiority to placebo, fairly rapid onset, and similar response to a benzodiazepine active control group; dizziness and
sedation are reported at higher dosages, but the medication was well tolerated overall (Pohl et al. 2005; Rickels et al.

Research into the psychotherapy of GAD has not been as extensive as for other anxiety disorders. Still, a number of
studies exist that clearly show that a variety of psychotherapies are helpful in treating GAD (Table 12–14).

TABLE 12–14. Cognitive and behavioral approaches to treating generalized anxiety disorder


Cognitive restructuring

Breathing retraining

Applied relaxation training

Given the previously described cognitive profile of GAD, several aspects of the disorder can serve as the foci of
psychotherapeutic interventions. These include the heightened tendency to perceive threat; the expectation of
low-likelihood catastrophic outcomes; poor problem solving, especially in the face of ambivalence or ambiguity; the
central feature of worry; and the physical symptoms of anxiety. A variety of treatments have been developed for GAD,
including cognitive restructuring; behavioral anxiety management, such as relaxation and rebreathing techniques;
exposure therapy with or without a cognitive component; and psychodynamic treatment.

CBT is superior to general nondirective or supportive therapy in treating GAD (Chambless and Gillis 1993) and possibly
superior to behavior therapy alone (Borkovec and Costello 1993). Cognitive therapy alone may have an edge over
behavioral therapy alone according to some studies (Butler et al. 1991), but not others (Ost and Breitholtz 2000). In a
study that compared four conditions—behavioral therapy alone, cognitive therapy alone, combined CBT, and a wait-list
control group—all three active treatments were similarly efficacious and superior to the control condition during an up
to 2-year follow-up period; however, the combined CBT group had a much lower dropout rate than the other groups
(Barlow et al. 1992). Cognitive therapy and applied relaxation were found to have similar effectiveness during a
12-week treatment and at a 6-month follow-up (Arntz 2003). Another randomized study compared cognitive, analytic,
and behavioral management in treating subjects with GAD (Durham et al. 1994). Cognitive therapy emerged as
superior, with some edge over behavioral management alone and a significantly better result than analytic treatment.
A "well-being" component aimed at restoring overall function may be a useful addition to usual CBT (Fava et al. 2005).

Combined Pharmacotherapy and Psychotherapy

In a meta-analysis of 65 CBT and pharmacological treatment studies of GAD, overall similar efficacy was reported for
the two treatment approaches, with lower attrition rates for psychotherapy (Mitte 2005). There are minimal data on
the use of combined psychotherapy and medication in the treatment of GAD. In one study comparing CBT,
benzodiazepine, a combination of the two, and placebo (Power et al. 1990), CBT alone or with medication tended to
emerge as superior. It appears, however, that the CBT component of the study was more intensive than the
medication treatment, and further studies are clearly needed in this area.


Definition and Clinical Description
The central feature of social phobia is a marked, persistent fear of social situations in which public humiliation or
embarrassment is possible. DSM-IV-TR criteria for social phobia are presented in Table 12–15.

TABLE 12–15. DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for social phobia

A. A marked and persistent fear of one or more social or performance situations in which the person is exposed to unfamiliar
people or to possible scrutiny by others. The individual fears that he or she will act in a way (or show anxiety symptoms) that will
be humiliating or embarrassing. Note: In children, there must be evidence of the capacity for age-appropriate social
relationships with familiar people and the anxiety must occur in peer settings, not just in interactions with adults.

B. Exposure to the feared social situation almost invariably provokes anxiety, which may take the form of a situationally bound or
situationally predisposed panic attack. Note: In children, the anxiety may be expressed by crying, tantrums, freezing, or
shrinking from social situations with unfamiliar people.

C. The person recognizes that the fear is excessive or unreasonable. Note: In children, this feature may be absent.

D. The feared social or performance situations are avoided or else are endured with intense anxiety or distress.

E. The avoidance, anxious anticipation, or distress in the feared social or performance situation(s) interferes significantly with the
person's normal routine, occupational (academic) functioning, or social activities or relationships, or there is marked distress
about having the phobia.

F. In individuals under age 18 years, the duration is at least 6 months.

G. The fear or avoidance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a
general medical condition and is not better accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g., panic disorder with or without
agoraphobia, separation anxiety disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, a pervasive developmental disorder, or schizoid personality

H. If a general medical condition or another mental disorder is present, the fear in criterion A is unrelated to it, e.g., the fear is
not of stuttering, trembling in Parkinson's disease, or exhibiting abnormal eating behavior in anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa.

Specify if:

Generalized: if the fears include most social situations (also consider the additional diagnosis of avoidant personality disorder)
Socially phobic individuals fear and/or avoid a variety of situations in which they would be required to interact with
others or to perform a task in front of other people. Typical social phobias are of speaking, eating, or writing in public;
using public lavatories; and attending parties or interviews. In addition, a common fear of socially phobic individuals is
that other people will detect and ridicule their anxiety in social situations. An individual may have one, limited, or
numerous social fears. Social phobia is described as generalized if the social fear encompasses most social situations as
opposed to being present in circumscribed ones. Generalized social phobia is overall a more serious and impairing
condition. Generalized social phobia can be reliably diagnosed as a subtype; it has an earlier onset, and affected
individuals are more often single and have more interactional fears and greater comorbidity with atypical depression
and alcoholism (Mannuzza et al. 1995).

As in specific phobias, the anxiety in social phobia is stimulus bound. When forced or surprised into the phobic situation,
the individual experiences profound anxiety accompanied by a variety of somatic symptoms. Interestingly, different
anxiety disorders tend to be characterized by their own constellation of most prominent somatic symptoms. For
example, palpitations and chest pain or pressure are more common in panic attacks, whereas sweating, blushing, and
dry mouth are more common in social anxiety. Actual panic attacks may also occur in individuals with social phobia in
response to feared social situations. Blushing is the cardinal physical symptom characteristic of social phobia, whereas
commonly encountered cognitive constellations include tendencies for self-focused attention, negative self-evaluation
regarding social performance, difficulty gauging nonverbal aspects of one's behavior, discounting of social competence
in positive interactions, and a positive bias toward appraising others' social performance (Alden and Wallace 1995).

Individuals who have only limited social fears may be functioning well overall and be relatively asymptomatic unless
confronted with the necessity of entering their phobic situation. When faced with this necessity, they are often subject
to intense anticipatory anxiety. Multiple social fears, on the other hand, can lead to chronic demoralization, social
isolation, and disabling vocational and interpersonal impairment. Alcohol and sedative drugs are often utilized to
alleviate at least the anticipatory component of this anxiety disorder, possibly leading to abuse. In a study that
systematically compared individuals with a public speaking phobia with those with generalized social phobia, the latter
were found to be younger, less educated, and have greater anxiety, depression, fears of negative social evaluation, and
unemployment (Heimberg et al. 1990b).

Epidemiology and Comorbidity

In the National Comorbidity Survey (Kessler et al. 1994; Magee et al. 1996), which employed DSM-III-R criteria, social
phobia had a lifetime occurrence of 13.3%, 1-year incidence of 7.9%, and 1-month incidence of 4.5% and was
somewhat more common in women than in men (lifetime, 15.5% vs. 11.1%). Of those affected, about one-third
reported exclusively public speaking fears, whereas the rest were characterized by at least one other social fear. About
one-third had multiple fears qualifying for the generalized type of social phobia, which was found to be more
persistent, impairing, and comorbid than the specific public speaking type. The NESARC found a 1-year and lifetime
prevalence of DSM-IV social anxiety disorder of 2.8% and 5.0%, respectively (Grant et al. 2005a). Being Native
American, being young in age, or having low income increased risk, whereas being male; being Asian, Hispanic, or
African American; or living in urban settings reduced risk. Mean age at onset was 15 years. The disorder was chronic;
mean age at first treatment was about 12 years later, and 80% had never received treatment. There was significant
comorbidity with other psychiatric disorders, especially GAD, bipolar I, and avoidant and dependent personality

Epidemiological studies have consistently found significant comorbidity between lifetime social phobia and various
mood disorders, with an approximately three- to sixfold higher risk for dysthymia, depression, and bipolar disorder
(Kessler et al. 1999b). Social phobia almost always predated the mood disorder and was a predictor of not only higher
likelihood of future mood disorder but also more severity and chronicity.

Social phobia can be associated with a variety of personality disorders, particularly avoidant personality disorder. In
epidemiologically identified probands with social phobia alone, avoidant personality disorder alone, or both, a similarly
elevated familial risk of social phobia has been found, suggesting that the Axis I and II disorders may represent
dimensions of social anxiety rather than discrete conditions (Tillfors et al. 2001a). Indeed, a review of the literature
comparing generalized social phobia, avoidant personality disorder, and shyness concluded that all three may exist on a
continuum (Rettew 2000) or may even be alternative conceptualizations of the same underlying condition (Ralevski et
al. 2005).

Social phobia, per se, is a highly disabling disorder whose impact on functioning and quality of life has probably been
greatly underestimated and hidden in past years. Socially phobic persons are impaired on a broad spectrum of
measures, ranging from dropping out of school to experiencing significant disability in whatever their main activities
are. They describe dissatisfaction with many aspects of life, and the quality of their life is rated as quite low.
Importantly, comorbid depression seems to contribute only modestly to these outcomes. Even in preadolescent
children, pervasive and serious functional impairment can already be found.


Psychosocial Theories

A number of mechanisms are proposed in learning theories as contributors to the pathogenesis of social phobia
(Stemberger et al. 1995), and risk factors for social anxiety are summarized in Table 12–16.

TABLE 12–16. Risk factors for social anxiety

Parental psychiatric history (especially social phobia, other anxiety disorders, depression)

Parental marital conflict

Parental overprotection or rejection

Childhood abuse
Childhood lack of close relationship with an adult

Not being firstborn for males

Frequent moves in childhood

Poor school performance

Running away from home

Risk factors include direct exposure to socially related traumatic events, vicarious learning through observing others
engaged in such traumatic situations, and information transfer (i.e., things that one hears in various contexts regarding
social interactions). There is a significant familial component to social phobia, part of which is thought to be heritable
(see section "Genetics" later in this chapter) and part acquired. Parents, whether socially anxious themselves or not,
might rear socially anxious children through various mechanisms, such as lack of adequate exposure to social situations
and development of social skills, overprotectiveness, controlling and critical behavior, modeling of socially anxious
behaviors, and fearful information conveyed about social situations (Hudson and Rapee 2000). For example, in an
experimental paradigm it has been shown that socially ambiguous situations are interpreted favorably by children
without socially phobic parents but avoidantly when family input is negative (Dadds et al. 1996).

Parental social phobia is a strong risk factor for social phobia among adolescent offspring, as is parental depression,
any other anxiety disorder, any alcohol use disorder, and parental overprotection or rejection; overall family
functioning was not predictive (Lieb et al. 2000). Other potential risk factors for social phobia identified in a large
epidemiological sample include lack of a close relationship with an adult, not being firstborn for males, parental marital
conflict, general parental psychiatric history, moving several times as a child, childhood abuse, running away from
home, and doing poorly in school (Chartier et al. 2001). Types of family adversity also appear to affect females
differently than males (DeWit et al. 2005); social anxiety disorder in males was associated with the absence of one
parent or other adult confidant during childhood, while in females the disorder was associated with parental conflict
and paternal physical abuse during childhood.

A number of cognitive distortions have been identified in individuals with social phobia, all centering around various
manifestations of a core negative representation of one's social self. There is evidence that socially phobic individuals
do not habituate to negative social information as easily as nonanxious control subjects (Amir et al. 2001); have an
attentional and implicit memory bias for socially threatening information (Rinck and Becker 2005); are flexible in
interpreting anxiety symptoms exhibited by others but are more judgmental of their own (Roth et al. 2001); make
negative interpretations of ambiguous social events and catastrophic interpretations of mildly negative social events
(Stopa and Clark 2000); have difficulty disengaging attention from threatening material (Amir et al. 2003); have
persistent postevent negative self-appraisal ruminations (Abbott and Rapee 2004); have faulty learning of
nonthreatening meanings (Amir et al. 2005a); have a diminished perception of control over anxiety-related symptoms
(Hofmann 2005); and have a negative expectation that social success will result in greater future social demands
(Wallace and Alden 1997). Children with social phobia, compared with their nonanxious peers, have been found to have
social skills deficits, more negative self-talk, less competent social performance with peers, and fewer positive
outcomes from peers (Spence et al. 1999).

Biological Theories

Biological theories of social phobia are summarized in Table 12–17.

TABLE 12–17. Biological models of social anxiety disorder

Hypersensitive conditioned fear network centered in the amygdala

Abnormalities of the -aminobutyric acid (GABA)–benzodiazepine receptor

Noradrenergic activation

Decreased dopaminergic tone

Altered serotonin availability

Modest to moderate genetic component


Neurochemical studies of social phobia have not been as systematic or consistently replicated as those in panic
disorder, but they have to date implicated a number of neurotransmitter systems, including the noradrenergic,
GABAergic, dopaminergic, and serotonergic systems. Patients with social phobia exhibit a blunted growth hormone
response to clonidine challenge, suggesting underlying noradrenergic dysfunction (Tancer et al. 1993), but this was not
replicated in a subsequent study (Tancer et al. 1994). GABA–benzodiazepine receptor involvement is unclear. One
study found that the benzodiazepine antagonist flumazenil did not induce a greater surge in anxiety in subjects with
social phobia compared with control subjects (Coupland et al. 2000). However, another study showed significantly
decreased peripheral benzodiazepine receptor density in subjects with generalized social phobia compared with a
healthy group (M. R. Johnson et al. 1998).

Despite the now-documented efficacy of serotonin reuptake inhibitors in treating social phobia, little is directly known
about serotonergic involvement in the disorder. One study found increased cortisol response to fenfluramine suggestive
of altered serotonergic sensitivity (Tancer et al. 1994). However, other studies found no evidence of altered serotonin
reuptake sites in platelets in social phobia (M. B. Stein et al. 1995a) and no abnormality in the prolactin response to
m-CPP (Hollander et al. 1998). More recently, a tryptophan depletion protocol resulted in significant increase in
anxiety during an autobiographical script in SSRI-treated social anxiety patients, suggesting that improvement in social
anxiety by SSRIs is mediated via increased serotonin availability (Argyropoulos et al. 2004).

Two studies have found normal basal functioning of the HPA axis in social phobia, as measured by basal cortisol levels
and the dexamethasone suppression test (Condren et al. 2002; Uhde et al. 1994). However, under psychosocial stress
socially phobic individuals did manifest a significantly more robust peak cortisol response compared with control
subjects (Condren et al. 2002).

There is also evidence that social phobia may be associated with a decreased central dopaminergic tone. Individuals
with comorbid panic and social phobia have been found to have decreased levels of the dopamine metabolite
homovanillic acid in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (M. Johnson et al. 1994). Social phobia was associated with a
significant 20% decrease in dopamine transporter site density in the striatum on SPECT (Tiihonen et al. 1997a) and
with decreased dopamine D2 receptor binding potential (Schneier et al. 2000).


Provocation paradigms that evoke social anxiety have blossomed over the past several years and have consistently
highlighted dysfunctional brain circuits in social phobia. Several imaging studies have demonstrated heightened brain
activation in social phobia in brain regions associated with emotional processing. A model involving the neurocircuitry
of fear, similar to that described for panic disorder and involving faulty conditioned fear responses, has also been
implicated in other anxiety disorders, each disorder for its specific triggers, including socially threatening cues in social
phobia. A study comparing socially phobic individuals with healthy control subjects demonstrated selectively higher
activation in the amygdala, a center for the emotional processing of fearfulness, in response to emotionally neutral
faces during fMRI (Birbaumer et al. 1998). In a PET study utilizing social anxiety–provoking scripts, individuals with
social phobia showed greater blood flow in the anterior cingulate, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the orbitofrontal
cortex, and the insula, all areas involved in emotional processing, whereas the amygdalae were relatively deactivated
(Bell et al. 1999). Along these lines, one study has found signal decreases in the amygdala and hippocampus in normal
subjects presented with the conditioned stimulus of a neutral face associated with an unconditioned stimulus, whereas
socially phobic subjects exhibited opposite increased activations in both regions (Schneider et al. 1999). An fMRI study
found heightened amygdala activation in socially phobic persons compared with control subjects when viewing angry
or disgusted faces, compared with happy faces (M. B. Stein et al. 2002). In an fMRI study examining amygdalar
activation to happy versus harsh (angry, fearful, disgusted) faces, socially phobic participants showed greater
amygdalar activation than control subjects in response to the harsh faces, which correlated with the severity of social
anxiety symptoms (Phan et al. 2006b). In another fMRI study, socially phobic patients showed greater anterior
cingulate activation than nonanxious control subjects when processing disgust versus neutral faces (Amir et al. 2005b).
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy has shown significantly higher glutamate levels in the anterior cingulate of patients
with social anxiety compared with control subjects, which correlates with symptom severity (Phan et al. 2005). PET
imaging has shown significant deactivation in the lingual gyrus and medial frontal gyrus in socially phobic patients
during exposure to public speaking, suggesting a strategy of visual avoidance employed to dampen phobic anxiety
(Van Ameringen et al. 2004b). fMRI imaging has shown greater activity in the subcortical, limbic, and paralimbic
regions and less cortical activity in the anterior cingulate and prefrontal cortex during anticipation of public speaking in
socially phobic persons compared with healthy controls, again suggesting diminished cortical inhibition of automatic
emotional processing (Lorberbaum et al. 2004). A PET imaging study reported that during a public speaking task,
nonphobic subjects revealed relatively increased cortical rather than subcortical activity, whereas phobic subjects
showed increased subcortical activity (Tillfors et al. 2001b).

The short allele of the serotonin transporter gene has been implicated in vulnerability to mood disorders (Hariri et al.
2005), and a recent PET study found that those with social anxiety disorder who have one or two copies of the short
allele exhibited significantly elevated trait and state anxiety and enhanced right amygdala activation during a public
speaking task compared with social anxiety disorder patients homozygous for the long allele (Furmark et al. 2004).

Neuroimaging, coupled with treatment interventions, has revealed findings along the same lines. A SPECT study of
subjects with social phobia imaged before and after SSRI treatment showed higher baseline activity in the left
temporal cortex and left midfrontal regions in nonresponders compared with responders (Van Der Linden et al. 2000).
A PET study examining brain activation in response to a public speaking task found that after treatment with
citalopram or CBT, brain activity was attenuated in the amygdala, hippocampus, and neighboring cortical areas,
suggesting common sites of action of the two treatments (Furmark et al. 2002). Medication treatment resulted in
decreased cerebral blow flow in responders during a public speaking task in the rhinal cortex, amygdala, and
hippocampal-parahippocampal regions (Furmark et al. 2005).


A strong familial risk for social phobia has been identified that is believed to be partly heritable and partly
environmental. First-degree relatives of probands with generalized social phobia have an approximately 10-fold higher
risk for generalized social phobia or avoidant personality disorder. One twin study has not supported a genetic
component to social and specific phobia, in contrast to panic disorder, GAD, and PTSD, suggesting environmental
causation (Skre et al. 1993). An adolescent female twin study has estimated the heritability of social phobia to be
28%, with strong evidence for shared genetic vulnerability between social phobia and major depression (Nelson et al.

The personality trait of behavioral inhibition, which is believed to be largely heritable and becomes manifest and fixed
in early childhood (Kagan et al. 1987), is thought to be one of the substrates onto which social phobia might develop,
but it is neither necessary nor sufficient for the development of the disorder. Behavioral inhibition assessed in
toddlerhood has been found, prospectively, to be a strong predictor of social anxiety in adolescence (C. Schwartz et al.
1999). Similarly, behavioral inhibition, in the form of both social avoidance and fearfulness in early high school,
prospectively predicted the onset of social phobia 4 years later in adolescence (Hayward et al. 1998).

There are few genetic molecular studies in social phobia. One report found no linkage to the serotonin transporter or
5-HT2A receptor gene in generalized social phobia (M. B. Stein et al. 1998a). A genomewide linkage scan study
reported strongest linkage to chromosome 16 in a region implicating the norepinephrine transporter gene (J. Gelernter
et al. 2004). The short allele of the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTT) has been implicated in vulnerability to mood
disorders (Hariri et al. 2005), and there is evidence that it may also be implicated in anxiety disorders such as social
anxiety disorder (Furmark et al. 2004).

Course and Prognosis

Social phobia has its onset mainly in adolescence and early adulthood, earlier than with agoraphobia, and the course of
illness is very chronic. Mean age at onset is around 19 years. Onset of symptoms is sometimes acute after a
humiliating social experience but is usually insidious over months or years and without a clear-cut precipitant.
Interestingly, in clinical studies, men are equally or even more commonly affected than women, in distinction to other
anxiety disorders. This may reflect who is more likely to seek treatment under societal role demands, however, rather
than prevalence rates in the population at large.

Social phobia is clearly a chronic and potentially highly impairing condition; course and prognosis are summarized in
Table 12–18. It has been found that more than half of social phobia patients report significant impairment in some
areas of their lives, independent of the degree of social support (Stein and Kean 2000). Predictors of good outcome in
social phobia are onset after age 11 years, absence of psychiatric comorbidity, and higher educational status (Davidson
et al. 1993b). Comorbid avoidant personality disorder has been found to predict a 41% lower likelihood of social phobia
remission (Massion et al. 2002). In a large retrospective survey of individuals ages 15–64 years with lifetime social
phobia, approximately half of the sample had recovered from their illness at the time of survey, with a median illness
duration of 25 years. Significant predictors of recovery were childhood social context, such as no siblings and
small-town rearing, onset after age 7 years, fewer symptoms, and absence of comorbid health problems or depression
or the occurrence of comorbid illness prior to the onset of social phobia (DeWit et al. 1999). Yet another study has
confirmed better prognosis with medication treatment for later disorder onset (especially adult onset) compared with
earlier onset, more for symptom improvement but also for work impairment, even when accounting for severity and
duration of illness (Van Ameringen et al. 2004c). In a prospective epidemiological study, social anxiety disorder in
nondepressed adolescents and young adults at baseline was associated with an increased likelihood of depressive
disorder during a 3- to 4-year follow-up period; moreover, comorbid social anxiety in adolescents who were already
depressed was associated with a more malignant course of the depressive illness (M. B. Stein et al. 2001a).

TABLE 12–18. Course and prognosis of social anxiety disorder


Typically early onset at or before adolescence and very chronic course


About one-half found to be recovered after 25 years of illness

Predictors of poorer prognosis

Onset before age 8–11 years

Psychiatric comorbidity

Lower educational status

More symptoms at baseline

Comorbid health problems

Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of social anxiety disorder is summarized in Table 12–19. Before the diagnosis of social anxiety
disorder can be made, the presence of other disorders that may cause irrational fear of people and avoidance behaviors
must be ruled out. Avoidance of social situations is seen as part of avoidant, schizoid, and paranoid personality
disorders; agoraphobia; OCD; depressive disorders; schizophrenia; and paranoid disorders.

TABLE 12–19. Differential diagnosis of social anxiety disorder

Personality disorder, such as avoidant, schizoid, paranoid

Axis I paranoid disorder such as paranoid schizophrenia or paranoid delusional disorder

Depression-related social withdrawal secondary to anhedonia or feelings of defectiveness

Obsessive-compulsive disorder–related fears exacerbated in social settings (e.g., contamination)

Panic disorder with phobic avoidance not limited to social situations

Deficits/impaired social skills associated with schizophrenia and related disorders

Persons with paranoid disorders fear that something unpleasant will be done to them by others. In contrast, those with
social phobia fear that they themselves will act inappropriately and cause their own embarrassment or humiliation.

In avoidant personality disorder the central fear is also rejection, ridicule, or humiliation by others. The distinction
between this entity and generalized social phobia may be conceptual and semantic, and its validity is a subject of
dispute. Automatically labeling such patients as having avoidant personalities may lead practitioners away from
potentially useful pharmacotherapy and behavioral treatment efforts.

Some agoraphobic patients say that they are afraid they will embarrass themselves by losing control if they panic
while in a social situation. These patients are distinguished from patients with social phobia by the presence of panic
attacks that also occur in situations not involving scrutiny or evaluation by others.

Interpersonal anxiety or fears of humiliation leading to social avoidance are not diagnosed as social phobia when
occurring in the context of schizophrenia, schizophreniform or brief reactive psychoses, and major depressive disorder.
Patients with psychotic vulnerabilities and massive social isolation or poor interpersonal skills may occasionally be
mistaken as having social phobia if seen when they are in nonpsychotic or prepsychotic phases of illness.

Social withdrawal seen in depressive disorders is usually associated with a lack of interest or pleasure in the company
of others rather than a fear of scrutiny. In contrast, individuals with social phobia generally express the wish to be able
to interact appropriately with others and anticipate pleasure in this eventuality.

Pharmacological Treatment

The pharmacological treatment of social anxiety disorder is summarized in Table 12–20. There are a number of
medication options that are clearly helpful.

TABLE 12–20. Pharmacological treatment of social anxiety disorder

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

General indications: First-line treatment; shown efficacy; well tolerated; once-daily dosing; effective for comorbid depression,
panic, generalized anxiety disorder, or obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Paroxetine: best studied in large controlled trials; FDA-approved; average dosage 40 mg/day
Other SSRIs: also efficacious
Venlafaxine: also efficacious
Mirtazapine: also efficacious, fewer data


General indications: Clinically widely used and reportedly efficacious in open trials; generally well tolerated; concerns about
dependence and withdrawal in certain patients.

Clonazepam: long-acting; efficacy demonstrated in controlled trial


General indications: Highly effective for performance anxiety, taken on an as-needed basis about 1 hour before event. For the
most part not helpful in patients with generalized social phobia.

Propranolol, atenolol

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)

General indications: Demonstrated high effectiveness; may be difficult to tolerate and require dietary restrictions; effective for
several comorbid conditions including atypical depression, social phobia, and panic; well worth trying in patients with otherwise
refractory illness.

Phenelzine: most studied

Tranylcypromine: also effective

Other medications

Gabapentin: effective in one controlled trial

Buspirone: well tolerated; effective in open but not in controlled trial

Bupropion: effective in open trial

Topiramate: open trial

Pregabalin: controlled trial

Atypical neuroleptics: open trials

D -cycloserine: used in conjunction with exposure therapy

Note. FDA = U.S. Food and Drug Administration.


In performance-type social phobia, several analogue (i.e., nonclinical samples with performance or social anxiety)
studies have shown -blocker efficacy, particularly when these agents are used acutely prior to a performance. Many
performing artists or public speakers find that -blockers, taken orally a few hours before stage time, reduce
palpitations, tremor, and the "butterflies" feeling. Although a variety of -blockers have been used in studies and are
probably efficacious for performance anxiety, the most common ones used are propranolol, 20 mg, or atenolol, 50 mg,
taken about 45 minutes before a performance. It also seems that they are more effective in controlling stage fright,
with minimal or no side effects, than are benzodiazepines, which may decrease subjective anxiety but not optimize
performance and may have an adverse effect on "sharpness."
Newer antidepressants

In the past decade, newer antidepressants have been tested and have shown efficacy in treating social phobia,
resulting in the SSRIs becoming the first-line treatment for the disorder. They are generally well tolerated, easy to
dispense and monitor, and used in standard dosages comparable with those used in depression. Paroxetine is FDA
approved for treating social phobia, with efficacy shown in several controlled trials (Baldwin et al. 1999; M. B. Stein et
al. 1998b). About one-half to two-thirds of patients studied responded to acute treatment at average dosages of about
40 mg/day. In a 12-week study comparing 20, 40, and 60 mg/day, paroxetine at a dosage of 20 mg/day was found to
be efficacious compared with placebo, and clear advantages were not identified for the higher dosages in this study
(Liebowitz et al. 2002a). A pooled analysis of three placebo-controlled multicenter trials of paroxetine examined
predictors of treatment response and concluded that duration of treatment was the only significant predictor, with
many nonresponders at week 8 achieving response by week 12 (D. J. Stein et al. 2002a, 2002b). Additionally, a
6-month double-blind, maintenance-phase treatment with paroxetine for patients who had initially responded to a
12-week acute treatment found that significantly fewer patients relapsed (14%) when maintained on paroxetine
compared with placebo (39%).

Fluvoxamine, given at 150 mg/day for 12 weeks, resulted in substantial improvement in 46% of patients compared
with a 7% improvement among subjects given placebo in one controlled trial (van Vliet et al. 1994), replicated in a
subsequent larger study with a comparable mean dosage of 200 mg/day and a response rate of 43% (M. B. Stein et al.
1999). Efficacy for sertraline at dosages of 50–200 mg/day was shown in one placebo-controlled study (Katzelnick et
al. 1995). A later large 20-week trial of sertraline versus placebo confirmed sertraline's efficacy, using flexible dosing
up to 200 mg/day and a 53% response rate (Van Ameringen et al. 2001). Similarly, a 12-week large sertraline trial
using dosages of 50–200 mg/day demonstrated superiority to placebo, with only 8% of patients discontinuing due to
adverse events (Liebowitz et al. 2003). A 20-week treatment study with sertraline, 50–200 mg/day, reported a 53%
response rate with medication compared with 29% for placebo (Van Ameringen et al. 2001). Similar responses were
found in an open trial of fluoxetine (Van Ameringen et al. 1993) and an open trial of citalopram (Bouwer and Stein
1998). A 12-week placebo-controlled trial of escitalopram, 10–20 mg/day, reported efficacy with a 54% responder
rate, good tolerability, and significant improvement in work and social impairment (Kasper et al. 2005). A double-blind
discontinuation study examined relapse in socially phobic patients initially treated openly for 12 weeks with
escitalopram, 10–20 mg/day, and found that the risk of relapse was almost three times higher in patients who
discontinued active treatment (Montgomery et al. 2005).

Newer antidepressants other than SSRIs are also efficacious in treating social phobia. A 12-week extended-release
venlafaxine study, using dosages of 75–225 mg/day, demonstrated significant benefit over placebo in social anxiety
symptoms and social impairment, with good tolerability (Rickels et al. 2004). A 6-month placebo-controlled trial of
venlafaxine extended-release at a low dosage (75 mg/day) or higher dosage (150–225 mg/day) showed similar
superiority to placebo at both dosages, with a 58% response rate and a 31% remission rate (M. B. Stein et al. 2005).
Similarly, a 12-week venlafaxine extended-release study using flexible dosing (75–225 mg/day) reported superiority
to placebo, with a 44% response rate and a 30% remission rate (Liebowitz et al. 2005). A placebo-controlled trial of
mirtazapine in 66 women with social phobia also reported efficacy (Muehlbacher et al. 2005). Bupropion is the least
studied antidepressant to date, but it may have some efficacy in social phobia (Emmanuel et al. 1991).


Benzodiazepines can also be helpful in treating generalized social phobia, despite the usual concerns about their chronic
use. Several open trials have reported positive results, and in one controlled study clonazepam at dosages of 0.5–3.0
mg/day (mean dosage, 2.4 mg/day) was found to be superior to placebo, with a response rate of 78% and
improvement in social anxiety, avoidance, performance, and negative self-evaluation (Davidson et al. 1993a).
Alprazolam has also been found to be superior to placebo, with results comparable with those for phenelzine and CBT.
However, the alprazolam group had the highest relapse rate 2 months after treatment discontinuation (C. S. Gelernter
et al. 1991). Given its longer half-life, clonazepam is a better choice than alprazolam. Both have advantages, such as
relatively rapid onset of action and good tolerability. Disadvantages are the potential for abuse, withdrawal, relapse,
and lack of efficacy for comorbid depression. The benzodiazepines would not be considered a first-line treatment for
social phobia.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors

MAOIs were the medications proven most effective in treating generalized social phobia until recently. Liebowitz et al.
(1992) conducted a controlled study comparing phenelzine, atenolol, and placebo in the treatment of patients with
DSM-III social phobia. About two-thirds of patients had a marked response to phenelzine, at dosages of 45–90
mg/day, whereas atenolol was not superior to placebo. Tranylcypromine in dosages of 40–60 mg/day was also
associated with significant improvement in about 80% of patients with DSM-III social phobia treated openly for 1 year
(Versiani et al. 1988). One study (C. S. Gelernter et al. 1991) compared cognitive-behavioral group treatment with
phenelzine, alprazolam, and placebo. Although all groups improved significantly with treatment, phenelzine tended to
be superior in absolute clinical response and decreased impairment. Despite their proven efficacy in social phobia,
MAOIs are no longer a first-line treatment given their dietary and medication restrictions, the potential for
hypertensive crises, and the frequently not-well-tolerated side effects.

Other medication options

Although augmentations and combinations have not been systematically tested in clinical trials, in practice they are
often combined in order to attain a sufficiently satisfactory response. A study combining double-blind clonazepam (1–2
mg/day) with open-label paroxetine found that the addition of clonazepam did not lead to more rapid response but did
tend to be associated with a more robust global response by the end of treatment, suggesting that in some patients
who do not benefit adequately from antidepressant monotherapy, benzodiazepines can lead to additional improvement
(Seedat and Stein 2004).

A placebo-controlled trial of the anticonvulsant gabapentin found it superior to placebo at a mean dosage of about
2,900 mg/day, with a response rate approaching 40% of subjects (Pande et al. 1999). The anticonvulsant
levetiracetam was not found to be efficacious in a pilot placebo-controlled study (Zhang et al. 2005). An open trial of
topiramate, at dosages of up to 400 mg/day, reported benefit in treating social anxiety disorder (Van Ameringen et al.

Buspirone, a 5-HT1A agonist anxiolytic, in dosages up to 30 mg/day, was not shown to be efficacious in a controlled
study (van Vliet et al. 1997). Pregabalin at a dosage of 600 mg/day was shown to be superior to placebo in a 10-week
treatment of social anxiety disorder, whereas pregabalin at a dosage of 150 mg/day was not (Pande et al. 2004). St.
John's wort was no more effective than placebo in one study (Kobak et al. 2005a, 2005b). A pindolol augmentation
study of SSRIs did not report additional benefit (M. B. Stein et al. 2001b). Atypical antipsychotics have also received
limited attention in treating social anxiety. An open-label trial of quetiapine monotherapy in 13 patients with GAD,
treated for 12 weeks at a mean dosage of 250 mg/day, reported a response rate of 70% (Schutters et al. 2005). A
small placebo-controlled olanzapine trial found that olanzapine was superior to placebo (Barnett et al. 2002).

A new medication approach specifically targeting axillary hyperhydrosis in socially phobic patients with excessive
sweating appears promising. Placebo-controlled administration of a one-time bilateral axillary intradermal injection of
botulinum toxin coupled with 8-week open treatment with paroxetine resulted in significantly greater improvement in
daily activities, work, social functioning, and overall disability (Connor et al. 2006a).

Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies

Three major cognitive-behavioral techniques are used in the treatment of social phobia: exposure, cognitive
restructuring, and social skills training (Table 12–21).

TABLE 12–21. Cognitive and behavioral approaches to treating social anxiety disorder

Exposure (imaginal and/or in vivo)

Cognitive restructuring

Social skills training (modeling, rehearsal, role-playing, practice)

Virtual reality (VR) exposure

Exposure preceded by D -cycloserine administration

Exposure treatment involves imaginal or in vivo exposure to specific feared performance and social situations.
Although patients with very high levels of social anxiety may need to start out with imaginal exposure until a certain
degree of habituation is attained, therapeutic results are not gained until in vivo exposure to the real-life feared
situations is done. Social skills training employs modeling, rehearsal, role-playing, and assigned practice to help
individuals learn appropriate behaviors and decrease anxiety in social situations, with an expectation that this will lead
to more positive responses from others. This type of training is not necessary for all individuals with social phobia and
is more applicable to those who have actual deficits in social interacting above and beyond their anxiety or avoidance
of social situations. Cognitive restructuring focuses on poor self-concepts, the fear of negative evaluation by others,
and the attribution of positive outcomes to chance or circumstance and negative outcomes to one's own shortcomings.
It consists of a variety of homework identifying negative thoughts, evaluating their accuracy, and reframing them in a
more realistic way.

Results of older studies of behavioral treatments for social phobia were difficult to evaluate because of heterogeneous
phobic patient samples, lack of operational definitions of disorder and improvement ratings, and the presentation of
outcome data in terms of mean change scores rather than level of achieved functioning. However, in the past decade
or so the cognitive-behavioral treatment of social phobia has blossomed and attracted great attention, detailed
treatment strategies and approaches have been delineated, and more thorough systematic studies in well-defined
clinical populations have emerged.

Exposure, cognitive restructuring, and social skills training may all be of significant benefit to patients with social
phobia. In addition, these techniques appear superior to nonspecific supportive therapy, as shown in a randomized,
controlled study comparing supportive therapy with initial individual cognitive therapy followed by group social skills
training (Cottraux et al. 2000). The success of CBTs appears to be mediated, at least in part, by a decrease in
self-focused attention (Woody et al. 1997). Decreases in negative self-focused thoughts and social anxiety symptoms
were significantly intercorrelated in patients treated with CBT but not with exposure, despite the comparable
improvement of the two groups (Hofmann et al. 2004). Attempts to correlate patient type (social skills deficits vs.
phobic anxiety/avoidance) with preferred treatment modality (social skills training vs. exposure) have not always
been fruitful (Wlazlo et al. 1990). Heimberg et al. (1990a) compared cognitive-behavioral group treatment with a
credible psychoeducational-supportive control intervention in patients with DSM-III social phobia; both groups got
better, but the cognitive-behavioral group showed more improvement, especially in patients' self-appraisal.

It has been suggested that cognitive aspects may be of greater importance in social phobia than in other anxiety or
phobic conditions, and therefore cognitive restructuring may be a necessary component to maximize treatment gains.
Mattick et al. (1989) reported that combination treatment was superior to either exposure or cognitive restructuring
alone in social phobia; cognitive restructuring alone was inferior to exposure alone in decreasing avoidant behavior, but
exposure alone did not change self-perception and attitude.

Although long-term outcome is more difficult to assess, studies suggest that CBT leads to long-lasting gains (Turner et
al. 1995) and therefore may be of particular significance in social anxiety disorder, which tends to have a chronic, often
lifetime, course. One exposure study examining long-term outcome reported that even though one patient out of three
was unable to complete treatment or did not benefit sufficiently from it, exposure provided lasting effects for the
majority of patients over a 6-year follow-up (Fava et al. 2001a). At this point, it appears that in vivo exposure is a
critical component of the treatment and that the introduction of cognitive restructuring at some point in the treatment
contributes to further gains and to their long-term maintenance. Social phobia is a disorder that often starts in the early
years, and it is encouraging to know that in prepubertal children, both behavioral therapy consisting of social skills
training and anxiety reduction techniques (Beidel et al. 2000) and CBT alone or with the parents (Spence et al. 2000)
have been found to be highly effective in controlled trials.

Very recently, virtual reality therapy techniques have surfaced as an interesting and potentially powerful alternative to
standard exposure therapies in treating phobias, including social phobia. In a study of 36 social anxiety disorder
participants randomly assigned to virtual reality therapy versus standard group CBT, improvement was significant and
comparable in the two groups; the virtual environments re-created four situations salient to social phobia,
performance, intimacy, scrutiny, and assertiveness (Klinger et al. 2005).

Other Types of Psychotherapy

The successful use of medication and/or behavioral treatments has resulted in psychodynamic therapy for phobias
falling out of favor (Gabbard 1990). However, in those patients in whom underlying conflicts associated with phobic
anxiety and avoidance can be identified by the clinician and lend to insightful exploration, psychodynamic therapy can
be of benefit. Furthermore, a psychodynamic approach may be valuable in understanding and resolving the secondary
interpersonal ramifications in which phobic patients and their partners are often caught up and that could serve as
resistances to the successful implementation of medication or behavioral treatments (Gabbard 1990). A recent trial of
interpersonal psychotherapy, adapted to treating social phobia, showed that seven of nine patients treated openly for
14 weeks showed significant improvement (Lipsitz et al. 1999b), suggesting that this modality does merit further

Combination Treatment
Combination treatment with CBT and medication has also received some attention. It appears that medication alone
compared with CBT alone has comparable results in the acute treatment of social phobia (Heimberg et al. 1998; Otto
et al. 2000). In a rigorous comparison with the medication "gold standard" phenelzine, group CBT was essentially
found to have similar efficacy over 12 weeks, although with a longer time to reach response and some inferiority in
some of the final measures (Heimberg et al. 1998). In a more recent study, treatment outcome was compared for
medication alone (fluoxetine 10–60 mg/day), CBT alone, combined medication and CBT, CBT and placebo, and placebo
(Davidson et al. 2004). The response rate was about 50% for both monotherapies and for combined treatment,
significantly better than the 32% response rate for placebo alone, leading to the conclusion that combined treatment
did not offer any advantage during the acute phase of treatment.

However, the longer-term impact of the two forms of therapy may be more relevant when selecting type of treatment
or opting for combination. In a continuation of the previously described study (Heimberg et al. 1998), responders
continued treatment with phenelzine or CBT for a 6-month maintenance phase and were then followed for an
additional 6-month treatment-free phase (Liebowitz et al. 1999). Both treatments maintained their effectiveness for
the first 6 months, with phenelzine preserving its slight superiority over CBT. However, after treatment ended, CBT
was associated with a greater likelihood of maintaining a good response. Along similar lines, another study compared
the benefits of sertraline alone, sertraline plus exposure therapy, and exposure alone during a 1-year follow-up
randomized trial and found that the exposure alone group continued to yield further improvement 6 months after
treatment cessation, in contrast to a tendency toward deterioration in the sertraline alone and the sertraline-
plus-exposure groups (Haug et al. 2003). Therefore, in a newly presenting patient with social phobia who is reluctant to
try medication, it is a very reasonable course to recommend CBT, and even in patients opting for medication
treatment, the addition of psychotherapy may contribute to sustaining improvement down the road.

In an exciting development in the combined treatment of social phobia, exposure therapy has been combined with the
prior administration of the glutamatergic N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor agonist D-cycloserine, which
promotes extinction learning, thus enhancing the effectiveness of fear-reduction learning strategies. In a recent study
of 27 participants with public speaking anxiety, four sessions involving exposure to public speech situations were
preceded 1 hour prior by double-blind administration of 50 mg D-cycloserine or placebo. Those who received
D-cycloserine reported robustly less social anxiety during the exposure therapy than those receiving placebo (Hofmann
et al. 2006).

Definition and Clinical Description
Specific phobias are circumscribed fears of specific objects, situations, or activities. The syndrome has three
components: an anticipatory anxiety that is brought on by the possibility of confrontation with the phobic stimulus, the
central fear itself, and the avoidance behavior by which the individual minimizes anxiety. In specific phobia, the fear is
usually not of the object itself but of some dire outcome that the individual believes may result from contact with that
object. For example, persons with driving phobia are afraid of accidents; those with snake phobia, that they will be
bitten; and those who are claustrophobic, that they will suffocate or be trapped in an enclosed space. These fears are
excessive, unreasonable, and enduring; although most individuals with specific phobias will readily acknowledge that
they know there is really nothing to be afraid of, reassuring them of this does not diminish their fear.

In DSM-IV, for the first time, types of specific phobias were adopted: natural environment (e.g., storms); animal (e.g.,
insects); blood-injury-injection; situational (e.g., cars, elevators, bridges); and other (e.g., choking, vomiting). The
validity of such distinctions is supported by data showing that these types tend to differ with respect to age at onset,
mode of onset, familial aggregation, and physiological responses to the phobic stimulus (Fyer et al. 1990). A
comparable structure has been found in child and adolescent specific phobia, clustering into three subtypes (Muris et al.
1999). DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR make the diagnosis of phobic disorder only when single or multiple phobias are the
predominant aspect of the clinical picture, a source of significant distress to the individual, and not the result of another
mental disorder. The diagnostic criteria for specific phobia are presented in Table 12–22.

TABLE 12–22. DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for specific phobia

A. Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable, cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or
situation (e.g., flying, heights, animals, receiving an injection, seeing blood).
B. Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an immediate anxiety response, which may take the form of a
situationally bound or situationally predisposed panic attack. Note: In children, the anxiety may be expressed by crying,
tantrums, freezing, or clinging.

C. The person recognizes that the fear is excessive or unreasonable. Note: In children, this feature may be absent.

D. The phobic situation(s) is avoided or else is endured with intense anxiety or distress.

E. The avoidance, anxious anticipation, or distress in the feared situation(s) interferes significantly with the person's normal
routine, occupational (or academic) functioning, or social activities or relationships, or there is marked distress about having the

F. In individuals under age 18 years, the duration is at least 6 months.

G. The anxiety, panic attacks, or phobic avoidance associated with the specific object or situation are not better accounted for by
another mental disorder, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (e.g., fear of dirt in someone with an obsession about
contamination), posttraumatic stress disorder (e.g., avoidance of stimuli associated with a severe stressor), separation anxiety
disorder (e.g., avoidance of school), social phobia (e.g., avoidance of social situations because of fear of embarrassment), panic
disorder with agoraphobia, or agoraphobia without history of panic disorder.

Specify type:

Animal type
Natural environment type (e.g., heights, storms, water)
Blood-injection-injury type
Situational type (e.g., airplanes, elevators, enclosed places)
Other type (e.g., fear of choking, vomiting, or contracting an illness; in children, fear of loud sounds or costumed characters)

In the National Comorbidity Survey (Magee et al. 1996), which employed DSM-III-R criteria, specific phobias had the
same lifetime prevalence of 11.3%, with a median age of illness onset of 15, and women were affected more than
twice as often as men. In a community study of adolescents, the prevalence of specific phobias was found to be 3.5%,
higher in girls than boys, and to have significant comorbidity with depressive and somatoform disorders in about
one-third of the sample (Essau et al. 2000). It is rare for individuals to seek treatment for this disorder.


Psychodynamic Theory

With the 1909 publication of the case of "Little Hans," Freud started to develop a psychological theory of phobic
symptom formation (Freud 1909/1955). Little Hans was a 5-year-old boy who developed a phobia of horses. Through
an analysis of the boy's conversations with his parents over a period of months, Freud hypothesized that Little Hans's
unconscious and forbidden sexual feelings for his mother and aggressive, rivalrous feelings for his father, blocked from
discharge because of repression, became physiologically transformed into anxiety, which was then displaced onto a
symbolic object, in this case horses, the avoidance of which partly relieved Little Hans's anxiety. Freud later
reconceptualized the case of Little Hans in the context of his evolving structural theory. Freud hypothesized that phobic
symptoms occur as part of the resolution of intrapsychic conflict between instinctual impulses, superego prohibitions,
and external reality constraints. Signal anxiety is experienced by the ego when such unconscious impulses threaten to
break through. Such anxiety serves to mobilize not only further repression but, in the case of phobia formation,
projection and displacement of the conflict onto a symbolic object, which can then be avoided as a neurotic solution to
the original conflict. In the case of Little Hans, sexual feelings for his mother, aggressive feelings toward his father,
and the guilty fear of retribution and castration by his father generated anxiety as a signal of oedipal conflict. The
conflict became displaced and projected onto an avoidable object, horses, which Little Hans consequently feared would
bite him. According to Freud, such a phobic symptom had two advantages. It avoided the ambivalence inherent in
Little Hans's original conflict, because he not only hated but also loved his father. It also allowed his ego to cease
generating anxiety as long as he could avoid the sight of horses. The cost of this compromise was that Little Hans had
become housebound. Psychodynamic work with phobias, then, focuses on the symbolic meanings that the phobic
object carries for any individual and the conflicts that it serves to avoid.

Behavioral Theories
In learning theory, phobic anxiety is thought to be a conditioned response acquired through association of the phobic
object (i.e., the conditioned stimulus) with a noxious experience (i.e., the unconditioned stimulus). Initially, the
noxious experience (e.g., an electric shock) produces an unconditioned response of pain, discomfort, and fear. If the
individual frequently receives an electric shock when in contact with the phobic object, then by contiguous conditioning
the appearance of the phobic object alone may come to elicit an anxiety response (i.e., conditioned response).
Avoidance of the phobic object prevents or reduces this conditioned anxiety and is therefore perpetuated through drive
reduction. This classical learning theory model of phobias has received much reinforcement from the relative success of
behavioral (i.e., deconditioning) techniques in the treatment of many patients with specific phobias. However, it has
also been criticized on the grounds that it is not consistent with a number of empirically observed aspects of phobic
behavior in humans.

Models of the etiology of specific phobias have recently been elaborated and critiqued by Fyer (1998). She concluded
that in order to satisfactorily explain specific phobia, a modified conditioning model would be needed, on four counts.
First, many phobic patients do not recall an initial aversive event, suggesting that if such an event had occurred, it must
be encoded by amygdala-based emotional memory but not by hippocampal-based episodic memory, because it either
occurred before age 3 years or was encoded under highly stressful conditions. Second, it turns out that a very small
number of objects account for most of human phobias, suggesting that there may be an evolutionarily wired biological
preparedness toward specific stimuli that would be easily conditioned but difficult to extinguish. Third, only a minority
of individuals exposed to a certain stimulus develop a phobic reaction, suggesting that additional factors such as
genetic vulnerabilities or previous experiences play a role. Fourth, most phobias are resistant to extinction in the
absence of specific interventions, despite belief and evidence that there is nothing to fear.

Another model of specific phobias is the nonassociative learning model (Fyer 1998), which is in a sense the converse of
the conditioned model just described. It proposes that each species has certain innate fears that are part of normal
development and that what goes wrong in specific phobia is a failure to habituate over time to these intrinsic
developmental fears. This could be due to various processes such as stressful life events, constitutional vulnerabilities,
or unsafe environments.

Biological Theories

Some interesting hypotheses about the origin of phobias have resulted from integration of ethological, biological, and
learning theory approaches. Fyer et al. (1990) found high familial transmission for specific phobias, with a roughly
threefold risk for first-degree relatives of affected subjects; there was no increased risk for other comorbid phobic or
anxiety disorders. However, one twin study did not support a genetic component to specific phobias, suggesting
environmental causation (Skre et al. 1993). One whole-genome scan study implicated a chromosome 14 risk locus in
simple phobia (J. Gelernter et al. 2003).

The neurobiology of specific phobias has been studied more in the past several years. Two studies examining response
to CO 2 inhalation in subjects with specific phobia have found no differences from healthy subjects and no
hypersensitivity, as is found in panic disorder (Antony et al. 1997).

The brain circuits mediating conditioned fear responses have emerged as central to the pathogenesis of a number of
anxiety disorders, and there is increasing evidence that the model also applies to specific phobias. Such a model is
attractive in that it may account for the occurrence of such a highly fearful response to the conditioned phobic stimulus,
mediated by the amygdala, sometimes without hippocampal or cortically based knowledge or memory of why there is
such fear. Studies exposing specific phobia subjects to masked stimuli—that is, very brief stimuli that can only be
perceived implicitly—have lent partial support to the notion that phobic stimuli, even when not consciously registered,
can elicit a subjective or objectively measured fearful response (Van Den Hout et al. 1997).

Brain imaging studies in specific phobias have begun to illuminate their neurocircuitry. Two studies reported activation
of the visual associative cortex (Fredrikson et al. 1993) and of the somatosensory cortex (Rauch et al. 1995),
suggesting visual and tactile imagery as one component of the phobic response. A volumetric study comparing those
with an animal phobia with healthy control subjects reported increased cortical thickness in paralimbic and sensory
cortical areas implicated in the processing of phobic stimuli (Rauch et al. 2004). An fMRI study examining spider
phobia implicated the right amygdala in automatic stimulus processing, whereas wider circuits involving the insula,
anterior cingulate, and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex were implicated in attentional processes involved in threat
evaluation (Straube et al. 2004). Phobia-related stimuli elicit heightened activation in the prefrontal cortex, cingulate,
and insula in spider phobic individuals but not in control subjects.
Imaging studies have been combined with treatment in order to examine the changes in brain activity that may
mediate treatment response. A cerebral blood flow study examined individuals with spider phobia before and after
cognitive therapy and found different brain activation patterns in two groups of phobic patients (Johanson et al. 2006).
Those patients who managed to control their emotional reaction during spider exposure before treatment showed
increased activation in the prefrontal cortex, whereas after successful treatment they showed a decline in activation in
this region. In contrast, patients who reported panic during the initial spider exposure showed hypoactivity in the
frontal cortex at that time and then showed an increase in prefrontal regional cerebral blood flow in the spider
challenge after cognitive therapy. In other words, in both groups activation of the prefrontal cortex varied with the
capacity to self-regulate, whether intrinsically or as a result of treatment. In another study using fMRI before and after
CBT, phobic subjects before CBT showed dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activation, reflecting the use of metacognitive
strategies aimed at self-regulating fear as well as parahippocampal activation related to the automatic reactivation of
the contextual fear memory; after successful completion of CBT, no significant activation was found in either brain
region (Paquette et al. 2003). Another fMRI study before and after CBT found significant reduction of hyperactivity in
the insula and the anterior cingulate cortex of the treated group compared with the wait-list group (Straube et al.

Course and Prognosis

Animal phobias usually begin in early childhood, whereas situational phobias tend to start later in adolescence or early
adulthood. Although systematic prospective studies are limited, it appears that specific phobias follow a chronic course
unless treated. A recent study followed up specific phobia patients 10–16 years after an initial treatment and found
that even among responders with complete initial recovery, about half were clinically symptomatic at follow-up, and
none of the patients who had not improved with the initial treatment were any better at follow-up; this study suggests
that specific phobias may be resistant to treatment or often do not receive treatment (Lipsitz et al. 1999a).

The treatment of choice for specific phobias is exposure, aimed at fear extinction. The problem lies in persuading the
patient that exposure is worth trying and will be beneficial. Exposure treatments may be divided into two groups
depending on whether exposure to the phobic object is "in vivo" or "imaginal." In vivo exposure involves the patient in
real-life contact with the phobic stimulus. Imaginal techniques confront the phobic stimulus through the therapist's
descriptions and the patient's imagination.

The method of exposure in both the in vivo and imaginal techniques can be graded or ungraded. Graded exposure uses
a hierarchy of anxiety-provoking events varying from least to most stressful. The patient begins at the least stressful
level and gradually progresses up the hierarchy. Ungraded exposure begins with the patients confronting the most
stressful items in the hierarchy. Exposure can be accompanied by varying degrees and types of cognitive interventions
that decatastrophize the phobic stimulus and encourage risk taking.

Most exposure techniques have been used in both individual and group settings. In a group setting, both the example
and the encouragement of other members are often particularly helpful in persuading the patient to reenter the phobic
situation. Techniques may include systematic desensitization, imaginal flooding, prolonged in vivo exposure, and
participant modeling and reinforced practice.

Studies thus far have not conclusively shown any one exposure technique to be superior to other techniques or to be
specifically indicated for particular phobic subtypes. For those patients whose phobic symptoms include panic attacks,
antipanic medication may also be indicated.

In recent years, promising computer-aided self-help exposure programs via the Internet, with brief telephone support
from a therapist, have been developed for those who are unable to travel due to their phobias (Kenwright and Marks
2004). Another new and exciting development in the treatment of all phobias, including specific phobias, is the
development of virtual reality exposure techniques, which permit "virtual exposure" in a clinical setting, greatly
facilitating the ease of administration of many in vivo–type exposures. One virtual reality study of driving phobia
reported positive results (Wald and Taylor 2003). Similarly promising results were reported in a virtual reality
treatment study of spider phobia (Garcia-Palacios et al. 2002) and one of flying phobia (Banos et al. 2002).

Medications have not generally been shown to be effective in treating specific phobias. TCAs, benzodiazepines, and
-blockers generally do not appear useful for specific phobias based on the limited number of studies available to date.
One recent small controlled trial, in which 11 patients were randomized to either placebo or paroxetine up to 20
mg/day for 4 weeks, reported that one out of six patients responded to placebo and three out of five to paroxetine
(Benjamin et al. 2000). Similarly, dramatic success using SSRIs was reported in three cases of childhood refractory
choking phobia that had not responded to other interventions (Banerjee et al. 2005).

There has been a recent surge in interest in the combination of medication and exposure therapy, traditional or virtual
reality, in treating anxiety and fear, including specific phobias. In this treatment paradigm, a 50-mg dose of
D-cycloserine, a glutamatergic agent which at low dosages has NMDA receptor agonist effects and facilitates new
learning, is combined with exposure to further promote extinction. In a treatment study of 28 patients with acrophobia
(fear of heights), all subjects received two virtual reality exposure sessions and were premedicated with either
D-cycloserine or placebo. The combination treatment group manifested significantly greater improvement, which
persisted at 3-month follow-up (Ressler et al. 2004).

The essential features of OCD are obsessions or compulsions. DSM-IV-TR criteria for OCD are presented in Table 12–23.

TABLE 12–23. DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for obsessive-compulsive disorder

A. Either obsessions or compulsions:

Obsessions as defined by (1), (2), (3), and (4):

(1) recurrent and persistent thoughts, impulses, or images that are experienced, at some time during the disturbance, as
intrusive and inappropriate and that cause marked anxiety or distress
(2) the thoughts, impulses, or images are not simply excessive worries about real-life problems
(3) the person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts, impulses, or images, or to neutralize them with some other
thought or action
(4) the person recognizes that the obsessional thoughts, impulses, or images are a product of his or her own mind (not imposed
from without as in thought insertion)
Compulsions as defined by (1) and (2):
(1) repetitive behaviors (e.g., hand washing, ordering, checking) or mental acts (e.g., praying, counting, repeating words
silently) that the person feels driven to perform in response to an obsession, or according to rules that must be applied rigidly
(2) the behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event or situation;
however, these behaviors or mental acts either are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or
prevent or are clearly excessive

B. At some point during the course of the disorder, the person has recognized that the obsessions or compulsions are excessive
or unreasonable. Note: This does not apply to children.

C. The obsessions or compulsions cause marked distress, are time consuming (take more than 1 hour a day), or significantly
interfere with the person's normal routine, occupational (or academic) functioning, or usual social activities or relationships.

D. If another Axis I disorder is present, the content of the obsessions or compulsions is not restricted to it (e.g., preoccupation
with food in the presence of an eating disorder; hair pulling in the presence of trichotillomania; concern with appearance in the
presence of body dysmorphic disorder; preoccupation with drugs in the presence of a substance use disorder; preoccupation
with having a serious illness in the presence of hypochondriasis; preoccupation with sexual urges or fantasies in the presence of
a paraphilia; or guilty ruminations in the presence of major depressive disorder).

E. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general
medical condition.

Specify if:

With poor insight: if, for most of the time during the current episode, the person does not recognize that the obsessions and
compulsions are excessive or unreasonable
The terminology of "obsessions" or "compulsions" is sometimes used more broadly to characterize conditions that are
not true OCD. Although some activities, such as eating, sexual behavior, gambling, or drinking, when engaged in
excessively may be referred to as "compulsive," these activities are distinguished from true compulsions in that they
are experienced as pleasurable and ego-syntonic, although their consequences may become increasingly unpleasant
and ego-dystonic over time. Obsessive brooding, ruminations, or preoccupations, typically characteristic of depression,
may be unpleasant but are distinguished from true obsessions because they are not as senseless or intrusive and the
individual regards them as meaningful, although possibly excessive and painful.
There are several presentations of OCD based on symptom clusters. One group includes patients with obsessions about
dirt and contamination, whose rituals center around compulsive washing and avoidance of contaminated objects. A
second group includes patients with pathological counting and compulsive checking. A third group includes purely
obsessional patients with no compulsions. Primary obsessional slowness is evident in another group, in whom slowness
is the predominant symptom. Patients may spend many hours every day washing, getting dressed, and eating
breakfast, and life goes on at an extremely slow speed. Some OCD patients, called "hoarders," are unable to throw
anything out for fear they might someday need something they discarded.

In DSM-IV-TR, OCD is classified among the anxiety disorders because 1) anxiety is often associated with obsessions
and resistance to compulsions, 2) anxiety or tension is often immediately relieved by yielding to compulsions, and 3)
OCD often occurs in association with other anxiety disorders. However, compulsions decrease anxiety only transiently,
and the nature of the fears in OCD is distinct from those of other anxiety disorders.

Certain diagnostic disputes regarding OCD were investigated in the DSM-IV field trial and led to some changes in
criteria and clarifications in DSM-IV. Even though obsessions are typically experienced as ego-dystonic, there is a wide
range of insight in patients with OCD. Although most patients have some degree of insight, about 5% are convinced
that their obsessions and compulsions are reasonable. Based on this, the DSM-IV specified a poor insight type if, for
most of the time during the current episode, the person does not recognize that the obsessions and compulsions are
excessive or unreasonable. DSM-IV also made explicit that compulsions can be either behavioral or mental. Mental
rituals are encountered in the great majority of OCD patients and, like behavioral compulsions, are intended to reduce
anxiety or prevent harm. Although over 90% of patients have features of both obsessions and compulsions, 28% are
bothered mainly by obsessions, 20% by compulsions, and 50% by both (Foa et al. 1995).

More recently, it has been disputed whether OCD belongs with the rest of the anxiety disorders, which are subsumed
by the stress and fear circuitry, or in a separate grouping of compulsive spectrum disorders; various sources of
evidence support this view, which will be grappled with in DSM-V (Bartz and Hollander 2006).

Clinical Description


OCD usually begins in adolescence or early adulthood but can begin prior to that time; 31% of first episodes occur
between ages 10 and 15 years, with 75% developing OCD by age 30. In most cases, no particular stress or event
precipitates the onset of OCD symptoms, and after an insidious onset there is a chronic and often progressive course.
However, some patients describe a sudden onset of symptoms. This is particularly true of patients with a neurological
basis for their illness. There is evidence of OCD associated with the 1920s encephalitis epidemic, abnormal birth
events, and onset following head injury or seizures. Of interest are reports of new onset of OCD during pregnancy
(Neziroglu et al. 1992).



Obsessive and compulsive symptoms have been recognized for centuries and were first described in the psychiatric
literature by Esquirol in 1838 (Rachman and Hodgson 1980). Obsessional thoughts were defined by Karl Westphal in
1878 as ideas that in an otherwise intact intelligence, without being caused by an emotional or affect-like state, and
against the will of the person come into the foreground of the consciousness (Westphal 1878).

An obsession is an intrusive, unwanted mental event usually evoking anxiety or discomfort. Obsessions may be
thoughts, ideas, images, ruminations, convictions, fears, or impulses and are often of an aggressive, sexual, religious,
disgusting, or nonsensical content. Obsessional ideas are repetitive thoughts that interrupt the normal train of thinking,
whereas obsessional images are often vivid visual experiences. Much obsessive thinking involves horrific ideas. The
person may think of doing the worst possible thing (e.g., blasphemy, rape, murder, child molestation). Obsessional
convictions are often characterized by an element of magical thinking, such as "step on the crack, break your mother's
back." Obsessional ruminations may involve prolonged, excessive, and inconclusive thinking about metaphysical
questions. Obsessional fears often involve dirt or contamination and differ from phobias because they are present in
the absence of the phobic stimulus. Other common obsessional fears involve harm coming to oneself or to others as a
consequence of the patient's misdoings, such as one's home catching on fire because the stove was not checked or
running over a pedestrian because of careless driving. Obsessional impulses may be aggressive or sexual, such as
intrusive impulses of stabbing one's spouse or raping one's child.

Attributing these obsessions to an internal source, the patient resists or controls them to a variable degree, and
significant impairment in functioning can result. Resistance is the struggle against an impulse or intrusive thought, and
control is the patient's actual success in diverting his or her thinking. Obsessions are usually accompanied by
compulsions but may also occur as the main or only symptom. Approximately 10%–25% of OCD patients are purely
obsessional or predominantly experience obsessions (Akhtar et al. 1975; Rachman and Hodgson 1980).

Another hallmark of obsessive thinking involves lack of certainty or persistent doubting. In contrast to manic or
psychotic patients, who manifest premature certainty, OCD patients are unable to achieve a sense of certainty
between incoming sensory information and internal beliefs. Are my hands clean? Is the door locked? Is the fertilizer
poisoning the water supply? Compulsive rituals such as excessive washing or checking appear to arise from this lack of
certainty and consist of a misguided attempt to increase certainty.


A compulsive ritual is a behavior that usually reduces discomfort but is carried out in a pressured or rigid fashion. Such
behavior may include rituals involving washing, checking, repeating, avoiding, striving for completeness, and being
meticulous. Washers represent about 25%–50% of most OCD samples (Akhtar et al. 1975; Rachman and Hodgson
1980). These individuals are concerned with dirt, contaminants, or germs and may spend many hours a day washing
their hands or showering. They may also attempt to avoid contaminating themselves with feces, urine, or vaginal

"Checkers" have pathological doubt and thus compulsively check to see if they have, for example, run over someone
with their car or left the door unlocked. Checking often fails to resolve the doubt and, in some cases, may actually
exacerbate it. In the DSM-IV field trial, washing and checking were the two most common groups of compulsions.

Although slowness results from most rituals, it is the major feature of the rare and disabling syndrome of primary
obsessional slowness. It may take several hours for the obsessionally slow individual to get dressed or get out of the
house. This slowness may be a response to a lack of certainty as well. These patients may have little anxiety despite
their obsessions and rituals.

Mental compulsions are also quite common and should be inquired about directly, because they could go undetected if
the clinician only asks about behavioral rituals. Such patients, for example, may replay over and over in their minds
past conversations with others to make sure they did not somehow incriminate themselves. In the DSM-IV OCD field
trials, 80% of patients had both behavioral and mental compulsions, and mental compulsions were the third most
common type after checking and washing.

Although distinct symptom clusters exist (washers, checkers, those who are purely obsessional, hoarders, and those
with primary slowness), these symptoms may overlap or develop sequentially. One study examined the distribution
and grouping of obsessive-compulsive symptoms in about 300 OCD patients and found that a total of four symptom
dimensions accounted for more than 60% of variance: obsessions and checking, symmetry and ordering, cleanliness
and washing, and hoarding (Leckman et al. 1997). Similarly, a more recent meta-analysis of several factor-analytic
studies involving more than 2,000 patients identified the same four consistent "syndromes": symmetry/ordering,
hoarding, contamination/cleaning, and obsessions/checking (Mataix-Cols et al. 2005). These four syndromes can
coexist in any one patient and be continuous with more normative obsessive-compulsive phenomena. Therefore, these
subtypes may prove useful in the future when examining possible genetic, neurobiological, or treatment-response
heterogeneity in OCD.

Character Traits

Psychoanalytic theorists have suggested that there is a continuum between compulsive personality and OCD. Janet
(1908) stated that all obsessional patients have a premorbid personality that is causally related to the disorder. Freud
(1913/1958) noted an association between obsessional neurosis (i.e., OCD) symptoms and personality traits such as
obstinacy, parsimony, punctuality, and orderliness.

However, phenomenological and epidemiological evidence suggests that OCD is frequently distinct from obsessive-
compulsive personality disorder. OCD symptoms are ego-dystonic, whereas obsessive-compulsive personality traits are
ego-syntonic and do not involve a sense of compulsion that must be resisted against. Epidemiological studies show that
obsessive-compulsive character pathology is neither necessary nor sufficient for the development of OCD symptoms.
When patients with obsessional traits decompensate, they often develop depression, paranoia, or somatization rather
than OCD. Although the older literature suggested the presence of definite obsessional traits in as many as two-thirds
of OCD patients, structured personality assessments were not used. In more recent standardized evaluations, only a
minority of OCD patients had DSM-III-R obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, whereas other personality
disorders such as avoidant or dependent were more common (Thomsen and Mikkelsen 1993). In addition, personality
disorders may be more common in the presence of a longer duration of OCD, suggesting they could be secondary to the
Axis I disorder, and criteria for personality disorders may no longer be met after successful treatment of the OCD (Baer
and Jenike 1992). Another recent study supports that there may exist a familial spectrum of OCD and obsessive-
compulsive personality disorder (Samuels et al. 2006).

The ECA study (described earlier in this chapter) suggested that OCD is quite common, with a 1-month prevalence of
1.3%, a 6-month prevalence of 1.5%, and a lifetime rate of 2.5% (Regier et al. 1988). In clinical samples of adult OCD,
there is a roughly equal ratio of men to women (A. Black 1974). However, in childhood-onset OCD, about 70% of
patients are male (Swedo et al. 1989b). This difference seems to be accounted for by the earlier age at onset in males,
and it may suggest partly differing etiologies or vulnerabilities in the two sexes.

Twin and family studies have found a greater degree of concordance for OCD (defined broadly to include obsessional
features) among monozygotic twins compared with dizygotic twins (G. Carey and Gottesman 1981), suggesting that
some predisposition to obsessional behavior is inherited. There have been no studies of OCD in adopted children or
monozygotic twins raised apart. Studies of first-degree relatives of OCD patients show a higher-than-expected
incidence of a variety of psychiatric disorders, including obsessive-compulsive symptoms, anxiety disorders, and
depression (D. W. Black et al. 1992; G. Carey and Gottesman 1981). Family studies suggest a genetic link between OCD
and Tourette's syndrome (Nee et al. 1982). A recent large family study found that OCD was about fourfold more
common in relatives of OCD probands than in control relatives, and the finding was more robust for obsessions.
Interestingly, age at onset of OCD in probands was very strongly related to familiality; no OCD was detected in
relatives of probands with onset after age 18 (Nestadt et al. 2000b). This study suggests, as does a similar one in panic
disorder, that there may exist a more strongly familial subtype of OCD with an earlier onset. Family studies have also
shown that OCD spectrum disorders, such as body dysmorphic disorder, hypochondriasis, eating disorder, and grooming
conditions, occur more frequently than expected in the relatives of those with OCD (Bienvenu et al. 2000).

There are reports demonstrating comorbidity of OCD with schizophrenia, depression, other anxiety disorders such as
panic disorder and simple and social phobia, eating disorders, autism, and Tourette's syndrome. Epidemiologically, the
OCD comorbidity risk for other major psychiatric disorders was found to be fairly high but nondistinctive (Karno et al.
1988). In a clinical sample of schizophrenic and schizoaffective patients, about 8% met criteria for OCD, highlighting
the importance of screening for obsessive-compulsive symptoms in such populations where detection may be more
difficult (Eisen et al. 1997).


Psychodynamic Theory

Psychodynamic theory views OCD as residing on a continuum with obsessive-compulsive character pathology and
suggests that OCD develops when defense mechanisms fail to contain the obsessional character's anxiety. In this
model, obsessive-compulsive pathology involves fixation and subsequent regression from the oedipal to the earlier
anal developmental phase. The fixation is presumably due to excessive investment in anal eroticism resulting from
excessive frustrations or gratifications in the anal phase.

Obsessive-compulsive patients are thought to utilize the defense mechanisms of isolation, undoing, reaction formation,
and regression, and ambivalence to control unacceptable sexual and aggressive impulses. These defense mechanisms
are unconscious and thus not readily apparent to the patient.


Isolation is an attempt to separate the feelings or affects from the thoughts, fantasies, or impulses associated with
them. An example is a patient who describes a particularly gruesome thought or fantasy but denies any feelings of
anxiety or disgust associated with it.


Undoing is an attempt to magically reverse a psychological event, such as a word, thought, or gesture. A real or
imagined act can be undone by evoking its opposite, such as turning on and then turning off a light switch. A patient
who feels he has spent too much money on an item for his own pleasure may attempt to undo this by returning the
object or punishing himself through some other deprivation.

Reaction formation

The defense of reaction formation substitutes an unacceptable unconscious impulse with its opposite. Thus, a patient
who has sadistic impulses to hurt people might behave in a passive or masochistic manner or excessively pronounce
his love at moments of heightened anger.


In OCD, regression is theorized to take place from the genital oedipal phase to the earlier pregenital anal-sadistic
phase, which has not been fully relinquished. This regression helps the patient avoid genital conflicts and the anxiety
associated with them. Themes characteristic of the anal phase typically reflect conflicts surrounding ambivalence,
control, dirt, order, and parsimony.


In normal development, aggressive impulses are neutralized, and loving feelings predominate toward significant
objects. In OCD, strong aggressive impulses are thought to reemerge toward love objects, resulting in displaced
ambivalence and paralyzing doubts. In addition, the characteristic thought omnipotence results in magical ideation and
lack of certainty, such that thoughts of harming someone become confused with action and may lead to a sense of
uncertainty over actually having harmed someone.

Cognitive and Behavioral Theories

A prominent behavioral model of the acquisition and maintenance of obsessive-compulsive symptoms derives from the
two-stage learning theory of Mowrer (1939). In Stage 1, anxiety is classically conditioned to a specific environmental
event (i.e., classical conditioning). The person then engages in compulsive rituals (escape/avoidance responses) in
order to decrease anxiety. If the individual is successful in reducing anxiety, the compulsive behavior is more likely to
occur in the future (Stage 2: operant conditioning). Higher-order conditioning occurs when other neutral stimuli such as
words, images, or thoughts are associated with the initial stimulus and the associated anxiety is diffused. Ritualized
behavior preserves the fear response, because the person avoids the eliciting stimulus and thus avoids extinction.
Likewise, anxiety reduction after the ritual preserves the compulsive behavior.

Certain types of cognitions and cognitive processes are highly characteristic of OCD and presumably contribute, if not
to the genesis, then at least to the maintenance of the disorder. In particular, negative beliefs about responsibility,
especially responsibility surrounding intrusive cognitions, may be a key factor influencing obsessive behavior
(Salkovskis et al. 2000). Three main types of dysfunctional beliefs have been identified in OCD: responsibility and
overestimation of threat, perfectionism and intolerance of uncertainty, and importance and control of thoughts (S.
Taylor et al. 2005). Subjects with OCD also appear to have memory biases toward disturbing themes, for example,
better memory for contaminated objects than control subjects with comparable memory (Radomsky and Rachman
1999). Individuals with OCD who "check" have been found not to have memory impairments that presumably could
account for the increased checking, but rather, they have decreased confidence in their memory (MacDonald et al.
1997). People with OCD have been found to have deficits in selective attention, and it has been proposed that such
deficits may relate to their diminished ability to selectively ignore intrusive cognitive stimuli (Clayton et al. 1999).

Biological Theories

Although OCD used to be viewed as having a psychological etiology, a wealth of biological findings that have emerged
over the past few decades have rendered OCD one of the most elegantly elaborated psychiatric disorders from a
biological standpoint (Table 12–24).

TABLE 12–24. Biological models of obsessive-compulsive disorder

Serotonergic dysregulation

Additional dopaminergic dysregulation, at least in subgroup of patients

Neuropeptide abnormalities (oxytocin, vasopressin, somatostatin)

Hyperactive orbitofrontal–limbic–basal ganglia circuitry

Autoimmune streptococcal-related component in some individuals

Genetic component, ? polymorphisms of the catechol-O-methyltransferase and serotonin transporter genes

The association of OCD with a variety of neurological conditions or more subtle neurological findings has been known
for some time. Such findings include the onset of OCD following head trauma or von Economo's disease; a high
incidence of neurological premorbid illnesses in OCD; an association of OCD with birth trauma; abnormalities on the
electroencephalogram, auditory evoked potentials, and ventricular brain ratio on computed tomography scan; an
association with diabetes insipidus; and the presence of significantly more neurological soft signs in OCD patients
compared with healthy control subjects. Basal ganglia abnormalities were particularly suspected in the pathogenesis of
OCD, given that OCD is closely associated with Tourette's syndrome (Pauls et al. 1986), in which basal ganglia
dysfunction results in abnormal involuntary movements, as well as with Sydenham's chorea, another disorder of the
basal ganglia (Swedo et al. 1989a). Neuropsychological findings in OCD are also of some interest, although not always
consistent, and have suggested abnormalities in memory, memory confidence, trial-and-error learning, and processing

A certain form of OCD with childhood onset is believed to be related to an autoimmune process secondary to
streptococcal infection. In such children, enlarged basal ganglia have been found on magnetic resonance imaging scans,
which is consistent with an autoimmune hypothesis (Giedd et al. 2000). A particular B lymphocyte antigen, which can
be identified by the monoclonal antibody D8/17, is expressed in nearly all patients with rheumatic fever and is thought
to be a trait marker for susceptibility to group A streptococcal infection complications. Children with OCD and without a
history of rheumatic fever or Sydenham's chorea have now been found to have significantly greater B cell D8/17
expression than control children, suggesting that D8/17 may serve as a marker for susceptibility to childhood-onset
OCD (Murphy et al. 1997). More recently, such children have also been found to have elevated anti–basal ganglia
antibodies compared with pediatric autoimmune, neurological, or streptococcal control subjects (Dale et al. 2005).
Children with multiple streptococcal infections within the past year are threefold more likely to be newly diagnosed
with OCD or tic disorder (Mell et al. 2005).

Neuroanatomy and Functional Neurocircuitry

A neuroethological model of OCD has been proposed by Rapoport, Swedo, and their group (Swedo 1989; Wise and
Rapoport 1989), based on the hypothesized orbitofrontal–limbic–basal ganglia dysfunction. The basal ganglia act as a
gating station that filters input from the orbitofrontal and the cingulate cortex and mediates the execution of motor
patterns. Obsessions and compulsions are conceptualized as species-specific fixed action patterns that are normally
adaptive but in OCD become inappropriately released, repetitive, and excessive. This could be due to a heightened
internal drive state or an increased responsivity to external releasers. For example, OCD behaviors such as excessive
washing or saving may be dysregulated manifestations of normal grooming or hoarding behaviors. Studies
documenting significant volumetric abnormalities in treatment-naive children with OCD suggest that a
developmentally mediated dysplasia of the ventral prefrontal-striatal circuitry may underlie OCD (Rosenberg and
Keshavan 1998).

Along the lines of this model, a plethora of neuroimaging studies have yielded a sophisticated neuroanatomical
underpinning for OCD, specifically implicating orbitofrontal–limbic–basal ganglia circuits. Volumetric imaging studies
have consistently revealed abnormal volumes in the implicated circuit, including reduced orbitofrontal and amygdala
volumes (Szeszko et al. 1999); smaller basal ganglia (Rosenberg et al. 1997); enlarged thalamus (Gilbert et al. 2000);
increased volume of the orbitofrontal cortex and thalamus (J. J. Kim et al. 2001); smaller globus pallidus and increased
anterior cingulate cortex (Szeszko et al. 2004); reduced orbitofrontal cortex gray matter, increased putamen, and
reduced amygdala (Pujol et al. 2004); and increased orbitofrontal and decreased anterior cingulate gray matter
(Valente et al. 2005). Baxter et al. 1987) compared OCD patients and normal control subjects using PET and found
higher metabolic rates in the orbitofrontal gyri and caudate nuclei in OCD. Similarly, Swedo et al. (1989c) showed
higher metabolic activity in the orbitofrontal and cingulate regions in OCD. Flor-Henry (1983) hypothesized that the
fundamental symptomatology of obsessions was due to a defect in neural inhibition of dominant frontal systems,
leading to the inability to inhibit unwanted verbal-ideational mental representations and their corresponding motor
sequences. It has been suggested that the severity of obsessive urges correlates with orbitofrontal and basal ganglia
activity, whereas the accompanying anxiety is reflected by activity in the hippocampus and cingulate cortex (McGuire
et al. 1994). With fMRI, it has been possible to demonstrate that during the behavioral provocation of symptoms in
OCD patients, significant increases in relative blood flow occur in "real" time in the caudate, cingulate cortex, and
orbitofrontal cortex relative to the resting state (Adler et al. 2000; Breiter et al. 1996; Rauch et al. 1994). Using
emotional Stroop tasks, OCD patients displayed specific neural responses to OCD-related words, with increased
activation of frontostriatal and temporal regions (van den Heuvel et al. 2005b). White matter abnormalities in the
anterior cingulate have also been implicated in OCD, suggesting defects in connectivity of the cingulate with other
regions involved in the OCD circuitry (Szeszko et al. 2005). Deficient sensorimotor gating, as measured via the prepulse
inhibition paradigm, supports the model of deficient frontostriatal circuits in OCD (Hoenig et al. 2005). Deficits in
executive function planning, associated with frontostriatal dysfunction, have also been found in OCD, irrespective of
state symptomatology (van den Heuvel et al. 2005a). OCD patients show greater activation of the anterior cingulate in
tasks involving error processing (Fitzgerald et al. 2005). There is also some evidence that different OCD symptom
dimensions (washing, checking, and hoarding) are mediated by relatively distinct components of the
frontostriatothalamic circuits (Mataix-Cols et al. 2004).

Of great interest are a number of studies that have now been conducted that demonstrate not only functional but also
structural brain changes after a variety of treatments for OCD. After treatment of OCD with serotonin reuptake
inhibitors or behavior therapy, hyperactivity decreases in the caudate, orbitofrontal lobes, and cingulate cortex in those
patients who have good treatment responses (Baxter et al. 1992; Perani et al. 1995; Swedo et al. 1992b). Also, after
successful behavioral treatment the correlations in brain activity between the orbital gyri and the caudate nucleus
decrease significantly, suggesting a decoupling of malfunctioning brain circuits (J. M. Schwartz et al. 1996). In children
with OCD, a decrease in initially abnormally large thalamic size has been imaged after successful response to
paroxetine treatment (Gilbert et al. 2000). Magnetic resonance spectroscopy has also revealed a decrease in initially
elevated caudate glutamate concentration in children with OCD after successful paroxetine treatment (Rosenberg et al.
2000). In another study, after improvement of OCD with SSRI or behavioral therapy, there was decreased activation of
the prefrontal and cingulate cortex under symptom provocation (Nakao et al. 2005). A PET study showed that better
SSRI treatment response was associated with lower activity in the orbitofrontal cortex and greater activity in the
posterior cingulate cortex (Rauch et al. 2002). Interestingly, successful SSRI treatment of OCD or major depression
resulted in cerebral activity changes that were disorder specific rather than treatment specific; only OCD treatment
was associated with significant metabolic decreases in the caudate, orbitofrontal cortex, and thalamus (Saxena et al.

Parallel to the functional neuroanatomy, the neurochemistry of OCD has become extensively elaborated. Serotonin has
been implicated in mediating impulsivity, suicidality, aggression, anxiety, social dominance, and learning.
Dysregulation of this behaviorally inhibitory neurotransmitter possibly contributes to the repetitive obsessions and
ritualistic behaviors seen in OCD patients. Despite some conflicting and nonreplicated data, extensive research has now
clearly implicated the serotonergic system in the pathogenesis of OCD. Considerable indirect evidence supporting the
role of serotonin in OCD stems from the well-documented antiobsessional effects of potent serotonin reuptake
inhibitors, such as clomipramine, and of the SSRIs in contrast to the ineffectiveness of noradrenergic antidepressants
such as desipramine. Furthermore, reduction of OCD symptoms during clomipramine treatment was shown to correlate
with a decrease in platelet serotonin level (Flament et al. 1987) and in CSF 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (Swedo et al.

The use of pharmacological challenge agents to stimulate or block serotonin receptors has also proved a fruitful
technique in elucidating the neurochemistry of OCD. Oral m-CPP, a partial serotonin agonist, has been found to
transiently exacerbate obsessive-compulsive symptoms in a subgroup of OCD patients (Hollander et al. 1992). After
treatment of OCD with serotonin reuptake blockers such as clomipramine or fluoxetine, m-CPP challenge no longer
induced symptom exacerbation (Hollander et al. 1991a; Zohar et al. 1988). A blunted prolactin response to m-CPP
challenge has also been found in OCD patients by some investigators (Charney et al. 1988; Hollander et al. 1992) but
not others (Zohar et al. 1988). Other serotonin agonists, such as tryptophan, fenfluramine, and ipsapirone, or
antagonists, such as metergoline, have not been shown to induce consistent behavioral or neuroendocrine response
abnormalities in patients with OCD.

More recently, an acute tryptophan-depletion study in SSRI-treated and remitted OCD patients failed to provoke OCD
symptom exacerbation, in contrast to its mood-worsening effect, suggesting that obsessive-compulsive symptoms are
not dependent on short-term presynaptic serotonin availability (Berney et al. 2006). Increased 5-HT2A receptor binding
has been reported in the caudate nuclei of OCD patients, suggestive of diminished serotonin transmission in the
corticostriatal loop (Adams et al. 2005). In summary, all studies taken together suggest that serotonergic
dysregulation in OCD is complex and probably involves variations in receptor function according to brain region and
receptor subtypes.
It also does not appear that serotonergic dysregulation alone can fully explain the neurochemistry of OCD. It is
possible that the serotonergic system may, in part, be modulating or compensating for other dysfunctional
neurotransmitter systems or neuromodulators. Various neuropeptide abnormalities have started to be elucidated in the
past few years. Abnormalities in CSF vasopressin (Swedo et al. 1992a), CSF somatostatin (Altemus et al. 1993), and
CSF oxytocin (Leckman et al. 1994) have been implicated in OCD. With clomipramine treatment, CSF levels of
vasopressin and somatostatin tend to decrease while oxytocin increases (Altemus et al. 1994). All these neuropeptides
may be implicated in arousal, memory, and the acquisition and maintenance of conditioned perseverative behaviors.
The noradrenergic 2 agonist clonidine has been reported to induce a transient improvement in OCD symptoms when
administered to patients intravenously (Hollander et al. 1991b) or orally (Knesevich 1982), although other
noradrenergic challenge findings have been negative (Lucey et al. 1992).

Dopaminergic dysregulation has been variously implicated in OCD (Goodman et al. 1990) through the association
between OCD and Tourette's syndrome; reports of exacerbation of obsessive-compulsive symptoms with chronic
stimulants; an association between higher pretreatment CSF homovanillic acid and good treatment outcome (Swedo et
al. 1992a); blunted growth hormone response to the dopamine agonist apomorphine (Brambilla et al. 1997); use of
dopamine blockers to augment partial treatment response with serotonin reuptake blockers (McDougle et al. 1990);
and decreased dopamine D2 receptor binding in the caudate nucleus of OCD patients (Denys et al. 2004b). In a putative
rat model of OCD, the dopamine D2/D3 receptor agonist quinpirole has been shown to induce compulsive checking in
specific locations of an open field (Dvorkin et al. 2006).

Of late, there has been increased interest in possible glutamatergic dysregulation in OCD, and magnetic resonance
spectroscopy studies have shown elevated glutamate levels in several regions involved in the hyperactive cortico-
striato-limbic-thalamic circuitry (Pittenger et al. 2006). Similarly, CSF glutamate was found to be significantly elevated
in medication-naive adult OCD subjects compared with control subjects (Chakrabarty et al. 2005).

Segregation analyses have provided support for a single major gene involvement in OCD (Alsobrook et al. 1999;
Nestadt et al. 2000a), and genomewide linkage studies have provided evidence for linkage on chromosome 9p (Hanna
et al. 2002; Willour et al. 2004). Candidate genes that have been implicated to date include the GABA type B receptor 1
gene (Zai et al. 2005a), the 5-HT1D receptor gene (Mundo et al. 2000), the 5-HT2A receptor gene (Enoch et al. 2001;
Meira-Lima et al. 2004), the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene (Karayiorgou et al. 1997, 1999; Lochner et al.
2005), the dopamine D4 receptor gene (Millet et al. 2003), the glutamate kainate receptor GRIK2 gene (Delorme et al.
2004), and the glutamate NMDA receptor gene (Arnold et al. 2004). Findings regarding the serotonin transporter gene
have been both positive (Bengel et al. 1999) and negative (Billet et al. 1997; Chabane et al. 2004; Frisch et al. 2000);
more recently, homozygosity for the long allele L(A) of the serotonin transporter gene was found to exert a moderate
effect on risk for OCD (odds ratio = 1.8; Hu et al. 2006). No associations were shown with mutations of the 5-HT2B
receptor gene (S. J. Kim et al. 2000), the tryptophan hydroxylase gene (Han et al. 1999), the 5-HT2C receptor gene
(Cavallini et al. 1998; Frisch et al. 2000), the dopamine transporter and dopamine D4 receptor genes (Frisch et al.
2000), or the brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene (Zai et al. 2005b). In summary, then, genes predisposing to OCD
have not been consistently identified to date. The OCD Collaborative Genetics Study (OCGS) is a six-site linkage study
with a National Institute of Mental Health–based cell repository awaiting findings (Samuels et al. 2006).

Course and Prognosis

Studies of the natural course of the illness suggest that 24%–33% of patients have a fluctuating course, 11%–14%
have a phasic course with periods of complete remission, and 54%–61% have a constant or progressive course (A.
Black 1974; Table 12–25). Although prognosis of OCD has traditionally been considered to be poor, with new
developments in behavioral and pharmacological treatments this prognosis is now considerably improved. The disorder
usually has a major impact on daily functioning, with some patients spending many waking hours consumed with their
obsessions and rituals. Patients are often socially isolated, marry at an older age, and have high celibacy rates
(particularly in males) and a low fertility rate. Compounding the situation, depression and anxiety are common
complications of OCD.

TABLE 12–25. Course and prognosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder


Less than 15% phasic with periods of complete remission

One-fourth to one-third have fluctuating course

Half (50%) have constant or progressive illness


80% improve over 40 years

Predictors of worse prognosis

Early age at onset

Longer duration of illness

Presence of both obsessions and compulsions

Poorer baseline social functioning

Magical thinking
A major follow-up study was reported that examined the course of patients over a 40-year period in Sweden, from
approximately the 1950s to the 1990s (Skoog and Skoog 1999). Findings were more optimistic than expected, with
improvement noted in 83% of individuals. Of those, about half were fully or almost fully recovered. Importantly,
predictors of worse outcome were earlier onset, a more chronic course at baseline, poorer social functioning at
baseline, having both obsessions and compulsions, and having magical symptoms.

In terms of acute treatment, the presence of hoarding obsessions and compulsions is associated with poorer response
to both medication treatment (Mataix-Cols et al. 1999) and CBT (Rufer et al. 2006).

Although a variety of biological and neuropsychiatric markers have been associated with OCD, the diagnosis rests
purely on the psychiatric examination and history. DSM-IV-TR defines OCD as the presence of either obsessions or
compulsions that cause marked distress, are time consuming, or interfere with social or occupational functioning.
Although all other Axis I disorders are allowed to be comorbidly present, the OCD symptoms must not be just
secondary to another disorder (e.g., thoughts about food in the presence of an eating disorder or guilty thoughts in the
presence of major depression). The diagnosis is usually clear-cut, but occasionally it can be more difficult to distinguish
OCD from depression, psychosis, phobias, or severe obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

Differential Diagnosis

The differential diagnosis of OCD is summarized in Table 12–26.

TABLE 12–26. Differential diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder

Eating disorder with obsessions surrounding food and weight

Body dysmorphic disorder with obsessions about body appearance other than weight

Hypochondriasis with obsessions related to feared illnesses

Panic disorder or generalized anxiety (if obsessional anxiety is severe)

Obsessive ruminations of depressions (typically mood congruent)

Severe obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Paranoid psychosis (e.g., delusions of poisoning rather than contamination fears)

Social phobia (if avoiding social situations because they exacerbate illness)


In some cases the course of OCD may more closely resemble that of schizophrenia, with chronic debilitation, decline,
and profound impairment in social and occupational functioning. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between an
obsession (e.g., contamination) and a delusion (e.g., being poisoned). An obsession is typically ego-dystonic, resisted,
and recognized as having an internal origin. A delusion is not resisted and is believed to be external. OCD patients may,
however lack insight, and obsessions in 12% of cases may become delusions. Yet longitudinal studies show that OCD
patients are not at increased risk of developing schizophrenia. Both disorders may exist independently, and DSM-IV-TR
allows the diagnosis of both disorders. Thus, the presence of significant obsessive-compulsive symptoms in a
schizophrenic patient warrants separate treatment.


Patients with OCD frequently have complicating depression, and these patients may be difficult to distinguish from
depressed patients who have complicating obsessive symptoms. Patients with psychotic depression, agitated
depression, or premorbid obsessional features prior to depression are particularly likely to develop obsessions. These
"secondary" obsessions often involve aggressive themes, but the distinction between primary and secondary
obsessions rests on the order of occurrence. In addition, depressive ruminations, in contrast to pure obsessions, are
often focused on a past incident rather than a current or future event and are rarely resisted.

Phobic disorders

A close connection exists between OCD and phobic and anxiety disorders. OCD patients who are compulsive cleaners
appear very similar to phobic individuals and are often mislabeled "germ phobics." Both have avoidant behavior, both
show intense subjective and autonomic responses to focal stimuli, and both are said to respond to similar behavioral
interventions. Both have excessive fear, although disgust is prominent in OCD patients and not in phobic patients. Also,
OCD patients can never entirely avoid the obsession, whereas phobic patients have more focal, external stimuli that
they can successfully avoid.

Patients with OCD who experience high levels of anxiety may describe panic-like episodes, but these are secondary to
obsessions and do not arise spontaneously. Unlike with panic disorder patients, there is no precipitation of anxiety
attacks with lactate infusions in OCD patients (Gorman et al. 1985). OCD does, however, appear to have increased
comorbidity with simple and social phobia and panic disorder (Rasmussen and Tsuang 1986).



Advances in recent decades in the pharmacotherapy of OCD have been quite dramatic and have generated a great deal
of excitement for successful treatment of this disorder. What was previously thought to be a rare, psychodynamically
laden, and difficult-to-treat illness now appears to have a strong biological component and to respond well to potent
serotonin reuptake blockers. The pharmacological approach to treatment of OCD is summarized in Table 12–27.

TABLE 12–27. Pharmacological treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder

Serotonin reuptake inhibitors

General indications: First-line treatments; moderate to high dosages.

Fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, sertraline: efficacy shown in large controlled trials

Paroxetine, citalopram: less studied, similar efficacy
Clomipramine: efficacy shown in multiple controlled trials; may have small superiority over SSRIs, however, typically not used
until at least two SSRIs have failed secondary to side-effect profile; can be used in low dosages in combination with SSRIs in
patients with more refractory illness; clomipramine plus desmethylclomipramine levels must be closely followed for toxicity
Venlafaxine, mirtazapine: less studied

Augmentation strategies

General indications: Partial response to serotonin reuptake inhibitors; presence of other target symptoms.

Atypical antipsychotics: several studies show additional benefit

Pindolol: effective in controlled trial
Clonazepam: effective in controlled trial; comorbid very high anxiety
Buspirone: one positive trial, three negative
Lithium: ineffective in controlled trial
Trazodone: ineffective in controlled trial
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors: hardly any evidence; possibly phenelzine in symmetry obsessions

Other medications
Intravenous clomipramine: efficacy in controlled trial of oral clomipramine–refractory patients
Plasma exchange and intravenous immunoglobulin: effective in children with streptococcus-related obsessive-compulsive

Note. SSRIs = selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Serotonin reuptake inhibitors

The most extensively studied medication for the treatment of OCD is clomipramine, a potent serotonin reuptake
inhibitor with weak norepinephrine reuptake blockade. A series of well-controlled, double-blind studies have
undisputedly documented the efficacy of clomipramine in reducing OCD symptoms. The largest of these was a
multicenter trial comparing clomipramine with placebo in more than 500 patients with OCD. On an average dosage of
200–250 mg/day of clomipramine, the average reduction in OCD symptoms was about 40%, and about 60% of all
patients were clinically much or very much improved (Clomipramine Collaborative Study Group 1991). The very low
placebo response rate of 2% documents that OCD is a chronic disorder with infrequent spontaneous remissions.
Patients should typically be started on 25 mg of clomipramine at nighttime, and the dosage then should be gradually
increased by 25 mg every 4 days or 50 mg every week until a maximum dosage of 250 mg is reached. Some patients
are unable to tolerate the highest dosage and may be stabilized at 150 mg or 200 mg. Improvement with
clomipramine is relatively slow, with maximal response occurring after 5–12 weeks of treatment. Some of the more
common side effects reported by patients are dry mouth, tremor, sedation, nausea, and ejaculatory failure in men. The
seizure risk is comparable with that of TCAs and is acceptable for dosages up to 250 mg/day in the absence of prior
neurological history. Clomipramine is equally effective for OCD patients with pure obsessions and those with rituals, in
contrast to behavioral treatments, which are less useful for patients who predominantly experience obsessions.
Controlled studies have also demonstrated that clomipramine is effective in treating OCD when other antidepressants,
such as amitriptyline, nortriptyline, desipramine, and the MAOI clorgyline, have no therapeutic effect. This finding
strongly suggests that improvement in OCD symptoms is mediated through the blockade of serotonin reuptake.

Numerous controlled trials since the early 1990s have documented the efficacy of all SSRIs for OCD. Fluoxetine has
been shown to be superior to placebo in treating OCD at dosages of 20–60 mg/day, with greater efficacy at higher
dosages (Montgomery et al. 1993; Tollefson et al. 1994). Similarly, fluoxetine has been shown to be safe and
efficacious in treating OCD in children (Liebowitz et al. 2002b).

Fluvoxamine has also been found to have a significant antiobsessional effect in several controlled studies (Hollander et
al. 2003c; Jenike et al. 1990). The required daily dosage is titrated up to a maximum of 300 mg. The efficacy of
fluvoxamine for OCD has also been demonstrated for children and adolescents (Apter et al. 1994). The efficacy of
fluvoxamine in treating pediatric OCD for those ages 8–17 years was further confirmed in a multicenter trial using
dosages of 50–200 mg/day. In this trial, 42% of subjects were responders, defined as a 25% symptomatic
improvement, and the medication was well tolerated in the pediatric group; asthenia and insomnia were the most
common side effects (Riddle et al. 2001).

Sertraline is another serotonin reuptake blocker whose efficacy for OCD has been established at daily dosages ranging
from 50 to 200 mg (Greist et al. 1995a; Kronig et al. 1999). Response began to appear as early as the third week of
treatment and was firmly apparent by the eighth week (Kronig et al. 1999). Similarly, sertraline has been found to be
effective in treating childhood OCD for those ages 6–17 years in a large multicenter trial using dosages up to 200
mg/day. Again, improvement started to appear around the third week, and 42% of children were significantly
improved after 12 weeks. The medication was overall well tolerated; the most common side effects were agitation,
insomnia, nausea, and tremor (March et al. 1998b).

Paroxetine and citalopram are also efficacious in treating OCD, generally at dosages of 20–60 mg/day. A multicenter
trial reported that citalopram treatment, in dosages of 20, 40, and 60 mg/day, was superior to placebo, without
significant differences between the three dosages, although the highest response rate of 65% occurred in the 60
mg/day group (Montgomery et al. 2001). A multicenter paroxetine trial found that the 40 mg/day and 60 mg/day
groups, but not the 20 mg/day group, improved significantly more than placebo (Hollander et al. 2003a). A multicenter
randomized, controlled trial demonstrated efficacy for paroxetine in children and adolescents with OCD (Geller et al.

One issue with SSRI treatment is how high to push the dosage, beyond the standard recommended OCD treatment
dosage, in an attempt to get a response. One study examined this question in subjects who did not respond to 16
weeks of treatment with sertraline 200 mg/day and found that increasing to a mean dosage of 350 mg/day did result
in some symptom improvement but no change in responder status (Ninan et al. 2006).

The SNRI venlafaxine also appears effective in treating OCD. One study reported comparable effectiveness for
paroxetine and venlafaxine and also found that some nonresponders benefited from switching to the alternate
medication (Denys et al. 2004c). An open trial of venlafaxine in 39 patients, about two-thirds of whom had not
responded to SSRIs, reported that about two-thirds responded to venlafaxine at a mean dosage of about 225 mg/day
(Hollander et al. 2003b). Despite its putative serotonergic properties, a 12-week placebo-controlled trial of St. John's
wort monotherapy yielded negative results (Kobak et al. 2005a). Open-trial monotherapy followed by double-blind
discontinuation of mirtazapine, in dosages of 30–60 mg/day, showed preliminary evidence of efficacy that awaits
larger replication (Koran et al. 2005). Another study reported that the response to citalopram was accelerated with
mirtazapine augmentation (Pallanti et al. 2004).

Although clomipramine appears to have an edge over SSRIs in treating OCD, satisfactory systematic comparisons of
the various serotonin reuptake blockers, balancing benefits and side effects, have not been conducted. Given the
similar efficacy of these five medications for OCD, an extremely large prospective study would have to be undertaken
in order to demonstrate small but significant differences between the various medications. Three meta-analytic studies
have addressed these questions by retrospective analyses of treatment data from past trials, and these have supported
a small but significant superiority for clomipramine over the SSRIs (Greist et al. 1995b; Piccinelli et al. 1995; D. J. Stein
et al. 1995). Similarly, a meta-analysis of pediatric studies found superiority for clomipramine and comparable efficacy
among SSRIs (Geller et al. 2003). The clinical applicability of this finding may, however, be limited, because in clinical
practice actual or expected tolerability of different medications often takes precedence over small differences in
efficacy. The SSRIs are better tolerated than clomipramine by most patients, because of clomipramine's strong
anticholinergic side effects, and have therefore become the well-established first line of treatment for OCD. If patients
do not have a good response to an adequate trial of at least two SSRIs, augmentation with clomipramine or switching
to clomipramine alone should be undertaken; the reverse is also true.

Medication combination and augmentation

It is important to keep in mind that the medication response in OCD is not as dramatic as in, for example, major
depression: a considerable number of patients show a negligible or partial response to the first-line medications. As a
helpful rule of thumb, it is useful to remember that approximately 40%–60% of OCD patients improve by about
30%–60% with a first-line drug. Thus, various combination and augmentation strategies are often needed to attain a
satisfactory response. The most commonly used augmenting agents in OCD are buspirone, clonazepam, atypical
antipsychotics, inositol, and glutamatergic agents. As these augmentation strategies are more rigorously tested, they
often do not look as promising as was initially thought. Still, given the relatively limited treatment options, these
strategies are worth undertaking sequentially, beginning with the most compelling ones. In the following discussion we
summarize the findings in favor of or against the various augmenting agents for OCD.

Although an initial small study reported similar efficacy for clomipramine alone versus buspirone alone in treating OCD
(Pato et al. 1991), three other studies failed to show a significant benefit to buspirone augmentation in clomipramine-
treated (Pigott et al. 1992a), fluoxetine-treated (Grady et al. 1993), or fluvoxamine-treated (McDougle et al. 1993b)
patients. If tried, higher dosages of 30–60 mg/day should be targeted. A controlled study of lithium augmentation of
clomipramine did not detect any benefit (Pigott et al. 1991). A controlled study of trazodone alone in OCD again
showed no benefit compared with placebo (Pigott et al. 1992b). A controlled crossover study showed clonazepam to be
effective in 40% of OCD subjects who failed to respond to clomipramine trials (Hewlett et al. 1992), and clonazepam
may also be helpful with the very high anxiety levels frequently associated with OCD. Evidence in support of MAOIs is
very weak despite a positive report (Vallejo et al. 1992), possibly with the exception of some benefit for symmetry
obsessions from phenelzine (Jenike et al. 1997). A controlled trial of lithium augmentation was also negative
(McDougle et al. 1991a), as were a trazodone controlled trial (Pigott et al. 1992b) and a desipramine controlled
augmentation trial (Barr et al. 1997). In a small open trial, 10 OCD patients who had failed to respond to serotonin
reuptake inhibitor trials were treated with inositol augmentation, 18 mg/day, for 6 weeks; only 3 patients reported
clinically significant improvement, leaving inositol as an option of unclear efficacy (Seedat and Stein 1999). A placebo-
controlled augmentation trial with eicosapentaenoic acid was not effective for OCD (Fux et al. 2004).

Antipsychotics are the main medication class used to augment partial response to serotonin reuptake blockers in OCD.
McDougle et al. (1990) first reported that about 50% of OCD patients improved noticeably when pimozide was added
to fluvoxamine; comorbid tic disorders or schizotypal personality predicted a good response. OCD patients with
comorbid tic disorders may actually be less responsive to SSRI monotherapy (McDougle et al. 1993a) and appear to
respond well to haloperidol augmentation (McDougle et al. 1994). In more recent years, atypical antipsychotics have
received increasing attention as a major augmentation strategy for OCD, regardless of comorbid tics or schizotypy, and
such a strategy is now supported by controlled trials.

Risperidone has been successfully used for augmentation in open trials, with good results for horrific mental imagery
rather than comorbid tic disorders (Saxena et al. 1996). In another 8-week open trial in which risperidone, 3 mg/day,
was added to an SSRI in 20 patients with refractory OCD, all subjects were described as showing some improvement
(Pfanner et al. 2000). A 6-week controlled trial of risperidone in patients with serotonin reuptake inhibitor–refractory
illness found significant improvement in half of the patients (McDougle et al. 2000), and this response was not
associated with the presence of tics or schizotypy. Another placebo-controlled risperidone augmentation trial similarly
showed better results than placebo, with 40% of patients rated as responders (Hollander et al. 2003a). A small brief
double-blind augmentation trial showed similar improvement in obsessions with risperidone and haloperidol compared
with placebo (Li et al. 2005). Four pediatric patients with refractory OCD have also been described as responsive to
risperidone augmentation (Fitzgerald et al. 1999). Another placebo-controlled risperidone augmentation trial using
low-dosage risperidone in 45 patients also reported modest efficacy over placebo (Erzegovesi et al. 2005).

Olanzapine has been reported beneficial in four open-label augmentation trials; however, one placebo-controlled
augmentation trial found no benefit (Shapira et al. 2004), whereas another reported significant improvement
compared with placebo at a mean dosage of about 10 mg/day, with 15% of patients discontinuing treatment due to
side effects (Bystritsky et al. 2004). Two placebo-controlled quetiapine augmentation studies yielded negative results
(P. D. Carey et al. 2005; Fineberg et al. 2005), whereas two other placebo-controlled augmentation trials reported that
approximately 50%–60% of patients responded to the augmentation (Atmaca et al. 2002; Denys et al. 2004a). A small
open monotherapy trial of aripiprazole, in dosages of 10–30 mg/day, reported modest results, with some improvement
in three of seven participants (Connor et al. 2005). Clozapine has been reported to worsen OCD, although reports are
contradictory. The general conclusion, then, regarding atypical antipsychotic augmentation is that these agents have
modest efficacy but are worth trying in patients with treatment-resistant illness.

Beyond antipsychotics, other medications have been used for augmentation in those with treatment-resistant OCD.
Fourteen patients with treatment-refractory OCD who had not responded to three SSRI trials received paroxetine
augmentation with pindolol or placebo for 6 weeks; compared with placebo, pindolol at 2.5 mg tid was significantly
superior in reducing OCD symptoms (Dannon et al. 2000). An open trial of bupropion monotherapy at 300 mg/day
reported no benefit (Vulink et al. 2005). A case report of successful topiramate augmentation of paroxetine treatment
has been reported (Hollander and Dell'Osso 2006). Similarly, an open series reported that 11 of 16 patients responded
to topiramate augmentation at a mean dosage of 250 mg/day (Van Ameringen et al. 2006). Preliminary data on the
antiglutamatergic agent riluzole appear promising (Pittenger et al. 2006). In an open trial, about half of 13 patients
with treatment-resistant OCD responded to the addition of riluzole, 50 mg bid, to their ongoing regimen (Coric et al.
2005). In a single case report, augmentation of fluvoxamine with the antiglutamatergic amino acid N-acetylcysteine
was reported effective (Lafleur et al. 2006).

The combination of clomipramine with an SSRI is also a commonly used strategy for treating refractory patients and is
generally well tolerated, although lower dosages of clomipramine should be used with monitoring of blood levels to
avoid toxicity because clomipramine levels can become markedly elevated. In one small randomized trial in patients
with refractory OCD, citalopram combined with clomipramine led to significantly greater improvement than citalopram
alone (Pallanti et al. 1999).

Other somatic treatment options

Although there are no definitive predictors of medication treatment response, several factors appear to be predictive of
a poorer prognosis, including earlier onset, longer duration of illness, higher frequency of compulsions, washing rituals,
a chronic course, prior hospitalizations, and the presence of avoidant, borderline, and schizotypal as well as multiple
personality disorders. A review of 274 OCD patients found no differences between responsive and nonresponsive
subjects in age, gender, age at onset, duration of illness, or symptom subtypes. Responders had a higher incidence of
family history of tics, sudden onset of OCD, and an episodic course of illness. Nonresponders had more severe
symptomatology, poorer insight into their OCD, and comorbid eating disorder (Hollander et al. 2001).

When oral medications fail to be successful enough in patients with highly refractory illness, other somatic treatment
options can be considered. Intravenous clomipramine has met with some success in OCD refractory to oral
clomipramine (Fallon et al. 1998). More recently, another study has supported the effectiveness of pulse-loaded
intravenous clomipramine in treatment-resistant OCD (Koran et al. 2006).
Plasma exchange and intravenous immunoglobulin have been found to be effective in lessening symptom severity in
children with streptococcal infection–triggered OCD (Perlmutter et al. 1999), but plasma exchange treatment was
found not to help children whose OCD did not have streptococcus-related exacerbations (Nicolson et al. 2000).

Electroconvulsive therapy may be considered in highly refractory cases, although its efficacy is very debatable
(Maletzky et al. 1994).

Recently, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has been used to treat OCD. A sham-controlled
low-frequency TMS treatment of the right prefrontal cortex did not report significant benefit (Alonso et al. 2001).
Another study compared right versus left prefrontal TMS in patients with treatment-refractory OCD and found a similar
responder rate of 25% for both treatments, although the absence of a sham control group makes interpretation of
efficacy difficult (Sachdev et al. 2001). Similarly, an open pilot trial of low-frequency TMS delivered to the
supplementary motor area reported benefits (Mantovani et al. 2006).

In extreme cases of severely impaired patients with refractory OCD, neurosurgery can be considered. In a thorough
retrospective analysis, Jenike et al. 1991) estimated that in at least 25%–30% of patients, cingulotomy resulted in
notable improvement. This response rate was confirmed in a 2-year prospective cingulotomy study (Baer et al. 1995).
Guidelines for the use of neurosurgical techniques in the treatment of severe refractory OCD, including selection,
documented failed treatments, indications, contraindications, benefits, risks, and workup, have been thoroughly
reviewed elsewhere (Mindus and Jenike 1992). A review of 29 patients who underwent capsulotomy between 1976
and 1989 at the Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden, found that positive clinical outcome was associated with
lesioning to the middle of the right anterior limb of the internal capsule (Lippitz et al. 1999). Another review of 44
patients who underwent single or multiple cingulotomies for refractory OCD reported that almost 3 years later 32%
were classified as treatment responders and another 14% as partial responders, and there were few adverse effects
(Dougherty et al. 2002). Higher cerebral metabolic activity in the posterior cingulate presurgery has been identified as
a predictor of better response to cingulotomy (Rauch et al. 2001).

A new development, which if successful may gradually replace neurosurgery for refractory OCD, is deep-brain
stimulation (Rauch et al. 2006). In four highly refractory OCD patients, this treatment resulted in dramatic
improvement in one patient and moderate improvement in another (Abelson et al. 2005). In a long-term blinded
electrical capsular stimulation study, three of four patients with refractory illness responded to the treatment (Nuttin
et al. 2003).

Maintenance treatment

OCD tends to be a chronic illness, and many patients may require indefinite drug treatment to stay well. Long-term
continuation of medication treatment generally maintains a good treatment response; this is widely supported in
clinical treatment and has been validated by a 1-year double-blind sertraline maintenance study at dosages of 50–200
mg/day (Greist et al. 1995c). In a subsequent study, patients who maintained their response in the earlier study were
given a second year of open maintenance treatment with sertraline at the same dosages, during which they
maintained or even slightly improved their gains (Rasmussen et al. 1997). Conversely, in a double-blind
discontinuation study of OCD patients who had done well on clomipramine for about 1 year, 90% had substantial
worsening within 7 weeks (Pato et al. 1988). Similarly, after 1-year follow-up patients who were randomly assigned to
continue fluoxetine rather than be switched to placebo had much lower rates of relapse (Romano et al. 2001). At
follow-up after several years, most patients remained symptomatic and required continued pharmacotherapy, with a
substantial minority of 20% remaining refractory to multiple treatment regimens (Leonard et al. 1993).

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral treatments of OCD (Table 12–28) can be highly effective and involve two main components: 1) exposure
procedures that aim to decrease the anxiety associated with obsessions and 2) response prevention techniques that
aim to decrease the frequency of rituals or obsessive thoughts. Exposure techniques range from systematic
desensitization with brief imaginal exposure to flooding, in which prolonged exposure to the real-life ritual-evoking
stimuli causes profound discomfort. Exposure techniques aim to ultimately decrease the discomfort associated with the
eliciting stimuli through habituation. In exposure therapy, the patient is assigned homework exercises that must be
adhered to, and he or she may require assistance from the therapist (in a home visit) or from family members to
achieve exposure at home. Response prevention involves having patients face feared stimuli (e.g., dirt, chemicals)
without excessive hand washing or tolerate doubt (e.g., "Is the door really locked?") without excessive checking.
Initial work may involve delaying performance of the ritual, but ultimately the patient works to fully resist the
compulsions. The psychoeducation and support of family members can be pivotal to the success of the behavioral
therapy, because family dysfunction is very prevalent and the majority of parents or spouses accommodate to or are
involved in the patients' rituals, possibly as a way to reduce the anxiety or anger that patients may direct at their
family members.

TABLE 12–28. Cognitive and behavioral approaches to treating obsessive-compulsive disorder

Graded exposure (imaginal and/or in vivo)


Response prevention

Cognitive restructuring
It is generally agreed upon that combined behavioral techniques—that is, exposure and response prevention
(ERP)—yield the greatest improvement. It is also generally reported that patients who primarily experience obsessions
and have few rituals are the least responsive to behavioral treatment, although new behavioral techniques for
obsessions may also be promising. Using the combined techniques of in vivo ERP, up to 75% of ritualizing patients
willing and able to undergo the arduous treatment were reported to show significant improvement (Marks et al. 1975).
Foa et al. (1984) systematically compared in vivo exposure, response prevention, and the two treatments combined
(ERP). All groups improved, but the combined treatment was superior in decreasing anxiety, rituals, and overall
impairment. The proportion of clinical responders, defined as those patients who showed at least 30% improvement
with treatment, was 33% for response prevention, 55% for exposure, and 90% for ERP. Of interest, this study found
that the majority of OCD patients successfully treated with behavior therapy had relapsed at follow-up, suggesting
that, just as with medication, long-term behavioral maintenance treatment may be necessary. Predictors of poorer
outcome for behavioral treatment of OCD include initial depression, initial OCD severity, longer duration, and lower
motivation for treatment (Keijsers et al. 1994). ERP has also been used successfully to treat children and adolescents
with OCD, with at least 50% improvement in the vast majority of participants (Franklin et al. 1998). A maintenance
program can be highly effective in helping patients maintain their benefits from CBT over several years of follow-up
(Marks 1997; McKay 1997).

Cognitive therapy has also been more recently advocated and is efficacious in the treatment of OCD, centering on
cognitive reformulation of themes related to the perception of danger, estimation of catastrophe, expectations about
anxiety and its consequences, excessive responsibility, thought–action fusion, and illogical inferences. Several studies
have directly compared cognitive versus behavioral therapy for OCD in randomized trials and have reported similar
efficacy (Cottraux et al. 2001; van Oppen et al. 1995; Whittal et al. 2005). A meta-analysis of cognitive versus
behavioral treatment trials for OCD reported that behavioral treatment was somewhat more effective in clinically
significant improvement (about 50%–60% of participants), whereas for full remission the two approaches had a
similar effectiveness of about 25% (Fisher and Wells 2005).

Combination Pharmacotherapy and Psychotherapy

The relative efficacy of pharmacotherapy versus psychotherapy for OCD is an important question in deciding what
first-line treatment to undertake. A meta-analytic comparison study of OCD treatments, after controlling for a number
of confounding variables, found that clomipramine, SSRIs, and ERP all had comparable results (Kobak et al. 1998).
Similarly in children, a study comparing behavioral treatment versus clomipramine found that both were similarly
helpful, suggesting that nonpharmacological options are a reasonable first-line option in the younger population in an
initial attempt to avoid medication (de Haan et al. 1998). A recent 12-week multicenter study, however, suggested
that behavior therapy may have an edge over medication therapy (Foa et al. 2005b; Simpson et al. 2005). The study
compared ERP alone, clomipramine alone, their combination, and a placebo pill in 122 adults with OCD and found that
both ERP and combination treatment were superior to medication alone (response rates for all groups were 62%, 42%,
70%, and 8%, respectively). ERP and combination treatment had a greater edge over clomipramine alone for
remission compared with response; a sizable number of patients did not achieve remission by the end of treatment
regardless of the type of treatment. Similarly, a large pediatric trial found that combination treatment was superior
both to CBT and to sertraline alone and therefore recommended that this age group start treatment with CBT or
combined treatment (Pediatric OCD Treatment Study Team 2004). There is also evidence that in the short term (12
weeks) after treatment discontinuation, patients who were treated with ERP relapsed significantly less than those
treated with medication alone (Simpson et al. 2004). However a longer-term (5-year) follow-up study has reported
that long-term outcome did not differ among patients initially treated with cognitive therapy alone, ERP alone, or
psychotherapy combined with medication, with an overall remission rate of about 50%; patients initially treated with
medication were more likely to be taking medication at follow-up (van Oppen et al. 2005). So, in sum, medication and
CBT are approximately equal first-line treatment choices.

Despite the similar efficacy of pharmacotherapy and CBT for OCD, given the common failure of either treatment to
achieve a strong enough response or remission, combination therapy, either concurrent or sequential, is commonly
used and recommended in the treatment of OCD. A common approach used in clinical practice, especially by
psychiatrists, is to start out with medication, attain a degree of clinical improvement that will allow better utilization of
CBT, and then possibly attempt some degree of medication taper once CBT has been mastered and effective. In a
study testing this commonly used paradigm, it appeared quite effective. Patients who remained symptomatic with a
12-week course of an SSRI were entered into a course of exposure and ritual prevention and subsequently
demonstrated a 50% decrease in their OCD symptoms (Simpson et al. 1999). In another study, patients who did
respond to initial 3-month medication treatment were randomly assigned to continue medication alone or to have
behavior therapy added for the next 6 months; the latter group showed significantly greater benefits (Tenneij et al.
2005). Similarly, in a wait-list controlled trial of CBT in OCD patients who had failed to adequately respond to multiple
serotonin reuptake inhibitor medications, about 50% showed clinically significant improvement, and most maintained
it at 6-month follow-up; poor insight and low CBT effort predicted lesser gains (Tolin et al. 2004). In brief, the
conclusion is that patients who are initially treated with medication, regardless of degree of initial response, have a
good likelihood of some further improvement with the introduction of CBT.

Other Psychotherapy

Patients with OCD frequently present with symptoms that appear laden with unconscious symbolism and dynamic
meaning. However, OCD has generally proven refractory to psychoanalytically oriented as well as to loosely structured,
nondirective, exploratory psychotherapies. In contrast to its lack of efficacy in treating chronic OCD, dynamic
psychotherapy may be helpful for acute and limited symptoms in patients who are otherwise psychologically minded
and motivated to explore their conflicts and for obsessive character traits of perfectionism, doubting, procrastination,
and indecisiveness (Salzman 1985).

OCD patients need supportive treatment even while pharmacotherapy or behavior therapy is being applied. Because of
their tendency toward excessive doubt, these patients may require a great deal of reassurance during the early phase
of treatment. More active supportive therapy that encourages risk taking helps OCD patients live with their anxiety,
and a focus on the present has been reported to be helpful (Salzman 1985).


PTSD was first introduced in DSM-III, spurred in part by the increasing recognition of posttraumatic conditions in
veterans of the Vietnam War. The current DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for PTSD are presented in Table 12–29.

TABLE 12–29. DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder

A. The person has been exposed to a traumatic event in which both of the following were present:

(1) the person experienced, witnessed, or was confronted with an event or events that involved actual or threatened death or
serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of self or others
(2) the person's response involved intense fear, helplessness, or horror. Note: In children, this may be expressed instead by
disorganized or agitated behavior.

B. The traumatic event is persistently reexperienced in one (or more) of the following ways:

(1) recurrent and intrusive distressing recollections of the event, including images, thoughts, or perceptions. Note: In young
children, repetitive play may occur in which themes or aspects of the trauma are expressed.
(2) recurrent distressing dreams of the event. Note: In children, there may be frightening dreams without recognizable
(3) acting or feeling as if the traumatic event were recurring (includes a sense of reliving the experience, illusions, hallucinations,
and dissociative flashback episodes, including those that occur on awakening or when intoxicated). Note: In young children,
trauma-specific reenactment may occur.
(4) intense psychological distress at exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic
(5) physiological reactivity on exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event
C. Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma and numbing of general responsiveness (not present before the
trauma), as indicated by three (or more) of the following:

(1) efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings, or conversations associated with the trauma
(2) efforts to avoid activities, places, or people that arouse recollections of the trauma
(3) inability to recall an important aspect of the trauma
(4) markedly diminished interest or participation in significant activities
(5) feeling of detachment or estrangement from others
(6) restricted range of affect (e.g., unable to have loving feelings)
(7) sense of a foreshortened future (e.g., does not expect to have a career, marriage, children, or a normal life span)

D. Persistent symptoms of increased arousal (not present before the trauma), as indicated by two (or more) of the following:

(1) difficulty falling or staying asleep

(2) irritability or outbursts of anger
(3) difficulty concentrating
(4) hypervigilance
(5) exaggerated startle response

E. Duration of the disturbance (symptoms in criteria B, C, and D) is more than 1 month.

F. The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of

Specify if:

Acute: if duration of symptoms is less than 3 months

Chronic: if duration of symptoms is 3 months or more

Specify if:

With delayed onset: if onset of symptoms is at least 6 months after the stressor
Beginning with DSM-III-R, the disorder is classified with the anxiety disorders, and the major criteria of an extreme
precipitating stressor, intrusive recollections, emotional numbing, and hyperarousal have been maintained. The
DSM-III-R descriptor of the traumatic event as one "outside the range of usual human experience" was considered
rather vague and unreliable and was eliminated. New duration criteria were also established, subdividing the disorder
into acute or chronic.

Not all investigators agree that PTSD belongs with the anxiety disorders. Although anxiety is a prominent symptom, so
are depression and dissociation. The necessity of a precipitating stressor or trauma in diagnosing the disorder differs
from other anxiety disorders and is more reminiscent of conditions such as brief reactive psychosis, acute stress
disorder, pathological bereavement, and adjustment disorders. ICD-10 (World Health Organization 1992), for example,
classifies all such disorders as stress related. In acknowledgment of the spectrum of disorders stemming from severe
stress, DSM-IV added acute stress disorder to the anxiety disorders. Acute stress disorder is similar to PTSD in the
precipitating traumatic event and in symptomatology, but it is time limited, up to 1 month after the event. In addition,
dissociative symptoms figure prominently in the definition of acute stress disorder, whereas they are not addressed in
the PTSD description. It has now been well established by a number of studies, including prospective ones, that acute
stress disorder is a highly reliable predictor of developing PTSD down the road; it may well be that the two should not
be defined as discrete disorders. In a study of people who had mild traumatic brain injury in motor vehicle accidents,
82% of those who met acute stress disorder criteria were diagnosed with PTSD 6 months later (Bryant and Harvey
1998), as opposed to only 11% of those without acute stress, and a steady 80% were diagnosed with PTSD 2 years
after the accident (Harvey and Bryant 2000).

Beyond the symptoms of PTSD per se, increasing attention has been drawn to an enduring constellation of traits that
frequently develop in individuals subjected to chronic trauma as children or adults. Investigators such as Herman and
van der Kolk (1987) had originally suggested that a discrete entity of complicated posttraumatic syndromes be
recognized, otherwise designated as "DESNOS" (disorders of extreme stress not otherwise specified), characterized by
lasting changes in identity, interpersonal relationships, and the sense of life's meaning (Herman et al. 1989; van der
Kolk and Saporta 1991). Similar personality changes are recognized by the ICD-10 and classified as "enduring
personality change after catastrophic experience." Increasing attention has been drawn in recent years to the concept
of "trauma-spectrum" disorders, which can include admixtures of posttraumatic stress, dissociative, somatoform, and
conversion symptoms, and the classification approach to trauma-related conditions is a subject of ongoing debate.
Clinical Description
A soldier participates in the torture and murder of civilians. A passenger is the sole survivor of a commercial airliner. A
woman is raped and severely beaten by an unknown assailant. The characteristic features that may develop after
traumatic events such as these include psychic numbing, reexperiencing of the trauma, and increased autonomic
arousal. The trauma is reexperienced in recurrent painful and intrusive recollections, daydreams, or nightmares.
Dissociative states may occur, lasting from minutes to days, in which there is a dreamlike, unreal state with hazy
memory and a distorted sense of time. Psychic numbing or emotional anesthesia is manifest by diminished
responsiveness to the external world, with feelings of being detached from other people, loss of interest in usual
activities, and inability to feel emotions such as intimacy, tenderness, or sexual interest. Symptoms of excessive
autonomic arousal may include hyperactivity and irritability, an exaggerated startle response, difficulty concentrating,
and sleep abnormalities. Rape or mugging victims sometimes become afraid to venture forth alone for variable periods
of time. Situations reminiscent of the original trauma may be systematically avoided.

Other symptoms may include guilt about having survived, guilt about not having prevented the traumatic experience,
depression, anxiety, panic attacks, shame, and rage. There may be prolonged episodes of intense affect; increased
irritability; explosive, hostile behavior; and impulsive behavior. Other accompanying or complicating symptoms
associated with PTSD may include substance abuse, self-injurious behavior and suicide attempts, occupational
impairment, and interference with interpersonal relationships.

Although there are marked individual differences in how people react to stress, when stressors become extreme, such
as in concentration camp situations or in extended combat, the rate of morbidity rapidly increases. In a large
randomized community survey of young adults, the lifetime prevalence of PTSD was found to be 9.2% (Breslau et al.
1991). The prevalence was higher in women (11.3%) than in men (6%). In the National Comorbidity Survey, the
lifetime prevalence of PTSD was similarly found to be 7.8% and was again more common in women. The most
common stressors were combat exposure in men and sexual assault in women (Kessler et al. 1995).

Symptoms of PTSD, too few in number to meet the full diagnostic criteria, are quite common in the general population.
In a Canadian community survey, full PTSD was found in 2.7% of women and 1.2% of men, whereas partial PTSD was
found in an additional 3.4% of women and 0.3% of men. Such individuals, seemingly women in particular, may be
important to identify because they experience clinically meaningful distress and functional impairment (M. B. Stein et
al. 1997). The gender difference in PTSD prevalence, higher in women, has been consistent across a number of studies.
It appears that women are more likely to develop PTSD than men with comparable exposure to traumatic events,
especially if exposure is before age 15 (Breslau et al. 1997a). This difference is not well understood and could involve
characteristics of both the individuals and the traumatic experiences.

A high rate of comorbid disorders is found in PTSD. In the Breslau et al. (1991) survey, a high comorbidity risk was
found for OCD, agoraphobia, panic, and depression, whereas the association with drug or alcohol abuse was weaker.
The comorbidity of PTSD with depression is a very consistent one, and the nature of the relationship between the two
conditions is controversial. Epidemiological analyses suggest that in trauma victims the vulnerabilities for PTSD and
depression are not separate, but rather the risk for depression is highly elevated in just those trauma victims who
manifest PTSD (Breslau et al. 2000). On the other hand, a prospective study of a large sample of trauma survivors
found depression and PTSD to be independent sequelae of trauma (Shalev et al. 1998a, 1998b). Regardless of
causality, it is clear that PTSD in women increases the risk for new onset of both depression and alcohol use disorder
(Breslau et al. 1997b). The Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Well-Being, of about 10,000 participants,
found that about one-fourth of those with PTSD had an alcohol use disorder whereas about one-third of those with
opioid use disorder had PTSD (Mills et al. 2006). Individuals with PTSD may be more likely to manifest borderline or
self-defeating personality disorder, and it appears that the actual PTSD diagnosis rather than the trauma history
accounts for this association (Shea et al. 2000).

The severity of the stressor in PTSD differs in magnitude from that found in adjustment disorder, which is usually less
severe and within the range of common life experience. However, this relationship between the severity of the
stressor and the type of subsequent symptomatology is not always predictable. For example, studies of bereavement
and divorce have found that stressors within the range of usual human experience can also produce a distinctive
syndrome of reexperiencing the trauma (Horowitz et al. 1980). In effect, it has generally been underestimated that in
the average community setting, common events such as sudden loss of a spouse are a much more frequent cause for
PTSD than assault and violence (Breslau et al. 1998).

Nevertheless, events such as sexual assault or armed robbery, which are interpersonal insults to integrity, self-esteem,
and security, are particularly likely to lead to PTSD. When stressors become extreme (e.g., rape, extended combat,
torture, or concentration camp experiences), the rate of morbidity significantly increases. For example, the ECA study
found that in men who had served in Vietnam, 4% of those who were in combat but were not wounded had PTSD,
whereas 20% of those in combat who had been wounded developed PTSD. In even more horrendous conditions, such
as those experienced by American prisoners of war held by the Japanese during World War II, extremely high PTSD
incidences of 84% lifetime and 59% decades after have been reported (Engdahl et al. 1997). Variable rates have been
found in individuals subjected to major noninterpersonal trauma such as in severely injured accident victims, ranging
from a very low 2% (Schnyder et al. 2001) to 32% (Koren et al. 1999). After severe traumatic brain injury, a 27%
PTSD incidence has been reported (Bryant et al. 2000). Childhood interpersonal trauma can often result in PTSD, as is
widely known clinically and documented by numerous studies. In an inner-city child psychiatry clinic, more than half of
the traumatized children had syndromal or subsyndromal PTSD, with experiencing physical abuse or witnessing
domestic violence being the strongest contributors (Silva et al. 2000). In a large community sample followed
prospectively into young adulthood, about one-third of the children who had experienced substantiated sexual abuse,
physical abuse, or neglect had PTSD (Widom 1999). As an average, it is estimated that approximately one-fourth of all
individuals who experience major trauma develop PTSD (Breslau et al. 1991). In addition, as described by McFarlane
(1990), a definite dose–response relationship exists between the impact of the trauma and PTSD. Still, it is rare even
for overwhelming trauma to lead to PTSD in more than half of the exposed populations, clearly suggesting that other
etiological factors also play a role (McFarlane 1990). A discussion of such predictors follows.

Risk Factors and Predictors

There is agreement that a variety of premorbid risk factors predispose to the development of PTSD (Table 12–30).
Although the disorder can certainly develop in people without significant preexisting psychopathology, a number of
biological and psychological variables have been identified that render individuals more vulnerable to the development
of PTSD. In one study of a Vietnam veteran outreach center, a prior history of good adolescent friendships was
predictive of PTSD, whereas a history of poor adolescent friendships was more likely in those who did not have PTSD.
In addition, this study reported a number of patients with good premorbid adjustment, low childhood trauma, and good
adolescent relationships who experienced prolonged trauma in Vietnam and developed severe PTSD (Lindy et al.
1984). In general, however, previous adversity has been associated with a higher likelihood of developing PTSD.

TABLE 12–30. Risk factors for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Past history of trauma prior to the index trauma

Past history of PTSD

Past history of depression

Past history of anxiety disorders

Comorbid Axis II disorders (predictive of greater chronicity)

Family history of anxiety (including parental PTSD)

Disrupted parental attachments

Severity of exposure to trauma (more predictive of acute symptoms)

High premorbid intelligence may be protective

The greater the amount of previous trauma experienced by an individual, the more likely he or she is to develop
symptoms after a stressful life event (Horowitz et al. 1980). In addition, individuals with prior traumatic experiences
are more likely to become exposed to future traumas, because they can be prone to behaviorally reenact the original
trauma (van der Kolk 1989). In a study of Vietnam veterans, those with PTSD had higher rates of childhood physical
abuse than those without PTSD, as well as a significantly higher rate of total traumatic events prior to joining the
military (Bremner et al. 1993b).

McFarlane (1989) found that the severity of exposure to disaster was the major determinant of early posttraumatic
morbidity, whereas preexisting psychological disorders better predicted the persistence of posttraumatic symptoms
over time. An epidemiological survey identified, albeit retrospectively, different risk factors for becoming exposed to
trauma and for developing PTSD after traumatic exposure (Breslau et al. 1991). Risk factors for exposure to trauma
were male sex, childhood conduct problems, extraversion, and family history of substance abuse or psychiatric
problems. Risk factors for developing PTSD after traumatic exposure were disrupted parental attachments, anxiety,
depression, and family history of anxiety. Having an Axis II disorder also increases the risk for chronic PTSD (Ursano et
al. 1999). Having a past history of PTSD increases the risk for both acute and chronic PTSD (Ursano et al. 1999).
Compared with nonchronic PTSD, chronic PTSD of greater than 1 year's duration has been specifically associated with
higher rates of comorbid anxiety and depressive disorders and a family history of antisocial behavior (Breslau and
Davis 1992). Also, a nationally representative sample provided evidence that self-criticism and the broader personality
domain of neuroticism may comprise a robust risk factor for PTSD (Cox et al. 2004).

Interestingly, parental PTSD is also a risk factor for PTSD in offspring, even in the absence of elevated trauma (Yehuda
et al. 1998b). Findings with regard to gender are conflicting, in that female gender has been associated with chronic
PTSD in one study (Breslau and Davis 1992) whereas only with acute PTSD in another (Ursano et al. 1999). An
additional risk factor that has been associated with higher likelihood of developing PTSD is lower premorbid
intelligence (Macklin et al. 1998). Neurological compromise, with increased neurological soft signs and childhood
histories of neurodevelopmental problems and lower intelligence, is also associated with PTSD (Gurvits et al. 2000); a
recent monozygotic twin study demonstrated that the presence of neurological soft signs is a familial vulnerability
factor rather a function of trauma or of the disorder itself (Gurvits et al. 2006).

Early predictors of PTSD after a traumatic event have also received great attention, because of their obvious potential
significance for early intervention and prevention. As previously stated, the occurrence of acute stress disorder in the
first month after trauma is a very strong predictor of later PTSD. An acute stress disorder diagnosis combined with a
resting heart rate greater than 90 bpm has a surprisingly high sensitivity (88%) and specificity (85%) in predicting
development of PTSD (Bryant et al. 2000). Similarly, high heart rate and decreased cortisol in the acute aftermath
strongly correlate with later PTSD (Yehuda et al. 1998a). In a prospective study, initial urinary cortisol and epinephrine
levels immediately after trauma predicted up to 10% of the variance in PTSD symptoms 6 weeks later (Delahanty et
al. 2005). Even elevated heart rate, on its own, shortly after trauma is a significant predictor of later PTSD (Shalev et
al. 1998b). A heart rate greater than 95 bpm in acutely injured patients was found to be a significant independent
predictor of PTSD symptoms 1 year later, with modest specificity and sensitivity (Zatzick et al. 2005). One prospective
study has also implicated lower plasma GABA levels peritraumatically in the development of later PTSD (Vaiva et al.

Other findings of great interest are that the administration of certain agents medically indicated in the acute aftermath
of medical traumas (e.g., cardiac surgery, intensive care unit stays, burns) may be protective against developing later
PTSD. For example, stress doses of hydrocortisone administered perioperatively to cardiac surgery patients are
associated with lower intensity of chronic stress and PTSD symptoms 6 months later (Schelling et al. 2004). There is
also evidence that acute morphine administration in children for the treatment of acute burns was associated with
diminished PTSD 6 months later in a dose-related fashion (Saxe et al. 2001).

Increased attention to dissociative phenomena and their relationship to posttraumatic symptoms has revealed that
greater dissociation around the time of the traumatic event, known as peritraumatic dissociation, is a strong predictor
of the later development of PTSD (Marmar et al. 1994; Shalev et al. 1996). Although peritraumatic dissociation may
serve as one "marker" helpful in identifying individuals at high risk for developing PTSD, many individuals go on to
develop PTSD in the absence of pronounced peritraumatic dissociation, so peritraumatic dissociation should be viewed
as one predictor in the context of other factors in the aftermath of trauma (Ozer et al. 2003).

Cognitive and Behavioral Theories

A cognitive model has been proposed for the persistence of PTSD symptoms, suggesting that PTSD becomes persistent
when individuals process the trauma in a way that leads to a sense of serious and current threat. This occurs through
excessively negative appraisals of the trauma or its consequences and a disturbance of autobiographical memory so
that there is poor contextualization and strong associative memory (Ehlers and Clark 2000).

Behavioral theory suggests that there is a disturbance of conditioned responses in PTSD. Autonomic responses to both
innocuous and aversive stimuli are elevated, with larger responses to unpaired cues and reduced extinction of
conditioned responses (Peri et al. 2000). It has been proposed that PTSD individuals have higher sympathetic system
arousal at the time of conditioning and therefore are more conditionable than trauma-exposed individuals without
PTSD (Orr et al. 2000). Individuals with PTSD also generalize fear-related conditioned responses across stimuli, having
been sensitized by stress (Grillon and Morgan 1999).
Recent studies have also revealed a number of disturbances in cognitive processes associated with PTSD. For example,
the high incidence of PTSD after severe traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness and few traumatic memories
suggests that trauma can mediate PTSD in part at an implicit level (Bryant et al. 2000). Impairments in explicit
memory have been associated with PTSD (Bremner et al. 1993a) and may be related to hippocampal toxicity resulting
from stress-mediated elevations in norepinephrine (Bremner et al. 1995). In addition, PTSD subjects may not exhibit
recall deficits for trauma-related words but rather for positive and neutral words, suggesting that avoiding the encoding
of disturbing information does not occur in PTSD (McNally et al. 1998). This appears consistent with the intrusive
nature of traumatic memories clinically encountered in the disorder.

Biological Theories
More than a century ago, Janet described the breakdown in normal adaptation, information processing, and action that
can result from overwhelming trauma and noted the automatic emotional and physical overreaction that occurs with
reexposure (van der Kolk and van der Hart 1989). Freud (1919/1955) implicated a biological basis to posttraumatic
symptoms in the form of a physical fixation to the trauma. Pavlov (1927/1960) demonstrated chronic change in
autonomic nervous system activity level in response to repeated traumatic exposure. Kardiner (1959) comprehensively
described the phenomenology of war traumatic neurosis, identifying five cardinal features: 1) persistence of startle
response, 2) fixation on the trauma, 3) atypical dream life, 4) explosive outbursts, and 5) overall constriction of the
personality. He labeled this condition as a "physioneurosis," implying an interaction of psychological and biological
processes, which serves as a forerunner of current psychobiological models of PTSD. Biological theories related to
trauma are listed in Table 12–31.

TABLE 12–31. Biological models of posttraumatic stress disorder

Limbic hyperactivity (amygdala, cingulate) and cortical hyporesponsivity (prefrontal, Broca's area) to traumatic stimuli

Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dysregulation

Noradrenergic activation

Heightened physiological responses

Endogenous opioid dysregulation

Dysregulated serotonergic modulation

Hippocampal toxicity, decreased volumes

Sympathetic System

The neurobiological response to acute stress and trauma involves the release of various stress hormones that allow the
organism to respond adaptively to stress. These releases include heightened secretion of catecholamines and cortisol.
When PTSD develops under severe or repeated trauma, the stress response becomes dysregulated, and chronic
autonomic hyperactivity sets in. This manifests itself in the "positive" symptoms of PTSD—that is, the hyperarousal
and intrusive recollections. A wide range of data supports this hypothesis. The noradrenergic system, originating in the
locus coeruleus, regulates arousal. Animals exposed to inescapable shock initially show evidence of increased turnover
of norepinephrine, with subsequent depletion of central norepinephrine (Anisman et al. 1980). Animals that have
experienced previous inescapable shock are more sensitive to norepinephrine depletion. Long-standing increases in the
urinary catecholamines norepinephrine and epinephrine have been found in PTSD patients, as well as elevated plasma
norepinephrine (Spivak et al. 1999). Elevated CSF norepinephrine has also been identified in men with chronic PTSD
compared with control subjects (Geracioti et al. 2001). Agents that stimulate the arousal system, such as lactate
(Rainey et al. 1987) and yohimbine (Southwick et al. 1997), induce flashbacks and increases in core PTSD symptoms. A
decrease in the number and sensitivity of 2-adrenergic receptors, possibly as a consequence of chronic noradrenergic
hyperactivity, has been reported (Perry et al. 1987). In an epidemiological community study, PTSD was associated
with significantly elevated urinary catecholamine levels (Young and Breslau 2004a, 2004b).

In patients with PTSD, heightened physiological responses to stressful stimuli such as blood pressure, heart rate,
respiration, galvanic skin responses, and electromyographic activity have long been documented (Kolb 1987; Pitman et
al. 1987). Studies of the startle response in PTSD have reported heightened amplitude of startle in some samples but
not in others (Lipschitz et al. 2005). Heart rate variability during sleep in the first month after a life-threatening trauma
is greater in those who subsequently develop PTSD compared with those who do not (Mellman et al. 2004).

Endogenous Opioid System

Although in the past affective numbing was understood primarily as a psychological defense against overwhelming
emotional pain, recent research has suggested a biological component to the "negative" symptoms of PTSD. Van der
Kolk et al. (1984) proposed that animal models of inescapable shock may parallel the development of PTSD in humans.
Animals prevented from escaping from severe stress develop a syndrome of learned helplessness (Maier and Seligman
1976) that resembles the symptoms of constricted affect, withdrawal, amotivation, and decline in functioning
associated with PTSD.

Animals exposed to prolonged or repeated inescapable stress develop analgesia, which appears to be mediated by
release of endogenous opiates and is blocked by the opiate antagonist naloxone (Maier et al. 1980). Similarly, it is
suggested that in humans who have sustained prolonged or repeated trauma, endogenous opiates are readily released
with any stimulus that is reminiscent of the original trauma, leading to analgesia and psychic numbing (van der Kolk et
al. 1984). Pitman et al. (1990) compared pain intensity with thermal stimuli in Vietnam veterans with PTSD and
veterans without PTSD who were watching a war videotape. PTSD patients, but not control subjects, had a 30%
analgesia when pretreated with a placebo injection; this analgesia was eliminated with naloxone pretreatment. On the
basis of such findings, the concept of trauma addiction has been proposed (van der Kolk et al. 1984). After a transient
opioid burst upon reexposure to traumatic stimuli, accompanied by a subjective sense of calm and control, opiate
withdrawal may set in. This withdrawal may then contribute to the hyperarousal symptoms of PTSD, leading the
individual to a vicious cycle of traumatic reexposures in order to gain transient symptomatic relief. The noradrenergic
and opiatergic systems of the brain interact and may serve reciprocal functions.

Serotonergic System

The serotonergic system has also been implicated in the symptomatology of PTSD (van der Kolk and Saporta 1991),
although such work is still in its infancy. The septohippocampal brain system contains serotonergic pathways and
mediates behavioral inhibition and constraint. The role of serotonergic deficit in impulsive aggression has been studied
extensively. In animals, repeated inescapable shock can lead to serotonin depletion. Thus, the irritability and outbursts
seen in patients with PTSD may be related to serotonergic deficit. The partial serotonin agonist m-CPP induces an
increase in PTSD symptoms suggestive of a sensitized serotonergic system, and interestingly, this appears to be a
separate subgroup of PTSD subjects from the ones exhibiting noradrenergic sensitization (Southwick et al. 1997). A
blunted prolactin response to fenfluramine challenge is supportive of central serotonergic dysregulation in PTSD (Davis
et al. 1999). A PET study of 5-HT1A receptor binding found no change in PTSD (Bonne et al. 2005). The efficacy of
SSRIs in PTSD is also indirectly supportive of dysregulated serotonergic modulation in PTSD.

Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis

A number of findings in PTSD have implicated a chronic dysregulation of HPA axis functioning that is highly
characteristic of this disorder and distinct from that seen in other psychiatric disorders such as depression. The findings
include elevated CSF corticotropin-releasing hormone (Bremner et al. 1997a), low urinary cortisol (Mason et al. 1986)
and an elevated urinary norepinephrine/cortisol ratio (Mason et al. 1988), a blunted adrenocorticotropic hormone
response to CRF (Smith et al. 1989), enhanced suppression of cortisol after dexamethasone administration, and
decrease in lymphocyte glucocorticoid receptor number. These findings are consistent with a model of a highly
sensitized HPA axis that is hyperresponsive to stress and the effects of cortisol (Yehuda et al. 1995).

However, not all studies of the HPA axis in PTSD are consistent with this profile, and a number of conflicting studies
suggest that the patterns of HPA axis dysregulation in PTSD may have considerable heterogeneity and depend on
various factors in addition to simple diagnosis. For example, clinical and community samples have revealed absence of
lower basal concentration or enhanced suppression of cortisol (Lindley et al. 2005), normal peripheral and elevated CSF
cortisol levels (Baker et al. 2005), normal ambient salivary cortisol levels (Young and Breslau 2004b), and normal
urinary cortisol levels (Young and Breslau 2004a).


One study found significantly elevated basal CSF substance P in PTSD patients compared with control subjects, and
under traumatic symptom provocation, but not after neutral provocation, there was a marked increase in CSF
substance P (Geracioti et al. 2006). Another study found that neuropeptide Y plasma concentrations were associated
with degree of symptom improvement, lower combat exposure, and positive coping (Yehuda et al. 2006).

Brain Neuroanatomy and Neurocircuitry

Structural neuroimaging findings in PTSD have generally reported smaller volumes in brain structures involved in the
modulation of emotion and memory. The most consistent findings relate to the hippocampus, with numerous studies
reporting decreased hippocampal volume in adults with PTSD, including combat veterans (Bremner et al. 1995), adult
survivors of childhood abuse (Bremner et al. 1997b), and police officers (Lindauer et al. 2004), to name a few. A
meta-analysis of nine studies that examined hippocampal volume in PTSD, in a total of 133 patients, found decreased
right and left volumes compared with traumatized and nontraumatized control subjects (Kitayama et al. 2005).
However, one large study in children with PTSD found larger hippocampi, controlling for total brain volume, compared
with matched non-PTSD control subjects (Tupler and DeBellis 2006). To further complicate matters, smaller
hippocampi have been found in monozygotic twins of veterans with PTSD who were not exposed to combat. Smaller
hippocampi have also been found in comparable groups exposed to the extreme stress of large burns, regardless of
PTSD presence (Winter and Irle 2004). At this point, then, it remains unclear to what degree smaller hippocampi
constitute a preexisting vulnerability to PTSD, what the developmental determinants are, or if smaller hippocampi are
an outcome of traumatic stress or PTSD illness itself or its chronicity. Deficits in verbal memory have been correlated
with decreased hippocampal volume in some (Bremner et al. 1995) but not all PTSD studies. Decreased anterior
cingulate volume has also been reported in PTSD, consistent with the general model of diminished ventromedial
cortical inhibition (Woodward et al. 2006).

Functional neuroimaging studies have generated a model suggestive of limbic sensitization and diminished cortical
inhibition in PTSD, with specific dysfunction in brain areas involved in memory, emotion, and visuospatial processing
(Bremner et al. 1999). PET imaging with PTSD symptom provocation using audiotaped traumatic scripts showed
activation of the right limbic and paralimbic systems and of the visual cortex (Rauch et al. 1996). PET imaging during
auditory exposure to traumatic scripts has shown that abuse memories are associated with decreased blood flow in the
medial prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and visual association cortex (Bremner et al. 1999). When mental images of
combat-related pictures are generated by PTSD veterans, blood flow increases in the amygdala and anterior cingulate
and decreases in Broca's area. These patterns may relate to the nonverbal emotional visual imagery involved in
reexperiencing PTSD symptoms (Shin et al. 1997). Enhanced amygdala activation to general negative stimuli, as well
as to traumatic stimuli, has been reported in several PTSD studies, and this amygdala hyperactivation is dissociated
from higher cortical inhibitory influences as evidenced by diminished medial prefrontal cortical activation (Phan et al.
2006a; Rauch et al. 2000; Shin et al. 2004, 2005). Furthermore, a reciprocal relationship has been shown between
prefrontal cortex and amygdalar activation, as well as a relationship of PTSD symptom severity to amygdala
overactivation and prefrontal cortex hypoactivation (Shin et al. 2004). On the other hand, absence of ventromedial
prefrontal cortex deactivation in traumatized non-PTSD control subjects may be a compensatory, protective change in
brain function after trauma (Phan et al. 2006a). The exaggerated amygdalar response to emotional stimuli has also
been found to be present early in the course of acute PTSD (Armony et al. 2005). Exposure of PTSD subjects to
traumatic stimuli results in decreased blood flow in the medial prefrontal cortex, an area responsible for the regulation
of emotional response via inhibition of the amygdala (Bremner et al. 1999). In contrast to the relative deactivation of
prefrontal and cingulate regions in PTSD reported in response to threatening stimuli, anterior cingulate responses to
nonthreatening stimuli may be enhanced, indicative of a generalized hypervigilance (Bryant 2005). Furthermore, it has
been shown that PTSD patients who respond to traumatic scripts with dissociation versus arousal/intrusions manifest
different patterns of brain activation (Lanius et al. 2005).

Imaging studies before and after treatment in PTSD are not many, but some compelling findings are emerging. The
animal literature does show that antidepressants promote hippocampal neurogenesis. In adult patients with PTSD,
treatment with an SSRI for 1 year resulted in a 5% increase in hippocampal volume along with a 35% improvement in
declarative memory (Bremner and Vermetten 2004; Vermetten et al. 2003). There is limited evidence that successful
treatment of PTSD with eye movement desensitization and reprocessing may result not in reduced limbic activity but
rather in increased cingulate and prefrontal activity, which enhances the ability to differentiate real threat (Levin et al.


A large study of Vietnam veteran twins found that genetic factors accounted for 13%–34% of the variance in liability
to the various PTSD symptom clusters, whereas no etiological role was found for shared environment (True et al.
1993). Molecular genetic studies of PTSD are very few. An initial study found an association to a polymorphism of the
dopamine D2 receptor (Comings et al. 1996), not replicated later (J. Gelernter et al. 1999). Similar to mood and other
anxiety disorders, the short allele genotype of the serotonin transporter gene has been preliminarily implicated in PTSD
(H. J. Lee et al. 2005).

Course and Prognosis

The course and prognosis of PTSD are summarized in Table 12–32.

TABLE 12–32. Course and prognosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)


80% longer than 3 months

75% longer than 6 months

50% 2 years' duration


Minority can remain symptomatic for years or decades

Predictors of worse outcome

Greater number of PTSD symptoms

Psychiatric history of other anxiety and mood disorders

Higher numbing or hyperarousal to stressors

Comorbid medical illnesses

Female sex

Childhood trauma

Alcohol abuse
Scrignar (1984) divided the clinical course of PTSD into three stages. Stage I involves the response to trauma.
Nonsusceptible persons may experience an adrenergic surge of symptoms immediately after the trauma but do not
dwell on the incident. Predisposed persons have higher levels of anxiety and dissociation at baseline, an exaggerated
response to the trauma, and an obsessive preoccupation with it following the trauma. If symptoms persist beyond 4–6
weeks, the patient enters Stage II, or acute PTSD. Feelings of helplessness and loss of control, symptoms of increased
autonomic arousal, reliving of the trauma, and somatic symptoms may occur. The patient's life becomes centered
around the trauma, with subsequent changes in lifestyle, personality, and social functioning. Phobic avoidance, startle
responses, and angry outbursts may occur. In Stage III, chronic PTSD develops, with disability, demoralization, and
despondency. The patient's emphasis changes from preoccupation with the actual trauma to preoccupation with the
physical disability resulting from the trauma. Somatic symptoms, chronic anxiety, and depression are common
complications at this time, as are substance abuse, disturbed family relations, and unemployment. Some patients may
focus on compensation and lawsuits.

It is important to be aware that PTSD can often be a very chronic condition. A large prospective longitudinal study of
adolescents and young adults found that about half showed no significant remission of their PTSD symptoms over a 3-
to 4-year period (Perkonigg et al. 2005). Factors associated with a more chronic course were comorbid anxiety and
somatoform disorders, greater avoidant symptoms at baseline, and experiencing new traumatic events during the
interim period. In another study, the full remission rate from chronic PTSD over a 5-year prospectively studied period
was only 18%, highlighting the frequent chronicity of the illness; history of alcohol abuse and childhood trauma were
associated with less remission (Zlotnick et al. 1999). Even when correcting for comorbid psychiatric or medical
disorders, people with PTSD manifest significant impairment in major domains of living such as physical limitations,
unemployment, poor physical health, and diminished well-being; it is therefore crucial in multiply afflicted patients to
specifically identify and target PTSD (Zatzick et al. 1997).

The diagnosis of PTSD is usually not difficult if there is a clear history of exposure to a traumatic event, followed by
symptoms of intense anxiety lasting at least 1 month, with arousal and stimulation of the autonomic nervous system,
numbing of responsiveness, and avoidance or reexperiencing of the traumatic event. However, a wide variety of
anxiety, depressive, somatic, and behavioral symptoms for which the relationship between their onset and the
traumatic event is less clear-cut may easily lead to misdiagnosis.

Differential Diagnosis
The differential diagnosis of PTSD is described in Table 12–33.
TABLE 12–33. Differential diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Depression after trauma (numbing and avoidance may be present, but not hyperarousal and intrusive symptoms)

Panic disorder if the panic attacks are not limited to reminders/triggers of the trauma

Generalized anxiety (may have similar symptoms to PTSD hyperarousal)

Agoraphobia (if avoidance not directly trauma related)

Specific phobia (if avoidance not directly trauma related)

Adjustment disorder (usually less severe stressor and different symptoms)

Acute stress disorder (if less than 1 month has elapsed since trauma)

Dissociative disorders (if prominent dissociative symptoms)

Factitious disorders or malingering (especially if there could be apparent secondary gain)

Organic Mental Disorders

Following acute physical traumas, head trauma, or concussion, an organic mental disorder must be ruled out, because
this diagnosis has important treatment implications. Mild concussions may leave no immediate apparent neurological
signs but may have residual long-term effects on mood and concentration. A careful evaluation of the nature of the
head trauma, including medical records and witnesses' observations, followed by mental status evaluation,
neurological examination, and, if indicated, laboratory examinations, is essential in a diagnostic workup. Malnutrition
may occur during prolonged stressful periods and may also lead to organic brain syndromes. Survivors of death camps
may have symptoms of an organic mental disorder such as failing memory, difficulty concentrating, emotional lability,
headaches, and vertigo. Other causes of organic mental disorder may occasionally mimic PTSD if anxiety, depression,
personality changes, or abnormal behaviors are present. Abnormalities of cognition, memory, altered sensorium or
level of consciousness, or focal neurological signs would suggest an organic mental disorder.

Organic mental disorders that could mimic PTSD include organic personality syndrome, delirium, amnestic syndrome,
organic hallucinosis, or organic intoxication and withdrawal states. In addition, patients with PTSD may cope through
excessive use of alcohol, drugs, caffeine, or tobacco and thus may present with a combination of organic and
psychological factors. In this case, each concomitant disorder should be diagnosed.

Mood and Anxiety Disorders

Major depression

There is much overlap between PTSD and major mood disorders. Symptoms such as psychic numbing, irritability, sleep
disturbance, fatigue, anhedonia, impairments in family and social relationships, anger, concern with physical health,
and pessimistic outlook may occur in both disorders. In some veteran outreach populations, 70%–80% of patients
meet diagnostic criteria for both disorders. Major depression is a frequent complication of PTSD; when it occurs, it must
be treated aggressively, because comorbidity carries an increased risk of suicide. If major depression develops
secondary to PTSD, both disorders should be diagnosed. Dysthymic symptoms are frequently secondary to PTSD, but if
of sufficient severity, the additional diagnosis of dysthymic disorder should be made.

Phobic disorders

Following a traumatic event, patients may be aversively conditioned to the surroundings of the trauma and develop a
phobia of objects, surroundings, or situations that remind them of the trauma itself. Phobic patients experience anxiety
in the feared situation, whereas avoidance is accompanied by anxiety reduction that reinforces the avoidant behavior.
In PTSD, the phobia may be symptomatically similar to specific phobia, but the nature of the precipitant and the
symptom cluster of PTSD distinguish this condition from simple phobia.

Generalized anxiety disorder

The symptoms of GAD, such as motor tension, autonomic hyperactivity, apprehensive expectation, and vigilance and
scanning, are also present in PTSD. However, the onset and course of the illness differ: GAD has an insidious or gradual
onset and a course that fluctuates with environmental stressors, whereas PTSD has an acute onset often followed by a
chronic course. Phobic symptoms, which are absent in GAD, are often present in PTSD. DSM-IV-TR does not allow for
the diagnosis of GAD if PTSD is present.
Panic disorder

Patients with PTSD may also experience panic attacks. In some patients, panic attacks predate the PTSD or do not
occur exclusively in the context of stimuli reminiscent of the traumatic event. In some patients, however, panic attacks
develop after the PTSD and are cued solely by traumatic stimuli.

Adjustment disorder

Adjustment disorders are maladaptive reactions to identifiable psychosocial pressures. Signs and symptoms may
include a wide variety of disturbances and emerge within 3 months of the stressful event. If symptoms are of
sufficient severity to meet other Axis I criteria, then the diagnosis of adjustment disorder is not made. Adjustment
disorder differs from PTSD in that the stressor is usually less severe and within the range of common experience, and
the characteristic symptoms of PTSD, such as reexperiencing the trauma, are absent. The prognosis of full recovery in
adjustment disorder is usually excellent.

Compensation neurosis (factitious disorder and malingering)

Both factitious disorder and malingering involve conscious deception and feigning of illness, although the motivation
for each condition differs. Factitious disorder may present with physical or psychological symptoms; the feigning of
symptoms is under voluntary control, and the motivation is to assume the "patient" role. Chronic factitious disorder
with physical symptoms (i.e., Munchausen's syndrome) involves frequent doctor visits and surgical interventions. PTSD
differs from this by its absence of fabricated symptoms, acute onset after a trauma, and absence of a bizarre
pretraumatic medical history.

Malingering involves the conscious fabrication of an illness for the purpose of achieving a definite goal such as money,
compensation, and so forth. Malingerers often reveal an inconsistent history, unexpected symptom clusters, a history
of antisocial behavior and substance abuse, and chaotic lifestyle, and there is often a discrepancy between history,
claimed distress, and objective data.

Postconcussion syndrome

Mental disorders secondary to head injury are influenced by physiological, psychological, and environmental factors.
Psychological symptoms are extremely common after mild closed head injuries, even without loss of consciousness.
The so-called postconcussion syndrome comprises the symptoms of headache, dizziness, irritability, and emotional
lability after a head injury with concussion. Depression and lethargy are the affective symptoms that occur most
commonly. These symptoms bear no relation to the degree of physical injury.



A variety of different psychopharmacological agents have been used in the treatment of PTSD by clinicians and
reported in the literature as case reports, open clinic trials, and controlled studies. These are summarized in the
following sections; in recent years, SSRIs and other serotonergic agents have emerged as the first-line pharmacological
treatment of PTSD (Table 12–34).

TABLE 12–34. Pharmacotherapy of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

General indications: First-line treatment; well-tolerated; once/day dosing; documented efficacy.

Sertraline: U.S. Food and Drug Administration–approved, large controlled trials

Other SSRIs: similar efficacy
Venlafaxine, mirtazapine

Other antidepressants

Tricyclic antidepressants: overall modest results when tested in double-blind fashion

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors: may be superior to tricyclics, especially for intrusive symptoms

Other medications

General indications: When response to first-line options not adequate; additional treatment of specific PTSD symptoms or
comorbid disorders.
Prazosin: nightmares and daytime intrusions
Atypical antipsychotics: several studies documenting some benefit
Clonidine: some efficacy in open treatment
Lithium: improvement in intrusive symptoms and irritability in open trial
Anticonvulsants (carbamazepine, valproate, lamotrigine, tiagabine, topiramate, levetiracetam, dilantin): mostly open trials
showing some efficacy
Buspirone: efficacy in an open trial
Triiodothyronine: improvement in small open trial, possibly antidepressant response
Trazodone, benzodiazepines, diphenhydramine: sleep disturbance

Serotonin reuptake inhibitors

SSRIs have become established as first-line medications for PTSD treatment (D. J. Stein et al. 2006). Several initial
open trials of fluoxetine had reported marked improvement in PTSD symptoms at a wide range of dosages (Davidson
et al. 1991; McDougle et al. 1991b; Shay 1992). Subsequently, in a double-blind trial comparing fluoxetine and placebo,
fluoxetine led to a significant reduction of PTSD symptomatology, especially for arousal and numbing symptoms (van
der Kolk et al. 1994). Currently, sertraline is FDA approved for the treatment of PTSD, after two large controlled trials
documented its efficacy. In a 12-week multicenter placebo-controlled trial, sertraline at dosages of 50–200 mg/day
resulted in significant benefits that began to manifest by week 2. The responder rate was more than 50%, and
improvement in both numbing and arousal symptoms, but not reexperiencing, was significantly greater with sertraline
than with placebo (Brady et al. 2000). Very similar results were reported in another large multicenter sertraline study
with very similar design (Davidson et al. 2001), with a 60% responder rate. Sertraline has also been shown to prevent
relapse during a double-blind 6-month discontinuation study (Davidson et al. 2001).

Open trials of fluvoxamine (De Boer et al. 1992; Neylan et al. 2001) have also reported efficacy. A randomized,
controlled trial of paroxetine, 20–40 mg/day, in 186 adults with chronic PTSD showed significant improvement in all
three symptom clusters compared with placebo, as well as better social and occupational functioning (R. D. Marshall et
al. 2001). An open citalopram trial reported more modest efficacy, with 42% of treated patients experiencing at least a
30% symptom improvement (English et al. 2006).

Newer serotonergic antidepressants other than SSRIs may also be beneficial. A controlled comparison of venlafaxine
extended-release (mean dosage, 225 mg/day), sertraline (150 mg/day), and placebo reported modest benefits, with
response rates of 30%, 24%, and 20%, respectively (Davidson et al. 2006). A randomized comparison of mirtazapine
(mean dosage, 34 mg/day) and sertraline (100 mg/day) reported comparable outcomes at 6 weeks, with large
reductions in PTSD symptoms (Chung et al. 2004). A small double-blind trial of mirtazapine monotherapy, at dosages
up to 45 mg/day, reported a responder rate of 65%, significantly higher than the 20% placebo responder rate
(Davidson et al. 2003).

There may also be benefit to continuing SSRI treatment beyond the initial 6-month period; one double-blind
discontinuation study found that relapse on placebo was about 3.5 times greater than during continued fluoxetine
treatment (Davidson et al. 2005).

Tricyclic antidepressants

A positive effect of imipramine on posttraumatic night terrors was reported by J. R. Marshall (1975). Controlled studies
of TCAs in PTSD have not overall reported much success in decreasing posttraumatic symptoms. In a 4-week double-
blind, crossover study of desipramine and placebo in 18 veterans with PTSD, only depressive symptoms improved;
anxiety, intrusive symptoms, and avoidance did not change with desipramine therapy (Reist et al. 1989). Davidson et
al. 1990) conducted a 4- to 8 week double-blind comparison of amitriptyline and placebo in 46 veterans with PTSD.
Although depression and anxiety decreased, decrease in intrusive and avoidant symptoms was apparent only in a
subgroup of patients who completed 8 weeks of amitriptyline and was marginal; at the end of the study, roughly
two-thirds of patients in both treatment groups still met criteria for PTSD.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors

An early study of MAOIs described five cases of "traumatic war neurosis" in whom phenelzine, in dosages of 45–75
mg/day, improved traumatic dreams, flashbacks, startle reactions, and violent outbursts (Hogben and Cornfield 1981).
Positive effects of phenelzine on intrusive posttraumatic symptoms have been reported in subsequent small open trials
(Davidson et al. 1987; van der Kolk 1983). Subsequently, an 8-week randomized, double-blind trial compared
phenelzine (71 mg), imipramine (240 mg), and placebo in 34 veterans with PTSD (Frank et al. 1988) and found that
phenelzine tended to be superior to imipramine. The most marked improvement with phenelzine was in intrusive
symptoms, which showed a 60% average reduction.

Adrenergic blockers

Kolb et al. (1984) treated 12 Vietnam veterans with PTSD in an open trial of the -blocker propranolol over a 6-month
period. Dosage ranged from 120 to 160 mg daily. Eleven patients reported a positive change in self-assessment at the
end of the 6-month period, with less explosiveness, fewer nightmares, improved sleep, and a decrease in intrusive
thoughts, hyperalertness, and startle. Another open pilot study by this group (Kolb et al. 1984) using clonidine, a
noradrenergic 2 agonist, was conducted with nine Vietnam veterans with PTSD. Dosages of 0.2–0.4 mg/day of
clonidine were administered over a 6-month period. Eight patients reported improvements in their capacity to control
their emotions and lessened explosiveness, and a majority reported improvements in sleep and nightmares, as well as
psychosocial improvement, and lowered startle, hyperalertness, and intrusive thinking. These findings support the role
of noradrenergic hyperactivity in the maintenance of autonomic arousal symptoms in PTSD. In a retrospective
treatment review of Cambodian patients with PTSD, Kinzie and Leung (1989) found that the majority of patients
benefited from the combination of clonidine and a TCA as opposed to either medication taken alone.

Recently, the 1-adrenergic antagonist prazosin has emerged as a very promising agent in the treatment of PTSD.
Evidence supporting its use is mostly available for bedtime administration, but benefits can also occur for daytime
symptoms. In an initial 6-week trial of prazosin in 5 patients given 1–4 mg/day, all showed moderate to marked
improvement in PTSD, with at least moderate improvement of nightmares (F. B. Taylor and Raskind 2002). In a
double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial, 10 war veterans were treated with bedtime prazosin at a mean dosage
of 10 mg/day, resulting in significant improvement in nightmares, difficulty falling and staying asleep, and overall
PTSD severity (Raskind et al. 2003). More recently, pilot use of prazosin during the day in an open trial revealed
possible clinical benefit with decreased psychological distress to trauma cues (F. B. Taylor et al. 2006).

There is also recent interest in using -blockers in the acute aftermath of a trauma in order to diminish the
consolidation of traumatic memories and attenuate the course of posttraumatic symptoms and evolving PTSD. A small
nonrandomized study provided evidence that patients who were treated with propranolol (40 mg tid for 7 days) shortly
after trauma exposure fared better 2 months later with regard to PTSD symptoms than those who refused acute
propranolol treatment. In a randomized study of about 40 patients, propranolol 40 mg qid or placebo was administered
for 10 days within 6 hours of the trauma. PTSD symptoms were assessed 1 month posttrauma, and it appeared that
propranolol may have a preventive effect, although findings were not very robust (Pitman et al. 2002).

Mood stabilizers and anticonvulsants

In a small open trial of lithium for treating PTSD, van der Kolk (1983) reported improvement in intrusive recollections
and irritability in more than half of the patients treated. However, there have been no controlled trials. In an open trial
of carbamazepine in 10 patients with PTSD, Lipper et al. (1986) reported moderate to great improvement in intrusive
symptoms in 7 patients. Wolf et al. (1988) reported decreased impulsivity and angry outbursts in 10 veterans who
were also treated with carbamazepine; all patients had normal electroencephalograms. Valproic acid was initially
reported to decrease irritability and angry outbursts in two veterans with PTSD (Szymanski and Olympia 1991). An
open trial of 16 patients treated openly with valproate for 8 weeks reported a significant decrease in hyperarousal and
intrusion but not numbing (R. D. Clark et al. 1999b), whereas another 8-week open trial of valproate monotherapy
reported no benefits (Otte et al. 2004). In a very small placebo-controlled trial of lamotrigine at dosages up to 500
mg/day, more patients appeared to respond to lamotrigine (Hertzberg et al. 1999); this finding warrants larger studies
of lamotrigine. Tiagabine was also reported effective in a 12-week acute treatment trial, with increasing likelihood of
remission during continuation treatment (Connor et al. 2006b), as well as in a case series at a mean dosage of 8
mg/day (F. B. Taylor 2003). Levetiracetam was reported to be an effective augmentation, with a 56% responder rate
in a retrospective analysis of patients with treatment-resistant PTSD (Kinrys et al. 2006). Topiramate also looked
promising in treating PTSD in one open trial of 33 civilians with chronic nonhallucinatory PTSD; at a median dosage of
50 mg/day about three-fourths of patients were rated as responders after 4 weeks, with a rapid median response
interval of 9 days (Berlant 2004). Dilantin was reported effective in one open 12-week trial in 9 adult patients
(Bremner and Vermetten 2004).

Other medications

A small open trial of buspirone reported that seven of eight patients experienced a significant reduction in PTSD
symptoms, but there are no controlled studies (Duffy and Malloy 1994). In a small open trial, triiodothyronine was
reported to result in significant clinical improvement in four of five PTSD patients who had only partial responses to
SSRIs; however, it remains unclear whether this was not primarily an antidepressant response (Agid et al. 2001).
Cyproheptadine has been reported to greatly decrease the nightmares characteristic of PTSD (R. D. Clark et al. 1999a;
Gupta et al. 1998). An open trial of bupropion in PTSD reported global improvement secondary to decreased depression,
but PTSD symptoms remained mostly unchanged (Canive et al. 1998).

Atypical antipsychotics can also be useful in treating PTSD. Quetiapine may be helpful in improving the sleep
disturbance associated with the disorder (Robert et al. 2005). An open trial with risperidone, 2–4 mg/day, in veterans
with psychotic PTSD led to an overall improvement of both PTSD and psychotic symptoms (Kozaric-Kovacic et al.
2005). A small 8-week placebo-controlled risperidone trial in women with PTSD related to childhood abuse reported a
significant improvement in intrusive and arousal symptoms. A larger, placebo-controlled augmentation trial using
risperidone to treat chronic PTSD also reported beneficial reductions in symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, and psychotic-
spectrum positive symptoms (Bartzokis et al. 2005). An open quetiapine augmentation trial, using a mean dosage of
100 mg/day, resulted in an approximately 25% decline in PTSD symptom severity (Hamner et al. 2003).

Low-dosage cortisol has also been tried in treating PTSD, but not enough is known yet about guidelines and
recommendations. In one study using a double-blind crossover design, three patients with chronic PTSD received
cortisol 10 mg/day for 1 month. The cortisol treatment resulted in a moderate decline in traumatic memories and
reexperiencing symptoms (Aerni et al. 2004).

Transcranial magnetic stimulation

TMS was found to have some transient efficacy in decreasing core PTSD symptoms in 10 patients treated openly
(Grisaru et al. 1998). In a randomized and blinded study, 24 PTSD patients were assigned to high-frequency,
low-frequency, or sham TMS to the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex for a total of 10 sessions; the high-frequency
group showed marked improvement in PTSD core symptoms and in anxiety (H. Cohen et al. 2004).


General principles

It is generally agreed that some form of psychotherapy is necessary in the treatment of posttraumatic pathology.
Crisis intervention shortly after the traumatic event is effective in reducing immediate distress and possibly preventing
chronic or delayed responses, and if the pathological response is still tentative, it may allow for briefer intervention.

Brief dynamic psychotherapy has been advocated both as an immediate treatment procedure and as a way of
preventing chronic disorder. The therapist must establish a working alliance that allows the patient to work through his
or her reactions.

The literature has suggested that persons with disrupted early attachments or abuse who have been traumatized
earlier in their lives are more likely to develop PTSD than those with stable backgrounds. The occurrence of psychic
trauma in a person's past may psychologically and biologically predispose him or her to respond excessively and
maladaptively to intense experiences and affects (Herman et al. 1989; Krystal 1968; van der Kolk 1987b). Therefore,
attempting to modify preexisting conflicts, developmental difficulties, and defensive styles that render the person
especially vulnerable to traumatization by particular experiences is central to the treatment of traumatic syndromes.

The "phase oriented" treatment model suggested by Horowitz (1976) strikes a balance between initial supportive
interventions to minimize the traumatic state and increasingly aggressive "working through" at later stages of
treatment. Establishment of a safe and communicative relationship, reappraisal of the traumatic event, revision of the
patient's inner model of self and world, and planning for termination with a reexperiencing of loss are all important
therapeutic issues in the treatment of PTSD. Herman et al. (1989) emphasized the importance of validating the
patient's traumatic experiences as a precondition for reparation of damaged self-identity.

Embry (1990) outlined seven major parameters for effective psychotherapy in war veterans with chronic PTSD: 1)
initial rapport building, 2) limit setting and supportive confrontation, 3) affective modeling, 4) defocusing on stress and
focusing on current life events, 5) sensitivity to transference/countertransference issues, 6) understanding of
secondary gain, and 7) therapist's maintenance of a positive treatment attitude.

Group psychotherapy can also serve as an important adjunctive treatment, or as the central treatment mode, in
traumatized patients (van der Kolk 1987a). Because of past experiences, such patients are often mistrustful and
reluctant to depend on authority figures, whereas the identification, support, and hopefulness of peer settings can
facilitate therapeutic change.

Drug treatment has been impressionistically reported to have a positive impact on psychotherapy in 70% of cases, with
improvements in symptom severity leading to a more positive and motivated approach to psychotherapy and an
enhancement of accessibility to uncovering and working through (Bleich et al. 1986).

Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies

A variety of cognitive and behavioral techniques have gained increasing popularity and validation in the treatment of
PTSD (Table 12–35).

TABLE 12–35. Cognitive and behavioral approaches to treating posttraumatic stress disorder

Graded exposure (imaginal and/or in vivo)

Prolonged exposure

Virtual reality exposure

Cognitive reprocessing

Stress inoculation training


Affect management

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing

People involved in traumatic events such as accidents frequently develop phobias or phobic anxiety related to or
associated with these situations. When a phobia or phobic anxiety is associated with PTSD, systematic desensitization
or graded exposure has been found to be effective. This is based on the principle that when patients are gradually
exposed to a phobic or anxiety-provoking stimulus, they will become habituated or deconditioned to the stimulus.
Variations of this treatment include using imaginal techniques (i.e., imaginal desensitization) and exposure to real-life
situations (i.e., in vivo desensitization). Prolonged exposure, a form of extended repeat exposure to the same
traumatic memory over a series of sessions, if tolerated, is an effective technique first reported to be successful in the
treatment of Vietnam veterans (Fairbank and Keane 1982) and has become established as a first-line treatment of
PTSD (Foa et al. 2000). Virtual reality exposure is another computer-based exposure technique that has been piloted in
Vietnam veterans and appears promising (Rothbaum et al. 2001).

Relaxation techniques produce the beneficial physiological result of reducing motor tension and lowering the activity of
the autonomic nervous system, effects that may be particularly efficacious in PTSD. Progressive muscle relaxation
involves contracting and relaxing various muscle groups to induce the relaxation response. This is useful for symptoms
of autonomic arousal such as somatic symptoms, anxiety, and insomnia. Hypnosis has also been used to induce the
relaxation response with success in PTSD. Relaxation, combined with elements of distraction, thought-stopping, and
self-guided dialogue, is a technique known as stress inoculation training.

Cognitive therapy, also referred to as cognitive reprocessing or restructuring, involves various cognitive formulations
and corrections of patients' traumatic recollections—that is, identifying distorted and maladaptive cognitions and
replacing them with more realistic ones (Resick et al. 2002). Cognitive processing therapy was shown to be more
efficacious than wait-list control in a study of women with childhood sexual abuse (Chard 2005).

Numerous studies have documented the effectiveness of all of these psychotherapies in treating PTSD. Generally
speaking, exposure and cognitive processing have overall comparable effectiveness. A randomized trial comparing
imaginal exposure with cognitive therapy in 72 patients with chronic PTSD (Tarrier et al. 1999) found comparable
significant improvement, although not complete remission, with the two treatments. Another controlled study in 87
patients with chronic PTSD compared exposure therapy, cognitive restructuring, their combination, and simple
relaxation techniques; both the behavioral and the cognitive treatment resulted in marked improvement, with gains
maintained after 6 months, whereas their combination was of no additional benefit and relaxation treatment yielded
only modest improvement (Marks et al. 1998). In another study, exposure therapy, stress inoculation training, their
combination, and a control waiting list were compared in assaulted women with chronic PTSD; all three active
treatments resulted in comparable improvement, and the gains were maintained during up to 1-year follow-up (Foa et
al. 1999). In yet another treatment study of female rape victims, both prolonged exposure and cognitive processing led
to comparable PTSD improvement compared with a "minimal attention" intervention, with cognitive therapy
demonstrating somewhat better outcome for guilt reduction (Resick et al. 2002).

The question of whether the addition of a cognitive restructuring component further enhances prolonged exposure
therapy is an issue on which not everyone agrees. A study of 58 civilians with PTSD found that both exposure alone and
exposure combined with cognitive restructuring had better outcome than a supportive counseling control intervention,
yet the combined treatment led to greater reduction in PTSD symptoms and in maladaptive cognitions than exposure
alone (Bryant et al. 2003). However, another similar study of 171 female assault survivors compared two active
treatments, prolonged exposure alone and prolonged exposure plus cognitive restructuring, with a wait-list control and
found that adding cognitive restructuring did not enhance the effectiveness of the exposure (Foa et al. 2005a).
Importantly for clinicians, the study also reported that CBT conducted by therapists with minimal CBT experience was
just as effective as that conducted by CBT experts.

A meta-analysis of randomized, controlled psychotherapy trials for PTSD (Bisson and Andrew 2005) concluded, overall,
that both trauma-focused CBT and stress management therapy were significantly more effective than non–trauma
focused usual-care therapies or wait-list assignment.

CBT appears to also be highly beneficial for children and adolescents. In an open trial of CBT in 17 children with PTSD,
more than half no longer met disorder criteria after treatment and were doing even better at 6-month follow-up
(March et al. 1998a). A more recent large multisite randomized, controlled trial for children with sexual abuse–related
PTSD compared trauma-focused CBT with standard child-centered therapy and found that the former was markedly
more beneficial in treating PTSD, depression, behavior problems, shame, and abuse-related attributions (J. A. Cohen et
al. 2004).

Other Psychotherapies
In addition to the more mainstream prolonged exposure, cognitive processing, and relaxation techniques, other
psychotherapeutic approaches can be helpful in PTSD. Brief eclectic psychotherapy is a manualized therapy found
effective in police officers in a randomized trial (Lindauer et al. 2005). Imagery rehearsal therapy, delivered over only
three sessions to a very large sample of 168 women with histories of assault or sexual abuse, resulted in a marked
decrease in chronic nightmares (Krakow et al. 2001). Another approach, affect management, also appears to be
beneficial; in a randomized study of adult women with PTSD and childhood sexual abuse who were already receiving
individual psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy, those who underwent a 3-month course of group affect-management
treatment demonstrated significantly fewer PTSD and dissociative symptoms after the treatment (Zlotnick et al.
1997). A pilot open trial of interpersonal psychotherapy adapted for treating PTSD also reported benefits (Bleiberg and
Markowitz 2005).

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a technique that has been extensively applied to the
treatment of trauma-related pathology. There continues to be some controversy in the literature regarding the efficacy
of EMDR as well as its underlying mechanisms of action. In a 5-year follow-up study of a small group of veterans who
had initially been treated with EMDR with modest benefits, all benefit was lost at follow-up (Macklin et al. 2000).
EMDR was found to be superior to relaxation in treating PTSD in one study (Carlson et al. 1998). A randomized study
comparing EMDR with CBT found that CBT was significantly more effective, and its superiority became even more
apparent at 3-month follow-up (Devilly and Spence 1999). Comparable efficacy between EMDR and prolonged
exposure with stress inoculation was found by another study (C. Lee et al. 2002). Another study comparing exposure
therapy, EMDR, and relaxation training found similar reductions in anger and guilt at the end of treatment and at
3-month follow-up (Stapleton et al. 2006).

Anxiety disorders are prevalent in the general population, with lifetime prevalence ranging from about 2%–3% for panic
disorder and OCD to 15% for social anxiety disorder.

Anxiety disorders are highly treatable: medication and CBT constitute first-line treatments for all these disorders.

The "neurocircuitry of fear" has been implicated in all anxiety disorders except for OCD, in which there is evidence of a
hyperactive orbitofrontal-limbic-basal ganglia-thalamic circuitry.

Serotonin reuptake inhibitors are the first-line treatment for all anxiety disorders.

Exposure, relaxation, and cognitive restructuring are the main types of psychotherapies helpful in treating the anxiety

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