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Earth is a rocky planet: most of its mass is in the form of rocks. Rocks are all around
us. Everyday we pass by them not knowing the key that they hold or have held in
the past.
Rocks are composed primarily of minerals and can be an amalgam of different
minerals or can be composed of one mineral.
There are three different ways rock can be created on Earth
therefore there are three main classifications of rock, based on the three processes:
igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.To show this (Figure 1) the three rock
types can be turned into metamorphic rocks but all three types can also be changed
through the rock cycle. All rocks can be weathered and eroded into sediments, which
can then form sedimentary rock. However, rocks can also be completely melted into
magma and become reincarnated as igneous rock.

Figure 1 Representation of the rock cycle.

To begin igneous rocks are the fist in this cycle because of the molten liquid
minerals that lie below the Earth's crust. Then they're formed from magma that cools
beneath the Earth's surface or from lava that cools upon the Earth's surface.
Besides that have two methods of igneous rock formation are known as intrusive
and extrusive.
All rocks on Earth were originally igneous due to that is the only method entirely new
rock can be formed.
In fact, igneous rocks continue to form today under and above the earth's surface
as magma and lava cool to form new rock.
Afterwards sedimentary rocks are formed because of the lithification (cementing,
compacting, and hardening) of existing rock or the bones, shells, and pieces of
formerly living things.
Approximately three-quarters of the Earth's bedrock on the continents is
sedimentary. However, most of the rocks of the Earth's crust are igneous although
sedimentary rocks usually cover them.
Metamorphic rock, also are part of this cycle are formed as a result by applying
great pressure and temperature to existing rock converting it into a new distinct type
of rock. Sedimentary rocks can become metamorphic rocks, on the other hand
metamorphic rocks can not become sedimentary rocks. For example, the
sedimentary rocks limestone and shale become marble and slate, respectively,
when metamorphosed.
After all when the metamorphism hits very high levels, the rock can be molten and
give rise to magma, restarting the cycle.
In conclusion the rocks can be as varied as we can imagine and the cycle that leads
to their formation has been repeating for millions of years, as a result the rocks that
exist today. The cycle will continue to function, and maybe the geologists of the
future will try to decipher how they formed those they will see tomorrow, as the
process continues to be repeated.

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