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VDL a View Definition Language

Mats Johnson, Erik Borlv

Center for Human-Computer Studies
Uppsala University
Lgerhyddvgen 18
S-752 37 Uppsala

VDL is a language for specifying user interfaces. The basic approach

of the language is specifying attribute/value pairs for a hierarchy of
user interface objects. The language is declarative and puts an
emphasis on expressive power through the use of inheritance,
parameters and variables.

1. Introduction Strings in the hierarchy specification

refer either to the names or the classes of the
When describing a graphical user interface components.
it is useful to use attribute/value pairs. The In order to make the specification lan-
exact look and behaviour of a certain user guage more expressive, wildcards are
interface object can be described using a set allowed in the first part, the hierarchy speci-
of such pairs. A complete user interface fication. A ? matches any single compo-
consists of a hierarchy of interface objects, nent name or class, and a * matches any
and a description of such an interface can number of components, including none.
therefore be a hierarchy of sets of attribute/ When more than one specification would
value pairs. be applicable, the more specific take prece-
dence. A specification using wildcards
1.1. The X Resource Manager
could look like this:
An example of using attribute/value pairs *bar.foreground: green
for describing a user interface is the X
This means that any component called bar
Resource Manager, Xrm [4]. A specifica-
will have the foreground set to green, unless
tion might look like this:
top.foo.bar.foreground: red
Shortcomings. A specification of a user
The first part specifies where in the hierar-
interface using the X Resource Manager
chy this attribute/value pair belongs, in this
becomes very large. The hierarchy specifi-
case in the bar object, within the foo object,
cation to the left of the colon is repeated
within the top object. The next part is the
identically in a large number of lines. The
attribute name, foreground, followed by the
line-oriented style makes the specification
value, red.
rather unreadable.
The expressiveness gained by using For setting attributes of widgets there is
wildcards is not powerful enough. There are another view consisting of dialogue boxes
no modules. with very long lists of attribute/value pairs.
It is normally not possible to specify the These dialogues are accessed through one of
component hierarchy using Xrm. It is the hierarchy views.
assumed that the widget hierarchy is created The high level, direct manipulation,
programmatically. WYSIWYG editing is in practice only used
There is however a library called Wcl [7] on demos and exhibitions. The problem is
which adds the possibility of specifying the that such views are simply not appropriate
hierarchy in a resource file. It basically for the designer who need more information
works by adding the resource wcCreate, about and quick access to the widget hierar-
which defines the class name of the widget, chy. The high level interfaces also cannot
and the resource wcChildren which has as possibly provide direct access to the many
its value a list of names of children to be attributes.
created. In practice the hierarchy view together
Mri.wcChildren: push with the attribute list dialogue boxes are
*push.wcCreate: XmPushButton used. This makes for lots of clicking and
*push.labelString: Hello World
*push.activateCallback: WcExit
scrolling through lists of attributes. It is also
difficult to achieve good modularisation and
User interface specifications are com-
Figure 1: Example of a Wcl specification and plex, almost as complex as computer pro-
the output it generates. grams. To cope with the complexity certain
mechanisms are needed which do not lend
Xmt [5] is another library which adds the themselves easily to graphic representation.
same capability in a somewhat different Just as with programming languages it may
fashion. be that it is more efficient to use a textual
1.2. Other tools
Graphical tools such as TeleUSE [6] 2. The View Definition Language
allows the specification of the widget hier-
archy in a declarative way, just as Xrm and VDL uses the same basic concept as Xrm.
Wcl. On the surface they seem to provide an The present implementation generates
attractive direct-manipulation interface to resource files for use with Wcl. In order to
the user interface specification. There are overcome the problems with the X Resource
usually several levels of access possible to Manager, VDL adds structure, inheritance,
the specification, as well as some kind of parameters, variables and functions.
test mode where buttons can be pressed and The actual syntax used in the examples,
menus pop up. and in the current implementation is influ-
The highest editing level looks the same enced by our use of Perl [3] as the imple-
as the resulting interface will, but is not mentation language. This syntax is not
live, instead some editing is possible. The necessarily the best or the most elegant.
next level is a view of the widget tree struc-
ture indicating the names and types of the 2.1. Attributes
widgets. Finally there is a text representa- The most basic construct in the language is
tion of the specification (in principle the the definition of a constant value for an
same level as Xrm with Wcl). attribute.

The value of the attribute foreground is 2.5. Hierarchy inherit
defined to have the value red.
Variables and attributes access values at the
2.2. Structure same level of hierarchy, unless an explicit
argument is given to val indicating how
In VDL, the description of the sets of many levels up in the hierarchy the value
attribute/value pairs for the complete hierar- should be fetched from.
chy of components forming a user interface foo:-
is broken up into templates, or styles, background:val(colour, 1).
describing a part of the hierarchy. A defini-
Here foo is defined to have the same back-
tion of such a style consists of a name, a
ground as its parent component in the hier-
parameter list and a sequence of definition
items. It is an ordered sequence; items that
come later in the sequence override earlier 2.6. Inheritance
The simplest kind of definition item is A style can inherit all attributes (and varia-
one that defines a constant value for an bles) from another style.
attribute. bar:-
foo, background:green.
foreground:red, Here the style bar is defined, inheriting
attribute/value pairs from foo, and adding a
In this example, a style foo is defined, with pair of its own. Definitions later in the
two definition items, specifying that fore- sequence take precedence over earlier ones,
ground is red and background has the value including inherited definitions.
2.7. Hierarchy
2.3. Values of other attributes
The hierarchical structure is specified in
The value of an attribute can be defined to VDL by naming a child and providing a def-
be the same as the value of another attribute. inition.
foo:- foo:-
foreground:val(background). cld(a, bar),
cld(b, bar, background:green).
The value of foreground is defined to be the
same as the value of background. This defines a style foo, describing a hierar-
chy with two children, named a and b. Both
2.4. Variables children inherits attributes from the style
bar, but the second child b declares back-
Variables are like attributes, except that they
ground to be green, overriding any value
do not generate any output themselves, but
inherited from bar.
only act as placeholders.
foo:- 2.8. Bigger example of the above
2.9. Parameters
In this example, the variable colour is
There is also the option of using parameters
defined with a value of red. The attribute
when inheriting. Parameter values are
background uses the variable colour. This
accessible inside the whole definition of a
results in background having the value red.
style, but not from anything inherited.
There is no attribute colour generated.

foo(bg):- to the user. The controls are objects respon-
foreground:red, background:val(bg).
sible for maintaining the mapping between
foo(blue). presentation and abstraction.
The style foo is defined to take one parame- 3.2. Support for CAOS in VDL
ter, bg, and uses it for the value of back-
ground. The style bar inherits from foo, In order to support CAOS the hierarchy
passing a parameter of blue. The result is described by VDL must be annotated with
that bar gets a background of blue, and a control objects. Knowledge about the
foreground of red. abstractions is also used by VDL to improve
2.10. Functions Structure. Using CAOS means that it is
Sometimes the value of an attribute needs to known what abstraction is going to be pre-
be a function of some other value. sented by a given layout. For example, a
layout meant to present an employee is only
font:[weight(val(font), bold)], meaningful when used for exactly that pur-
foreground: pose. Trying to use it for presenting a pur-
[darker(val(background), 30)]. chase order will result in chaos. Therefore it
Here the font is defined to be the same as makes sense to structure the layouts accord-
before, but bold, and the foreground to be ing to abstraction.
the same colour as the background, but This structure is achieved by appending
darker. In this example the function defini- the name of the abstraction to be presented
tion is expressed in Perl [3], since this is the to the name of the VDL style.
implementation language of our prototype. When using (inheriting from) such a lay-
out the abstraction part of the name is auto-
3. CAOS in VDL matically derived from the context
established by the controllers annotating the
VDL was designed to be useful on its own, presentation.
but also to support the CAOS [1] model of Big/Employee(bg):- .
dialogue design. Big/Purchase(bg):- .

Here a layout for an employee is defined

3.1. What is CAOS
and another one for a purchase order. Both
CAOS is an implementation model for are named Big. Both layouts are referenced
object oriented user interfaces. It extends using the name Big:
the well-known PAC [2] model with more
detailed knowledge of the application, cld(emp, ctl(Object, get_employee),
resulting in less effort to implement dia- Big),
logues, and more power in the underlying cld(pur, ctl(Object, get_purchase),
support system. This in turn results in less
expensive user interfaces with higher qual-
ity, and increased consistency. The presentation actually used depends on
In the CAOS (and PAC) model there are the context established by the controllers.
three important parts: presentation, abstrac- Since get_employee returns an abstraction
tion and control. The presentation corre- of class Employee and get_purchase returns
sponds to the hierarchy of user interface an abstraction of class Purchase, the VDL
objects described by VDL. An abstraction is compiler knows where to find the correct
an object (in the object-oriented sense) that presentation.
represents the data that should be presented

Controls. Controls are specified in VDL in creation of popups in a manner similar to
a manner similar to children. ordinary children.
Big/Employee:- MenuBar:-
cld(name, ctl(Object, get_name), pup(fileMenu, Pulldown(), ).
. The layout MenuBar has a popup called file-
Menu which inherits from Pulldown.
A layout for an employee is defined here,
named Big. It has a child named name with 4.3. Siblings
an Object controller. The controller has a
navigation specification of get_name. The In Motif, convenience (or confusion) func-
child inherits from Small. tions are often used. With Wcl the names of
There can be more than one controller, these functions can be used as values of the
but all controllers must be specified before wcCreate attribute, just like the names of
any other definition items. widget classes. The problem with these
VDL has access to information about the functions is that they often create more than
abstraction structure, and knows what one widget. It is even so horrible that the
abstraction a method returns. The controller top-level widget of the widget tree they cre-
specifications are used to calculate what ate is not given the name it was asked to
abstraction every style is presenting. This use.
information is then used when looking up foo:-
layouts with names containing the abstrac- cld(bar, XmCreateScrolledList,
items:First, Second, Third,
tion name. itemCount: 3).

Here one might expect the creation of a

4. Wcl in VDL child called bar of widget class XmScroll-
In the prototype implementation there is edList, that gets the attributes items and
some specific support for Wcl and Motif. itemCount set. What happens is instead that
a child named barSW of type XmScrolled-
4.1. Inherit from widgets Window is created. This widget in turn has a
child called bar of type XmList. The
If a form inherited from is not found, this is
attributes defined therefore end up at the
interpreted as a Wcl declaration of what
wrong level.
Motif widget class should be used to create
To solve this problem the concept of sib-
the component. This is accomplished by set-
ling is introduced. If a layout defines a sib-
ting the value of the wcCreate attribute.
ling, it will be handled like a child, except
label(txt):- that its attributes will be output as if it was a
XmLabel, labelString:val(txt).
child of the parent instead.
The layout label is defined to inherit from foo:-
XmLabel. Since no such layout has been cld(bar, XmCreateScrolledList,
defined, this has the same effect as setting sib(barSW,
the wcCreate attribute to XmLabel. This cld(bar,
items:First, Second, Third,
technique makes it possible to create a defi- itemCount:3))).
nition for XmLabel later to override the buil-
tin defaults of Motif. This is how sibling is used to solve the prob-
lem. The behaviour of XmCreateScroll-
4.2. Popups edList is modelled, and there is even a way
of setting attributes on barSW. Note that
In Motif there is a second set of children to a there is no widget class specification in
widget called popups. VDL supports the either the sib(barSW) or the cld(bar).

That is already taken care of by XmCreate-
ScrolledList. There is no point in defining
any attributes on the child that contains

5. References
[1] Mats Johnson, CAOS, an extended object
oriented model for dialogue design.
[2] Joelle Coutaz, PAC, an Object-Oriented
Model for Dialog Design, in Proceedings of
IFIP INTERACT87: pp. 431-436, 1987.
[3] The Perl language
[4] Adrian Nye, Volume 2: Xlib Reference
Manual, 3rd Edition June 1992, 1138 pages,
ISBN: 1-56592-006-6, OReilly &
Associates, Inc.
[5] David Flanagan, Volume 6C: Motif Tools,
Streamlined GUI Design and Programming
with the Xmt Library, 1st Edition August
1994, 1024 pages, ISBN: 1-56592-044-9,
OReilly & Associates, Inc.
[6] TeleUSE User Manual.
[7] Adrian Nye, David Smyth, Wcl 2.0: the
Widget creation Library, The X Resource
issue 2, OReilly & Associates, Inc., Spring

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