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An Evidence-Based Systematic Review on

Communication Treatments for Individuals
With Right Hemisphere...

Article in American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology August 2012

DOI: 10.1044/1058-0360(2012/12-0021) Source: PubMed


6 447

3 authors:

Margaret Lehman Blake Tobi Frymark

University of Houston American Speech-Language-Hearing Associ


Rebecca A Venediktov
The EMMES Corporation


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An Evidence-Based Systematic Review on

Communication Treatments for Individuals
With Right Hemisphere Brain Damage
Margaret Lehman Blake,a Tobi Frymark,b and Rebecca Venedictovb

Purpose: The purpose of this review is to evaluate and sum- reporting a wide range of prosodic, expressive, receptive,
marize the research evidence related to the treatment of and pragmatic outcomes.
individuals with right hemisphere communication disorders. Conclusion: Although the state of the evidence pertaining
Method: A comprehensive search of the literature using key to right hemisphere communication treatments is at a very
words related to right hemisphere brain damage and commu- preliminary stage, some positive findings were identified
nication treatment was conducted in 27 databases (e.g., to assist speech-language pathologists who are working with
PubMed, CINAHL). On the basis of a set of pre-established individuals with right hemisphere brain damage. Clinical
clinical questions, inclusion/exclusion criteria, and search implications and recommendations for future research are
parameters, studies investigating sentence- or discourse-level explored.
treatments were identified and evaluated for methodological
quality. Data regarding participant, intervention, and outcome
variables were reported. Key Words: communication treatment, discourse, prosody,
Results: Only 5 studies were identified, each representing a pragmatics, right hemisphere brain damage, right hemisphere
different sentence- or discourse-level treatment approach and communication disorder, speech-language pathology

peech-language pathologists working in health care settings social and vocational settings (Blake, 2006; Lehman &
are increasingly becoming more involved in the assess- Tompkins, 2000; Myers, 2001).
ment and management of cognitive-communication The communication deficits associated with RHBD affect
disorders in individuals with right hemisphere brain damage the exchange of communicative intent through nonverbal
(RHBD). Often caused by cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs), and verbal means. Facial expression, body language, and
traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), brain tumors, or other neuro- prosody (intonation contours that are created by manipulat-
logical illnesses or injuries, RHBD has been found to result ing frequency, stress, duration, and pitch) are all nonverbal
in a myriad of impairments. These may include visual spatial means of conveying intent. Words, sentences, and discourse
neglect and other attention deficits as well as difficulties with (two or more sentences that are organized to convey infor-
memory and components of executive function such as prob- mation) are verbal means of conveying intent. Pragmatics, the
lem solving, reasoning, organization, planning, and self- functional use of language in context, often involves the com-
awareness (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association bined use of verbal and nonverbal mechanisms in a commu-
[ASHA], 2008; Myers, 1999; Tompkins, 1995; Tompkins, nicative context. The context can include linguistic cues as
Klepousniotou, & Scott, 2013). In addition, individuals with well as social cues (e.g., familiarity with the communication
RHBD may exhibit a wide range of communication impair- partner, social status of speaker and partner; Blake, 2007; Ferr,
ments that can negatively impact functional performance in Ska, Lajoie, Bleau, & Joanette, 2011; Myers, 1999; Tompkins,
1995). In the literature, conversation has been considered as
part of both discourse and pragmatics.
a For individuals with disorders of prosodytermed
University of Houston, Houston, TX
b aprosodiaspeech production may sound flat or mono-
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association,
tone, and the individual may have difficulty interpreting
Rockville, MD
emotion and /or intent conveyed through prosody (Baum
Correspondence to Tobi Frymark: tfrymark@asha.org & Dwivedi, 2003; Pell, 2006; Ross, 1981). Some research
Editor: Carol Scheffner Hammer also suggests that emotional prosody may be affected
Associate Editor: Carl Coelho more than linguistic prosody after RHBD, but this finding
Received March 1, 2012 has not been consistently replicated (Baum & Pell, 1999;
Revision received June 28, 2012 Pell, 1998; Sidtis & Van Lancker Sidtis, 2003). Prosodic
Accepted July 27, 2012 comprehension and production deficits may occur either
DOI: 10.1044/1058-0360(2012/12-0021) separately or concomitantly.

146 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology Vol. 22 146160 February 2013 A American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

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Sentence- and discourse-level deficits exhibited by individ- (NOMS) reveal that when individuals with RHBD do receive
uals with RHBD can affect both comprehension and pro- SLP services, treatment tends to focus on areas other than
duction. Key features of the deficits are reduced efficiency communication. It is interesting to note that NOMS data
and reduced effectiveness of communication, often due to reveal that individuals with RHBD subsequent to stroke are
problems conveying or comprehending intent (Joanette & most commonly treated for difficulties in swallowing (52%),
Ansaldo, 1999; Myers, 2001). Comprehension deficits in- memory (41%), and problem solving (40%), with disorders
clude misinterpretation of intended meaning. This can be of expression (22%), comprehension (23%), and pragmatics
related to difficulties using contextual cues and generating (5%) being addressed far less frequently (ASHA, 2011). As
inferences or links between sentences to comprehend the noted earlier, cognitive deficits co-occur with communication
big picture or gist of a story. It also can include commonly deficits and are commonly known to medical professionals.
described deficits in comprehension of nonliteral language, This fact could partially explain the relatively large percentage
including interpretation of metaphors, idioms, and sarcasm of individuals with RHBD receiving treatment for cognitive
(Kempler, Van Lancker, Marchman, & Bates, 1999; Myers, versus communication deficits. The low percentages for com-
1999; Myers & Linebaugh, 1981; Winner & Gardner, 1977). munication treatment may be due, in part, to the complexities
There is growing evidence that adults with RHBD can in- noted above in identifying right hemisphere communication
terpret nonliteral meanings and, in fact, may generate too impairments, limitations in the few available assessment
many possible meanings of an utterance (Blake, 2009b; Blake tools (Blake, 2011; Tompkins et al., 2013), and lack of clarity
& Lesniewicz, 2005; Tompkins, Baumgaertner, Lehman, & regarding the types of speech-language pathology treatments
Fassbinder, 2000; Tompkins, Fassbinder, Blake, Baumgaertner, available for these individuals. In addition, physicians who
& Jayaram, 2004; Tompkins, Lehman-Blake, Baumgaertner, make referrals to SLP services may not be aware of the
& Fassbinder, 2001). The problem is inefficiency in selecting potential for cognitive-communication disorders after RHBD
the meaning that is most plausible for a given context. Either and of the fact that speech-language pathologists can address
deficitnot generating meanings or generating too many these deficits. Thus, referrals are not made.
meaningscan lead to misinterpretations of a speakers intent. The social consequences of cognitive-communication dis-
Discourse-level production (although typically not sentence- orders after RHBD are readily apparent to speech-language
level production) also can be affected after RHBD (Johns, pathologists who work with this population. Difficulties
Tooley, & Traxler, 2008). Discourse is frequently described in interpreting others intent, following conversations or
as disorganized, tangential, and overpersonalized (Blake, television shows, and efficiently and effectively conveying
2006; Chantraine, Joanette, & Ska, 1998; Glosser, 1993; ones own intent (be it emotional or not) can have a sub-
Myers, 2001). Some individuals exhibit paucity of speech stantial impact on an individuals successful return to social,
with very limited output, whereas others exhibit verbosity. vocational, and recreational activities. However, little data
Given the wide range of what is considered normal con- exist regarding these consequences. The few studies in which
versational patterns in the general population, it can be difficult researchers explored functional outcomes focused on the
to determine whether a person with RHBD really has discourse effects of neglect and anosognosia (Appelros, Nydevik,
impairments or whether he or she was just quirky or a bit Karlsson, Thorwalls, & Seiger, 2004; Jehkonen et al., 2001;
scattered and disorganized prior to the brain damage. Viken, Samuelsson, Jern, Jood, & Blomstrand, 2012).
Some researchers have suggested that pragmatic deficits Some research evidence has begun to shed light on the
are the key problem associated with RHBD (Joanette & treatment of aprosodia and other sentence- and discourse-
Ansaldo, 1999; Myers, 2001). These deficits can be difficult level impairments following RHBD. For example, a review
to quantify because they are broadly defined and hard to by Hargrove, Anderson, and Jones (2009) found initial sup-
assess objectively. Definitions of pragmatics often include port for the treatment of aprosodia. However, of the 14 studies
aspects of discourse such as organization and efficiency included, only three (Leon et al., 2005; Rosenbek et al.,
of language production as well as nonverbal means of 2004; Stringer, 1996) targeted individuals with right hemi-
communicationincluding prosody, facial expression, and sphere communication disorders. Although limited by the
eye contactused in a contextually appropriate way. Pragmatic small number of studies and small number of participants
abilities are best evaluated in natural social contexts, but (n = 4), these studies provide preliminary support for the
this makes them difficult to assess with standardized tools. treatment of affective, expressive prosody in individuals
To date, it is estimated that 50%78% of individuals with with acquired brain injuries with reported gains in percep-
RHBD exhibit one or more communication impairments tual outcomes. However, in an additional exploratory study
(Benton & Bryan, 1996; Blake, Duffy, Myers, & Tompkins, not included in the review (Russell, Laures-Gore, & Patel, 2010),
2002; Ct, Payer, Giroux, & Joanette, 2007; Ferr et al., researchers noted only minimal changes in acoustic perfor-
2009). However, many of these individuals may go untreated. mance for a single participant with RHBD subsequent to stroke.
Blake and colleagues (2002) investigated the prevalence Mixed results also were found for the treatment of dis-
of cognitive and communication deficits in adults with right course and pragmatics; however, even for studies with pos-
hemisphere stroke who were admitted to a rehabilitation itive results, limited information regarding the intervention
hospital. Surprisingly, the authors reported that although characteristics makes it difficult for clinicians to replicate
94% of individuals were diagnosed with a cognitive or com- these treatments. For example, data from NOMS reveals
munication deficit subsequent to RHBD, only 45% were that individuals who receive SLP services for RHBD make
referred for speech-language pathology (SLP) services. Further measurable progress in one or more communication domains
data from ASHAs National Outcomes Measurement System (see Figure 1; ASHA, 2011). However, the case series approach

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used in NOMS does not include control groups or provide discourse level. For the purposes of this review, communication
information about the treatments employed and, therefore, treatments were further defined as any sentence- or discourse-
must be interpreted with caution. Two additional observational level treatment that addressed communication deficits, in-
studies (Klonoff, Sheppard, OBrien, Chiapello, & Hodak, cluding prosody, discourse, and /or pragmatics (including
1990; Varley, 2008) suggest mixed findings for the treatment conversation). In addition, because communication deficits
of pragmatics.While Klonoff and colleagues (1990) reported can affect comprehension and/or expression of prosody as
some improvements for three participants with stroke-induced well as discourse and pragmatics, treatments targeting re-
RHBD; the authors noted that many aspects of pragmatics ceptive language, expressive language, pragmatic language,
at the conversation level remained impaired, particularly self- or prosodic outcomes were considered. Because RHBD
monitoring and awareness of hyperverbality, tangentiality, typically does not affect basic language processes such as
eye contact, and turn-taking skills. The case study by Varley morphology, phonology, or syntax, these processes were not
(2008) revealed similar results for a single participant with considered. Outcomes included, but were not limited to,
a right CVA and impaired conversational discourse. production and comprehension of prosody, auditory and
Although observational research provides limited infor- written comprehension, production and comprehension of
mation regarding the specific intervention characteristics or inferences and figurative language, narrative discourse and
components, it does lay preliminary groundwork in support formulation, topic maintenance, topic initiation, turn taking,
of SLP treatment for individuals with right hemisphere com- and eye contact. On the basis of these considerations, the
munication disorders. The potential for communicative following clinical questions were formulated:
improvement coupled with a documented interest by ASHA
1. What is the effect of sentence- or discourse-level
members (i.e., a 2011 clinical topic nomination) warrants a
communication treatments on prosodic outcomes for
more comprehensive and extensive review of the evidence
individuals with right hemisphere communication deficits?
regarding the efficacy of communication treatment in the
RHBD population. 2. What is the effect of sentence- or discourse-level commu-
This report outlines the current state of the evidence on nication treatments on receptive language outcomes for
right hemisphere communication treatments through a sys- individuals with right hemisphere communication deficits?
tematic search of the literature. On the basis of nomination 3. What is the effect of sentence- or discourse-level commu-
by ASHA members, and in consultation with the first author, nication treatments on expressive language outcomes for
the purpose of this review was to (a) identify and synthesize individuals with right hemisphere communication deficits?
the available treatments for individuals with right hemisphere
communication impairments and (b) highlight areas in need 4. What is the effect of sentence- or discourse-level commu-
of further research. nication treatments on pragmatic language outcomes for
individuals with right hemisphere communication deficits?
Clinical Questions
Clinical questions were established a priori based on Method
the following treatment and outcome considerations. First,
given that right hemisphere communication deficits gener- Study Selection and Search Strategy
ally appear at the sentence or discourse level, the review Criteria for considering studies for review are outlined in
questions targeted treatments provided at the sentence and Table 1. In brief, only controlled studies (controlled trials or

FIGURE 1. Proportion of individuals making progress with diagnosis of right cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
based on National Outcomes Measurement System (NOMS) data.

148 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology Vol. 22 146160 February 2013

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TABLE 1. Criteria for considering studies for review.

Selection criteria Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria

Date of publication between Intervention studies based on Studies including animal models.
1990 and the present. experimental or quasi-experimental
design with comparison or control Studies including individuals with
Studies published in peer-reviewed groups or conditions (including neurodegenerative disorders
journals. group and single subject designs). (e.g., dementia, Parkinsons disease).
Studies published in English language only.
Participants ages 18 years of age Studies including individuals with
Studies providing original data on or older, diagnosed with right psychological disorders.
one or more clinical question. hemisphere deficit as a result
on an acquired brain injury Studies including individuals with mixed
(e.g., stroke, head injury). populations (e.g., participants with
dementia and traumatic brain injury)
unless data could be separated for analyses.

single-subject designs) with participants 18 years of age or the methodological rigor of studies based on the type of
older were included. Participants must have had documented design employed. Group studies were evaluated on the fol-
right hemisphere involvement as a result of an acquired lowing eight quality indicators (Mullen, 2007): (a) adequate
etiology (e.g., CVA, TBI). Studies including individuals with description of protocol for replication; (b) adequate descrip-
RHBD as a result of progressive neurodegenerative etiolo- tion of participants (groups comparable at baseline); (c) blinding
gies (e.g., dementia or Parkinsons disease) were excluded, of assessors; (d) adequate description of random sample;
as were studies in which right hemisphere involvement was (e) reporting of treatment fidelity; (f ) reporting of statistical
not specified. Search methods for identification of studies are significance ( p value) or calculable from data; (g) reporting
also provided in Table 1. Literature was restricted to peer- of effect size (ES) and confidence interval (CIs) or calculable
reviewed studies published in English from January 1990 to from data; and (h) use of intention-to-treat analysis. Group
February 2012. Searching was conducted in 27 electronic study treatment effects were reported or calculable using
databases (e.g., PubMed, CINAHL) using keyword com- Cohens d (Cohen, 1960) and were defined as the difference
binations related to right hemisphere brain damage, SLP, between two means divided by a standard deviation for the
discourse, communication, and /or treatment. The Appendix data.
(which is available as part of the online Supplementary Single-participant design studies were evaluated on the
Materials) contains a full list of electronic databases and following 11 quality indicators (Tate, McDonald, Perdices,
expanded search terms. Togher, & Savage, 2011): (a) reporting of adequate clinical
Data collection and analysis procedures were completed history of subjects; (b) specification of target behaviors;
by two independent reviewers (the second author [TF] and (c) use of ABA or multiple-baseline design; (d) sufficient
third author [RV]). Both reviewers separately screened the sampling conducted at baseline; (e) sufficient sampling con-
titles and abstracts of all potential citations, obtaining (when ducted during treatment phase; (f ) reporting of raw data
necessary) the full text of studies for further scrutiny. The points; (g) reporting of interrater reliability; (h) independence
reviewers also performed a manual search of all article ref- of assessors; (i) reporting of statistical analysis; ( j) replication
erences and narrative reviews and a search of four grey completed across subjects, therapists, or settings; and
literature databases (ClinicalTrials.gov, INFOMINE, Net- (k) evidence of generalization. For single-subject design
worked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, and World studies, ES analysis involved the use of percent of non-
Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry overlapping data (PND; Parker & Vannest, 2009) between
Platform). Although the reviewers excluded non-peer-reviewed baseline and intervention phases, as defined by the percent of
literature (e.g., grey literature), a search on authors of rele- intervention Phase B data above the highest baseline point
vant conference proceedings, presentation abstracts, or dis- in Phase A. Where necessary, authors were contacted to
sertations in grey literature databases was completed so that provide missing data or confirm overlapping data.
the reviewers could ensure identification of all published
studies. Authors of unpublished or ongoing studies were
contacted, and studies were documented for future consid- Results
eration. Prior to final inclusion/exclusion, all studies were
vetted by the first author (MLB), and any disagreements
Literature Search
were documented and resolved through consensus. Figure 2 details the flow diagram of the literature search
completed between July 2011 and February 2012. Twenty-
eight of 472 studies were preliminarily accepted and obtained
Data Extraction and Coding for further scrutiny, only five of which remained in the final
The same two initial reviewers (the second [TF] and third analysis (Cannizzaro & Coelho, 2002; Lundgren, Brownell,
[RV] authors)again, blind to one anothers resultsassessed Cayer-Meade, Milione, & Kearns, 2011; Rosenbek et al.,

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FIGURE 2. Flow chart of systematic literature search.

20061; Tompkins, Blake, Wambaugh, & Meigh, 2011; Youse Severity levels ranged from mild to severe, and the category
& Coelho, 2009). breakdown was as follows: mild, 5 studies; moderatesevere,
The majority of studies (47%; 220 of 472) were eliminated 4 studies; moderate, 3 studies; severe, 2 studies. Only one
primarily because they were diagnostic or descriptive in na- study (Cannizzaro & Coelho, 2002) reported race/ethnicity.
ture. Other reasons for study exclusion were (a) the study did All but one study (Youse & Coelho, 2009) indicated that par-
not address a clinical question or target the right hemisphere ticipants were native speakers of American English.
population; (b) the study was not published in a peer-reviewed
journal; (c) the study did not employ experimental or quasi-
Interventions and Outcomes
experimental methodology; or (d) the study did not provide
original data.2 Interrater reliability between the two reviewers All included studies met the broad definition of sentence-
for study inclusion was good, k = .712. or discourse-level communication treatment and provided
data on prosodic outcomes (Clinical Question 1), receptive
Participant Characteristics language outcomes (Clinical Question 2), expressive lan-
guage outcomes (Clinical Question 3), and pragmatic lan-
Table 2 summarizes the participant characteristics within guage outcomes (Clinical Question 4). Although limited
the five included studies. The total number of participants information can be gleaned from the findings due to the small
across studies was small (N = 25), and the majority of them number of participants as well as the varied interventions
(72%; 18 of 25) exhibited right hemisphere communication and outcomes employed, the data suggest that many individ-
disorders as a result of a CVA. Other etiologies included uals at both the chronic and acute phases of recovery benefit
arteriovenous malformations, cerebral hemorrhage, and TBI. from sentence- or discourse-level communication treatments.
Age of participants ranged from 25 years to 81 years, and Table 3 provides a description of the treatment tasks, treatment
education ranged from 11.3 years to 13.4 years. Three par- schedule, and major findings for the five included studies.
ticipants (Tompkins et al., 2011) were enrolled in SLP treat- Clinical question 1: What is the effect of sentence- or
ment during the acute phase of recovery (M = 5.2 months; discourse-level communication treatments on prosodic out-
SD = 0.8 months); the remainder were considered chronic, comes for individuals with right hemisphere communication
with time postonset varying from 2.5 years to 16.0 years. deficits? One study (Rosenbek et al., 2006) provided data
Limited information was reported on SLP diagnoses and to address prosody. The authors compared the effects of two
participant severity levels. Two studies (Cannizzaro & Coelho, mechanism-based treatmentsimitative and cognitive
2002; Youse & Coelho, 2009) broadly characterized partic- linguistic treatmentfor 14 individuals with primarily
ipants with right hemisphere deficits in discourse produc- expressive aprosodia. Treatments were based on evidence
tion or conversational discourse. One study (Tompkins supporting both a motor-programming basis for aprosodia
et al., 2011) further specified underlying discourse compre- (imitative treatment similar to those used for motor speech
hension deficits as impairments in coarse coding or suppres- disorders) and a cognitivelinguistic basis, in which there is
sion. Rosenbek et al. (2006) was the only study to report an impairment of a modality-specific, non-verbal affect
severity levels along with SLP diagnosis of aprosodia. lexicon (Rosenbek et al., 2006, p. 380).
Both treatments used a six-step cueing hierarchy to im-
prove ability to convey emotional tones at the sentence level
A series of articles published by Rosenbek and colleagues (see Jones, (see Table 3). For the motoric-imitative treatment, the cueing
Shrivastav, Wu, Plowman-Prime, & Rosenbek, 2009; Leon et al., 2005; hierarchy included steps such as repeating the sentence in
Rosenbek et al., 2004, 2006) provided overlapping participant data. All
participant data were reported and included in the Rosenbek et al. (2006) unison in response to the clinicians production and in re-
study, along with additional data analyses reported from Jones et al. sponse to a question eliciting the target sentence. For the
(2009). cognitivelinguistic treatment, cues included an emotion
A full list of studies not meeting eligibility criteria, with reasons for label (e.g., angry, happy), a description of the vocal charac-
exclusion, is available upon request. teristics that convey the emotion, and a picture of a face

150 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology Vol. 22 146160 February 2013

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TABLE 2. Participant variables.

Age in yrs Education in yrs Race/ SLP

Study N M (SD) M (SD) Gender Ethnicity H Etiology TPO diagnosis Severity

Cannizzaro & 1 39.0 12.0 1M White R TBI 12.0 yrs Discourse NR

Coelho (2002) production
Lundgren et al. 5 70.0 (7.3) 12.8 (1.8) NR NR NR 4 CVA 7.6 yrs NR NR
(2011) 1 AVM (9.8 yrs)
Rosenbek et al. 14 59.9 (15.6) 13.4 (1.8) 9/5a NR R 11 CVA 2.5 yrs Aprosodia 5 mild
(2006) 1 TBI (2.8 yrs)
1 Hemorrhagic 3 moderate
1 NR 4 mod
2 severe
Tompkins et al. 3 6781 11.3 (1.5) 2/1a NR R CVA 5.2 months Coarse coding or NR
(2011) (0.8 months) suppression
Youse & Coelho 2 P143.0 12.0 (NR) 2/0a NR R TBI P116.0 Conversational NR
(2009) P2 25.0 P2 7.0 discourse deficit

Note. H = handedness; AVM = arteriovenous malformation; CVA = cerebrovascular accident; modsevere = moderate to severe; NR = not reported;
P = participant; SLP = speech-language pathology; TBI = traumatic brain injury; TPO = time postonset.
Male-to-female ratio.

depicting the emotion. Cues were systematically removed as program on the interpretation of metaphors in five indivi-
the participant successfully completed each step. duals with chronic RHBD, and Tompkins and colleagues
Eleven participants received 20 sessions of each treatment (2011) used a multiple-baseline design to examine the effects
in random order. The remaining three participants completed of a novel contextual constraint treatment on two aspects
only one treatment phase. Overall, the majority of the par- of discourse comprehension in three individuals with acute
ticipants (86%; 12 of 14) exhibited a statistically signif- RHBD.
icant response to at least one of the treatments, d > 0.06. Lundgren and colleagues (2011) developed a structured
Although a small effect favoring the cognitivelinguistic intervention to facilitate the use of semantic associations to
treatment over the imitative treatment was calculated on the improve interpretation of metaphors. The intervention was
basis of mean treatment gains and SDs provided by authors, designed to address the frequently reported difficulty with
the CIs surrounding the treatment crossed the null value, metaphor interpretation in individuals with RHBD. The authors
making it difficult to determine the true effect, d = 0.24, 95% noted that the difficulties could be due to either an under-
CI [0.55, 1.02]. Rosenbek et al. (2006) reported no signif- lying deficit in processing nonliteral language or a deficit
icant differences based on treatment group or treatment in the use of contextual cues to determine intent or correct
order, with slightly larger treatment effects noted for the interpretation; however, the focus on semantic associations
intervention delivered first, regardless of whether it was could be beneficial for either underlying deficit. The inter-
imitative or cognitivelinguistic. No generalization to the vention is partially based on Beemans (1998) coarse coding
untreated condition was reported. The authors performed hypothesis, which proposes that the intact right hemisphere
additional acoustic analyses (Jones et al., 2009) on a subset is important for activating and maintaining activation of
of participants (n = 3) to determine whether or not there were weak or distant word and sentence meanings. Damage to
acoustic changes underlying the overall perceptual findings the right hemisphere can thus impair the activation of these
reported by Rosenbek and colleagues (2006). Findings were meanings, including those meanings that could be metaphoric
mixed with significant differences in mean fundamental in naturefor example, in order to interpret the metaphor
frequency and fundamental frequency variability across a family is a cradle, an individual must be able to combine
emotions after the first treatment phase (imitative treatment; the literal meaning of the words family and cradle with the
p < .0001), and significant differences in mean intensity metaphorical sense of these words (i.e., comfort or secure).
and intensity variability after the second treatment phase The intervention consisted of a five-step training program
(cognitivelinguistic treatment; p < .001). in which participants used bubble maps to represent, first,
Clinical question 2: What is the effect of sentence- or word meanings and associations, and then links between
discourse-level communication treatments on receptive lan- words. For example, the target word family was written
guage outcomes for individuals with right hemisphere com- inside a bubble with five lines extending from it. The partic-
munication deficits? Two studies (Lundgren et al., 2011; ipant then generated meanings or associations of the word
Tompkins et al., 2011) provided data to address this question. in bubbles attached to the lines (e.g., father, mother, home,
Lundgren et al. (2011) used a within-subject experimental comfort, safety). A second target word (e.g., cradle) was
design to investigate the effects of a metaphor training then added into a double bubble map containing both target

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152 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology Vol. 22 146160 February 2013

TABLE 3. Intervention characteristicssingle-subject experimental studies.

Treatment variables Outcome variables

Study Study design Intervention Schedule Outcome measure ES p

Cannizzaro & AB Discourse production treatment: 60-min session Narrative performance PND
Coelho (2002) Story retelling and story generation 3 times a week Initiated eventstreatment 43% NR
training with hierarchical cues Initiated eventsfollow up 0% NR
Task: Filmstrip or picture description Total = 20 sessions Action eventstreatment 100% NR
Action eventsfollow-up 100% NR
Direct consequencetreatment 50% NR
Direct consequencefollow-up 0% NR

Lundgren et al. ABA Metaphor training program: Metaphor 60-min session Oral metaphor interpretation d
(2011) comprehension training with graphic 2 times a week P1 2.4 .011
representation and semantic association P2 1.9 .002
of verbal information Total = 10 sessions P3 2.2 .010
Task: Word association and metaphor P4 2.2 .000
interpretation using bubble map P5 1.7 .030

Rosenbek et al. ABAC Imitative treatment: Emotional prosody 60-min session Emotional tone% correct d
(2006) training with verbal prompts 34 times a week Cognitivelinguistic treatment 0.22 11.51 NR
Imitative treatment 0.06 3.68 NR
Cognitivelinguistic treatment: Total = 20 sessions Cognitivelinguistic vs. imitative 0.24 [0.55,1.02] NS
Emotional prosody training with per treatment
verbal and visual prompts
Task: Sentence production

Tompkins et al. AB Coarse coding treatment: Unambiguous NR Coarse coding treatment d-index
(2011) concept training given moderate or 1025 probe treatment P1 %CritList 1 12.67 NR
strong context constraints sessions P1 %CritList 2 9.69 NR
Suppression treatment: Ambiguous Suppression treatment
concept training given moderate or P2 %CritList 1 11.96 NR
strong context constraints P3 %CritList 2 2.01 NR
Task: Sentence comprehension

Youse & Coelho ABA Interpersonal process recall: 60-min session Increased number of comments PND
(2009) Conversational coaching with 23 times a week P1 Commentsfamiliar partner 13% NR
video modeling, feedback and Commentsunfamiliar partner 25% NR
rehearsal P2 Commentsfamiliar partner 0% NR
Task: Conversational exchange with Total = 68 weeks Commentsunfamiliar partner 0% NR
familiar and unfamiliar partner Decreased adequate plus comments
P1 Adequate plusfamiliar partner 38% NR
Adequate plusunfamiliar partner 50% NR
P2 Adequate plusfamiliar partner 17% NR
Adequate plusunfamiliar partner 33% NR

Note. ES = effect size; NR = not reported; P = participant; PND = percent of nonoverlapping data; %Crit = percentage of correct responses that met response time criterion based on
performance on a similar task by individuals who do not have brain damage.

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words (e.g., family, cradle), and the participant was asked to related to or unrelated to the sentence (e.g., He cleaned out
identify what word associations from the first word could the penpencil.). The participants task was to press a
also be related to the second word. In the last step, partic- button (yes or no) to indicate whether the word was
ipants were given a completed double bubble map and related to the meaning of the sentence.
were asked to select one of three possible metaphors rep- The training task introduced two levels of contextual pre-
resented by the map. stimulation designed to facilitate the language processes
During each treatment session, participants were also (coarse coding and suppression). The use of contextual pre-
given novel metaphors to orally interpret. The authors used stimulation in the treatment tasks was based on previous
performance on this oral task to measure treatment-related work by the research team (Blake, 2009a, 2009b; Blake &
gains. Although the task was a production task, the purpose Lesniewicz, 2005; Tompkins, Lehman-Blake, Baumgaertner,
of the treatment was to improve comprehension or inter- & Fassbinder, 2002) showing the benefits of strong contex-
pretation of metaphors. The oral task was used instead of a tual bias on comprehension in this population.
multiple-choice comprehension measure because of the po- In the strongly biasing level, two sentences (e.g., The
tential for greater sensitivity to change over time. fruit smelled awful. It had turned very soft.) preceded the
The participants in the Lundgren et al. (2011) study received target sentence and word (e.g., There was an apple rotten.)
SLP treatment two times a week for a total of 10 sessions. In the moderately biasing level, only the second sentence
All five participants demonstrated significant improvement preceded the target sentence and word. The participants task
( p < .05) in oral metaphor interpretation (see Table 3). ESs remained the sameto respond as quickly as possible to
ranged from 1.7 to 2.4 (d statistic); however, CIs surrounding the probe word.
ESs were not reported or calculable. Three of four partic- The dependent variable was the percentage of responses
ipants maintained improvements at 3-month follow up. to probe stimuli that met a predetermined response time
Tompkins and colleagues (2011) also provided prelimi- criterion (% criterion = 1 SD below mean for the control
nary support for the benefits of communication treatment on group). Preliminary findings suggest that use of contextual
discourse comprehension. Two specific areas of language constraint improved the underlying comprehension pro-
processing were examined: (a) course semantic coding and cesses of coarse coding or suppression. ESs ranged from
(b) suppression. These two processes have been studied 2.01 to 12.67 (d-index; Bloom, Fischer, & Orme, 2003).
extensively by this group of researchers and have been reported Maintenance of gains was reported for the one participant
to be necessary for efficient discourse comprehension often (P1) for whom follow-up data were obtained. However, there
disrupted by RHBD. was no measure of generalization to determine benefits of
Coarse semantic coding is based on Beemans coarse treatment to broader comprehension skills.
coding hypothesis (Beeman, 1998), which proposes that the Clinical question 3: What is the effect of sentence- or
intact right hemisphere is important for activating and main- discourse-level communication treatment on expressive
taining activation of weak or distant word and sentence language outcomes for individuals with right hemisphere
meanings. For example, distantly related meanings of the communication deficits? One study (Cannizzaro & Coelho,
word apple, such as rotten, are not activated as efficiently 2002) provided data to address this question by examining
in adults with RHBD as in adults without brain damage; this the effects of a five-step story production training program to
reduced activation is related to general discourse compre- improve narrative discourse in one individual with RHBD.
hension (Tompkins, Scharp, Meigh, & Fassbinder, 2008; The participant had a right subdural hematoma as a con-
Tompkins et al., 2013). sequence of TBI. Cannizzaro and Coelho (2002) based their
Suppression is a domain-general process that involves treatment on findings that discourse deficits are commonly
reducing activation of word or sentence meanings that be- reported after TBI and can be related to social integration
come contextually inappropriate. For example, consider the difficulties and that story grammar is one component of
following sentence: He cleaned out the pen. Upon hearing discourse associated with macrostructure organization (Glosser
this sentence, multiple meanings of the word pen as a writing & Deser, 1992). They acknowledge that the deficits could
instrument and as a farm enclosure are initially activated. be related to a reduction in executive control over both cog-
Adults without brain damage quickly suppress or inhibit the nitive and linguistic organization.
contextually inappropriate meaning. Individuals with RHBD Treatment included two components. The first was a five-
are slower to suppress that meaning, and this inefficiency step story retelling task in which the participant viewed a
is related to general discourse comprehension (Tompkins short filmstrip. The participant then retold the story and
et al., 2000, 2013). identified episodes and components of episodes in the story
In the Tompkins et al. (2011) study, three participants with (e.g., initiating event, attempt, direct consequence). The
a coarse coding deficit (P1) or a suppression deficit (P2 and P3) second component was a four-step story generation task in
completed a novel, implicit, contextual constraint treatment. which the participant was given a picture and was asked to
For the probe tasks, participants heard a short declarative generate a story. The story was recorded and played back to the
sentence followed by a probe word (e.g., There was an participant, who was asked to identify missing components
applerotten.). For the coarse coding stimuli, the probe and to add those components using cues from the investigator.
was either a distantly related word (e.g., rotten) or a non- The authors reported mixed findings (see Table 3). Although
word (BENPOH). The participants task was to press a communication treatment appeared to be initially effective
button (yes or no) to indicate whether the word was as demonstrated by an increased production of initiating events,
real or not. For the suppression stimuli, the probe was either actions and direct consequences during the treatment phase

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(PNDs ranging from 50% to 100%), performance was not Although the authors reported treatment effects using an
maintained at 1 and 3 months posttreatment. f statistic (Kromrey & Foster-Johnson, 1996) to compare
Clinical question 4: What is the effect of sentence- or improvements in conversational discourse after APTII alone
discourse-level communication treatment on pragmatic lan- to improvements after APTII combined with IPR treatment,
guage outcomes for individuals with right hemisphere com- the data that were provided enabled separate examination
munication deficits? In the final study (Youse & Coelho, of IPR (social skillsbased treatment) results. The effects of
2009), the authors examined the use of a social skillsbased IPR appeared to be mixed, with minimal change in the pro-
treatment to improve conversational discourse in two individ- duction of essential story components during a narrative
uals with RHBD. Both participants had a right subdural discourse task with familiar and unfamiliar conversational
hematoma as a consequence of TBI. The authors defined partners. PNDs for production of increased number of
their outcomes as conversational discourse, which could adequate comments (i.e., utterances that appropriately met
be classified as either discourse-level outcomes or pragmatic the initiators verbalization) and decreased number of ade-
outcomes. Because the treatment program used (see next quate plus comments (i.e., utterances that provide more
paragraph) is a social skillsbased treatment, with outcomes information than requested) ranged from 0% to 25% and from
such as initiation of conversation and adequacy of responses 17% to 50%, respectively (see Table 3). It is interesting to note
to a partner, it was classified for our purposes as having that the authors found both APTII and APTII combined
pragmatic language outcomes. with IPR training (APTII + IPR) to have positive treatment
Youse and Coelho (2009) examined the effect of inter- effects on conversational performance (APTII, fs = 0.05
personal process recall (IPR) treatment (Helffenstein & 1.30; APTII + IPR, fs = 0.230.53), but limited functional
Wechsler, 1982), a social skillsbased treatment using a change was noted in attention from pre- to posttesting after
combination of videotaped feedback, modeling, coaching, either treatment.
and rehearsal strategies to improve conversational discourse.
The primary aim of the study was to determine whether the
Attention Process Training II program (APTII; Sohlberg, Methodological Quality
Johnson, Paule, Raskin, & Mateer, 1994) combined with IPR
would facilitate improvements in attention and communi- Methodological quality and use of statistical analysis
cation outcomes, in contrast to expectations for improvement across studies is reported in Table 4. As can be seen, all
only in communication outcomes, with the treatment of studies were single-subject experimental design and, there-
social skills in isolation. fore, were evaluated using the Risk of Bias in N-of-1 Trials
Both IPR and APTII were conducted according to pub- (RoBiN-T Scale; Tate et al., 2011) appraisal quality indicators.
lished guidelines (Helffenstein & Wechsler, 1982; Sohlberg Most studies sufficiently described participants (four of five
et al., 1994). For IPR treatment, participants were video- studies), operationally defined treatments and repeatable
taped engaging in a conversation. Immediately following target behaviors (five of five studies), and provided evidence
the interaction, the participant viewed the video and identi- of replication of performance across participants, therapists,
fied inappropriate or inefficient aspects of the interaction, or settings (five of five studies) to allow for replication in
with the help of the examiner as needed. More appropriate a clinical setting. In addition, all studies reported statistical
responses or behaviors were modeled by the examiner. The evaluation of the effects of treatment using visual/graphic
APTII program uses auditory stimuli to enhance attentional analysis or descriptive statistics. However, studies were lacking
control on a hierarchy of attentional levels (sustained, selective, in a number of other methodological areas, including
alternating, and divided attention). randomization of phase sequence, blinding of assessor to

TABLE 4. Methodological quality of included studies.

Cannizzaro & Coelho Lundgren et al. Rosenbek et al. Tompkins et al. Youse & Coelho
Study (2002) (2011) (2006) (2011) (2009)

Clinical history specified Yes No Yes Yes No

Target behavior specified Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Adequate design Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Randomization of phase sequence No No Yes No No
Baseline: Sufficient sampling conducted Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Treatment: Sufficient sampling Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Raw data points reported Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Interrater reliability established Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Assessor independence No Yes Yes No No
Statistical analysis Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Generalization: Replication completed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Generalization: Evidence of No No Yes No No
transfer effect

Note. Risk of Bias in N-of-1 Trials (Tate, McDonald, Perdices, Togher, & Savage, 2011).

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treatment phase during evaluation of participants, and evi- being done to enhance these prosodic treatments, such as
dence of transfer effect of treatment. adding knowledge of results feedback. In the motor planning
literature, intrinsic feedback or knowledge of performance has
been documented to improve performance in motoric tasks
Discussion (Cirstea, Ptito, & Levin, 2006; Schmidt, 1998; Winstein,
Systematic reviews can be a valuable resource to speech- 1991) and shows promise for enhancing the positive ef-
language pathologists who want to integrate the current fects of aprosodia treatments when provided in the form
research evidence on a given treatment or diagnostic approach of visual/auditory feedback (Rodriguez et al., 2011).
into daily clinical practice. Depending on the maturity of Despite the promises of the treatments described above,
the research evidence, these synthesized reports can also help these are only two treatments, and they were tested only on a
identify gaps in the scientific literature and lay the ground- relatively small number of participants. Other approaches
work for further investigation. Currently, a number of reviews to treatment for expressive aprosodia that are supported by
exist to assist speech-language pathologists working with expert opinion include contrastive stress drills and compen-
individuals who have cognitive impairments (Bowen & satory strategies (Myers, 1999; Tompkins, 1995). Contras-
Lincoln, 2007; Bowen, Lincoln, & Dewey, 2002; Cicerone tive stress drills, typically recommended for individuals with
et al., 2005; Laut, Halligan, Rode, Rossetti, & Boisson, dysarthria and other motor speech disorders (see, e.g., Duffy,
2006). Although not specific to individuals with RHBD, 2005), target production of word-level stress patterns or
these reviews summarize the research evidence for treat- emphatic stress. These drills include tasks such as changing
ments of visual neglect, memory training, and other cognitive word meaning based on stress patterns (e.g., REbel vs. reBEL)
treatments for individuals with acquired brain injuries, includ- or differentiating meaning with emphatic stress. In the latter
ing RHBD. An additional review by Hargrove et al. (2009) task, a client is told that he or she will be asked a series of
highlights the treatment of aprosodia for mixed etiologies. Up questions and that the answer to each question is a short
to this point, further information specific to right hemisphere declarative sentence such as Kevin loves pizza. The clinician
communication disorders has been limited. As demonstrated then asks questions (e.g., Does David love pizza?; Does
by the nomination of this clinical topic by ASHA members Kevin hate pizza?) to elicit productions in which emphatic
for review, speech-language pathologists want resources that stress moves from one word to another to create appropriate
they can use to guide treatment decisions specifically for answers to the question. Compensatory strategies might in-
individuals with communication impairments caused by RHBD. volve the client stating his or her emotional state or intent prior
Since first described in the literature by Eisenson (1959, to launching into a conversation (e.g., Im really angry
1962), a growing body of research has emerged that docu- about what happened today. or Youve gotta hear the joke I
ments the incidence and characteristics of individuals with heard on the radio today.). It is obvious that these com-
right hemisphere communication disorders. However, in- pensatory strategies will not improve the production of emo-
formation regarding the treatment of prosody, discourse, and tional prosody, but they can facilitate communication of
pragmatics has been sparse. The current review provides a emotion or intent by clueing in the listener (Myers, 1999;
systematic analysis of the evidence targeting sentence- or Tompkins, 1995). Additional research is needed to further
discourse-level communication treatments for individuals investigate motoricimitative and cognitiveaffective treat-
with RHBD. A systematic search of the literature from 1990 ments studied by Rosenbek and colleagues (2006) as well as
to the present yielded only five studies that met the pre- to investigate other treatments noted above that have not yet
established inclusion criteria. The heterogeneity and nature been tested empirically to determine the effectiveness or
of right hemisphere communication disorders is perhaps efficacy of communication treatments for aprosodia asso-
one reason why this review found only a handful of studies, ciated with RHBD.
with the majority of available research focusing on the de-
scriptive characteristics of this population. The relatively
small number of researchers interested in RHBD communi- Discourse and Pragmatics
cation deficits also contributes to the scarcity of clinical The publication of well-controlled and Phase I studies of
studies. Still, some positive trends were reported in experi- treatments to address language-based communication dis-
mental intervention studies. These trends, elucidated below, orders associated with RHBD is a small but encouraging step
are especially promising because, across studies, all but three forward for the field. We hope that this is just the beginning.
of the participants were past the acute phase of recovery, Caution is needed, considering there were few published
and some were many years poststroke or post-TBI. studies, all with small numbers of participants; however,
preliminary results are promising, with two studies (Lundgren
et al., 2011; Tompkins et al., 2011) providing initial support
Prosody for treatment to improve discourse comprehension, two
Current evidence for aprosodia treatments from Rosenbeks studies (Cannizzaro & Coelho, 2002; Youse & Coelho, 2009)
group (Jones et al., 2009; Leon et al., 2005; Rosenbek et al., providing mixed support to improve expressive language
2004, 2006) is promising. The two treatments (motoric and pragmatic outcomes, and two additional studies forth-
imitative and cognitiveaffective) have both been shown to coming (Lundgren & Brownell, 2011; Tompkins, Scharp,
be effective in creating immediate changes in prosody and Meigh, Lehman Blake, & Wambaugh, 2012).
maintenance of those gains. Further work by Rodriguez, In addition to the metaphor training study included in this
Patel, Bashiti, Shrivastav, and Rosenbek (2011) is currently review, Lundgren and colleagues (personal communication,

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November, 11, 2011) have developed a treatment for theory results have been reported for metalinguistic and metacog-
of mind (ToM) deficits in adults with RHBD (Lundgren & nitive treatments for individuals with TBI (e.g., Helffenstein
Brownell, 2011). This treatment is based on findings that & Wecshler, 1982; Kennedy et al., 2002). Future studies
adults with RHBD (as well as those with TBI in general) directly comparing implicit and explicit methods are needed
appear to have difficulties with ToM tasks such as deter- to determine which approach is more effective for treating
mining what one person knows about another persons feelings, cognitive and communication deficits, or which deficits are
intents, or reasons for acting in a certain way (Bibby & more amenable to each type of treatment.
McDonald, 2005; Griffin et al., 2006; Happ, Brownell, &
Winner, 1999; Martin & McDonald, 2003). A classic task for Communication Versus Cognition
assessing ToM is to show a client a video of a person with
an item such as a ball. The person hides the ball in a certain As noted in the introduction, adults with RHBD may
place, such as under the couch, and then leaves the room. exhibit cognitive deficits in conjunction with (or underlying)
A second person comes in and moves the ball from under the the communication deficits discussed above (e.g., Martin &
couch to a new spot, such as under a pillow. The client is then McDonald, 2003; McDonald, 2000; Monetta & Joanette, 2003;
asked, If the first person comes back in, where will he or Monetta, Ouellet-Plamodon, & Joanette, 2006; Tompkins
she look for the ball? A client with good ToM will say et al., 2013). Much is known about attentional deficits
under the couch, where it was originally left. A client with (in particular, visuospatial neglect) and anosognosia (reduced
poor ToM will say under the pillow; this client cannot awareness of deficits) in this population. However, very little
dissociate what he himself knows from what the person in research has been conducted on components of executive
the story knows. Lundgren and colleagues treatment uses function (e.g., organization, planning, integration, and
cartoon drawings of a house and several characters. Charac- reasoning), although they logically overlap substantially
ters can be placed in the same room or in different rooms, and with communication deficits such as disorganized dis-
thought bubbles can be added to show what information course production, difficulties identifying and using rel-
different characters know. Currently, several participants evant contextual cues, and ToM (e.g., Hartley, 1995).
with right hemisphere acquired brain injuries are enrolled in The relationship between cognition and communication is
the treatment, but results have yet to be published. A word still fuzzy. Youse and Coelhos (2009) treatment study was
of caution is necessary here. Although ToM deficits have an initial attempt to separate the contributions of attention
been reported in adults with RHBD (Happ et al., 1999; see and pragmatics from social communication disorders; Tompkins
also the account of social cognition deficits by Brownell & and colleagues (see, e.g., 2012) treatment is designed to
Martino, 1998), other research studies have shown that minimize certain cognitive demands so that language deficits
when complexity of stimuli is controlled, ToM deficits are are not exacerbated by complex cognitive processes. It is
not replicated (Tompkins, Scharp, Fassbinder, Meigh, & possible that treatments that address suppression or identi-
Armstrong, 2008). Thus, the deficit may be a result of the fication and integration of contextual cues (e.g., Tompkins
complexity of ToM situations and not specific to ToM itself. contextual pre-stimulation or Lundgrens ToM treatments)
Finally, Tompkins research group is extending their are facilitating executive function processes that underlie
contextual constraint treatment for coarse coding and sup- communication, instead of language-specific, processes.
pression deficits. Results in a manuscript submitted for pub- However, neither group monitored executive function processes
lication (Tompkins, Scharp, Meigh, Lehman Blake, & during treatment to determine if this is the case. Tompkins
Wambaugh, 2012) suggest that contextual constraint treat- and colleagues continuing work includes pre- and post-
ment for coarse coding results in generalization to narrative treatment administration of subtests from the Functional
discourse comprehension. Although data are reported from Assessment of Verbal Reasoning and Executive Strategies
only one additional participant, several more participants (FAVRES; MacDonald, 2005). Specific areas of the FAVRES
have been enrolled in the treatment program for either coarse that may be related to suppression of contextually irrelevant
coding or suppression deficits. Generalization of gains to informationsuch as the Weighing Competing Options,
broader outcomessuch as inferencing, select executive Revising a Decision, and Identifying and Ignoring Less Relevant
functions, and social participationare being measured, and Information subtestsare being used to determine whether
future publications are forthcoming. Several aspects of the these processes may benefit from the suppression treatment.
contextual constraint treatment make it unique, including the
implicit nature of the treatment and the extensive theoretical
support for the treatment (Tompkins et al., 2011). Clinical Implications
A key difference in the two reported comprehension treat- It is obvious that speech-language pathologists cannot
ments is the use of explicit versus implicit tasks. The majority wait for these and other treatment studies to be completed
of reported and recommended treatments for communica- before providing rehabilitation services to their clients with
tion deficits associated with RHBD and TBI rely on metalin- RHBD. Until evidence has been obtained, clinicians can
guistic judgments and understanding decontextualized look toward expert opinion. Recommendations from experts
phrases, such as matching phrases to pictures or defining in the field include using theoretically based treatments and
idioms and metaphors. The added cognitive demands of such treatments designed for other neurological populations that
tasks have been shown to reduce performance in adults with address deficits similar to those associated with RHBD (Blake,
RHBD (Monetta & Joanette, 2003; Tompkins, Boada, & 2007; Tompkins, 2012; Tompkins et al., 2013) as well as sug-
McGarry, 1992; Tompkins et al., 2002). However, positive gested treatments based on clinical experience (Myers, 1999).

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The theoretically based treatments involve emphasis on participants, heterogeneity of treatments, and methodologi-
contextual cues to (a) determine appropriate meanings of cal quality of included studies, additional research should
ambiguous words and sentences; (b) activate and access provide attention to the facets outlined in the subsections below.
distant meanings or features of words that are contextually Participants. Researchers need to provide a detailed
important; (c) determine meanings of nonliteral language description of the participant demographic profile to enable
such as idioms and metaphors; and (d) determine speakers comparison across studies (e.g., race/ethnicity, SLP diag-
intents, such as interpreting sarcasm, white lies, and meanings nosis and severity levels of communication and cognitive
conveyed through prosody. These suggestions are based deficits, time post onset). Given that many of the included
on the extensive work by Tompkins and Blake and their participants were at the chronic phase of recovery, further ex-
colleagues regarding deficits in coarse coding and suppres- amination should explore the impact of chronicity on treatment.
sion and RHBD adults ability to use strong contextual cues Study design. Researchers need to ensure that there are
to determine meaning. randomized and well-controlled single-subject and group
In terms of selecting treatments designed for other popula- experimental designs.
tions that may be useful for adults with right hemisphere Intervention and outcome measures. Researchers should
communication disorders, Blake (2007) and Tompkins (2012) describe, in adequate detail, the treatment protocol, schedule
point to the literature on cognitive and pragmatic treatments (e.g., length, frequency and intensity of treatment), and out-
for adults with traumatic brain injury (TBI; not specified comes in order to allow for better replication. Outcomes
as RHBD). Although there are weaknesses and gaps in the should include measures at the communication activity/
TBI treatment literature, there are recommendations for participation level as well as at the impairment level.
addressing cognitive and pragmatic deficits that could be
extrapolated to the RHBD population. Struchen, in a 2005
review of treatment for social communication deficits, con- Conclusion
cluded that the use of structured feedback, videotaped Ultimately, more well-designed studies investigating right
interactions, modeling, rehearsal, and training of self- hemisphere communication treatments are needed. It is
monitoring (p. 103) all have been supported with evidence our hope that the results of this evidence-based systematic
from studies of adults with acquired TBI. Kennedy and col- review will encourage additional research beyond what has
leagues (2002) created practice guidelines for assessment been mentioned above to assist speech-language pathologists
and treatment of a variety of disorders commonly associated with clinical decision making. Until further scientific evi-
with TBI, including memory, attention, and cognitive- dence is available, speech-language pathologists should look
communication deficits. They also developed reports on to the current RHBD literature as well as the literature from
instructional techniques, group treatments, and behavioral other neurological populations and recommendations from
and social treatments (Kennedy & Turkstra, 2006; Sohlberg, professional organizations and experts. This information,
Elhardt, & Kennedy, 2005; Ylvisaker, Turkstra, & Coelho, in combination with clinical experience and patient/family
2005). Future studies of cognitive treatments with the RHBD preference, can assist speech-language pathologists treating
population will help answer questions about the overlap individuals with right hemisphere communication disorders.
between cognitive and communication deficits as well as
about the effectiveness of treating cognitive processes to
enhance communication and vice versa. Acknowledgments
Lastly, Myers (1999) provides many suggestions for treat- This evidence-based systematic review was supported by ASHAs
ments that are loosely grounded in theory (based on the few National Center for Evidence-Based Practice in Communication
theories that existed at the time) and are rooted in clinical Disorders (NCEP). We thank Laura Cannon, NCEPs research asso-
experience. Many of the suggested activities blend cognitive ciate, for the completion of the systematic literature search. We thank
and communication deficits that commonly are observed the authors of the articles studied as well as others participating in
after RHBD, such as being aware of, or controlling, atten- ongoing and future research for their contributions to the evidence.
tional or cognitive demands of communication tasks.
To add to our growing knowledge of evidence-based
practice for RHBD, it is important for clinicians to develop References
their own expertise. This involves not only treating individ- *Studies included in the systematic review
uals with RHBD but doing so with a scientific mindset. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2008).
Clinicians must examine each treatment approach and collect Treatment efficacy summary: Cognitive-communication
and review treatment outcomes (e.g., using data from NOMS disorders resulting from right hemisphere brain damage.
and other assessment measures) to track and evaluate the Rockville, MD: Author. Retrieved from http://www.asha.org/
effects of treatment within a controlled setting. This infor- uploadedFiles/public/TESCognitiveCommunicationDisorders
mation can then be used to supplement or refocus their gut American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2011). Data
feeling about whether a treatment does or does not work. and research: Data outcomes [Analysis from ASHA NOMS
database]. Rockville, MD: Author. Retrieved from www.asha.
Future Research Needs Appelros, P., Nydevik, I., Karlsson, G. M., Thorwalls, A., &
Although the findings of this review are promising, fur- Seiger, A. (2004). Recovery from unilateral neglect after right-
ther research is warranted. Given the limited number of hemisphere stroke. Disability and Rehabilitation, 26, 471477.

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Baum, S., & Dwivedi, V. (2003). Sensitivity to prosodic structure Ct, H., Payer, M., Giroux, F., & Joanette, Y. (2007). Towards
in left- and right-hemisphere-damaged individuals. Brain and a description of clinical communication impairment profiles
Language, 87, 278289. following right-hemisphere damage. Aphasiology, 21, 739749.
Baum, S., & Pell, M. (1999). The neural bases of prosody: Insights Duffy, J. R. (2005). Motor speech disorders: Substrates, differen-
from lesion studies and neuroimaging. Aphasiology, 13, 581608. tial diagnosis, and management (2nd ed.). St. Louis, MO:
Beeman, M. (1998). Coarse semantic coding and discourse Elsevier Mosby.
comprehension. In M. Beeman & C. Chiarello (Eds.), Right Eisenson, J. (1959). Language dysfunctions associated with right
hemisphere language comprehension: Perspectives from cog- brain damage. American Speech and Hearing Association, 1, 107.
nitive neuroscience (pp. 255284). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Eisenson, J. (1962). Language and intellectual modifications
Benton, E., & Bryan, K. (1996). Right cerebral hemisphere associated with right cerebral damage. Language and Speech, 5,
damage: Incidence of language problems. International Journal 4953.
of Rehabilitation Research, 19, 4754. Ferr, P., Clermont, M., Lajoie, C., Ct, H., Ferreres, A.,
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