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ate European ie DIGITAL SME“ Alliance Thorbjor Jagland Council of Europe, Secretary General 67075 Strasbourg Cedex - France Strasbourg, 8" of November, 2017 Dear Mr. Secretary General, I would like to refer to your letter of 8 November concer Europe to collaborate w 2 the intention of the Council of Ih European DIGITAL SME Alliance in order to facilitate respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of law on the Internet. [am pleased to confirm the readiness of European DIGITAL SME Alliance to collaborate with the Council of Europe according to the terms set out in the annex to your letter. Tunderstand that this ac of Europe eptance constitutes a collaboration ind the European DIGI ‘cement between the Council ‘AL SME Alliance which shall enter into force on the date of this reply and that this will remain in effect until terminated by any one of the parties by written notice with immediate effect. [OSes Yolfrs sincerely, Sebastiano Toffaletti Seoretary General European DIGITAL SME Alliance alis.b1 ‘VAT: BE0899786252, Rue du Commerce 123, 1000 Brussels (BELGIUM) EU Transparency Register 920867915729-68 Tel +322 8955720, Fax: +32 2 8990268 wow diaitalsme eu, office @diaitalsme.e : et Enercon Ses MoWENKS Loe Keene wo mE ae Fe. |

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