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World History II:

Unit 2 Project Guideline

Objective: To create a self-directed project which demonstrates your understanding of the

causes and effects of imperialism, and the ideas of the Industrial Revolution and colonization.
The project will be based on a specific country, looking at its socio-economic issues in the
present, history of the issue, what is being done to address it, and what more could be done.
What You Have to Do


Step 1 - Forming a group of four members

Once your group has been formed, ask your teacher to randomly assign you a country and
development goal for your project.

Step 2 - select the type of project

Create a product which demonstrates essential understandings from Unit 2 as well as the
concepts and theories learned in the unit.

How will I demonstrate what I learned?

What kind of product do you want to create?
The product must clearly demonstrate that you have reached the
essential understandings of this course and connect them to your
assigned country and development goal.
The product must be able to present itself (without you there to explain
The project must demonstrate at least two of the schools Expected
School-wide Learner Outcomes (ESLOs).
See the RUBRIC for more detail
Choose one from the following list:
Short film (5-10 minute)
Music Video
Academic Essay
Panel Discussion
Debate Show
Other (please propose to your teacher and wait for approval)
Step 3 - Create a proposal according to the given template and rubric.
See the format for the Project Proposal below:
World History II:
Unit 2 Project Guideline

Group Member(s): Phaphat Aowsathaporn (Mill), Gawin Lohaburananont (Win), Nichaporn
Nattawut (Earn), Nutchanon Charnwutiwong (Nont)
Country assigned: Ethiopia
Development goal selected: 1) Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger.
Type of Product: Video comic on youtube.
Product Description:
(Make sure it is clear what the product will look like, what it will include, and how it will be
In our product, we decided to create a comic that contain cuties drawing and beautiful
coloring. Also, we will put it on youtube and put some effects into it. At first, we will tell a story
from the past to present of Ethiopia which are represented by cuties cartoons. To make the
audiences have better understandings about Ethiopia, video will contains subtitle and
soundtrack, which can explain the pictures that we draw. Furthermore, the comic will contain
basic information about the history of Ethiopia, what happened to Ethiopia in the past and
present, population, food, culture, language, social problems, government, etc.

Summaries: (one paragraph minimum for each section with main ideas only)

Brief background of your country in written in your own words: (post 1900 creation of
country + some major events that made the country what it is today)
People have been living in Ethiopia for a long time. The first kingdom called Axum rose in
the first century AD. Axum traded with Rome, Arabia and India. Axum became Christian in the
4th century.
Ethiopia joined the League of Nations in 1923. In 1935, Italy invaded Ethiopia and took
over it. They used weapons such as poison gas. After that in 1941, the British freed Ethiopia
from Italy. Due to at that time, there was World War II and in the war, Italy decided to enter
the war by joining the German side, and they lost. Therefore, Ethiopia was free.
In 1960s, there was the conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea which became part of
Ethiopia after World War II, and this called Eritrean War of Independence. It took around 30
years to end and the result was the peaceful separation between two of them. The years
following, there was the border problem created another war named Eritrean-Ethiopian War,
war between two of the poorest countries. The war ended with approximately 70,000 people
died, the peace agreement and the commission to demarcate the border between two
countries. As the result, the economy was weak and country did not have money due to they
spent about hundreds of millions of dollars in the war.
In addition, during 1974, communism came to Ethiopia. The king was overthrown and
killed. People fought in the country. They murdered thousands of people and many people
were deported. Communism in Ethiopia was gone in 1991. Elections were held in 1995.
The economy of Ethiopia grew rapidly in the 21st century. The population is around 102
million. The country is still poor, but it might grow more and fast in the future.
World History II:
Unit 2 Project Guideline

Brief summary of the history of the social issue (based on MDG selected) in your
country: (causes of the social issue in your country)
There are four main causes of social issue in Ethiopia, which are war, Economic planning in
Ethiopia, huge difference of climate, different tribe and different language. The Eritrean-
Ethiopian War causes Ethiopia to become one of the poorest country in the world because it
destroyed economic of the country. This war consumed hundreds of millions of money. Also,
many people were killed. Economic planning causes overproducing product that destroy the
environment around the factories. Moreover, the location of Ethiopia is located in the big vary
climate. Also, disaster make Ethiopia became undeveloped country and the poors. Ethiopia is
in drought for about 50 years, 18 million people are in need for help In addition, people in

Ethiopia came from a lot of different tribe. Hence, they speak different language that are
reason why its hard to unite the country and make people become in harmony. Moreover,
people have different religion belief that causes some conflict in the society.

Brief summary of how the social issue (based on the MDG selected) has affected your
country (post 1945): (effects of the social issue in your country current situation)
Poverty is the number one problem in Ethiopia. More than 44% of Ethiopian population has
poverty, and most of them live in rural areas. Most of poverty in Ethiopia was mainly affected
by the lack of rainfall that leads to drought. When theres drought, it leads to food scarcity,
and followed by poor health conditions, or even death. More than 7% of Ethiopian people has
HIV (thats quite many, compared to other countries). HIV and other diseases drives poor
people even deeper into poverty. Another cause of poverty in Ethiopia is the lack of
education. Many people even work than study, because they dont have enough money for
their food supplies. Only 10% or less people in Ethiopia has education, and more than 3
million children are our of school (thats world rank #2). Like other countries, poor country
becomes poorer and poorer, and it is difficult to restore economy.

Brief summary of what your countrys government has done to deal with the social issue
(based on the MDG selected): (policies in place and progress in dealing with the problem)
Agriculture growing up since 2005 make 4% reduced of the poverty in a year. Therefore,
government in Ethiopia wants to create the agricultural growth, and spending the fund mostly
on basic services and safety net. This safety net called the Productive Safety Net Program.
This program supports the rural transportation, promotes households to create products and
promotes the market development by increasing household purchasing power and this alone
pushes 1.5 million people out of poverty. However, there are around 37 million people who
remain poor. The poorest people becomes poorer due to government wants to improve
incomes of many poor farmers challenged against the poorest. In addition, from Ethiopias
Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction Program or SDPRP in 2003 - 2004, it
indicated that government has embarked on a program to push the education to create
human capacity, expand the infrastructure as fast as the population growth, open economy
and decentralize government. As the result, the poverty improved 11.6% by looking at the
employment and incomes growth.

Reference list for the starter sources used: (APA format)

World History II:
Unit 2 Project Guideline

MDG report:
Addisstandard. (2015, October 23). Latest MDG Progress
Report Released. Retrieved from
World Health Organization Africa. (n.d.). Ethiopia:MDG
Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger - Others
MDGs. Retrieved from
UNDP in Ethiopia. (n.d.). Eradicate extreme hunger and
poverty Where we are. Retrieved from
Assessing progress in Africa toward the Millennium
Development Goals. (n.d.). Retrieved from
United Nations. (n.d.). We can end poverty. Retrieved from
Reference:Ethiopia Education Stats. (n.d.). Retrieved November 8, 2017, from
Analytical Summary: HIV/AIDS (n.d.). Retrieved November 8, 2017, from
Poverty in Ethiopia. (n.d.). Retrieved November 8, 2017, from https://rainbowftf.ngo/destitute-
World History II:
Unit 2 Project Guideline

Step 4 - Create learning records according to the given template and rubrics, while you are
working on your product.
Each day, you should think about what you want to learn or what information you need
to find (remember that you have about 30 minutes or less in each class to work on the
project). Then you should summarize what you have learnt each day and reflect/analyze
it. Do not forget to add references to the sources that you have used in APA format.

This time we will only use this to record research, other processes do not need to be recorded.
Here is the template for each record:
Date: (date of the class or time spent doing research)
Questions: (what are you trying to find out / what questions are you trying to
answer) - this is done at the beginning of project time
Summary: (notes from sources in your own words) what did you learn from your
Analysis and opinion: (what do you think/feel about what you have learnt / does
this connect to anything else you have learnt or is there a deeper meaning?)
References: (All sources that you used should be listed here) - this is done during
project time - must be APA format

Step 5 Submit your final product

Step 6 - Write a reflection (guide questions will be given).

The reflection should be a minimum of 3 paragraphs. Before you begin, you should think
about and answer each of the following questions:
o What were my successes?
o What were my failures?
o What can I learn from my mistakes?
o What are my strengths as a learner?
o What are my weaknesses (areas for growth) as a learner?
o What could I do differently next time?
o What did I learn about myself as a learner?
o What did I learn about myself as a person

To sum up, here are the things that you have to submit:
Learning Records
World History II:
Unit 2 Project Guideline

Final Product and Presentation


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