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Dirac matrices and spinors 1

1 Dirac matrices and spinors

1.1 Dirac matrices
Dirac matrices in Weyl (chiral) representation (mostly Itzykson and Zuber
(1980) conventions):

0 i 0
0 0 1 i
= = = (1)
1 0 i 0 0

= (1, i ) = (1, i ) (2)

5 0 1 2 3 1 0
= 5 = i = (3)
0 1
Chiral projectors:
1 0 0
PL = = (1 5 ) = (4)
2 0 1
1 1 0
PR = + = (1 + 5 ) = (5)
2 0 0
Dirac matrices in Dirac-Pauli representation:

0 i
0 1 0 i 5 0 1
= = = (6)
0 1 i 0 1 0
Two representations are connected by similarity transformation
1 5 0 1 1 1
Weyl = U Dirac U U = (1 )Dirac = (7)
2 2 1 1

1.2 Dirac spinors

Dirac equation:

(i/ m)(x) = 0 (8)

(x)(i / +m) = 0 (9)

Parity ( = 0 ):

0 0 = = (10)

0 5 0 = 5 (11)

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Charge conjugation:
c = 0 C = C c = T C (12)

where phase can often be taken equal to one.

i 2
2 0 0
C = i = (13)
0 i 2

C 1 = C = C T = C (14)

C C 1 = C5 C 1 = 5T (15)

0 C C 1 0 = C 5 C 1 = ( 5 )T (16)

In Weyl representation, solutions to

(p/ m)u(p, ) = 0 ; (p/ + m)v(p, ) = 0 , (17)

u(p, )(p/ m) = 0 ; v(p, )(p/ + m) = 0 , (18)

normalized according to

uu = 2m ; vv = 2m (19)

(or according to spin sums in section Quantum fields and S-matrix ) are

p ()
(+) 1 () 0
u(p, ) = ; = ; = ; (20)
p () 0 1

p c()
c(+) 0 c() 1
v(p, ) = ; = ; = , (21)
p c() 1 0

c = i 2 . They satisfy u = Cv T , u = 0 Cv and vice versa (v u). In

ultrarelativistic limit this goes to
(1 + p ) ()
u(p, ) = 2E ; (22)
21 (1 p ) ()

(1 + p ) c()
v(p, ) = 2E , (23)
(1 p ) c()

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1.3 Traces etc. 3


5 u(p, ) = p u(p, ) (24)

5 v(p, ) = p v(p, ) , (25)

u u = 2E ; uu = 0 . (26)
Also, in this representation
= . (27)

1.3 Traces etc.

In four space-time dimensions:

0123 = +1 (28)
Tr(5 ) = 4i (29)
i 5 = g + g g (30)
= 12 (31)
Tr( ) = 4g (32)

1.4 Fierz identities

For 4 4 matrices A and B,
1h 1
Aij Bkl = (AB)il kj + (A B)il ( )kj + (A B)il ( )kj
4 2 i (33)

(A5 B)il (5 )kj + (A5 B)il (5 )kj .

All the usual Fierz identities follow from this one by judicious choice of A
and B.

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2 Quantum fields and S-matrix

Fourier decomposition of quantum fields is:
XZ d3 p  ipx c ipx

l (x) = u l (p, )a(p, )e + v l (p, )a (p, )e ,

(2)3 2Ep
where for scalar fields
u(p) = v(p) = 1 , (35)
for vector fields
u (p, ) = (p, ) , (36)
v (p, ) = (p, ) , (37)
and for spinor fields u and v are usual spinors with normalization
u(p, )u(p, ) = p/ + m , (38)

v(p, )v(p, ) = p/ m . (39)

that satisfy
(p/ m)u(p, ) = 0 (p/ + m)v(p, ) = 0 (41)
S-matrix is given by
Y 1
S = i(2)4 4 (p p )M p . (42)
(2)3 2Epi
Partial decay rate for 1 1 + 2 + + n is
1 2 4 4
Y d3 pi
d = |M | (2) (p1 p1 pn ) , (43)
2E1 i=1
(2)3 2Ep i
and differential cross section for 1 + 2 1 + 2 + + n is
1 1 1 2 4 4
Y d3 pi
d = |M | (2) (p1 + p2 p1 pn ) , (44)
u 2E1 2E2 i=1
(2)3 2Epi
where u is the relative velocity of particles 1 and 2:
(p1 p2 )2 m21 m22
u = , (45)
E1 E2
and |M|2 is the Feynman invariant amplitude averaged over spins. Dimension
of M, in the units of energy is

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2. Quantum fields and S-matrix 5

for decays [M] = 3 n

for scattering of two particles [M] = 2 n

where n is the number of produced particles.

One-particle states
One-particle states, and corresponding creation and annihilation operators
satisfy the following:

|ki = a (k)|0i ; h0|0i = 1 (46)

[a(k), a (k)] = (2)3 2Ek 3 (k k ) (47)

and this in turn means that

hk , s|k, ri = (2)3 2Ek 3 (k k )rs (48)

Other conventions.
1. Comparing with (Donoghue et al., 1992, App.C3) we see that above
formulae correspond to the choice

Ji = Ki = (2)3 2Ep (49)

Li = N i = 1 i = F, B . (50)

which is also a choice of Donoghue et al. (1992); Pascual and Tarrach

(1984). Other conventions are

Cheng and Li (1984)

Ji = Li = (2)3 2Ep (51)
Ki = Ni = 1 i = F, B . (52)

Itzykson and Zuber (1980); Ryder (1996)

JB = KB = (2)3 2Ep (53)

JF = KF = (2)3 (54)
LB = LF = 1 (55)
NF = . (56)

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Peskin and Schroeder (1995)

Ji = (2)3 2Ep
Ki = (2)3 (58)
Li = 2Ep (59)
NF = NB = 1 . (60)

2. Choice of normalization of spinors here is different from that of my

Weinberg notes (p.88ff, version 4). Spinors there have additional factor
uWeinberg notes V4 = . (61)
Because of this there are factors m/p0there in Fourier decomposition
of Dirac fields, and there is a factor 2m in the S-matrix for each
external Fermion. Conventions in those notes are identical to that of
(Bjorken and Drell, 1965).

3. It has also changed from previous version of this document, when it

Ji = (2)3 2Ep (62)
K i = Li = N i = 1 i = F, B , (63)

which was nicely close to (Bjorken and Drell, 1965), but had the un-
fortunate consequence of the appearance of many kinematical factors
in particle physics formulas (matrix elements of currents etc.).

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3. Yang-Mills theory 7

3 Yang-Mills theory
3.1 Infinitesimal case
We want to make Lagrangian invariant under the local infinitesimal trans-
formations of fermionic fields
(x) = ia (x)ta (x) , (64)
where a is infinitesimal, and ta are generators of the gauge group G satisfying
commutation relations
[ta , tb ] = iCabc tc , (65)
and where Cabc are structure constants of the group G.
Symmetry of the Lagrangian under group G requires introduction of the
gauge field Aa (x) which transforms as the adjoint (regular) representation of
Ab (x) = b (x) ia (x)(tadj
a )bc Ac (x) . (66)
a )bc = iCabc , (67)
we have
Ab = b + Cbac a Ac . (68)
We also introduce covariant derivative
D = + iAa ta , (69)
and the gauge field strength tensor
F = Aa Aa Cabc Ab Ac , (70)
such that
[D , D ] = ita F
, (71)
and F transforms as
a c
F = Cabc b F . (72)
Gauge invariant Lagrangian is
1 a a
/ m)
L = (iD F F , (73)
4g 2
where g is a coupling constant. For working with Feynman rules it is more
convenient to normalize gauge field Aa so that kinetic term has the usual
1 a a
LA = F F . (74)
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This is accomplished by substitution

Aa gAa (75)
in the above formulae which then become:
D = + igAa ta , (76)
F = Aa Aa gCabc Ab Ac , (77)
[D , D ] = igta F
, (78)
a a
F = t F = A A + ig[A , A ] . (79)

Other conventions.
1. Sign of the charge g is only a matter of convention so another set of
valid formulae can be obtainted by substitution
g g , (80)
D = igAa ta , (81)
F = Aa Aa + gCabc Ab Ac , (82)
[D , D ] = igta F
. (83)
This is convention of (D. E. Groom et al. (Particle Data Group), 2000;
Peskin and Schroeder, 1995; Ryder, 1996; Pascual and Tarrach, 1984;
Cheng and Li, 1984; Dittrich and Reuter, 1986) and (Weinberg, 1996)
who absorbs coupling constant into ta and Cabc .(My convention is also
followed by (Donoghue et al., 1992; Huang, 1982).)
2. Instead of hermitian ta , one can use antihermitian ta . Such formulae
can be obtained from those given here by substitution
ta ita , (84)
which gives
[ta , tb ] = Cabc tc , (85)
D = gAa ta , (86)
F = Aa Aa gCabc Ab Ac , (87)
[D , D ] = gta F
. (88)
used by (Itzykson and Zuber, 1980). (Coleman, 1985) also uses anti-
hermitian ta .

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3.2 Finite case 9

3. There can also exist difference in formulae for transformations of the

fields due to usage of the different sign of the gauge parameter i.e. due
to the change
(x) (x) , (89)
(Halzen and Martin, 1984) and also due to rescaling of this parameter:

(x) g(x) , (90)

3.2 Finite case

Under finite transformation

(x) = eia (x)ta (x) = U (x)(x) , (91)

gauge field transforms as

A = U A U 1 + ( U )U 1 , (92)
where A is the matrix
A = ta Aa . (93)
Field strength tensor transforms as

F = U F U 1 . (94)

3.3 Fields in Maxwells theory

F i0 = E i F ij = ijk B k B k = kij F ij (95)
F = F (96)
F i0 = B i F ij = ijk E k (97)

3.4 SU(N)

a a 1 1
2 2N
a a N2 1
TAB TBC = (T a T a )AC = AC CF = AC (99)

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4 Loop calculations
4.1 D-dim Dirac algebra

= D = 4 2 (100)
= 2(1 ) = (2 D) (101)
= 4g 2 = 4g + (D 4) (102)

= 2 + 2 = 2 + (4 D)

4.2 Feynman Parametrization

1 1
= dx (104)
AB 0 [(1 x)A + xB]2
Z 1
1 x
=2 dx (105)
AB 2 0 [(1 x)A + xB]3
Z 1 Z x
1 1
=2 dx dy (106)
ABC 0 0 [(1 x)A + yB + (x y)C]3
Z 1 Z 1x
1 x
=6 dx dy (107)
A BC 0 0 [xA + yB + (1 x y)C]4
1 ( + ) 1 x1 (1 x)1
= dx (108)
()() 0 [xA + (1 x)B]+

4.3 D-dim integrals

d4 p i
f (p ) = p2E dp2E f (p2E ) (109)
(2)4 16 2 0

dD p 1
(2)D [(p q)2 m1 ]n1 [p2 m22 ]n2
i (n1 + n2 D/2) xn1 1 (1 x)n2 1
n1 +n2
(1) dx , (110)
(4)D/2 (n1 )(n2 ) 0 Dn1 +n2 D/2

D = m21 x + m22 (1 x) q 2 x(1 x) (111)

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4.3 D-dim integrals 11

dD l (l2 )
I =
(2)D [l2 A]
i(1) 2+ ( + D/2) ( 2 + )
= (4) A
16 2 (D/2) ()

Divergent integrals are:

0 iA 1
I1 = E + 1 + ln 4 ln A + O() (113)
16 2
0 1 i 1
I2 = I3 = E + ln 4 ln A + O() (114)
16 2
Convergent integrals are:
I = C + O() (115)
16 2

I I30 I40 I50 I41 I51

1 1 1 1 1
2A 6A2 12A3 3A 12A2

1 1
(n) = (n 1)! (n + 1) = n(n) () = E + O() =
Useful operator identity for expansion of integrands with fermion propa-

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
= Y + Y Y + (1)n Y + (117)
X +Y X X X X X X X X

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5 SU(3) tensors
Defining (fundamental ) vector space (vector, matrix notation, (p, q) IRREP,
Young tableau):

qi (q1 , q2 , q3 ) (1, 0) 3 (118)

Dual (conjugated ) vector space:

q = (qi ) q2 (0, 1) 3 (119)

These transform like

qi = qj U ji q i = (U )i j q j (U )i j = (U ji ) (120)

where upper index on U ji denotes row, and lower column. Ireducible tensors:

Aijk imn jrs kpq m r p a b , (121)

ab = Amn rs pq ab (2, 3) 42
n s q
where hat over A means traceless.

5.1 Quark model

Fundamental quark triplet (fields or states):
qi = (u, d, or qi = (|ui, |di, |si) (122)

q1 |0i = u|0i = |ui . (123)

u |ui
q i = d or
|di (124)
s |si
Meson octet:
P ij = Traceless(q i qj ) = q i qj i j q k qk (125)

P 21 = q 2 q1 = du (126)
= | + i = |0i
P 21 |0i = du|0i = |dui (127)

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5.1 Quark model 13

and 1
0 + 1 8 + K+

2 6

12 0 1 8 0

P =
+ 6

K K 0 26 8

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6 Supersymmetry
6.1 Weyl spinors
There are two inequivalent 2-dimensional spinor representations of Lorentz
group (actually SL(2,C)), (0, 1/2) and (1/2, 0), where numbers in brackets
denote representations (A, B) of subalgebras generated by

A = (J + iK) (129)
B = (J iK) . (130)
These two representations are, following van der Waerden, usually denoted
by different indices, undotted and dotted, and in my conventions corre-
spondence is:
0, Qa (lefthanded) (131)
,0 eQa (righthanded) , (132)

where second symbol corresponds to fermionic SUSY generators as discussed

in Weinberg (2000). Two other representations are equivalent to these two,
and can be obtained by the use of index-raising metric , and corre-
sponding :
= ; = . (133)
Explicit representations of s are:
1 1 0 1
= ( ) = ( ) = = . (134)
1 0

is a Lorentz scalar, so can be interpreted as vector dual to :

: . (135)

and we can represent as row and as column two-component matrix.

Similarly is row and is column.
Lorentz four-vectors of Pauli matrices (2) are (1/2, 1/2) representations
and as such carry one dotted and one undotted index:

; = . (136)

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6.2 Dirac and Majorana spinors 15

Connection between dotted and undotted spinors is

= 0 , = 0 , (137)

= 0 , = 0 , (138)

where 0 , being unit matrices, are often omitted in the literature. Note that

above row-column convention implies T = , and then = .

6.2 Dirac and Majorana spinors

Two Weyl spinors can be combined into four-component Dirac spinor:
= = , (139)
2 0 1
e = i = (140)
1 0
is actually from previous section (Weinberg reserves for four-component
matrix (154).) Note that upper component is right-handed in accordance
with (27). Adjoint spinor is
= 0 = ( , ) , (141)
and complex conjugated spinor is
(i 2 0 )
c T 0
= C = 2 0
= . (142)
0 (i )

Majorana spinor is four-component spinor like Diracs but with an

additional reality condition
Q = Qc = 0 CQ = 0 5 C = C QT . (143)
It can be constructed from single Weyl spinor :
Q = ,

Q= = ; (144)
For comparing two- and four-component notations, identities like follow-
ing can be useful (check!):
Q1 Q2 = (1 2 ) + (1 2 ) (145)
Q1 5 Q2 = (1 2 ) (1 2 ) (146)
Q1 Q2 = (1 2 ) (1 2 ) (147)

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Other conventions.
1. Change of relative sign of 0 with respect to i changes sign of 5 and
thus exchanges positions of left and right components in Dirac and
Majorana spinors. Also, due to the change od the sign of 0 , there is
no minuses in (141), (142) and (144).
Q= = . (148)

(Some authors, e. g. Ryder (1996) (only in SUSY chapter), define

adjoint spinor like = 0 , and in this way avoid these minuses.)

2. Additionaly, oposite definition of K i (K i = J i0 = J 0i ), makes left,

undotted spinor belonging to (1/2, 0) representation. This seems to be
the most common convention.

6.3 N = 1 SUSY
Two-component Weyl fermionic generators

{Qa , Qb } = 2ab P (149)
{Qa , Qb } = 0 (150)

Four-component Majorana fermionic generators (Q = Q 0 = QT 5 ):

{Q, Q} = 2 P (152)
{Q, Q} = 2( C)P (153)

6.4 Misc.
e 0
= ; 2 = 1 ; [5 , ] = [ 0 , ] = 0 (154)
0 e
( 0 5 )2 = 1 ; C = i 2 0 = 5 (charge conj.) (155)

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7. Miscelaneous 17

7 Miscelaneous
7.1 Poincare group
Coordinates transform like

x = x + a (156)

and infinitesimal transform

= + ; a = (157)

is represented by operator
U (, ) = 1 J + i P (158)
Algebra is

[P , P ] = 0 (159)
i[P , J ] = P P (160)
i[J , J ] = J J + J J (161)

Generators of rotations and boosts are

J i = ijk J jk ; K i = J i0 . (162)
where also opposite convention for K i is in use.

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Bjorken, J. D. and Drell, S. D. (1965), Relativistic Quantum Fields, McGraw-

Cheng, T.-P. and Li, L.-F. (1984), Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle
Physics, Clarendon Press, Oxford.

Coleman, S. (1985), Aspects of Symmetry, Cambridge University Press, Se-

lected Erice Lectures.

D. E. Groom et al. (Particle Data Group) (2000), Review of particle physics,

Eur. Phys. J. C15, 1878.

Dittrich, W. and Reuter, M. (1986), Selected Topics in Gauge Theories,


Donoghue, J. F., Golowich, E. and Holstein, B. R. (1992), Dynamics of the

Standard Model , Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Halzen, F. and Martin, A. D. (1984), Quarks and Leptons: An Introductory

Course in Modern Particle Physics, John Wiley & Sons.

Huang, K. (1982), Quarks, Leptons and Gauge Fields, World Scientific, Sin-

Itzykson, C. and Zuber, J.-B. (1980), Quantum Field Theory, McGraw-Hill.

Pascual, P. and Tarrach, R. (1984), QCD: Renormalization for the Practi-

tioner , Springer-Verlag.

Peskin, M. E. and Schroeder, D. V. (1995), An Introduction to Quantum

Field Theory, Addison-Wesley.

Ryder, L. H. (1996), Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge University Press,

2nd edn.

Weinberg, S. (1996), The Quantum Theory of Fields, vol. II, Cambridge

University Press.

Weinberg, S. (2000), The Quantum Theory of Fields, vol. III, Cambridge

University Press.

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