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Implement farmer wolf goat and cabbage problem

initial_state([w,w,w,w]). % each entity is on the west side.

final_state([e,e,e,e]). % each is on the east side.

next_state(S,S1) :- move(S,S1), safe(S1). % move from S to S1 if S1 is safe

move([F,W,G,C], [F1,W,G,C]) :- cross(F,F1). % farmer crosses alone

move([F,F,G,C], [F1,F1,G,C]) :- cross(F,F1). % farmer and wolf cross

move([F,W,F,C], [F1,W,F1,C]) :- cross(F,F1). % farmer and goat cross

move([F,W,G,F], [F1,W,G,F1]) :- cross(F,F1). % farmer and cabbage cross

safe([F,W,G,C]) :- F = G, !.

safe([F,W,G,C]) :- F = W, F = C.

% Safe if either Farmer and Goat are together or

% Farmer is with Wolf and Cabbage



depth_first_search(AnsPath) :-


depth_first([Init], AnsPath).

depth_first([S|Path], [S]) :-

final_state(S), !.

depth_first([S|Path], [S|AnsPath]) :-

%write('Extending '),write([S|Path]),nl, Sample Tracing

extend([S|Path], S1),

%write('Next path: '), write(S1), nl, Sample Tracing

depth_first([S1,S|Path], AnsPath).

extend([S|Path], S1) :-


not(member_state(S1, [S|Path])).

member_state(S, [S|_]).
member_state(X, [_|T]) :- member_state(X,T).

% If you want to collect all the answer paths:

go(AllPaths) :- bagof(AnsPath, depth_first_search(AnsPath), AllPaths).\


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