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import java.math.


* Arbitrary-precision fractions, utilizing BigIntegers for numerator and
* denominator. Fraction is always kept in lowest terms. Fraction is
* immutable, and guaranteed not to have a null numerator or denominator.
* Denominator will always be positive (so sign is carried by numerator,
* and a zero-denominator is impossible).
public final class BigFraction extends Number implements Comparable<BigFraction>
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; //because Number is Serializable
private final BigInteger numerator;
private final BigInteger denominator;

public final static BigFraction ZERO = new BigFraction(BigInteger.ZERO,

BigInteger.ONE, true);
public final static BigFraction ONE = new BigFraction(BigInteger.ONE,
BigInteger.ONE, true);

* Constructs a BigFraction with given numerator and denominator. Fraction
* will be reduced to lowest terms. If fraction is negative, negative sign will
* be carried on numerator, regardless of how the values were passed in.
public BigFraction(BigInteger numerator, BigInteger denominator)
if(numerator == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Numerator is null");
if(denominator == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Denominator is null");
throw new ArithmeticException("Divide by zero.");

//only numerator should be negative.

if(denominator.signum() < 0)
numerator = numerator.negate();
denominator = denominator.negate();

//create a reduced fraction

BigInteger gcd = numerator.gcd(denominator);
this.numerator = numerator.divide(gcd);
this.denominator = denominator.divide(gcd);

* Constructs a BigFraction from a whole number.
public BigFraction(BigInteger numerator)
this(numerator, BigInteger.ONE, true);

public BigFraction(long numerator, long denominator)

this(BigInteger.valueOf(numerator), BigInteger.valueOf(denominator));
public BigFraction(long numerator)
this(BigInteger.valueOf(numerator), BigInteger.ONE, true);

* Constructs a BigFraction from a floating-point number.
* Warning: round-off error in IEEE floating point numbers can result
* in answers that are unexpected. For example,
* System.out.println(new BigFraction(1.1))
* will print:
* 2476979795053773/2251799813685248
* This is because 1.1 cannot be expressed exactly in binary form. The
* given fraction is exactly equal to the internal representation of
* the double-precision floating-point number. (Which, for 1.1, is:
* (-1)^0 * 2^0 * (1 + 0x199999999999aL / 0x10000000000000L).)
* NOTE: In many cases, BigFraction(Double.toString(d)) may give a result
* closer to what the user expects.
public BigFraction(double d)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("double val is infinite");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("double val is NaN");

//special case - math below won't work right for 0.0 or -0.0
if(d == 0)
numerator = BigInteger.ZERO;
denominator = BigInteger.ONE;

final long bits = Double.doubleToLongBits(d);

final int sign = (int)(bits >> 63) & 0x1;
final int exponent = ((int)(bits >> 52) & 0x7ff) - 0x3ff;
final long mantissa = bits & 0xfffffffffffffL;

//number is (-1)^sign * 2^(exponent) * 1.mantissa

BigInteger tmpNumerator = BigInteger.valueOf(sign==0 ? 1 : -1);
BigInteger tmpDenominator = BigInteger.ONE;

//use shortcut: 2^x == 1 << x. if x is negative, shift the denominator

if(exponent >= 0)
tmpNumerator = tmpNumerator.multiply(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(exponent));
tmpDenominator = tmpDenominator.multiply(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(-

//1.mantissa == 1 + mantissa/2^52 == (2^52 + mantissa)/2^52

tmpDenominator =
tmpNumerator = tmpNumerator.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(0x10000000000000L +
BigInteger gcd = tmpNumerator.gcd(tmpDenominator);
numerator = tmpNumerator.divide(gcd);
denominator = tmpDenominator.divide(gcd);

* Constructs a BigFraction from two floating-point numbers.
* Warning: round-off error in IEEE floating point numbers can result
* in answers that are unexpected. See BigFraction(double) for more
* information.
* NOTE: In many cases, BigFraction(Double.toString(numerator) + "/" +
* may give a result closer to what the user expects.
public BigFraction(double numerator, double denominator)
if(denominator == 0)
throw new ArithmeticException("Divide by zero.");

BigFraction tmp = new BigFraction(numerator).divide(new

this.numerator = tmp.numerator;
this.denominator = tmp.denominator;

* Constructs a new BigFraction from the given BigDecimal object.
public BigFraction(BigDecimal d)
this(d.scale() < 0 ? d.unscaledValue().multiply(BigInteger.TEN.pow(-d.scale()))
: d.unscaledValue(),
d.scale() < 0 ? BigInteger.ONE
: BigInteger.TEN.pow(d.scale()));

public BigFraction(BigDecimal numerator, BigDecimal denominator)

throw new ArithmeticException("Divide by zero.");

BigFraction tmp = new BigFraction(numerator).divide(new

this.numerator = tmp.numerator;
this.denominator = tmp.denominator;

* Constructs a BigFraction from a String. Expected format is
* but /denominator part is optional. Either numerator or denominator may be a
* point decimal number, which in the same format as a parameter to the
* <code>BigDecimal(String)</code> constructor.
* @throws NumberFormatException if the string cannot be properly parsed.
public BigFraction(String s)
int slashPos = s.indexOf('/');
if(slashPos < 0)
BigFraction res = new BigFraction(new BigDecimal(s));
this.numerator = res.numerator;
this.denominator = res.denominator;
BigDecimal num = new BigDecimal(s.substring(0, slashPos));
BigDecimal den = new BigDecimal(s.substring(slashPos+1, s.length()));
BigFraction res = new BigFraction(num, den);
this.numerator = res.numerator;
this.denominator = res.denominator;

* Returns this + f.
public BigFraction add(BigFraction f)
if(f == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null argument");

//n1/d1 + n2/d2 = (n1*d2 + d1*n2)/(d1*d2)

return new

* Returns this + b.
public BigFraction add(BigInteger b)
if(b == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null argument");

//n1/d1 + n2 = (n1 + d1*n2)/d1

return new BigFraction(numerator.add(denominator.multiply(b)),
denominator, true);

* Returns this + n.
public BigFraction add(long n)
return add(BigInteger.valueOf(n));

* Returns this - f.
public BigFraction subtract(BigFraction f)
if(f == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null argument");

return new

* Returns this - b.
public BigFraction subtract(BigInteger b)
if(b == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null argument");

return new BigFraction(numerator.subtract(denominator.multiply(b)),

denominator, true);

* Returns this - n.
public BigFraction subtract(long n)
return subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(n));

* Returns this * f.
public BigFraction multiply(BigFraction f)
if(f == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null argument");

return new BigFraction(numerator.multiply(f.numerator),


* Returns this * b.
public BigFraction multiply(BigInteger b)
if(b == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null argument");

return new BigFraction(numerator.multiply(b), denominator);


* Returns this * n.
public BigFraction multiply(long n)
return multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(n));

* Returns this / f.
public BigFraction divide(BigFraction f)
if(f == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null argument");

throw new ArithmeticException("Divide by zero");

return new BigFraction(numerator.multiply(f.denominator),


* Returns this / b.
public BigFraction divide(BigInteger b)
if(b == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null argument");

throw new ArithmeticException("Divide by zero");

return new BigFraction(numerator, denominator.multiply(b));


* Returns this / n.
public BigFraction divide(long n)
return divide(BigInteger.valueOf(n));

* Returns this^exponent.
public BigFraction pow(int exponent)
if(exponent == 0)
return BigFraction.ONE;
else if (exponent == 1)
return this;
else if (exponent < 0)
return new BigFraction(denominator.pow(-exponent), numerator.pow(-exponent),
return new BigFraction(numerator.pow(exponent), denominator.pow(exponent),

* Returns 1/this.
public BigFraction reciprocal()
throw new ArithmeticException("Divide by zero");

return new BigFraction(denominator, numerator, true);


* Returns the complement of this fraction, which is equal to 1 - this.
* Useful for probabilities/statistics.

public BigFraction complement()
return new BigFraction(denominator.subtract(numerator), denominator, true);

* Returns -this.
public BigFraction negate()
return new BigFraction(numerator.negate(), denominator, true);

* Returns -1, 0, or 1, representing the sign of this fraction.
public int signum()
return numerator.signum();

* Returns the absolute value of this.
public BigFraction abs()
return (signum() < 0 ? negate() : this);

* Returns a string representation of this, in the form
* numerator/denominator.
public String toString()
return numerator.toString() + "/" + denominator.toString();

* Returns if this object is equal to another object.
public boolean equals(Object o)
if(!(o instanceof BigFraction))
return false;
BigFraction f = (BigFraction)o;
return numerator.equals(f.numerator) && denominator.equals(f.denominator);

* Returns a hash code for this object.
public int hashCode()
//using the method generated by Eclipse, but streamlined a bit..
return (31 + numerator.hashCode())*31 + denominator.hashCode();

* Returns a negative, zero, or positive number, indicating if this object
* is less than, equal to, or greater than f, respectively.
public int compareTo(BigFraction f)
if(f == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null argument");

//easy case: this and f have different signs

if(signum() != f.signum())
return signum() - f.signum();

//next easy case: this and f have the same denominator

return numerator.compareTo(f.numerator);

//not an easy case, so first make the denominators equal then compare the

* Returns the smaller of this and f.
public BigFraction min(BigFraction f)
if(f == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null argument");

return (this.compareTo(f) <= 0 ? this : f);


* Returns the maximum of this and f.
public BigFraction max(BigFraction f)
if(f == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null argument");

return (this.compareTo(f) >= 0 ? this : f);

* Returns a positive BigFraction, greater than or equal to zero, and less than
public static BigFraction random()
return new BigFraction(Math.random());

public final BigInteger getNumerator() { return numerator; }

public final BigInteger getDenominator() { return denominator; }

//implementation of Number class. may cause overflow.

public byte byteValue() { return (byte) Math.max(Byte.MIN_VALUE,
Math.min(Byte.MAX_VALUE, longValue())); }
public short shortValue() { return (short)Math.max(Short.MIN_VALUE,
Math.min(Short.MAX_VALUE, longValue())); }
public int intValue() { return (int) Math.max(Integer.MIN_VALUE,
Math.min(Integer.MAX_VALUE, longValue())); }
public long longValue() { return Math.round(doubleValue()); }
public float floatValue() { return (float)doubleValue(); }
public double doubleValue() { return toBigDecimal(18).doubleValue(); }

* Returns a BigDecimal representation of this fraction. If possible, the
* returned value will be exactly equal to the fraction. If not, the BigDecimal
* will have a scale large enough to hold the same number of significant figures
* as both numerator and denominator, or the equivalent of a double-precision
* number, whichever is more.
public BigDecimal toBigDecimal()
//Implementation note: A fraction can be represented exactly in base-10 iff
//denominator is of the form 2^a * 5^b, where a and b are nonnegative integers.
//(In other words, if there are no prime factors of the denominator except for
//2 and 5, or if the denominator is 1). So to determine if this denominator is
//of this form, continually divide by 2 to get the number of 2's, and then
//continually divide by 5 to get the number of 5's. Afterward, if the
//is 1 then there are no other prime factors.

//Note: number of 2's is given by the number of trailing 0 bits in the number
int twos = denominator.getLowestSetBit();
BigInteger tmpDen = denominator.shiftRight(twos); // x / 2^n === x >> n

final BigInteger FIVE = BigInteger.valueOf(5);

int fives = 0;
BigInteger[] divMod = null;

//while(tmpDen % 5 == 0) { fives++; tmpDen /= 5; }

while(BigInteger.ZERO.equals((divMod = tmpDen.divideAndRemainder(FIVE))[1]))
tmpDen = divMod[0];

//This fraction will terminate in base 10, so it can be represented exactly
//a BigDecimal. We would now like to make the fraction of the form
//unscaled / 10^scale. We know that 2^x * 5^x = 10^x, and our denominator is
//in the form 2^twos * 5^fives. So use max(twos, fives) as the scale, and
//multiply the numerator and deminator by the appropriate number of 2's or
//such that the denominator is of the form 2^scale * 5^scale. (Of course, we
//only have to actually multiply the numerator, since all we need for the
//BigDecimal constructor is the scale.
BigInteger unscaled = numerator;
int scale = Math.max(twos, fives);

if(twos < fives)

unscaled = unscaled.shiftLeft(fives - twos); //x * 2^n === x << n
else if (fives < twos)
unscaled = unscaled.multiply(FIVE.pow(twos - fives));

return new BigDecimal(unscaled, scale);


//else: this number will repeat infinitely in base-10. So try to figure out
//a good number of significant digits. Start with the number of digits
//to represent the numerator and denominator in base-10, which is given by
//bitLength / log[2](10). (bitLenth is the number of digits in base-2).
final double LG10 = 3.321928094887362; //Precomputed ln(10)/ln(2), a.k.a.
int precision = Math.max(numerator.bitLength(), denominator.bitLength());
precision = (int)Math.ceil(precision / LG10);

//If the precision is less than 18 digits, use 18 digits so that the number
//will be at least as accurate as a cast to a double. For example, with
//the fraction 1/3, precision will be 1, giving a result of 0.3. This is
//quite a bit different from what a user would expect.
if(precision < 18)
precision = 18;

return toBigDecimal(precision);

* Returns a BigDecimal representation of this fraction, with a given precision.
* @param precision the number of significant figures to be used in the result.
public BigDecimal toBigDecimal(int precision)
return new BigDecimal(numerator).divide(new BigDecimal(denominator), new
MathContext(precision, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN));


* Private constructor, used when you can be certain that the fraction is already
* lowest terms. No check is done to reduce numerator/denominator. A check is
* done to maintain a positive denominator.
* @param throwaway unused variable, only here to signal to the compiler that
* constructor should be used.
private BigFraction(BigInteger numerator, BigInteger denominator, boolean
if(denominator.signum() < 0)
this.numerator = numerator.negate();
this.denominator = denominator.negate();
this.numerator = numerator;
this.denominator = denominator;

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