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Venturi meters are flow measurement instruments which use a converging section pipe to give an
increase in the flow velocity and a corresponding pressure drop from which the flowrate can be
known. They have been in common use for many years, especially in the water supply industry.
A fluid moving through it accelerates in the direction of the tapering contraction with an increase
in the velocity in the throat. This is accompanied by a fall in pressure, the magnitude of which
depends on the rate of flow. The flow rate may therefore be inferred from the difference in
pressure in as measured by piezometers placed upstream at the throat. The effect that the meter
has on the pressure change is termed as the Venturi effect.


The objective of this experiment is to calculate the flow rate through pipe using venture meter.


Consider flow of an incompressible, in viscid fluid through the convergent divergent Venturi
tube shown in figure down below. The cross sectional area at the upstream section 1 is a1, at the
throat section 2 is a2 and at any other arbitrary section n is an. Piezometer tubes at these sections
register h1, h2 and hn above the arbitrary datum shown. Note that, although the tube may have
any inclination, the datum must by necessity, be horizontal. Assume that both the velocity and
the piezometric head are constant over each of the sections considered.
We may treat the convergent divergent pipe as a stream tube, along which Bernoullis theorem

v12 v2 vn2
h1 h2 hn
2g 2g 2g (1)

In which v1, v2 and vn are the flow velocities at sections 1,2 and n.

The equation of continuity is:

Q = a1 v1 = a2 v2 = an vn (2)

In which Q denotes the rate of volume flow or discharge. Substituting in Equation ( 1 ) for v 1
from equation ( 2 ), gives:

a 2 v2 2 v2
h1 h2
a1 2 g 2g

And solving this for the velocity v2 in the throat leads to: ,

2 g h1 h2
v2 2
1 2

The rate of flow Q is found by multiplying the throat velocity v2 by the cross sectional area A2 at
the throat, giving :

2 g (h1 h2 )
Q a2 2
1 2
a1 (3)

This is the ideal discharge rate, obtained by assuming in viscid, one-dimensional flow. In
practice, there is some loss of head between sections 1 and 2. Also, the velocity is not absolutely
constant across either if these sections. As a result, the actual value of Q fall a little short of those
given by equation (3). It is customary to allow for this by writing,
2 g (h1 h2 )
Q C d .a 2 2
1 2
a1 (4)
In which Cd is known as the discharge coefficient or simply the coefficient of the Venturi Meter


I. Hydraulic Bench

II. Venturi Meter

III. Stop Watch


1. The venture meter was made sure had been jointed with hydraulic bench and supply hose.
2. The apparatus was prepared and air pocket was clear from the supply hose and closed
3. The bench valve was closed when the water level had risen to convenient height and the
water level in the manometer tubes stand at convenient height.
4. The screw was adjusted to give identical readings for all of the tube.
5. Then, the difference between heads (h2 h1) and flowrate,Q was measured.
6. The rate of flow was found by took the time of the water to fill 5 liter in hydraulic bench
and the values h2 and h1 was taken from manometer scale.
7. The bench hole in hydraulic bench was closed to measure the volume and time.
8. The step 4 until step 7 was repeated to finish 3 trials.
9. Lastly, the inlet and outlet was closed and the switch was switch off.

Dimension of venturi meter


Table 1

Trial = 1 Trial = 2 Trial = 3

Volume Rate = 5 liter Volume Rate = 5 liter Volume Rate = 5 liter
Time = 75 s Time = 35 s Time =22 s
No of Flowrate = 6.67 x 10-5 m3/s Flowrate =14.30 x 10-5 m3/s Flowrate =22.70 x 10-5 m3/s
r tube

Velocity hn h1 Velocity hn h1 Velocity

hn-h1 hn hn-h1 hn-h1 hn h1
hn (mm) (Q/A) v 22 / 2 g (Q/A) v 22 / 2 g hn (mm) (Q/A)
(m) (mm) (m) (m) v 22 / 2 g
(m/s) (m/s) (m/s)
A (1) 258 0 0.126 0 242 0 0.269 0 218 0 0.428 0
B 258 0 0.158 0 242 0 0.338 0 216 -0.002 0.537 -0.34
C 248 -0.010 0.251 -3.11 218 -0.024 0.538 -1.63 176 -0.042 0.854 -2.85
D(2) 232 -0.026 0.332 -4.63 182 -0.060 0.711 -2.33 110 -0.108 1.129 -4.19
E 236 -0.022 0.301 -4.76 190 -0.052 0.646 -2.44 128 -0.090 1.025 -4.23
F 244 -0.014 0.249 -4.43 208 -0.034 0.534 -2.34 158 -0.060 0.847 -4.12
G 248 -0.010 0.209 -4.49 218 -0.024 0.448 -2.35 178 -0.040 0.711 -3.91
H 250 -0.008 0.178 -4.95 226 -0.016 0.382 -2.15 190 -0.028 0.606 -3.76
J 252 -0.006 0.153 -5.03 230 -0.012 0.329 -2.18 198 -0.020 0.522 -3.63
K 254 -0.004 0.134 -4.37 232 -0.010 0.286 -2.40 220 -0.002 0.455 -0.48
L 254 -0.004 0.126 -4.94 234 -0.008 0.269 -1.87 240 -0.022 0.428 -5.97
Velocity, V

Q = AV

V = Q/A

No of piezometer tube Area (m2) Velocity (m/s)

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

A (1) 5.309 x 10-4 0.126 0.269 0.428

B 4.227 x 10-4 0.158 0.338 0.537

C 2.659 x 10-4 0.251 0.538 0.854

D (2) 2.011 x 10-4 0.332 0.711 1.129

E 2.214 x 10-4 0.301 0.646 1.025

F 2.679 x 10-4 0.249 0.534 0.847

G 3.192 x 10-4 0.209 0.448 0.711

H 3.746 x 10-4 0.178 0.382 0.606

J 4.348 x 10-4 0.153 0.329 0.522

K 4.992 x 10-4 0.134 0.286 0.455

L 5.309 x 10-4 0.126 0.269 0.428

Trial 1 (B)

V = Q/A = 6.67 x 10-5 / 5.309 x 10-4 = 0.158 m/s

Trial 2 (B)

V = Q/A = 14.30 x 10-5 / 5.309 x 10-4 = 0.338 m/s

Trial 3 (B)

V = Q/A = 14.30 x 10-5 / 5.309 x 10-4 = 0.537 m/s

Calculation of

Trial 1 (D)

1 232 258
= = -4.63
2 2 0.3322 2(9.81)

Trial 2 (D)

1 242 182
= = -1.63
2 2 0.5382 2(9.81)

Trial 3 (D)

1 218 110
= = -4.19
2 1.1292 2(9.81)
Table 2

Trial Q (m3/s) h1 (mm) h2 (mm) (h1-h2) (m) (h1-h2)1/2 (m)

1 6.67 x 10-5 258 232 0.026 0.16

2 14.30 x 10-5 242 182 0.060 0.24

3 22.70 x 10-5 218 110 0.108 0.33

Flowrate, Q


Volume rate = 5 liter = 5 x 10-3 m3

Trial 1

,3 5 103 3
Q= = = 6.67 x 10-5 m3/s
, 75

Trial 2

,3 5 103 3
Q= = = 14.30 x 10-5 m3/s
, 35

Trial 3

,3 5 103 3
Q= = = 22.70 x 10-5 m3/s
, 22
Table 3

Trial Flowrate Coefficient, Cd Flowrate, Qteori

1 0.247 1.55 x 10-4

2 2.29 x 10-3 2.356 x 10-4

3 2.018 x 10-3 3.162 x 10-4

Flowrate Coefficient, Cd

Cd =

g, gravity = 9.81 kN

= h1 h2

A = Area (m2)

Trial 1

6.67 105
Cd = = = 0.247
2... 2(9.81)(0.026)(5.304 104 )

Trial 2

14.3 105
Cd = = = 2.29 x 10-3
2... 2(9.81)(0.060)(5.304 104 )
Trial 3

22.7 105
Cd = = = 2.018 x 10-3
2... 2(9.81)(0.108)(5.304 104 )

Flowrate, Qteori

2 (2 1 )
Q= 2
1( 1 )2

g, gravity = 9.81 kN
1 , cross section at A = 530.9 mm2 = 5.304 104 m2
2 , cross section at D = 201.1 mm2 = 2.011 104 m2
1 = head at A
2 = head at D

Trial 1

2 (2 1 ) 2(9.81) (0.026)
Q= 2 =2.011 104 = 1.55 x 10-4
1( 1 )2 5.304 10
4 2
2 1( )
2.011 10

Trial 2

2 (2 1 ) 2(9.81) (0.060)
Q= 2 =2.011 104 = 2.356 x 10-4
1( 1 )2 4 2
2 1(5.304 104 )
2.011 10
Trial 3

2 (2 1 ) 2(9.81) (0.108)
Q= 2 =2.011 104 = 3.162 x 10-4
1( 1 )2 5.304 10
4 2
2 1( )
2.011 10

Show the calculation of Cd Value and Q theory

Flowrate Coefficient, Cd

Cd =

g, gravity = 9.81 kN

= h1 h2

A = Area (m2)

Trial 1

6.67 105
Cd = = = 0.247
2... 2(9.81)(0.026)(5.304 104 )

Trial 2

14.3 105
Cd = = = 2.29 x 10-3
2... 2(9.81)(0.060)(5.304 104 )

Trial 3

22.7 105
Cd = = = 2.018 x 10-3
2... 2(9.81)(0.108)(5.304 104 )
Flowrate, Qteori

2 (2 1 )
Q= 2
1( 1 )2

g, gravity = 9.81 kN
1 , cross section at A = 530.9 mm2 = 5.304 104 m2
2 , cross section at D = 201.1 mm2 = 2.011 104 m2
1 = head at A
2 = head at D

Trial 1

2 (2 1 ) 2(9.81) (0.026)
Q= 2 =2.011 104 = 1.55 x 10-4
1( 1 )2 5.304 10
4 2
2 1( )
2.011 10

Trial 2

2 (2 1 ) 2(9.81) (0.060)
Q= 2 =2.011 104 = 2.356 x 10-4
1( 1 )2 4 2
2 1(5.304 104 )
2.011 10

Trial 3

2 (2 1 ) 2(9.81) (0.108)
Q= 2 =2.011 104 = 3.162 x 10-4
1( 1 )2 5.304 10
4 2
2 1( )
2.011 10
Compare the value of Qexp with Q theory and discuss the result

Trial Q experiment Q theory

1 6.67 x 10-5 15.50 x 10-5
2 14.30 x 10-5 23.56 x 10-5
3 22.70 x 10-5 31.62 x 10-5

Based on the results it shows that the value of Q experiment and Q theory is different this is
mean there is maybe a leakage happened in venturi meter. Beside that the difference result is
happened maybe due to the error during reading. Some possible sources of error in this
experiment are the person timing the flow not starting or stopping on time and the person placing
the weight doing it too early or slightly late.


Based on the graph Q versus (h1-h2)1/2 it shows that the flow rate and (h1-h2)1/2 are directly
proportional. Beside that the slope of gradient from the graph is 8 x 10-4. From this experiment, it
can be conclude that the experiment was successful in order to prove venture effect. The venture
effect is the reduction in fluid pressure that results when a fluid flows through a constricted
section (or choke) of a pipe. Based on the result, it can be seen can be seen clearly that there are
rise in differential head of two tubes causes the increasing in flow rate and it prove the venture

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