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Innovative short and medium span bridges

 ort Edmonton Footbridge
 estoring the Kinsol Trestle
 ow to define sustainable infrastructure?

2014 | Spring/Printemps
Publications Mail Agreement #40069240

CIVads.indd 2 14-02-21 11:07 AM

12 Restoring the Kinsol Trestle
14 Fort Edmonton Footbridge
Cover photo: Fort Edmonton Footbridge. Photo courtesy CH2M HILL.

18 Introduction by Mamdouh El-Badry, Ph.D., P.Eng., FCSCE
19 Bridges with progressively erected decks
23 Innovative design and construction for expressway bridges in Japan

16 How Does the CSCE define sustainable infrastructure?

4 Presidents perspective / 10 Student voice/
Perspective presidentielle La voix des tudiants
6 From the regions: Western 22 Lifelong learning/
region / De nos regions, Formation continue
la rgion de lOuest 26 CSCE partners and sponsors/
8 Young professionals corner/ Associs et sponsors SCGC
Le coin des jeunes


Canadian Civil Engineer | Spring 2014 3

01CIVcontents.indd 3 14-02-27 2:03 PM


Reg Andres, P.Eng. FCSCE

4877 Sherbrooke St. W.,
Westmount, Qubec H3Z 1G9
Tel.: 514-933-2634, Fax: 514-933-3504
E-mail: info@csce.ca www.csce.ca
Taking Stock of Civil Engineers
Role in Canadian Society
Reg Andres, P. Eng., FCSCE (Toronto, ON) rom need and opportunity came some of the greatest engineering achievements in defining
Canadian society, in public health and safety, in economic development and in lifestyle.
CANADIAN CIVIL ENGINEER/LINGNIEUR CIVIL CANADIEN Some of these achievements are appropriately characterized as nation building; perhaps
EDITOR/RDACTEUR none having as much impact as the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway, given
Doug Salloum, CSCE Executive Director
514-933-2634 ext. 1, doug.salloum@csce.ca the time when it was done and its lasting role in the Canadian mosaic. In CPs own words
... [the] Canadian Pacific Railway was formed to physically unite Canada and Canadians
MANAGING EDITOR/ ASSOCIATE EDITOR/ from coast to coast. This incredible engineering feat was completed on Nov. 7, 1885 six
Cindy Macdonald Bronwen Parsons years ahead of schedule when the last spike was driven at Craigellachie, B.C. Canadas
Tel.: 416-510-6755 Tel.: 416-510-5119 confederation on July 1, 1867 brought four eastern provinces together to form a new country.
cmacdonald@bizinfogroup.ca bparsons@ccemag.com
As part of the deal, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick were promised a railway to link them
ADVERTISING SALES/ ART DIRECTOR/ with the two Central Canadian provinces Quebec and Ontario.
Maureen Levy Stewart Thomas After more than 125 years, this infrastructure is still having an effect on the life of Cana-
Tel: 416-510-5111 Tel: 416-510-5600 x3212
mlevy@ccemag.com sthomas@bizinfogroup.ca
dian citizens, including the economics and the politics of our country. Other transportation
achievements with a similar impact include the Welland Canal system in Niagara, the Trans-
Annual Subscription Rates/Abonnement annuel Canada Highway, Lions Gate Bridge in Vancouver, Champlain Bridge in Montreal, as well
Canada & U.S./E.U. $35.00, Other countries/Autres pays $45.00; Single
copy/Un numro $7.50; Agency discount/Rabais au distributeurs 10% as more recent feats of engineering like the Confederation Bridge in P.E.I.
PUBLICATION ISSN 9825-7515 Civil engineering achievements have been equally impactful in the area of public health and
RETURN ADDRESS/ADRESSE DE RETOUR : safety. The development of water and sewer systems has evolved since the time of Confederation
The Canadian Society for Civil Engineering
La Socit Canadienne de Gnie Civil and continues to this day. These civil engineering infrastructure initiatives have been credited for
4877 Sherbrooke St. W., Westmount, Quebec H3Z 1G9
saving more lives in Canadian history than the medical efforts and achievements of the health
Canadian Civil Engineer (CCE) is published five times per year by the Canadian
Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE). Lingnieur Civil Canadien (ICC) est community, considering the cholera and dysentery epidemics of the 19th century. One of the early
publi cinq fois par anne par la Socit Canadienne de Gnie Civil (SCGC).
epidemics in Lower Canada and New England claimed more than 9,000 lives. Many thousands
The opinions expressed in the papers are solely those of the authors and the
Canadian Society for Civil Engineering is not responsible for the statements of lives were lost in subsequent years until the cause and spread of these diseases was determined
made in this publication. Les opinions exprimes dans les articles sont la
seule responsabilit de leurs auteurs et la Socit canadienne de gnie civil and addressed with sanitation and water systems developed by the engineering community.
nengage pas sa responsabilit dans les propos exprims.
The needs of society in the early years of Canadian confederacy provided the opportunity
CIVIL Magazine is produced by the publishers of Canadian Consulting
Engineer Magazine, published by BIG Magazines LP, a division of Glacier BIG for civil engineers to be leaders in responding to the social needs of the day. Driven by the
Holdings Ltd. Le magazine Civil est produit
par lediteur de la publication Canadian obligations of their profession, civil engineers have persevered in the face of political, financial
Consulting Engineer qui est publie par BIG
Magazines LP, une division de Glacier BIG and technical challenges, finding ways to implement strategic solutions.
Holdings Ltd.
Engineers have done their job with little fanfare. The engineers role does not seem to be
Business Information Group,
80 Valleybrook Drive, understood by the general public. Rather than being recognized for its role, the engineering
Toronto, Ontario M3B 2S9
Tel.: 416-442-5600; Fax: 416-510-5140 community has been pushed further and further away from the front line on these issues.
PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT/POSTES CANADA ENREGISTREMENT #40069240 Headline disasters in recent years have resulted in infrastructure finding its way to the top of politi-
cal agendas at all levels. These failures have alerted the public and the engineering community to the
deterioration of our public infrastructure, leading to the concept of sustainability of these systems.
Sustainability, in the context of infrastructure, is the domain of civil engineers. And, lest

4 Printemps 2014 | LIngnieur civil canadien

01CIVPresMessage.indd 4 14-02-24 12:25 PM


we fool ourselves, it also involves other stakeholders policy makers, Aprs plus de 125 ans, cette infrastructure affecte toujours la vie
financiers/accountants, contractors the list goes on. Engineers, des citoyens canadiens, notamment lconomie et la politique. Il y a
however, have the technical background and problem solving skills eu dautres russites dans le domaine du transport, comme le canal
that equip them to be leaders in addressing core sustainable in- Welland, dans la rgion de Niagara, lautoroute transcanadienne, le
frastructure issues. Civil engineers, in fact, have a duty to take a pont Lions Gate, Vancouver, le pont Champlain, Montral, ainsi
leadership role and, therefore, need to become more visible and vo- que dautres ouvrages plus rcents comme le pont de la Confdra-
cal in this space. Link this need to CSCEs new vision and look for tion, lle du Prince douard.
our action plan to engage every component of our organization, Dautres russites du gnie civil ont aussi eu un impact sur la sant
including individual members, to be more visible and vocal. Global et la scurit publique. La cration daqueducs et dgouts a volu
sustainability and infrastructure is our current need and opportunity depuis la Confdration et continue dvoluer. Ces infrastructures
for our next great achievements! auraient sauv plus de vie au Canada que les efforts de la mdecine
et les russites du secteur de la sant si on pense aux pidmies de
cholra et de dysenterie du 19e sicle. Lune des plus anciennes pi-
dmies au Bas-Canada et en Nouvelle-Angleterre avait fauch plus
de 9 000 vies. Des milliers dautres vies ont t perdues au cours des
annes qui ont suivi jusqu ce que lon parvienne a dterminer la
cause et la propagation de ces maladies et que le gnie civil cre des
aqueducs et des gouts appropris.
Au dbut de la Confdration, les besoins de la socit ont donn
loccasion aux ingnieurs civils dagir comme leaders pour rpondre
aux ncessits sociales du pays. Pousss par les obligations de leur
An incredible engineering feat culminated on November 7, 1885, with profession, les ingnieurs civils ont relev les dfis politiques, finan-
the completion of Canadas first transcontinental railway./ Une ciers et techniques pour inventer des faons de mettre en uvre des
incroyable russite du gnie a t ralise le 7 novembre 1885 avec le solutions stratgiques.
parachvement du premier chemin de fer transcontinental du Canada. Les ingnieurs ont fait leur travail sans tambours ni trompettes. Le
rle de lingnieur semble ne pas tre bien compris dans le grand pub-

Bilan du rle de lingnieur civil

lic. Plutt que dtre reconnu pour son rle, lingnieur civil semble
avoir t de plus en plus loign des dbats sur ces questions.

dans la socit canadienne

Les dsastres qui ont fait la manchette au cours des dernires annes
ont fait en sorte que la question des infrastructures sest retrouve au

L e besoin et les circonstances ont donn lieu certaines des plus somment de lagenda politique, tous les niveaux. Ces checs ont alert
grandes russites du gnie civil pour la cration de la socit le public et la profession quant la dtrioration de nos infrastructures,
canadienne, pour la sant et la scurit publique, et pour le dvel- ce qui a men llaboration de la notion de durabilit pour ces ouvrages.
oppement conomique et le mode de vie des citoyens. Certaines En matire dinfrastructures, la durabilit est laffaire des ingnieurs
de ces russites font partie, juste titre, du processus de cration civils. Sans nous tromper, on peut aussi affirmer qua la durabilit est
dun pays. Aucune de ces russites na cependant eu autant de por- aussi laffaire dautres intresss: les dcideurs politiques, les agents
te que la construction du chemin de fer du Canadien Pacifique, de financement, les comptables, les entrepreneurs, etc. Cependant,
compte tenu de lpoque et de son rle persistant dans la mosaque les ingnieurs ont les connaissances et les comptences techniques
canadienne. Selon les mots mme du CP le chemin de fer du pour agir comme chefs de file dans le traitement des problmes
Canadien pacifique a t cr pour unir physiquement le Canada et dinfrastructures durables. En fait, lingnieur a mme le devoir de
les Canadiens dun ocan lautre. Cette incroyable russite du gnie prendre le leadership, de se faire plus visible et de sexprimer davan-
a t paracheve le 7 novembre 1885, six annes plus vite que prvu, tage dans ce domaine. Faites le lien avec la nouvelle conception de
lorsque le dernier clou a t enfonc, Craigellachie, C.B. Le 1er juil- la SCGC et consultez notre plan daction, destin mobiliser tous
let 1867, la Confdration canadienne runissait quatre provinces de nos lments, y compris certains membres prcis, afin dtre plus
lEst pour crer un nouveau pays. En vertu de lentente, on a promis prsents et plus connus comme tel. La durabilit globale et dans les
la Nouvelle-cosse et au Nouveau-Brunswick un chemin de fer infrastructures constitue le besoin et loccasion par excellence pour
pour les relier aux deux provinces centrales, le Qubec et lOntario. crer nos prochaines grandes russites !

Canadian Civil Engineer | Spring 2014 5

01CIVPresMessage.indd 5 14-02-24 12:25 PM


Western Region: Connecting with the Community

D. Philip Alex, the CSCE national office. fessionals initiative through industry nights,
M.Sc., BArch The sections are actively involved in the mentorship programs, involvement of technolo-
(Hons), civil engineering community by providing gists and the development of the student chapter
PMP REGIONAL services such as technical programs, tech- at the University of Victoria under the guidance
VICE-PRESIDENT, nical tours to infrastructure projects, and of Vancouver Island section chair Kevin Baskin,
WESTERN REGION, student activities (poster contests, popsicle Dr. Rishi Gupta and Dr. Caterina Valeo.
CSCE stick bridge contests, scholarship and bursary Although there are significant challenges
programs), and by connecting and partner- with respect to an aging workforce and suc-

T he Western Region core committee con-

sists of the regional vice-president Dinu
Philip Alex, the treasurer, Dr. Rishi Gupta,
ing with other civil-related societies.
The Regional Lecture Tours (RLT) were
initiated in 2012, spearheaded by Brad
cession planning within the sections, there is
excitement within the Western Region as the
Vancouver section works towards hosting the
the regional coordinator (currently vacant) Smid, a former CSCE Western Region vice- CSCE annual conference in 2017.
and the chairs of the four sectionsthat com- president, with the sole intent of connecting
prise the region: Leslie Symon, Edmonton; the sections together. The RLT series for the D. Philip Alex is director of strategic services,
Erin Dvorak, Calgary; Chelene Wong, Van- spring of 2014 is the Glacier Discovery Walk drainage services, financial services &
couver; and Kevin Baskin, Vancouver Island. in Jasper National Park and will be present- utilities, City of Edmonton.
Like every other region, the Western Re- ed by Dr. Simon Brown from Read Jones
gion works actively with the sections to build Christoffersen, the key sponsor for the event.
and sustain initiatives that are in alignment One other key initiative within the region
with the strategic directions and visions of has been the enhancement of the Young Pro-

La rgion de lOuest : branche sur la collectivit

D. Philip Alex, M.Sc., BArch (Hons), des chantiers dinfrastructures et des activits Activities such as bridge competitions help the
PMP VICE-PRSIDENT RGIONAL, tudiantes (concours daffiches, concours de Society connect with the community. / Des
RGION DE LOUEST, SCGC ponts en btons de popsicles, bourses, et en activits telles que des concours de pont aider
sassociant en partenariat avec dautres socits la Socit se connecter avec la communaut.

L e comit de base pour lOuest comprend

le vice-prsident rgional, Dinu Philip
Alex, le trsorier, le professeur Rishi Gupta,
relies au monde du gnie civil.
La tourne rgionale de confrences a t
cre en 2012, sous la direction de Brad Smid,
lUniversit de Victoria, sous la direction du
prsident de la section de lle de Vancouver,
le coordonnateur rgional (prsentement va- ancien vice-prsident rgional pour lOuest, Kevin Baskin, du professeur Rishi Gupta et
cant) et les prsidents des quatre sections de dans le seul but de relier les sections ensemble. du professeur Caterina Valeo.
la rgion : Leslie Symon, Edmonton ; Erin Pour le printemps 2014, cette tourne portera Bien que nous devions faire face de nom-
Dvorak, Calgary ; Chelene Wong, Vancouver sur la promenade sur le glacier dans le parc breux dfis comme le vieillissement des
; et Kevin Baskin, le de Vancouver. national de Jasper, avec le professeur Simon travailleurs et la planification de la succession
Comme toute autre rgion, la rgion de Brown, de Read Jones Christoffersen, prin- dans les sections, il rgne une saine animation
lOuest travaille avec les sections pour con- cipal commanditaire de lactivit. dans la rgion de lOuest alors que la section
struire et maintenir des initiatives conformes Autre activit importantedans la rgion: de Vancouver se prpare accueillir le congrs
aux orientations stratgiques et aux concep- lenrichissement du programme dactivits annuel de la SCGC de 2017.
tions de la direction de la SCGC. pour les jeunes professionnels, avec des
Les sections participent la vie de la pro- soires industrielles, des programmes de D. Philip Alex est directeur des services
fession en offrant des services comme les mentorat, la participation de technologues, stratgiques aux services de drainage de la
programmes techniques, les visites techniques et la cration dun chapitre tudiant ville dEdmonton.

6 Printemps 2014 | LIngnieur civil canadien

01CIV-RegionNews.indd 6 14-02-24 11:46 AM


Lunch Networking Events

Popular in Prairie Region
North Saskatchewan
The Saskatoon Section has recently hosted a number of events that
target YPs. One of our goals this year is to maintain our student
members as associate members following graduation, and we are
working closely with our student chapter to help achieve this.
Nooner presentations have been held on a monthly basis and
consist of a mini presentation on a local project followed by ques-
tions and answers. These presentations take place at a venue on
campus and include lunch to encourage student attendance. The
nooners are a hit with all members.
We have also hosted two networkers at a local venue. These
informal events provide an opportunity for members to form con-
nections within the civil engineering community. Although the
networkers are open to both members and non-members of all ages,
they have been attended primarily by YP and student members.
Karleigh Pihowich, EIT, AMCSCE

South Saskatchewan
The South Saskatchewan Section hosted three networker events
for its young professional members in Regina in 2013. The purpose
of networkers is to provide young professionals an opportunity to
meet and socialize with peers in an informal setting. Past events
have included beverages and appetizers, pool, and glow bowling.
We have recently had the University of Regina added to the list of
CSCE-recognized universities and we are working on creating the
universitys first student chapter.
We plan to host more networkers in 2014, which will be comple-
mented with some technical lunch-and-learn events. Our goal is to
maximize participation and member momentum leading up to the
2015 CSCE Annual Conference to be hosted in Regina.
Katelyn Freon, EIT, AMCSCE

December YP Networker, Nortown Bowling Lanes, Regina, SK. /

Activit de rseautage en dcembre chez les jeunes professionnels :
soire de quilles Regina, SK. Photo : Ali Zaineddin

Canadian Civil Engineer | Spring 2014 7

01CIVYoungPro.indd 7 14-02-24 11:53 AM


Les exposs-midi sont un succs dans la rgion des prairies

Saskatchewan Nord Saskatchewan Sud
La section de Saskatoon a rcemment organis des activits visant La section de Saskatchewan Sud a organis trois activits de
les jeunes professionnels. Lun de nos objectifs pour lanne est de rseautage pour ses jeunes professionnels, Regina, en 2013.
conserver notre nombre de membres tudiants et de membres associs Ces activits ont pour but de donner aux jeunes professionnels
aprs leur diplomation, et nous collaborons troitement notre section loccasion de rencontrer dautres jeunes professionnels dans un
tudiante pour y parvenir. cadre de dtente.
Il y a eu des exposs-midi sur une base mensuelle, qui consistent en LUniversit de Regina a rcemment t ajoute la liste des uni-
une mini-prsentation sur un projet local, suivi dune priode ques- versits reconnues par la SCGC, et nous nous employons y mettre
tions et rponses. Ces prsentations, qui comportaient un bon repas, sur pied le premier chapitre tudiant.
ont eu lieu sur le campus afin de faciliter la participation tudiante. Nous prvoyons organiser plus dactivits de rseautage en 2014,
Les exposs-midi sont un succs auprs de tous les membres. en y ajoutant des activits plus techniques de style Lunch and
Nous avons aussi organis deux activits locales de rseautage. Ces Learn. Notre but est de maximiser la participation et le recrute-
activits spontanes sont pour les membres une occasion de nouer ment dici au congrs annuel de 2015 de la SCGC, qui aura lieu
des relations avec le monde du gnie civil. Bien que ces activits soi- Regina.
ent ouvertes aux membres et aux non-membres de tout ge, il y avait Katelyn Freon, EIT, MASCGC
surtout des membres tudiants et des jeunes professionnels.
Karleigh Pihowich, EIT, MASCGC

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8 Printemps 2014 | LIngnieur civil canadien

01CIVYoungPro.indd 8 14-02-24 11:53 AM

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CIVads.indd 9 14-02-24 10:52 AM


Tapping Local Expertise for Guest Speaker Series

Jayme-Lee we decided to start by inviting our own cantly from one session to the next. There
Berton professors in the various civil engineer- have been excellent testimonies about the
PRESIDENT, ing specialties. We have offered two guest event and its impact on students. Our pro-
CSCE STUDENT speaker nights on the four major disciplines fessors who offered to share their knowledge
CHAPTER, of civil engineering offered at U. of Ottawa, with us have also expressed their pleasure at
UNIVERSITY namely, structural, geotechnical, hydraulics being a part of the event.
OF OTTAWA and environmental. This has been an excel- The CSCE student chapter at University
lent tool for student chapter members and of Ottawa plans to continue holding these

T he University of Ottawas CSCE

student chapter is creating an envi-
ronment for civil engineering students that
other civil engineering students to be well
informed about the civil engineering pro-
fession and to make an informed decision
events with the hope of bringing more stu-
dents out each time. Our plans for future
events will be to bring in professionals from
will help stimulate an early professional concerning their future in this profession. the industry with various levels of expertise
consciousness right from our campus. We There is also an added bonus, in that we and experience. The focus will be on provid-
have decided to welcome at least one re- have the chance to closely interact with pro- ing our students with insight on what young
nowned guest speaker each semester for a fessors that we do not usually meet. civil engineering professionals can expect
guest speaker night series. Since we have Student attendance and turnout at the once they graduate and how they can choose
internationally respected faculty members, guest speaker nights has increased signifi- and develop their own career paths.

Exploiter les ressources locales

pour trouver des confrenciers
Jayme-Lee Berton, re un excellent outil
LUNIVERSIT DOTTAWA membres du chapitre
et aux autres tudi-

L e chapitre tudiant de la SCGC de

lUniversit dOttawa cre lintention
des tudiants en gnie civil un envi-
ants en gnie civil The student chapter at University of Ottawa invited university
dtre bien rensei- professors to discuss careers in civil engineering. / Le chapitre
gns sur la profession tudiant de lUniversit dOttawa invite des professeurs duniversit
ronnement susceptible de favoriser une prise et de prendre des d- pour dbattre des carrires en gnie civil.
de conscience professionnelle ds le campus. cisions claires sur
Nous avons dcid daccueillir au moins un leur avenir dans cette profession. Avantage Le chapitre tudiant de la SCGC
confrencier de renom chaque semestre, additionnel: nous avons la chance dtre en lUniversit dOttawa entend poursuivre ces
dans le cadre de nos soires-confrences. interaction troite avec des professeurs que activits dans lespoir daugmenter constam-
Comme nous avons ici des professeurs de nous ne rencontrons pas souvent. ment la participation tudiante. Nos plans
rputation internationale, nous avons dcid La participation tudiante ces soires- pour lavenir consistent attirer des professi-
de commencer par inviter nos propres profes- confrences augmente de faon importante onnels de lindustrie possdant divers degrs
seurs dans les divers secteurs du gnie civil. dune soire lautre. Les tmoignages de comptence et de connaissances. Notre
Nous avons offert deux soires-confrences relatifs ce sujet et leffet bnfique sur but est doffrir nos tudiants une ide de
quatre spcialits importantes du gnie les tudiants sont positifs. Nos professeurs ce quoi les jeunes ingnieurs civils peuvent
civiloffertes lUniversit dOttawa: les qui ont accept de partager leur exprience sattendre aprs avoir obtenu leur diplme et
charpentes, la gotechnique, lhydraulique avec nous se sont galement dits heureux de des choix quils auront faire pour assurer le
et lenvironnement. Cette formule sest av- participer ces soires. dveloppement de leur carrire.

10 Printemps 2014 | LIngnieur civil canadien

01CIV-StudentNews.indd 10 14-02-27 11:22 AM

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CIVads.indd 11 Client : TD Assurance Date de tombe : 06/11/2013 14-02-24 10:52 AM
Format : 8.5x11

Restoring the
Kinsol Trestle
This restoration project on Vancouver Island in B.C. retained 60 per cent of
the trestles historic timber and met the current bridge code.

Re-opening ceremony.
Photo: ISL Engineering and Land Services

By Robin Zirnhelt, P.Eng. and Reid Costley, P.Eng. of the original timber and met the Canadian Highway Bridge Code.
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES To achieve this outcome, the consultant team needed to address the
apparently conflicting requirements of BCs Ministry of Transporta-

T he Kinsol Trestle soars 145 feet over the Koksilah River on Van-
couver Island, B.C.; it is Canadas tallest timber trestle. Built in
1920 for CN Rail, this historic railway bridge had fallen into disre-
tion and Infrastructure (MOTI) and the Standards and Guidelines
for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada. The former re-
quired that all load-bearing timbers had to be new, not reclaimed
pair and was slated for demolition. In 2007, however, the Cowichan timber. The latter required the retention and repair of as much of the
Valley Regional District requested an assessment to determine the vi- existing structure as possible, using existing materials where possible.
ability of its restoration as a pedestrian bridge connecting the last leg
of the Trans-Canada Trail on south Vancouver Island. ISL Engineer- Rehabilitation strategy
ing and Land Services (then Cascade Engineering Group) executed a In response, the design-build team developed an innovative rehabili-
complex timber and steel solution, which simultaneously reused 60% tation strategy that divided the structure into inactive and active

12 Printemps 2014 | LIngnieur civil canadien

01CIVkinsole.indd 12 14-02-24 11:07 AM


Photos: Macdonald & Lawrence Timber Framing

portions. The inactive components were non-load bearing structures istics including
that used as much of the original timber as possible, enabling the project the span, height and
to meet the conservation standards. The active portions were re-con- timber aesthetic
structed components that would support the planned new pedestrian qualities of the
walkway above so that the bridge complied with MOTI requirements. original structure
This strategy brought together cost certainty, compliance with current were preserved.
bridge building codes, and adherence to good conservation practice. Under-slung steel
First, the team needed a detailed understanding of the structure and trusses were built
how the pieces fit together. The prime contractor, Macdonald & Law- to bridge the
rence Timber Framing (M&L), developed a comprehensive data sheet active bents (two-
on each of the 6,000 timbers that make up the trestle and obtained a dimensional braced
complete set of documents (working drawings, correspondence, and frames), thereby
engineers assessments) from the former owner, CN Rail. M&L then leaving 29 of the
carried out a detailed wood condition assessment, combining the new 46 original bents in New active bents being
technology of a 3D survey of existing conditions with resistograph place as non-load lowered into position.
testing. This approach enabled the creation of a detailed digital model bearing. The last 17
of the existing structure, complete with the physical properties of the bents incorporated
surveyed geometry. new timber to support the new pedestrian walkway above. In this
After M&Ls assess- manner, the restoration blended new construction with heritage as-
ment, ISLs timber pects so that the rehabilitated bridge looks the same as the original
engineers carried out structure from the underside of the pedestrian bridge down. Design
further modeling of the steel superstructure for the new 618-ft. walkway atop the trestle
and analysis of the was undertaken by Stantec, and the ISL-Stantec design team col-
key structural ele- laborated on the design solution to ensure that the two structural
ments to determine components worked together. MMM Group provided leadership to
what could be saved the project as the coordinating registered professional.
and what had to be Re-opened in July 2011, the Kinsol Trestle provides pedestri-
replaced. ans, cyclists and equestrians with passage over the Koksilah River,
The Howe trusses, removing a difficult 8.5-km detour. The bridge also brings rec-
spanning 95 feet reational and economic opportunities to communities in south
over the river, were Vancouver Island by connecting the last leg of the Trans-Canada
an integral part of Trail between Shawnigan Lake and the Town of Lake Cowichan.
New material spliced determining the Today, this historic landmark draws in visitors from near and far
to existing material. viability of the resto- as a spectacular showcase of Canadian heritage, engineering and
ration. In the overall construction skills. Its restoration has been recognized with several
structural system awards for sustainability.
these trusses are engaged only to carry the dead load of the inactive
bents above. The condition assessment and analysis concluded that
new timber was required only to reinforce a few critical connections OWNER-CLIENT: Cowichan Valley Regional District
ISL proceeded to design the structural elements for both the new bents HEAVY TIMBER SUBSTRUCTURE ENGINEERING: ISL Engineering
(which incorporate some original timbers in sound condition as non- and Land Services (Robin Zirnhelt, P.Eng., Reid Costley, P.Eng.)
loading bearing elements) and repairs to the non-load bearing bents. PRIME CONTRACTOR: Macdonald & Lawrence Timber Framing
OTHER KEY PLAYERS: Jonathan Yardley Architect, Stantec
Blending old and new Consulting (superstructure), C.N. Ryzuk & Associates
The resulting restoration process included replacing unsound timbers (geotechnical), Knappett Projects (contractor)
and reinforcing the structure to ensure that the historic character-

Canadian Civil Engineer | Spring 2014 13

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Fort Edmonton Footbridge

A new suspension bridge over the North Saskatchewan River in an Edmonton park
Photos: CH2M HILL

provides a signature landmark in the citys river valley.

By Gary Kriviak, P.Eng. and Stephanie Robertson CH2M HILL team brought together specialists with extensive expe-
CH2M HILL rience who were well suited to the challenges.

T he Fort Edmonton Footbridge and Trails project comprises sev-

eral kilometres of new pathways and a major pedestrian crossing
of the North Saskatchewan River. Fort Edmonton Park has been
Clean and slender form
This technically complex project relied on the judicious use of several
technologies to address the challenges of achieving the functional,
developed to pay homage to the City of Edmontons history and is a strength, aesthetic, and durability requirements of the selected bridge
living heritage museum located in the citys picturesque river val- form. Cast-in-place concrete, precast concrete, and composite steel-
ley. The footbridge site, just upstream from the park, is a remote and concrete, each with a combination of normal reinforcement and post
heavily treed section of the river valley. tensioning, were all used on the project. These along with the main
Major objectives of the project were to provide a functional trail catenary cable system were key in creating a long span footbridge
crossing over the river, create a resting place on the river, and con- with a light and organic profile that respects the natural character
struct a signature landmark in the citys river valley. Completed in of the site, compared to other bridge types. The primary structural
2010, the footbridge is the city parks first suspension bridge and its elements i.e. the pier shafts, the towers caps, the anchor block / entry
first new river crossing built in the last 15 years. The classic bridge plazas, and the tower belvedere seating / gathering areas, are each
form suits the natural site character and its towers serve as beacons detailed to a high architectural standard with clean, sculpted shapes.
to trail users in its vicinity. There is a long history of steel stiffening truss use in suspension
Engineering firm CH2M HILL, as prime consultant, led and co- bridge superstructures. However, the Fort Edmonton Footbridge
ordinated specialists who worked to achieve the citys vision for the relies on concrete deck elements to achieve its clean, slender and
project. Due to the sensitive ecosystem in which the project is situ- pleasing form. Given the relatively flexible superstructure that results,
ated, significant attention was given to environmental factors. The the consideration of dynamic behaviour due to wind and pedestrian

14 Printemps 2014 | LIngnieur civil canadien

01CIVedmonton.indd 14 14-02-27 11:22 AM


The suspension
bridge in the
picturesque river
valley park in
Edmonton is the first
new river crossing
built in the last 15
years. Its long span
and light and organic
profile respect the
natural character of
the site.

to understand the potential impacts and to guide project decisions

The consideration of dynamic behaviour due to wind and pedestrian affecting the river valley ecosystem. Approvals from all levels of gov-
loading was an important aspect of the design. ernment were required prior to moving ahead with the project.
In order to compensate for the construction phase impacts (tem-
loading was an important aspect of the design. In-service full-scale porary in-river construction berms) and the permanent footprint of
dynamic monitoring occurred after construction to further assess the the bridge where it affects the bed and banks of the river (piers, bank
structures dynamic response, and the effectiveness of the dynamic armouring), side-bank rock groins were constructed downstream of
control provisions incorporated in the bridge was confirmed. the bridge on the west bank of the channel. These features are de-
The geometrically complex suspension bridge form, its relative signed to provide fisheries habitat, particularly during periods of the
flexibility, and the shallow deck structure were a few elements year when the river flows are above normal. The groins create slower
of design complexity that flowed through into the construction velocity pools for resting and foraging by fish and other aquatic life
phase. Careful consideration of the post tensioning details, vigilant in this reach of the river.
attention to the layout of the bridge geometrics, and the use of high-
quality finishes on the entirely exposed structure were some of the
key items completed to high standards, as reflected in the quality of OWNER-CLIENT: City of Edmonton
Minimizing the environmental footprint OTHER KEY PLAYERS: Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory
Due to the sensitive ecosystem in which the project is situated, signif- (dynamics), Thurber Engineering (geotechnical), AMEC
icant consideration was given to environmental factors. For example, (environmental support), Northwest Hydraulic Consultants
one of the primary reasons the three-span suspension bridge was (hydrotechnical), Jiri Strasky (bridge type consultant), HFKS
selected was because the permanent footprint of the bridge, with only Architects (architect), EDA Collaborative (landscape),
two instream piers in the river channel, was minimal compared to Gray Scott Consulting (public communications)
other options that were studied. GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Alberco Construction
An environmental impact assessment of the project was prepared

Canadian Civil Engineer | Spring 2014 15

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How Does the CSCE Define Sustainable Infrastructure?

Nick Larson, MEPP, P.Eng., Chair,
Sarah Young, P.Eng., LEED AP BD+C

Over the past year this column has shared ideas from across
Canada to articulate how civil engineers interpret the phrase
sustainable infrastructure. This discussion has helped to The city of Quebec is a past winner of the CSCE Award for
support CSCEs Vision 2020 Strategic Direction to demonstrate Governmental Leadership in Sustainable Infrastructure, for its
leadership in sustainable infrastructure. clean-up of the St. Charles River.

C ivil engineers are stewards of Canadian infrastructure. We are

largely responsible for all aspects of infrastructure projects, in-
cluding planning, designing, constructing and maintenance. This
Sustainable infrastructure considers the economic, social and en-
vironmental factors that are influenced by the project or program
along its entire life cycle. To encourage the development of sustain-
responsibility provides civil engineers with a unique opportunity to able infrastructure, the CSCE will award the third annual Award for
impact the future of Canadian infrastructure and to steer our society Governmental Leadership in Sustainable Infrastructure at this years
onto a sustainable pathway. This article provides an overview of how conference in Halifax. This award is open to all levels of government,
the CSCE is beginning to formally define sustainable infrastructure. and is given to provide recognition to a Canadian public sector orga-

Sustainable Infrastructure Best Practices Round 1

Planning, Decision Making the organization, or increasing social/ Resources
and Leadership environmental service levels. Reduce the impact of waste by using re-
Consideration of all options for addressing Consideration for the impact of the cycled materials during construction or
the relevant issues, such as non-infrastruc- project/program on the affordability of diverting waste from landfills.
ture solutions, demand management, infrastructure systems in the community. Reduce the energy consumption during con-
rehabilitation of the infrastructure, etc. Demonstrate the anticipation for fu- struction by using regional materials, using
Clear justification for the need for the ture changes during the design process, processes to recycle/reduce wasted energy, or
infrastructure project/program. such as the risks associated with climate using renewable resources for energy.
Leadership to advance the sustainable change or the potential for changing Reduce the use of water during the proj-
performance of the project/program. modes of transportation. ect life cycle.
Inclusion and collaboration with all Demonstrate the economic contribu- Use a monitoring program to track the
stakeholders to work together toward tion of the project/program to the local/ reduction in resources (water, energy,
optimizing sustainable performance. regional/national economy. gas, etc.) used during construction and
Cooperation or sharing of information to in normal operation/maintenance of the
benefit other communities. Society project over its life cycle.
Demonstration of how the project/pro- Community engagement and approval of
gram has contributed to a change in the the project/program. Environment
corporate culture of the organization. Improve or enhance public health and Protect and enhance all aspects of the
safety (pollution reduction, improved natural environment.
Financial and Risk Management accessibility, improved ability to use al- Implement low impact development mea-
Integration with asset management ternative transportation, etc.). sures to manage storm water runoff.
processes to demonstrate the benefit of Preserve/add to the community culture. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
the project/program to reducing long- Preserve/add to the access to the natural Reduce the impacts of urbanization (i.e.
term costs, reducing risk exposure of environment. heat island effect).

16 Printemps 2014 | LIngnieur civil canadien

01CIVsustainable.indd 16 14-02-24 2:41 PM


nization that has shown true innovation and leadership to advance

the practice of sustainable infrastructure.
Over the course of the past year, the CSCEs Infrastructure Re-
newal Committee has developed a formalized set of best practices
that will be used to guide organizations that are submitting nomi-
nations for the Award for Governmental Leadership in Sustainable
Infrastructure (see sidebar opposite). The best practices can also be
applied to advance the sustainable contribution of any infrastructure
project or program. 2014 May 28 - May 31
Mai 28 - Mai 31

We recognize that there are a number of systems available for guid-

ing and evaluating the sustainable contribution of infrastructure SUSTAINABLE MUNICIPALITIES
projects. One of these is the Envision system that has been adopted MUNICIPALITS DURABLES
by our American counterparts in the ASCE. While the CSCE has yet www.CSCE2014.ca
to endorse any one sustainable infrastructure rating system, the best
practices summarized in the sidebar should be viewed as foundational
elements that are essential to a formal rating system.
It should be emphasized that articulating and defining sustainable
infrastructure is an ongoing challenge being faced by civil engineers
and the CSCE. The best practices listed should be considered as a
starting point for bringing the topic to the forefront. They will evolve
over time as our industrys view of sustainable infrastructure matures
and infrastructure owners will begin to specifically ask for these types
Join us in Halifax
of best practices to be applied to their projects.
CSCE Annual Conference
Applying the best practices for sustainable infrastructure will be
Congrs annuel de la SCGC
tratio n !
the key to ensuring that the projects we start today will provide the
Re gis e
services we expect without compromising our ability to provide these w Op
services to future generations. is No SCE2014.ca
For more information, eligibility requirements and submission Check out our excellent
guidelines for the CSCEs Award for Governmental Leadership in sponsorship opportunities!
Sustainable Infrastructure, please visit www.csce.ca.


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Canadian Civil Engineer | Spring 2014 17

01CIVsustainable.indd 17 14-02-24 2:41 PM


Innovative Short and Medium Span Bridges

SMSB-IX Conference in Calgary: a worldwide forum dedicated to this prevalent category of bridges.

at SMSB-IX to again enjoy a unique opportunity to discuss recent

Mamdouh El-Badry, practices and new research and development. Over 250 papers from
Ph.D., P.Eng., FCSCE 25 countries will be presented covering a wide range of themes.
PROFESSOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, / The technical articles that follow are short versions of two papers that
PROFESSEUR DE GNIE CIVIL, will be presented at the conference. The article by Strasky, Zich, and
UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY Novotny presents a technique for construction of prestressed concrete
bridges with a wide deck, ranging from 25 to 31 m, supported on a

B ridge structures are a major component of the transportation

infrastructure of any country. Engineers are continually seeking in-
novative ways to design and build bridges that are aesthetically pleasing
narrow (6.5 m) box-girder spine. The design allows for a significant
reduction in self-weight to facilitate construction and reduce costs.
Sakai introduces prestressed concrete bridge design and construction
and sustainable, with a reduced maintenance cost and longer service life. for a new expressway in Japan. His innovative examples include a hybrid
Short and medium span bridges constitute 90 to 95 per cent of concrete and steel tube truss bridge, a box-girder bridge with steel cor-
bridge infrastructure in any country. Since 1982 the International rugated web, a box girder with ribbed slab and strut, precast segmental
Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges (SMSB) has been construction, and incremental launching of concrete box-girder bridges.
held in Canada, under the auspices of the Canadian Society for Civ- The SMSB-IX Conference is organized in partnership with the
il Engineering, to provide the only worldwide forum dedicated to University of Calgary, the City of Calgary, and Alberta Transporta-
this category of bridges. Bridge engineers, researchers, contractors, tion, and will be held July 15-18, 2014, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel
and owners from around the world will meet this year in Calgary in Calgary. We look forward to seeing you there.

Ponts de courte et moyenne porte novateurs

La Confrence SMSB-IX de Calgary: un forum mondial ddi cette catgorie dominante de ponts

L es ponts constituent une partie importante des infrastructures

de transport de tout pays. Les ingnieurs sont constamment la
recherche de faons novatrices de concevoir et de construire des ponts
Les articles techniques qui suivent sont des versions abrges de deux
communications qui seront prsentes la confrence. Larticle de Strasky,
Zich et Novotny dcrit une technique de construction de ponts en bton
esthtiquement agrables et durables, avec un cot de maintenance prcontraint avec un large tablier de 25 31 m, port par une colonne de
rduit et une longue dure de vie. poutre-caisson troite (6,5 m).Cette conception permet une rduction
Les ponts de courte et moyenne porte constituent 90 95 pour- significative du poids qui facilite la construction et rduit les cots.
cent des infrastructures de ponts dans nimporte quel pays. Depuis Sakai prsente la conception et la construction de pont en bton
1982, la Confrence internationale sur les ponts de courte et moyenne prcontraint sur une voie rapide au Japon. Ses exemples innovants
porte (SMSB) a lieu au Canada sous les auspices de la Socit cana- comprennent un pont hybride en bton prcontraint et treillis en
dienne de gnie civile afin de fournir le seul forum mondial ddi tube en acier, un pont poutre-caisson avec me en acier ondul,
cette catgorie de ponts. Des ingnieurs des ponts, des chercheurs, des une poutre-caisson avec dalle et entretoise nervures, la construction
entrepreneurs et des propritaires du monde entier se rencontreront segmentaire prfabrique et le lancement de ponts poutre-caisson.
cette anne Calgary la SMSB-IX afin de profiter dune occasion Organise en partenariat par lUniversit de Calgary, la ville de
unique pour discuter les pratiques rcentes et les nouveauts en re- Calgary et le ministre des transports de lAlberta, la SMSB-IX se
cherche et dveloppement. Plus de 250 communications de 25 pays droulera du 15 au 18 juillet 2014 lhtel Hyatt Regency Calgary.
seront prsentes sur un large ventail de thmes. Nous esprons avoir le plaisir de vous y rencontrer.

18 Printemps 2014 | LIngnieur civil canadien

01CIVTechIntro.indd 18 14-02-24 2:43 PM


Bridges with Progressively Erected Decks

Jiri Strasky cast span-by-span in a formwork suspended not only careful analysis and detailing, but
STRASKY, HUSTY AND PARTNERS, on a special overhead gantry (Figure 1(b))with also experienced contractors. Also the con-
BRNO, CZECH REPUBLIC & a so-called organic prestressing system. This struction and service of these bridges have to
GREENBRAE, CA, USA prestressing progressively eliminates deforma- be carefully checked and monitored.
Milos Zich tion of the gantry during casting. The spine
BRNO UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, girder is very narrow in width (6.50 m) in Architectural and structural design
CZECH REPUBLIC order to reduce its self-weight as much as pos- The span arrangement, section dimensions,
Petr Novotny sible. Therefore the transverse projection of and construction sequence of the bridges
STRASKY, HUSTY AND PARTNERS, the overhangs extends up to 11.00m (Fig- were developed on the basis of detailed static
BRNO, CZECH REPUBLIC ure 3). Casting of the spine girder is followed and dynamic analyses. The first structure
by the erection of precast slab struts on each of this kind is a 975-m long viaduct built

S everal long prestressed concrete viaducts

are currently being built in Slovakia (Fig-
ure 1). The bridges have spans varying from
side of the girder. The struts are not mutually
connected. The overhangs are then cast-in-
place on simple formwork supported by the
across the Hostovsky Creek on Expressway
R1 near the city of Nitras R1205 (Figure 1).
The bridge deck is 25.66 m wide and extends
42 to 69m and widths ranging from 25 to struts. This progressive technique is similar to over 17 spans of length varying from 33.0 to
31m. The bridge decks consist of a single-cell that implemented about 30 years ago in the 69.0 m. The girder depth varies from 4.00
box girder spine that is additionally widened construction of several cable-stayed bridges, to 2.60m. The bridge was opened to traffic
by precast struts and cast-in-place overhangs including one across the River Elbe and the in September 2011 (Novotny et al., 2013).
(Figure 2). Construction of the bridge decks Vrsovice bridge built in Prague (Strasky, Two bridges of similar arrangement are
is carried out in stages. The spine girder is 1993). It is evident that this solution requires being built on the section Fricovce Svinia

Figure.1 Bridge across the Hostovsky Creek Valley: (a) completed bridge, (b) span-by-span erection

Canadian Civil Engineer | Spring 2014 19

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Figure2 Typical cross section Figure3 Progressive erection of the deck

near the city of Presov on Motorway D1. The and are deviated at pier and span deviators. Design of the first structure the Viaduct
bridges that are being built across the Lazny In the transverse direction the deck slab is across the Hostovsky Creek Valley was
and Stefanovsky Creek have total lengths of prestressed by tendons consisting of 4 strands performed according to the Slovakias stan-
269m and 182m; typical span length is 45m. placed in flat ducts situated at a distance of dards (STN) in effect at the time of design.
Both motorway directions are carried by one 1.50m. During erection the struts are sus- All other viaducts were designed according
bridge of a total width of 29.5m. The girder pended on two prestressing bars anchored at to Eurocode. All aspects of the analysis are
has a constant depth of 2.60m. The bridge the outer cantilevers of the basic cross section presented in (Novotny et al., 2012).
decks are rigidly connected to H shaped piers (Figure3). The struts of a nominal width of The detailed analysis has confirmed that
and form semi-integral structural systems. 3.00 or 2.50m are supported by short bottom although the struts are not mutually con-
Another two bridges of similar arrangement corbels of the box girder (Figures3 and 5). nected, they contribute to resistance of the
are also being built on the JanovceJablonov The deck slab is cast-in-place in the structure both in bending and torsion. Since
intersection near the city of Levoca on Motor- formwork supported by the already erect- the performance of the bridge depends on a
way D1. The bridges across the Lodina and ed precast struts (Figure 6). Following perfect connection of the struts to the corbels
Doliansky Creek Valley have total lengths of prestressing of the deck slab with transverse of the box girder, which in turn depends on
367m and 414m; typical span length is 65m. tendons, the longitudinal external tendons the quality of workmanship, the following
Both motorway directions are carried by one are post-tensioned. conservative approach was accepted. The
bridge of a total width of 28.70m. The girder The quality of the workmanship and spine girder was designed without contri-
depth varies from 4.00 to 2.60m. The bridge performance of the bridges are verified by bution of the struts in both bending and
decks are hinge connected to twin piers and detailed static and dynamic loading tests. torsion. On the other hand, the precast struts
form semi-integral structural systems. During construction, strain gauges are were designed for the stresses that originate
The spine girder of all the bridges is placed in the critical sections and the struc- based on condition of a perfect connection
progressively cast spanby-span in the tures are carefully monitored both during of the struts to the box girders corbels. This
formwork suspended on the overhead gan- construction and in service. approach ensures that the struts will not be
tries (Figure4). The girders are cast with an damaged during the service of the bridge.
overhanging cantilever. The gantrys front Static analysis
support is situated on the pier table and the The structural solution was developed on the Bridge monitoring during
rear support is on the overhanging cantilever. basis of very detailed static and dynamic analy- construction and service
The decks of all the bridges are longitudinally ses. The structures were analyzed by a MIDAS The first structure, the Viaduct across the
prestressed by internal bonded tendons situ- program system. The bridges were modeled as Hostovsky Creek Valley (R1205), has been
ated within the basic cross section, and by 3D structures assembled by beam, shell, and carefully monitored during construction, de-
external non-bonded tendons situated inside solid elements. A detailed time-dependent tailed loading tests, and during service. For
the central box. The bonded tendons are cou- analysis of the progressively erected structure the monitoring of concrete stresses, strain
pled at each construction joint. The external was also performed. Strut and tie models were gauges were placed in four sections. Two sec-
tendons are anchored at the pier diaphragms also used for checking important details. tions were placed in span 6 and two sections

20 Printemps 2014 | LIngnieur civil canadien

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Figure5 Erection of precast struts

Figure4 Progressive erection of the bridge

were in span 7. Span 6 represents a typical average weight of 32.05 tons situated sym-
span supported by movable bearings on pier metrically to the bridge axis. This loading
6 and by a concrete hinge on pier 7. Span 7 produced maximum positive bending mo-
is a special span supported on a hinge at pier ments in the two spans. Span 6 was loaded
7 and rigidly connected with pier 8. In both by 8 trucks situated only on one side of the
spans one section is situated at midspan and bridge, which created maximum torsion.
one section situated at distance 0.5 from the The measured and calculated values were in
pier table. Ten strain gauges were placed in a good agreement. Figure6 Formwork of the overhangs
each section.
Since longitudinal strains were measured, Conclusions struction of the new bridges is progressing
the gauges were placed longitudinally at mid The design and construction techniques without any major issues.
depth of individual slabs. The gauges were described above proved to be efficient. The The architectural and structural solu-
connected to Data Taker situated inside the viaduct across the Hostovsky Creek was built tions as well as the final design of the above
box girder. Measurements by individual without any significant issues and moni- bridges were done by Strasky, Husty and
strain gauges as well as their temperature toring of the bridge so far has confirmed Partners (SHP), Brno, Czech Republic. The
were recorded at selected intervals. Also tem- excellent structural performance. Also, con- bridge monitoring is being done by SHP
perature and humidity inside the bridge box
were monitored.
Strain measurements were recorded right
after casting of the structural members instru-
mented by the strain gauges. Measurements
were recorded also just before and just after
post-tensioning of the bonded tendons, strip-
ping of the formwork, erection of the struts,
casting of the overhangs and post-tensioning
of the external cables, applying the additional R.V. Anderson Associates Limited (RVA) wins the 2013 Project of the Year Award
(Structures) from the Ontario Public Works Association for:
dead load, the loading test, and bridge open-
City of Hamiltons Stone Church Road West and Garth Street Pumping Station
ing. During service, the strain measurement is
recorded twice a year. Figure7 presents calcu- RVAs innovative approach involved overhauling 40-year-old pumps and refurbishing
existing infrastructure to increase the stations reliability and efficiency, while the
lated and measured values from which a good station remained in service during construction.
agreement of results is evident.
The strain measurement was also recorded
during tests under three static loading stages.
Spans 5 and 7 were loaded by 16 trucks of

Canadian Civil Engineer | Spring 2014 21

Canadian Civil Engineer
4.875 x 3.625
January 2014

01CIVtech.indd 21 14-02-27 2:05 PM


testing laboratory. The bridge decks are

being built by EUROVIA CS, a. s. zavod
Mosty a konstrukce.

Strasky,J. (1993). Design and construction of
cable-stayed bridges in the Czech Republic.
PCI JOURNAL, Vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 24-43.
Novotny, P., Strasky, J., and Klimes, P.
(2013). Bridge across the Hostovsky Creek
Valley, Expressway R1. Inzinierske stavby,
Vol.61, No.6, pp. 24-27.
Novotny,P., Juchelkov,P., Jurk,M., and
Pawelczak,M. (2012). Bridges with pro-
gressively erected cross section. Design
of Concrete Structures Using Eurocodes.
Figure7 Long term measurement Third International Workshop Vienna,
pp. 147-154


Mahmoud Lardjane

HEC-RAS Modeling Including Advanced Applications CAN/CSA-S6-06 Design of Aluminum Bridges

Ottawa March 25, 2014 and Footbridges
Toronto March 26, 2014 Fredericton April 22, 2014
Regina March 27, 2014
Denis Beaulieu presents the contents of Section 17 Aluminum
The course covers the basic theoretical background of one-dimensional Structures of CAN/CSA-S6-06, Canadian Highway Bridge Design
hydraulic modeling, model calibration, bridges and weirs, flood flow Code in force since October 2011 to engineers, professionals, tech-
simulation and inundation mapping, flow separation, and simulation nicians, teachers and students.Additional material and application
of unsteady flow. It is based on exercises that cover each topic. examples are also provided.
The course is presented by Wolf Ploeger, Dr.-Ing., Project Manager, Denis Beaulieu is a former professor of structural engineering and
Golder Associates research chair at Universit Laval. He has carried out numerous
Cette formation est prsente en anglais. research projects on steel and aluminum structures and authored
several books used by practitioners as well as teaching staff.
Cette formation est prsente en anglais
Please visit www.csce.ca for details of these courses.

22 Printemps 2014 | LIngnieur civil canadien

01CIVtech.indd 22 14-02-27 2:05 PM


Innovative Design and Construction

for New Expressway Bridges in Japan
By Hideaki Sakai structures, cross-sections that enable lighter su- used to apply prestressing. With the aim of
CENTRAL NIPPON EXPRESSWAY CO., JAPAN perstructures, advanced materials, and precast reducing self-weight in order to reduce the
Mikio Nishioka segmental and incremental launching construc- construction time and cost of an expressway
CENTRAL NIPPON EXPRESSWAY tion methods. Examples of these innovative bridge, the Hontani Bridge on the Tokai-
TECHNICAL MARKETING CO., JAPAN bridge technologies are described below. Hokuriku Expressway (3-span continuous
rigid frame box-girder bridge, total length

A bout 50 years have passed since Japans

first expressway was built between To-
kyo and Kobe over a route covering about
Hybrid prestressed concrete
and steel tube truss
A box-girder bridge with a hybrid of prestressed
198.3 m, longest span 97.2 m) was construct-
ed using cantilever erection, and utilizing a
prestressed concrete box-girder design with
540 kilometres. Since then, increased traffic concrete and steel tube truss is a structure where steel corrugated web. This was the first ap-
volumes have led to congestion. Also there is the concrete web of a box girder is replaced by plication of a corrugated steel web in an
a need for action to prevent problems as the steel truss members. In addition to permitting a expressway bridge. The bridge was completed
road structures age. lighter superstructure, the steel truss allows light in 1999, and the design has since been widely
To address these issues, a new expressway to pass, reducing oppressiveness and making the adopted for bridges on the new expressway.
is currently being built for the same section. bridge a more attractive part of the scenery. The The New Akabuchi River Bridge (5 + 6 span
Most of the route for the new expressway Saruta River Bridge (7-span continuous rigid continuous box-girder bridge, total length
passes through mountainous areas or along frame bridge, total length 625 m, longest span 885 m, longest span 115 m, Photo 2) is a pre-
the coastline to avoid level areas where urban- 110 m, Photo 1, Figure 1, is built with this hy- stressed concrete box-girder bridge using a steel
ization is already advanced. Therefore, the brid system. It is the worlds first rigid frame corrugated web. Figure 2 shows a cross-section
route has many bridges and tunnels. Build- structure of this type. of the girder. To further reduce the construc-
ing the new expressway required accelerated tion time the design employed precast ribs and
construction and a significant reduction in Box-girder bridge with precast prestressed concrete panels, in addition
construction and maintenance costs. steel corrugated web to the use of steel corrugated webs.
To meet these requirements, NEXCO- Prestressed concrete box-girder bridges with
CENTRAL has utilized innovative structures, steel corrugated webs are structures where Prestressed concrete box-girder with
materials, and construction methods for the the webs of conventional concrete box-girder ribbed slab and strut
expressway bridges, including hybrid struc- bridges are replaced with steel corrugated For box-girder bridges carrying three lanes in
tures combining prestressed concrete and steel webs, and internal or external tendons are each direction, a design using single-cell box

Photo1 Saruta River Bridge Figure1 Cross section of a girder

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Photo2 New Akabuchi River Bridge Figure2 Cross section of girder

girders results in large spacing between the slab 20% greater than conventional steel strands. cost. This approach has been used for bridges
supports. Thus, with conventional construction These have been used in some bridges. When such as the Yatomi Viaduct (prestressed con-
methods, the use of two-cell girders proved to ultra-high strength strands are used in external crete continuous box-girder bridge, total length
be more effective. The Katsurajima Viaduct (4- cables, the material cost per unit weight of steel 1,519 m, longest span 87.5 m, largest segment
span continuous box-girder bridge, total length is higher, but less steel needs to be used, allow- 80 tons) and the Kiso River Bridge (prestressed
216 m, longest span 54 m, Photo 3) utilizes ribs ing for an overall reduction of construction cost. concrete-steel composite 5-span continuous ex-
and struts to reduce the weight and construction For a reduction of the expressway construc- tradosed bridge, total length 1,145 m, longest
cost. The bridge also has steel corrugated webs. tion cost, epoxy-coated ultra-high strength span 275 m, largest segment 400 tons). Figure
This type of construction has enabled a reduc- strands were used for the external cables of 4 depicts the Yatomi Viaduct segment cross-
tion of self-weight to 70% of a conventional the Matoba Viaduct (9-span continuous box- section. Photo 4 shows erection of a segment.
design (Figure. 3). girder bridge, total length 403.5 m, longest For urban projects in Japan, it is often dif-
span 60 m). Quality assurance for the epoxy ficult to secure sufficient space for a casting
Tendon system using epoxy-coated coating was based on ASTM A882. yard near the bridge construction site. In
ultra-high strength strands such cases, shop fabrication is used, casting
Many concrete bridges in Japan use uncoated Precast segmental construction of the segments at a permanent PC precasting
stress relieved steel strands for internal and ex- box-girder bridges plant. This method was used for construc-
ternal prestressing cables in compliance with JIS For expressway construction a segment cast- tion of bridges such as the Furukawa Viaduct
G 3536. Ultra-high strength strands have been ing yard can be set up near the erection site and Kamikazue Viaduct. The need to trans-
developed in Japan with a tensile strength about in order to reduce the construction time and port segments along ordinary roads means

Photo3 Katsurajima Viaduct Figure3 Comparison of cross section

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Photo4 Erection of the Yatomi Viaduct Photo5 Furukawa Viaduct

Figure4 Cross section of precast segment Figure5 Cross section of precast segment

that with shop fabrication, the largest seg- casting yard before erection. This can improve led to innovations that reduce the cost and
ment that can be transported in Japan is the quality and reduce the impact on the envi- time required for bridge construction. These
limited to about 30 tons. For this reason ronment. However, it is necessary to reduce the innovations include hybrid structures that
we developed approaches such as using a weight to facilitate erection and reduce the con- combine concrete and steel structures, cross-
cast-in-place system for the upper slab (Fu- struction cost. Incremental launching was used section designs that reduce dead load, and
rukawa Viaduct) or joining two main box for the Katsurajima Viaduct described above. more efficient erection methods. Part of the
girders together with a double loop rebar As shown in Figure.3, the use of steel corrugat- new expressway is already completed and in
joint (Kamikazue Viaduct). Figure 5 depicts ed webs, ribs, and struts enabled a significant service. The innovations are performing in
the Furukawa Viaduct segment cross-section. weight reduction, but in order to further reduce line with expectations. It is still necessary
Photo 5 shows the completed bridge. the launching weight, a core segment (box sec- to continue reviewing these initiatives to
tion excluding cantilevered slabs) was launched achieve additional efficiencies and further
Incremental launching of first (Figure 6 and Photo 6). reductions in construction costs. However,
concrete-box girder bridges we believe that initiatives like these in Japan
Incremental launching enables concentration Conclusion provide useful ideas for bridge construction
on the fabrication of the bridge girders in a New expressway construction in Japan has elsewhere.

Photo6 Incremental launching erection of Katsurajima Viaduct Figure6 Core segment

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Newfoundland Qubec Durham/Northumberland Calgary
Contact: Bing Chen, MCSCE Contact: Mario Fafard, MSCGC Contact: Robbie Larocque Contact: Erin Dvorak, P.Eng.
T. 709-864-8958, E-mail: bchen@mun.ca T. 418-656-7605 T. 905-576-8500 T. 403-268-1330
Courriel: mario.fafard@gci.ulaval.ca E-mail: robbie.larocque@dgbiddle.com E-mail: erin.dvorak@calgary.ca
Nova Scotia
Contact: to be determined Capital Section (Ottawa-Gatineau) London & District Edmonton
Contact: Adrian Munteanu Contact: Thomas Mara, MCSCE Contact: Leslie Symon, E.I.T. AMCSCE
East New Brunswick and T. 613-580-2424, x 16038 T. 519-697-1547 T. 780-496-8182
P.E.I. (Moncton) E-mail: adrian.munteanu@ottawa.ca E-mail: tmara3@uwo.ca E-mail: leslie.symon@edmonton.ca
Contact: Professor Gerard J. Poitras, ing.
T. 506-858-4759 Toronto Manitoba Vancouver
E-mail: gerard.poitras@moncton.ca Contact: Nigel Parker, AMCSCE Contact: Shawn Clark, Ph.D., P.Eng. Contact: Chelene Wong, AMCSCE
T. 647-463-5002 T. 204-474-9046 T. 604-639-1039
West New Brunswick E-mail: nparker@rgc.ca E-mail: shawn.clark@ad.umanitoba.ca E-mail: csce.vancouver@gmail.com
Contact: to be determined
Hamilton/Niagara South Saskatchewan Vancouver Island
Montral Contact: Ben Hunter, MCSCE Contact: Harold Retzlaff, MCSCE Contact: Kevin Baskin, FCSCE
Jean-Luc Martel, ing. jr, B.Ing T. 905-335-2353 x 269 T. 306-787-4758 T. 250-387-7737
T. 514-918-3249 E-mail: ben.hunter@amec.com E-mail: harold.retzlaff@gov.sk.ca E-mail: kevin.baskin@gov.bc.ca
Courriel: jean-luc.martel.1@ens.etsmtl.ca
Northwestern Ontario Saskatoon CSCE Hong Kong Branch
Sherbrooke Contact: Gerry Buckrell, MCSCE Contact: Brittany Chubey, AMCSCE Contact: Paul Pang, MCSCE
Contact: Michael Jean, MA1 SCGC T. 807-623-3449 x 223 T. 306-657-7634 T. 011-852-2626-1132
T. 819-565-3385, Courriel: michael.jean@cima.ca E-mail: gbuckrell@enl-tbay.com E-mail: BChubey@hatch.ca E-mail: ptcpang@gmail.com

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