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When i was a litle boy, i often went to my fathers home town in Ngawi. A small town in East Java.

One day, i saw my grandpa prepared him self for Jumat pray. He is an imam in my kampong. I saw
him standed in front a mirror used his white long dress, white kopiah, and splash a classic kasturi
perfume. Then, he gave a final touch: Kafiyeh. At that time i spoke in my mind: My grand pa is for
real a Pak Kiyai (A term for a senior (old) religious leader).

That is the pattern. All Pak Kiyai dress like that. Pak Kiyai in my Jakarta, in Ngawi, even when i go to
eastern Indonesia, i saw an old imam with kafiyeh. If someone use a white long dress, may be he is a
religious young man. If he use white long dress, with black kopiah, may be he is an ustadz (man who
teach Quran). If he use white kopiah, he is a hajj. And if someone give the final touch, just like my
grand pa, so he must be Pak Kiyai. Kafiyeh is strongly related to Pak Kiyai figure.

The attribute towards kafiyeh was generally stagnant. Since i was a litle boy, up to early two

thousands, kafiyeh is stll judged as a kiyai dress. And since kiyai is usually old, stay in mosque, and
conservatives, for me and all my friends (the youngters) kafiyeh is at all not cool. Out perception
about kafiyeh is is: religious, conservative, and old fashioned. We never use kafiyeh, except we are
joking or in a silly costume party.

But then, a drastic change has happened . That was around 2005, since terorist army fashion style

become a trend in United States. Kafiyeh become a preffered scarf. Famous people use that old style

- boring squares pattern. They mix match kafiyeh with their modern branded fashion clothes. I even
saw David Beckham picture with that scarf (kafiyeh). And as a fashion bug usually goes, when

hollywood people use something, no matter how silly it was, just about the time people around the
world will adopt that fashion statement. And so people in my country.

Yes, it is abotu perception. How people bersikap terhadap kafiyeh, berubah drastiskarna persepsi.
The attribute of old, conservative, is switched radically to be modern, stylish, new fashion .

Sengaja ataupun tidak, mereka telah melakukan branding. Merubah brand attribute sebuah kafiyeh
secara radikal. Enhance the image among young people. Now, its really common to see teenagers
using kafiyeh to go to shopping mall. When they go to party yang penuh gengsi, saat mereka gaul.
Mereka bangga, mereka seperti lupa bahwa itu same scarf used by my grand pa.

I reallize this when im in the second year as a university student. I studied in University of Indonesia,
taking communication course for my bachelor degree. And since i know it, i say to my self, i will
study hard to create those magic. Changing people perception.

Beware with what youwish.

Be ware with what you wish. Now had the chance. Study in India. Learns from the naturally talented
marketing and communication people.

I consider my self as

He got that stuff (kafiyeh) when he was hajj. Kafiyeh is popular in midle east. King of Arab use that.
And so the late Yasser Arafat. Common citizens in arab also use kafiyeh. But in my country, Indonesia,
kafiyeh is identic wih the old, religous, hajj went home man. An old hajj man in my Kampong, in

Jakarta, and many places in Indonesia use that. For them, kafiyeh represents their achievement as a

always use that stuff. standing us white long dress, sarong, and place kain kotak-kotak on his bahu:

kafiyeh. know that (about branding) kafiyeh.

As a nation with consistent character.


Some part is my adventorous, some part is my idealism, some part is respect

I know that everything can be atrend, trough good communication.

As a student of , i see so many thing about (about how strong method will gives us betterresult that
merely creative.

I am interested because of this problem. Indonesia has

I have a dream of

Indonesia in autonomy era

Indonesia in enterpreunership euphoria

Tentang pendidikan di India

The ranking

The facilities

Orang india itu paling pinter jualan.

The real / concrete improvement theyve been made to their country

India as a new economic giants

Indonesia is lack of brand practicioner. I see bajaj, tata, and other become a credible brand.

Media studies since i see india can provide a media productions that based strongly on the root of

culture. It what my country are lack of. To be honest, Im not always love indian media products, but
i truly respect how India keep in line with culture and the impact to people of nation confirmed my
I have a region to be develop, a friend in business to be helped, a land of my grand ma to be
managed better. And i have found that study in India is one of my quantum steps to make it possible.
To make it a different. I usually i will be affraid, and get my steps back. But at this time, its induce my


I really hope you can


I consider my self to be a good candidate of master student in India. I hope


I will be in my highest motivation, proud, and expec

This man has a big motivation to study brandmanagement and India is the best country to go.

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