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Bovis Units in everyday life

A document for discussion published by

Michael J Haxeltine -

Executive Summary

Bovis Units were developed by Anton Bovis, a French physicist. He used the concept in his
archaeology work in the 1930s. The Units appear to be a measure of energy taken in or given out
from animate and inanimate matter. They can be detected and measured by pendulum dowsing
over a simple template/chart or purchasable Bovis-meter. However there appears to be no
definitive work in English, except Mme Merz English translation from the French, on this topic.
Maybe the application of Bovis Units, like Radiesthesia/dowsing, is so simple that it really does not
need extensive explanation. Whatever, Bovis Units are being used daily to compare foods;
indicate the strength of geopathic stress and entities in everyday life. There is an application in
environmental work which I am trying to develop. This booklet will pave the way for a book on this
subject. The Paper looks at everyday life applications and draws together the scant information
which appears to exist in English.

a lot of whys. Michael sees the application of Bovis Unit analysis being akin to the codes of
practice and British Standards as used in all walks of life and forming a part of public policy in for
instance town planning. However before that happens a critical mass and focus, worldwide, is
needed from a range of people and professions, to examine this dowsing detectable method of
assessing energy. You will be surprised at what you read!

Comments to Michael - 01252 541 639

Since writing this book I have used dowsing in two major planning inquiries and one murder
inquiry; although the force to which is applied did not accept my observations.

Today 070114 there was discussion on the BBC on the effect of additional betting shops in the high
streets of deprived places. May be the Bovis concept could prove/disprove the harm.

Bovis Units in Everyday Life by Michael J Haxeltine

Copyright and film/story rights reserved August 2008

This is the 3rd Edition of this, self-published, book in slide or spiral bound A4/A5 copied black and
white. It is written by Michael J Haxeltine. This was originally produced to coincide with the 75th
Congress of the British Society of Dowsers 2008 and copies can be obtained from or comments
made to Michael J Haxeltine

33 Reading Road Farnborough GU14 6NH England. -

This is part of a series of papers which has created some discussion on measuring subtle energies
and showing how dowsing can be applied in public policy and measured by using Bovis Units; as a
concept, to be trialled, honed and applied on a multi-disciplined basis.

The latter end of the Book provides guidance on how to dowse/use Radiesthesia. This will enable
the user to experiment themselves to prove or disprove the concepts being advocated and its
applications in their own environment: be it home work or global surroundings. The book
encourages the reader to think in terms of global village.

It is part of my ongoing study to generate discussion which I hope you will join in with; whatever
your background, age or status. I would welcome you to start your own discussion groups.

key words The key words related to this paper are :- dowsing, Bovis Units, dowsing templates,
Gigahertz dowsing templates, Radiesthesia, policy making and analysis, subtle energies, health,
horticulture, landscaping, negative ions, Schumann wave resonance, Hartmann & curry Grids,
commercial assessments and community issues, environment, recreation and construction,
engineering and criminal evidence, councillors, community workers, stock control, energies of
communities, standard units..

Rights reserved

ISBN 978 0 9560450 0 3

I am indebted to many people for getting this far with this edition and for Jim Lyons for nudging
me in a sensible direction. I am also indebted to Adam Jones for his assistance in putting this paper
on notepad.

Subtle energies are all around us 24/7. However it is unlikely that we know all of them. This is
especially so when it comes to manmade
When found we need to measure them in an internationally accept but simple way; as they are
global. We need to measure both the good and bad effect.

You are encouraged to learn the basics of dowsing to test what I written for yourself. What I have
written is loosely structured in the following manner:-

Firstly, to give a lay persons overview: primarily for non-dowsers or people who have not
heard of Bovis or using a template marked in gigahertz.

Then secondly, to give a more technical approach highlighting various sources of

information e.g. books or the Internet. All aimed at creating a critical mass of opinion leading
towards the use of Bovis Scale concept.

Thirdly, follows with a series of Appendices on various applications of the Bovis

Scale/gigahertz scale concept which I have identified

Fourthly I provide a facility for self- tuition.

Dowsing can be applied to all areas of everyday life. It is intended that you use the concepts I seek
your agreement with in parallel to other accepted measurement methods e.g. decision trees or
dowsing counting. This will allow comparison of effect.

Throughout this book it is implied that I ask you to test what I have written to validate it and then
you expand on that. However this is not a book on dowsing per se.

Why do I use the term concept? To me a concept is an idea with some scientific backing. The Bovis
concept holds to this definition. Subtle energies are the global reality but there is no international
measurement of them; to aid comparison of international research. I offer the concept of the
Bovis units/gigahertz scale instead of a seemingly lesser method which is simple dowsing counting.
The Bovis Unit concept is little known does have some pedigree, in physics. I make a case, which I
hope you will agree with, that the art/science can be transferable to public policy making.
To critics I say why you use electricity when you do not how it works. The paramount thing to bear
in mind is that dowsing has worked for hundreds of years globally in all manners of situations; by
all sorts of people. Dowsing is not fully understood but is now underpinned by a better
understanding of quantum physics.

The applications are infinite as is the application of maths. You can only object when you have
tried dowsing correctly. No one knows how it works but it does work whatever the theory.

For those who press for a scientific explanation I offer the following lay opinion for discussion.
From what I have gleaned it is likely that that light could be the common connection. I say this as it
is both particle and wave and that the mind can sense it with or without an antenna or aerial.
Subtle energies resonance is most likely a vibration of light and that is dowsing detectable. By
antenna I mean here a pendulum or dowsing rod.

Subtle energies, to me are a complex of energies which come from the ground i.e. telluric or from
the cosmos or are manmade. It is likely that they are not all known to us at present and to what
degree they are good or bad. That needs a measure to see how they impinge on the global village.

Dowsing is a skill the ancients appear to have had and in part apparently lost/ignored by us. I read
that much subtle energy is known to us through dowsing skills and not instruments. Not everyone
will be susceptible to good or bad subtle energies but that also needs an international unit of

If people are made ill or better by subtle energies that makes it a social, economic and
environmental matter. However current decision making processes are not holistic in their
boundaries to encompass the headings just mentioned. Thus we need to review the equations of
green economics and the use of the Bovis Units/ concept might feature in those equations.

We have decisions made involving people which are not all encompassing using cost benefit
analysis or discounted cash flow; but neither may take into account quality of life which in turn
determines mental and physical health of the global village environment. I throw in the mental
health issue as in one experiment I did I obtained surprisingly, an aura reaction when dowsing
mental health of a tree. The latter being a puzzle I am not likely to solve in my life time.

Are Bovis Units actually being used? Yes! By chance I have gleaned the following diverse uses:-

[] a Fiord Tourist Board used the concept to promote the vibrancy of their resort

[] a Member of the British Society of Dowsers - BSD introduced me to the Gigahertz

scale/concept for distant healing

[] a management consultant from Berne uses Bovis in measuring the vibrancy of businesses.
This implies that a standard measure of subtle energies is being use and is needed. However it
must stand the test of litigation/inquiry. In summary dowsing have applications in the following
scenarios and a measure for:-

[] Design and need of health and resources and structures; as in codes of practice

[] Finding a simple measure of environmental harmony / dys-harmony and of various subtle


[] Initiating an international discussion to create a critical mass researching & focusing on a simple
measure of dowsing

[] Quantifying beneficial and harmful effects of all forms of subtle energies

Many researchers refer to various forms of energies all around us but not quantifying their
impact/implications per se.

All of the above situations can be enhanced / exacerbated by physical development pressures
globally. So we need to debate a way of evaluating / quantifying cosmic/earth [cosmic/telluric]
subtle energies. What about quantifying flood plain development?

This book, using the dowsing language, is for multi-disciplinary global groups. The group includes: -
councillors, chemists, flat dweller, farmer, and ministers of government or anybody in fact who
wishes to buy into their environment. So I need to engage you now with a series of topics set out

i] Who is the book for mentioned above

ii] What examples I can cite to engage you with the scope of the subject

iii] What are subtle energies for this exercise?

iv] What is dowsing

v] what templates

vi] who was Bovis & vii] what is dowsing counting

There is no Esperanto for the measurement of subtle energy investigations but in any case
Esperanto failed didnt it? So I have a communication difficulty and unfortunately a perception gap
to overcome. Help me find a language which does not turn you off for you to be an ambassador
for protecting the global village.

We need to measure compare and assess: - energies from all manner of places are they the
ground/telluric, from the cosmos or manmade as well as the interaction of people themselves
with the environment. All this alongside economic impacts.

So what is the scope of the subject

Let me expand. Surely Radiesthesia, the giving off of rays/dowsing, whatever label we apply, can
only be used to find water. Not so!

The scope of Radiesthesia is limitless as there is some form of global, may be even planetary,
universal communication ray/system/physics. Just because it cannot be explained or done by
some people, it does not mean that it cannot exist and be used in everyday life.

That universal communication comes about by everything taking in and giving off energy in spirals.
Spirals peculiar to the organic or inorganic matter. We can think of this as a tune/signature/vibes
which humans animals and matter have the power to recognise and interpret.

If we subscribe to the fact that our global village ought to be self-balancing then this is a pathway
to explaining the process. Everything is either positive negative or neutral and all matter has to be
in balance. If you want a deeper explanation look up the concept of quantum entanglement and
non-locality [ and torsion theory] which appears to be paving the way to explaining the vastness of
the application/scope.

The problem is that the more one tries to explain dowsing and it applications the more
complicated it gets! The picture below is an over simplified model of a cell or a molecule or an
organism or a report or a map and the bits function like a hologram and the pieces have polarity.
The dowser senses all of this in some way.

Everything has in its spiral a tunes/vibes/code/wave length /resonance which the brain can
interpret to a very high degree when trained. If you advance in this study the simile below will
radically change.

The picture below illustrates the occurrence of spirals within matter.

The trained dowser picks up this spiral resonance of information but sometimes the signals get

Lets call this

Lets call this the model of a cell/molecule of any matter.

The matter, be it organic or inorganic, gives off energy in spirals.

The matter can take in energy in spirals.

Notice one spiral goes clockwise and the other goes anticlockwise

The basic dowsing skills will enable you to sense the energy signatures of spirals on a
map/plan/report /event/policy; as well water /geopathic stress or such event as body trauma.
The Appendices provide you with many diverse examples in which the Bovis concept can be
applied along with dowsing.

I am suggesting that any examples you identify are trialled in tandem with other systems of
evaluation e.g. decision trees, SWOT Analysis and to compare the outcomes. This might take a
long time. So now just quickly thumb through the diverse Appendices to gauge the scope of the

Subtle energies in a thimble

Now we can go a step further by, accepting at this level of appreciation that there is a common
communication system, which is dowsable. It seems unlikely that nature would have evolved
without some internal checks and balances and a measuring system to be discovered along with
other breeds of subtle energies. This model enables me to view spirals of energy [or the flat line of
standing waves] as a complex of subtle energies.

Extending the thought of dowsable communication I ask you to agree with me that there has to be
a common factor from which everything has evolved and is evolving. That factor appears to be
light, disputed by some but they have not offered an alternative. Light is dowsable for both
particle and wave from/to anything. That being so everything, basis of action reaction, has to be in
balance otherwise there is disharmony. Man can upset that harmony in many ways to the
detriment of the global village.

In very simple terms a piece of stone is light at the vibration of stone. A map is the vibration
/resonance of topography; whereas a disease is the resonance of just that and the principle of
Radionics where that same resonance is sent back to the site of the disease to disrupt it and so on.
This needs a measure.

If we look at map dowsing or a report it has some energy transferred to it from the originator. It is
seemingly like that of transferring magnetism from one thing to another to another. It is another
subtle energy. It seems that the Bovis concept can be used to measure that complex of subtle

The paramount thing to bear in mind is that whatever label we use to describe the cause and
effect of dowsing it works globally. So this Discussion Book is about measuring a range of subtle
energies in differing situations: using dowsing related techniques to quantify them. Then examine
what decisions can be developed and what the outcome of those decisions is compared to using
conventional wisdom.

The process appears to automatically take into account a range of issues with dowsable energy;
which other models does not do or they are beyond the lay person. This is like trying to make a
jigsaw puzzle picture when some parts of the picture are unknown. Just like in any other form of
science. Whatever the explanation it is simple and it works!

A thought! look upon a policy as a possible illness.

Things can change without altering their chemistry and still be dowsable. Although not the best
simile think of the vibration / energy of water. You can freeze water which takes on different
properties when frozen. Heated water will also change properties in its transition from water -
vapour which can be seen- steam. Steam cannot be seen but you can, dangerously, sense it.
Further, Dr Emoto found that the subtle energy of sound can be transferred [ if that is the correct
way to explain it] to water and that water produces a different crystal shape to that of water not
exposed to the same sound.

Subtle really refers to the barely perceptible forces which can affect matter with some being
defined and others still to be identified and quantified. Subtle energies have various forms. They
can be good or bad from the cosmos e.g. the sun or are telluric i.e. from the ground hence the
term geopathic force. That force can interfere with the human central nervous system. Thus they
need quantifying globally.

However subtle energies may be measured currently by dowsing counting on a scale which the
dowser, her/himself, sets. Whereas a few will use the Bovis concept using either Bovis Units or the
Gigahertz scale.

In order to keep you engaged with Subtle energies per se try the following experiment. If you are
not reading on please go to Appendix 20 and see the use of the pendulum . Then dowse the
Experiments set out below

Experiment - When you have made and used an L dowsing rod [see App 20] obtain a large torch
and set it at waist height, aligned to a wall. Dowse for energy between the torch and the wall and
you ought to obtain no reaction. Now switch on the torch and dowse to the beam and you ought
to obtain a reaction. Now switch the torch off and dowse again and you to ought to obtain a
reaction. I use this to show that you could be reacting to the particles of the light.

You have just experienced the resonance of the subtle energy of light.

Experiment - now do the same experiment once you have learnt to use a pendulum and dowse
over the Gigahertz template or Bovis template. Use one hand with the pendulum over the
template and feeling the energy with the other hand. You ought to obtain a reading on either
template for where there was no light, then light, then light off.

This shows how the body can react to subtle energies and if you can do that you can do it for
anything e.g. testing the examples in the Appendices.

I include in my term subtle energies those energies like packaging colour which alter our buying
patterns. I also include the energy of noise which may overtly or subliminally affect us.

If subtle energy lines are tampered they might be disaster triggers or of course no effect at all. We
do not know and we ought to know as the global village is getter bigger. Our salvation might not
be in say GM foods but growing to moon phases and ground healing. That being so we need to
quantify the issues to put it right so that we do not over or under put it right. We need to have
before and after quantification and dowsing against an agreed scale appears to be the way
I mention in my second book that an energy line going through the village of Solsbury Nr Bath was
cut by development and energies within the village were adversely affected! When the line was
re-established the energies affecting people therein were returned to normal. As an aside it is
worth mentioning that many buildings prior to the 1500s were built on a beneficial energy lines
e.g. places of learning.

What is dowsing

Well no one is really sure how dowsing works but it does work, in many global cultures, by
constant replication over hundreds of year. The practice of Dowsing can detect subtle energies, aid
their transmission and also block them.

Dowsing has been used in many cultures, ancient and new, to recognise life force i.e. chi, sha,
prana; as well as repairing their depletion for quality of life. Dowsing is rejected by the UK medical
profession and such issues as geopathic stress. Dowsing offers you a way to assess what is
happening in the global community once you have learnt basic dowsing skills. It is also of direct
use in your personal life.

Many views have been offered to explain dowsing but it is the advances in such concepts as
Quantum physics and non- locality and quantum entanglement which are paving the way to
understanding this art/science. The problem is that the more one tries to explain dowsing the
more complicated it gets. It is seemingly rejected due to its absolute simplicity and rejected by
some scientists who have never tried it very scientific is it not!

Dowsing was taught to staff of many utility undertakers e.g. water boards, farmers etc. and is
taught in some academic establishments in the UK and abroad. However there is a culture of
denial about dowsing/Radiesthesia/subtle energies per se. Doubters say that it cannot be proven
so it does not exist!

Dowsing can be used to find and quantify tangible and intangible targets. However it is well known
in dowsing circles that there is a problem in that no two people will get the same answer for
intangible targets. However in one important experiment I found that there was a convergence of
results using the Bovis Scale.

Dowsing tools commonly used are the pendulum, L shaped swivel rods, forked sticks and specialist
tools like the Cameron aerometer: which is sensitive spring dowsing rod. These items act as both
antenna and aerial to the brain. The brain is the prime interpreter of dowsing signals which in turn
is affect by dehydration and over dowsing and some other detracting factors. These tools may be
used for onsite or distant dowsing i.e. away from a site an in map dowsing in an office.

The pendulum is useful when dowsing from/over a list/template of items/policies /places etc. The
use of a template implies that there is an information circuit with your pendulum acting as an
antennae and your arm conducting impulses to the brain to interpret the frequency / frequencies
/resonances. This may might be over simplified but whatever the reason is has worked globally for
hundreds of years.
Templates and who was Bovis

I use the term template as dual term for a list or graphical information layout to be dowsed over.
Working from the list aids question discipline and helps to eliminate ambiguous and corrupting
questions, before starting to dowse. Further it is a method of reviewing i.e. updating ones
method/questions to be applied to like tasks in other places.

Templates/scales might also be adapted rulers. So setting aside custom made templates/list the
two templates I am seeking discussion on are the Bovis Scale and the Gigahertz templates. Then I
will provide a few notes on the dowsing counting.

Firstly then who was Bovis and what led him to develop his concept? Bovis was a French Physicist
and archaeologist, circa 1930s. In the course of his work he needed to measure [a non-electrical]
energy arising from mummies; although some sources cite other reasons.

The core of his work appears to be that he wanted to measure the energy of life/non-life. This
energy life concept has been recognised for years by different global cultures as mention above.
He worked with another physicist to develop a scale to meet his requirements. That scale bears his
title The Bovis Bio-meter [Scale] which could be dowsed over to gauge vitality. This has evolved
into for instance being used to gauge the vitality of a Company.

To my mind he showed the modern global village that the mind can connect with subtle energy.
That is energy taken in or given off from a subject/target and it could be quantified with dowsing
his meter. This is in contrast to dowsing counting which was/is being used at material times.

In simple terms his scale had a danger point which equated to 6500 on his scale. Below this level
was detrimental /harmful energy, negative and above beneficial energy, positive. Whilst there are
various breeds of Bovis meters the concept is the same a scale dowsing over it assessing the
readings. One can liken this to taking temperatures with a known scale.

The object is to mentally engage with the target/subject whilst dowsing with a pointer over the
graduations with one hand whilst in the other hand is held an oscillating pendulum. When the
mentally connected graduation is reached the pendulum ought to then gyrate positively.

You dowse over a template with a pendulum with is oscillating pendulum [i.e. in an E/W mode]
over the scale and mentalising the pendulum to move in a N/S mode over the exact graduation.
You can also do this with a pointer and pendulum. The above method can be used for dowsing
over Gigahertz scale.

At this point it is important for non-dowsers to appreciate that in dowsing you cannot pull wool
over peoples eyes as another dowser can dowse for the truth.

If we could promote a National Bovis Day it would focus attention on both global dowsing and its
application in policy.
If you wish to delve more deeply the following reference will be of use
http://www.biogeometry.org). This appears to be a useful clarification of the manner in which
Boviss work evolved.

With the use of the pendulum, the intensity of rays of a place, plant or object can be measured.
One of the scales that can be used to have an [indicate] idea "how much" or "how high" a
[resonance] vibration is in a set situation is the bio-meter developed by the Frenchman [Anton]
Andr Bovis. As units he used the Angstrom as used for light. Later the physicist Simonton
realised that the Angstrom is not the right unit; it is something else and called the units Bovis
Units. The meter is usually graduated from 0 to 18000 units. By definition, the mark 6500 is the
neutral point. At the center of the labyrinth in the cathedral of Chartres in France they have
measured a value of 18000; a real power spot. My note no some people take the scale to above
the equivalent of 100 000 graduations. A level at which some clairvoyants/spiritual dowsers and
Yogis register.

The Bovis Meter is best visualised by looking at the copy obtained from the Web; shown above.
You can use a photocopy of this diagram or make or purchase one

The self-made Gigahertz template has been drawn on a piece of A4 and used in landscape mode.
It also has 6500 danger point. The example shown below is a semi-circular scale graduated from
1000 30000. Centring on the black spot you allow the pendulum to oscillate over it. Then ask
your dowsing question - e.g. what is the energy level of this [name] document then it will change
swing over the mentally assessed graduation.

You can add layers of graduations to the template but that is for advanced work. This was drawn
with the aid of a saucepan to obtain the curve size I needed. This can be used on site and
remotely. With a little practice it will give you confidence.

However if the existence of the Bovis/Gigahertz\ scale is not known about it will not be used so at
this point in time it should not be condemned!

This picture shows a drawn template with one set of graduations

In this example, in the top left hand corner has plus/minus test box. After getting results from your
initial dowsing use the left hand corner of the template and ask your check question is the
reading of

Correct. Then if you feel it needs it ask another check question. Now record your results with time
and date.

I have used this Gigahertz template in favour of the Bovis template as I found it more convenient
and for those starting to build up expertise. I had set up comparative dowsing with a maths
specialist but that did not materialise. This is something I need to experiment with.
Helen Sinnett a BSD Member - introduced me to the concept of Bovis Units using a template in
gigahertz. Later I saw the applicability to trees. That started my learning curve, which I am sharing
with you in the form of this Booklet. See her article in Dowsing Today Vol 41 -295 March
2000.directed towards healing.

Templates can be made for any situation and they could take form of a list to dowse against.
Bizarre yes! but results are obtained

Dowsing counting

Dowsing counting must not be set-aside as it has its own application frame. The quick way to learn
about this is to count the coins in a bag. Dowse over them in the ready position with a pendulum
and count either up or down e.g. how many 1p pieces in this bag. When you are getting to amount
in the bag you will experience a change in reaction. Go back and forwards until you obtain a strong
positive gyration. See the Appendices. The product of the dowsing will be a dowsing reaction to
indicate a decision of yes/no positive or negative OR uncertainty. From those reactions and with
experience decisions can be made as a document will have its own energy signature. It might be a
way of filtering the psychological balance of a skilfully [biased] guided report.

Communicating Bovis Scale/gigahertz readings, with their high numbers, could be off putting to a
client in say identifying geopathic stress levels of subtle energy, in a house. The use of dowsing a 1-
10 scale is not so alarming but seemingly less accurate. However some dowsers use a scale of

The smaller the scale [ higher the graduations] a dowsers focuses on the greater the accuracy.
That is why I am promoting the simpler to use gigahertz scale. Having said that, it is important for
the discerning commentator to compare Dr Hawkins work.

Consider this. One can do mental arithmetic without figures being present and using the templates
in my estimation it is no different. Staying with arithmetic if we use percentages as counting
system we have an issue unless we know a percentage of what we dowsing against. This is
another reason for an internationally accepted standard.

When counting as with any dowsing you need to plan for and ask a check question in pendulum or
L rod dowsing. That may be the opposite of your target question. If that reaction is wrong start
dowsing again.
Summary of the dowsing function

To explain dowsing in summary:-

i] after psychically protecting yourself mentally engage with the target

ii] the pendulum in the ready mode i.e. swinging to and fro/ north and south

iii]I ask the first question is this

iv]I look for the change in mode of the pendulum that is either swinging lock or anti clockwise
which equates to yes/no

v]I then ask a check question

In dowsing counting which has stock control potential you need to choose if you want to count up
or count down.

The product of the dowsing will be a dowsing reaction to indicate a decision of yes/no positive or
negative OR uncertainty. From those reactions and with experience decisions can be made as a
document will have its own energy signature. It might be a way of filtering the psychological
balance of a skilfully guided report.

If you are still having difficulty in agreeing to make a case for an international unit consider the
following note. It is important to note that like just quoting barometric pressure is meaningless
unless one understands the implications in relation to other happenings. That simile applies to
Bovis Units/Gigahertz scale or even dowsing counting. I say again that is not a text book on
dowsing per se.
In seems that I am not breaking new ground but opening new doors. Once the technique is applied
cross a range of tasks it might well show that there is a use for dowsing and the Bovis [Hawkins]

Another way of looking at the issue is if we talk about how hot it is to someone, in terms of
Fahrenheit, who is only familiar with Centigrade, they will not understand you. They will sense the
hotness or coldness but only measure it with a thermometer of a scale they recognise. The Bovis
Scale/Gigahertz could be that common scale that helps people to express what they feel in
relation to measuring energies.

This might be way of re-engaging the public at large in their environment as technical knowledge
may not necessarily be needed. If you have been in a major planning enquiry and heard the
experts for and against supporting or opposing development, you realise that experts are only so
from a certain perspective.

One commentator on the draft of this book said that this is an anti- development strategy.
However I see it as part of a potential holistic development strategy.

Either of the two concepts I put forward could be developed as a standard measurement of
liveability. This is like maths is it not. You learn the concept and then how to apply it in different

Now, closer to the planning context we could compare in Bovis Units/Gigahertz Units one
development with another. That could happen at either at the consultation, planning stage. It
could be done on plan or when built and when the site has aged. In the same manner as remote
dowsing we could dowse a plan and compare it to other schemes using either scale. That skill
ought to be invaluable to planners, police, and others in local government. I am not clear if that is
achievable but it certainly will not be unless there is an investigative focus.

The work of Dr Hawkins is set out in Appendix 18. His counting system has been promoted over
time using a logarithmic scale in association with a Kinesiology technique of arm muscle testing.
Thought process or physical contact can be tested by seeing if a persons arm can resist gentle
down ward pressure. If the arm drops the positive body circuit fails indicating harm, allergy etc.
However for public policy application I feel that it will be simpler for community workers to use
the Bovis concept.
He has created a dictionary of values/norms and that is required also for the Bovis concept. If you
wish to explore the potential of the Bovis concept further I suggest that you acquaint yourself with
the work of TC Lethbridge and Mermet in respect of rates of energy.

I hope to engage now with a few notes referring to spatial planning and the jigsaw which subtle
energies present. Below we see a segment of the puzzle. When will we be full and how much
negative ions/Schumann waves can it produce to sustain the environmental health. Can it
transport beneficial ground energies or will any further development cut off someone elses
supply. Is the recreational space in line with the National Playing Field Standards.

What is the critical level when we are failing to self-sustain in terms of negative ions and
Schumann resonance levels. Does it have enough recreational space in line with National Playing
Field Standards. Is the community depleted of plus energy and is it economically sustainable. If it is
developed any more will it adversely affect the energies from adjacent pieces of the jigsaw?

Evidently if we had developed our dictionary or conducted a test dowse with Bovis the concept
would know some of the answers sought above. However, if we had this information from these
sources how would we use and monitor it.

It could be that we could use the Bovis concept to engage people. As opposed to offering them
complicated mathematical models.

We must change the way we communicate with polarised political groups who owe no special
allegiance to their environment which dilutes interest. We can no longer develop or destroy
forests [ I also mean forests of good older houses and bungalows and back gardens] without
considering the interrelatedness of our actions, place play grounds or schools over detrimental
energy lines etc. which modern town planning might so force. If subtle energies are not
recognised then their benefit or harm cannot be assessed. So there needs to be an
interdisciplinary focus and a method of measuring that focus. Bovis needs critically examining to
see if it is the tool to train policy makers in and to allow lobbyists the same training. As a lay writer
I liken the situation to infectious disease control 150 years ago where one town deals with a
disease and another allowed it to flourish.

So much information is locked up. Parts of the jigsaw are either missing or blank. We might know
where some of it is e.g. locked up in various power bases. It might be like a political prisoner
trying to break out with other forces stopping the process. In this case forces of commerce and
forces for the need to feed the global village.

The jigsaw pieces are hard to portray such issues as that fact that we live ought to live
symbiotically environmentally and sociologically in this global village. In contrast to living
parasitically. I am convinced that the Bovis Units concept may be a guide to test symbiosis or
parasitism of the urban global village.
The use of the Bovis concept might lead to the prevention of the long time scale reversibility of
bad planning decisions. That will give the concept of the Units a place in public policy making and
review and needs the impetus of this booklet and you for that focus ! What do you think?

Nigel Harrison Flood and no boundaries

I have attempted to make this book a designed flow of information and not a flood; in which both
of us might drown. Tell me if I have not done so! Distortions are inevitable and even worse you
may have someone elses jigsaws pieces.

Nigel Harison Feb 2014 Distortions how do they occur ?

What is the picture? Is the distortion caused through illness, lack of knowledge or lack of
understanding? We need to clarify distortions to ensure that we do not miss Marss point that
geo-biology contributes, in particular to widening the basis of preventative medicine as well
complementing new conceptions of the causes of disease: a case for a common unit of

Geopathic stress is a global matter and I cannot find evidence of it being quantified in the UK for
policy formers. Neither is there any research for lay evidence as to the level of sussceptability of
indigenous UKs; nor incomers accustomed to their own countrys subtle energy system. The issue
of electronic smog is global albeit denied in some places and also needs addressing.

The lines run crisscross square and diagonal to each other. Where like poles [polarity] cross they
will create nodes of bodily dysfunction; for susceptible matter/people/animals.

The issue is to find an intentionally accepted dowsing measure to lay person quantify these
energy lines as we are seemingly forcing development closer and closer together and may be
forcing people to live over detrimental nodes.

An additional consideration is that trees sometimes show the pathway of detrimental energies
and sometimes walls of building show tell-tale signs of the subtle energy malady: not to be
mistaken for bad work. These amounts of badness need assessing in an international Unit and a
need for a before and after treatment dowsing assessment of the malady and in planning

ID 7265673 Saniphoto This is a sign of decay caused by detrimental energies in the


It could be associated

with tree deformities all caused from over/under

ground energies -

however it might also

simply be faults in materials

at the manufacturing stage

This is not a paper on geopathic stress per se. However dowse this picture using your own
gigahertz template or a copy of the Bovis scale and encourage a friend to do the same. Then see
what readings you obtain as that could be the catalyst for discussion in your community /work.

People in social housing cannot move out of the way of detrimental energy lines. Their rooms are
too small in which to manoeuvre or they cannot afford to use a professional geomancer to
neutralise the effect. These energies are real and 24/7. The crux is how susceptible are the
occupants. All this is in addition to man-made subtle energies impacting. Could Bovis be the
measure for policy formation?

Imprisoned information! Seemingly the UK Health and Safety Executive recognise the concept of
geopathic stress complex but not the UK planning system nor the UK medical fraternity. The Bovis
concept can measure this negativity. However who will listen?

I demonstrated to a planning inspector that energies were low in one area of the Borough. I
showed how I had identified different levels of vibrancy in various electoral areas using my
Gigahertz scale. I found one extremely low reading in the most affluent and scenic part of the
Borough. Following my investigation I found that there had been a rape BUT no press
announcement had been made. This to me demonstrated many possible issues and the fact that
energies can linger and need measuring with a before and after measurement. Dr Hawkins would
have given this a logarithmic value: using his system. The problem is how to show what the effect
is on the environment.

There is an example in the Appendices which shows an application of this science on Estates. This
indicates a need to monitor energy levels in order to take the pulse as well knowing crimes rates
etc. We can have decay in morals, health, housing stock and or respect for others. Some negativity
/decay will adversely affect some people on sink housing estates. That incidence of negative subtle
energy surely needs measuring, so as to know how to direct resources OR just beneficial thoughts
to that area.

However decision making cannot consider and act on all, all at once otherwise there would be no
progress or massive resources would be absorbed. Dowsing might help in prioritising or help the
system in assessing the start/end of cyclic events. For example, the change of need for land use for
play as an estate matures or the in vogue change in need for allotments. Such a jigsaw can only
be complete if there are blank spaces in the jigsaw to allow the flexibility for changes in the
picture without altering the dynamics of the environment.

My points are not nanny state thinking but common global respect for the environment and that
includes the people therein.

I am learning about global Grids and global energy arteries in addition to man created detrimental
energy lines. If a global arterial energy line is ever broken the effect could be more devastating
than fall out from a defunct nuclear plant. Thus, we need to be taking the pulse of these life
threads. One such major arterial energy line runs through the UK.

The Bovis scale and I link in the Gigahertz scale, has a neutral point /middle point/change over
from good to bad. A change from positive to negative. The best simile I can think of is the pH scale
where there is neutral point of 7 and a lower scale to register acidity and an upper scale to register
alkalinity. For many healthy plants a pH range between 6.5 and 7 is needed. Above or below this
problems will occur. On the Bovis scale for instance 6500 equates to the midway point in the same
manner as pH 7 indicates a midway point.

I remind you that we should recognise that all bio-function is dependent on the flow of both a life
force [some may say soul] and an electromagnetic force of minuscule direct current i.e. DC
produced by the cell system. My interpretation is that there is an organic force and an
electromagnetic force with two opposing charges within all matter and that spirals in and out as
positive and negative. That provides life balance in organics systems but also related to inorganic
systems which allows global symbiosis. To explore this further read Callahan. Somehow, the mind
connects with this and signals a dowsing reaction of a strength/presence/force.

Another use of the 6500 point is applied when dowsing for food. If the sample is 6500 or below
you ought to examine why; with a view to discarding the food. However the concept may prove to
play a part in nutritional assessment.

There are many books coming onto the market in French which is a global language. To compare
some findings therein we need the unit of the dowsing for which Bovis might be the singular Unit;
or they might be totally superfluous! What do you think?
By the way I have satisfied myself that global grids area real by dowsing for them; whilst on board
a ship. Many people are studying the UK energy Grid complex, Their knowledge is far in advanced
of mine. However, I appear to be the only one trying to bring that knowledge into the realms of
public policy and this is a very wearing exercise.

It is my understanding that we need to measure these energies as a step towards redressing the
imbalance which appears to have been created in the modern allocation of land. Many of the
energy lines in the UK have been mapped but as far as I have gleaned that information have not
been translated into public policy implications.

We need to get to a stage where the land can rebalance itself and the energy forms associated
with it. For instance the degree to which concrete and asphalt negate negative ions or Schumann
waves has not been quantified; in lay terms. This needs lot of people researching this as I cannot
achieve this on my own.

Most of the research into subtle energies is privately funded from a persons' pension etc.! This is
at the expense of their family time. They are carers caring for us globally. It might be that they
never get recognition in their life time. They are not a secret service but a body of dedicated
scientist both amateur and professional. This is why a critical mass of investigation and discussion
is needed globally; using the many people who have dowsing potential but have never tried to use
this latent talent.

Extending what we know from history we ought to be applying this now to build schools over
positive energy lines and ensure that houses are not built to the detriment of those living therein.
Bovis, Hawkins and my promotion of the gigahertz scale ought to be used to measure detriment as
one might use a pH metre to assess goodness or badness in soils.

I have used the word engage and we need to engage the public as 6 out 10 people can dowse so
we are at least at the starting line.

Your experience and intuition might tell you that you have a bad feeling about the area in which
you live but cannot express it to your Councillor. Bovis might help you express your feelings by
dowsing for and citing depressive energy levels. The Councillor could weigh options and present
them to the cabinet of other councillors using the Bovis Scale, aligned to energy rates and rays
and giving the area some medicine. That is not well explained is it? But that does not mean it is

So help me clarify the matter and bring your perspective to bear!

In summary to date my perspective is:-

[]Bovis Units are intriguing as is dowsing science which six out of ten people have an ability to do.

[] there are good and bad energies locally, globally and cosmically which can impact on us 24/7
which need measuring

[] there are good and bad energies locally, globally which are manmade and increasing which can
impact on us 24/7 which need measuring

[] a focus is needed to investigate the use of the Bovis concept and widen its applicability to
measure life force/life detriment

[] That a focus should lead to a critical mass of research and experiment by professionals and lay
people: with you taking part. That this emerging awareness can be helped with a link with
quantum physics. Bovis Units might fit that scenario and that they could be an international unit

At this stage I would like to acknowledge a number of people for helped me get this far. I
appreciate Ced Jackson of the BSD for his guidance when the first edition was on the stocks. I am
indebted to those who have voiced criticism also. I am most grateful to Kate

Salway of Waverley Dowsers whose help made the first edition less dyslexic.

We know from many sources that the ancients knew about finding suitable energies to help their
daily lives. It might be that some marks on stones are energy marks/maps and those marks might
be indicative of strengths. Their main preoccupation was crops and they measured that with
carefully laid stones. They moved from place to place so vibes never affected them for long.
Then some became static and they needed to understand their constant environment.

Now moving on a few thousand years telluric energies impacted in strange ways as the following
example shows. Some people cannot live in certain houses and have been forced to move. One
very senior member of the British Society of Dowsers told me that he found often that the same
house/s came on the market and there had been divorce etc. etc.. His skills now enable him to
attribute this to geopathic stress issues and other energy matters.

Various people have told me that Bovis Units could be used in public policy making. I wrote to
five embassies to gauge what was being done in other countries but had zero usable information.
One source indicated that some EU Member countries government departments use dowsing but
I am not clear if that includes policy formulation - my source = 29/5/8 -
mypage.direct.ca/j/jliving/pen01 htm

I see the Units being used to assess the level of detrimental energy in community areas as well just
a house. The Bovis concept can measure the effect of taking remedial action. That point directs
me/us to creating a focus and debate in/on Town Planning. We might need to question if we need
to leave areas alone.

This book might be the impetus to provide a new way of engaging the public at large in their
communities and redress the lack of interest in their surroundings and electoral polls. This might
help overcome corrosive negativity. However, a word of caution in that engagement should not
generate conflict between for instance the community and local politicians; or should it?

Everythings has an aura and that appears to be associated with spirals. Deflect one and the other
is affected. Auras provide us with a protected layer and there is some where there an imprint of
who we are. There is an individual aura which creates the sum of the aura of a community. This
of course is an old subject with a new face. The very existence of the auric field is barely accepted
let alone using the Bovis concept to measure them.

The auric field exists around us and all matter; as a coloured layered force field. It can stand
bumps but not crashes. Crashes occur for many reasons including the adverse effects of
detrimental subtle energies and the bodys internal workings can fail. This is often stress complex
related and this will reduce the auric field of individuals and communities. The matter is dowsing

The likely effect on auras is at the nub of the classic pulsating mast debate. It might be that the
Bovis Unit concept might be the laymans measurement by which lay or dedicated tiers i.e. local
government planning system, can use to halt the urban electro magnet pollution of AC pulsating
current etc. However commercial pressures work against progress.

To light up the subject plug in and join up the last paragraph with reality and electronic smog it is
suggested that the reader at least scans the Power Watch Handbook by A&J Philips.

The problem of getting people to understand subtle energies seems to be akin to that of Carbon
monoxide poisoning/radon of yester year. You do not know it is there until you are dead: no jest
intended. Jest an observation!
Within the concept of the dowsable aura I need to address Quality of Life issues. The consideration
of which is fundamental to mental and physical health and the environment. Environmental
planning and quality of life issues cannot be separated from structural issues. Here I mean
intertwined with employment, housing and economics, food and water and the bio environment.
Likewise neither of the above can be divorced from the need to have a simple common measure
for plans be they spatial or socio economic development plans. Each formed from transferred
measurable energy.

However, without even considering the Bovis concept, people can control some events by their
collective energy or their collective consciousness e.g. prayer or positive thought. I have shown
how positive thought can be transferred within a community before a planning inspector. Nothing
amazing in that as it is the Heisenbergobservers paradox - at work.

Quality of life issues must feature at a higher level in the future than now; as we are being forced
to live so close together. In the same breath we cannot divorce ourselves from the effects of earth
energies, cosmic forces nor electromagnetic effects. However, I believe these matters can affect
the collective consciousness.

Whatever a huge amount interdisciplinary time is needed and the common language might be the
Bovis concept in locum parentis for an Esperanto. Quality of life issues are not a luxury. They are a
necessity as is faith however one expresses that. Faith does not have to involve a god but is has
to involve community and its identity.

Community is the fuel of common respect, in any language or belief. It gets used up if not
replenished. As I have said in my 2nd Book we are of one blood and we are of one light; globally.

Energy levels can falter and that needs measuring as the longer they are left the harder it is to heal
them. I would not say that I am an atheist but I see community as an extension of part of the
global community with a pulse which needs to be constantly monitored whether it is an army
unit, a district a council or a multi [ you insert what fits for you] community.

My local authority does not recognise the implications of deprived Schumann wave resonance
SWR nor low levels of negative ions. I ask how can a rate payer make the uncomplicated point
that this needs addressing possibly with the Bovis Unit concept. As a lay person it is of immense
concern to me that one major building advisory body has no knowledge of earth energy issues nor
SWR.. This is significant!.
At this stage you could say that this is a book about what we do not know about more than a

Of the many forces which may impact on development Schumann Waves Resonance SWR -
appear to have a significant part to play in them. They are as real as a host of other cosmic and
ground forces. A lack of Schumann waves for instance adversely affects health and steel framed
buildings inhibit them. Can Bovis Units be used as a simple measure of their strength?

Please dont shy away from the term cosmic forces. This is valid term to recognise the part the
sun, moon and other planets and possibly SWR and others play in our 24/7 lives.

Negative ions and SWR are related to soil and that extrapolates to open space. That space is a
dwindling resource. Now I ask at what stage is there to be a crises level and by what
measurement. We have space requirements in the work place under health and safety legislation
BUT not for exposure to adverse earth energies; which the Bovis concept appears to measure.

There are political implications. The concept is simple to understand whereas the application is
harder to grasp. It relies on dowsing which six out of ten people can do. That means 60% of the
voting population have the means to test policy decisions for themselves. If that materialises what
will be the effect on future turn out at elections with electors armed with such as skill as a new
facet to the democratic process? That being so where will that place the Planning Inspectorate?

Feng Shui is used in architecture but the Bovis concept might have a parallel a place in town
planning, design of flats, layout of roads or town colour schemes. However we know that colour
and psychiatry are partners as well as being used in alternative medicine for healing. The
application of the Bovis concept might well prove to be a measure of effectiveness and colour

I need to transmit globally the power of this information, without distortions to lay, technical and
multidisciplinary audiences; as well as policy formers.

There is huge controversy over the issues of electronic smog and the mast issue and their
location. It seems that the issue is commercially biased but an even deeper problem the
psychological/life style dependency of children/people on mobile phones.

Many people seem to acknowledge that mobile phones can adversely affect them. I believe that
for some children, they are a prop against a form of loneliness. Until that powerful mover is
corrected we will have a growing problem as great as obesity.
Can the Bovis concept be the tool to interrogate this as one might use scales to check weight?

A point to ponder at this time is this item from the Web I glean that The Earth itself creates
energy, measurable in Bovis Units in the 7,000 to 18,000 Units range". This energy is also referred
to as "Bio- photons ", which are light particles invisible to our eyes. This positive radiation is
necessary to the maintenance of life on Earth. - Geo-biology web site! There are other
explanations from different web sites to be found in Appendix 29


Gradient is the reference I give to a change of dowsing reaction between unseen and unquantified
boundaries for any energy defined or undefined which creates a dowsing response. I believe that
gradient in this definition can be provide/disproved mathematically.

This was to be a project but the never materialised after me waiting weeks for a response.

Gradients do occur at close intervals for reasons which I have yet to fathom out. In some places it
is as though the energies were contained in some manner in the same way barometric pressure
contains [restricts] cold/hot air movement.

Rooms have temperature gradients for many reasons but often related to the heat source.

It might be that the different readings obtained in dowsing a report/plan or other document is
gradients of energy rather than black and white occurrences.

In one of my research projects in a Church in Malta I noticed that there were gradients of
energy/dowsing reactions at the thresh hold of a doorway. I then found similar changes in
readings in other situations.

What creates the energy boundary and are boundaries formed on housing estates etc.? Well on a
note of history relating to the custom of beating the bounds ceremonies, could it possible that
the boundaries were not so much geographic/topographic but etheric subtle energy boundaries. If
right this is of town planning significance for the concept of the Village Envelope. How much work
is needed to prove or disprove this notion and what are the implications in terms of town planning
and green belts?
The boundaries seem to form some sort of micro climate. The reaction of material could influence
the Bovis readings but if they occur internal as in a house they must have an aggregate effect with
in a community. However we know that concrete and asphalt locality have lower levels of negative
ions. Where does that take us with community health and measuring it?

So I leap to ask could a combination of subtle energy investigation and understanding Bovis
gradients are a pathway to reducing domestic violence and other forms of antisocial behaviour.

If we rub a piece of non-magnetised metal against magnet it will transfer magnetism. I use this
simile to explain that the energy of person can be transferred to a piece of paper and be given an
energy value.

We know that cosmic forces e.g. the moon affects the cell and we know that magnetic forces
can create a tidal effect within a cell. The function of the cell reflects the function of the system
the body equally so the sum of the function of individuals equals the sum of function of the
community. This needs a measure like blood pressures and pulse!.

In the balance of nature we need to talk about the balance of negative /positive ions and SWR
which hither to has had little voice; although apparently being pivotal to health.

In essence, what I am saying is that Radiesthesia is so important in our activities that we need to
be singing from the same hymn sheet. Help me write the hymn sheet!

A community functions in play as in work. Play is active sleep and bonding in its widest context.
Many years ago in order to ensure that active sleep space was available the National Playing Fields
Association developed a permissive standard for space in the late 20s. That was based on 6
acres per thousand populations. Woefully that is being ignored by many types of council, today;
which has most likely led to diminishing levels of re- creational space and its negative ion /SWR

There is no way of measuring outcomes of that failure to apply that standard and Bovis might be,
with trial, that measurement. Can we add in a factor for dysfunctional structural problems
whereby the community becomes dysfunctional? The Bovis concept might be the tool to measure
decisions in respect of play policy.

Education and Radiesthesia

I have implied that education is needed in the subject of Radiesthesia so that people can know
about the resource that they can use in their day to day lives. It could form a voting system with a
mathematical basis. However Educating people is no mean task. Just think of the problems
relating to the change from imperial to metric! A starting point has to be a simple definition and
more than a notion of applicability. The following references seem pertinent to the cause.

A simple way to describe Bovis Energy Units is to say they are Bio-photon energy activating Units
- www page mystical. My note - that is not useable in its present wording and it needs to be so
for junior school level.

Another web site cites an important educational point in explaining that :- dowsing is Not
based on psychics but a physicist developed the scale!. Certainly from what I have gleaned it is not
chemistry based and not electronics or magnetism as nothing appears to [be] attracted by it -
Dr Tromp - Psychical Psychics.

Part of education must be about making addressing distortions. Regretfully, the basic
understanding of Bovis Units is not on the BSDs educational dowsing training curriculum. By the
way if you see a similarity with Feng Shui you are on my line of thinking. So, now to other
information sources.

Books which I referred to and yet to be studied again

These Two references got me thinking more widely :-

the Secrets Lives of Plants by Tompkins and Bird and in particular to the Chapter on the radiance
of life. The writers refer to Bovis and his notion about polarising bodies when set in line with a
north south orientation. Bovis associated cosmic current going through the body via the head a
happening not far removed from the function of the crown chakra. He modified the pendulum
and used dowsing to detect quality of food.

Further ..he did valid experiments to show that dowsing was a reaction of the solar plexus
amongst other things. Simonton found that Bovis concept could be applied to measuring
wavelengths. Bovis found that dehydrated food could be re-hydrated to very good radiations. He
found that the potato with its Vitamin C and protein content only record 2000 plus Units whilst a
cooked potato [essential dead] rose to 7000. Peanut oil and wine registered quite low and
refined sugar could fall as low as 1000 Units. Simoneton [ whom I am trying to contact 07/70/08 -
is quoted as saying that power attributed to plants might be due so much to their chemistry per
se but to their healthy radiations i.e. resonance

Dr Bach is referred to in the Secret Lives of Plants. He is known for resonant remedies, which raise
low resonance in animal life. Resonance is something we need to align ourselves with. So does
that lead us in any way, to create Bovis measurable means, to improve city life? Bovis Units can be
used to differentiate between resonance of remedies BUT I have not tried this yet.
Lecher - a book by Anne Landry - Anne 1959 Pierre Nordau 1940 ISB 2980898309 - A reminder
that the Lecher Antennae is a powered bio-meter. Sometime in the near future I need to learn
more about this.

Bird & Tompkins book The Secret Life of Plants - again

../ as on the [230408] in order to understand plant function for the booklet on trees and subtle
energies in town planning I glean that cells [plant] can produce ultra violet light - UV. I assume
that acts as an information carrier, as infrared will apparently do. From that I assume that the UV
is dowsable and that is where the association of the Bovis scale and Angstrom Units derives. Many
areas I glean seem to be transferable to other dowsing subject areas.

I find Pyramid Power by Tooth & Neilson enlightening for the following reference modern
physics is trying to prove that all physics is a result of pure geometry... I disagreegeometry is only
the structure of space and that light is housed within this structure the discrete resonance ... in
all atomic physics consequence of light waves acting on the geometry of space. My note- from
that I deduce the Bovis scale is likely to be a valid measure in the future.

Looking further and wider and still digesting BSD lectures I link universal crystalline structure with
the unified field and the energy is contained within bio and inanimate crystals and that accounts
for dowsing reaction and such things as map dowsing/remote. My note - I ask Bovis/gigahertz
Units are measurement of the crystal field and do pieces act whole like a hologram and are thus

My note - I ponder thus is this the sort of science, which will eventually stand up in court, or a
public inquiry, when Bovis Units or Radiesthesia is used in evidence; given by a dowser expert
witnesses. That being so dowsing has a serious contribution to make to the local and global

Hasta aqui llegu

start of pg 38

As I update June 2008 a BSD Member obtained for me Points of Cosmic Energy by Blanche
Mars. I read that Michele Carter Bordet has looked at Bovis Units in a similar way to this paper. I
suggest that Chapter Two of her book will be most helpful to anyone wishing to pursue this
concept and generate discussion.
I have made a lot of effort to obtain information from other countries which I could include in this
book but I had a nearly zero response. However I am indebted to <richard3@bezeqint.net>: from
Israel for his guidance on the use of Bovis Units. He is a geopathic specialist in Israel. He will make
a check anywhere in the world, for its Bovis Unit reading, from a map reference. He is at pains to
say that this is not a precise Unit and the results are dependent on the health of the dowsers. His
web site introduces an enquirer to his five day course on this subject.

It is notable that I have not been able to find anything, which I can understand, which links or
divides: - Bovis, Schumann waves, Curry line & Hartmann Grids. Everyone needs to understand
subtle energies and their possible effect.

Referring to PSI Psychic Discoveries behind the Iron Curtain Ostrander & Associates

....dowsing will be used to solve problems and may supplant many contemporary geophysical
methodsall seemingly in the light of the Soviet research into dowsing geologically,
physiologically and psychologically. However, there is no mention of Bovis per se in the quote.

The Authors say England lags very far behind in its appreciation of the dowsing skills. Drs TREEV
and Simonov, may be under the threat of death, expounded that this talent is vital to science and
it must be understood.

Another book recently obtained highlights the work of Dr Hawkins. This parallels what I am trying
to achieve. His books are: - Power Vs Force and Truth v Falsehood. He links Kinesiology and a
logarithmic scale and cites the use of arm muscle testing. See Appendix 18. To ensure the broadest
review of these book alternative scales should be sought and compared. Will you help?

end of pg 38

start of pg 39

Which way now?

What information is hidden in the shopping bag? You need to look!

I trust that I made the case that is worth reading on as you have the ability to contribute to this
science whatever your age OR background
Melbourne City information

Where to now? To the examples in the Appendices of course; where I have applied the concept
and for you to test and start to take the concept forward; globally!

Where to now

These matters do not stand alone although the Appendices are series of individual studies. They
are linked in that common answers are sought to diverse questions. This Book needs rewriting in
order to move it up the scale of interest. Will you help?

Modern living creates its own evolving issues. For instance certain pressures have forced building
over ground emitting radon and on flood plains. The need for better air conditioning regulations
was spawned by Legionella. These problems existed long ago but only became manifest, driven by
public concern, since the 70s. This in turn spawned new health standards.

Our problem is not being measured and that is we are developing faster than natural adaption
allows. It seems the earth energies and miniscule EMFs can no longer be ignored and that a
universally understood measure is needed. Your feedback is vital and may fall in line with your
own CPD objectives. Please discuss this in the pub, committees or where ever.

Now to the Index to Appendices - experiments for you to replicate

end of pg 39

start of pg 40

1 &2 & 3 Bovis in flight & in lectures & Drama & community activities
4 Urban shopping street

5 & 5a Pentagons & Ground currents affecting health

6 & 6a 6- Bovis and a bed cover could board rooms be likewise affected - 6A Tracking energies
levels after house healing.

7 Chinese Garden

8 9 & 9a Shops and Super stores & Shops and Super stores

10 Medieval Court house in Croatia

11 Discussion on a submission to a Council applying Bovis Units

12 Bovis in hospitals

13 Bovis and emergency Vehicles

14 Healing and Bovis

15 Block paving and grass in urban areas

16 The Writer

17 Community Health

18 Resume of the Work of Dr Hawkins and his application of Kinesiology

19 Commercial applications start of two experiments

20 Dowsing Method and making template

21 Appendix to help focus of measuring energy from trees

22 Playgrounds and energies

23 Community enhancement applying Bovis as the tool of analysis

24 Assessing energy in the urban landscape and harmonising an area Archaeology in

playground design

end of pg 40

start of pg 41
25 Church Steeples an assessment of them being converted into communication masts

26 Forensic applications - Evidence check

27 Bovis and root pruning

28 Town planning and auras

29 Web and other sources

30 Bovis in multi-storey buildings Schumann waves

Appendix 1 Bovis in flight

This is part of a series of papers, which I have prepared for myself, through observation and
experiment, to help me understand the reality of Bovis Units in everyday life. It is in an
abbreviated form for this booklet.

This paper is informative rather than an experiment as there was no control per se. It refers to
readings in Bovis Units taken on two aircraft, from England and to Malta in 2008. I was observing
the changes in readings during both flights; of similar flying altitude and direction and with a
similar passenger group; outbound/inbound.

I believe that I have identified a sufficiency of information to warrant others spending time on this
type of exercise; in order to pool results and see if the results have an application elsewhere.

I used an improvised template and pendulum dowsed. May be I ought to have related the
readings to ground conditions in spite of passing over it at a fast rate.

end of pg 41
start of pg 42

What have I actually recorded? Well I assume that I was actually measuring emanations from
inside the aircraft: which I believe acts like a tube magnet, if that is at all relevant.

So what questions do my readings raise? The first is why such a difference between landing

Ref Outbound Subject Inbound

1 5500 Taxi point 3500

2 2000 Take off 1000

3 6000 Climbing & entering cloud 4400

4 16000 Serving food 8500

5 13100 In flight 8500

6 1000 Landing announced 7800

7 1800 Turbulence 3100

8 !!!! Landed 6900

a 15000 Approximately same point over mountains 7100

The following notes raise some important questions about Bovis Units:-

See refs a - why difference if the ground was approximately the same location or was it
something in the aircraft or is this measuring sorrow of returning from holiday!

See refs 2 take off was this measuring fear or just a coincidence

See refs 4 serving food why the discrepancy See refs 6 landing announced - What do you think?
Tele 01252 541 639 Michael Haxeltine 080408

Nb on the Bovis scale any reading below 6500 indicates detrimental energy both physically and
mentally and any reading above indicates a reading of beneficial energy. In geopathic stress
work some people will feel an adverse effect of a range of energies after only a few minutes.

end of pg 42

start of pg 43

Appendix 2 Bovis Units relating to a talk on ancient monuments

This Appendix refers to a talk given to a county dowsing group, mainly females, in a church hall.
The weather was sunny outside and the moon phase was full on the 20th April, the day after the
talk. The speaker led me to think that I ought to be noting moon phases from now on when
relating readings of Bovis Units but not all of the Appendices will have this information.

Place affects energy and activity therein coupled with those participating. So will the level of
Bovis Units remain static through a talk? This Appendix records the changes of Bovis units through
a dowsing related talk. The readings were taken over a pre- drawn template; about the size of a
school protractor.

The results are no good on their own, as there is no comparison of another talk given on the same
subject to the same audience in the same building. However the results have led me to ask might
this be a way of assessing a teachers ability to put over a subject. In reference to teachers, if that
is so it might also be a measure of listener level of interest. This is what happened and in the
order it happened: -

The hall with people milling around 13000-13100

Start of talk 13500

Reference to ladies anatomy 13900

Aerial photographs one part of the subject 14200

Picture of well-known huge stones 14800

end of pg 43

start of pg 44

Reference to an internationally accepted energy line 15400

Reference to symbolism of structures 16000

Reference to churches and spirals of energies 16200

A specific church 16300

Tea interval 13500

References to an anecdote at a stone 17000

Reference to a famous land mark 18000

Summary 18000

Finale 18000

The importance of self [you] in protecting the heritage 15000

I note that the tea interval /start had some similarity but why?

The highest readings related to something most of the audience had empathy with e.g. a famous
landmark. Would the readings have been different if they had been recorded in a community
centre; with the same speaker and same audience or a different audience?

Does this tell us anything about balancing a talk for a given audience or about the audience itself.
The readings are high if one uses the classification used by Marss as a bench mark. Or is it the
fact that the talk was about churches that we get a spiritual level of Bovis Units? With training
information being put on Disc does Bovis provide a measure of the quality of the training
information? Why the changes when you was referred; indeed that was a challenge BUT not
intent only a request.

What do you think? - Tele. me on 01252 541 639

end of pg 44

start of pg 45

Appendix 3

Community Activities

A murder Play in a parish hall & Church Sale

My Bovis Units readings were: -

Car park - tarmac - 11500

Inside hall 10500

Act one 10500

Sance 3500

Release of carbon dioxide mist and ghost 11500

applause 12500

On the face of it there is nothing dramatic in these observations BUT look at the readings, which
I took during a very artificial sance, in which carbon dioxide vapour was used for effect. The
reading dropped to an unhealthy 3500.

The sance appeared to have generated depressed energy levels, which extended at least to the
second row in the hall.
Extrapolated, this to me means that if we appreciate that Radionics works to heal or say kill insects
then beamed energy, through intent, can affect people in some way.

This being so the sance example shows that radio and TV shows can adversely affect people.

It indicates harm can be radiated by intention and reinforces the tenet that energy follows

However this is but one simple experiment but important in policy forming in relation to

end of pg 45

start of pg 46

Church Hall sale In this case I visited a local church hall, approximately the size of a badminton
court, to see a craft/book sale and found the following: -

At least two void areas of a few square metres 8500

By jam stall 14400

Books at ground level 11500

Books on stage 13500

Other stall could not read my own note 11500

The Jam stall is similar to other food stall in other places. It was difficult to assess energy
boundaries without drawing too much attention to myself. Why such a range within a few metres
of each reading. What I should have done was to check for earth energy issues; something for a
future visit when I can obtain the Vicars consent. Can changing up or down Bovis unit readings
affect sales?. Perhaps this why a fete should be blessed!.
What is actually being achieved here?

What is a boundary of energy in relation to the energy which Bovis units measures? So in studying
Bovis units we do we need to be able to recognise boundaries.. It seems that a boundary might be
plus or negative which we only recognise when it is repelling as in opposite polarity. It cannot be
that simple!

end of pg 46


start of pg 47

Appendix 4 relates to an urban village

This is a relatively urban village like scenario in NE Hampshire. It is in close proximity to military

In recent years there has been a high turnover in shop ownership and the character is changing
from a small town centre to less dominant urban village/centre.

The pond is bordered by roads/military land and has been in place for at least ten years.

My readings showed 7500 by the pond and at the right hand side close to the reeds I recorded

Yet onto the left of the picture on the grass area I recorded 7500.
Some other readings are comparable but why such a difference between the open water and the
reed margins. 7500 Units compares to readings, which I obtained in Malta in the type of location.

end of pg 47

start of pg 48

This memorial to the redevelopment of the area gave a reading of 7500. However on careful
inspection of the poor photo one can just make out galls on the trunks of the tree. Thus I am
assuming that there is a crossing of detrimental energy influencing both the area of the memorial
and possibly wider afield. To what extent if any will this affect the Bovis readings?

end of pg 48

start of pg 49

However 16200 were recorded for a chemist and a butcher. Has that policy making implications?
Whereas in the gun shop I obtained 13100; similar to the paper shop of 13200, Why? In the live
pet shop, which had meats and dried foods I obtained 14000 like a bank and totally different
function. Then I ventured into a caf for children and mums, at a quiet period, where I obtained
16100. In one of the hairdressing salons I recorded 12700.
In a shop that sold tobacco I recorded 15500; in fact a very healthy reading. Now if tobacco and
guns can kill why are not the readings lower and very similar? What is the relationship IF ANY?

I also recorded a reading in a Bank of 14000, which is one of many listed buildings in the area. This
reading is comparable with that of the High St of 14100. This is close to food shops readings but

Does my reading on the 25/04/08 indicate a daily fluctuation and what is the driver for this?

At the end of August 2008 the greengrocer closed business. Before closure I obtained 13000 for
the shop & 12-13000 in the Street. Operating last day I recorded 8000 and 14000 in the Street.
End of Business I recorded 7000 and Street 12000 with an adjacent junction down to 6500.

When I followed this up I did not find a change.

Could the effect of closures of Post Offices be having similar effect as the greengrocers, in other
locations? An effect, measurable in terms of the Bovis concept. I just cannot accept that the
recordings are a co-incidence but I am at a loss to understand what is happening. Is this a gradient
issue on a large scale? I still have yet to look at this with some guidance. You of course can guide
me with your views?

Where does this Appendix place Bovis Units in policy making ? -

Let me know 01252 541 639

end of pg 49
start of pg 50

5 & 5a Flow of energy from a pentagon

. fact or fiction This Appendix 5 shows how Bovis Units can measure the etheric energy
between areas. Appendix 5a highlights the subject of ground currents. Appendix 5 may have
management implications for nurseries; street planting and plantings on Estates and the
people/residents associated with the plantings. It is by no means clear what is happening in this
experiment! This appears to show a directional effect of energy from the pentagon area/trees.
There appears to be a movement of energy from the group of trees towards the ailing Photonias
i.e. the plants in the smaller pots.

This photograph is of hard standing MoT Type fill on which plants for sale are placed. I am not
sure if the polarity of the stone is significant. The area to the right is part of a pentagon energy
experiment. Energy as checked with a pendulum has apparently gone from the experimental area
to the Photonias in the smaller pots.

If you look carefully the digital camera has picked up a slight circular discoloration, which I will

I have been working on this experiment since March 2008. I was replicating a previously
successful experiment to create a temperature rise in a pentagon area marked on the ground
compared to the surrounding ground. This experiment was a disaster.

end of pg 50
start of pg 51

In April 2008 I started to take Bovis readings in and out of the pentagon. That gave me no
indication of what was happening. The energy was intact around the pentagon according to my
dowsing so I decided to do an affinity check with the pendulum and see what the area of influence
was. Indeed the energy was intact 15/09/08.

I found that energy was leaving the pentagon area to the Photonias in the manner of a cone
[ground plan section] and that the influence tailed off at the edges. The Bovis reading for the part
between the Photonias 13000 [160408] and on the 29/04/08 it was 16000. The pentagon area
was 15100 [16/04/08] and on the 2904/08 it was 16500. The ailing Photonias had been removed
leaving a healthy group for sale between 29 &16/04/08. Readings on 0/05/08 = 11500. Yet on
the 13/05/08 the energy had risen to 18500; as was the surrounding area. All against the theory
of likely recordings as this was not holy ground.


Pentagon with approximately line boundaries of Bovis readings

The Bovis reading changed at approximately angles shown by the arrows. This was checked by
walking to and fro from a change point with me dowsing over a chart /template. As an aside I
asked is the discoloration in the picture due to a tyre mark from the forklift truck? I went on site
and looked at the ground and saw a broad tyre print but not seemingly where the discoloration is
shown on the picture.

If energy can move one way something must induce it to move the other way. I am trying to see
if this odd happening is related to what people get from tree hugging. What is your view? I am
most grateful

end of pg 51
start of pg 52

to Hagthornes Nurseries Nr Woking - for allowing me to conduct this experiment...

Appendix 5a

I have contacted Duane A Dahlberg PhD who has no objection to me quoting from his paper on
ground currents. As I am trying to study ground energies and trees I seemingly need to seek
questions about the likely effect if any of ground currents on trees. His report is electrifying to
me as a lay person for it has introduced me to energy which may be under my feet and might even
be enhanced by the increase in block paved drives?

..possible associations between ground currents and health have been suggested at least
since the 1920s and contested. It is interesting to note that in the 1930s (Pohl 1983) identified
German research relating to ground currents and the fact that they could be detected with
dowsing rods. A 1978 study conducted by Consumers Power Company (Consumers Energy) of
Michigan concluded that unbalanced three phased circuits in their system caused electric currents
to be carried on natural gas and oil pipelines (Lathrop 1978). This work was one of the first efforts
to measure the presence of ground currents from distribution and transmission systems. In this
case the concern was for pipeline workers.

In Austin Texas .it was discovered that electric currents on the neutral side of the distribution
system in Austin were going through water pipes, the ground, and other conductors in returning
to the substation. This condition caused an imbalance between the neutral and the phase wires of
the distribution system, and consequently increased the 60 Hz magnetic field exposure for people
in Austin. The outcome of this discovery was the development of the current balancing
transformer, which forced the return current from the transformer to go to the substation by way
of the neutral wire and not through the grounding wire into the ground

A study group with predominantly chemists studied dogs in kennels and did not find the cause of
their illness. Then with assistance of dairy farmers in Michigan and an electrical engineer, they
finally concluded that ground currents entering the dog kennel were the cause of the problems.
When the dogs were moved to a location where no ground currents were measured, the health
problems also ended (Marks, et. al. 1995). I ask what is the relationship is if any of ground current
and Bovis units as a measure of this and trees. This Appendix shows the need for multidiscipline
studies when dealing with these issues and one in which dowsers can help.

end of pg 52
start of pg 53

Appendix 6 the Bed Cover -

To say the least this event has been quite a revelation. This bedcover was bought at a second hand
sale some two years ago. Recently I have lost empathy with it and it was not until I was looking for
various applications of Bovis units readings that I decided to check out the reading and the room
which it was in. This part of the paper details what I found.

I was drawn to the cover by the pictures of the birds but always had an odd feeling about it. Even
now I find it difficult to put that feeling into words

When I decided to dowse it for Bovis Units I found that I only obtained 2200 units. I then removed
it to outside the front door. Please remember the significance of a reading of 6500, the thresh
hold of healthiness.

The readings were as follows:-

Control reading in room 12,500 - returned cover to room - the reading only scored 11000 and after
three hours the reading went down to 6500 with the cover in the room. Approximately seven
hours after removing the cover the reading was 12,500. However on returning the cover to the
room the readings went down to 10500. After a

end of pg 53
start of pg 54

further 15 mins the readings went to 8500. Following a further 35 mins the reading went down

The landing recorded 12500. The threshold of change was approximately the threshold of the
doorway to the landing from my room. I went outside again obtained 11500 and then fetched
the cover and put that outside. After approximately five minutes /my room went up to 8500
from 5500. After some ten minutes it is wavering between 11500 & 12500. I actually feel
somewhat relaxed compared to an hour ago. Today 010508 I dowsed the room in which I was
working and found it to be 12500.

The Bed Cover, which I had brought indoors, was 3500 and that recording remained so up to
approximately 2M from the object; whilst the bed on which it was laid recorded 12500. In the
room I had now removed pieces of pink & green quartz. I took another reading approximately
15mins after that. The room had gone down to 10500. The cover had gone down to under 2000.

Now on my to do list I added that I needed to investigate the effect of crystals on Bovis.

Thus there appears to be a boundary of influences. After 15 mins the reading in the room had
gone down again to 8500. I have just remembered and I thought it ought to be noted that I still
had a small piece of crystal in front of PC. Why the manner and time scale of transition of the

Whilst I did not take temperature readings they appeared to be the same by feel. From this I ask
for instance how many boardrooms have artefacts therein which might adversely influence the
Bovis readings and thus the operating climate of the room.
On the 20/06/08 I repeated the experiment and recorded thus :- the room 18500; cover brought
in again and within two mins 10500; within ten minutes 7500; crystals taken out 5500; after a few
minutes crystals returned 7500; crystals taken away 5500 and after a few minutes with the cover
removed 18500. Why?

end of pg 54

start of pg 55

Appendix 6A Tracking changes in Bovis Units in a house cleared of detrimental energy and relating
this to Critical Path Analysis - CPA

Line 2 refers to one of a number of detrimental lines cleared from my house. Remember this can
be done with ordinary dowsing but using Bovis Units allows comparison with other clearings. The
dowsing question was what is the general level of energy in this room and what the level of
energy is over this line.

Bovis readings Comp Room Main 1st Bedroom 2nd Sub bedroom Line 2 Detrimental

Afternoon 100908 12000 12000 12000 1st 5-6000

2nd 9000

100908 - 2030 12500 12500 14000 gone

110908 11000 10000 12500 xxxx

140908 14000 14000 12500 xxxx

160908 -1930 12000 14000 16000 xxxx

This Appendix has led me to ask if the application of Bovis can be used for tracking projects. If you
can imagine a route map with times, distances and alternative routes you have something like a
chart which is used in project management. You have a sort of best before and critical use dates
which are numerically coded to identify them. A pathway indicting jobs is formed from which a
critical path is indicated i.e. the last date the job can be done by without adversely affecting the
whole operation. That chart is a critical path analysis of the whole job and is used in project
management. [look up PERT]

Can this be linked in any way to Bovis for management?

end of pg 55

start of pg 56

Appendix 7 Chinese Garden

This is a sun drenched garden, in Malta, bordering a housing estate and a busy road. It was
constructed with deep intent to produce a Garden of Serenity. It had been a joint project with the
Government of Malta and the Chinese. The Chinese provided the material and many of the plants.
The full version will go into the book. From an energies point of view it may be significant that it is
surrounded by a chain link fence.

On the right side I have captured the entrance water scene. This spectacular entrance with its
water fountains showed 20500 Units on my Gigahertz scale.
As one turns left there is a choice of a main path of block paving which showed 20,500 Bovis Units
or there was a slightly meandering path. The latter was flanked with parterre hedges and showed
22,500. The view is shown below

This hedge lined meandering path leads to a cloister. Is the difference in readings due to this
aspect or straightness of energy flow? Either way it might be an example of geometric shapes
holding or dispelling energies. From here one can go along a covered cloister like construction and
then a courtyard.

end of page 56

start of pg 57

The entrance - try dowsing these pictures for Bovis Units

By contrast to softer edges the meandering path showed 19000

By contrast to softer edges on the meandering path this showed 19000. The adjacent
water feature showed 25000

Why a difference in any of the readings and what design implications arise?

end of pg 57
start of pg 58

Appendix 8 - Mass concrete & energy readings

This Appendix refers to a piece of Research into energies from a brown field site as it develops to


Fibonacci Series - is a number series now recognised as being associated with every facet of life
perhaps the Bovis Unit concept will be similarly recognised! I believe the results of this
experiment are reflected in every building site; globally.

It is important to know that certain energies will cause concrete failure. These subtle energies will
come from the ground. They can adversely affect the health of those living within their influence.
This is connected to geopathic stress.

They are not the only detrimental energies which will impinge on people in buildings. To gain
some insight into the earth energies aspect of everyday life please scan Kathe Bachlers book.
However this Appendix is not about earth energies per se.

The object of this Appendix is to see:-

if the level of Bovis concept Units changes as the mass of volume/concrete increases and

if further research is needed to identify what the implications are for those living in such
buildings and

the distance of the influence of the building as it rises.

end of pg 58

start of pg 59

I am indebted to the site Manager for agreeing that I could go on site.

Bovis readings were taken from the plan to see if the map dowsing was valid and then related to
the same spot each time on site. The readings are being taken as the building rises in height
/volume. Offsite I checked Bovis readings at four selected E & W, N & S points checking how far
the influence of energies from the site has extended.

I took readings by dowsing over a custom made Gigahertz/Bovis Unit template. Once the
Experiment had started I realised that the site boundaries had a definable pentagon shape which
in theory is able to harness energies. Further I am also trying to assess the presence of Schumann
waves on this site.

The following notes from the fuller version will help to focus the mind. I had identified a pentagon
outline of the site but the energy radiating out from the site appeared more rectangular. I noticed
a slight southerly drift: as happens with pentagon energy. I noted also that an adjacent site
entrance recorded 4500. I mentioned that one needs to be very careful when dowsing across a
busy road and the need for high visibility clothing.

Early on I queried the effect on energies with the brick skin being added. Further I found
detrimental energies in the Resident Engineers office. I also identified an alignment but I am still
working out how to quantify this. This was confirmed by another dowser.
Table one this area concerns Doorway Block A - Off site there are four locations which form a
base point from which I could take recordings; so as to see if the energies were exiting the site.
They are North/East/West and South. The northerly locations now continue through an unrelated
block of flats. Block B not included here.

Three areas on site are being surveyed.

This shows that the map to site dowsing experiment showed the same recordings. 060508 -

end of pg 59

start of pg 60

Plan no/

area 060508/

new moon 1005



1st qrt 2305


full moon 3005


last qrt 200608


From plan






site 6500 12500 11500 11500 12500

1st floor xxxx 14200 11500 12500? 12500

2nd floor xxxx

Off site Dist of Influence





moved to

10 paces


9 paces

.i.e. less


moved to 12 paces & 6500

2 12500 11500



to 9 paces

6500 !!!!!


to 14 paces

8000 8500


to 16 paces








10 paces?


moved no


moved 13.3 paces


As an aside I tried an additional experiment to see if separate dowsers would obtain the same
results dowsing from other locations i.e Israel, Norfolk and Godalming. That effort did not

Plan no/

area 0407


new moon 2507

08 2408 28



From plan 9500 7000 x 11000

site 9500 7000

now at 3.6 x 11500

rise 6.5

1st floor 10500 9500 x 10500

2nd floor

end of pg 60
start of pg 61

Off site Dist of Influence


1 7500

moved to 15 paces 7000


to 24.5 -7000

moved to 28 paces 7800

35 paces


2 7500


to 23 paces - 7000

31 paces adj area

12000 7000

42 paces 6500

48 paces


4 7500


to 12 paces ?

moved to 16 paces 7000

17 paces 6900

33 paces

3 7500 moved

to 15 paces ////

moved 15.5 paces 8500

24 paces




The above Table shows that the map to site dowsing experiment showed the same recordings.

What do you observe and what are the implications. For my part I feel that this Appendix is
replicable. That gives me added confidence in the concepts which I am hoping you will embrace
and test...

I also found that the brick, concrete block etc. had polarity and ask to what extent this affects
energies within buildings or subtle energies coming from the structures.

I have sought observations from the Building Research Establishment and I am awaiting a reply. [I
now insert that I had no reply] I have contacted other associated bodies and they have no research
information to guide me.
Why not dowse the site map in this Appendix !

end of pg 61

start of pg 62

Site plan

These are the approximate locations of the readings where I have recorded energies expanding
from the site. The North South line appears to be negative energy and at approximately where
the line meets the South box I recorded 4000 Bovis units which is being checked ongoing. The
double line appears to be positive and that will be checked. This was independently and remotely
dowsed 300808 and appears to verify my Bovis readings.

This resume shows :-

how the energy from the site has moved outwards

how the Bovis readings have gone to lower levels

that every building site could behave like this

this resume per se does not show :-

what energies are being measured. That is something for further research

what the relationship is between mass and [voids] volume and the Bovis readings.
end of pg 62

start of pg 63

It does start to make a case for training those involved in development to deal with possible
detrimental energies and also those involved in the formal planning process.

What do you find ?

I am indebted to Adrian Incledon-Webber, a professional dowser for his observations on this

Appendix and his time for a site visit 08/09/08. He had not used Bovis Units before and he used a
single dowsing rod in relation to the Bovis template.

Whilst this is only a discussion document it is still important to have my method of work examined
so that I do not unknowingly hinder you in replicating this Experiment. Nothing was found to date
which indicated a need to change.

This ought to pave the way for a new approach to spatial planning; even following the practice in
parts of the EU that you have to show that where you want to build does not have ground
energies problems.

The following observations are significant to anyone wishing to replicate and analyse my findings. I
am sure that these observations will be seen on at least 80% of building sites globally. At the very
least just through ground disturbance.

To understand my concern about the effects of this scenario you need to at least scan Kathe
Bachlers book on Earth Radiation: especially if you are involved in the decision process relating to
the location and construction of social housing.
At the start we did find discrepancies in each others Dowsing. That will be written up in the fuller
version of this Appendix, in the proposed book. However the discrepancies were approximately in
the same order of difference which led us to agree that the matter was one of calibration and
dowsing question. A difference in Dowsing method will have had some effect and we are looking
into that; in the near future.!.

We agreed the imperative need to have the same dowsing question. He confirms my own findings
that it is possible to obtain the same recording from map/remote to site dowsing.

end of pg 63

start of pg 64

He was also picking up a range of energies. He also confirmed the two major lines of energy
which are shown on the site map. Thus showing that two dowsers can find the same things.
People new to dowsing will find this perplexing.

When we dowsed off site our recordings started to get closer together. No doubt he was getting
used to the Bovis concept BUT we were also away from the influence of scaffold etc. and people.

He pointed out to me that:-

the presence of a new crane [ when we arrive] will affect what I am trying to record, as
will the increase in the iron work of the scaffold temporarily

that some energies present on site which will dissipate once the site is complete but not so
with others
some energies [ he found 26 in the short time we were on site] will stay within and around
the structures even when the site is completed; although many can be remedied by a geomancer
[nab I am hoping to continue this experiment on this site long term]

that I could be right about the additional effect on people of ive and + ive and ive ive &
+ive and +ive building materials i.e. attracting and repelling - which I am hoping the Building
Research Establishment will comment upon

reversal points [new to me] will distort recordings as they will cause energy to be
brought into OR released from the site. Those points can be generated for instance by a delivered
mass of bricks.

What do other structures exhibit?

end of pg 64

start of pg 65

Appendix 9 Shops and Super Stores

Within shops and superstores people are manipulated by design, sometimes accompanied
by music, signage and many other things. They are subtle energies!

Add in the subtle effects of electromagnetic energies of ventilation and heating in store and it is
likely that someone will be affected in some way.

In fact the subtle energies of psychology and engineering appear to play a massive part in retail
sales strategies. [ consider reading the work of Vance Packard]
I now ask are all of these marketing ploys actually related to whatever Bovis Units can measure ?
If so how?

We know that colour and packaging are directly related to the effect, which drives us to buy in
preference to another product but are the products emanations in Bovis units actually the
measure of saleability?. Now here we have to strike a distinction between interventions used to
check food for themselves and over all goodness of food. If so that is also a statement saying that
sales wars can be waged by adjusting the product to a particular Bovis reading. If so how? If this
is so how can the Bovis Tool be ethically controlled? That answer might lead to some form of
statement about changing the ambience of physical communities for better living.

The extension of this thinking is in applying this knowledge to a survey. Anyone including BSD
Members could carry out a stores survey using Bovis readings in mega stores, UK wide. That
could be at the same time on a set day and comparisons made. Well

end of pg 65

start of pg 66

shop ability surveys are conducted daily. Somewhat like the RSPB bird surveys; quite a chirpy
thing to do !.

If the above experiment is initiated it would be interesting to associate it with the work of Prof
Callahan and his soil types/behaviour study to see if different stores over different soil types
perform the same and relate that to the Bovis Units readings. Help is needed to initiate this !.
One might expect fairly close readings on the Bovis Scale between different parts of the store.
Indeed one might expect a similar thing with in a woodland setting, with differences to the lee or
windward side. Is this line of thought logical? I cannot find any comments on this topic? I refer
to microclimates.

I have now done experiments in superstores and this part of the paper refers to Bovis Units
readings in the aisles of a major store at 1430 hrs 12/04/08. This is what I recorded on a busy
Saturday afternoon :-

Car Park 8500

Main 6500

Decorators 5500

Carpets 3500

Wall paper 7500

Carpet pieces/rugs 6500

Kitchens area 7500

Now what does this mean?. For instance why the blip for carpets? Why within feet of each other
should there be a difference between the Decorators and wall paper aisle?

Why did kitchens show the same as wallpaper? They were quite close to each other. Will those
readings change once the item is implanted into a house? Help is needed again!.

Does the fact that the store was metal-framed have any affect and how should I have checked to
see what the level of Schumann waves was. Nb Schumann waves affect our health and sleep!

end of pg 66
start of pg 67

Too low a level and one is ill just right and one is functioning well. I am still working on this. We
do need more advice about the relationship of Schumann Waves and us and how they can be
measured using Bovis Units.

Bovis Units and Schumann Waves are both allegedly indicators of health. But so is pulse and skin
colour but not for the same kind of health. May be I ought to have entered into a discourse on
Schumann waves here but I think this would have been spreading my study too far. That begs the
question how far can one go with being holistic in a limited space?

Appendix 9a Bovis Units Shops and Super Stores

Following on from my recording of Bovis Units in a major DIY Store I decided to try and assess
Bovis Units in a major food store/shop.

1 On the Car Park I recorded two readings - the same. Aspect sloping southerly. The car
park had trees and also serves for parking for the village centre .

Please bear in mind the 6500 Unhealthy / healthy threshold. Why was this so low? If there was
any angst could it come from the bottle bank? 3200

2 The first area inside the store was

the vegetable produce with a wide selection. There appears to be a slightly different level of
lighting here. This is comparable with the entrance of a major ornamental garden but why?

next I went to the chilled cook meats

aisle and the milk aisle. My pendulum

would only oscillate over the template


4 Next I went to the meat aisle

and had a reaction 15200

5 Spices aisle 15200

6 Soap aisle 3500

7 Bread aisle 14400

8 Freezer aisle 13400

9 Beers - not chilled - cans and bottles 13200

[ ] in each area or close by there were customers.

[] Why should there be a difference between 4/5 meat & spices aisle

[] Why should 6 - soap aisle be similar to 1 - the Car Park

[] Why should my pendulum go awry in the chilled area AND not in the freezer area?

end of pg 67

start of pg 68

Appendix 10 Bovis Units in a Court House in rural Croatia

This location is Moscenice in Croatia and is central to the village at which we had a thirty minute

This is a court room and those in charge of the court meeting place/council sit behind the stone
table/plinth, right of picture. The Bovis scale reading which I took in June 2008 was 6000 whereas
the adjacent courtyard was 35000. Was this an influence I ask myself? The boundary appeared to
be the perimeter of the court/meeting area. Further across the road is a cemetery at a cross roads.

My note is not legible but I recall a reading of 7500 and not lower.

I only had thirty minutes there and had no time to trace energies going through the area which
was elevated by approximately [guess] 100 metres. How are these energy boundaries formed?

Appendix 11 - refers to my Submission to Rushmoor Borough Council RBC in response to their

Public Consultation in January 2008

end of pg 68

start of pg 69

This concerned redeveloping part of Aldershot in NE Hampshire. I used the Bovis Unit concept in
my evidence. It has been suggested to me that this is the first time that the Bovis Unit concept
had been used as a planning decision tool in the UK

This Appendix is enclosed in the hope that you can identify applications of Bovis Units in the
Planning context., then submit objections or support on the basis of your research; applying Bovis
Unit concept.

My Submission was headed - Bovis Units and Site Survey -

I gave an example of Radiesthesia in the planning of the location of a community centre in respect
of avoiding ground energies. This was gleaned from Tim Markowitzs article in Dowsing Today. I
made the point that although research was scant the information provided in the Report was
enough to warrant further investigation, into the site and its components. I also added that if I
had to wait until I had done more study I would have missed the Councils deadline for response.

I carried out a map survey map over knee covering the area noted in the Consultative
Documents to provide the results shown below. I hope this convinces you that a major
development like that proposed cannot go ahead without assessing the subtle energy

I explained in the Report that I had quoted from the internet in respect to the Bovis Unit Scale and
what it meant. I pointed out that when talking about subtle energies it is necessary to have a
common point of reference or scale. In this case I said that there are no SI Units so I am adopting
The Bovis Scale of units, which are used in conjunction with Radiesthesia.

I also mentioned using Web site information that readings above 6500 were life enhancing and
below the opposite.

In this case I am making a point those energy levels energy levels ought to be designed for. This
is no different to designing with codes of practice in mind. Rather in the same manner as one
would apply codes of practice for say tensile strength in construction materials or aggregates. My
current understanding is that 6500

end of pg 69

start of pg 70

units marks the midpoint of change over from infra-red to ultra violet.
For conceptual purposes it can be likened to a pH7 being the intermediate unit, which marks
the change from alkalinity to acidity. 6500 Units is the change from negative [I assume photon]
energy which is negative to healthy function, to positive energy which is beneficial. Only if you are
a cancer cell is the latter good .

In order to engage with people who were not radiesthesists I sought explanations from the Web
to the effect that there is a scientific basis for life energy as there is substantial evidence for this
force and that forty countries are working on bio-photons including such topics as coherence in
biology, bio-communication, and bio-photonics. Thus I gave a rationale to the use of Bovis Units.

I quoted some specific points e.g. - source Geobiology.co.II web site - .Hartmann line
spacing is affected. The spacing increases with height and does not decrease. The negative energy
intensity increase - with height- is definite, confirming the fact that steel and concrete do affect
the Hartmann lines, establishing a more dangerous living space, as one rises within the building.

I pointed out that the BOVIS Scale correlates measurable energy emanations from matter, such as
a landscape, geological fault, body of water, or underground stream, according to whether it is
beneficial or detrimental to human health.

I did a sample survey in order to open a dialogue and made that Part Three of the report

To continue, I advised that I had carried out a dowsing check 1200 hrs 24/01/08 over the general
area shown on Plan 6771 001 A 01- copied from the document at the Council offices.

I found that the general level of energy was 5900 Bovis Units . However, when I checked over the
area of the Military hospital I obtained fluctuating results but below 4000 units. I wonder if I could
have been picking up a pulsing from a wave/field producing source: which needs further

end of pg 70
start of pg 71

I did a further map dowse check at 1600 hrs on the general area and obtained a similar reaction. I
also did a check roughly central to the Balloon School and obtained 5500 but at the site of the
memorial to Lt Camel RE I obtained 8000.

Further the lower reaction might support my dowsing of the site on a small scale map on which I
identified an underground stream/water course. In connection with the hospital areas it would be
interesting to know if there is any record of people having taken longer than normal to get well. If
so that ties with German/Austrian Studies and the research of Kathe Bachler. If that is the case,
history could repeat itself for those living or working there. .

I reported that I found a wide band of water and in the Report noted that the depth of water
would only be relevant if geo thermal energy was to be tapped Further if there is a fault it
would be imprudent to build over it. That is unless it has already been examined some attention
needs paying to these observations along with Curry, Hartmann lines and Schumann waves
resonance. I should have also added a note about negative ion depletion but that had not been
appreciated by me at the time.

I concluded .based on the above information[ in my evidence ] and my current knowledge the
design of buildings and layout needs to be such that energy units are raised to at least 7-8000
Bovis units. To my knowledge no major estate has been designed to such a holistic standard.

It seems fitting that this approach should be made in a military town and in the year of the 75th
Anniversary of the British Society of Dowsers: which was formed by Royal Engineer Officers .

The Map attached is unfortunately very small in scale. Try and find the Cambridge Military Hospital
by Map dowsing and assess the level of energy in Bovis Units. Unfortunately I have had to reduce
to A5.

end of pg 71
start of pg 72

Try to find other subtle energy features. The Military Hospital sits above the white chisel shaped
open space.

end of pg 72

start pg 73

Appendix 12 Bovis in Hospitals

Will places of theoretical security of health i.e. a hospital show different levels of Bovis/gigahertz
readings? If so why ? Please remember that readings 6500 and below are detrimental to health. I
had to go to a relatively new hospital in the area on 0/05/08 and decided to take readings whilst I
was there.

I found that the corridor to the Reception room and the corridor to the reception room to X-ray
= 9500. Whereas the corridor to the X-ray booths 14,000. I was looking at pictures on the wall to
reduce attracting attention to myself. When I dowsed the corridor a few minutes later I obtained
4000. Then, I assessed the Bovis Units in the dressing cubicles at 6500. However the length of
exposure [waiting] in a dressing room is very short.
The Main Reception Area registered 9500. At the time it was standing room only with a lot of very
upper age bracket people who were waiting for a variety of tests and x-rays. When I dowsed
what is the level of health of the people waiting I obtained 5,900 and to myself I obtained 8,500:
yet my urine sample was 9,500. Some people might make a lot of that !.

So I need to do a comparison of other hospitals. I could not dowse whilst being X-rayed so the
relationship of Gamma rays etc. being around could not be ascertained. Interestingly enough I was
advised by a retired surgeon [240808] that such a comparison ought to cover at least 40 hospitals
in order to make a meaningful study but not with in my means but may be yours.

end of pg 73

start of pg 74

Can Bovis Units be used to measure CARE or TREATMENT? I am currently talking to two people in
psychiatric nursing to see if the Bovis Unit could be used in that area of work. My notion is to see
if a treatment could be compared with another by applying the Bovis Scale and appropriate
dowsing questions which do not infringe confidentiality. After some time they decide not to help.

Secondly I am hoping to interest a cancer nurse in testing the houses of their patients to see if
they have low Bovis Units readings and see if interventions can be tested by dowsing.

Thirdly at the time of writing [2008] I am wondering if dowsing has a part to play in triage, at
major accidents for instance. However I have not tried to advance this notion other than here. If
that is a valid concept what level it ought to be tutored to?. What sign should be placed on the
patients tag; how many people should be dowsed by one person before fatigue takes over to
corrupt the dowsing. What dowsing difference will occur? This is bearing in mind we are getting
towards intangible targets.

On the 24th July 2008 I was talking to a stroke victim, Peter in a Welsh Hospital, who said that
there was great difficulty in a victim/doctor being able to assess levels of pain. He suggests that
the application of Bovis Unit concept and Radiesthesia might have a part to play in such an

However in theory pain management is totalised by deep breathing but that seems only to apply if
you are not in deep pain. Thus being able to measure pain by Radiesthesia seems to remove
subjectivity i.e. imagination. Is there a place for Radiesthesia/Bovis in pain management? I
showed Peter how to do elementary dowsing and suggested that he could experiment and
possibly do map dowsing from his wheel chair. At the time of writing this is evolving. What I found
interesting was that he picked up basic dowsing quickly despite taking huge doses of pain killer.

I now refer to Acupuncture and You by Dr Moss. His book has prompted me to write the following
note which I hope is seen as worthy of discussion in the context of this Appendix.

Some people do not feel pain so I ask can pain occur as a force of energy although not registered.
That is the amp meter not registering although there is current. If so can dowsing measure

end of pg 74

start of pg 75

that current and will Bovis Units measure the intensity? Now it seems that Bovis measurement
might not work as there could be a range of pain i.e. as in throbbing peaks and troughs.

Some deep pain is felt on the skin surface. So is it sufficient for the surgeon to know that there is
pain in the area of an organ and the intensity is like the ray or rate as is Radionics?

Pain has been measured with a dolorimeter using the unit of the dol. Commonly pain is
measured with a smiley chart but that cannot be applied to the unconscious. So in view of this I
believe that the debate ought to be extended to include Bovis in medical practice. Now if Bovis
Units are applicable what manner of recording is needed? Further is this concept of use in
veterinary medicine?
Now I am trying to make out head and tail of the following in relation to a cottage hospital in a
small Welsh Town. The Hospital is under threat of closure and I am wondering if Bovis could
feature in the decision making process; with or without weighing financial issues.

The main Town registered 28,000 Units. It is not subject to all mobile phone providers wave
lengths. However one mile away and above the town I recorded 20,000. The Hospital Car Park
some 250 M away from the town I recorded 18,000 and the corridor registered 14000. The cubicle
where my dying friend lay was 6,500 6,000 and after he fed it went down to 5,500 this is
where I met Peter.

I had dowsing access to do some healing [ but not every time] and I was trying to see how I could
improve the conditions for my friend. Something I am working on. This cottage hospital was old
1925 - and had a tradition of caring whereas the newer hospitals have not developed that level
of embedded energy. What other interpretation should I put on this, agreed, scant observation.

This paper is about trying to apply Bovis to public policy issues and this might be an area of
applicability. What do you think?

In the course of discussing this part of the paper with a Masseur it occurred to me that dowsing
might have a part to play in patient management; where there was a language difficulty i.e. .
dowsing providing the diagnostic ability and the Bovis concept the means of

end of pg 75

start of pg 76

quantifying a problem. As an aside we know from a survey in the 80s that there were 2300 GPs
using dowsing in France and Italy.
This morning 21/08/08 I did some dowsing on my wifes painful knee. I took a Bovis/Gigahertz
reading of 6000 before I started, on my template. When I had finished, using the Raymond Grace
Method of dowsing healing I obtained 20,000. This is the first time I have used the scale in my
learning curve for healing.

The following will be food for thought to a wide range of professionals, parents and spouses of
injured service personnel. I map dowsed a Birmingham hospital against my Gigahertz Template.
This hospital was being used treat injured service personnel.

Much to my absolute astonishment I found a woefully low Gigahertz reading. I am now working
out how to communicate that to those who might be able to alter the situation.

end of pg 76

start of pg 77

Appendix 13 Emergency Vehicles and related matters

Do vehicles have a personality? They have energy in terms of design and colour and latent energy
in terms of ability to go and stop. The interiors depending on the materials will have an energy
signature in terms of their overall form and the actual energy which produced them. They also
emit energy, which adversely affects the environment. However if we extrapolate the theory of
intent will the energy signature of a vehicle change according to its use. At one end of the scale
is there an environmental impact of a hearse compared to that of a bus. Will an emergency
vehicle have a signature and if so what are the environmental implications if any? So for starters I
looked at readings from :- A Fire engine at a fete 8000 Standing by a St Johns Ambulance 9000.

However this set me thinking about Bovis Units in policy formulation in relation to fire prevention.
Could a Bovis Units survey in area x be used to assess the likelihood of house fires. For instance
if Units levels are depressed in areas of unemployment can that correlate with domestic fires. If
that is proven then there is a need to bring energy levels up for the sake of the community and
accruing cost benefits. This point takes the application of Bovis Units from the domestic /
individual to the community level

220608 I was told that my car needed a new tyre - Bovis Reading was approximately 6500 and
when it was fitted the reading rose to 7500. I realised that I should have checked the ambient
reading around the car before taking it inside. Nevertheless there was a difference and the
change happened in minutes. This led me to think that if the reaction is so quick one can test
situations and I assume that will occur from plant / report to on site. So will 6500 affect a drivers
health; as many drivers' are seemingly exposed to hours in a vehicle with some vehicular defect.

end of pg 77

start of pg 78

Appendix 14 Healing and Bovis Units

These observations, using Bovis Units, relate to three approaches to healing. he talks were given in
a church hall room to an audience of people who were significantly involved in healing

The venue was a first floor room in a stone church building. On one wall was an effigy of Christ on
the Cross. The room had a good level of natural and fluorescent light and it registered 6500 Units.
However, when the fluorescent lights were turned off the reading went up to 8500 but altered
with the activity.

Following comment from the participants it was agreed that the effigy depicted pain and that
radiated through the room. To what extent if any this affected the healing carried out I am not
clear. As with the bedspread experiment it does show that the content of the room can affect
the Bovis Unit readings. Thus room energy clearing before meetings is essential. A fact
acknowledged by many dowsers. The object is not to identify speakers but to generate a
discussion in the booklet as to why the units change.

Ref Spker 1 Rm Spker 2 Rm Spker 3 Rm

1.1 8500 open - ing comment 6500 Opening

8500 6500

10500 opening 8500

no lights

1.2 Demonstration

12500 14500 18500 7000 Dem

12500 16500 18500

22000 6500

7500 15000 visual presentation

1.3 Healing complete

14000 7500 Lights off

2nd exp

10500 16500 20000 8500

10500 19000 - jokes 8500

1.4 18500 6000

To what extent might this affect class room energies in faith schools.

end of pg 78
start of pg 79

Helen Sinnett a BSD Member - recently told me that she applies Bovis in Healing by dowsing for
the Bovis rate of a sound and healthy part. Then she dowses in Gigahertz the illness /affected
part Then she dowses to raise or lower the reading for the affected target to the required level of

I have applied this in other experiments and with trees but with unquantified results .

Here we have a problem about dowsers getting the same results or not. It seems that it is highly
likely that constant tests will show that we will obtain close Bovis readings for say organs
tangible -but not for what needs balancing intangible.

So how can we set up double blind trials to ascertain the effectiveness of applying Bovis Units to
rebalance dys-ease or dysfunction? Will you help?.

Helen uses her Gigahertz/Bovis Scale in conjunction with the Raymond Grace Technique for
scrambling and re-scrambling energies . His Web Site will explain what the Technique entails..

Appendix 15 Bovis Units to demonstrate environmental changes when block paving is installed

The grass showed 13,000 whereas the block showed 4,000-5,000 and an adjacent concrete
driveway showed 5000 for the concrete and 13 000 for the grass. Bearing in mind the critical

end of pg 79
start of pg 80

level of 6,500 Bovis Units what if anything does this tell us about urban planning and

If negative energy is present does this transfer to a car which might act like a keeper on a
magnet or is it discharged when the car starts. If the negative energy is absorbed by a car/person
that might be critical to some permissible level of exposure!.

If the Bovis Units levels detected have implications for town planning then that has to be
multiplied by the area of block paving being installed daily in urban areas.

The community objective needs to be the retention of nuclear[organic reactive] soil to create
negative ions to counter asphalt and concrete positive ions and not generate negative energy.

Surely this Appendix deserves more than just discussion. What is your view ?

Appendix 16 The Writer

The Writer has been a Member of the British Socieity of Dowsers BSD for a few years

... and benefited from BSD Courses. However he was introduced to dowsing, in the early 70s, by a
SHELL Petroleum Manager whilst working on the then new Eastham Country Park Project on the
Wirral. He has started to learn about earth energies and healing land and humans and has given
numerous talks including on the QE11

end of pg 80
start of pg 81

He has studied or has been involved in :- horticulture, grave digging, military parachuting, local
government, being a scouter, being special constable, still a cadet trainer, landscaper, recreation
officer and has long been retired. As someone recently said when they introduced him to a senior
officer Mike is so old when he was in the Army, Centurion was a rank not a tank.

His main spare time activity at present is drafting a booklet on subtle energies, trees and town

On a more serious note he is possibly one of the first in the UK to have used dowsing/Radiesthesia
in a major planning inquiry and possibly the first to have tried to apply the Bovis Units in the
Town/Spatial planning context in North East Hants.

He has now self-published two other books. One is a learners/youngsters book: geared to the skill
commitment for the DofE Award at bronze level and for a possible scout badge.

The second book - Subtle Energies Trees and Town/spatial Planning is a follow on from this Book.
It addresses a range of issues which can affect human health through discussing tree and ground

The point about this The Writer is that he has been around a bit and feels that he has
information to share which will benefit people and communities, be those communities just trees
or trees and people and all that might mean.

A test for you this Appendix in Bovis Units Terms started off at 7 000 and with word pruning and
by taking out a few jokes etc. it has now risen to 14 000. Now my Bovis readings show that if I take
out the above paragraph the reading will rise to 20 000 but why? I am not holy!

What do you register and how will you use the lesson learnt. As always please let me know what
you think 01252 541 639

end of pg 81
start of pg 82

Appendix 17 Bovis Units measuring energy levels in the community

I am trying to gain an understanding of how earth energies affect the community, as opposed to
individual premises as well as the part the community can play in this; in addition to other studies.
This Appendix infers that energies in parks, recreation and community work can be measured and
Bovis concept can be used.

interchangeable affect on the community It seems that communities, plant, human etc. are likely
to be affected, for good or bad, by a range of energies, cosmic-telluric. The positive thinking of
communities can have an. In small working communities this is called team work, in say church
community this influence of energy might be called community unity. Further it is known that in
Transcendental Meditation that 0.001% of a meditating population can have a beneficial affect on
the rest of the local population. If memory serves correct this was the result of a 21 year
experiment in New York,

I was travelling with a group of people and I asked the group if they would enter into an
experiment lasting approximately one minute; to raise the energy levels in the area shown in the
photograph by positively thinking of the area. The energy levels were raised and

end of pg 82
start of pg 83

as the group was concentrating the pendulum gradually moved up the scale of my template.

This shows that a community can re- energise itself and that can be measured as part of policy
initiation and monitoring e.g. after community trauma.

It shows me that the application of Radiesthesia has a part to play in the community irrespective
of religion or class. As such it has a part to play in regeneration: in addition to creating a common
focus e.g. through community landscaping projects or say a LETs organisation i.e. a barter system
that does not use cash. This needs further investigation. It does also confirm some research which
I did in the early 80s BUT was not able to quantify it without market research. What is your
opinion of the application and how can you develop it?

A point to ponder on - Dr Hawkins in his Power vs Force pg 282 has calibrated his findings to allow
him to state that one individual functioning at 300 can counter balance the negativity in 90 000
who are below 200. This is possibly why a comedian can have such an enormous affect. That
translates into services experience when one is frightened and tension goes with a joke.

The above paragraph led me to take Bovis readings over a local and a national newspaper. In this
case I found depressive levels of information in both national and local papers and different levels
on the same page. This means that the information carried can be depressive or elative and from
other research it is now reasonable to assume that this has a direct effect on people.

So I am saying that the application of Bovis Units is a censorship / management tool for an Editor
i.e. in not allowing too much negative material.

end of pg 83
start of pg 84

Appendix 18

Powers Vs Force

This Appendix relates to the work of Dr Hawkins whose work on applying Kinesiology and a
logarithmic scale parallels what I am trying to suggest to you.

I am indebted to Jim Doyle of BSD for directing me to Power vs Force by Dr Hawkins, in August
2008 i.e. just before my intended publication date. As I am trying to present a holistic discussion
paper it would be remiss of me not to include something as salient as his Book Power vs Force.

His work appears to support what I am trying to do with Bovis Units. It also shows an alternative
method of determining social and environmental energy. His method utilises Kinesiology linked a
logarithmic scale. In contrast to use of the Bovis Scale or any other scale.

Dr Hawkins and his team have been working on this ology for some twenty years: far longer
than my few months. I believe from my local government experience alone that they have made
a serious contribution to local government worldwide. Equally important they have linked their
concepts with commerce. Also I have tried to apply the Bovis concept commercially.

However his team do not appear to have recognised the work of Abbe Mermet and T E Lethbridge
on the concept of rates of energy and rays of energy from various objects. Is that of material
value I ask? .

The team have showed that the energies of social science can be used to identify states directly or
remotely thus providing conclusively the interrelatedness of energy, as with the environment and
the ability of body/mind to detect a range of issues. This all by applying kinesiology and arm
muscle testing.
end of pg 84

start of pg 85

For instance we all know in our hearts that violence on TV is bad now Dr Hawkins proves this to be
so and verifies in essence my Appendix where I show Bovis readings go lower in a murder play.

Page 68 highlights his map of consciousness with the log [rate] recordings. If you are going to
pursue my notion of the application of Bovis Units or using a template you still need to at least
scan his book and understand the concept of rates of energy as demonstrated by Dr Hawkins
and at least Mermet if not Lethbridge. Dr Hawkins Appendix B graphically describes the
application of Kinesiology and is akin to my Appendix 20 in this Booklet, applying Radiesthesia. It is
my understanding that Kinesiology can use all muscles.

He points out the global alarming levels of negativity which counteract the higher rate of
love. We are in a decline yet we are primarily from the same gene pool. Whatever methods we
use to bring that to peoples active attention is good. When you read the book read respect for
love in any sentence. This moves flower power into science.

He uses in his research the work of Diamond and developmental Kinesiology.

At page 25 he says the obstacle is that we dont have the proper tools to interpret the
significance of our data. That is also the case of my Bovis paper especially as I am still unable to
obtain information in English about Boviss research. That will only come through focus and
experiment to show that this can be replicated and be applicable. On page 26 he refers to
effects and causes and the slowness of the development of consciousness. I cannot actually move
along that route as I will no doubt be labelled as decrying or supporting some religious notion.
Whereas I am trying to show the importance of bio-physics and its need to be taught to anyone
who deals with the environment on whatever level.
On page 28 he refers to mans two basic types of operational faculties reason feeling both
are unreliable. This surely is why Radiesthesia or kinesiology have a part to play in quantifying
needs. What I need to be told is whether or not Kinesiology transcends dowsing/Radiesthesia as
the more accurate base or is there uncertainty attached to it.

end of pg 85

start of pg 86

He also says [see page 30] referring to Kinesiology for the first time in human history [this
provides] an objective basis for distinguishing truth from falsehood, which is totally verifiable
across time with randomly selected, nave test subjects. Can we say the same about dowsing
related methods which I note in my Appendix 20.

Do these concepts work in tandem or separately and is one better than another . If Kinesiology,
the transitions to learning should not be great as more people in BSD seem to know more about
Kinesiology than Bovis .

Personally I need more guidance on Dr Hawkins method of calibration. Can you try it ?

Please bear in mind that Bovis does not need calculating per se It only needs reading from a scale
. Does that actually make it more useable or less so?. Please let me know. ?

As with all things one can find a counter view about Kinesiology on the Web which could impact
on this Paper.

In addition page 66 indicates a remote sensing element; which many dowsers will be familiar with.
He says that by looking at the log scale and getting the target to think about x will be sufficient
connection to obtain a muscle response. It is stressed that the specific nature of the question is
paramount in obtaining the correct results: as in any form of dowsing.
end of pg 86

start of pg 87

Appendix 19 Finding Commercial applications for Bovis

It has been difficult to find verifiable commercial applications in order to be holistic when
using the Bovis Unit concept.

It is hopped that you will find the key to commercial applications.

Various avenues of finding examples failed so I got on my bike and did some cold selling.

The first item refers to Fitting Industrial Doors - One location gave me a problem on the hoof.
This consisted of problems A & B but I was told which one failed before I could stop the Manager
from telling me. That left me with showing that there was a difference in the two schemes. I
dowsed two set scenarios on the Board Room table. B read 9000 Bovis Units whereas A read
6500 i.e. the one that failed. I now know the significance of the failure/bad energy level.

I pointed out that if I could have dowsed before they started I might have been able to save them
money! Why the difference in the readings for the two schemes? How can this first experiment
be replicated and what test should be applied; as serious money was involved with the installation
of the doors in question.

Secondly I had the opportunity just before trying to print off this Paper to undertake an
experiment to assess if any of eight cylinders on a racing car would fail.
I first planned to take Bovis readings of the components and see if I could find a failure RATE or
RAY. I had a serious constraint in that the host was concerned that I may impede his intuitive

end of pg 87

start of pg 88

This is what actually happened. However verification will not happen until after the race which is
after my absolute print deadline. The table below only shows part of my findings :- the Bovis
reading for the engine per se was 27 000 but why ?

Event Cylinders 1 3 5 8

Cylinder now 10000 11000 11000 13000

Head Run predicted 7000 13000 13000 12000

Valves 12000 12000 12000 12000

Valves run 12000 7000 12000 5000

Predicted fail * *

Valves 6000 Valves 7000

Cylinder Hd 5000 Cylinder Hd 5000

* pendulum dowsing done as check on the above BUT my dowsing also showed incomplete and I
could not think why!

I called the owner into the workshop to explain the whole of the recordings. He then told me that
Cylinders 1 & 8 had failed in three races this year. It would appear the same was about to happen.
Some hours later I decided to check for earth energy issues and found that a line of energy went
through the cylinders 1 & 8. The effect of this line was assessed at 6500 Bovis Units whilst 2
metres away the recording was 12000.

The line of detrimental energy was checked by placing a person over the line and conducting the
arm muscle test. This showed weak over the line and strong away from the line. The results are
still being evaluated in terms of workshop practice. Certainly anyone working on the engine
standing on this line of energy will be adversely affected. The engine will be moved away from the
influence of the line but in such a way that the on board computer will not be compromised;
assuming that I am right in my Bovis assessment.

There is doubt that the energy line has anything to do with the Bovis recording/failures or the
previous failures OR has it and I am missing a point. This is a point which needs clarifying if you are
to replicate this. The rate for components appears to be 12000 Bovis Units and that could be a
workshop test OR specification in tandem with DIN & BS.

end of pg 88

start of pg 89

Appendix 19 A Negative ions in a workplace/ ward /room

Managers did you know that ? Negative ions are those [electrical] charges in the air which
aid our general health.

Seemingly The Bovis Unit concept can be used to quantify +ive or ive ions

We receive high doses of negative ions when we go to the seaside or are near a waterfall
Negative --ive ions can be generated artificially in an office or ward or class room, as they
are in a space craft !

If we receive high doses of positive ions we will not feel so good.

Of course this is not the whole story of maintaining a healthy work place. For instance Schumann
Waves do a similar job but how and why? They can also seemingly be measured by Bovis Units.
However what is the relationship of Schumann waves and ive ions? For a simple explanation of
Schumann Waves see Harmony of Science & Nature by John & Lucie Davidson at page 24.

Is anyone else concerned about this situation?. Yes! The matter of negative ionised air[and
Schumann Wave Resonance] is taken seriously by NASA. They take steps to ensure that space
craft have a balanced supply. This ensures that astronauts are psychologically and physiological
stabilised. This also translates into the office environment where negative ion generators are used
for the same purpose, as in the NASA Programme.

end of pg 89

start of pg 90

However, as far back as 1775 LAbbe Nollet found that plants grew faster when placed under
charged electrodes and likewise animals. He also found that in reduced negative ion conditions
their growth was stunted. Can this extrapolate to a class room and urban environments? We know
that stress conditions exist in offices, to which UV lighting contributes. However might not the
greater problem be a lack of negative ions and or Schumann Wave Resonance?

In the domestic and small area situations a salt stone can be heated to enable it to emit negative
ions. What can happen in practice then and what difference in Bovis Units will be found! The
following chart will be helpful to you as a manager /personnel officer; district nurse or maybe even
a prison governor, or manager of a council facility in which important meetings are conducted. The
Bovis Unit scale was used here :-
KEY :- A= general area of room B = negative ion level in Bovis Units - C= positive ion level - D
distance of influence of ive ions in Metres from candle

Candle lit at 1230 A

17-17500 B C D

1245 17500 6900 14500 xxxx

1300 20500 12500 12000 3M 9000

1330 22000 14500 7000 3M 13000

Candle extinguished

1345 18500 16500 7500 3M 12500

1415 17000 12000 8000 3M 13000

1445 17500 11500 8500 3M 11500

1900 18000 7800 9000 3M 6900

The recordings for negative ions rise and appear to reduce the positive ions. Is this what is really
happening. There is the significance of the difference?

end of pg 90

start of pg 91
The distance of influence extends with time and experiment will show that heated mass is related.
This is reflected in the Bovis Readings. When the candle is extinguished we see a slight rise in the
positive ion and a tailing off in the influence related to distance.

This is a simple experiment, measured with Bovis Units, which can be compared. The experiment
could be replicated in a class room, living room or ward. That will allow test and comparison and
provide a basis for decision making. You need to question how many recording points are needed
in any experimental area. So that a working reading can be obtained before and after using any
form of ioniser, in a ward, office or class room.

Once you have done a Bovis reading in this scenario it only takes a short time to repeat the
process. Write out the dowsing question first and ensure that your mind is clear when recording
the Units.

In the domestic context the pink coloured salt stone can be purchased from all sorts of outlets.
The one I used was a Salzkrystall Proudukie weighing half a Kilo and standing about 100mm tall. It
had a hole drilled in the centre to take a night light type candle. The night light heat generates a
reaction in the stone so that negative ions are emitted.

The use of this candle poses a miniscule fire risk which can be easily guarded against. Remember
the candles are only meant to be used for a short time and please bear in mind that it is common
to have table candles, for whatever reason. There are electrically operated versions of an ioniser
for offices.

When I/we re-write the Bovis Book I will look at the work of Dr Felix Sulman of The Department of
Pharmacology at Jerusalem University circa 70s for his work on fatigue and positive ions. I also
need to gather information on trees that will produce native ions.

Please let me know how discrepancies occur in your Bovis readings and why you think they have
occurred. Is the effect linked to moon phases or building materials or me/us?

end of pg 91
start of pg 92

Appendix 19B Bovis Units used in Weapons Check

A weapon is a piece of machinery and it is stored in an armoury. Weapons are part of

everyday life for police officers as well as various branches of the military.

This is not exactly a commercial example but I hope that in your mind it equates to a stores/check
industrial parts context. Whatever it does take the Bovis concept into another area of everyday

The readings provide the impetus for further trialling to confirm or otherwise the rate for a sound
and serviceable weapon of 10000 BUs.

I started the experiment by being allotted a weapons rack which I dowsed in yes /no mode to
ascertain which rack held a non serviceable weapon. I then dowsed over the Bovis template with a
hand on each muzzle and found a rate of 10000 Bovis Units for a serviceable weapon. Bear in
mind that not all weapons on these racks had been fired with the same frequency.

Other readings were both above and below the 10000 level and I will try and find the reason as I
can relate weapon number and result.

I am wondering how this translates into the commercial stores context. Certainly parts can be
identified by number or batches. Ordinary dowsing provides a quality control tool QC - so can
the application of Bovis enhance QC?.

The Store-man also dowsed for the first time in his life and found the same Gigahertz/ Bovis rate
as myself for a good weapon. He had two blips in his dowsing. The readings recorded in the
region of 27 000, a church like reading. I was most perplexed but eventually found that he was
standing on a small column of detrimental energy and said to him that it is very likely that this
affected his dowsing. He then recalled working on that spot some time ago and feeling ill for hours
afterwards. Thus ground energies will affect

end of pg 92
start of pg 93

workshop performance. However the effect should have been a beneficial one!

He suggested that the blip weapon be moved to another rack away from this area and he dowsed
again over the template. Then he obtained 6500 - 7000 for the defective weapon.

I was wrong in one case. However he spotted that the defective weapon was also touching the
sound one; which I assessed as not serviceable. Was this energy absorption rather like the
Experiment in Appendix 5?

I had a reading of 7000 on three weapons with loose parts. Could this be the rate for loose parts.
Another weapon recorded 12 000 Units. In another case one weapon which recorded 13000 but
recorded 10000 when he re-dowsed for me. One weapon in poor condition recorded 6000 whilst
another recorded 9000. Why?. Remember the key 6500 reading of detriment.

Whilst this is one small scale experiment I am confident that it is replicable.

Will you try this in your factory/workshop store or armoury as this experiment needs critically
trialling? However for this discussion Booklet I feel that it shows that the application of Bovis
Units :-

can be instantly applied after a couple of minutes explanation

although there is an element of intangibility, very comparable readings bordering on

identical, can be obtained by two different dowsers

parts may behave like humans and can absorb energy and distortions can occur and
ground energies will adversely affect performance
a huge number of parts will have to be tested using Bovis to find common rates

that I will have to seek explanation for the recording away from 10000 and try to explain
why 10000 is seemingly the rate

Can this experiment be applied to any other area and can you arrange this?.

end of pg 93

start of pg 94

Appendix 20 Dowsing for Bovis/Gigahertz Units

This is written for non-dowsers.

It is not meant to be a dowsing book per se.

If you are a non-dowser I hope that your curiosity has got the better of you and you want to apply
your latent skill to test things and situations. You can verify truth and accuracy for yourself.

Dowsing is within everyones ability. Some notion of magic was attached to dowsing but recently
quantum physics has provided a pathway, of many pathways, to explain dowsing as a process of
physics. Quantum physics is that study dealing with something smaller than an atom. That is the
point where matter is interchangeable.

There is no one right way to dowse! However there is an abc level from which you can progress
to d/e/f/g etc. This Appendix is ab and will give you a base from which you can practice and
develop on your own. This is not a booklet on dowsing per se. However the Appendix is aimed at
introducing you to the skill/science/art.
The British Society of Dowsers has a code of practice. The essence of the code is that you will only
use your skills for good and not intrude on peoples privacy. I hope that you will enter into a
binding contract to the effect that you will abide by this paragraph.

There may be occasions when you will react to energies, which you do not understand. Stop
dowsing at that point. You will need to learn how to protect yourself, psychically, so I will deal
with that first. In doing this you will be also on a path to meditate. This will aid you to focus
yourself and be better for it. This is akin to preparing yourself for a golf shot, sitting an exam or
throwing darts

end of pg 94

start of pg 95

or starting a race i.e. psyching oneself up. It is energising your system so that nothing will cause
you to diverge from the activity in hand. As you see there is nothing extra ordinary about dowsing.

Use this method of self-protection to start with. If you are a deeply religious person you will
already have that means within you. Just imagine yourself in a bubble, egg shaped and imagine
this as a force field; all around you and under your feet. Then try and see and feel the bubble and
then push it outwards from you. Dowsing is about feeling subtle energies. That is the bubble of
protection and not science fiction. I can speak from experience about what happens when one
fails to carry out this drill.

. This might help you to understand subtle energies. In this case the energies of intuition. You will
have already experienced them but referred to it as gut reaction. What about thinking of what the
wife is about to say before it is said etc.? In order to start to develop dowsing skills we need to
gain some skill in the use of the dowsing L tod and a pendulum

So make an L shaped dowsing rod from a wire coat hanger. The handle bent to 100mm and the
longer length say 800-300mm. Turn that end over so as not poke someone. Now hold the rod level
with your nose and slightly dipped. This is ready position. Now mentalise or vocalise a command
to the dowsing rod to point to your nose. After a slight delay it will turn to your nose.

You have just done something which the average person and scientist will say is impossible. That
is elementary telekinesis. So you now know that subtle energies can be sensed. This skill is
transferable to all manner of applications for instance tracing geopathic stress lines in the ground.
It also shows you that it is the mind that controls the dowsing.

Generally speaking it is best to use the pendulum in conjunction with templates, scales or dowsing

Firstly make a pendulum from pendant or a piece of string/cotton wool and a heavy button. For
this work the line needs to be approximately 150mm but when you use for this work hold so that
the length is about 100mm. from the button and hold with the thumb and forefinger. You have
now made your antennae. This will

end of pg 95

start of pg 96

help you to connect your mind with the energy about you and with what you are trying to achieve.
Now put yourself in a protective bubble.

Now allow the pendulum to freely swing to and fro away/to you. This is the ready
position/state from which you start all dowsing questions. Let us now call this oscillation. As it
oscillates it will swing equidistant according to the simple law of physics. You may need to start
the movement artificially or it may oscillate under its own volition.

Now mentalise or vocalise pendulum please show me magnetic north. The oscillation will
change direction and it will start to sing in more direction that another to indicate magnetic north.
This means that the basic law of physics has been overcome .
Now repeat with the question show me true north and you get a slightly different direction
which shows how careful you have to be in forming your dowsing questions i.e. no ambiguity. Try
other directions for instance. You are now sensing the reaction of the pendulum. Now make a
template from a piece of cardboard from say corn flake box. Use your improvised template [this
can be a graduated card or list] rather buying one whilst you are learning.

end of pg 96

start of pg 97

Cut your card to A4 size and now draw a template. Draw a protractor shape with a base line about
280 mm. Use a saucepan to create the curve. The example is marked with graduations to use it for
testing the experiments in the appendices. However start with make seven segments and mark
them in any order as days of the week. Then draw in an inner graduation for morning and an
inside graduation marked in afternoon. Now you have a three layer complex template for days of
the week, afternoon and morning.

The lines of the graduations need to come to a central point.

Now following the example in the picture create on the left hand top corner something to dowse
over to give you plus or minus i.e. yes- no. No at the right hand top corner have a configuration to
enable you to dowse and mentally connect with the outer middle inner part of the template.

Allow the pendulum to oscillate over the central spot. Now ask the dowsing question which day
of the week is it. The pendulum will change its direction to swing over the correct day and if it
does not retry. Check you answer on the top lift hand sign for yes/no and it will swing accordingly.
This is in effect a check question. They are essential to dowsing discipline.

Now dowse for the times of day. Firstly go to right hand side and dowse for the level you need to
record. Now, starting at the ready position dowse for the time of day. Then check with the
configuration on the top left hand side. You have used a multi layered template and checked your
Now make a template to represent Gigahertz by starting with just an outer layer graduated 1 to
30. These represent thousands and write in segment that they do. Now at the ready position start
to dowse in a room and use the dowsing question pendulum please show me the energy levels in
this room. The pendulum will start to swing over a particular segment. Check it and record. Now
go into another room and dowse again over the template. Check it and record. Hopefully you will
have two different recordings to ponder on and question. Now you are ready to repeat the
experiments in the appendices.

Now try this on two different [documents] newspapers and see what you get. Now ask why am I
obtaining these results.

end of pg 97

start of pg 98

I have mentioned the system generally used by dowsers and that is simple dowsing counting. Now
let us try this. Firstly hold a penlight torch battery level with your solar plexus and about 200 mm
from it. You now hold your pendulum about 5-10 cm from one end of the battery and allow it to
oscillate. Whilst at the positive end the oscillations ought to change to a clockwise rotation and
when you hold it negative end to the battery it ought to gyrate negatively. This translates to
yes/no and equates to your dowsing polarity. Check that every day.

Now you can mentally dowse a location in this manner please show energy levels here on a scale
of 1:10. Now drive the pendulum in a clockwise direction and counting 1:10. Mentally you are
asking the pendulum to stop at the correct graduation [held in the mind] and when it does go back
backwards and forwards a couple of times until you have obtained the strongest reaction.

Applying a similar technique use a pointer over the graduations and ask which is the correct
graduation. When you have a positive results move up and down the locations until you have the
strongest reaction. Then check and then record.
These skills are transferable to many dowsing tasks. The skills shown here and will get you going
quickly with little fret. Then if you wish to further explore this science you can learn other

You can write a list and dowse that either directly or with a pointer; as one might do dowsing for
allergies, from a self- made template. Further you can have a register or dictionary of detrimental
energy levels. This is creating a focus and critical mass of users; all using a like scale.

You could get together with someone else and test dowse anything. For example the energies on
a map where there has been crime. Then compare levels in units are using.

The drill is protection assess the dowsing questions choose dowsing method - dowse ask
check questions asses result record

end of pg 98

start of pg 99

You are now ready to start to make Bovis Units readings of any activity and analyse them and start
to contribute towards creating them as an SI Unit. Dowse with the situation in mind, pointing a
finger at the target or mentalising and dowse over the template for the energy levels of the target.

My building site experiment - My dowsing question when trying to identify energies coming from a
Brownfield building site was please tell me how many Bovis Units there are in the energy coming
from x building site at this point. At the same time as asking the question I kept the pendulum
over my template watching the oscillations. I kept on moving backwards and forwards until I
obtained NO PENDULUM ACTION and I measured in paces the extent to which that energy has
moved outwards.

My Shop experiment - my dowsing question was asked with my pendulum over my template
please give a Bovis reading at this point. I moved along the scales and dowsed over the freezers.

Sculptures Please give me the energy levels from this sculpture - one hand on the item the hand
holding the pendulum over the template on my knee

This indicates both direct and indirect dowsing.

In conclusion - this Appendix has been aimed at helping you to :-

pendulum dowse,

make a template

experience the use and application of Bovis Units

experience direct and indirect dowsing

experience subtle energies

All in the hope that you gain experience at virtually zero cost.

This will also pave the way for you to use the proprietary Bio-meter [Bovis Meter] and undertake
and share serious research in your own discipline.

end of pg 99
start of pg 100

Appendix 20A Explanation of the Bovis Scale

There are many explanations of the Bovis Scale and . Appendix 29 will make useful reading for
anyone wishing to pursue this science. Whatever, it is basically a very simple process to carry out.
It is the interpretation which requires a higher level of experiment and practice. Dowsers please
bear in mind that I am trying to find a very simple way of embracing the practice and application of
Bovis Units for non dowsers. It is for this reason that I include this explanation in the learning
Appendix 20.

I am indebted to Sandra McKenzie of Sussex Dowsers for her efforts over the last few hours, on
our behalf to provide a concise rsum of the work of Bovis. The information set out below was
produced by Alicja Aratyn from Toronto and is taken from one of her training Papers.

She writes -----[Anton] Antoine Bovis, French physicist made outstanding research on human
energy field. His body of work has been called, to his memory, Bovis Scale. It had only 1-10,000
units and referred exclusively to Physical level of existence (human body, objects, geopathic stress

This unique scale is based on the knowledge of electromagnetic field and wavelength (measured in
Angstroms: 1A is equal to one ten-millionth of a metre, which equals 0.1 nanometre.). Since Bovis
applied it to subtle energies of human body, objects etc. it has been called not wavelength, but
Bovis units.

Later, after Bovis's death, Engineer Simoneton continued Bovis's work and developed another 4
scales - Etheric, Astral, Mental and Causal. The next and last person working on this scale was
clairvoyant Blanche Merz. She added another 2 scales (Spiritual and Pure Spiritual) to existing five.

Since then this full scale is called BSM Scale.

Page 1 of your hand-out contains 3 scales. From the top:

Physical 0 9,999 units

Etheric 10,000 13,499 units

Astral 13,500 17,999 units.

end of pg 100

start of pg 101

Page 2 contains last 4 scales (in order from the top):

Mental 18,000 27,999 units

Causal 28,000 33,999 units

Spiritual 34,000 49,999 units

Pure Spiritual above 50,000 units (practically to infinite number of units).

Bovis found out that 6,500 units signifies normal, healthy state of human body.

All readings above 6,500 signifies advanced vitality (called also pro-vital energy).

Optimum for human living space is: 6,800 8,000 units.

Some numbers given by Bovis below the level of perfect health

(numbers are given in thousands):

6.0 6.4 - general weakness

5.7 6.0 - sub-clinical faze

5.5 5.7 - medium advanced state

5.0 5.5 - advanced

below 5.0 - severe sickness

A few notes about readings below 5,000 Bovis units:

Hartmann and Currys grid line 2,000 4,000 units

Crossing of those grids lines - 1,700 2,000 units

Black stream i.e. energies - 750 1,500 units

Black streams crossing - below 1,000 units.

The following Appendix is the reason for my learning about Bovis Units. I am trying to see if I can
use the Bovis unit concept as a means of communicating about tree energies with the public at
large. Trees are part of the photosynthetic matrix i.e. taking in carbon dioxide and giving out
oxygen; which maintains life on the planet which supports our daily lives. So measuring the
energy entering and being given out by trees seems to me to be a crucial study in which dowsers
can participate.

end of pg 101

start of pg 102

Appendix 21 - Draft as at 240808 - Thoughts on Subtle Energies, Trees and Spatial Planning -
Executive Summary - compiled by - Michael J Haxeltine - can you contribute to this study and
apply Bovis Units.

This is an ailing Chestnut at Easton Walled Gardens Nr Grantham. I used dowsing rods to pick up
two crossing underground streams at approximately three metres depth. The apparent Bacteria
tumifaciens galls and double stems are theoretical indications of upward detrimental energies;
which may be caused by crossing streams; even at a depth of tens of feet. The pendulous nature
of some of the branches with galls is indicative of the influence of water drawing down growth.

This picture is an excellent example, which can be used for remote dowsing. Remote dowsing is
that Radiesthesia technique for assessing information from a map or photograph. If you take a

single dowsing rod and run your finger around the base of the tree as though you were some two
meters from the bole and programme the rod to turn at the point of an underground stream it
will react.

end of pg 102

start of pg 103

I obtained two reactions. At the time of writing this 26/03/08 - I found two different depths and
activity and I have not sorted out in my mind what dowsing question to ask to check. The first
depth was found on site and the second was remote.

I noticed on the photograph when looking at the fork and bringing my eye south of the picture
linear shadow. What is this ? What did you find, how many points of activity?.

Reading this booklet will help you to develop a remote dowsing skill. It will also help you recognise
tree problems which will indicate detrimental forces which will also affect peoples health and
property. I am trying to apply the Bovis Unit concept to measuring the energies involved in order
to quantify them for policy making.
This diagram shows zones of geopathic stress. The diagram is found in many references so I am
not sure who was the originator - certainly on Alexs Starks web site this appears along with a very
detailed explanation of various aspects of geopathic stress.

As you will see from the executive summary my thoughts are far ranging and will be of interest to
conservationists, dowsers and policy makers. Subtle energies are barely perceptible energies,
which impact on our daily lives. They are not measurable with

end of pg 103

start of pg 104

conventional instruments only with the power of the mind both human and animal.

When you have read my Thoughts you may think that plants can think ...Executive Summary

Executive Summary - Thoughts on Subtle Energies, Arboriculture and Spatial [Town] Planning

In these thoughts, I seek to demonstrate that trees are not just aesthetically pleasing and
promoters of bio-diversity, but also contribute to the enhancement of our towns and cities in a
number of practical, if subtle, ways. This Paper is structured into a series of related Thoughts
each dealing with an aspect of the use and importance of the intangible benefits of trees,
particularly in relation to the built environment.

For those with a healthy scepticism of evolving scientific theory, a number of simple, practical
experiments are also included to substantiate the content of this treatise. You are encouraged to
try them.

The health and vigour of a tree can be a bell-weather of the suitability of a site for development or
Additionally, trees interact with the subtle environment to enhance the quality of its natural
energy - and in turn they are affected by that energy.

Whilst the practical application of earth energy is still an emerging science, the phenomenon has
been demonstrated with sufficient replication and control for it now to be widely accepted,
particularly in Germany and Russia. It is rapidly emerging from the shroud of pseudo-science and
it is now becoming a discipline in its own right.

The impact of the natural energy of the earth has been demonstrated, both in the UK and
throughout Europe, primarily by dowsers. The website of the British Society of Dowsers gives a
suitable introduction to the subject and I refer to a number of works which substantiate the
elements of this paper in the Bibliography.

end of pg 104

start of pg 105

Dowsing is an innate skill, which most ordinary people can acquire with a modicum of tuition and
an open mind. Once it is realised that subtle energies exist in the everyday world - and that they
have a direct effect on the well-being of all living things - the importance of planting and
maintaining the arboreal content of the local environment becomes increasingly apparent.

It is becoming apparent that trees have a profound input to the physical and mental health of the
human population.

My paper asks more questions than it answers but I am still learning. However my hope is that
you will develop the skills needed to identify subtle energies and be part of a critical mass
examining the implications of these energies in everyday life and for those charged with protecting
trees and the community in the spatial planning process.
I am indebted for Nigel Twinn of the BSD for his guidance in condensing my Summary.

For the tree by remote dowsing using the photograph I obtained 6500 7000 and for a selected
on the ground 5000 which is most likely a detrimental energy line.

end of pg 105

start of pg 106

Appendix 22 Bovis Units in the Play Ground and Play Areas

Meaningful Play areas and play grounds are in short supply .

They feature in town and rural areas with often little inspiration whilst some have interesting
design criteria associated with them. I would like you to think of play in its widest context in
association with Bovis measuring how inspirational those areas can be.

Play areas should be built over beneficial energies or where the effects of positive radiations can
be received e.g. Schumann waves.

The basics seem to be for this paper that Local Authorities have a duty to prevent crime in tandem
with implicit responsibilities of parents and guardians. In terms of the lowest common
denominator that means everyone and dowsers!.

Look at the Sustainable Communities Act 2007 alongside the Crime and Disorder Act Sect 19
prevention of crime. If subtle energies predispose towards behavioural problems then this
legislation provides a place for the application of Radiesthesia in the community.
Even at my elementary level of dowsing I appreciate the effects of exposure/time of Geopathic
energies from a range of causes. The work of Kathe Bachler has proved this to me. If we allow
children to live/play in adverse energy exposed situations and they receive radiations in the home
as well it does not seem surprising that there will be abberative behaviour in adults and their

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Play is a universal educator in terms of accepting others. Play areas provide a non-judgmental
networking point for kids and parents. They ought to allow for make believe and harnessing of
mental and physical energy. If energies are present which mitigate against this then a serous dys-
service is being executed by policy makers and the professionals who advise them.

Does this not provide grounds for applying earth energies science in all communities? I make in
one line then a case for Radiesthesia and Bovis Units playing a part in everyday life and making
policy decisions from them.

So I looked at Antisocial behaviour [ASB] and the need for play area for people of all ages. This
point was made by me in a major paper on play area design in the 70s Inst. Parks and Recreation
Journal. ASB can be: - the sum of upbringing, lack of moral education i.e. common sense, conduct
and a matrix of environmental factors.

From a Radiesthesia point of view this will include earth energy issues. Can the Bovis Unit concept
be of practical significance in measuring the energy levels in play areas? Further could this be a
common Experiment which Regional Groups could do. Consider speaking to the local beat officer,
before you go into play space location; if you are going to follow up this experiment. So what do
`you make of the readings which I took in the following situations: -

Reference 250408 160809

Playtime at the edge of an urban school play area at time of dinner break 14400 14000
Actual road adjacent to play ground 12000 12000

Adjacent shopping street was 13500 & 11500

Playtime at the edge of an urban school play area at time of dinner break whilst standing in a
park nr the railings 14400 14400

few kids however

Sitting area of adjacent 12300 12300

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play park 12300 12300

Substation is at boundary of park play area but did rise at approximately 14 paces from the Sub
St to 14400 1000 _ NOTE 1000 rose to 12300

Sand pit with play park - with no children therein at the time of recording 17000 17000

Both play areas read at 14400. Was the sand pit reading an example of embedded energy within
the material sand - quartz? Whilst this tells us what is happening or has happened how do we
apply this knowledge to play ground design?

Within approximately 150 M there is a microwave tower. What if anything is the impact of this on
the second play area examined? On 290808 I checked the play area and found 13 -14000 BUT
when I aligned the dowsing question to referring to the mast I obtained 6500 7000. Is this not
serious in view of the 6500 danger signal?

I include this ongoing research in the hope that the combined expertise, including community
groups, in Regions, will contribute to this subject..
I went to a lecture [02/09/08] about the Governments National Play Strategy. At this time two
hundred and eighty million pounds is being invested in play. That translates into 3500 play areas
for 8-13 year old age group with apparently a strict list of design approaches and concepts but
nothing seemingly on the fundamentals of play being a holistic event .

An opportunity is being lost to literally energise play areas. Children have voted for natural
materials in play areas and nothing could be more natural than constructing a labyrinth or towers
to radiate positive energy into the environment. This also links global history with an important
lesson which can be incorporated in play. This is active Piaget raising curiosity.

Please be involved in this major exercise, via your local council or local authority, your
communities, as contractor designer, or just

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start of pg 109

sponsor to influence long term the harmonising of the local environment. Please apply Bovis Units
and that will be a step towards their application in Town / Environmental planning. This is
something we can learn from the EU.

I am indebted to Mick Conway Programme Manager [London] for Play England. He allowed me
during his Seminar on the Governments Play Strategy at SALTEX 2008 to bring the implications of
earth energies measurement concepts to the attention of his Seminar. This is first time earth
energy issues have ever been raised in the UK in respect of play.

Appendix 23 Estates I identified a range of energies in one afternoons work on site and by
remote dowsing to identify areas of change.

As with all estates they have been planned with many factors in mind with a range of
professional involvement. Evaluation of the intangible is sometimes done by market research
type exercises to tell what is obvious. Litter, graffiti , burnt out cars teenage pregnancies and
boarded up houses tell their own storey without punctuation. It is only the efforts of a local
person, not always the church who will drive change.

Sometimes at personal cost e.g. marriage break ups. I have seen it but cannot prove it to you.
However, it has always concerned me! This largely falls in line with Dr Hawkins findings and others.

Socio- economic reasons glare at even the most uninformed casual visitor. Yet there are a range of
problems which the Bovis concept can quantify but can management decisions be made from the

Let us look at three examples on which I have made. 6500 is detrimental.

end of pg 109

start of pg 110

Area A

Major estate Surrey adjacent to major open space General Gigahertz/

Bovis reading Other

energies Readings taking into a/c Microwave towers

6-7000 present 5000 at 400 M

5000 at 800 M

7-8000 present 6-6500 at Km

8000 present Not clear

Area B

Minor Estate in Hampshire 7000 Not present 6900 at 150 M

Area C

Significant Estate in Hampshire 8000 - 7000 present none

For whatever reason there is a difference. Why? What has caused this difference and what are the
implications for those living on the estate and those managing it? The following table was
remotely dowsed :

Area move


families Check with a

Bovis meter Deal

with grid

Energy move influence of Mast Better


A 9000 9500 12000 14000 14000

B 8000 8300 12000 No reaction 14000

C 8000 8300 React-ion non 14000 10000

Here we see that removing problem families is not going to significantly raise the readings. Let us
assume for simplicity that we want to raise the level of Gigahertz/ Bovis reaction to a minimum of
12000 we need to both deal with the masts and intervention ALTHOUGH in site C that is not the

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Of course this needs trialling and testing. If I am right then we have a desk top way of decision
making yet retaining the human aspect. We can then selectively check our assessment by using
the Kinesiology check. Ultra simple, No! For it needs trialling and other factors building in.

However please remember that this is only a discussion document and it is meant to get people
talking to develop the concept I offer.

What I have done is to find a standard by which you can compare one estate with another and
build in or take a range of personal factors. Factors for which it is difficult to assign cost benefit
values to. This method can be linked directly link with human reaction by Radiesthesia OR

The application of Bovis, I contend at this stage of research, is a good mind clearing process. You
can link cost benefit/discounted cash flow calculation but that gets away from human factors. This
method of analysis ought to enable communities to self-rebalance and thus be more sustainable in
the future. The concept must not be devoid of leadership and support. These readings appear to
be out of the box in terms of levels why?

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Appendix 24 Archaeology and Playground Design

I have shown in Gigahertz, what I believe, is the strength of the radiations from this stone.
In the few hours the stone has been in this simulated play ground position it has extended its
beneficial radiations well into the next stand area.

I am indebted to Dominic Ropner of Time Circles - Surrey for allowing to me photograph this work

The community and environmental value of standing stones and similar edifices has been known
for hundreds of years. That need still exists in city and urban areas. What better place to start the
movement to re install these cosmic batteries in say play areas and playgrounds and as part of
the Governments play initiatives .

This Appendix is highly significant in terms of applying Bovis Units to quantify / measure energy of
design as well significant to the archaeology fraternity.

It is my assessment that by incorporation of this stone in this simulated play area that beneficial
energy is being brought into the area and radiated out with beneficial energy. Who says inanimate
objects have no value !

The ancient design shown in the picture, with its cups marks [ the dots] has been reproduced by
hand to replicate, what may be proved to be an ancient wiring diagrammed or map for energy. It
might have also acted like an energy refreshment stop for wanderers. It is the first time I have
dowsed such a stone or photograph. Wood, pictures all do a similar thing and a simple

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experiment can demonstrate that!. I remember designing a piece of wind play equipment for Caird
Park Dundee but it was never constructed. Sound is a healer in a similar way as this stone might be
i.e. resonance.

Art in the playground cannot be a divorced experience. The power of which ought to be assessable
with the Bovis Unit concept.

The cup marks show from the bottom up 4-1:

4 - ive charge 13000 Bovis Units

3 + ive 18000

2 -ive 20000

1 + ive 26000

These readings are good for most people. The stone read way off the Bovis template scale above
30000 appendix 20

This is wonderful example of the need to incorporate stone, or towers or a standing stone in this
manner in play areas. Bovis can assess the before and after effects by the application of Bovis .

HOWEVER we must not forget that negative energies have an important part to play in the
environment e.g. fox holes normally exit over negative energy and their movement can be a joy to
children as well being educative. These energies also facilitate decomposition which is why they
also aid pathogenic bacteria.

Bovis quantification can be assessed from a plan by dowsing and thus plans compared.

So now I make another leap with the next Appendix to show another possible role in public Policy
applying Bovis Units. This shows the transferability of the skill and concept.

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Appendix 25 Churches & Steeples with Masts in them

I refer to an article in Dowsing Today in 2008 by Ced Jackson highlighting that the Church of
England are considering placing masts in steeples. It highlighted the fact that Bell Ringers are
concerned for their safety but little has been said by the Church in respect of safety to people
living nearby. So I took random Gigahertz readings and this is what I obtained. What do you
obtain by dowsing the photographs?

This scenario is clearly a policy issue which affects policy makers in a private capacity i.e. the
church but which impinges on the public .i.e. you/me, the environment and the planning system
per se. Next comes the domain of commerce and its right to trade i.e. the company wanting to
market their goods which are telecommunications

Well is it clear? No! Who has the duty of care and who should investigate holistically the possible
impact and with what tool? Can that be done if Bovis type readings are not taken? What is clear
from this example, whether it is technically correct or not is that Bovis Scale cannot be just used.
Or can it.?

Now this Appendix implies a case for decision/policy makers to sing from the same Bovis hymn
sheet. Such a notion will breed counter Bovis. That will be especially so if litigation arises from
the application of Bovis as it could in the cases of Steeples and Masts. This puts Radiesthesia in the
public domain which could bring it into ridicule and that will serve no purpose at-all. What is the
way forward on the ethical issue.
What is the way forward for applying Bovis to counter adverse decisions? It seems to me that
when the Bovis concept is refined Councillors could use this tool to decide how they will vote on
an issue.

Equally so members of the public could use Bovis evidence to lobby and ensure that councillors do
not vote for mast in steeples.

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What does this Church radiate at now = 20000 and what would it radiate at if a telephone
mast was put in the tower = 6500

What does this actually mean - firstly there is a difference but of what ? I think harmful radiations

What does this Church radiate at now = 20000 and what would it radiate at if a telephone
mast was put in the tower = 6500

At a nearby elevated Church I recorded 26000 and 2000

Please remember that this is a discussion Paper. Here I use the concept of the Units in a
predicative way. You dowse and see what you obtain! I would like to add here that I contacted the
Association of British Insurers to see if they had an opinion on claims based on Bovis Units
evidence. They had no comment to make.
This paper is not a red herring but it shows that you should be in the swim whether you are in
public administration, a citizen or elected policy maker. How can this notion be trialled?

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Appendix 26 Bovis in Forensic Work

Well the title of this Booklet is Bovis Units in Every Day Life and sadly people do get murdered. Of
many, the French dowser, Abbe Mermet assisted the police in many forensic cases. This Appendix
refers to evidence which I submitted to a police force in connection with a high profile murder.
The evidence was seemingly rejected.

This Appendix uses this one example to see if the application of Bovis is practical as I did not
understand them at the time of presenting my evidence. This is what I offer for discussion.

20000 = the energy of a statement which is 100 % accurate but incomplete whereas a statement
which is 100% accurate and 100% complete registers = 25-27000. Whereas 17000 = a statement
which is 90% accurate. That needs refining by trialling.

The evidence was submitted from map dowsing = 15000 and a walked route which I suggested
was taken by the deceased = 17000 and the reverse of the route carried out as a check = 17-
18000. I have just assessed from the template that evidence which registers 5000 and below is a
waste of time. Why not 6500 as the break point? What were the reasons for any failures, minor as
they now seem, I summed up the article which I had prepared for Dowsing Today on this topic
with a series of some questions which I have now tried to quantify in terms of Bovis Unit concept.
Did x & y stop at the 20000

Did x .. cross and re-cross road - 20000

Was the deceased associated with anyone in the flats at 20000

Did the deceased pass the .Bank at material times 20000 but the pendulum hardly
reacted to the question

Did the deceased pass the .Solicitors 6500 seemingly wrong on my part

Did the deceased go by .. road or . road and into the .. park at material times -17000

Now I am trying to weigh how Dr Hawkins technique can be applied here. Could his Kinesiology
test be used on the dead via the surrogate healing technique? If so that revolutionizes evidence
gathering overnight. If that is so where does that place the application of Bovis Unit concept?
What is your view?

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Appendix 27- Root pruning & the Bovis Scale

I had to carry out some significant root pruning on a Rowan [Sorbus sp] as the roots were well
above the ground and crossing. It was not practical to raise the soil levels.

I rod dowsed the physical aura of the tree which was approximately three feet and had a Bovis
Units[gigahertz] reading of 4500; whilst the surrounding garden had a reading of 15000.

Following root pruning the aura was reduced to two feet and the Bovis reading went down to
3500 whereas the surrounding garden went down to 13500. I placed light organic mulch around
part of the root plate i.e. base of the tree, and the reading rose to 6500.
This indicates a need for further research as there was some immediacy to the reactions which
showed compartmentalisation. The latter point, if replicable, seems to be of significance in
maintaining plants in say sheltered accommodation premises where vulnerable people could be
affected by a lesser level of Bovis Scale. However it is of course the issue which is being measured
and its intensity, which is the concern.

Whilst I can think of two or three issues which demolish the notion I feel on balance that the
reasons for the change need to be understood. From that knowledge we may have another piece
of information to tile the mosaic of understanding the environment in which we live.

I ask how we can manage the boundaries of differently registering Bovis concept climates.

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Appendix 28 Town planning & auras

Life can be twisted by ground energies as in the case of this

Those energies can be deadly which is why the planning system needs to recognise them and why
we need to measure them. Planners and elected members need to understand the energies of the
sites they are dealing with. I believe that they are as serious as nuclear power and radiation.
These energies affect humans, farming, forestry, industry, globally. Yet the medical community
does not understand them so I am told.

I have already mentioned quality of life and I refer to the whole bio-sphere. Globally we are an
environmental community and I am currently learning about the connective energies between

The quality of life concept and its relationship with question mark forces is real. My initial case
studies raise a number of questions like the effects of a badly resonating play on audiences.
They look at the extent to which energies from a building can impinge on the environment.

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There are so many subtle energies which could adversely affect us, without us knowing. A
respectable simile is the effect which insidious subliminal advertising has on us. These forces are
appreciated due to the focus created on them [Vance Packard I recall] yet we can switch them off.
However, we cannot do so with cosmic forces from the moon or from the earth or buildings once
built over detrimental energy lines. Nor can we easily move out of the way.

We need to know what the impact [if anything] is of the forces on peoples auras and to ensure
that their auras are not condensed. That is as important as peoples oxygen needs etc. This
includes public and private public space and personal space in houses/flats. Bovis might be the
planning measurement by which one can accept or reject a plan.
Auras are complex layers of energy, which may be seen by some people. They can be shown to
exist by a simple dowsing experiment. And if the aura is not in tact body dys-function and dys-ease
and thus disease, becomes a reality. If the aura is impacted that will also cause dysfunction so we
need to know when and how that can happen in everyday life; in order to maintain symbiotic
protection. I ask is living on top of each other in poorly sound proofed houses creating feather
pecking i.e. a sort of avian head banging. Add in adverse ground energies and mast problems and
what do you get well I think dysfunctional communities. Have you never heard give me more
space; not an uncommon cry is it!

As volume i.e. room size, is related to energy, the vibrancy of the energy needs a common
measurement, which can be planned for. That needs assessing in relation to surrounding mass,
woods, play space, roads etc. Will Bovis Units be the measure which I and others feel is needed?.

It has to be accepted that not all places and people have the same level of earth energy
problems/sensitivity. However what appears to be happening is that people are being sensitised
and the wider medical profession is not cognisant of this. We were not designed to be in a
pulsating AC environment.

Setting aside common sense, experience and politics there are mechanistic tools, which can be
used to assess projects. Generally they are of a mathematical and economic nature e.g.

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start of pg 120

cash flow; cost benefit analysis .i.e. benefits weighed against a lack of benefits, as well as various
forms of mathematical modelling. In cost benefit analysis values can be changed to fit the cause.
However with dowsing if one assigns a rate i.e. a reaction that appears to be in tablets of stone
which appears to be underpinned by physics; if I understand Lethbridge and Mermets work
So with all these arithmetic and mathematical models we are not able to assess the social impact
of a development and so the application of the Bovis concept might help; adding a new dimension
to public policy formulation.

Agents of the community like the police, recreationalists, Relate, The Salvation Army, Probation
officers et al can all give an opinion from their experience. Yet we are still unable to assess
development in social terms. What are the sociological impacts of small rooms, condensing of
peoples auras, or the effect of the failure to put in any form of community infrastructure, no
communal meeting place or the effect of noise. The application needs trialling but how will that be
funded. Will it be EU or UK wide or by communities; such as parish councils using Sect 137 of the
Local Government Act.

Further there is a fairly recent Government arithmetic planning management tool called a
Deprivation Index. May be Bovis Units ought to be part of the index in the future.

With all procedures there has to be a genesis, forming, storming and norming stage; followed by
review. Bovis Units have not, to my knowledge, been used in policy formulation in the UK and
thus have not reached the forming stage. The forming stage is the focus or critical mass which I
am trying to generate, with your help. Communities need this support.

An eminent writer on Geopathic stress, of many, Jane Thurnell-Read,, in her book Geopathic Stress
& Subtle Energies makes the point about the need for changing design and the need for a new
look at town planning. That book starts to square the equation in one discipline.

end of pg 120

start of pg 121

Appendix 29 Summary of information gained from various sources including the Web
Golden Illuminations Ltd Featured Products web site features a commercial angle to the use of
Bovis Units

/Bio-photons are light waves that exist in the living cells of plants, animals, and
human beings. Cells emit bio-photons, which cannot be seen by the naked eye, but can be
measured by special equipment developed by European scientists.

Bio-photons serve as the body's main communication network and as the principal regulator for all
life processes. Bio-photons govern chemical and metabolic activity. The bio-photon light is stored
in the DNA of cell molecules and a dynamic web of light constantly released and absorbed by the
DNA may connect cells, tissues, and organs.

Bio-photon activity is measured by the Bovis Scale, named after the French physicist Antoine
Bovis, who constructed the scale in the 1930s. It seems that bio-photon activity, or natural earth
energy, ranges from zero to infinity and determines how negatively or positively charged a
substance is. Biophysicists and biomedical scientists consider 6500 Bovis as neutral for human life.
Higher values increase life activity and lower values deplete life.

Our bodies are not only chemical but electromagnetic as well. And if you increase the
electromagnetic energy field, the chi or prana, by boosting bio-photon activity, you may
encourage the body to heal itself. Thats why Golden Illumination Energized Products are
energized to 2.5 million Bovis Units.

My note from this I surmised that Bovis Units could be the universal measurement of organic
energy et al .

The following website highlights an archaeology application although a much fuller list of
examples can be found in Blanche Merzs book Cosmic Energy. -

A point to ponder on at SantAntimo where the altar is built where three underground
streams found at a depth varying from

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start of pg 122

ten to twenty meters - cross over each other. This position causes an increase of energy along a
precisely defined course. We begin with a Bovis Unit of 6500 at the little door on the left, while
around the altar we arrive up to a Bovis Unit of 24000, to touch a maximum under the capital of
Daniel in the lions den, with a Bovis Unit of 35000. Exactly the road followed by the pilgrims - the
road to salvation .

Mr. Bovis, a French researcher of the 19th century, and the inventor of the Bovis Scale sensed
this mutual relationship: for every living organism there exists a vibration level of equilibrium,
which corresponds to the state of health - 6500 Bovis Unit. When one enters into contact with an
incoherent energetic field that contains a lower level than ours, we lose energy; on the contrary,
when we come into contact with an energetic field containing a higher vibration level more
coherent than ours, we receive energy, and our vibration level is raised. I ask could the above be
as easily explained just using a scale of 1-10 ? My view is that it is a no!

Another reference from the Internet, which I find illuminating: -

.for human life. From 0 to 6,500 the charge is in the NEGATIVE range, or to infinity. For living
organisms, the key reference point on the scale is found at 6,500 Bovis, considered neutral for
human life. From 0 to 6,500 the charge is in the NEGATIVE range, or life-detracting (actually
drains the body of energy), while above the 6,500 point, the energy gradually becomes life-

[the]. desired minimal energy level for humans is found between 8,000 to 10,000 Bovis, or
slightly positive. The Earth itself creates energy in the 7,000 to 18,000 range. This energy is also
referred to as Bio-photons, which are light particles invisible to our eyes. This positive radiation
is necessary to the maintenance of live on earth and the human body cannot exist without it..

Scientists have discovered a direct correlation between the Bovis scale and the direction of
spin displayed by an atom or molecules.
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start of pg 123

Rather than dowsers actually using Bovis for this I propose it provides a basis for legitimising the
technique. Why,? because atoms registering in the negative Bovis range will spin to the right, or
clockwise. Atoms in the positive range spin in the opposite direction, to the left.

I read that examples found in nature of this spin property include our cellular DNA, which is in a
left-turning spiral. In contrast, cancer cells are in a right-turning spin.

The above is contrary to the accepted clockwise spin for positive and the anticlockwise spin for
negative. I suggest that you keep to this whilst building up your expertise UNLESS your polarity
check indicates otherwise.

Today is the 4th Sept 2008 when I am nearly off to the printers. Most gratefully I am still getting
more guidance. Sandy McKenzie of Sussex Dowsers set my mind thinking outside the box . It will
be worth trying some experiments with the Mager [colour] Wheel [I have used a commercial paint
chart for other things] to see how that technique can be applied in other boxes when
considering alternatives to Bovis. It seems that some mileage might be gained from trying to apply
the Mager Wheel to the testing of the strength of documents. She also advised me about the
Virtual Cone and the work of Drs Karim & Gilbert. The following WWW sites could well be grist to
the mill of this overall discussion.


The next Web Reference - vitaliteit-service@zonnet.nl - seems to be a most important and
illuminating reference to the use of Bovis Units for instance, can be expressed in Bovis-value.
This method of determining vital energy has been developed by the Frenchman Bovis and was
later refined by his pupil Simonton. As at 070708 I am trying to make contact with him]. The
readings of the Bovis-value are often mistaken for readings of the wavelength (Angstrom),
frequency (Hf. in Hz.) or the photon energy. It so

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start of pg 124

happens that the Bovis-value 6,500 coincides with the wavelength of 6.500 ngstrm; however, in
the higher range the values strongly diverge. A similar problem exists with readings taken from the
frequency and the photon energy. The actual Bovis-value cannot be determined from such

The Bovis-value can be determined using a pendulum, bio-tensor or kinesiology. This is subject to
proper attunement during testing, because an additional factor at determining the amount of vital
energy is the extent of acceptation of the measured values. As human beings we (consciously or
unconsciously) make a choice regarding complete or partial acceptation of vital energy. Beliefs and
conditioning can affect the test result.

My note and in belief I add political doctrine as a factor influencing decisions which Bovis is
meant to negate.

It is possible to measure a high Bovis-value. A high Bovis-value means that the energy not only
touches the physical body, but the emotional/mental and the spiritual body as well. It is essential
that all of these bodies are taken into consideration, for we do not merely consist of a physical
body. My note - as will a report, major planning decision, marketing report etc.

Bovis-scale: expressed in Bovis-value (Bv) per level. Above the turning points a, b and c the
average Bovis-value is stated; these may strongly vary per individual. According to a publication of
the British Society of Dowsing (John Cunninghame & BSD/EEG 2001) the Bovis-value of Mother
Meera (Thalheim, Germany) even reads as many as billions (10132 ) Bovis units
High Bovis-values also occur in nature. They can especially be found in sacred and holy places -
sites of power or at intersections of Leylines. Plants and animals usually do exceptionally well in
these [high Bovis] places.

Water is essential for all body processes so I thought the following was a relevant perspective on
the application of Bovis Units. Several test results of water included this web site of OPTIMIZER.

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start of pg 125

Tap water and bottled water: Bovis-value approximately 3,000 to 6,000 and Bovis-value
approximately . 3,000. Vitalised tap water Aqua OPTIMIZER : Bovis-value over 2,000,000.

The vital energy in tap water can be increased considerably using a good Vitalizer. Old techniques
show us that water can be vitalized and that negative information is removed from the drinking
water to a certain degree. Even the Ancient Egyptians used Vitalizers. By using a good Vitalizer the
energetic imprint that is left behind in the water by toxins can be removed, which benefits the
vital energy in the water. Some meta-physicists attribute this removal of prejudicial [chemical]
information to the changing spin or rotary direction of the electron. Modern science has not yet
found true proof for this. An explanation may be found if we are prepared to look beyond
conventional geometrical progressions. By using extra-sensory touch, kinesiology, pendulum or
bio-tensor we can ascertain that vitalized water above a certain rate no longer contains prejudicial
substances or information. It appears that by using the Vitalizer the effect of negative
environmental factors such as electro-smog can even decrease significantly and the keynote
can start to resonate with the New Age. [ My note thus Bovis Units are a standard for comparison

Note: a Vitalizer that is primarily used for cooking, crop vegetables, fruit and animals [it] more
quickly completely tallies with the Old Era way of thinking. Therefore, in such a case the energy
will not resonate with the New Age.

In conclusion if you are working with a pendulum, bio-tensor or kinesiology, you are kindly
invited to start searching for the deeper meaning of all this yourself.

Examples of such products are the Aqua OPTIMIZER vitalizer, energy-enriched food supplements,
the Chi OPTIMIZER agents and the LifeGuide. For more information, please see www.vitaliteit-

www.aquaoptimizer.com or phone +31(0)20-4720397.

end of pg 125

start of pg 126

Vitaliteit Service/ February 2005

I feel that I need to remind students that the framing of the dowsing question and check questions
is vital. Dont ask for larger if want distilled water.

In searching the Web live foods community an American site - I found reference to ORAC
oxygen radical absorbing capacity as a measure of food quality BUT not seemingly suitability.

The Bovis Energy Scale was developed in the 1930s by the French researcher Anton Bovis. It
measures the life force or natural earth energy in organic matter such as plants and animals,
water, rock and other elements in the earths surface by measuring the clockwise spin of atoms in
these various substances.

For example, human beings have a reading of 6500. Research has found that a Bovis reading
below 6500 is neutral, or life-depleting. Some examples of readings below 6500 are those for
environmental elements such as for the effects of underground streams, geological faults and the
earths magnetism.
Yet another site defines Bovis Units ...The Bovis scale, was allegedly named after a French man
called Anton Bovis (1871-1947), is a concept used by adherents to quantify the strength of a
postulated "cosmic-telluric energy" inherent in a location.

Another Web site says The Unit of the Bovis scale has no known definition and isn't in any way
based on physics. The "measurement" consists of the dowser walking around the place with an
object (like a pendulum, dubbed "bio-meter") and declaring the Bovis number.

end of pg 126

start of pg 127

A number of 6,500 is considered "neutral", lower figures affect human "energies" negatively,
higher numbers positively. Numbers above 10,000 are in the "ethereal range", considered -

The Divining Mind site provides some interesting information on Dowsing and Bovis as does
VASTU and the site vastu.world.com

Appendix 30 - Energies and Schumann waves in a Multi Storey Building.

I had the opportunity to visit a very tall building in an Outer London suburb and took the
opportunity to see if I could assess the presence of Schumann Waves. I wanted to see what
dowsing reaction I could obtain. On this occasion I had to improvise a Gigahertz Template so the
figures are very much for guidance. However I will use this as my start point for further research:-

Floor Bovis Reading Bovis in relation to Schumann

14 5000 None

13 6500 None

12 6800 6800

11 6000 6800

10 6500 6500

? ?

8 6500 6400

7 6800 6800

6 7000 6900

5 7000 6900

4 7000 6900

3 7000 6900

2 7000 7500

The readings were taken on the steps of the internal fire escape and as such ARE NOT truly
representative of the various floors; to which access was denied.

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I understand that Schumann waves are negated above eight floors and these figures resemble that


I hope that I have engaged you and not divorced you from the important subject of
Radiesthesia /dowsing

I hope that you as a :- local authority chief executive, builder, planner, team leader,
environmentalist or practicing dowser will take forward and broaden the concepts /ideas set out

I also hope you will introduce them to your professional body and discuss them in Regions, your
own professional bodies and identify new areas which will lead to a guide on the application of
Bovis Units in daily lives globally. Thank you to all those who have given their valuable time,

I was disappointed that no one from the local authority area in which I live was prepared to
comment on the draft of the first edition of this book. The healing of communities is an ongoing
need which requires both before and after treatment measurements

end of pg 128
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of community energy. The work of Bovis or Hawkins or that of an alternative driven by you could
be the correct tool.

Most sincerely - Michael


A very useful Glossary of terms used in dowsing work

can be obtained from the British Society of Dowsers Malvern

Alignments - Buildings/trees/ etc. in a row can generate

energy - at the end of the alignment - Ley lines appear

to be formed in this way

Dowsing rod - In simple terms an aid bent wire/bracken

frond - which helps you to focus your mind when dowsing

AC - alternating current as in houses etc.

Bio-meter - A custom made dowsing chart scale along

the lines of the research done by Bovis

BS British Standards

Cameron - American DevelopedtheAurameter

Circa 50s - demonstrated that signatures on paper

give off energy thus measurable - thus can be

applied to maps and reports

Cosmos - Space the most commonly known cosmic

force is the moon which affects cells, tides and thus our

daily lives. The sun is a cosmic force which gives life and kills

Curry Lines - Discovered by Dr Curry - similar to

Hartmann Grid BUT possibly more damaging

DIN = German equivalent of BS

DC = direct current a battery gives direct

current as do living cells

Feather Pecking - in chickens is caused nutritionally

Etc. and overcrowding. In my mind we are creating

the same situation in some social housing

Hartmann - Dr Hartmann discovered a global grid of

force running n/s & w/e approximately 2M in n/s plane

and 2.5 in e/w plane and the rays are approximately

200mm wide. Where they cross or cross water they

can affect trees & all forms of life .

Intent is the proven force of positive and negative

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start of pg 130

thinking if you subconsciously intend to help someone

you will most likely be able to do so NO MATTER HOW

FAR AWAY they are. It is important to ensure that

your mind is clear when you are dowsing I

assume that is why meditation before dowsing helps


Kinesiology - Muscles re-act to subtle energies

and even energies of thought . Thistechnique can be

used to heal and test the target for levels of

sensitivity to anything including subtle energies. However a Dr Hawkins has advanced the
technique for wider applications

Lethbridge - Archaeologist dowser - identified a rate of all objects by length of pendulum

cord which initiated a reaction

Life force - Translates into many cultures as an internal force which can be recognised externally
e.g. Chi which has been measured at travelling at 3M per minute. Internalenergy of any living

Michael & Mary Lines - are energy lines which span parts of Europe and cut across England. The
feeling at the Altar of Glastonbury owes its feeling to energy on this line.

Mermet - Abbe Mermet skilled and respected French dowser dealing with crime lost objects and
healing identified that all substances have a dowsable ray .i.e. direction and rate equalling the
pendulum reaction - see also the research of Lethbridge

Mager Disc coloured wheel developed by a Frenchman Mager to aid analysing dowsing results

Geopathic Stress - Now recognised by the UK Health & Safety Executive. There are many forms
which involve subtle energies. Whatever the source they can seriously affect a persons health.
The electromagnetic energies can be instrument measured but I am trying to clarify if Bovis can
also be a measure of them.

Pendulum - For general dowsing this is a weight e.g. a button, stone or shaped metal, on a piece
of string/cotton and that acts as an antenna to help you focus

Psychic protection - a method of protecting ones self from

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start of pg 131

detrimental subtle energies. Before any dowsing one ought to protect oneself.

Subtle energies - Energies which may come from any object but may be low levels of
conventional energy forms eg magnetic. Rather like the heat from a cup on your hands, energy
on your hand when placed near front of the television or energy which you may feel between
your fingertips. People vary in their sensitivity and many people do not realise they are sensing
them. The energies may be good or bad to humans animals or plants/bacteria

Surrogate - in terms of Kinesiology - treating person X using person Y as the substitute e.g. as one
might for a baby

Remote Dowsing - This technique indicates a skill to dowse away from a target/site, for healing,
water/exploration, search. Thismay done byvisualisationorfrom a map

Ray and Rate - The ray is compass direction a pendulum movements scribes over an object and
the rate is the number of times a pendulum will gyrate from zero to stopping. A most fascinating
treatise on this topic was produced by Mermet

Schumann waves - none n buildings over eight stories - they are artificially induced in space
ships they aid normal body function steel framed buildings inhibit their working

SI - Standard International Unit

Template -- Any set of dowsing questions set out in tabular, linear, circular or semi-circular
layout. It helps to eliminate unnecessary dowsing

Telluric - Earth e.g. telluric energies

Town Planning - spatial planning - the fact finding process of land allocation locational theory
and the legislative process which allows or stops development but does not take into account
cosmic/telluric energy .

Nb Radionics is that arrangement of energy which can be directed towards a problem be it a

diseased area or energy beamed to kill insects. I assumemeasurableontheBovisScale.

end of pg 131

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