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Alondra Marn

SPA 435-01

Dr. Domnguez

For starters, Aztlan acts as a foundation for understanding the culture, language

and customs of Unitedstatians. The term itself is introduced in the reading in an attempt

to rid the world of the term American, which is egotistical as America is not a continent.

The aging nation is currently suffering from poverty, crime, violence and obesity from

sedentary activities which are accepted. Furthermore, crime and violence are introduced

to children at a young age and contrary to popular belief Unitedstatians are more likely to

get attacked by a family member than by a stranger. The reality of life in the United

States of America is gloomy and violent as it is an anxiety filled society with a high

incarceration rate. The English used by Unitedstatians is not only informal but

disrespectful. From clothing, greetings, to meals everything is exaggerated and shows a

nation that needs to develop and change.

As I was reading I obtained a new perspective of the nation I live in. The notion

that the two party system acts as a monopoly that manipulates the constituents to get

votes with acts that are executed similar to those on talent shows is a comical

comparison. In addition, I found the authors depiction of Unitedstatians as refreshing as

it is true that Unitedstatians can be ignorant, they adopt tattoos and piercing into society

without understanding the cultures they come from. As a citizen who does not know

another reality I have overlooked the bizarre customs which the author describes. From

my perspective the side of the rode which I drove on was not the wrong side, the absence

of the number thirteen in buildings was seen as common sense, the superstitions became

engraved in me and the hand gestures I used were innocent until I read Aztlan. As a result
I have begun to think and question the customs and society I have grown up in.

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