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JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY, Nov. 1985, p. 757-760 Vol. 22, No.

Copyright 1985, American Society for Microbiology

Rapid Viral Diagnosis of Acute Respiratory Infections: Comparison

of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay and the
Immunofluorescence Technique for Detection of Viral Antigens in
Nasopharyngeal Secretions
Department of Virology, National Bacteriological Laboratory, S-105 21 Stockholm, Sweden,' and Division of
Microbiological Reagents and Quality Control, Central Public Health Laboratory, London, England2
Received 11 March 1985/Accepted 6 August 1985

Nasopharyngeal secretions from adults and children were obtained in Stockholm, Sweden, for routine
diagnosis of influenza A virus, influenza B virus, respiratory syncytial (RS) virus, parainfluenza type 3 virus,
and adenovirus infections by demonstration of viral antigens directly in the specimens. The cells in
nasopharyngeal secretions were pelleted by centrifugation for preparation of cell deposits for diagnosis by the
immunofluorescence technique (IF) in London, England, and in Stockholm, whereas the supernatants were
used to diagnose infection by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in Stockholm. Titrations of the
various purified viruses showed that ELISA could detect viral antigens in amounts corresponding to 1 to 10 ng
of virus protein per test well. In a series of 73 specimens tested for influenza A, RS, and parainfluenza type 3
viruses by IF in London and by ELISA in Stockholm, 15 of 18 RS, 14 of 15 influenza A, and 2 of 2 parainfluenza
type 3 viral infections were diagnosed by ELISA as compared with IF, giving sensitivities for RS and influenza
A viral diagnosis of 83 and 93%, respectively, and a specificity of 100%. In another series of specimens from
35 patients tested for influenza B virus and adenovirus, five influenza B virus and four adenovirus infections
were diagnosed by both methods; one additional influenza B infection was detected only by IF and another only
by ELISA. Comparisons of diagnostic results between the two methods performed in Stockholm gave
nonagreement of results for 37 of 1,593 tests (2.5%) for the five viruses. The conclusion reached was that the
described ELISA, although a satisfactory test, had somewhat less sensitivity than did IF for the detection of
respiratory viral infections. This could possibly be explained by unnecessary dilutions of specimens at the time
of collection; transportation, processing, and storage of specimens were less complicated than for IF.

The value of rapid viral diagnosis of respiratory infections sensitivity of IF as compared with virus isolation could be
has been pointed out in many publications (3, 12). Specific calculated from the results of the two centers to be 98 and
virus diagnosis obtained a few hours after the admittance of 95% for RS virus diagnosis and 100 and 94% for influenza A
the patient to the hospital may lead to antiviral treatment (4) diagnosis.
in children seriously ill with respiratory syncytial (RS) virus The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was
infections or to the omission of unnecessary antibiotic treat- introduced for the diagnosis of RS virus in nasopharyngeal
ment. It is also an important aid in combatting hospital specimens (NPS) in 1979 (1). This was followed by a series of
cross-infections. reports from Finland on immunoassays for diagnosis of
The immunofluorescence (IF) technique has, until the last different respiratory viruses (9, 10), which showed the use-
few years, been the only good, rapid technique available for fulness of immunoassays for large-scale diagnosis and
detection of viral antigen in clinical specimens. The method pointed out the advantage of the automatic reading of results
has been recommended by the World Health Organization with a spectrophotometer. For adenovirus diagnosis, a
(12), which has also included the technique in their Manual higher diagnostic rate, 85%, was obtained by antigen detec-
for Rapid Laboratory Viral Diagnosis (11). The European tion in NPS by radioimmunoassay than by determination of
Group for Rapid Viral Diagnosis used the indirect IF and serum antibody responses by ELISA or complement fixation
quality-controlled reagents for a study in children on the tests (7). In other reports ELISA has been shown to be
epidemiology of RS, influenza A, and parainfluenza types 1 somewhat less sensitive for RS virus diagnosis than are the
and 3 viruses in several European countries (8). Using the IF technique (5) and virus culture (6).
same IF reagents as those used in Stockholm, Sweden, in the The present study compared ELISA with the IF technique
present study, we earlier compared the results of diagnosis for the routine detection of RS virus, influenza A and B
of influenza A and RS viruses in specimens from 139 children viruses, parainfluenza type 3 virus, and adenovirus in clini-
by IF and by virus isolation. The agreement of IF between cal specimens.
the two centers (2) was 95% for the 62 samples positive for
RS virus infections and 94% for the 18 samples positive for MATERIALS AND METHODS
influenza A infections. One additional RS virus result, but no
additional influenza A, was found by virus isolation. The Design of the study. Routine diagnosis was performed in
Stockholm by IF as well as by ELISA. Duplicate cell smears
were examined by IF in London, England. As several
Corresponding author. examinations were performed in the two centers with each

TABLE 1. ELISA (Stockholm)-IF (London) comparison of below was added to duplicate wells for each virus investi-
results for diagnosis of respiratory infections in NPS' gated and incubated overnight at 37C. The wells were
Specimen No. of specimensb
washed, 100 [LI of virus-specific antiserum (rabbit, dilution
examined for E+/IF+ E-/IF- E-/IF+ E+/IF- 1:1,000) was added to each well, and the plates were
incubated for 1 h at 37C. After repeated washing, 100 RI of
RS virus 15 55 3 0 alkaline phosphatase-conjugated antirabbit immunoglobulin
Influenza A virus 14 58 1 0 G (Orion Diagnostica, ESPO, Finland) was added at a
Parainfluenza 2 71 0 0 dilution of 1:100. Incubation for 1 h at 37C was followed by
type 3 virus another wash and by the addition of the substrate
paranitrophenylphosphate at 1 mg/ml (Sigma Chemical Co.).
Adenovirus 4 31 0 0 The results were recorded by measuring absorbance at 405
Influenza B virus 5 28 1 1 nm in a Titertec spectrophotometer (Flow Laboratories,
NPS were from 73 patients investigated for RS, influenza A, and Inc.). A cut-off valve for positivity was estimated for each
parainfluenza type 3 viruses and from 35 patients investigated for influenza B experiment as three times background activity, which cor-
virus and adenovirus infections. responded to absorbance values of .0.1.
bE, ELISA; +, positive; -, negative. All reagents for ELISA were produced in the Stockholm
laboratory, with the exception of the bovine RS virus
NPS, and the amount of secretion was limited, a choice of antiserum (Wellcome). The guinea pig sera were produced
etiological agents to be investigated was necessary. The by intranasal infection, followed by intradermal immuniza-
choice was based on the epidemiological situation and the age tion as described by Sarkkinen et al. (9). The rabbit sera
of the patient. (i) Comparisons of IF results from London and were obtained after immunization with purified virus and
ELISA results from Stockholm were done on 73 specimens immunization with incomplete adjuvant.
tested for RS, influenza A, and parainfluenza type 3 viruses Specimens for ELISA. At collection NPS were usually
and on 35 specimens tested for influenza B virus and diluted two to three times in saline. The specimens were
adenovirus. (ii) For tests performed by IF and ELISA only in devoid of most cells, which had been pelleted for IF. They
Stockholm, the clinical diagnosis was considered, which were sonicated in a Branson sonifier cell disruptor (B15) for
resulted in various numbers of tests being performed for the 1 to 3 min and subsequently diluted 1:2 in dilution buffer
five different viruses. Altogether, 1,593 tests were performed (20% fetal bovine serum, 2% Tween 20, 0.02% NaN3).
using both ELISA and IF.
Specimens. NPS from patients with acute respiratory RESULTS
infections were collected in Stockholm by suction of secre-
tions into mucus traps as described by Gardner and McQuil- ELISA. The ELISA results could easily be read by eye but
lin (3). Upon arrival in the Stockholm laboratory, the cells were always also measured by spectrophotometer. The
were separated by centrifugation, washed and deposited on sensitivity obtained varied somewhat: 10, 2, 10, 10, and 1 ng
microscope slides, and fixed in acetone for subseuqent of virus protein per test well (0.1 ml) could be detected of
immunofluorescent staining. Duplicate cell smears were sent purified RS virus, influenza A virus, parainfluenza 3 virus,
by air mail to London, where they were received 2 to 4 days influenza B virus, and adenovirus, respectively. The two
later. The supernatant fluid was used for diagnosis by ELISAs developed for influenza A and B viruses showed
ELISA. reactions with egg material, but this had no influence on tests
IF test. Cell smears were prepared on microscope slides of tissue culture-grown virus or on clinical material.
with three smears on each slide and then fixed in acetone. IF (London)-ELISA (Stockholm) study. Specimens from 73
The smears were stained for influenza A, RS, and patients were tested for RS, influenza A, and parainfluenza
parainfluenza type 3 viruses; in certain cases the smears type 3 viruses. ELISA gave 31 positive results: 15 RS, 14
were stained for influenza B virus and adenovirus. The influenza A, and 2 parainfluenza type 3 infections (Table 1).
indirect IF technique was used (3, 12). The reagents used for IF detected three additional RS virus infections and one
IF in Stockholm were produced either by Wellcome Diag- influenza A (Table 1). The sensitivity for ELISA as com-
nostics in bovines (influenza A, RS, and parainfluenza type 3 pared with IF was 83 and 93% for detection of RS and
viruses) or by the Stockholm laboratory in rabbits (adenovi- influenza A virus, respectively, while the specificity was
rus). Influenza B antiserum (rabbit) was obtained as a gift 100%. The two parainfluenza type 3 infections were detected
from J. McQuillin, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle by both methods. Two of three RS virus IF-positive,
upon Tyne, England. The reagents had been monitored by ELISA-negative specimens, as well as the discrepant influ-
quality by the European Group for Rapid Viral Diagnosis enza A result, were also confirmed as positives by IF in
and used by the authors in a previous study (2) on IF for RS Stockholm.
and influenza A diagnosis. In a second series of comparison, specimens from 35
In London the same bovine RS virus antiserum patients were investigated for adenovirus and influenza B
(Wellcome) was used for immunofluorescence as that used in infections. Adenovirus was diagnosed in four patients by
Stockholm, whereas for diagnosis of the other virus infec- both methods, and influenza B virus was diagnosed in five
tions, specific egg-globulins (Wellcome) were used. patients by both methods, while IF and ELISA each diag-
ELISA. ELISA was performed in microtiter plates nosed one additional positive influenza B infection. The
(M29AR; Dynatech Industries, Inc.). The wells were coated IF-positive, ELISA-negative influenza B specimen was also
with 100 RI of virus antiserum produced either in guinea pigs confirmed by positive IF results in Stockholm, while the
(influenza A and B viruses, adenovirus, and parainfluenza ELISA-positive, IF-negative specimen was not confirmed.
type 3 virus) or in bovines (RS virus), using dilutions ranging Altogether, in the two series of patients investigated by IF
from 1:300 to 1:1,000. After incubation for 3 h at 37C, the in London and ELISA in Stockholm, a viral infection was
wells were washed four times in saline buffer plus 0.05% diagnosed in 40 of 108 patients by both methods and an
Tween 20. Each specimen (100 ,ul) treated as described additional positive diagnosis was obtained in 5 patients by

the IF technique and an additional one was obtained by TABLE 2. Comparison of Stockholm results obtained by ELISA
ELISA. and IF of 1,593 tests for routine diagnosis of respiratory infections
IF-ELISA (Stockholm) study. Table 2 shows the results of Total no. No. of tests"
the IF and ELISA routine diagnosis in the Stockholm Specimen examined for of oftss
E +/IF + E-/IF + E +/IF-
laboratory. Of 1,593 tests, there was disagreement in the
results of 37 (2.5%). RS virus 563 88 11 3
RS virus. From 563 specimens, RS virus was detected in Influenza A virus 328 36 4 7
88 by both methods, IF detected 11 additional positive Parainfluenza type 3 virus 376 6 0 0
specimens, and ELISA detected 3 others which were not Adenovirus 112 4 0 0
positive by IF. Sensitivity and Specificity were 89 and 99%, Influenza B virus 214 20 8 4
respectively, as compared with those of IF. " E. ELISA; +, positive: -. negative.
Influenza A virus. In 328 specimens, 36 were positive by
the two methods. IF detected four additional positives, and
ELISA detected seven others. ELISA sensitivity and spec- investigation in which antigens to be detected are packed in
ificity were 90 and 98%, respectively, as compared with the nasopharyngeal cells and the cells are concentrated by
those of IF. centrifugation before testing. ELISA, in contrast, tests the
Parainfluenza type 3 virus. There was total agreement diluted secretion, and for the reported study, all secretions
between the results by the two methods for diagnosis of the with any visible mucus material were investigated.
six parainfluenza type 3 infections detected in 376 tests. One disadvantage in the present study was that ELISA
Adenovirus. There was total agreement between the re- was performed on secretions in which the cell fraction was
sults by the two methods for diagnosis of four adenovirus already removed (for IF). Although some cells contained
infections found in 112 specimens. large amounts of viral antigens visible in the IF investigation,
Influenza B virus. In 214 tests, 20 influenza B infections the presence of cells in the samples may not have been
were diagnosed by both methods, an additional 8 were crucial as the addition of cells to the secretion only negligibly
detected by IF, and 4 others were detected by ELISA, increased the optical density readings in ELISA. However,
resulting in 71% sensitivity and 98% specificity. one of seven specimens changed from negative to positive by
Additional test. Seven ELISA-negative, IF-positive RS the addition of cells to the secretions.
virus specimens were selected for additional testing. By the In the present study ELISA was found to be a good test
addition before retesting of part of the cell fraction to a method for the detection of RS virus, influenza A virus,
portion of the NPS fluid used for ELISA, the result of one parainfluenza type 3 virus, and adenovirus, although with a
specimen changed to positive, showing a slight increase of slightly decreased sensitivity as compared with IF. The main
the absorbance values. advantage over the IF technique was the automation in
recording results, which was much less time-consuming and
DISCUSSION required less proficiency than the reading of results in a
The described ELISA could detect viral antigens in microscope. Furthermore, transportation and storage of
amounts corresponding to 1 to 10 ng of virus protein per test specimens were facilitated as the viral antigens to be de-
well. The sensitivities for diagnosis in clinical specimens tected by the ELISA were not affected by 2 or 3 days of
were approximately 90 and 85% for influenza A and RS transportation or by freezing.
viruses, respectively, as compared with IF results. The same
sensitivity was earlier reported for RS virus diagnosis by
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