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Liberal Studies Teacher Preparation: LS 4000

Mathematics Lesson Plan

I. Common Core State Standards & Math Practice Standards

Write numbers from 0-20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-2- (with
0 representing a count of no objects).

Math Practice Standards: MP 5: Use appropriate tools and strategies. Tools may include a
pencil, paper, ruler, or any other helpful aids that will help a student successfully complete
each problem.

MP6: Attend to precision. Students will be able to demonstrate why they ordered the
numbers the way they did, along with sharing any prior knowledge they had that may have
helped them.

II. Unit of Study

Students will be able to trace numbers, cut them out, and glue them to a piece of paper in their
correct numerical order (numbers 1-20)

III. Student Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to count, correctly order, and orally say what number comes before
and after a given number from 0-20.

IV. Assessment
TTW observe how students ordered their numbers. Did they get help from a partner? Did they
look at a number line?
TTW assess students by observing how they worked when comparing the numbers and
determining what came before and after.
TTW walk around and listen to conversations students may have with one another if they need
TTW be able to know what students do and dont need more help on ordering numbers when she
collects the students completed work.

V. Materials & Resources

Colored Marker
Glue stick

VI. Implementation
1. Introduction to Lesson (Hook)
TTW will start by asking students to look at the five numbers written on the white board.
TTW give about one minute for students to look and interpret the numbers they see. TTW
ask, Who thinks they can put the five scrambled numbers you see on the board, in order?
TTW call on 2-3 students who want to come up and order the numbers the way they think is
appropriate. The class will do a thumbs up or thumbs down to see if they agree or disagree
with the order. Guess what!? Today ALL of us are going to be able to unscramble 20
numbers (1-20) and put them in order! Hopefully students will giggle with excitement.

2. Sequence of Activities
TTW will start by asking students to look at the five numbers written on the white board.
TTW give about one minute for students to look and interpret the numbers they see. TTW
ask, Who thinks they can put the five scrambled numbers you see on the board, in
order? TTW call on 2-3 students who want to come up and order the numbers the way
they think is appropriate. The class will do a thumbs up or thumbs down to see if they
agree or disagree with the order. Guess what!? Today ALL of us are going to be able to
unscramble 20 numbers (1-20) and put them in order! Hopefully students will giggle with
excitement. Does anybody know what the word order means? Go ahead and turn and
talk with someone next to you to see if we can figure out a good definition for this word.
(SMALL GROUP) TTW walk around the classroom and listen to some of the students
ideas. TTW will regain the classes attention by clapping and having them repeat the
clapping pattern by clapping back. Next, TTW ask some groups to share what they think
the word order means. TTW scaffold students by asking open ended questions such as
What is an example of order? TTW write down the ideas that students share on the
white board, to create a cohesive and understandable definition. (WHOLE GROUP)
TTW show students the big number line that is on the wall, point to each number, and
have students count together as a class the numbers (1-20). We will count together as a
class once through all 20 numbers in Spanish and repeat the same process in
English.TTW ask students to stand up and spread out. I am going to press play on the
boom-box and we are all going to dance around and sing along with the singer to count
our numbers 1-20. (Teacher has a specific song she has played with the students 2 days
prior to the lesson.) TTW say, I have two worksheets on each of your desks. The first
worksheet has 20 empty boxes, and the second worksheet has numbers 1-20 inside boxes.
The trick is that the numbers are all scrambled up! You will need to work independently
(ask peers if you have questions or need help) to figure out what numbers go where in the
boxes, so that all the numbers in the boxes are in order! First, you each will choose a
marker color of your choice or as many different colors as you want, and trace all the
numbers. Next, you will cut out each of the numbers. Dont forget to recycle any scraps!
Then you will use your glue stick and glue down the traced numbers into the empty boxes
so we can see the order of the numbers! When each student is done, we will once again
count the numbers in order the way you glued them down, to see if they are all where

they belong! Whos ready? Any questions? TTW answer any of the students
questions and clarify if needed.

21st Century Skills: Provide opportunities for students to develop most of the 21st Century
creativity, collaboration, communication, critical thinking & IMTS

3. Closure
TTW ask students sit down on the carpet in a circle to wrap up the lesson. TTW ask
students what they liked and disliked about the activity. (I think its very important to learn what
students enjoy and dont enjoy, so I can make activities more engaging for them.) Once students
respectfully share their ideas, TTW will hand each student a piece of paper with a number on it.
The students wont share what number they have with their peers. Once all the students have
received a number, TTW have them look at the number on the paper. and work together as a
class to get in a line in order from 1-20. (If I have more than 20 students I will have the number
start back at 1 and repeat the same process.)

VII. Grouping Strategies

Describe your use of the following grouping strategies that engage & support students in
achieving the SLOs:

* Whole: TTW write down the ideas that students share on the white board, to create a
cohesive and understandable definition.
*I am going to press play on the boom-box and we are all going to dance around and sing
along with the singer to count our numbers 1-20.

Small: Does anybody know what the word order means? Go ahead and turn and talk with
someone next to you to see if we can figure out a good definition for this word.

* Independent: You will need to work independently (ask peers if you have questions or
need help) to figure out what numbers go where in the boxes, so that all the numbers in the
boxes are in order!

VIII. Differentiated Instruction

1. One of the students struggles with ADHD. I know she has a difficult time remembering
the instructions because she gets so excited and engaged in certain steps, while forgetting about
the others. She will often ask me, What do I do again? I will write down the steps of
everything we are doing on the white board so when she (and other students) want to know what

the next step is, they will be able to answer the question themselves by looking on the board for

2. One of my students is from Spain. She knows some English, but is still struggling to
learn. I will have the numbers on the piece of paper say in both Spanish and in English what the
number is, along with a picture of the number. (I will do this with all of the papers I hand out to
students so that she doesnt feel singled out.)


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