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Preoperative Phase


* assessing and correcting physiologic and psychologic problems that might increase surgical
* giving the person and significant others complete learning and teaching guidelines regarding
* instructing and demonstrating exercises that will benefit the person during postop period.
* planning for discharge and any projected changes in lifestyle due to surgery.


Assessment of health factors that affects patients preoperatively:

1.Nutritional status – optimal nutrition is an essential factor in promoting healing and resisting
infection and other
surgical complications.
Nutrients important for wound healing:
a. Protein – to restore blood volume and plasma CHON lost.
- for tissue repair and resistance to infection.
- for replacement of lean body mass.
b. Calories – to restore normal weight and spare protein.
- to replace losses related to lack of oral intake and hypermetabolism.
c. Water – to replace fluid lost through vomiting, hemorrhage, fever, exudates, drainage
& diuresis
d. Vitamin C – needed for antibody and capillary formation, tissue synthesis and wound
healing through collagen formation.
e. Thiamine, Niacin, Riboflavin, Folic Acid & B12 – for cell proliferation thus tissue
synthesis, important for RBC
f. Vitamin A – for wound healing, tissue synthesis & increased Immune function.
g. Iron – to replace iron loss
h. Vitamin K – important for normal blood clotting.
i. Zinc – needed for protein synthesis and wound healing, needed for normal phagocyte
and lymphocyte response
2. Drug or Alcohol use – person with a history of chronic alcoholism often suffers from
malnutrition and other systemic problems that increases the surgical risk.
3. Respiratory status – the goal for potential surgical patients is optimal respiratory function.
- surgery is usually postponed if patient has a respiratory infection.
- patient with COPD (emphysema, bronchiectasis etc.) are assessed carefully.
- patients who smoke are urge to stop 2 months before surgery.
4. Cardiovascular status – the goal in preparing any patient for surgery is to ensure a well
functioning cardiovascular system to meet the oxygen, fluid and nutritional needs of the
perioperative period.
5. Hepatic and Renal function – presurgical goal is optimal function of the liver and urinary
system to enhanceremoval of medications, anesthetics agents, body wastes and toxins
from the body.
6. Endocrine function – patient with diabetes who is undergoing surgery is at risk for
hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.
7. Immune function – an important function of the preoperative assessment is to determine the
existence of allergies.
8. Previous Medication use – a medication history is obtained from each patient because of the
possibility of drug interactions.

Medications with are potential to affect the surgical experience:

a. Corticosteroids – can cause cardiovascular collapse if discontinued suddenly.
b. Diuretics – during anesthesia may cause respiratory depression resulting from an associated
electrolyte imbalance.
c. Phenothiazines – increases the hypotensive action of anesthetics.
d. Tranquilizers – may cause anxiety, tension & seizures if withdrawn suddenly.
e. Insulin – its interaction with anesthetics must be considered in a patient with diabetes.
f. Antibiotics (erythromycin) – when combine with curariform muscle relaxant, nerve
transmission is interrupted and apnea from respiratory paralysis.
g. Anticoagulants – increase the risk of bleeding during intraoperative and postoperative.
h. Antiseizure medications – should be administered intravenously to keep patient seizure-free.
i. Monoamine Oxidase (MAO) inhibitors – may increase hypotensive action of anesthesia.

• Causes of fears of the pre-operative clients:

 Fear of the unknown
 Fear of anesthesia, vulnerability while unconscious
 Fear of pain
 Fear of death
 Fear of disturbance in body image
 Worries – loss of finances, employment, social and family roles.

 Anxiousness
 Bewilderment
 Anger
 Tendency to exaggerate
 Inability to concentrate
 Short attention span

Preoperative Nursing Problems:
1. Anxiety related to the surgical experience (anesthesia & pain) & outcome of surgery
2. Fear related to perceived threat of the surgical procedure and separation from support system
3. Knowledge deficit of preoperative procedures and protocols and postoperative expectation


> explore client’s feelings
> allow client/s to speak openly about fears / concerns
> give accurate information regarding surgery
> give empathetic support
> consider the persons religious preferences and arrange for visit by priest as desired

Preoperative Nursing Management:

1. Teach deep-Breathing, Coughing and Incentive Spirometer
2. Encourage mobility and active body movement
3. Pain management – patient-controlled analgesia (PCA), epidural catheter bolus or infusion &
patient controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA)
4. Teach cognitive coping strategies
a. Imagery – patient concentrates on a pleasant experience or restful scene.
b. Distraction – patient thinks of an enjoyable story or recites a favorite poem or song.
c. Optimistic self-recitation – patient recites optimistic thoughts (“I know all will go well”)
5. Instruction for Ambulatory Surgical patients:
a. Inform the patient the scheduled date and time of the surgery and where to report.
b. Instruct what to bring (insurance card, list of meds & allergies)
c. Instruct what to leave at home (jewelry, watch, medications & contact lenses)
d. Instruct what to wear (loose-fitting, comfortable clothes & flat shoes)
e. Remind the patient not to eat or drink as directed (fasting period of 8 hours or more is


- correct any dietary deficiencies
- reduce an obese person’s weight
- correct fluid and electrolyte imbalances.
- restore adequate blood volume with blood transfusion
- treat chronic diseases – DM , HEART DISEASE, RENAL
- halt or treat any infectious process
- treat an alcoholic person with vitamin supplementation
- deep breathing exercises – diaphragmatic
- incentive spirometry
- coughing exercises
- turning exercises
- foot and leg exercises


- Preparing the skin:
> have full bath to reduce microorganisms in the skin
> shaving if possible
. Preparing the GI tract:
> NPO ; cleansing enema is required
. Preparing for anesthesia:
> avoid alcohol and cigarette smoking for at least 24hrs before surgery
. Promoting rest and sleep:
> administer sedatives as ordered.


Early AM care:
- awaken 1hr before preop medication
- morning bath; mouth wash/ oral care
- provide clean gown
- remove hairpins, dentures, foreign materials, colored nail polish, hearing aid, contact
lens..( wedding ring – tie with gauze and fasten around the wrist)
- take baseline VS BEFORE PREOP
- check ID band, skin prep
- check for special orders- enema, GI tube insertion, IV line
- have client void before preop medication
- continue to support emotionally
- accomplish preop checklist

What to Remove
Nail polish
Make up


Goals: - to facilitate the administration of any anesthetic
- to minimize respiratory tract secretions and changes in heart rate
- to relax the client and reduce anxiety.

Commonly Used Preop Meds

1. Sedatives/ Hypnotics/ Tranquilizers
 Decrease anxiety
 Provide sedation
 Nembutal (pentobarbital Sodium)
 Vistaril (hydroxyzine)
 Valium (diazepam)
 Phenergan (promethazine)
 Versed (midazolam)
2. Narcotics
 Relieve pain/ discomfort
 Demerol
 Fentanyl
 Check respiratory depression

3. Anticholinergics
 Decreases
Decreases secretions of saliva and gastric juices; prevents
 Atropine Sulfate
> Scopalamine
> check
check BP and HR
> Dry mouth, drowsiness, urinary hesitancy
4. Antiulcer (Histamine H2 Antagonist)
 prevent aspiration pneumonitis
> Ranitidine (Zantac)
>Cimetidine (Tagamet)
>Famotidine ( Pepcid)
5. Antiemetics
 Decrease nausea and vomiting
>Metoclopramide (Reglan)

Patient’s family:
> direct proper visiting room
> doctor informs family after surgery
> explain reason for long interval of waiting
> explain what to expect postop

Pre-op Nursing Evaluation

1. Reports relief of anxiety
2. Reports that fear is decreased
3. Voices understanding of surgical intervention
4. Shows no evidence of preoperative complications

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