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Are You Passionate

Healthy Relationships,
Racial Justice,
and Feminism?
Become A
Peer Educator
Legal Momentum is recruiting Peer Educators
to support our Rights Now! program. Rights
Now! provides peer education on healthy
relationships and dating violence to teens &
young women of color in NYC.

Responsibilities Take Aways

Commitfor:25 weeks Get paid! $15/hr
5-7hours perweek Build Facilitation Skills
Jan 1-June 30, 2018 Gain Leadership Experience
Build Your Resume
Helpdevelopmaterials& Create Awesome Community
workshops about healthy
relationships, teen dating Qualifications
violence, consent,&legal
rights Between the ages of 16-24
Comfortable speaking to peers
Presentworkshops throughout about sex& sexuality
NYC Mature, reliable, and responsible
No prior experience necessary!

Apply at:

For more information email:


Young women of color strongly encouraged to apply.

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