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Name of Article: Marketing Automation
Author: TODOR Raluca Dania
Journal Name: Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V : Economic
Date of Article: 2016


Gaining a strong consumer base and maintaining that relationship is mandatory for
a company to function. Marketing automation can make this happen. Marketing
automation ultimately controls content that is posted out to the customers in order
to best reflect needs or products that the customer is likely to be interested in. The
return on investment is excellent due to the fact that it is still marketing just
making it more useful the first time. Business are also using Business Intelligence,
otherwise known as BI, in order to increase ROI and to make a bigger profit with
their resources. CMR, Customer Relationship Management, is another tool that can
help a business keep their customer and account information organized in ways to
better help their service teams deal with consumers. One solid piece of advice that
companies follow is you will not be trying to sell a single product to as many
customers as possible. Instead, youll be trying to sell a single customer as many
products as possible over a long period of time, and across different product lines.
(Peppers 1996, 21)


Title of Article: Technology Use in a Human Resource Department
Author: Antonio Ward
Year: 2017

Technology continues to excel day in and day out. Certain areas of business
technologies are starting to figure out how to really utilize our new resources and
technological advancements in order to benefit their departments. Human
Resources, to be specific, is one department that will soon be able to thrive with
using new technology to the best of its ability. Recruiting costs companies
thousands of dollars if it is done incorrectly, but when used effectively, the HRIS tool
can counteract those costly mistakes. HRIS stands for Human Resource Information
System and was proven to have benefited organizations when it comes to hiring
qualified applicants, reducing costs, and improving communication (Ward 2017).


Name of Article: Indiana University Drops Parking Privatization Plan
Author: Caitlin Devitt
Newspaper Article
Date: October 2013

Universities around the United States continue to grow to be bigger institutes
each and every year, which leads to growing issues a main one being parking. The
University of Indiana attempted to lease out their private parking for 50 years in order to
raise fundings. Ohio State University completed this feat in 2013 raising $483 million.
After pulling back on this proposal, the University announced that they would be
making improvements to their current parking systems with the hopes of gaining
additional revenues from them. This decision was made after a two-day board meeting
discussing the benefits of this idea between all trustees. This deal will be leaving the
University of Indiana with $200 million that they will be able to disperse as needed.

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