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Complete parts A-D before the presentation/event, and then parts E implementation. Use this outline
as a guide for developing all programs and presentations. The questions in each section are designed to
help you in the development process. You must answer all of the questions listed, but if you feel there
is other important information please include that as well.


Event: Senior Presentation (Diabetes Key) Topic: Healthy Holiday Alternatives

Event Date: 11/9/2017 Location: Cheshire Medical Center

Intern Name(s): Brenna Robinson, Ajeelon Boyd

Team Leader: Brenna Robinson Preceptor: Whitney Hightower

Person responsible for writing the COP: Brenna Robinson, Ajeelon Boyd


1. Identify site contact: Patricia Schumann, RD

2. Identify population
a) Gender: Primarily Males, Few Females Mixed
b) Age: Older adults, age 60+
c) Education level: Varies, education materials matched to an 8th grade level
d) Number of participants: 10+

3. How was topic determined (Did you speak with anyone about the group? Did you get to observe
the setting and participants beforehand? If so, describe the participants and any other pertinent
information (i.e. if in a classroom, observe classroom management techniques).
a) Other programs recently presented
We are the first group to go this year.

b) What the audience knows Audience is current on current topics in health and most have
lived with diabetes for a long time so they have a good knowledge of the disease and complications that
go along with it. The audience has varying levels of education related to nutrition. The majority of the
audience holds at least a basic understanding of nutrition information, some have a deeper
understanding. Most hear this information from family, friends, and health care providers.
c) What the audience wants to know - what is relevant It is relevant to provide nutrition
information that the audience may be missing (more in depth information), the most important piece is
how this may relate to them and how they can apply the information. It seems that the audience is
looking to learn more about making the most of eating with diabetes. They asked for basic meal prep
because they are short on time.

d) Evaluate health literacy - and other cultural issues

-Group has a basic understanding of health topics. They have a higher than average knowledge of
diabetes issues such as medications to manage DM, CHO management and how their food choices and
lifestyle patterns affect their DM and A1C. They spoke about their A1C levels a lot during our tour.
- Racially the group is minimally diverse, most individuals are Caucasian and from rural New

4. Setting - tour of facility

a) Room size and set up (diagram)

Extra table to the side

Table for computer and projector

b) Presentation resources
- Availability of food prep area
There is not a food prep area; however, we can use the long countertop along the wall to set up any
food samples.
- AV resources - space available for visual teaching aids
AV resources - Space available for visual teaching aids- A projector is available to display
PowerPoint slides.
5. Day of week/ time of day for presentation

- Thursday November 9th, 2017 @ 6:30-7:30

6. Duration
a) Attention span: This group is able to hold their focus for an hour-long presentation with ample
time for discussion, questions and activities.
b) Conflict with other activities for population: No conflict- this is their normal scheduled
meeting time

7. Marketing potential - whose responsibility: CMC

8. Budget
a) Will there be a charge: No charge.
b) Funds to cover supplies: $15-20 Cheshire Medical
c) Cost of marketing: No cost.

9. Best way/time to reach site contact for future plans:

By email Monday-Friday pschuman@cheshire-med.com

10. Write a community group focused PES statement based on your assessment.

- Food and nutrition related knowledge deficit related to lack of prior in depth education on holiday
alternatives as evidenced by request for topic review by site.

C. RESEARCH AND PLANNING (how, who, and when the process of your work):

1. Meeting Dates
Dates scheduled for planning and who will attend.
10/27/17- Brenna and Ajee Brainstorming
10/31/17- Brenna and Ajee Brainstorming/slides/outline
11/5/17-Brenna andAjee Slides/Outline/Handout
11/9/17-Brenna and Ajee Meal prep samples

7 day meeting
o 11/3/2017 Whitney, Brenna, Ajee

Evaluation meeting scheduled for:

o Directly following presentation

2. Based on the results of the needs assessment, what did you do to prepare?

Brainstormed a few ideas that would be of interest to this population and ran them past the group who
gave us a topic that they would be more interested in learning about.

3. How did you go about the development process? Who was involved?

Weve worked collaboratively together the whole time. Weve been utilizing the conference room to
collaboratively work on the powerpoint. We have worked on things individually but big projects have
been completed together.
4. What resources did you use? Why did you choose them and how did you find them? Relate back
to your assessment section.

We toured the facility first and ask the group what they wanted to know. One woman asked for healthy
holiday desserts. From that we thought healthy holiday alternatives may provide more information.

D. DEVELOPMENT (what the outcome of your planning and development):

1. Measurable Learning Objectives:

1. Identify two meal alternatives modification you will incorporate during the holidays
2. Describe one way you will modify a traditional recipe

2. Outline of presentation:

Please see powerpoint or outline

3. Describe how your presentation addresses different learning styles:

Auditory: Presentation is provided through lecture and discussion of content with the group. There is
always opportunity for questions. The activities also provide room for discussion.

Visual:Powerpoint and handout are tools used to visually relay information.

Kinesthetic: Passed around samples if possible. Audience will have handouts and be encouraged to
take part in group discussions.

List ways that you included multiple intelligences in your planning:

o Linguistic: Discussions (Small and large group) throughout the presentation

o Spatial/Logical: Addressed by using pictures, drawings/diagrams on powerpoint

o Interpersonal: Discussion in group activities

o Intrapersonal: Group is encouraged to think about ways that they can incorporate
meal prep into their everyday lives.

4. Explain how your planned evaluation method will show whether youre learning objectives were
We created an activity at the end where they could write alternatives to a traditional meal they
enjoy. During this activity we will be evaluating each objective.
5. What problems did you encounter in the development process?
I (Brenna) dont think we ran into any problems. I found it personally challenging coming up with a
I (Ajee) felt that planning and development process went smooth. As expected, we had to work around
each other's schedule. I (Ajee) also felt like the 7 day meeting help us to refocus the presentation and
helped us with adding more substance to the presentation.

Complete sections E after the presentation/event is complete.


1. For a program or presentation, describe objectively what happened the day of the presentation,
using examples. Include any last minute changes to the planned setting, audience, number of

The day of the presentation we arrived to CMC. We were told we were in a different room,
however we did not know how different it would be. We were in a waiting room of the hospital. We did
not have tables which wouldve been very helpful for the activity and food samples. The number of
participants was better than last time but still less than what we expected. But I (Brenna) think it the
number of participants worked for the room we had. I (Ajee) found out about the room change the day
of the presentation, so I feel that threw me off a little bit, but I feel that we handled the environment
change well.

2. Did the presentation go as planned? Reflect on what went well?

I (Brenna) think that we had a great topic. I think we had good content. We created a discussion
with this presentation and I think it was effective. I (Ajee) think that the presentation went very well and
the audience really valued the information that we presented.

3. How did the audience react to the presentation? Summarize and comment on preceptor

The audience seemed to enjoy our samples. I (Brenna) am glad we decided to do the samples.
The feedback we received from Whitney was that we needed to know our audience. We had a hard time
relying the benefits back to a diabetics perspective. For example, why would it be important to get more
protein from Greek yogurt dip. I (Ajee) was really happy to see that the audience was interested in
implementing some of the modifications and alternatives that we suggested that evening.

4. How well did the audience grasp your objectives?

I (Brenna) think they liked the options that we provided and were opened to trying the
alternatives. It was hard to gauge if they grasped the objectives because the activity was a tad rushed
and the room set up was difficult. I (Ajee) feel that the audience grasped the objectives and concepts of
the presentation really well. I (Ajee) also feel that the participants will actively implement modifications
and meal alternatives during the upcoming holidays.

5. What would you do differently/the same the next time - or what would you change if you had
more time? How effective do you feel your program/material was for the target audience?

I (Brenna) think that if I could go back and do it again, I would try to reinforce the why. Why is
it important that they know these alternatives. Why is it does it matter to them as diabetics? I still
believe that we did a great job creating a discussion out of the presentation. I think that it works the
best with this audience. I (Ajee) would provide more information regarding why it is important to pay
attention to the nutritional components of food items and draw those connections for them instead of
leaving it to them to make those connections.

6. Recommendations for future Interns:

Bring samples appropriate for the group

Continue to ask yourself why

Create a discussion with this group, they love to tell stories

Clearly draw conclusions and connections for them, dont leave it to them to do it.

7. Financial Report:

Cost of Development: (Includes: labor for preparing the project, food cost for testing the food
activity; please note that labor costs include hours worked by ALL team members)
Labor ($25/hour):Brenna 16.50 * $25 = $412.50
Ajee: 18.5 x $25=$462.50
Food/All Samples: Brenna $15.39

Cost of Presenting: (Includes: labor, food, flip charts ($28), see following link for cost of copies
http://www.keene.edu/mailsvs/printfees.cfm, and other supplies)
Labor ($25/hour): 1.5 * $50 = $75
Copies: $2.40
Food: $15.39
Other supplies and costs:N/A

Overall costs: Brenna with copies = $467.79

Ajee with copies=$545.50
Within one week of the presentation, provide internship preceptor with a completed COP, Presentation
Evaluation form, Handout(s), a Team Leader Report, and PDE if completed by an outside supervisor.
(PDE required for sites with 2 presentations or >32 hours). Attach a copy of the materials, PowerPoint,
and any handouts/resources used for the presentation.

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