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The Theory Of Devolution ...?

A Defining Dissertation of Dissolution Of The Theory Falsely Depicted As Evolution

Written By Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn
Copyright © 2014 Marvin Thomas Cox
dba: Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn
All Rights Reserved

Supporters of Evolution expect us to believe that life issued forth, billions of years ago,
out of some primordial soup subsisting of just the right mixture of life creating and sustaining
elements, chemicals and substances, to somehow, (with no explanation as to where these
substances originated or how they came to be in the soup pot of life's creation) spontaneously,
become something other than a hodgepodge brew — that would likely poison anyone who
happened along to drink it — all without a master chef to determine exactly which of these
magical ingredients, and what quantities of each, would be sufficient to create life out of non-
life as the greatest recipe in the history of the earth, possibly the universe itself … And with not
a single soul to witness this great event to affirm this alleged theory presented as truth ...
Bear in mind that, these self same great and scholarly minds also expect us to believe
that all of creation issued forth from a single pin point of light with no explanation as to where
this pin point of light emanated from, nor who, exactly, was there to witness this explosive Big
Bang event that set the Universe itself into existence to culminate in life upon this earth ...
As if this were not enough malarkey to swallow, Evolutionists would also have us believe
that — as a result of the Big Bang that produced the primordial soup, which in turn produced
the first speck of life as some protoplasmic-gobbledygook-single-cell-organism — man
descended from apes who in turn descended from other lower mammals working backwards in
time and history downwards to cold blooded animals; then on down to yet even lower animals;
to eventually arrive1 at some form of fish-like creature; to then continue spiraling downwards in
arriving at that very first protoplasmic-gobbledygook-single-cell-organism swimming around
merrily in creation's soup — chef-less of course. And, again, we are to swallow this hook, line,
and sinker ...
1 Should we wonder where insects, arachnids, & fungi fit into the schemes of things? I guess they never had any aspirations to be either an ape, or a man
The Theory Of Devolution by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn 1

A Bit Of Logical Humor To Chew Upon ...

I pose a curious question: What prompted fish to think (do they think?) of growing legs?
We are told (by Evolutionist scientists) that at one time the seas covered almost all the earth.
Even when the seas receded and land appeared, water has remained, throughout the history of
the earth, to always occupy a much greater area of the earth's surface than does land. So, if
Evolution took millions of years, then what shortage of water lasted for such a length of time as
to give rise to fish coming forth out of the water to suddenly sprout legs?
Are fish unhappy with their watery existence? Honestly, do fish think? If so, was there
some type of drought which dried up most all the earth — one which scientists know nothing of
to date in history — that prompted a general assembly of all concerned fish citizens? In such a
theoretical fishy gathering, did some speaker of the wettest oceans stand up to declare before
all the fishes of the world that something had to be done, with cries of, “Brother and sister
fishes, if we do not take measures to grow ourselves some legs (and some lungs?) we're all
gonna die! …”
What was wrong with the water back then, since (according to Evolutionists once again)
there was no Mankind present to blame for polluting it? Why would a fish happy in the sea
choose to leave? Do we, in our over thinking of things, presume to suppose that fish in the sea
think as we?


Evolution … It is taught in schools from elementary to college, as a theory from which

the term theory has been conveniently dropped despite the fact that there is not, to date, a shred
of concrete evidence to support its validity.
Evolutionist scientists and laymen lay claim that the evidence in support of the alleged
Theory Of Evolution exists, without doubt, in fossilized records of the past, though not a single
fossilized proof has, to date, been discovered as exhibits of some creature of one form or
another evolving (transforming, shape shifting?) into a totally different and new species of
creature to dwell upon the earth.

The Theory Of Devolution by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn 2

Is there strong evidence to support a Theory Of Adaptation? Yes, as we do see creatures
upon this earth evidencing adaptation to their environment, and as a result animals in colder
environments grow thicker and longer hair, where animals in other environments grow longer
claws, etc., but no where on the planet is there to be found an example of a bear evolving into a
horse, an ape, a bird — vice versa or what have you. We have different varieties of bears, but
no bears becoming men to growl like bears in support of Evolution, and no fossil remains to
indisputably support such claims ...
Evolutionists (self appointed experts at assessing things alleged to be true without
evidence of the reality of such facts) also tell us that Evolution is an ever present and ongoing
process upon the earth, even today. Once more — in this grand, ridiculously flamboyant,
flimflam perpetrated against the intelligence of Mankind 2 — I must declare the facts:
Evolutionists possess no (as in nada, if one has but a slight grasp of the Spanish language)
evidence to support this claim that is taught in schools and colleges on a daily basis across
America, and around the world.


Reality 101 With No BS (Bull Stories)

Reality 101: Complex organisms and creatures cannot possibly come to, just suddenly,
exist in evolving forth from lesser complex organisms and creatures; creatures whose
anatomies possess and support intricate systems of organs (such as circulatory, digestive,
respiratory, renal, nervous, audio, optical, muscular, skeletal, etc.) cannot have come into
existence as viable living creatures upon the earth without the aid of each and every system
interdependently necessary as being mandatory to other supporting systems essential in keeping
the creature alive and functional.
In an average Joe's language for us dummies, you cannot have a globule of protoplasm
spring into existence with an eyeball developing and sticking out of its ooze, without also having
the other necessary supportive systems with which to supply ole-single-cell-one-eye's one and
only eye with blood, oxygen, and nourishment to keep it functional and alive. In addition to the
above mentioned necessities, reality 101 dictates that an eye is worthless without a suitably
developed nervous system to operate it and provide the eye with nerve pathways to send and
receive signals of what is seen to the nervous system command center — referred to commonly
as a brain. Without the presence of a functionally suitable nervous system ole-single-cell-one-
eye would soon find itself to be a literal McDonald’s happy meal for the first of predator
2 Obviously one must be descended from an ape to believe such monkey pooh

The Theory Of Devolution by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn 3

passersby. Why so? Without a nerve signal reporting a visual image to the brain that a
predator is approaching, then there will be no response from the brain to the gooey globule
body of ole-single-cell-one-eye to tell it to, “Run fool, run!” ...
The Catch 223 is that a creature's brain must also be accompanied by suitable life
support systems (lungs, heart, kidneys, digestive tract, etc.) with which to keep it alive and to
support its proper functioning in its designated task of governing the creature's body and in turn
keeping that body alive. Without the presence of a brain, then there will be no intricate systems
(heart, lungs, kidneys, digestive tract, etc.) to support a brain that is not there, and in turn there
will also be no brain to support the lack of such intricate supportive systems. The bottom line
is: No brain, no gain …
This said, a brain cannot develop on its own as (eyes, hearts, lungs, kidneys, digestive
tract, etc.) other systems also cannot develop on their own. The systems found to be contained
within a particular creature, (however complex or simple) must develop in their proper
sequence of development before the creature's arrival into the world at the end of the
reproductive cycle.
The more simple the brain a creature possesses, the simpler the systems needed to
support such a brain. This is why single cell organisms function quite well at what they do — in
their purpose in life and existence — without the aid of a complex brain, its nucleus sufficing in
supplying all its single-cell needs.
An insect possesses a very tiny and simple brain that is perfectly suitable for the support
systems which in turn support it in keeping the scurrying, ravenous, little bug alive, to hunt, kill,
eat, defecate, and reproduce.
The more complex the creature, the larger and more complex the brain housed within its
skull , and the more complex the brain, the more complex the various systems needed to support
the brain's size and complexity.
In drawing this discussion towards an eventual conclusion, at the end of any day — be it
a day millions of years in the past or millions of years into the future — the Theory of Evolution
is a plausible sounding theory that is simply lacking in substantiated concrete evidence of a
fossilized, skeletal, or living specimen of that infamously missing key to Darwin's Evolutionary
puzzle known as The Missing Link — missing evidence that would irrefutably demonstrate that
man, indeed, descended from apes, if it truly ever existed and, if it were ever discovered. Until
such a time, please do not misunderstand my motives or intentions. I have no problem with
Evolution being taught in educational facilities around the world, as a theory, only. However,
every Scientist is fully aware that a theory always remains a theory, until such time as it is
proven factual through the production of evidence supportive in providing it with a solid
foundational basis as Scientific Fact — thus, no longer a theory, but established fact.

3 Catch 22 refers to a phrase in a satirical book situated in World War II written by Joseph Heller.
4 an example of the skeletal system as a support system supporting and protecting other vital systems

The Theory Of Devolution by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn 4

Beyond any distorted sense of failure to implement proper application of logic or sanely
induced rational, The Theory of Evolution has, somehow, attained the, unspoken but true, status
of Science's privileged and pet theory — a teacher's favorite pet theory for which the bar of
accountability has been, conveniently, lowered in attempting to allow Darwin's theory to bypass
the standard Scientific scrutiny of requirements that call for all theories to be stringently
submitted to a verification process of examination, testing, and validation of proposed evidence
presented on its behalf as a candidate for transformation from the category of theory to that of
established and proven Scientific Fact — errantly allowed the audacity to be taught in
educational institutions around the world as an alleged Scientific Fact based solely, at best,
upon, purely, circumstantial evidence that flies in the face of any logical mind that dares reason
as to why such a change in the level of the bar has been made, exclusively, for The Theory of
Evolution, and, ultimately, for what purpose.
Yet, when those who possess logical minds seek credible answers, in posing that slyly
elusive (slippery as a well greased pig) question of, “So where's The Missing Link?,” the
advocates of Evolution immediately seek to dismiss this question as a trivially bothersome topic
not worth the waste of their time in explaining — along with a not so subtle inference of — to
those who will never understand — as if to insinuate that those who refuse to believe The
Theory of Evolution is a proven Scientific Fact (though currently unproven) by Blind Faith in
Science alone as that great determiner of truth, then, such persons are simply lacking in
Scientifically spiritual discernment that never comes to greet those who refuse to base their lives
upon a simple, child-like, faith in Science as the one true religion-like-source of accurate and
factual information.
As a result, the answer to this most valid and pertinent question will, quite often, be
cleverly avoided, ignored, or slyly side stepped by slipping in a slight of hand substitute answer,
in an overt attempt to offer up that purely circumstantial evidence, mentioned above, in hopes of
deterring and derailing a direct answer to a direct question which reveals that Science
possesses no hard, concrete, verifiable, substantiated evidence of Evolution being a Scientific
Fact, of ever becoming a Scientific Fact, short of put-up-or-shut-up-producing a certifiable
specimen, be it fossil remains, skeletal remains, or a living breathing example, that indisputably
establishes the ancient existence of a creature who roamed this earth as that perfect example of
an ape undergoing an Evolutionary process that would, one day, culminate in its descendants of
future generations becoming men — hence, The Missing Link.
As added food for thought: It is my humble opinion that, the primary motivational factor
driving those who seek to promote The Theory of Evolution as established Scientific Fact — in
full view of a diametrically opposed truth of reality that continues to confine Evolution within
that category of theory — is based upon a simple desire to disprove, eliminate, any possibility of
a Creator of all that is and will ever be (An Extant Catalyst Reactant Ultimate Source Point Of

The Theory Of Devolution by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn 5

Origin Of All Existence) in any form or fashion of similarity to that Garden of Eden, Creation
Scenario, rendition of God taught by the three variations of Organized Religion — and I sure as
hell do not blame them.
Having shared the above statement — I sure as hell do not blame them — as my readers,
please do not up and assume that I am an Atheist in belief or viewpoint. Not believing in the
concept of a Creator of all that is and will every be (An Extant Catalyst Reactant Ultimate
Source Point Of Origin Of All Existence) as portrayed and, definitively, proclaimed by
Organized Religion as being God — a three letter word most befitting the three competing faiths
of Monotheist Organized Religion who, each, lay claim to their God, as that One True God,
exclusively commanding them to convert the world — does not, necessarily, make one an Atheist
— but it damn sure tends to clarify that one is not a fool. Thus, allow me to clarify further, in
drawing from thoughts within my article, Deception Is A Whore's Face Smiling 5: It is my
personally derived estimation and conclusion that, “... Behind every Religion, seeking to
convert the world by means of words or war, is a man (or men) who seek(s) to rule the
world ...”
On the other hand, please do not venture towards the opposite extreme of wrongly
arriving at the assumption that, because, I am a Creationist, attesting that there is, undeniably
must be, a Creator of all that is and will ever be — An Extant Catalyst Reactant Ultimate
Source Point Of Origin Of All Existence — out there, somewhere, beyond Man's current grasp
of comprehension, I must be alluding to some familiar concept of that characterized and
personified rendition of a Creator, proclaimed to be God, sold daily as sheep's fodder, in
exchange for comforting lies and greenback tithes, to the Sheeple-Peoples of this world by the
mythological fairy-tale fabricating mind magicians and word wizards of the three blind mice
known as Organized Religion — when nothing, whatsoever, could be further from the frucking
truth. If a bit of profanity does nothing to get this crucial point across, then, nothing will.
Because, oftentimes, regardless of what we say in clear concise language, there are always
those who have already drawn their irreversible conclusions regarding us, what we believe, and
what we represent. However, it is my hope that my intended message will be comprehended by,
at least, a few cognizant readers seeking to learn the art of Free Thinking in open minded,
unbiased, objectiveness.
The necessitated existence of a Creator of all that is and will ever be that I speak of and
refer to — as An Extant Catalyst Reactant Ultimate Source Point Of Origin Of All Existence —
has no need to extort tithes and obeisance from men via an Organized Religion's rendition of a
God's wrath unleashed as punishment styled coercion for failing to accept the terms of a
Covenant assuring blessings if adhered to that amounts to nothing more than man's evil minded
invention of paid protection by dumb asses to a nonexistent God who is a man perpetrated and
created sham and farce that, in every single instance without fail, lavishes the premiums of such
paid protection upon mere men whom he allegedly has appointed to represent him. Go figure
5 Deception Is A Whore's Face Smiling — https://www.scribd.com/document/332054837/Deception-is-a-Whore-s-Face-Smiling-by-M-T-C-Flynn

The Theory Of Devolution by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn 6

… What are the odds of that, really?
Thus, in concluding this discussion, one which will be continued in more depth of detail
within my article Guess God's Gone Golfing, allow me to point out that if Evolution is to be
accepted, and upon Blind Faith in Science, without the tangible, touchable, presence of The
Missing Link, then, in all fairness of seeking after a balanced similitude of equity, a Creator of
all that is and will ever be — An Extant Catalyst Reactant Ultimate Source Point Of Origin Of
All Existence — out there in the beyond of somewhere, must be accepted by simple Blind Faith
in logic and reason as well — as that Ultimate Missing Link of Existence, one which (not at all
unlike Evolution's Missing Link) may never be discovered or produced in a fashion satisfactory
to those who possess concrete evidence seeking minds ...
A final word in reciting an anonymous quotation: “If man evolved from apes, then why
are there still apes?” Are the apes of today simply the dregs of ancient creatures who,
somehow, missed the Evolutionary boat headed downriver to a mystical place called Mankind?

(Written April 9th, 2014 — Revised Sept 13th, 2018)

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