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Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, T h e Periodic Table a n d t h e Human Element

a n d Structure, Fourth Edition
Six 28min. VHS videocassettes. A co-production of BBC Con-
tinuing Education & Training and Films for the Humanities & Sci-
Jerry March. Wiley: New York, NY, 1992. xv + 1495 pp. Figs. ences, 1991-92. Series consultant, John Emsley, Imperial Col-
and tables. 16.2 x 24 cm. Cloth $59.95. lege. Distributed by Films for the Humanities, P.O. Box 2053,
Princeton, NJ 08543-2053. To order or for information call toll
The first edition of this monumental and scholarly one-volume free 1-800-257-5126. Purchase $149 each, rental $75; pur-
text of principles and examples of the reactions, useful far access chase $795 for the entire series.
to the current literature of organic chemistry, appeared in 1968.
Subsequent, and steadily popular, editions have appeared in 1977 This series of personal stories, narrated by working scientists,
(1328 pp.), 1985 (1346 pp.), and 1992. While the organization and successfully provides the human perspective so often lacking in
level of topic treatment is designed for *. . . Students who have had many accounts of science, in general and chemistry, in particular.
the standard undergraduate organic and physical chemistry Suitable for science and chemistry classes as well as far a general
courses". it is useful for anv nrofessional who wants to review a audience, it was inspired by the late Primo Levi's popular book,
The Peridic Table. Each videaeassette is prefaced by the declara-
stnndnrd topic in the field. Contemporary review and summary
artdrajudged tu be useful entrees to the field arc rrfrrrnmd, ns tion, %very element has a set of properties that distinguishes it
are important citations from the last five y m s . Over 5110(1 new from all the others. But for the chemist, each element is often dis-
references have replaced citations in the third edition. tinguished by a personal story."
Two programs are of particular interest to chemical educators,
The structure and approach of this text has not essentially for they deal with topics ordinarily considered in most general,
changed since the second edition: 19 chapters divided into two sec- organic, or biochemistry courses, while adding a biographied-his-
. . deals with the structure
tions. The first section. of nine chanters. torical dimension usually neglected in standard textbooks. In The
of organic compounds'(five chapters, including one introducing Atom That Makes the Difference (Carbonj Carl Djerassi, Professor
five reactive intermediates: earbacatians, carbanions, free radi- of Chemistry at Stanford University, 1992 Priestley medalist, nov-
cals, carbenes, and nitrenes). The second part, 10 chapters, deals elist, poet, art collector, and, in his own words, the mother of "the
with major mechanistic patterns: five chapters of substitution r e pill," explains to viewers the conduct and goals of synthetic or-
actions (aliphatic, aromatic, and free-radical varieties), two chap- ganic chemistry, the nature of steroids, and the relationship of
ters on additions (to carhon-carhan, and carbon-heteroatom structure to properties.
multiple bonds), and one chapter each on eliminations, rearrange-
ments, and oxidation-reduction mechanisms. Two important ap- Who Found the Missing Link? (Umniumj is a veritable one-
pendices remain: a brief, but current and useful, introduction to woman show for Ruth L. Sime, Professor of Chemistry a t Sacra-
chemical literature, and a very useful summary of reactions clas- mento City College. This program is the only one in the series to
sified for use in synthesis. have only one narrator. For the last 15 years, Sime has carried out
~ ~

~ ~~~

utilitv* in oresentations
~~~ - ~
~ ~~

of a wide varietv
~~ ~ ~
Mareh has been uncomnmmisine in his search for elaritv and
, of essential organic
~~~~ ~~ ~~
~ ~~~~ ~
research on Austrian physicist Lise Meitner (1878-1968), who
played a crucial role in the discovery of nuclear fission, which
changed forever the world in which we live.
rhemlstry. It remains an accessihlc and uarful rod for hnth spe- In her account of the research leading to nuclear fission, Sime,
cialistsand nonspecialistsin the field. It does anexcellenrjub both
as a text far first-year graduate students and a handy reference
~~.~~ ~ ~ ~.
who sneaks from various Eurooean Locations where the work was
enrrird out, not only tells Mcitner's story hut also relaks the con-
for others t r ~ b u t w nof~ Plantk, Einstein, and Fernmi a s well as of Hahn and
- .. --....- ....
The remaming pruwams in this highly recommended series are
Bruce E. Norcross The S r r n l of hhupuleon's Hbllpoper ,Arsenio, fi.'xplorion on the
Binghamton University
Binghamton, NY 13901

Reviewed in this Issue

Jerry March, Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Bruce E. Norcross
Mechanism, and Structure, Fourth Edition
John Emsley. Series Consultant, The Periodic Table George B. Kauffman and
and the Human Element (a videocassette series) Laurie M. Kauffman
James M I , 1001 Things Everyone Should Know about Science George B. Kauffman and
Laurie M. Kauffman
MikuliiS Teich with Dorothy M. Needham, A Documentary George B. Kauffman
History of Biochemistry 1770-1 940
Mary Ellen Bowden a n d Theodor Benfey. Robert Bums Woodward George B. Kauffman
and the Art of Organic Synthesis
Carl Djerassi, The Pill, Pygmy Chimps, and Degas' Horse: George B. Kauffman and
The Autobiography of Carl Djerassi Laurie M. Kauffman
Tobern Bergman (Editor) and J. A. Schufle (Translator), Chemical George B. Kauffman
Lectures of H. T. Scheffer
David Knight, Ideas in Chemistry: A History of Science George 3. Kauffman

Volume 70 Number 2 February 1993 A51

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