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Cathy Drury Monday, December 4, 2017

Mrs. Baxter 1:30

Second grade
Can An Ice Cube Turn Into Water?

Essential Question(s)- What is it called when a solid turn into a water? What phase does it go
through? What does the solid need to become a liquid?

2-PS1-2. Analyze data obtained from testing different materials to determine which
materials have the properties that are best suited for an intended purpose.

Learning Objectives Assessments

Students will be able to identify that the The teacher will ask the students if they
ice cube is melting from the teachers hand. agree that the ice cube is melting using a
thumb up.

a: Bartholomew And the Oobleck by Dr. Seuss
b: Cornstarch and water
c: Anchor chart of solid and liquid review
d: Ice Cube

Pre-lesson assignments and/or prior knowledge- The students will know what a solid, liquid
and gas is. The students will not know what it is called when a solid turn into a liquid.

Lesson beginning- (The scientist quote of the day on the bulletin board with the water
mascot.) The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it. by Neil
deGrasse Tyson

Neil deGrasse Tyson's (1958 - present) quote from The Colbert Report distinguishes the
difference between opinion and fact. Science, as a base, is always true, it is interpretation that
imparts human error. Whether you believe in science or not is irrelevant.

The teacher will then jump into a mini lesson where she is melting an ice cube with her hands,
the teacher will have one student help her melt the ice with his or her hands. The teacher will ask
the students what is happening with the ice cube (it is melting, it is becoming water, or it is a
liquid). The teacher will have a follow up question of why is it melting? The teacher will ask
the students to think of another object that might melt when putting heat against it. (5 minutes)

Instructional Plan-
1. Teacher will ask the students what is oobleck? The teacher will read a little about it from
the Bartholomew and the Oobleck book by Dr. Seuss. Students will learn that it is an
object we make that is a solid but forms into a liquid (5-10 minutes).

2. Each teacher will have a group (four groups of four or five students) while they are
making the oobleck. The teacher will hand out bowls of oobleck to everyone after the
teacher makes it. The students will have a few minutes to play with it before the teacher
ask questions about it. (10 minutes)

3. The teacher will ask what properties does oobleck have? What does oobleck do when
you hold it up above the bowl?

o Differentiation: Each group will have directions to read. If they need to hear it out loud, the
teacher will read it. If they need to read it again, it will be in their group for them to look back to.
Students who are having difficulties with the characteristics will be able to have other students in
their group to help each other out. It will be another review.

o Questions: What is happening to the ice? Why is the ice melting? What other objects can melt
when applying heat to it? Why are we making oobleck? What is oobleck? Has anyone ever heard
of oobleck? What characteristics does oobleck have? What does oobleck do when you hold it up
above the bowl?

o Classroom Management: If students need to refocus, they can go to their desk. The teacher
will get 100% of the students attention before moving on. If the students arent listening, the
teacher will say 3...2...1 talking is done. If the students need a brain break, the teacher will
have them do ma...zinga. Teacher will ask the students Who can show me what listening
second graders look like?

o Transitions: To transition from the carpet to the desks, the students will be asked to walk
where they cant bend their knees. To get the students attention to transition to the closure to our
lesson, the teacher will use the chime.

Closure-The teacher will ask the students what they think oobleck is. Is it a solid or a liquid?
Make a chart on the board and have the students put tallies next to their vote. They will vote
while they are playing with the oobleck. The teacher will ask for a few students to explain why
they picked oobleck as being a solid, and why they picked oobleck as a liquid. Teacher will point
at the anchor chart with different properties if they arent using descriptive words to describe it.
Students will complete a worksheet from the packet when they finish.

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